public static function GetCurrentUserName()
     if (UserRights::IsImpersonated()) {
         $sUserString = Dict::Format('UI:Archive_User_OnBehalfOf_User', UserRights::GetRealUserFriendlyName(), UserRights::GetUserFriendlyName());
     } else {
         $sUserString = UserRights::GetUserFriendlyName();
     return $sUserString;
 public function GetUserFriendlyDescription()
     $sWrongClass = $this->GetWrongWord();
     $sSuggest = self::FindClosestString($sWrongClass, $this->GetSuggestions());
     if ($sSuggest != '') {
         return Dict::Format('UI:OQL:UnknownClassAndFix', $sWrongClass, $sSuggest);
     } else {
         return Dict::Format('UI:OQL:UnknownClassNoFix', $sWrongClass);
Exemple #3
function TestConfig($sContents, $oP)
    try {
        ini_set('display_errors', 1);
        eval('?' . '>' . trim($sContents));
        $sNoise = trim(ob_get_contents());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // well, never reach in case of parsing error :-(
        throw new Exception('Error in configuration: ' . $e->getMessage());
    if (strlen($sNoise) > 0) {
        if (preg_match("/(Error|Parse error|Notice|Warning): (.+) in \\S+ : eval\\(\\)'d code on line (\\d+)/i", strip_tags($sNoise), $aMatches)) {
            $sMessage = $aMatches[2];
            $sLine = $aMatches[3];
            $iLine = (int) $sLine;
            // Highlight the line
            $aLines = explode("\n", $sContents);
            $iStart = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $iLine - 1; $i++) {
                $iStart += strlen($aLines[$i]);
            $iEnd = $iStart + strlen($aLines[$iLine - 1]);
            $iTotalLines = count($aLines);
setCursorPos(\$('#new_config')[0], {$iStart}, {$iEnd});
var iScroll = Math.floor(\$('#new_config')[0].scrollHeight * ({$iLine} - 20) / {$iTotalLines});
            $sMessage = Dict::Format('config-parse-error', $sMessage, $sLine);
            throw new Exception($sMessage);
        } else {
            // Note: sNoise is an html output, but so far it was ok for me (e.g. showing the entire call stack)
            throw new Exception('Syntax error in configuration file: <tt>' . $sNoise . '</tt>');
Exemple #4
function DisplayNavigatorListTab($oP, $aResults, $sRelation, $oObj)
    $oP->add("<div id=\"impacted_objects\" style=\"width:100%;background-color:#fff;padding:10px;\">");
    $iBlock = 1;
    // Zero is not a valid blockid
    foreach ($aResults as $sListClass => $aObjects) {
        $oSet = CMDBObjectSet::FromArray($sListClass, $aObjects);
        $oP->add("<h1>" . MetaModel::GetRelationDescription($sRelation) . ' ' . $oObj->GetName() . "</h1>\n");
        $oP->add("<div class=\"page_header\">\n");
        $oP->add("<h2>" . MetaModel::GetClassIcon($sListClass) . "&nbsp;<span class=\"hilite\">" . Dict::Format('UI:Search:Count_ObjectsOf_Class_Found', count($aObjects), Metamodel::GetName($sListClass)) . "</h2>\n");
        $oBlock = DisplayBlock::FromObjectSet($oSet, 'list');
        $oBlock->Display($oP, $iBlock++);
        // Some space ?
Exemple #5
 } else {
     $aFirstLine = $aData[0];
     // Use the first row to determine the number of columns
     $iStartLine = 0;
     $iNbColumns = count($aFirstLine);
     if ($bFirstLineAsHeader) {
         $iStartLine = 1;
         foreach ($aFirstLine as $sField) {
             $aHeader[] = $sField;
     } else {
         // Build some conventional name for the fields: field1...fieldn
         $index = 1;
         foreach ($aFirstLine as $sField) {
             $aHeader[] = Dict::Format('UI:CSVImport:FieldName', $index);
     $oPage->add('<th>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:HeaderFields') . '</th><th>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:HeaderMappings') . '</th><th>&nbsp;</th><th>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:HeaderSearch') . '</th><th>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:DataLine1') . '</th><th>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:DataLine2') . '</th>');
     $index = 1;
     foreach ($aHeader as $sField) {
         $sDefaultChoice = null;
         if (isset($aInitFieldMapping[$index])) {
             $sDefaultChoice = $aInitFieldMapping[$index];
  * Attempt a login
  * @param int iOnExit What action to take if the user is not logged on (one of the class constants EXIT_...)
  * @return int One of the class constants EXIT_CODE_...
 protected static function Login($iOnExit)
     if (self::SecureConnectionRequired() && !utils::IsConnectionSecure()) {
         // Non secured URL... request for a secure connection
         throw new Exception('Secure connection required!');
     $aAllowedLoginTypes = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetAllowedLoginTypes();
     if (isset($_SESSION['auth_user'])) {
         //echo "User: "******"\n";
         // Already authentified
         // Login & set the user's language
         return self::EXIT_CODE_OK;
     } else {
         $index = 0;
         $sLoginMode = '';
         $sAuthentication = 'internal';
         while ($sLoginMode == '' && $index < count($aAllowedLoginTypes)) {
             $sLoginType = $aAllowedLoginTypes[$index];
             switch ($sLoginType) {
                 case 'cas':
                     // check CAS authentication
                     if (phpCAS::isAuthenticated()) {
                         $sAuthUser = phpCAS::getUser();
                         $sAuthPwd = '';
                         $sLoginMode = 'cas';
                         $sAuthentication = 'external';
                 case 'form':
                     // iTop standard mode: form based authentication
                     $sAuthUser = utils::ReadPostedParam('auth_user', '', false, 'raw_data');
                     $sAuthPwd = utils::ReadPostedParam('auth_pwd', null, false, 'raw_data');
                     if ($sAuthUser != '' && $sAuthPwd !== null) {
                         $sLoginMode = 'form';
                 case 'basic':
                     // Standard PHP authentication method, works with Apache...
                     // Case 1) Apache running in CGI mode + rewrite rules in .htaccess
                     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) {
                         list($sAuthUser, $sAuthPwd) = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], 6)));
                         $sLoginMode = 'basic';
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
                             $sAuthUser = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
                             // Unfortunately, the RFC is not clear about the encoding...
                             // IE and FF supply the user and password encoded in ISO-8859-1 whereas Chrome provides them encoded in UTF-8
                             // So let's try to guess if it's an UTF-8 string or not... fortunately all encodings share the same ASCII base
                             if (!self::LooksLikeUTF8($sAuthUser)) {
                                 // Does not look like and UTF-8 string, try to convert it from iso-8859-1 to UTF-8
                                 // Supposed to be harmless in case of a plain ASCII string...
                                 $sAuthUser = iconv('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8', $sAuthUser);
                             $sAuthPwd = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
                             if (!self::LooksLikeUTF8($sAuthPwd)) {
                                 // Does not look like and UTF-8 string, try to convert it from iso-8859-1 to UTF-8
                                 // Supposed to be harmless in case of a plain ASCII string...
                                 $sAuthPwd = iconv('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8', $sAuthPwd);
                             $sLoginMode = 'basic';
                 case 'external':
                     // Web server supplied authentication
                     $bExternalAuth = false;
                     $sExtAuthVar = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetExternalAuthenticationVariable();
                     // In which variable is the info passed ?
                     eval('$sAuthUser = isset(' . $sExtAuthVar . ') ? ' . $sExtAuthVar . ' : false;');
                     // Retrieve the value
                     if ($sAuthUser && strlen($sAuthUser) > 0) {
                         $sAuthPwd = '';
                         // No password in this case the web server already authentified the user...
                         $sLoginMode = 'external';
                         $sAuthentication = 'external';
                 case 'url':
                     // Credentials passed directly in the url
                     $sAuthUser = utils::ReadParam('auth_user', '', false, 'raw_data');
                     $sAuthPwd = utils::ReadParam('auth_pwd', null, false, 'raw_data');
                     if ($sAuthUser != '' && $sAuthPwd !== null) {
                         $sLoginMode = 'url';
         //echo "\nsLoginMode: $sLoginMode (user: $sAuthUser / pwd: $sAuthPwd\n)";
         if ($sLoginMode == '') {
             // First connection
             $sDesiredLoginMode = utils::ReadParam('login_mode');
             if (in_array($sDesiredLoginMode, $aAllowedLoginTypes)) {
                 $sLoginMode = $sDesiredLoginMode;
             } else {
                 $sLoginMode = $aAllowedLoginTypes[0];
                 // First in the list...
             if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_COMBODO_AJAX', $_SERVER)) {
                 // X-Combodo-Ajax is a special header automatically added to all ajax requests
                 // Let's reply that we're currently logged-out
                 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
             if ($iOnExit == self::EXIT_HTTP_401 || $sLoginMode == 'basic') {
                 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Short', ITOP_VERSION));
                 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
                 header('Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
             } else {
                 if ($iOnExit == self::EXIT_RETURN) {
                     if ($sAuthUser !== '' && $sAuthPwd === null) {
                         return self::EXIT_CODE_MISSINGPASSWORD;
                     } else {
                         return self::EXIT_CODE_MISSINGLOGIN;
                 } else {
                     $oPage = self::NewLoginWebPage();
                     $oPage->DisplayLoginForm($sLoginMode, false);
         } else {
             if (!UserRights::CheckCredentials($sAuthUser, $sAuthPwd, $sLoginMode, $sAuthentication)) {
                 //echo "Check Credentials returned false for user $sAuthUser!";
                 if ($iOnExit == self::EXIT_HTTP_401 || $sLoginMode == 'basic') {
                     header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Short', ITOP_VERSION));
                     header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
                     header('Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
                 } else {
                     if ($iOnExit == self::EXIT_RETURN) {
                         return self::EXIT_CODE_WRONGCREDENTIALS;
                     } else {
                         $oPage = self::NewLoginWebPage();
                         $oPage->DisplayLoginForm($sLoginMode, true);
             } else {
                 // User is Ok, let's save it in the session and proceed with normal login
                 UserRights::Login($sAuthUser, $sAuthentication);
                 // Login & set the user's language
                 if (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('log_usage')) {
                     $oLog = new EventLoginUsage();
                     $oLog->Set('userinfo', UserRights::GetUser());
                     $oLog->Set('user_id', UserRights::GetUserObject()->GetKey());
                     $oLog->Set('message', 'Successful login');
                 $_SESSION['auth_user'] = $sAuthUser;
                 $_SESSION['login_mode'] = $sLoginMode;
     return self::EXIT_CODE_OK;
  * Updates the object form POSTED arguments, and writes it into the DB (applies a stimuli if requested)
  * @param DBObject $oObj The object to update
  * $param array $aAttList If set, this will limit the list of updated attributes	 
  * @return void
 public function DoUpdateObjectFromPostedForm(DBObject $oObj, $aAttList = null)
     $sTransactionId = utils::ReadPostedParam('transaction_id', '');
     if (!utils::IsTransactionValid($sTransactionId)) {
         throw new TransactionException();
     $sClass = get_class($oObj);
     $sStimulus = trim(utils::ReadPostedParam('apply_stimulus', ''));
     $sTargetState = '';
     if (!empty($sStimulus)) {
         // Compute the target state
         $aTransitions = $oObj->EnumTransitions();
         if (!isset($aTransitions[$sStimulus])) {
             throw new ApplicationException(Dict::Format('UI:Error:Invalid_Stimulus_On_Object_In_State', $sStimulus, $oObj->GetName(), $oObj->GetStateLabel()));
         $sTargetState = $aTransitions[$sStimulus]['target_state'];
     $oObj->UpdateObjectFromPostedForm('', $aAttList, $sTargetState);
     // Optional: apply a stimulus
     if (!empty($sStimulus)) {
         if (!$oObj->ApplyStimulus($sStimulus)) {
             throw new Exception("Cannot apply stimulus '{$sStimulus}' to {$oObj->GetName()}");
     if ($oObj->IsModified()) {
         // Record the change
         // Trigger ?
