} } $delay = 0; if (isset($_POST["secure"]) and $_POST["secure"] == "yes") { $p = $p->ice_secure(true); } if (isset($_POST["timeout"]) and $_POST["timeout"] == "yes") { $p = $p->ice_timeout(2000); } if (isset($_POST["delay"]) and $_POST["delay"] == "yes") { $delay = 2500; } if ($p->ice_isTwoway()) { $hello = Demo_HelloPrxHelper::checkedCast($p); } else { $hello = Demo_HelloPrxHelper::uncheckedCast($p); } if (isset($_POST["sayHello"])) { $hello->sayHello($delay); } elseif (isset($_POST["shutdown"])) { $hello->shutdown(); } echo "OK\n"; } catch (Ice_LocalException $ex) { echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($ex); echo "</pre>\n"; } echo "</B></P>\n"; echo "<HR>\n"; }
session_start(); try { // // Attempt to retrieve the communicator that was registered in login.php // for the session ID. // $ICE = Ice_find(session_id()); if (!isset($_SESSION['authenticated']) || $ICE == null) { echo "<P><HR><B>\n"; echo "No active session found. Visit the <a href=\"login.php\">login</a> page to proceed.\n"; echo "</B><HR></P>\n"; exit; } if (isset($_POST["submitted"])) { if (isset($_POST["sayHello"])) { $hello = Demo_HelloPrxHelper::uncheckedCast($ICE->stringToProxy("hello:tcp -p 10000")); $hello->sayHello(0); echo "<P><HR><I>Success.</I><HR></P>\n"; } elseif (isset($_POST["logout"])) { try { $router = Glacier2_RouterPrxHelper::uncheckedCast($ICE->getDefaultRouter()); $router->destroySession(); } catch (Glacier2_SessionNotExistException $ex) { // // This exception is expected if the session has expired. // } catch (Exception $ex) { // Ignore. } unset($_SESSION['authenticated']); Ice_unregister(session_id());