function __construct($fid) { global $dsql; $this->FreeID = $fid; $this->TypeLink = new TypeLink(0); $this->dsql = $dsql; $this->maintable = '#@__archives'; $this->TempletsFile = ''; $this->FLInfos = $this->dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__freelist` where aid='{$fid}' "); $liststr = $this->FLInfos['listtag']; $this->FLInfos['maxpage'] = empty($this->FLInfos['maxpage']) ? 100 : $this->FLInfos['maxpage']; //载入数据里保存的列表属性信息 $ndtp = new DedeTagParse(); $ndtp->SetNameSpace("dede", "{", "}"); $ndtp->LoadString($liststr); $this->ListObj = $ndtp->GetTag('list'); $this->PageSize = $this->ListObj->GetAtt('pagesize'); if (empty($this->PageSize)) { $this->PageSize = 30; } $channelid = $this->ListObj->GetAtt('channel'); /* if(empty($channelid)) { showmsg('必须指定频道','-1');exit(); } else { $channelid = intval($channelid); $channelinfo = $this->dsql->getone("select maintable from #@__channeltype where id='$channelid'"); $this->maintable = $channelinfo['maintable']; } */ $channelid = intval($channelid); $this->maintable = '#@__archives'; //全局模板解析器 $this->dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $this->dtp->SetNameSpace("dede", "{", "}"); $this->dtp->SetRefObj($this); //设置一些全局参数的值 $this->Fields['aid'] = $this->FLInfos['aid']; $this->Fields['title'] = $this->FLInfos['title']; $this->Fields['position'] = $this->FLInfos['title']; $this->Fields['keywords'] = $this->FLInfos['keywords']; $this->Fields['description'] = $this->FLInfos['description']; $channelid = $this->ListObj->GetAtt('channel'); if (!empty($channelid)) { $this->Fields['channeltype'] = $channelid; $this->ChannelUnit = new ChannelUnit($channelid); } else { $this->Fields['channeltype'] = 0; } foreach ($GLOBALS['PubFields'] as $k => $v) { $this->Fields[$k] = $v; } $this->PartView = new PartView(); $this->CountRecord(); }
function lib_flinktype(&$ctag, &$refObj) { global $dsql; $attlist = "row|24,titlelen|24"; FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist); extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP); $totalrow = $row; $revalue = ''; $equery = "SELECT * FROM #@__flinktype order by id asc limit 0,{$totalrow}"; if (trim($ctag->GetInnerText()) == '') { $innertext = "<li>[field:typename /]</li>"; } else { $innertext = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } if (!isset($type)) { $type = ''; } $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->SetNameSpace("dede", "{", "}"); $dtp->LoadString($innertext); $dsql->SetQuery($equery); $dsql->Execute(); $rs = ''; $row = array(); while ($dbrow = $dsql->GetObject()) { $row[] = $dbrow; } $dedecms = false; $dedecms->id = 999; $dedecms->typename = '织梦链'; if ($type == 'dedecms') { $row[] = $dedecms; } foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (is_array($dtp->CTags)) { $GLOBALS['envs']['flinkid'] = $value->id; foreach ($dtp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) { $tagname = $ctag->GetName(); if ($tagname == "flink") { $dtp->Assign($tagid, lib_flink($ctag, $refObj)); } } } $rs = $dtp->GetResult(); $rs = preg_replace("/\\[field:id([\\/\\s]{0,})\\]/isU", $value->id, $rs); $rs = preg_replace("/\\[field:typename([\\/\\s]{0,})\\]/isU", $value->typename, $rs); $revalue .= $rs; } return $revalue; }
function lib_booklist(&$ctag, &$refObj, $getcontent = 0) { global $dsql, $envs, $cfg_dbprefix, $cfg_cmsurl; //属性处理 $attlist = "row|12,booktype|-1,titlelen|30,orderby|lastpost,author|,keyword|"; FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist); extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP); if (!$dsql->IsTable("{$cfg_dbprefix}story_books")) { return '没安装连载模块'; } $addquery = ''; if (empty($innertext)) { if ($getcontent == 0) { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('booklist.htm'); } else { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('bookcontentlist.htm'); } } //图书类型 if ($booktype != -1) { $addquery .= " And b.booktype='{$booktype}' "; } //推荐 if ($orderby == 'commend') { $addquery .