         $aClasses = MetaModel::EnumParentClasses($sClass, ENUM_PARENT_CLASSES_ALL);
         $sClassList = implode(", ", CMDBSource::Quote($aClasses));
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT TriggerOnPortalUpdate AS t WHERE t.target_class IN ({$sClassList})"));
         while ($oTrigger = $oSet->Fetch()) {
         $this->p("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Class_Object_Updated', MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oObj)), $oObj->GetName()) . "</h1>\n");
     $bLockEnabled = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('concurrent_lock_enabled');
     if ($bLockEnabled) {
         // Release the concurrent lock, if any
         $sOwnershipToken = utils::ReadPostedParam('ownership_token', null, false, 'raw_data');
         if ($sOwnershipToken !== null) {
             // We're done, let's release the lock
             iTopOwnershipLock::ReleaseLock(get_class($oObj), $oObj->GetKey(), $sOwnershipToken);
  * Describe (as a text string) the modifications corresponding to this change
 public function GetDescription()
     $sResult = '';
     $oTargetObjectClass = $this->Get('objclass');
     $oTargetObjectKey = $this->Get('objkey');
     $oTargetSearch = new DBObjectSearch($oTargetObjectClass);
     $oTargetSearch->AddCondition('id', $oTargetObjectKey, '=');
     $oMonoObjectSet = new DBObjectSet($oTargetSearch);
     if (UserRights::IsActionAllowedOnAttribute($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'), UR_ACTION_READ, $oMonoObjectSet) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) {
         if (!MetaModel::IsValidAttCode($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'))) {
             return '';
         // Protects against renamed attributes...
         $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->Get('objclass'), $this->Get('attcode'));
         $sAttName = $oAttDef->GetLabel();
         $sLinkClass = $oAttDef->GetLinkedClass();
         $aLinkClasses = MetaModel::EnumChildClasses($sLinkClass, ENUM_CHILD_CLASSES_ALL);
         // Search for changes on the corresponding link
         $oSearch = new DBObjectSearch('CMDBChangeOpSetAttribute');
         $oSearch->AddCondition('change', $this->Get('change'), '=');
         $oSearch->AddCondition('objkey', $this->Get('link_id'), '=');
         if (count($aLinkClasses) == 1) {
             // Faster than the whole building of the expression below for just one value ??
             $oSearch->AddCondition('objclass', $sLinkClass, '=');
         } else {
             $oField = new FieldExpression('objclass', $oSearch->GetClassAlias());
             $sListExpr = '(' . implode(', ', CMDBSource::Quote($aLinkClasses)) . ')';
             $sOQLCondition = $oField->Render() . " IN {$sListExpr}";
             $oNewCondition = Expression::FromOQL($sOQLCondition);
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
         $aChanges = array();
         while ($oChangeOp = $oSet->Fetch()) {
             $aChanges[] = $oChangeOp->GetDescription();
         if (count($aChanges) == 0) {
             return '';
         $sItemDesc = MetaModel::GetHyperLink($this->Get('item_class'), $this->Get('item_id'));
         $sResult = $sAttName . ' - ';
         $sResult .= Dict::Format('Change:LinkSet:Modified', $sItemDesc);
         $sResult .= ' : ' . implode(', ', $aChanges);
     return $sResult;
  * Describe (as a text string) the modifications corresponding to this change
 public function GetDescription()
     // Temporary, until we change the options of GetDescription() -needs a more global revision
     $bIsHtml = true;
     $sResult = Dict::Format('Attachments:History_File_Removed', '<span class="attachment-history-deleted">' . htmlentities($this->Get('filename'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>');
     return $sResult;
Exemple #10
            $oLog->Set('userinfo', '');
            $oLog->Set('issue', $e->GetIssue());
            $oLog->Set('impact', 'Page could not be displayed');
            $oLog->Set('callstack', $e->getTrace());
            $oLog->Set('data', $e->getContextData());
    // For debugging only
    //throw $e;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    require_once APPROOT . '/setup/';
    $oP = new SetupPage(Dict::S('UI:PageTitle:FatalError'));
    $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::S('UI:FatalErrorMessage') . "</h1>\n");
    $oP->error(Dict::Format('UI:Error_Details', $e->getMessage()));
    if (MetaModel::IsLogEnabledIssue()) {
        if (MetaModel::IsValidClass('EventIssue')) {
            $oLog = new EventIssue();
            $oLog->Set('message', $e->getMessage());
            $oLog->Set('userinfo', '');
            $oLog->Set('issue', 'PHP Exception');
            $oLog->Set('impact', 'Page could not be displayed');
            $oLog->Set('callstack', $e->getTrace());
            $oLog->Set('data', array());
     * Outputs (via some echo) the complete HTML page by assembling all its elements
    public function output()
        $sAbsURLAppRoot = addslashes($this->m_sRootUrl);
        $sForm = $this->GetSiloSelectionForm();
        // Compute the menu
        // Call the extensions to add content to the page, so that they can also add styles or scripts
        $sBannerExtraHtml = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sBannerExtraHtml .= $oExtensionInstance->GetBannerHtml($this);
        $sNorthPane = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sNorthPane .= $oExtensionInstance->GetNorthPaneHtml($this);
        if (UserRights::IsAdministrator() && ExecutionKPI::IsEnabled()) {
            $sNorthPane .= '<div id="admin-banner"><span style="padding:5px;">' . ExecutionKPI::GetDescription() . '<span></div>';
        //$sSouthPane = '<p>Peak memory Usage: '.sprintf('%.3f MB', memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024*1024)).'</p>';
        $sSouthPane = '';
        foreach (MetaModel::EnumPlugins('iPageUIExtension') as $oExtensionInstance) {
            $sSouthPane .= $oExtensionInstance->GetSouthPaneHtml($this);
        // Put here the 'ready scripts' that must be executed after all others
        $aMultiselectOptions = array('header' => true, 'checkAllText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:CheckAll'), 'uncheckAllText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:UncheckAll'), 'noneSelectedText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:Any'), 'selectedText' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:NbSelected'), 'selectedList' => 1);
        $sJSMultiselectOptions = json_encode($aMultiselectOptions);
\t\t// Since the event is only triggered when the hash changes, we need to trigger
\t\t// the event now, to handle the hash the page may have loaded with.
\t\t\$(window).trigger( 'hashchange' );
\t\t// Some table are sort-able, some are not, let's fix this
\t\t\$('table.listResults').each( function() { FixTableSorter(\$(this)); } );


        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            foreach ($this->a_headers as $s_header) {
        $s_captured_output = $this->ob_get_clean_safe();
        $sHtml = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n";
        $sHtml .= "<html>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<head>\n";
        // Make sure that Internet Explorer renders the page using its latest/highest/greatest standards !
