$messages[] = array('text' => nl2br($e->getMessage()), 'strong' => true, 'color' => 'red');
     if (count($messages) == 0) {
         $reload_site = true;
 case 'device_parts_apply':
     // apply new quantities and new mountnames, or remove parts from this device
     for ($i = 0; $i < $device_parts_rowcount; $i++) {
         $part_id = isset($_REQUEST['id_' . $i]) ? (int) $_REQUEST['id_' . $i] : 0;
         $quantity = isset($_REQUEST['quantity_' . $i]) ? abs((int) $_REQUEST['quantity_' . $i]) : 0;
         $mountname = isset($_REQUEST['mountnames_' . $i]) ? trim((string) $_REQUEST['mountnames_' . $i]) : '';
         try {
             $device_part = new DevicePart($database, $current_user, $log, $part_id);
             if ($quantity > 0) {
                 $device_part->set_attributes(array('quantity' => $quantity, 'mountnames' => $mountname));
             } else {
             // remove the part from this device
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $messages[] = array('text' => nl2br($e->getMessage()), 'strong' => true, 'color' => 'red');
     if (count($messages) == 0) {
         $reload_site = true;
 case 'book_parts':
Exemple #2
  * @brief Get the minimum quantity which should be ordered
  * @param boolean $with_devices     @li if true, all parts from devices which are marked as "to order" will be included in the calculation
  *                                  @li if false, only max(mininstock - instock, 0) will be returned
  * @retval integer      the minimum order quantity
 public function get_min_order_quantity($with_devices = true)
     if ($with_devices) {
         $count_must_order = 0;
         // for devices with "order_only_missing_parts == false"
         $count_should_order = 0;
         // for devices with "order_only_missing_parts == true"
         $deviceparts = DevicePart::get_order_device_parts($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $this->get_id());
         foreach ($deviceparts as $devicepart) {
             $device = $devicepart->get_device();
             if ($device->get_order_only_missing_parts()) {
                 $count_should_order += $device->get_order_quantity() * $devicepart->get_mount_quantity();
             } else {
                 $count_must_order += $device->get_order_quantity() * $devicepart->get_mount_quantity();
         return $count_must_order + max(0, $this->get_mininstock() - $this->get_instock() + $count_should_order);
     } else {
         return max(0, $this->get_mininstock() - $this->get_instock());
  * @brief Create a new device-part
  * @param Database  &$database          reference to the database object
  * @param User      &$current_user      reference to the current user which is logged in
  * @param Log       &$log               reference to the Log-object
  * @param integer   $device_id          the ID of the device
  * @param integer   $part_id            the ID of the part
  * @param integer   $quantity           the mount quantity (see DevicePart::set_mount_quantity())
  * @param string    $mountnames         the mountname(s) (see DevicePart::set_mount_name())
  * @param boolean   $increase_if_exist  @li if true, and there is already a DevicePart with the same
  *                                          part ID + device ID, the mount quantity of the existing
  *                                          DevicePart will be incremented by $quantity. In addition,
  *                                          the new mount name ($mountname) will be attached (with a
  *                                          comma) at the end of the mount name of the existing DevicePart.
  *                                      @li if false, and there is already a DevicePart with the same
  *                                          part ID + device ID, this method will throw an exception.
