public function save($appraisalconfigform)
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
     $appraisalconfigmodel = new Default_Model_Appraisalconfig();
     $departmentsmodel = new Default_Model_Departments();
     $businessunitsmodel = new Default_Model_Businessunits();
     $msgarray = array();
     $resultArr = array();
     $arrData = array();
     $prevBusinessunit = '';
     $errorflag = "true";
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     $businessunit_id = $this->_request->getParam('businessunit_id');
     $performance_app_flag = $this->_request->getParam('performance_app_flag');
     $department_id = $this->_request->getParam('department_id');
     $appraisal_mode = $this->_request->getParam('appraisal_mode');
     $approval_selection = $this->_request->getParam('approval_selection');
     $appraisal_ratings = $this->_request->getParam('appraisal_ratings');
     // Validation to check duplicate combinations
     $arrData = array("business_unit_id" => $businessunit_id, "department_id" => $department_id, "id" => $id);
     if ($appraisalconfigmodel->combinationExists($arrData)) {
         $msgarray['businessunit_id'] = 'Business unit or department configuration already exists.';
         $errorflag = "false";
     /** Start
      * Validating selection of department if implementaion is department wise
     if ($performance_app_flag == 0) {
         if ($department_id == '') {
             $msgarray['department_id'] = 'Please select department.';
             $errorflag = "false";
     			End validating selection of department
     /** Start
                 Validating unique service desk department
     if ($businessunit_id != '' && $id == '') {
         $appraisalconigfArr = $appraisalconfigmodel->checkuniqueAppraisalConfigData($businessunit_id, $performance_app_flag, $department_id);
         if (!empty($appraisalconigfArr)) {
             if ($appraisalconigfArr[0]['count'] > 0) {
                 $msgarray['department_id'] = 'Please select a different department.';
                 $errorflag = "false";
     /** End
      * Validating uniques  department
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     if ($appraisalconfigform->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) && $errorflag == 'true') {
         try {
             $menumodel = new Default_Model_Menu();
             $actionflag = '';
             $tableid = '';
             $data = array('businessunit_id' => $businessunit_id, 'department_id' => $department_id != '' ? $department_id : NULL, 'performance_app_flag' => $performance_app_flag, 'appraisal_mode' => $appraisal_mode, 'appraisal_ratings' => $appraisal_ratings, 'module_flag' => 1, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             if ($id != '') {
                 /* for Update record  */
                 $where = array('id=?' => $id);
                 $actionflag = 2;
             } else {
                 /* for Insert new record  */
                 $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                 $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $data['isactive'] = 1;
                 $where = '';
                 $actionflag = 1;
             $Id = $appraisalconfigmodel->SaveorUpdateAppraisalConfigData($data, $where);
             if ($Id == 'update') {
                 $tableid = $id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Appraisal settings updated successfully"));
             } else {
                 $tableid = $Id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Appraisal settings added successfully"));
             $menuidArr = $menumodel->getMenuObjID('/appraisalconfig');
             $menuID = $menuidArr[0]['id'];
             $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $tableid);
             /** Start
              * Sending Mails to employees
             /*    if($performance_app_flag == 0)
             						$employeeDetailsArr = $appraisalconfigmodel->getUserDetailsByID($businessunit_id,$department_id);
             						$employeeDetailsArr = $appraisalconfigmodel->getUserDetailsByID($businessunit_id,'');
             						$msg_add_update = ($Id == 'update') ? "updated" : "added" ;
             								  //Sending mail to Super admin					
             								$options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME.': Performance Appraisal Settings '.ucfirst($msg_add_update);
                                             $options['header'] = 'Performance Appraisal Configuration';
                                             $options['toEmail'] = SUPERADMIN_EMAIL;  
                                             $options['toName'] = 'Super Admin';
                                             $options['message'] = 'Dear Super Admin, performance appraisal configuration '.$msg_add_update;
                                            // $mail_id =  sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options); 
             						//sending mail to others
             							foreach($employeeDetailsArr as $emp)
             								$options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME.': Performance Appraisal Settings Added.';
                                             $options['header'] = 'Performance Appraisal Configuration';
                                             $options['toEmail'] = $emp['emailaddress'];  
                                             $options['toName'] = $emp['userfullname'];
                                             $options['message'] = 'Dear '.$emp['userfullname'].', performance appraisal configuration '.$msg_add_update;
                                            // $mail_id =  sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options); 
             					 * End
             throw new Exception("Some error message");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
             echo $e->getTraceAsString();
             return $msgarray;
     } else {
         $messages = $appraisalconfigform->getMessages();
         foreach ($messages as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                 $msgarray[$key] = $val2;
         if (isset($businessunit_id) && $businessunit_id != '') {
             if ($performance_app_flag == 0) {
                 $departmentlistArr = $departmentsmodel->getDepartmentList($businessunit_id);
                 if (!empty($departmentlistArr)) {
                     foreach ($departmentlistArr as $departmentlist) {
                         $appraisalconfigform->department_id->addMultiOption($departmentlist['id'], utf8_encode($departmentlist['deptname']));
             if (isset($department_id) && $department_id != 0 && $department_id != '') {
                 $appraisalconfigform->setDefault('department_id', $department_id);
         return $msgarray;
 public function save($appraisalconfigform)
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
         $loginuserRole = $auth->getStorage()->read()->emprole;
         $loginUserEmpId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->employeeId;
         $loginUserEmail = $auth->getStorage()->read()->emailaddress;