        $sHtml .= "<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<title>" . htmlentities($this->s_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</title>\n";
        $sHtml .= $this->get_base_tag();
        // Stylesheets MUST be loaded before any scripts otherwise
        // jQuery scripts may face some spurious problems (like failing on a 'reload')
        foreach ($this->a_linked_stylesheets as $a_stylesheet) {
            if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<!--[if {$a_stylesheet['condition']}]>\n";
            $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$a_stylesheet['link']}\" />\n";
            if ($a_stylesheet['condition'] != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<![endif]-->\n";
        // special stylesheet for printing, hides the navigation gadgets
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" media=\"print\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../css/print.css\" />\n";
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $sHtml .= $this->output_dict_entries(true);
            // before any script so that they can benefit from the translations
            foreach ($this->a_linked_scripts as $s_script) {
                // Make sure that the URL to the script contains the application's version number
                // so that the new script do NOT get reloaded from the cache when the application is upgraded
                if (strpos($s_script, '?') === false) {
                    $s_script .= "?itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
                } else {
                    $s_script .= "&itopversion=" . ITOP_VERSION;
                $sHtml .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$s_script}\"></script>\n";
            $this->add_script("var iPaneVisWatchDog  = window.setTimeout('FixPaneVis()',5000);\n\$(document).ready(function() {\n{$this->m_sInitScript};\nwindow.setTimeout('onDelayedReady()',10)\n});");
            if (count($this->m_aReadyScripts) > 0) {
                $this->add_script("\nonDelayedReady = function() {\n" . implode("\n", $this->m_aReadyScripts) . "\n}\n");
            if (count($this->a_scripts) > 0) {
                $sHtml .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
                foreach ($this->a_scripts as $s_script) {
                    $sHtml .= "{$s_script}\n";
                $sHtml .= "</script>\n";
        if (count($this->a_styles) > 0) {
            $sHtml .= "<style>\n";
            foreach ($this->a_styles as $s_style) {
                $sHtml .= "{$s_style}\n";
            $sHtml .= "</style>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"search\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" title=\"iTop\" href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/opensearch.xml.php\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "images/favicon.ico\" />\n";
        $sHtml .= "</head>\n";
        $sHtml .= "<body>\n";
        // Render the revision number
        if (ITOP_REVISION == '$WCREV$') {
            // This is NOT a version built using the buil system, just display the main version
            $sVersionString = Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Short', ITOP_VERSION);
        } else {
            // This is a build made from SVN, let display the full information
            $sVersionString = Dict::Format('UI:iTopVersion:Long', ITOP_VERSION, ITOP_REVISION, ITOP_BUILD_DATE);
        // Render the text of the global search form
        $sText = htmlentities(utils::ReadParam('text', '', false, 'raw_data'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $sOnClick = "";
        if (empty($sText)) {
            // if no search text is supplied then
            // 1) the search text is filled with "your search"
            // 2) clicking on it will erase it
            $sText = Dict::S("UI:YourSearch");
            $sOnClick = " onclick=\"this.value='';this.onclick=null;\"";
        // Render the tabs in the page (if any)
        $this->s_content = $this->m_oTabs->RenderIntoContent($this->s_content);
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
            $sUserName = UserRights::GetUser();
            $sIsAdmin = UserRights::IsAdministrator() ? '(Administrator)' : '';
            if (UserRights::IsAdministrator()) {
                $sLogonMessage = Dict::Format('UI:LoggedAsMessage+Admin', $sUserName);
            } else {
                $sLogonMessage = Dict::Format('UI:LoggedAsMessage', $sUserName);
            $sLogOffMenu = "<span id=\"logOffBtn\"><ul><li><img src=\"../images/onOffBtn.png\"><ul>";
            $sLogOffMenu .= "<li><span>{$sLogonMessage}</span></li>\n";
            $aActions = array();
            $oPrefs = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:Preferences', Dict::S('UI:Preferences'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . "pages/preferences.php?" . $oAppContext->GetForLink());
            $aActions[$oPrefs->GetUID()] = $oPrefs->GetMenuItem();
            if (utils::CanLogOff()) {
                $oLogOff = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:LogOffMenu', Dict::S('UI:LogOffMenu'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/logoff.php?operation=do_logoff');
                $aActions[$oLogOff->GetUID()] = $oLogOff->GetMenuItem();
            if (UserRights::CanChangePassword()) {
                $oChangePwd = new URLPopupMenuItem('UI:ChangePwdMenu', Dict::S('UI:ChangePwdMenu'), utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?loginop=change_pwd');
                $aActions[$oChangePwd->GetUID()] = $oChangePwd->GetMenuItem();
            utils::GetPopupMenuItems($this, iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_USER_ACTIONS, null, $aActions);
            $oAbout = new JSPopupMenuItem('UI:AboutBox', Dict::S('UI:AboutBox'), 'return ShowAboutBox();');
            $aActions[$oAbout->GetUID()] = $oAbout->GetMenuItem();
            $sLogOffMenu .= $this->RenderPopupMenuItems($aActions);
            $sRestrictions = '';
            if (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE)) {
                if (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_ADMIN_WRITE)) {
                    $sRestrictions = Dict::S('UI:AccessRO-All');
            } elseif (!MetaModel::DBHasAccess(ACCESS_USER_WRITE)) {
                $sRestrictions = Dict::S('UI:AccessRO-Users');
            $sApplicationBanner = '';
            if (strlen($sRestrictions) > 0) {
                $sAdminMessage = trim(MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('access_message'));
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<div id="admin-banner">';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<img src="../images/locked.png" style="vertical-align:middle;">';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '&nbsp;<b>' . $sRestrictions . '</b>';
                if (strlen($sAdminMessage) > 0) {
                    $sApplicationBanner .= '&nbsp;<b>' . $sAdminMessage . '</b>';
                $sApplicationBanner .= '</div>';
            if (strlen($this->m_sMessage)) {
                $sApplicationBanner .= '<div id="admin-banner"><span style="padding:5px;">' . $this->m_sMessage . '<span></div>';
            $sApplicationBanner .= $sBannerExtraHtml;
            if (!empty($sNorthPane)) {
                $sNorthPane = '<div id="bottom-pane" class="ui-layout-north">' . $sNorthPane . '</div>';
            if (!empty($sSouthPane)) {
                $sSouthPane = '<div id="bottom-pane" class="ui-layout-south">' . $sSouthPane . '</div>';
            $sIconUrl = Utils::GetConfig()->Get('app_icon_url');
            $sOnlineHelpUrl = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('online_help');
            //$sLogOffMenu = "<span id=\"logOffBtn\" style=\"height:55px;padding:0;margin:0;\"><img src=\"../images/onOffBtn.png\"></span>";
            $sDisplayIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'images/itop-logo.png';
            if (file_exists(MODULESROOT . 'branding/main-logo.png')) {
                $sDisplayIcon = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot() . 'branding/main-logo.png';
            $sHtml .= $sNorthPane;
            $sHtml .= '<div id="left-pane" class="ui-layout-west">';
            $sHtml .= '<!-- Beginning of the left pane -->';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="ui-layout-north">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="header-logo">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="top-left"></div><div id="logo"><a href="' . htmlentities($sIconUrl, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"><img src="' . $sDisplayIcon . '" title="' . htmlentities($sVersionString, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" style="border:0; margin-top:16px; margin-right:40px;"/></a></div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="header-menu">';
            if (!MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) {
                $sHtml .= '		<div class="icon ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><span id="tPinMenu" class="ui-icon ui-icon-pin-w">pin</span></div>';
            $sHtml .= '		<div style="text-align:center;">' . self::FilterXSS($sForm) . '</div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="menu" class="ui-layout-center">';
            $sHtml .= '		<div id="inner_menu">';
            $sHtml .= '			<div id="accordion">';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->m_sMenu);
            $sHtml .= '			<!-- Beginning of the accordion menu -->';
            $sHtml .= '			<!-- End of the accordion menu-->';
            $sHtml .= '			</div>';
            $sHtml .= '		</div> <!-- /inner menu -->';
            $sHtml .= ' </div> <!-- /menu -->';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="footer ui-layout-south"><div id="combodo_logo"><a href="" title="" target="_blank"><img src="../images/logo-combodo.png"/></a></div></div>';
            $sHtml .= '<!-- End of the left pane -->';
            $sHtml .= '</div>';
            $sHtml .= '<div class="ui-layout-center">';
            $sHtml .= ' <div id="top-bar" style="width:100%">';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($sApplicationBanner);
            $sHtml .= '		<div id="global-search"><form action="' . utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php"><table><tr><td></td><td id="g-search-input"><input type="text" name="text" value="' . $sText . '"' . $sOnClick . '/></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td><input type="image" src="../images/searchBtn.png"/></a></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td><a style="background:transparent;" href="' . $sOnlineHelpUrl . '" target="_blank"><img style="border:0;padding-left:20px;padding-right:10px;" title="' . Dict::S('UI:Help') . '" src="../images/help.png"/></td>';
            $sHtml .= '<td style="padding-right:20px;padding-left:10px;">' . self::FilterXSS($sLogOffMenu) . '</td><td><input type="hidden" name="operation" value="full_text"/></td></tr></table></form></div>';
            //echo '<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="full_text"/></td></tr></table></form></div>';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= ' <div class="ui-layout-content" style="overflow:auto;">';
            $sHtml .= ' <!-- Beginning of page content -->';
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->s_content);
            $sHtml .= ' <!-- End of page content -->';
            $sHtml .= ' </div>';
            $sHtml .= '</div>';
            $sHtml .= $sSouthPane;
            // Add the captured output
            if (trim($s_captured_output) != "") {
                $sHtml .= "<div id=\"rawOutput\" title=\"Debug Output\"><div style=\"height:500px; overflow-y:auto;\">" . self::FilterXSS($s_captured_output) . "</div></div>\n";
            $sHtml .= "<div id=\"at_the_end\">" . self::FilterXSS($this->s_deferred_content) . "</div>";
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" title=\"ex2\" id=\"ex2\">Please wait...</div>\n";
            // jqModal Window
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" title=\"dialog\" id=\"ModalDlg\"></div>";
            $sHtml .= "<div style=\"display:none\" id=\"ajax_content\"></div>";
        } else {
            $sHtml .= self::FilterXSS($this->s_content);
        $sHtml .= "</body>\n";
        $sHtml .= "</html>\n";
        if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'html') {
            $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
            echo $sHtml;
            $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Echoing (' . round(strlen($sHtml) / 1024) . ' Kb)');
        } else {
            if ($this->GetOutputFormat() == 'pdf' && $this->IsOutputFormatAvailable('pdf')) {
                if (@is_readable(APPROOT . 'lib/MPDF/mpdf.php')) {
                    require_once APPROOT . 'lib/MPDF/mpdf.php';
                    $oMPDF = new mPDF('c');
                    $oMPDF->mirroMargins = false;
                    if ($this->a_base['href'] != '') {
                        // Seems that the <BASE> tag is not recognized by mPDF...