= " And b.iscommend=1 "; $orderby = 'lastpost'; } //作者条件 if (!empty($author)) { $addquery .= " And like '{$author}' "; } //关键字条件 if (!empty($keyword)) { $keywords = explode(',', $keyword); $keywords = array_unique($keywords); if (count($keywords) > 0) { $addquery .= " And ("; } foreach ($keywords as $v) { $addquery .= " CONCAT(,b.bookname,b.keywords) like '%{$v}%' OR"; } $addquery = ereg_replace(" OR\$", "", $addquery); $addquery .= ")"; } $clist = ''; $query = "Select,b.catid,b.ischeck,b.booktype,b.iscommend,,b.bookname,b.lastpost,\r\n \t\,b.mid,b.litpic,b.pubdate,b.weekcc,b.monthcc,b.description,c.classname,c.classname as typename,c.booktype as catalogtype\r\n \t\tFrom `#@__story_books` b left join `#@__story_catalog` c on\r\n \t\twhere b.postnum>0 And b.ischeck>0 {$addquery} order by b.{$orderby} desc limit 0, {$row}"; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute(); $ndtp = new DedeTagParse(); $ndtp->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) { $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; $row['title'] = $row['bookname']; $ndtp->LoadString($innertext); //获得图书最新的一个更新章节 $row['contenttitle'] = ''; $row['contentid'] = ''; if ($getcontent == 1) { $nrow = $dsql->GetOne("Select id,title,chapterid From `#@__story_content` where bookid='{$row['id']}' order by id desc "); $row['contenttitle'] = $nrow['title']; $row['contentid'] = $nrow['id']; } if ($row['booktype'] == 1) { $row['contenturl'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/show-photo.php?id=' . $row['contentid']; } else { $row['contenturl'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/story.php?id=' . $row['contentid']; } //动态网址 $row['dmbookurl'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/book.php?id=' . $row['id']; //静态网址 $row['bookurl'] = $row['url'] = GetBookUrl($row['id'], $row['bookname']); $row['catalogurl'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/list.php?id=' . $row['catid']; $row['cataloglink'] = "<a href='{$row['catalogurl']}'>{$row['classname']}</a>"; $row['booklink'] = "<a href='{$row['bookurl']}'>{$row['bookname']}</a>"; $row['contentlink'] = "<a href='{$row['contenturl']}'>{$row['contenttitle']}</a>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='{$row['bookurl']}'><img src='{$row['litpic']}' width='{$imgwidth}' height='{$imgheight}' border='0' /></a>"; if ($row['ischeck'] == 2) { $row['ischeck'] = '已完成连载'; } else { $row['ischeck'] = '连载中...'; } if ($row['booktype'] == 0) { $row['booktypename'] = '小说'; } else { $row['booktypename'] = '漫画'; } if (is_array($ndtp->CTags)) { foreach ($ndtp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) { $tagname = $ctag->GetTagName(); if (isset($row[$tagname])) { $ndtp->Assign($tagid, $row[$tagname]); } else { $ndtp->Assign($tagid, ''); } } } $clist .= $ndtp->GetResult(); } return $clist; }
} $usemore = $arr['usemore']; $notename = $arr['notename']; $notes = array(); $dsql->FreeResult(); $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($arr['listconfig'] . $arr['itemconfig']); $channelid = $arr['channelid']; $notes['keywordtrim'] = ''; $notes['descriptiontrim'] = ''; foreach ($dtp->CTags as $tid => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'item') { $f = $ctag->GetAtt('field'); $notes[$f]['item'] = $ctag; $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); $notes[$f]['trim'] = ''; foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $ctag2) { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'trim') { $notes[$f]['trim'] .= "{dede:trim replace=\"" . $ctag2->GetAtt('replace') . "\"}" . $ctag2->GetInnerText() . "{/dede:trim}\r\n"; } else { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'match') { $notes[$f]['match'] = $ctag2->GetInnerText() . "\r\n"; } else { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'function') { $notes[$f]['function'] = $ctag2->GetInnerText() . "\r\n"; } } } } } else {
