/** * Save the background image, if any, and set its disposition * * @param Design $design a working design to attach the img to * * @return nothing */ function saveBackgroundImage($design) { // Now that we have a Design ID we can add a file to the design. // XXX: This is an additional DB hit, but figured having the image // associated with the Design rather than the User was worth // it. -- Zach if ($_FILES['design_background-image_file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $filepath = null; try { $imagefile = ImageFile::fromUpload('design_background-image_file'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->showForm($e->getMessage()); return; } $filename = Design::filename($design->id, image_type_to_extension($imagefile->type), common_timestamp()); $filepath = Design::path($filename); move_uploaded_file($imagefile->filepath, $filepath); // delete any old backround img laying around if (isset($design->backgroundimage)) { @unlink(Design::path($design->backgroundimage)); } $original = clone $design; $design->backgroundimage = $filename; // default to on, no tile $design->setDisposition(true, false, false); $result = $design->update($original); if ($result === false) { common_log_db_error($design, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); // TRANS: Error message displayed if design settings could not be saved. $this->showForm(_('Couldn\'t update your design.')); return; } } }
/** * Save or update the group's design settings * * @return void */ function saveDesign() { try { $bgcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_background')); $ccolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_content')); $sbcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_sidebar')); $tcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_text')); $lcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_links')); } catch (WebColorException $e) { $this->showForm($e->getMessage()); return; } $onoff = $this->arg('design_background-image_onoff'); $on = false; $off = false; $tile = false; if ($onoff == 'on') { $on = true; } else { $off = true; } $repeat = $this->boolean('design_background-image_repeat'); if ($repeat) { $tile = true; } $design = $this->group->getDesign(); if (!empty($design)) { // update design $original = clone $design; $design->backgroundcolor = $bgcolor->intValue(); $design->contentcolor = $ccolor->intValue(); $design->sidebarcolor = $sbcolor->intValue(); $design->textcolor = $tcolor->intValue(); $design->linkcolor = $lcolor->intValue(); $design->setDisposition($on, $off, $tile); $result = $design->update($original); if ($result === false) { common_log_db_error($design, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Couldn\'t update your design.')); return; } } else { $this->group->query('BEGIN'); // save new design $design = new Design(); $design->backgroundcolor = $bgcolor->intValue(); $design->contentcolor = $ccolor->intValue(); $design->sidebarcolor = $sbcolor->intValue(); $design->textcolor = $tcolor->intValue(); $design->linkcolor = $lcolor->intValue(); $design->setDisposition($on, $off, $tile); $id = $design->insert(); if (empty($id)) { common_log_db_error($id, 'INSERT', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your design settings!')); return; } $original = clone $this->group; $this->group->design_id = $id; $result = $this->group->update($original); if (empty($result)) { common_log_db_error($original, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your design settings!')); $this->group->query('ROLLBACK'); return; } $this->group->query('COMMIT'); } $this->saveBackgroundImage($design); $this->showForm(_('Design preferences saved.'), true); }
/** * Save the new design settings * * @return void */ function saveDesignSettings() { // Workaround for PHP returning empty $_POST and $_FILES when POST // length > post_max_size in php.ini if (empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) { $msg = _('The server was unable to handle that much POST ' . 'data (%s bytes) due to its current configuration.'); $this->clientException(sprintf($msg, $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); return; } // check for an image upload $bgimage = $this->saveBackgroundImage(); static $settings = array('theme', 'logo'); $values = array(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $values[$setting] = $this->trimmed($setting); } $this->validate($values); $oldtheme = common_config('site', 'theme'); $config = new Config(); $config->query('BEGIN'); // Only update colors if the theme has not changed. if ($oldtheme == $values['theme']) { $bgcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_background')); $ccolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_content')); $sbcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_sidebar')); $tcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_text')); $lcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_links')); Config::save('design', 'backgroundcolor', $bgcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'contentcolor', $ccolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'sidebarcolor', $sbcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'textcolor', $tcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'linkcolor', $lcolor->intValue()); } $onoff = $this->arg('design_background-image_onoff'); $on = false; $off = false; if ($onoff == 'on') { $on = true; } else { $off = true; } $tile = $this->boolean('design_background-image_repeat'); // Hack to use Design's bit setter $scratch = new Design(); $scratch->setDisposition($on, $off, $tile); Config::save('design', 'disposition', $scratch->disposition); foreach ($settings as $setting) { Config::save('site', $setting, $values[$setting]); } if (isset($bgimage)) { Config::save('design', 'backgroundimage', $bgimage); } $config->query('COMMIT'); }
/** * Handle the request * * Check whether the credentials are valid and output the result * * @param array $args $_REQUEST data (unused) * * @return void */ function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { $this->clientError(_('This method requires a POST.'), 400, $this->format); return; } if (!in_array($this->format, array('xml', 'json'))) { $this->clientError(_('API method not found.'), 404, $this->format); return; } // Workaround for PHP returning empty $_POST and $_FILES when POST // length > post_max_size in php.ini if (empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) { // TRANS: Client error displayed when the number of bytes in a POST request exceeds a limit. // TRANS: %s is the number of bytes of the CONTENT_LENGTH. $msg = _m('The server was unable to handle that much POST data (%s byte) due to its current configuration.', 'The server was unable to handle that much POST data (%s bytes) due to its current configuration.', intval($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); $this->clientError(sprintf($msg, $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); return; } if (empty($this->user)) { // TRANS: Client error when user not found updating a profile background image. $this->clientError(_('No such user.'), 404, $this->format); return; } $design = $this->user->getDesign(); // XXX: This is kinda gross, but before we can add a background // img we have to make sure there's a Design because design ID // is part of the img filename. if (empty($design)) { $this->user->query('BEGIN'); // save new design $design = new Design(); $id = $design->insert(); if (empty($id)) { common_log_db_error($id, 'INSERT', __FILE__); // TRANS: Client error displayed when saving design settings fails because of an empty id. $this->clientError(_('Unable to save your design settings.')); return; } $original = clone $this->user; $this->user->design_id = $id; $result = $this->user->update($original); if (empty($result)) { common_log_db_error($original, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); // TRANS: Client error displayed when saving design settings fails because of an empty result. $this->clientError(_('Unable to save your design settings.')); $this->user->query('ROLLBACK'); return; } $this->user->query('COMMIT'); } // Okay, now get the image and add it to the design try { $imagefile = ImageFile::fromUpload('image'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->clientError($e->getMessage(), 400, $this->format); return; } $filename = Design::filename($design->id, image_type_to_extension($imagefile->type), common_timestamp()); $filepath = Design::path($filename); move_uploaded_file($imagefile->filepath, $filepath); // delete any old backround img laying around if (isset($design->backgroundimage)) { @unlink(Design::path($design->backgroundimage)); } $original = clone $design; $design->backgroundimage = $filename; $design->setDisposition(true, false, $this->tile == 'true'); $result = $design->update($original); if ($result === false) { common_log_db_error($design, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); // TRANS: Error displayed when updating design settings fails. $this->showForm(_('Could not update your design.')); return; } $profile = $this->user->getProfile(); if (empty($profile)) { // TRANS: Client error displayed when a user has no profile. $this->clientError(_('User has no profile.')); return; } $twitter_user = $this->twitterUserArray($profile, true); if ($this->format == 'xml') { $this->initDocument('xml'); $this->showTwitterXmlUser($twitter_user, 'user', true); $this->endDocument('xml'); } elseif ($this->format == 'json') { $this->initDocument('json'); $this->showJsonObjects($twitter_user); $this->endDocument('json'); } }
/** * Alternate default colors * * @return nothing */ function sethd() { $user = common_current_user(); $design = $user->getDesign(); $user->query('BEGIN'); // alternate colors $design = new Design(); $design->backgroundcolor = 16184329; $design->contentcolor = 16059904; $design->sidebarcolor = 16059904; $design->textcolor = 0; $design->linkcolor = 16777215; $design->setDisposition(false, true, false); $id = $design->insert(); if (empty($id)) { common_log_db_error($id, 'INSERT', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your design settings!')); return; } $original = clone $user; $user->design_id = $id; $result = $user->update($original); if (empty($result)) { common_log_db_error($original, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); $this->showForm(_('Unable to save your design settings!')); $user->query('ROLLBACK'); return; } $user->query('COMMIT'); $this->saveBackgroundImage($design); $this->showForm(_('Enjoy your hotdog!'), true); }
/** * Save the new design settings * * @return void */ function saveDesignSettings() { // Workaround for PHP returning empty $_POST and $_FILES when POST // length > post_max_size in php.ini if (empty($_FILES) && empty($_POST) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) { // TRANS: Client error displayed when the number of bytes in a POST request exceeds a limit. // TRANS: %s is the number of bytes of the CONTENT_LENGTH. $msg = _m('The server was unable to handle that much POST data (%s byte) due to its current configuration.', 'The server was unable to handle that much POST data (%s bytes) due to its current configuration.', intval($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); $this->clientException(sprintf($msg, $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'])); return; } // check for file uploads $bgimage = $this->saveBackgroundImage(); $customTheme = $this->saveCustomTheme(); $oldtheme = common_config('site', 'theme'); if ($customTheme) { // This feels pretty hacky :D $this->args['theme'] = $customTheme; $themeChanged = true; } else { $themeChanged = $this->trimmed('theme') != $oldtheme; } static $settings = array('theme', 'logo', 'ssllogo'); $values = array(); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $values[$setting] = $this->trimmed($setting); } $this->validate($values); $config = new Config(); $config->query('BEGIN'); if ($themeChanged) { // If the theme has changed, reset custom colors and let them pick // up the new theme's defaults. $colors = array('background', 'content', 'sidebar', 'text', 'link'); foreach ($colors as $colorKey) { // Clear from global config so we see defaults on this page... $GLOBALS['config']['design'][$colorKey . 'color'] = false; // And remove old settings from DB... $this->deleteSetting('design', $colorKey . 'color'); } } else { // Only save colors from the form if the theme has not changed. // // @fixme a future more ajaxy form should allow theme switch // and color customization in one step. $bgcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_background')); $ccolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_content')); $sbcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_sidebar')); $tcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_text')); $lcolor = new WebColor($this->trimmed('design_links')); Config::save('design', 'backgroundcolor', $bgcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'contentcolor', $ccolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'sidebarcolor', $sbcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'textcolor', $tcolor->intValue()); Config::save('design', 'linkcolor', $lcolor->intValue()); } $onoff = $this->arg('design_background-image_onoff'); $on = false; $off = false; if ($onoff == 'on') { $on = true; } else { $off = true; } $tile = $this->boolean('design_background-image_repeat'); // Hack to use Design's bit setter $scratch = new Design(); $scratch->setDisposition($on, $off, $tile); Config::save('design', 'disposition', $scratch->disposition); foreach ($settings as $setting) { Config::save('site', $setting, $values[$setting]); } if (isset($bgimage)) { Config::save('design', 'backgroundimage', $bgimage); } if (common_config('custom_css', 'enabled')) { $css = $this->arg('css'); if ($css != common_config('custom_css', 'css')) { Config::save('custom_css', 'css', $css); } } $config->query('COMMIT'); }