                    $oMPDF->showWatermarkText = true;
                    if ($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'template_path')) {
                        // Allow templates
                        $oMPDF->SetDocTemplate($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'template_path'), 1);
                    $sOutputName = $this->s_title . '.pdf';
                    if ($this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'output_name')) {
                        $sOutputName = $this->GetOutputOption('pdf', 'output_name');
                    $oMPDF->Output($sOutputName, 'I');
 public function ToArgs($sArgName = 'this')
     if (is_null($this->m_aAsArgs)) {
         $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI();
         $aScalarArgs = $this->ToArgsForQuery($sArgName);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName] = $this->GetKey();
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->id'] = $this->GetKey();
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->hyperlink()'] = $this->GetHyperlink('iTopStandardURLMaker', false);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->hyperlink(portal)'] = $this->GetHyperlink('PortalURLMaker', false);
         $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->name()'] = $this->GetName();
         $sClass = get_class($this);
         foreach (MetaModel::ListAttributeDefs($sClass) as $sAttCode => $oAttDef) {
             if ($oAttDef instanceof AttributeCaseLog) {
                 $oCaseLog = $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $oCaseLog->GetText();
                 $sHead = $oCaseLog->GetLatestEntry();
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->head(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $sHead;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->head_html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = '<div class="caselog_entry">' . str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br/>", htmlentities($sHead, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '</div>';
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $oCaseLog->GetAsEmailHtml();
             } elseif ($oAttDef->IsScalar()) {
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 // #@# Note: This has been proven to be quite slow, this can slow down bulk load
                 $sAsHtml = $this->GetAsHtml($sAttCode);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $sAsHtml;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->label(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = $this->GetEditValue($sAttCode);
                 // "Nice" display value, but without HTML tags and entities
             } elseif ($oAttDef->IsLinkSet()) {
                 $sRemoteName = $oAttDef->IsIndirect() ? $oAttDef->GetExtKeyToRemote() . '_friendlyname' : 'friendlyname';
                 $oLinkSet = clone $this->Get($sAttCode);
                 // Workaround/Safety net for Trac #887
                 $iLimit = MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('max_linkset_output');
                 if ($iLimit > 0) {
                 $aNames = $oLinkSet->GetColumnAsArray($sRemoteName);
                 if ($iLimit > 0) {
                     $iTotal = $oLinkSet->Count();
                     if ($iTotal > count($aNames)) {
                         $aNames[] = '... ' . Dict::Format('UI:TruncatedResults', count($aNames), $iTotal);
                 $sNames = implode("\n", $aNames);
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->' . $sAttCode] = $sNames;
                 $aScalarArgs[$sArgName . '->html(' . $sAttCode . ')'] = '<ul><li>' . implode("</li><li>", $aNames) . '</li></ul>';
         $this->m_aAsArgs = $aScalarArgs;
         $oKPI->ComputeStats('ToArgs', get_class($this));
     return $this->m_aAsArgs;
 public function GetName()
     return Dict::Format('UI:UserManagement:LinkBetween_User_And_Org', $this->Get('userlogin'), $this->Get('allowed_org_name'));
     * Display the graph inside the given page, with the "filter" drawer above it
     * @param WebPage $oP
     * @param hash $aResults
     * @param string $sRelation
     * @param ApplicationContext $oAppContext
     * @param array $aExcludedObjects
    function Display(WebPage $oP, $aResults, $sRelation, ApplicationContext $oAppContext, $aExcludedObjects = array(), $sObjClass = null, $iObjKey = null, $sContextKey, $aContextParams = array())
        $aContextDefs = static::GetContextDefinitions($sContextKey, true, $aContextParams);
        $aExcludedByClass = array();
        foreach ($aExcludedObjects as $oObj) {
            if (!array_key_exists(get_class($oObj), $aExcludedByClass)) {
                $aExcludedByClass[get_class($oObj)] = array();
            $aExcludedByClass[get_class($oObj)][] = $oObj->GetKey();
        $oP->add("<div class=\"not-printable\">\n");
        $oP->add("<div id=\"ds_flash\" class=\"SearchDrawer\" style=\"display:none;\">\n");
        if (!$oP->IsPrintableVersion()) {
\t\$( "#tabbedContent_0" ).tabs({ heightStyle: "fill" });
\t\$("#dh_flash").click( function() {
\t\t\$("#ds_flash").slideToggle('normal', function() { \$("#ds_flash").parent().resize(); \$("#dh_flash").trigger('toggle_complete'); } );
        $aSortedElements = array();
        foreach ($aResults as $sClassIdx => $aObjects) {
            foreach ($aObjects as $oCurrObj) {
                $sSubClass = get_class($oCurrObj);
                $aSortedElements[$sSubClass] = MetaModel::GetName($sSubClass);
        $idx = 0;
        foreach ($aSortedElements as $sSubClass => $sClassName) {
            $oP->add("<span style=\"padding-right:2em; white-space:nowrap;\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"exclude_{$idx}\" name=\"excluded[]\" value=\"{$sSubClass}\" checked onChange=\"\$('#ReloadMovieBtn').button('enable')\"><label for=\"exclude_{$idx}\">&nbsp;" . MetaModel::GetClassIcon($sSubClass) . "&nbsp;{$sClassName}</label></span> ");
        $oP->add("<p style=\"text-align:right\"><button type=\"button\" id=\"ReloadMovieBtn\" onClick=\"DoReload()\">" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Refresh') . "</button></p>");
        $oP->add("<div class=\"HRDrawer\"></div>\n");
        $oP->add("<div id=\"dh_flash\" class=\"DrawerHandle\">" . Dict::S('UI:ElementsDisplayed') . "</div>\n");
        // class="not-printable"
        $aAdditionalContexts = array();
        foreach ($aContextDefs as $sKey => $aDefinition) {
            $aAdditionalContexts[] = array('key' => $sKey, 'label' => Dict::S($aDefinition['dict']), 'oql' => $aDefinition['oql'], 'default' => array_key_exists('default', $aDefinition) && $aDefinition['default'] == 'yes');
        $sDirection = utils::ReadParam('d', 'horizontal');
        $iGroupingThreshold = utils::ReadParam('g', 5);
        $oP->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'js/fraphael.js');
        $oP->add_linked_stylesheet(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'css/jquery.contextMenu.css');
        $oP->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'js/jquery.contextMenu.js');
        $oP->add_linked_script(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'js/simple_graph.js');
        try {
            $sExportAsPdfURL = '';
            $sExportAsPdfURL = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=relation_pdf&relation=' . $sRelation . '&direction=' . ($this->bDirectionDown ? 'down' : 'up');
            $oAppcontext = new ApplicationContext();
            $sContext = $oAppContext->GetForLink();
            $sDrillDownURL = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=details&class=%1$s&id=%2$s&' . $sContext;
            $sExportAsDocumentURL = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=relation_attachment&relation=' . $sRelation . '&direction=' . ($this->bDirectionDown ? 'down' : 'up');
            $sLoadFromURL = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/ajax.render.php?operation=relation_json&relation=' . $sRelation . '&direction=' . ($this->bDirectionDown ? 'down' : 'up');
            $sAttachmentExportTitle = '';
            if ($sObjClass != null && $iObjKey != null) {
                $oTargetObj = MetaModel::GetObject($sObjClass, $iObjKey, false);
                if ($oTargetObj) {
                    $sAttachmentExportTitle = Dict::Format('UI:Relation:AttachmentExportOptions_Name', $oTargetObj->GetName());
            $sId = 'graph';
            $sStyle = '';
            if ($oP->IsPrintableVersion()) {
                // Optimize for printing on A4/Letter vertically
                $sStyle = 'margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;';
                $oP->add_ready_script("\$('.simple-graph').width(18/2.54*96).resizable({ stop: function() { \$(window).trigger('resized'); }});");
                // Default width about 18 cm, since most browsers assume 96 dpi
            $oP->add('<div id="' . $sId . '" class="simple-graph" style="' . $sStyle . '"></div>');
            $aParams = array('source_url' => $sLoadFromURL, 'sources' => $this->bDirectionDown ? $this->aSourceObjects : $this->aSinkObjects, 'excluded' => $aExcludedByClass, 'grouping_threshold' => $iGroupingThreshold, 'export_as_pdf' => array('url' => $sExportAsPdfURL, 'label' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:ExportAsPDF')), 'export_as_attachment' => array('url' => $sExportAsDocumentURL, 'label' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:ExportAsAttachment'), 'obj_class' => $sObjClass, 'obj_key' => $iObjKey), 'drill_down' => array('url' => $sDrillDownURL, 'label' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:DrillDown')), 'labels' => array('export_pdf_title' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:PDFExportOptions'), 'export_as_attachment_title' => $sAttachmentExportTitle, 'export' => Dict::S('UI:Button:Export'), 'cancel' => Dict::S('UI:Button:Cancel'), 'title' => Dict::S('UI:RelationOption:Title'), 'untitled' => Dict::S('UI:RelationOption:Untitled'), 'include_list' => Dict::S('UI:RelationOption:IncludeList'), 'comments' => Dict::S('UI:RelationOption:Comments'), 'grouping_threshold' => Dict::S('UI:RelationOption:GroupingThreshold'), 'refresh' => Dict::S('UI:Button:Refresh'), 'check_all' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:CheckAll'), 'uncheck_all' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:UncheckAll'), 'none_selected' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:NoneSelected'), 'nb_selected' => Dict::S('UI:SearchValue:NbSelected'), 'additional_context_info' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:AdditionalContextInfo'), 'zoom' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:Zoom'), 'loading' => Dict::S('UI:Loading')), 'page_format' => array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:PDFExportPageFormat'), 'values' => array('A3' => Dict::S('UI:PageFormat_A3'), 'A4' => Dict::S('UI:PageFormat_A4'), 'Letter' => Dict::S('UI:PageFormat_Letter'))), 'page_orientation' => array('label' => Dict::S('UI:Relation:PDFExportPageOrientation'), 'values' => array('P' => Dict::S('UI:PageOrientation_Portrait'), 'L' => Dict::S('UI:PageOrientation_Landscape'))), 'additional_contexts' => $aAdditionalContexts, 'context_key' => $sContextKey);
            if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
                // PDF export requires GD
            if (!extension_loaded('gd') || is_null($sObjClass) || is_null($iObjKey)) {
                // Export as Attachment requires GD (for building the PDF) AND a valid objclass/objkey couple
            $oP->add_ready_script("\$('#{$sId}').simple_graph(" . json_encode($aParams) . ");");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $oP->add('<div>' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>');