$row = $dsql->GetOne("Select ex.*,n.arcsource From `#@__conote` n left join `#@__co_exrule` ex on ex.aid=n.typeid where nid='$nid'"); if(!is_array($row)){ ShowMsg('找不到导入规则,无法完成操作!','javascript:;'); $dsql->Close(); exit(); } $channelid = $row['channelid']; $etype = $row['etype']; $arcsource = $row['arcsource']; $senddate = time(); $typeinfos = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__arctype` where ID='$typeid'",MYSQL_ASSOC); //分析规则,并生成临时的SQL语句 //------------------------------------- $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($row['ruleset']); $noteinfo = $dtp->GetTagByName('note'); $tablenames = explode(",",$noteinfo->GetAtt('tablename')); $autofield = $noteinfo->GetAtt('autofield'); $synfield = $noteinfo->GetAtt('synfield'); $tablename1 = str_replace('#@__',$cfg_dbprefix,$tablenames[0]); $tb1SqlKey = "Insert Into `$tablename1`($autofield"; $tb1SqlValue = " Values('@$autofield@'"; if(count($tablenames)>=2){ $tablename2 = str_replace('#@__',$cfg_dbprefix,$tablenames[1]); $tb2SqlKey = "Insert Into `$tablename2`("; $tb2SqlValue = " Values("; if($synfield!=''){ $tb2SqlKey .= $synfield; $tb2SqlValue .= "'@$synfield@'"; }
function SpGetFullList(&$dsql,$typeid=0,$channelid=0,$row=10,$titlelen=30,$infolen=160, $keyword='',$innertext='',$idlist='',$limitv='',$ismember=0,$orderby='',$imgwidth=120,$imgheight=120) { global $cfg_maxsearch,$cfg_al_cachetime; $row = AttDef($row,10); $line = $row; $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen,30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen,160); $channelid = AttDef($channelid,0); $ismember = AttDef($ismember,0); $limitv = AttDef($limitv,''); $keyword = trim($keyword); $typeid = AttDef($typeid,''); $innertext = trim($innertext); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth,120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight,120); $orderby = trim($orderby); if($innertext=="") $innertext = GetSysTemplets("part_arclist.htm"); if(empty($idlist)) $idlist = ''; else $idlist = ereg_replace("[^,0-9]","",$idlist); $orwhere = ''; $mintime = time() - ($cfg_al_cachetime * 3600); //指定的文档ID列表,通常是专题和相关文章,使用了idlist将不启用后面任何条件 $idlist = trim($idlist); if($idlist!='') { $orwhere .= " arcf.aid in ($idlist) And arcf.arcrank > -1 "; } //没使用idlist才启用这些条件 else { //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 $orwhere .= " arcf.arcrank > -1 "; //文档的频道模型 if(!empty($channelid)) $orwhere .= " And arcf.channelid = '$channelid' "; //是否为会员文档 if($ismember==1) $orwhere .= " And arcf.memberid>0 "; //指定栏目条件,如果用 "," 分开,可以指定特定类目 if(!empty($typeid) && empty($idlist)) { $reids = explode(",",$typeid); $ridnum = count($reids); if($ridnum>1){ $tpsql = ""; for($i=0;$i<$ridnum;$i++) { $sonids = TypeGetSunID($reids[$i],$dsql,'arc',0,true); $tpsql .= ($tpsql=='' ? $sonids : ','.$sonids); } $tpsql = " And arcf.typeid in ($tpsql) "; $orwhere .= $tpsql; unset($tpsql); }else{ $sonids = TypeGetSunID($typeid,$dsql,'arc',0,true); if(ereg(',',$sonids)) $orwhere .= " And arcf.typeid in ($sonids) "; else $orwhere .= " And arcf.typeid=$sonids "; } unset($reids); } //指定了关键字条件 if($keyword!="") { $keywords = explode(",",$keyword); $ridnum = count($keywords); $rstr = trim($keywords[0]); if($ridnum>4) $ridnum = 4; for($i=1;$i < $ridnum;$i++){ $keywords[$i] = trim($keywords[$i]); if($keywords[$i]!="") $rstr .= "|".$keywords[$i]; } if($rstr!="") $orwhere .= " And CONCAT(arcf.title,arcf.keywords) REGEXP '$rstr' "; unset($keywords); } }//没使用idlist才启用这些条件 //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ""; if($orderby=='rand') $ordersql = " order by rand()"; else if($orderby=='click'||$orderby=='hot') $ordersql = " order by desc"; else if($orderby=='digg') $ordersql = " order by arcf.digg desc"; else if($orderby=='diggtime') $ordersql = " order by arcf.diggtime desc"; else $ordersql=" order by arcf.aid desc"; //返回结果条数 if(!empty($limit)) $limitsql = " limit $limitv "; else $limitsql = " limit 0,$line "; //载入底层模板 $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]"); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); if(!is_array($dtp2->CTags)) return ''; //执行SQL查询 $query = "Select arcf.