  * @retval DevicePart   the new device-part
  * @retval DevicePart   the existing device-part, if there is already a DevicePart with
  *                      the same part ID + device ID and "$increment_if_exist == true"
  * @throws Exception    if (this combination of) values is not valid
  * @throws Exception    if there was an error
  * @see DBElement::add()
 public static function add(&$database, &$current_user, &$log, $device_id, $part_id, $quantity, $mountnames = '', $increase_if_exist = false)
     $existing_devicepart = DevicePart::get_device_part($database, $current_user, $log, $device_id, $part_id);
     if (is_object($existing_devicepart)) {
         if ($increase_if_exist) {
             if (!is_int($quantity) && !ctype_digit($quantity) || $quantity < 0) {
                 debug('error', 'quantity = "' . $quantity . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__);
                 throw new Exception('Die Bestückungs-Anzahl ist ungültig!');
             $quantity = $existing_devicepart->get_mount_quantity() + $quantity;
             $old_mountnames = $existing_devicepart->get_mount_names();
             if (strlen($mountnames) > 0) {
                 if (strlen($old_mountnames) > 0) {
                     $mountnames = $old_mountnames . ', ' . $mountnames;
             } else {
                 $mountnames = $old_mountnames;
             $existing_devicepart->set_attributes(array('quantity' => $quantity, 'mountnames' => $mountnames));
             return $existing_devicepart;
         } else {
             $device = new Device($database, $current_user, $log, $device_id);
             $part = new Part($database, $current_user, $log, $part_id);
             throw new Exception('Die Baugruppe "' . $device->get_name() . '" enthält bereits das Bauteil "' . $part->get_name() . '"!');
     // there is no such DevicePart, so we will create it
     return parent::add($database, $current_user, $log, 'device_parts', array('id_device' => $device_id, 'id_part' => $part_id, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'mountnames' => $mountnames));
Exemple #4
 * @brief Import DeviceParts in a Device
 * @note    This function uses database transactions. If an error occurs, all changes will be rolled back.
 * @note    If there are already parts in the device, which are also in the import data array,
 *          the quantity and the mountnames of the part to import will be added to the already existing device-part.
 * @param Database  &$database          reference to the database object
 * @param User      &$current_user      reference to the user which is logged in
 * @param Log       &$log               reference to the Log-object
 * @param integer   $device_id          The ID of the device where the parts should be imported
 * @param array     $data               The import data array from "extract_import_data_from_request()"
 * @param boolean   $only_check_data    If true, this function will only check if all values in "$data" are valid.
 *                                      In this case, no parts will be imported!
 * @throws Exception    if there was an error (maybe the passed data is not valid)
function import_device_parts(&$database, &$current_user, &$log, $device_id, $data, $only_check_data = false)
    try {
        $transaction_id = $database->begin_transaction();
        // start transaction
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $part_id = $row['devicepart_part_id'];
            $quantity = $row['devicepart_mount_quantity'];
            $mountnames = $row['devicepart_mount_names'];
            if ($quantity > 0) {
                $new_devicepart = DevicePart::add($database, $current_user, $log, $device_id, $part_id, $quantity, $mountnames, true);
        if ($only_check_data) {
        } else {
        // commit transaction
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // rollback transaction
        throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
Exemple #5
  * @brief Create a new Device as a copy from this one. All DeviceParts will be copied too.
  * @param string $name                  The name of the new device
  * @param integer $parent_id            The ID of the new device's parent device
  * @param boolean   $with_subdevices    If true, all subdevices will be copied too
  * @throws Exception if there was an error
 public function copy($name, $parent_id, $with_subdevices = false)
     try {
         if ($with_subdevices && $parent_id > 0) {
             // check if $parent_id is NOT a child of this device
             $parent_device = new Device($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $parent_id);
             if ($parent_device->get_id() == $this->get_id() || $parent_device->is_child_of($this)) {
                 throw new Exception('Eine Baugruppe kann nicht in sich selber kopiert werden!');
         $transaction_id = $this->database->begin_transaction();
         // start transaction
         $new_device = Device::add($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $name, $parent_id);
         $device_parts = $this->get_parts();
         foreach ($device_parts as $part) {
             $new_part = DevicePart::add($this->database, $this->current_user, $this->log, $new_device->get_id(), $part->get_part()->get_id(), $part->get_mount_quantity(), $part->get_mount_names());
         if ($with_subdevices) {
             $subdevices = $this->get_subelements(false);
             foreach ($subdevices as $device) {
                 $device->copy($device->get_name(), $new_device->get_id(), true);
         // commit transaction
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // rollback transaction
         throw new Exception("Die Baugruppe \"" . $this->get_name() . "\"konnte nicht kopiert werden!\nGrund: " . $e->getMessage());