\tfunction DoReload()
\t\t\tvar aExcluded = [];
\t\t\t\$('input[name^=excluded]').each( function() {
\t\t\t\tif (!\$(this).prop('checked'))
\t\t\t} );
\t\t\t\$('#graph').simple_graph('option', {excluded_classes: aExcluded});
 public function ReadParameters()
     $sQueryId = utils::ReadParam('query', null, true);
     $sFields = utils::ReadParam('fields', null, true, 'raw_data');
     if (($sFields === null || $sFields === '') && $sQueryId === null) {
         throw new BulkExportMissingParameterException('fields');
     } else {
         if ($sQueryId !== null && $sQueryId !== null) {
             $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT QueryOQL WHERE id = :query_id', array('query_id' => $sQueryId));
             $oQueries = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
             if ($oQueries->Count() > 0) {
                 $oQuery = $oQueries->Fetch();
                 if ($sFields === null || $sFields === '') {
                     // No 'fields' parameter supplied, take the fields from the query phrasebook definition
                     $sFields = trim($oQuery->Get('fields'));
                     if ($sFields === '') {
                         throw new BulkExportMissingParameterException('fields');
             } else {
                 throw BulkExportException('Invalid value for the parameter: query. There is no Query Phrasebook with id = ' . $sQueryId, Dict::Format('Core:BulkExport:InvalidParameter_Query', $sQueryId));
     $aFields = explode(',', $sFields);
     $this->aStatusInfo['fields'] = array();
     foreach ($aFields as $sField) {
         // Trim the values since it's too temping to write: fields=name, first_name, org_name instead of fields=name,first_name,org_name
         $this->aStatusInfo['fields'][] = trim($sField);
 public function ReadParameters()
     $sQueryId = utils::ReadParam('query', null, true);
     $sFields = utils::ReadParam('fields', null, true, 'raw_data');
     if (($sFields === null || $sFields === '') && $sQueryId === null) {
         throw new BulkExportMissingParameterException('fields');
     } else {
         if ($sQueryId !== null && $sQueryId !== null) {
             $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT QueryOQL WHERE id = :query_id', array('query_id' => $sQueryId));
             $oQueries = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
             if ($oQueries->Count() > 0) {
                 $oQuery = $oQueries->Fetch();
                 if ($sFields === null || $sFields === '') {
                     // No 'fields' parameter supplied, take the fields from the query phrasebook definition
                     $sFields = trim($oQuery->Get('fields'));
                     if ($sFields === '') {
                         throw new BulkExportMissingParameterException('fields');
             } else {
                 throw BulkExportException('Invalid value for the parameter: query. There is no Query Phrasebook with id = ' . $sQueryId, Dict::Format('Core:BulkExport:InvalidParameter_Query', $sQueryId));
     // Interpret (and check) the list of fields
     $aSelectedClasses = $this->oSearch->GetSelectedClasses();
     $aAliases = array_keys($aSelectedClasses);
     $aAuthorizedClasses = array();
     foreach ($aSelectedClasses as $sAlias => $sClassName) {
         if (UserRights::IsActionAllowed($sClassName, UR_ACTION_BULK_READ) == UR_ALLOWED_YES) {
             $aAuthorizedClasses[$sAlias] = $sClassName;
     $aFields = explode(',', $sFields);
     $this->aStatusInfo['fields'] = array();
     foreach ($aFields as $sFieldSpec) {
         // Trim the values since it's natural to write: fields=name, first_name, org_name instead of fields=name,first_name,org_name
         $sExtendedAttCode = trim($sFieldSpec);
         if (preg_match('/^([^\\.]+)\\.(.+)$/', $sExtendedAttCode, $aMatches)) {
             $sAlias = $aMatches[1];
             $sAttCode = $aMatches[2];
         } else {
             $sAlias = reset($aAliases);
             $sAttCode = $sExtendedAttCode;
         if (!array_key_exists($sAlias, $aSelectedClasses)) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid alias '{$sAlias}' for the column '{$sExtendedAttCode}'. Availables aliases: '" . implode("', '", $aAliases) . "'");
         $sClass = $aSelectedClasses[$sAlias];
         if (!array_key_exists($sAlias, $aAuthorizedClasses)) {
             throw new Exception("You do not have enough permissions to bulk read data of class '{$sClass}' (alias: {$sAlias})");
         if ($this->bLocalizeOutput) {
             try {
                 $sLabel = MetaModel::GetLabel($sClass, $sAttCode);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception("Wrong field specification '{$sFieldSpec}': " . $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             $sLabel = $sAttCode;
         if (count($aAuthorizedClasses) > 1) {
             $sColLabel = $sAlias . '.' . $sLabel;
         } else {
             $sColLabel = $sLabel;
         $this->aStatusInfo['fields'][] = array('sFieldSpec' => $sExtendedAttCode, 'sAlias' => $sAlias, 'sClass' => $sClass, 'sAttCode' => $sAttCode, 'sLabel' => $sLabel, 'sColLabel' => $sColLabel);
  * Display the hierarchy of the 'target' class
 public function DisplayHierarchy(WebPage $oPage, $sFilter, $currValue, $oObj)
     $sDialogTitle = addslashes(Dict::Format('UI:HierarchyOf_Class', MetaModel::GetName($this->sTargetClass)));
     $oPage->add('<div id="dlg_tree_' . $this->iId . '"><div class="wizContainer" style="vertical-align:top;"><div style="overflow:auto;background:#fff;margin-bottom:5px;" id="tree_' . $this->iId . '">');
     $oPage->add('<table style="width:100%"><tr><td>');
     if (is_null($sFilter)) {
         throw new Exception('Implementation: null value for allowed values definition');
     try {
         $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sFilter);
         $oFilter->SetModifierProperty('UserRightsGetSelectFilter', 'bSearchMode', $this->bSearchMode);
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter, array(), array('this' => $oObj));
     } catch (MissingQueryArgument $e) {
         // When used in a search form the $this parameter may be missing, in this case return all possible values...
         // TODO check if we can improve this behavior...
         $sOQL = 'SELECT ' . $this->m_sTargetClass;
         $oFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sOQL);
         $oFilter->SetModifierProperty('UserRightsGetSelectFilter', 'bSearchMode', $this->bSearchMode);
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter);
     $sHKAttCode = MetaModel::IsHierarchicalClass($this->sTargetClass);
     $this->DumpTree($oPage, $oSet, $sHKAttCode, $currValue);
     $oPage->add("<input type=\"button\" id=\"btn_cancel_{$this->iId}\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Cancel') . "\" onClick=\"\$('#dlg_tree_{$this->iId}').dialog('close');\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
     $oPage->add("<input type=\"button\" id=\"btn_ok_{$this->iId}\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Ok') . "\"  onClick=\"oACWidget_{$this->iId}.DoHKOk();\">");
     $oPage->add_ready_script("\$('#tree_{$this->iId} ul').treeview();\n");
     $oPage->add_ready_script("\$('#dlg_tree_{$this->iId}').dialog({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto', autoOpen: true, modal: true, title: '{$sDialogTitle}', resizeStop: oACWidget_{$this->iId}.OnHKResize, close: oACWidget_{$this->iId}.OnHKClose });\n");
Exemple #18
 * Displays the details of a request
 * @param WebPage $oP The current web page
 * @param Object $oObj The target object
 * @return void
function ShowDetailsRequest(WebPage $oP, $oObj)
    $sClass = get_class($oObj);
    $sLogAttCode = GetConstant($sClass, 'PUBLIC_LOG');
    $sUserCommentAttCode = GetConstant($sClass, 'USER_COMMENT');
    $bIsReopenButton = false;
    $bIsCloseButton = false;
    $bIsEscalateButton = false;
    $bEditAttachments = false;
    $aEditAtt = array();
    // List of attributes editable in the main form
    if (!MetaModel::DBIsReadOnly()) {
        switch ($oObj->GetState()) {
            case 'resolved':
                $aEditAtt = array();
                $aTransitions = $oObj->EnumTransitions();
                $oSet = DBObjectSet::FromObject($oObj);
                // Add the "Reopen" button if this is valid action
                if (array_key_exists('ev_reopen', $aTransitions) && UserRights::IsStimulusAllowed($sClass, 'ev_reopen', $oSet)) {
                    $bIsReopenButton = true;
                    MakeStimulusForm($oP, $oObj, 'ev_reopen', array($sLogAttCode));
                // Add the "Close" button if this is valid action
                if (array_key_exists('ev_close', $aTransitions) && UserRights::IsStimulusAllowed($sClass, 'ev_close', $oSet)) {
                    $bIsCloseButton = true;
                    MakeStimulusForm($oP, $oObj, 'ev_close', array('user_satisfaction', $sUserCommentAttCode));
            case 'closed':
                // By convention 'closed' is the final state of a ticket and nothing can be done in such a state
                // In all other states, the only possible action is to update the ticket (both the case log and the attachments)
                // This update is possible only if the case log field is not read-only or hidden in the current state
                $iFlags = $oObj->GetAttributeFlags($sLogAttCode);
                $bReadOnly = ($iFlags & (OPT_ATT_READONLY | OPT_ATT_HIDDEN)) != 0;
                if ($bReadOnly) {
                    $aEditAtt = array();
                    $bEditAttachments = false;
                } else {
                    $aEditAtt = array($sLogAttCode => '????');
                    $bEditAttachments = true;
    $oP->add("<h1 id=\"title_request_details\">" . $oObj->GetIcon() . "&nbsp;" . Dict::Format('Portal:TitleRequestDetailsFor_Request', $oObj->GetName()) . "</h1>\n");
    $aAttList = json_decode(GetConstant($sClass, 'DETAILS_ZLIST'), true);
    switch ($oObj->GetState()) {
        case 'closed':
            $aAttList['centered'][] = 'user_satisfaction';
            $aAttList['centered'][] = $sUserCommentAttCode;
    // Remove the edited attribute from the shown attributes
    foreach ($aEditAtt as $sAttCode => $foo) {
        foreach ($aAttList as $col => $aColumn) {
            if (in_array($sAttCode, $aColumn)) {
                if (($index = array_search($sAttCode, $aColumn)) !== false) {
    $oP->add("<div class=\"wizContainer\" id=\"form_commment_request\">\n");
    $oP->WizardFormStart('request_form', null);
    $oP->add('<div id="request_details">');
    $oP->add('<table id="request_details_table">');
    $oP->add('<td style="vertical-align:top;">');
    $oP->DisplayObjectDetails($oObj, $aAttList['col:left']);
    $oP->add('<td style="vertical-align:top;">');
    $oP->DisplayObjectDetails($oObj, $aAttList['col:right']);
    if (array_key_exists('centered', $aAttList)) {
        $oP->add('<td style="vertical-align:top;" colspan="2">');
        $oP->DisplayObjectDetails($oObj, $aAttList['centered']);
    $oP->add('<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top;">');
    $oAttPlugin = new AttachmentPlugIn();
    if ($bEditAttachments) {
        $oAttPlugin->OnDisplayRelations($oObj, $oP, true);
    } else {
        $oAttPlugin->OnDisplayRelations($oObj, $oP, false);
    $oP->add('<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top;">');
    //$oP->add("<form action=\"../portal/index.php\" id=\"request_form\" method=\"post\">\n");