         $loginUsername = $auth->getStorage()->read()->userfullname;
     $appraisalconfigmodel = new Default_Model_Appraisalconfig();
     $departmentsmodel = new Default_Model_Departments();
     $businessunitsmodel = new Default_Model_Businessunits();
     $msgarray = array();
     $resultArr = array();
     $arrData = array();
     $prevBusinessunit = '';
     $errorflag = "true";
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     $businessunit_id = $this->_request->getParam('businessunit_id');
     $performance_app_flag = $this->_request->getParam('performance_app_flag');
     $department_id = $this->_request->getParam('department_id');
     $appraisal_mode = $this->_request->getParam('appraisal_mode');
     $approval_selection = $this->_request->getParam('approval_selection');
     $appraisal_ratings = $this->_request->getParam('appraisal_ratings');
     // Validation to check duplicate combinations
     $arrData = array("business_unit_id" => $businessunit_id, "department_id" => $department_id, "id" => $id);
     if ($appraisalconfigmodel->combinationExists($arrData)) {
         $msgarray['businessunit_id'] = 'Business unit or department configuration already exists.';
         $errorflag = "false";
     /** Start
      * Validating selection of department if implementaion is department wise
     if ($performance_app_flag == 0) {
         if ($department_id == '') {
             $msgarray['department_id'] = 'Please select department.';
             $errorflag = "false";
     			End validating selection of department
     /** Start
                 Validating unique service desk department
     if ($businessunit_id != '' && $id == '') {
         $appraisalconigfArr = $appraisalconfigmodel->checkuniqueAppraisalConfigData($businessunit_id, $performance_app_flag, $department_id);
         if (!empty($appraisalconigfArr)) {
             if ($appraisalconigfArr[0]['count'] > 0) {
                 $msgarray['department_id'] = 'Please select a different department.';
                 $errorflag = "false";
     /** End
      * Validating uniques  department
     $db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
     if ($appraisalconfigform->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) && $errorflag == 'true') {
         try {
             $actionflag = '';
             $tableid = '';
             $data = array('businessunit_id' => $businessunit_id, 'department_id' => $department_id != '' ? $department_id : NULL, 'performance_app_flag' => $performance_app_flag, 'appraisal_mode' => $appraisal_mode, 'appraisal_ratings' => $appraisal_ratings, 'module_flag' => 1, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             if ($id != '') {
                 /* for Update record  */
                 $where = array('id=?' => $id);
                 $actionflag = 2;
             } else {
                 /* for Insert new record  */
                 $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                 $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $data['isactive'] = 1;
                 $where = '';
                 $actionflag = 1;
             $Id = $appraisalconfigmodel->SaveorUpdateAppraisalConfigData($data, $where);
             if ($Id == 'update') {
                 $tableid = $id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Appraisal settings updated successfully"));
             } else {
                 $tableid = $Id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Appraisal settings added successfully"));
              *   Logs Storing
             $menuID = APPRAISAL_SETTINGS;
             $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $tableid);
              *  Logs storing ends
             /** Start
              * Sending Mails to employees
             if ($performance_app_flag == 0) {
                 $appraisal_details = $appraisalconfigmodel->getBunitDept($businessunit_id, $department_id);
             } else {
                 $appraisal_details = $appraisalconfigmodel->getBunit($businessunit_id);
             $employeeDetailsArr = $appraisalconfigmodel->getUserDetailsByID($businessunit_id, $department_id);
             if (!empty($appraisal_details)) {
                 $bunit = $appraisal_details['unitname'];
                 $dept = $appraisal_details['deptname'];
             $msg_add_update = $Id == 'update' ? "Updated" : "Configured";
             $dept_str = $dept == '' ? " " : "and <b>{$dept}</b> department";
             $emp_id_str = $loginuserRole == SUPERADMINROLE ? " " : "({$loginUserEmpId})";
             //Preparing Employee array for BCc
             $empArr = array();
             if (!empty($employeeDetailsArr)) {
                 $empArrList = '';
                 foreach ($employeeDetailsArr as $emp) {
                     array_push($empArr, $emp['emailaddress']);
             //Sending mail to Super admin
             $options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME . ': Performance Appraisal Configuration ' . ucfirst($msg_add_update);
             $options['header'] = 'Performance Appraisal';
             $options['toEmail'] = SUPERADMIN_EMAIL;
             $options['bcc'] = $empArr;
             $options['toName'] = 'Super Admin';
             $options['message'] = "<div style='padding: 0; text-align: left; font-size:14px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span style='color:#3b3b3b;'>Hi,</span><br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding:20px 0 0 0;color:#3b3b3b;'>Performance appraisal settings are {$msg_add_update} for <b>{$bunit}</b> business unit {$dept_str} by " . $loginUsername . $emp_id_str . " </div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div style='padding:20px 0 10px 0;'>Please <a href=" . BASE_URL . " target='_blank' style='color:#b3512f;'>click here</a> to login  to <b>" . APPLICATION_NAME . "</b> and check the details.</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div> ";
             $mail_id = sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options);
              * End
             throw new Exception("Some error message");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo $e->getMessage();
             echo $e->getTraceAsString();
             return $msgarray;
     } else {
         $messages = $appraisalconfigform->getMessages();
         foreach ($messages as $key => $val) {
             foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) {
                 $msgarray[$key] = $val2;
         if (isset($businessunit_id) && $businessunit_id != '') {
             if ($performance_app_flag == 0) {
                 $departmentlistArr = $departmentsmodel->getDepartmentList($businessunit_id);
                 if (!empty($departmentlistArr)) {
                     foreach ($departmentlistArr as $departmentlist) {
                         $appraisalconfigform->department_id->addMultiOption($departmentlist['id'], utf8_encode($departmentlist['deptname']));
             if (isset($department_id) && $department_id != 0 && $department_id != '') {
                 $appraisalconfigform->setDefault('department_id', $department_id);
         return $msgarray;