    //$oP->add('<table id=""><tr><td style="vertical-align:top;">');
    //$oP->add("<h1 id=\"title_request_details\">".Dict::Format('Portal:CommentsFor_Request', $oObj->GetName())."</h1>\n");
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"class\" value=\"{$sClass}\">");
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $oObj->GetKey() . "\">");
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"update_request\">");
    $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"stimulus_to_apply\" name=\"apply_stimulus\" value=\"\">\n");
\tfunction SetStimulusToApply(sStimulusCode)
    $aEditFields = array();
    // Intermediate array to avoid code duplication while splitting btw ticket_log and the rest
    foreach ($aEditAtt as $sAttCode => $foo) {
        $sValue = $oObj->Get($sAttCode);
        $sDisplayValue = $oObj->GetEditValue($sAttCode);
        $aArgs = array('this' => $oObj, 'formPrefix' => '');
        $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $sAttCode);
        $sInputId = 'input_' . $sAttCode;
        $sHTMLValue = "<span id=\"field_{$sInputId}\">" . cmdbAbstractObject::GetFormElementForField($oP, $sClass, $sAttCode, $oAttDef, $sValue, $sDisplayValue, $sInputId, '', 0, $aArgs) . '</span>';
        $aEditFields[$sAttCode] = array('label' => MetaModel::GetLabel($sClass, $sAttCode), 'value' => $sHTMLValue);
    foreach ($aEditFields as $sAttCode => $aFieldSpec) {
        if ($sAttCode == $sLogAttCode) {
            // Skip, the public log will be displayed below the buttons
        $oP->add("<div class=\"edit_item\">");
        $oP->add('<h1>' . $aFieldSpec['label'] . '</h1>');
    if ($bIsReopenButton) {
        $sStimulusCode = 'ev_reopen';
        $sTitle = addslashes(Dict::S('Portal:Button:ReopenTicket'));
        $sOk = addslashes(Dict::S('UI:Button:Ok'));
        $oP->p('<input type="button" onClick="RunStimulusDialog(\'' . $sStimulusCode . '\', \'' . $sTitle . '\', \'' . $sOk . '\');" value="' . $sTitle . '...">');
    if ($bIsCloseButton) {
        $sStimulusCode = 'ev_close';
        $sTitle = addslashes(Dict::S('Portal:Button:CloseTicket'));
        $sOk = addslashes(Dict::S('UI:Button:Ok'));
        $oP->p('<input type="button" onClick="RunStimulusDialog(\'' . $sStimulusCode . '\', \'' . $sTitle . '\', \'' . $sOk . '\');" value="' . $sTitle . '...">');
    } elseif (count($aEditAtt) > 0) {
        $oP->p('<input type="submit" value="' . Dict::S('Portal:Button:UpdateRequest') . '">');
    if ($bIsEscalateButton) {
        $sStimulusCode = 'ev_timeout';
        $oP->p('<input type="submit" onClick="SetStimulusToApply(\'' . $sStimulusCode . '\');" value="' . Dict::S('Portal:ButtonEscalate') . '">');
    $oP->add('<td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:top;">');
    if (isset($aEditFields[$sLogAttCode])) {
        $oP->add("<div class=\"edit_item\">");
        $oP->add('<h1>' . $aEditFields[$sLogAttCode]['label'] . '</h1>');
    } else {
        $oP->add('<h1>' . MetaModel::GetLabel($sClass, $sLogAttCode) . '</h1>');
 protected function GetFieldData($sAlias, $sAttCode, $oAttDef, $bChecked, $sSort)
     $ret = false;
     if ($sAttCode == '_key_') {
         $sLabel = Dict::Format('UI:ExtKey_AsLink', MetaModel::GetName($this->aClassAliases[$sAlias]));
         $ret = array('label' => $sLabel, 'checked' => true, 'disabled' => true, 'alias' => $sAlias, 'code' => $sAttCode, 'sort' => $sSort);
     } else {
         if (!$oAttDef->IsLinkSet()) {
             $sLabel = $oAttDef->GetLabel();
             if ($oAttDef->IsExternalKey()) {
                 $sLabel = Dict::Format('UI:ExtKey_AsLink', $oAttDef->GetLabel());
             } else {
                 if ($oAttDef->IsExternalField()) {
                     $oExtAttDef = $oAttDef->GetExtAttDef();
                     $sLabel = Dict::Format('UI:ExtField_AsRemoteField', $oAttDef->GetLabel(), $oExtAttDef->GetLabel());
                 } elseif ($oAttDef instanceof AttributeFriendlyName) {
                     $sLabel = Dict::Format('UI:ExtKey_AsFriendlyName', $oAttDef->GetLabel());
             $ret = array('label' => $sLabel, 'checked' => $bChecked, 'disabled' => false, 'alias' => $sAlias, 'code' => $sAttCode, 'sort' => $sSort);
     return $ret;
 public function GetName()
     return Dict::Format('UI:UserManagement:LinkBetween_User_And_Profile', $this->Get('userlogin'), $this->Get('profile'));
 public function GetRenderContent(WebPage $oPage, $aExtraParams = array(), $sId)
     $sHtml = '';
     $bTruncated = false;
     $oSet = new CMDBObjectSet($this->m_oFilter, array('date' => false));
     if ($this->iLimitStart > 0 || $this->iLimitCount > 0) {
         $oSet->SetLimit($this->iLimitCount, $this->iLimitStart);
         if ($this->iLimitCount - $this->iLimitStart < $oSet->Count()) {
             $bTruncated = true;
     $sHtml .= "<!-- filter: " . $this->m_oFilter->ToOQL() . "-->\n";
     switch ($this->m_sStyle) {
         case 'toggle':
             // First the latest change that the user is allowed to see
             do {
                 $oLatestChangeOp = $oSet->Fetch();
             } while (is_object($oLatestChangeOp) && $oLatestChangeOp->GetDescription() == '');
             if (is_object($oLatestChangeOp)) {
                 // There is one change in the list... only when the object has been created !
                 $sDate = $oLatestChangeOp->GetAsHTML('date');
                 $oChange = MetaModel::GetObject('CMDBChange', $oLatestChangeOp->Get('change'));
                 $sUserInfo = $oChange->GetAsHTML('userinfo');
                 $sHtml .= $oPage->GetStartCollapsibleSection(Dict::Format('UI:History:LastModified_On_By', $sDate, $sUserInfo));
                 $sHtml .= $this->GetHistoryTable($oPage, $oSet);
                 $sHtml .= $oPage->GetEndCollapsibleSection();
         case 'table':
             if ($bTruncated) {
                 $sFilter = $this->m_oFilter->serialize();
                 $sHtml .= '<div id="history_container"><p>';
                 $sHtml .= Dict::Format('UI:TruncatedResults', $this->iLimitCount, $oSet->Count());
                 $sHtml .= ' ';
                 $sHtml .= '<a href="#" onclick="DisplayHistory(\'#history_container\', \'' . $sFilter . '\', 0, 0); return false;">' . Dict::S('UI:DisplayAll') . '</a>';
                 $sHtml .= $this->GetHistoryTable($oPage, $oSet);
                 $sHtml .= '</p></div>';
                 $oPage->add_ready_script("\$('#{$sId} table.listResults tr:last td').addClass('truncated');");
             } else {
                 $sHtml .= $this->GetHistoryTable($oPage, $oSet);
     return $sHtml;
 public function DoCheckToWrite()
     $sFilter = trim($this->Get('filter'));
     if (strlen($sFilter) > 0) {
         try {
             $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sFilter);
             if (!MetaModel::IsParentClass($this->Get('target_class'), $oSearch->GetClass())) {
                 $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = Dict::Format('TriggerOnObject:WrongFilterClass', $this->Get('target_class'));
         } catch (OqlException $e) {
             $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = Dict::Format('TriggerOnObject:WrongFilterQuery', $e->getMessage());
Exemple #23
 $sClass = trim(utils::ReadParam('class', ''));
 $iTune = utils::ReadParam('tune', 0);
 if (preg_match('/^"(.*)"$/', $sFullText, $aMatches)) {
     // The text is surrounded by double-quotes, remove the quotes and treat it as one single expression
     $aFullTextNeedles = array($aMatches[1]);
 } else {
     // Split the text on the blanks and treat this as a search for <word1> AND <word2> AND <word3>
     $aFullTextNeedles = explode(' ', $sFullText);
 $oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClass);
 foreach ($aFullTextNeedles as $sSearchText) {
 $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oFilter);
 $oPage->add("<div class=\"page_header\">\n");
 $oPage->add("<h2>" . MetaModel::GetClassIcon($sClass) . "&nbsp;<span class=\"hilite\">" . Dict::Format('UI:Search:Count_ObjectsOf_Class_Found', $oSet->Count(), Metamodel::GetName($sClass)) . "</h2>\n");
 if ($oSet->Count() > 0) {
     $aLeafs = array();
     while ($oObj = $oSet->Fetch()) {
         if (get_class($oObj) == $sClass) {
             $aLeafs[] = $oObj->GetKey();
     $oLeafsFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClass);
     if (count($aLeafs) > 0) {
         $oLeafsFilter->AddCondition('id', $aLeafs, 'IN');
         $oBlock = new DisplayBlock($oLeafsFilter, 'list', false);
         $sBlockId = 'global_search_' . $sClass;
         $oPage->add('<div id="' . $sBlockId . '">');
         $oBlock->RenderContent($oPage, array('table_id' => $sBlockId, 'currentId' => $sBlockId));
 static function FormatDuration($duration)
     $days = floor($duration / 86400);
     $hours = floor(($duration - 86400 * $days) / 3600);
     $minutes = floor(($duration - (86400 * $days + 3600 * $hours)) / 60);
     $sResult = '';
     if ($duration < 60) {
         // Less than 1 min
         $sResult = Dict::S('UI:Deadline_LessThan1Min');
     } else {
         if ($duration < 3600) {
             // less than 1 hour, display it in minutes
             $sResult = Dict::Format('UI:Deadline_Minutes', $minutes);
         } else {
             if ($duration < 86400) {
                 // Less that 1 day, display it in hours/minutes
                 $sResult = Dict::Format('UI:Deadline_Hours_Minutes', $hours, $minutes);
             } else {
                 // Less that 1 day, display it in hours/minutes
                 $sResult = Dict::Format('UI:Deadline_Days_Hours_Minutes', $days, $hours, $minutes);
     return $sResult;
 private static function GetActionDescription($oAttachment, $bCreate = true)
     $oBlob = $oAttachment->Get('contents');
     $sFileName = $oBlob->GetFileName();
     if ($bCreate) {
         $sDescription = Dict::Format('Attachments:History_File_Added', $sFileName);
     } else {
         $sDescription = Dict::Format('Attachments:History_File_Removed', $sFileName);
     return $sDescription;
Exemple #26
 public static function GetHyperLink($sTargetClass, $iKey)
     if ($iKey < 0) {
         return "{$sTargetClass}: {$iKey} (invalid value)";
     $oObj = self::GetObject($sTargetClass, $iKey, false);
     if (is_null($oObj)) {
         // Whatever we are looking for, the root class is the key to search for
         $sRootClass = self::GetRootClass($sTargetClass);
         $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL('SELECT CMDBChangeOpDelete WHERE objclass = :objclass AND objkey = :objkey', array('objclass' => $sRootClass, 'objkey' => $iKey));
         $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
         $oRecord = $oSet->Fetch();
         // An empty fname is obtained with iTop < 2.0
         if (is_null($oRecord) || strlen(trim($oRecord->Get('fname'))) == 0) {
             $sName = Dict::Format('Core:UnknownObjectLabel', $sTargetClass, $iKey);
             $sTitle = Dict::S('Core:UnknownObjectTip');
         } else {
             $sName = $oRecord->Get('fname');
             $sTitle = Dict::Format('Core:DeletedObjectTip', $oRecord->Get('date'), $oRecord->Get('userinfo'));
         return '<span class="itop-deleted-object" title="' . htmlentities($sTitle, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities($sName, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>';
     return $oObj->GetHyperLink();
  * Perform all the needed checks to delete one (or more) objects
 public static function DeleteObjects(WebPage $oP, $sClass, $aObjects, $bPreview, $sCustomOperation, $aContextData = array())
     $oDeletionPlan = new DeletionPlan();
     foreach ($aObjects as $oObj) {
         if ($bPreview) {
         } else {
             $oObj->DBDeleteTracked(CMDBObject::GetCurrentChange(), null, $oDeletionPlan);
     if ($bPreview) {
         if (count($aObjects) == 1) {
             $oObj = $aObjects[0];
             $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Delete:ConfirmDeletionOf_Name', $oObj->GetName()) . "</h1>\n");
         } else {
             $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Delete:ConfirmDeletionOf_Count_ObjectsOf_Class', count($aObjects), MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . "</h1>\n");
         // Explain what should be done
         $aDisplayData = array();
         foreach ($oDeletionPlan->ListDeletes() as $sTargetClass => $aDeletes) {
             foreach ($aDeletes as $iId => $aData) {
                 $oToDelete = $aData['to_delete'];
                 $bAutoDel = $aData['mode'] == DEL_SILENT || $aData['mode'] == DEL_AUTO;
                 if (array_key_exists('issue', $aData)) {
                     if ($bAutoDel) {
                         if (isset($aData['requested_explicitely'])) {
                             $sConsequence = Dict::Format('UI:Delete:CannotDeleteBecause', $aData['issue']);
                         } else {
                             $sConsequence = Dict::Format('UI:Delete:ShouldBeDeletedAtomaticallyButNotPossible', $aData['issue']);
                     } else {
                         $sConsequence = Dict::Format('UI:Delete:MustBeDeletedManuallyButNotPossible', $aData['issue']);
                 } else {
                     if ($bAutoDel) {
                         if (isset($aData['requested_explicitely'])) {
                             $sConsequence = '';
                             // not applicable
                         } else {
                             $sConsequence = Dict::S('UI:Delete:WillBeDeletedAutomatically');
                     } else {
                         $sConsequence = Dict::S('UI:Delete:MustBeDeletedManually');
                 $aDisplayData[] = array('class' => MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oToDelete)), 'object' => $oToDelete->GetHyperLink(), 'consequence' => $sConsequence);
         foreach ($oDeletionPlan->ListUpdates() as $sRemoteClass => $aToUpdate) {
             foreach ($aToUpdate as $iId => $aData) {
                 $oToUpdate = $aData['to_reset'];
                 if (array_key_exists('issue', $aData)) {
                     $sConsequence = Dict::Format('UI:Delete:CannotUpdateBecause_Issue', $aData['issue']);
                 } else {
                     $sConsequence = Dict::Format('UI:Delete:WillAutomaticallyUpdate_Fields', $aData['attributes_list']);
                 $aDisplayData[] = array('class' => MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oToUpdate)), 'object' => $oToUpdate->GetHyperLink(), 'consequence' => $sConsequence);
         $iImpactedIndirectly = $oDeletionPlan->GetTargetCount() - count($aObjects);
         if ($iImpactedIndirectly > 0) {
             if (count($aObjects) == 1) {
                 $oObj = $aObjects[0];
                 $oP->p(Dict::Format('UI:Delete:Count_Objects/LinksReferencing_Object', $iImpactedIndirectly, $oObj->GetName()));
             } else {
                 $oP->p(Dict::Format('UI:Delete:Count_Objects/LinksReferencingTheObjects', $iImpactedIndirectly));
         if ($iImpactedIndirectly > 0 || $oDeletionPlan->FoundStopper()) {
             $aDisplayConfig = array();
             $aDisplayConfig['class'] = array('label' => 'Class', 'description' => '');
             $aDisplayConfig['object'] = array('label' => 'Object', 'description' => '');
             $aDisplayConfig['consequence'] = array('label' => 'Consequence', 'description' => Dict::S('UI:Delete:Consequence+'));
             $oP->table($aDisplayConfig, $aDisplayData);
         if ($oDeletionPlan->FoundStopper()) {
             if ($oDeletionPlan->FoundSecurityIssue()) {
             } elseif ($oDeletionPlan->FoundManualOperation()) {
             } else {
             $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
             $oP->add("<form method=\"post\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"transaction_id\" value=\"" . utils::ReadParam('transaction_id') . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.history.back();\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Back') . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input DISABLED type=\"submit\" name=\"\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Delete') . "\">\n");
         } else {
             if (count($aObjects) == 1) {
                 $oObj = $aObjects[0];
                 $id = $oObj->GetKey();
                 $oP->p('<h1>' . Dict::Format('UI:Delect:Confirm_Object', $oObj->GetHyperLink()) . '</h1>');
             } else {
                 $oP->p('<h1>' . Dict::Format('UI:Delect:Confirm_Count_ObjectsOf_Class', count($aObjects), MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . '</h1>');
             foreach ($aObjects as $oObj) {
                 $aKeys[] = $oObj->GetKey();
             $oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClass);
             $oFilter->AddCondition('id', $aKeys, 'IN');
             $oSet = new CMDBobjectSet($oFilter);
             $oP->add('<div id="0">');
             CMDBAbstractObject::DisplaySet($oP, $oSet, array('display_limit' => false, 'menu' => false));
             $oP->add("<form method=\"post\">\n");
             foreach ($aContextData as $sKey => $value) {
                 $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$sKey}\" value=\"{$value}\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"transaction_id\" value=\"" . utils::GetNewTransactionId() . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"operation\" value=\"{$sCustomOperation}\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filter\" value=\"" . $oFilter->Serialize() . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"class\" value=\"{$sClass}\">\n");
             foreach ($aObjects as $oObj) {
                 $oP->add("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"selectObject[]\" value=\"" . $oObj->GetKey() . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"window.history.back();\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Back') . "\">\n");
             $oP->add("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"\" value=\"" . Dict::S('UI:Button:Delete') . "\">\n");
             $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext();
     } else {
         // Execute the deletion
         if (count($aObjects) == 1) {
             $oObj = $aObjects[0];
             $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Title:DeletionOf_Object', $oObj->GetName()) . "</h1>\n");
         } else {
             $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:Title:BulkDeletionOf_Count_ObjectsOf_Class', count($aObjects), MetaModel::GetName($sClass)) . "</h1>\n");
         // Security - do not allow the user to force a forbidden delete by the mean of page arguments...
         if ($oDeletionPlan->FoundSecurityIssue()) {
             throw new CoreException(Dict::S('UI:Error:NotEnoughRightsToDelete'));
         if ($oDeletionPlan->FoundManualOperation()) {
             throw new CoreException(Dict::S('UI:Error:CannotDeleteBecauseManualOpNeeded'));
         if ($oDeletionPlan->FoundManualDelete()) {
             throw new CoreException(Dict::S('UI:Error:CannotDeleteBecauseOfDepencies'));
         // Report deletions
         $aDisplayData = array();
         foreach ($oDeletionPlan->ListDeletes() as $sTargetClass => $aDeletes) {
             foreach ($aDeletes as $iId => $aData) {
                 $oToDelete = $aData['to_delete'];
                 if (isset($aData['requested_explicitely'])) {
                     $sMessage = Dict::S('UI:Delete:Deleted');
                 } else {
                     $sMessage = Dict::S('UI:Delete:AutomaticallyDeleted');
                 $aDisplayData[] = array('class' => MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oToDelete)), 'object' => $oToDelete->GetName(), 'consequence' => $sMessage);
         // Report updates
         foreach ($oDeletionPlan->ListUpdates() as $sTargetClass => $aToUpdate) {
             foreach ($aToUpdate as $iId => $aData) {
                 $oToUpdate = $aData['to_reset'];
                 $aDisplayData[] = array('class' => MetaModel::GetName(get_class($oToUpdate)), 'object' => $oToUpdate->GetHyperLink(), 'consequence' => Dict::Format('UI:Delete:AutomaticResetOf_Fields', $aData['attributes_list']));
         // Report automatic jobs
         if ($oDeletionPlan->GetTargetCount() > 0) {
             if (count($aObjects) == 1) {
                 $oObj = $aObjects[0];
                 $oP->p(Dict::Format('UI:Delete:CleaningUpRefencesTo_Object', $oObj->GetName()));
             } else {
                 $oP->p(Dict::Format('UI:Delete:CleaningUpRefencesTo_Several_ObjectsOf_Class', count($aObjects), MetaModel::GetName($sClass)));
             $aDisplayConfig = array();
             $aDisplayConfig['class'] = array('label' => 'Class', 'description' => '');
             $aDisplayConfig['object'] = array('label' => 'Object', 'description' => '');
             $aDisplayConfig['consequence'] = array('label' => 'Done', 'description' => Dict::S('UI:Delete:Done+'));
             $oP->table($aDisplayConfig, $aDisplayData);
 function DisplayBareProperties(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false, $sPrefix = '', $aExtraParams = array())
     if ($bEditMode) {
     // Not editable
     $oPage->add('<table style="vertical-align:top"><tr style="vertical-align:top"><td>');
     $aDetails = array();
     $sClass = get_class($this);
     $oPage->add('<legend>' . Dict::S('Core:SynchroReplica:PrivateDetails') . '</legend>');
     $aZList = MetaModel::FlattenZlist(MetaModel::GetZListItems($sClass, 'details'));
     foreach ($aZList as $sAttCode) {
         $sDisplayValue = $this->GetAsHTML($sAttCode);
         $aDetails[] = array('label' => '<span title="' . MetaModel::GetDescription($sClass, $sAttCode) . '">' . MetaModel::GetLabel($sClass, $sAttCode) . '</span>', 'value' => $sDisplayValue);
     if (strlen($this->Get('dest_class')) > 0) {
         $oDestObj = MetaModel::GetObject($this->Get('dest_class'), $this->Get('dest_id'), false);
         if (is_object($oDestObj)) {
             $oPage->add('<legend>' . Dict::Format('Core:SynchroReplica:TargetObject', $oDestObj->GetHyperlink()) . '</legend>');
             $oDestObj->DisplayBareProperties($oPage, false, $sPrefix, $aExtraParams);
     $oPage->add('<legend>' . Dict::S('Core:SynchroReplica:PublicData') . '</legend>');
     $oSource = MetaModel::GetObject('SynchroDataSource', $this->Get('sync_source_id'));
     $sSQLTable = $oSource->GetDataTable();
     $aData = $this->LoadExtendedDataFromTable($sSQLTable);
     $aHeaders = array('attcode' => array('label' => 'Attribute Code', 'description' => ''), 'data' => array('label' => 'Value', 'description' => ''));
     $aRows = array();
     foreach ($aData as $sKey => $value) {
         $aRows[] = array('attcode' => $sKey, 'data' => $value);
     $oPage->Table($aHeaders, $aRows);
 function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false)
     parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);
     if (!$bEditMode) {
         $bit_ip = ip2long($this->Get('ip'));
         $bit_mask = ip2long($this->Get('ip_mask'));
         $iIPMin = sprintf('%u', $bit_ip & $bit_mask | 1);
         // exclude the first one: identifies the subnet itself
         $iIPMax = sprintf('%u', ($bit_ip | ~$bit_mask) & 0xfffffffe);
         // exclude the last one : broadcast address
         $sIPMin = long2ip($iIPMin);
         $sIPMax = long2ip($iIPMax);
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:IPUsage-explain', $sIPMin, $sIPMax));
         $oIfFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT IPInterface AS if WHERE INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) >= INET_ATON('{$sIPMin}') AND INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) <= INET_ATON('{$sIPMax}')");
         $oIfSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oIfFilter);
         $oBlock = new DisplayBlock($oIfFilter, 'list', false);
         $oBlock->Display($oPage, 'nwif', array('menu' => false));
         $iCountUsed = $oIfSet->Count();
         $iCountRange = $iIPMax - $iIPMin;
         // On 32-bit systems the substraction will be computed using floats for values greater than PHP_MAX_INT;
         $iFreeCount = $iCountRange - $iCountUsed;
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:FreeIPs-count', $iFreeCount));
         $aUsedIPs = $oIfSet->GetColumnAsArray('ipaddress', false);
         $iAnIP = $iIPMin;
         $iFound = 0;
         while ($iFound < min($iFreeCount, 10) && $iAnIP <= $iIPMax) {
             $sAnIP = long2ip($iAnIP);
             if (!in_array($sAnIP, $aUsedIPs)) {
             } else {
Exemple #30
     * Select the options of the CSV load and check for CSV parsing errors
     * @param WebPage $oPage The current web page
     * @return void
    function SelectOptions(WebPage $oPage)
        $sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', 'csv_data');
        $sCSVData = '';
        switch ($sOperation) {
            case 'file_upload':
                $oDocument = utils::ReadPostedDocument('csvdata');
                if (!$oDocument->IsEmpty()) {
                    $sCSVData = $oDocument->GetData();
                $sCSVData = utils::ReadPostedParam('csvdata', '', 'raw_data');
        $sEncoding = utils::ReadParam('encoding', 'UTF-8');
        // Compute a subset of the data set, now that we know the charset
        if ($sEncoding == 'UTF-8') {
            // Remove the BOM if any
            if (substr($sCSVData, 0, 3) == UTF8_BOM) {
                $sCSVData = substr($sCSVData, 3);
            // Clean the input
            // Todo: warn the user if some characters are lost/substituted
            $sUTF8Data = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', $sCSVData);
        } else {
            $sUTF8Data = iconv($sEncoding, 'UTF-8//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', $sCSVData);
        $aGuesses = GuessParameters($sUTF8Data);
        // Try to predict the parameters, based on the input data
        $sSeparator = utils::ReadParam('separator', '', false, 'raw_data');
        if ($sSeparator == '') {
            $sSeparator = $aGuesses['separator'];
        $iSkippedLines = utils::ReadParam('nb_skipped_lines', '');
        $bBoxSkipLines = utils::ReadParam('box_skiplines', 0);
        if ($sSeparator == 'tab') {
            $sSeparator = "\t";
        $sOtherSeparator = in_array($sSeparator, array(',', ';', "\t")) ? '' : $sSeparator;
        $sTextQualifier = utils::ReadParam('text_qualifier', '', false, 'raw_data');
        if ($sTextQualifier == '') {
            $sTextQualifier = $aGuesses['qualifier'];
        $sOtherTextQualifier = in_array($sTextQualifier, array('"', "'")) ? '' : $sTextQualifier;
        $bHeaderLine = utils::ReadParam('header_line', 0);
        $sClassName = utils::ReadParam('class_name', '', false, 'class');
        $bAdvanced = utils::ReadParam('advanced', 0);
        $aFieldsMapping = utils::ReadParam('field', array(), false, 'raw_data');
        $aSearchFields = utils::ReadParam('search_field', array(), false, 'field_name');
        // Create a truncated version of the data used for the fast preview
        // Take about 20 lines of data... knowing that some lines may contain carriage returns
        $iMaxLen = strlen($sUTF8Data);
        if ($iMaxLen > 0) {
            $iMaxLines = 20;
            $iCurPos = true;
            while ($iCurPos > 0 && $iMaxLines > 0) {
                $pos = strpos($sUTF8Data, "\n", $iCurPos);
                if ($pos !== false) {
                    $iCurPos = 1 + $pos;
                } else {
                    $iCurPos = strlen($sUTF8Data);
                    $iMaxLines = 1;
            $sCSVDataTruncated = substr($sUTF8Data, 0, $iCurPos);
        } else {
            $sCSVDataTruncated = '';
        $sSynchroScope = utils::ReadParam('synchro_scope', '', false, 'raw_data');
        if (!empty($sSynchroScope)) {
            $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL($sSynchroScope);
            $sClassName = $oSearch->GetClass();
            $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch);
            $iCount = $oSet->Count();
            DisplaySynchroBanner($oPage, $sClassName, $iCount);
            $aSynchroUpdate = utils::ReadParam('synchro_update', array());
        $oPage->add('<h2>' . Dict::S('UI:Title:CSVImportStep2') . '</h2>');
        $oPage->add('<div class="wizContainer">');
        $oPage->add('<table><tr><td style="vertical-align:top;padding-right:50px;">');
        $oPage->add('<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="wizForm" method="post" id="csv_options">');
        $oPage->add('<h3>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:SeparatorCharacter') . '</h3>');
        $oPage->add('<p><input type="radio" name="separator" value="," onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sSeparator, ',') . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:SeparatorComma+') . '<br/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="radio" name="separator" value=";" onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sSeparator, ';') . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:SeparatorSemicolon+') . '<br/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="radio" name="separator" value="tab" onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sSeparator, "\t") . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:SeparatorTab+') . '<br/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="radio" name="separator" value="other"  onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sOtherSeparator, '', true) . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:SeparatorOther') . ' <input type="text" size="3" maxlength="1" name="other_separator" id="other_separator" value="' . $sOtherSeparator . '" onClick="DoPreview()"/>');
        $oPage->add('</td><td style="vertical-align:top;padding-right:50px;">');
        $oPage->add('<h3>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:TextQualifierCharacter') . '</h3>');
        $oPage->add('<p><input type="radio" name="text_qualifier" value="&#34;" onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sTextQualifier, '"') . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:QualifierDoubleQuote+') . '<br/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="radio" name="text_qualifier" value="&#39;"  onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sTextQualifier, "'") . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:QualifierSimpleQuote+') . '<br/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="radio" name="text_qualifier" value="other"  onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($sOtherTextQualifier, '', true) . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:QualifierOther') . ' <input type="text" size="3" maxlength="1" name="other_qualifier"  value="' . htmlentities($sOtherTextQualifier, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" onChange="DoPreview()"/>');
        $oPage->add('</td><td style="vertical-align:top;">');
        $oPage->add('<h3>' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:CommentsAndHeader') . '</h3>');
        $oPage->add('<p><input type="checkbox" name="header_line" id="box_header" value="1" onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($bHeaderLine, 1) . '/> ' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:TreatFirstLineAsHeader') . '<p>');
        $oPage->add('<p><input type="checkbox" name="box_skiplines" value="1" id="box_skiplines" onClick="DoPreview()"' . IsChecked($bBoxSkipLines, 1) . '/> ' . Dict::Format('UI:CSVImport:Skip_N_LinesAtTheBeginning', '<input type="text" size=2 name="nb_skipped_lines" id="nb_skipped_lines" onChange="DoPreview()" value="' . $iSkippedLines . '">') . '<p>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="csvdata_truncated" id="csvdata_truncated" value="' . htmlentities($sCSVDataTruncated, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="csvdata" id="csvdata" value="' . htmlentities($sUTF8Data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"/>');
        // The encoding has changed, keep that information within the wizard
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="encoding" value="UTF-8">');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="class_name" value="' . $sClassName . '"/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="advanced" value="' . $bAdvanced . '"/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="synchro_scope" value="' . $sSynchroScope . '"/>');
        foreach ($aFieldsMapping as $iNumber => $sAttCode) {
            $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="field[' . $iNumber . ']" value="' . $sAttCode . '"/>');
        foreach ($aSearchFields as $index => $sDummy) {
            $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="search_field[' . $index . ']" value="1"/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="step" value="3"/>');
        if (!empty($sSynchroScope)) {
            foreach ($aSynchroUpdate as $sKey => $value) {
                $oPage->add('<input type="hidden" name="synchro_update[' . $sKey . ']" value="' . $value . '"/>');
        $oPage->add('<div id="preview">');
        $oPage->add('<p style="text-align:center">' . Dict::S('UI:CSVImport:CSVDataPreview') . '</p>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="button" value="' . Dict::S('UI:Button:Back') . '" onClick="GoBack()"/>');
        $oPage->add('<input type="submit" value="' . Dict::S('UI:Button:Next') . '"/>');
\tfunction GoBack()
\tvar ajax_request = null;
\tfunction DoPreview()
\t\tvar separator = \$('input[name=separator]:checked').val();
\t\tif (separator == 'other')
\t\t\tseparator = \$('#other_separator').val();
\t\tvar text_qualifier = \$('input[name=text_qualifier]:checked').val();
\t\tif (text_qualifier == 'other')
\t\t\ttext_qualifier = \$('#other_qualifier').val();
\t\tvar do_skip_lines = 0;
\t\tif (\$('#box_skiplines:checked').val() != null)
\t\t\tdo_skip_lines = \$('#nb_skipped_lines').val();
\t\tvar header_line = 0;
\t\tif (\$('#box_header:checked').val() != null)
\t\t\theader_line = 1;
\t\tvar encoding = \$('input[name=encoding]').val();

\t\t// Make sure that we cancel any pending request before issuing another
\t\t// since responses may arrive in arbitrary order
\t\tif (ajax_request != null)
\t\t\tajax_request = null;
\t\tajax_request = \$.post(GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot()+'pages/ajax.csvimport.php',
\t\t\t   { operation: 'parser_preview', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', csvdata: \$("#csvdata_truncated").val(), separator: separator, qualifier: text_qualifier, do_skip_lines: do_skip_lines, header_line: header_line, encoding: encoding },
\t\t\t   function(data) {
\t\t\t\t \$('#preview').empty();
\t\t\t\t \$('#preview').append(data);
\t\t\t\t \$('#preview').unblock();
\t\t\t );