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl from `#@__full_search` arcf left join `#@__arctype` tp on arcf.typeid=tp.ID where $orwhere $ordersql $limitsql "; $md5hash = md5($query); $artlist = ''; $ids = ''; $needup = false; if($idlist=='' && $cfg_al_cachetime>0) { $ids = SpGetArclistDateCacheF($dsql,$md5hash); if($ids=='-1') $needup = true; else if($ids!='') { $query = "Select arcf.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl from `#@__full_search` arcf left join `#@__arctype` tp on arcf.typeid=tp.ID where arcf.aid in($ids) $ordersql $limitsql "; }else { return ''; } } $nids = array(); $t1 = ExecTime(); $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute("alf"); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; while($row = $dsql->GetArray("alf")) { //处理一些特殊字段 $row['description'] = cn_substr($row['addinfos'],$infolen); $nids[] = $row['id'] = $row['aid']; if(!isset($row['picname'])) $row['picname'] = ''; if($row['url']=='') $row['url'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl'].'/view.php?aid='.$row['aid']; $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = $row['url']; $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'],MfTypedir($row['typedir']),$row['isdefault'],$row['defaultname'],$row['ispart'],$row['namerule2'],$row['siteurl']); if($row['litpic']=="") $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['PubFields']['templeturl']."/img/default.gif"; $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; if($GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site']=='Y') { if($row['siteurl']=="") $row['siteurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite']; if(!eregi("^http://",$row['picname'])){ $row['litpic'] = $row['siteurl'].$row['litpic']; $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; } } $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['uptime']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='".$row['picname']."' border='0' width='$imgwidth' height='$imgheight' alt='".ereg_replace("['><]","",$row['title'])."' />"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='".$row['arcurl']."'>".$row['image']."</a>"; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'],$titlelen); $row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['arcurl']."'>".$row['title']."</a>"; foreach($dtp2->CTags as $k=>$ctag) { if(isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])){ $dtp2->Assign($k,$row[$ctag->GetName()]); } else $dtp2->Assign($k,''); } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult(); }//Loop Line $dsql->FreeResult("alf"); if($needup) { $ids = join(',',$nids); $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache_full`(`md5hash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('".$md5hash."', '".time()."', '$ids'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Delete From `#@__arccache_full` where md5hash='".$md5hash."' or uptime < $mintime "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } $t2 = ExecTime(); //echo "<hr>".($t2-$t1)." $query<hr>"; return $artlist; }
$dsql = new DedeSql(false); $row = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From #@__conote where nid='$nid' "); $dsql->Close(); $win->AddMsgItem("<textarea name='notes' style='width:100%;height:500px' rows='20'>{$row['noteinfo']}</textarea>"); $winform = $win->GetWindow("ok"); $win->Display(); exit(); } else { CheckPurview('co_EditNote'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../include/pub_dedetag.php"); $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dbnotes = $notes; $notes = stripslashes($notes); $dtp->LoadString($notes); if(!is_array($dtp->CTags)){ ShowMsg("该规则不合法,无法保存!","-1"); $dsql->Close(); exit(); } $ctag = $dtp->GetTagByName("item"); $query = " Update #@__conote set typeid='".$ctag->GetAtt('typeid')."', gathername='".$ctag->GetAtt('name')."', language='".$ctag->GetAtt('language')."', lasttime=0, savetime='".time()."', noteinfo='".$dbnotes."' where nid = $nid;
} } //符合需执行条件的任务 if ($isplay) { $dourl = trim($arr['dourl']); if (!file_exists("task/{$dourl}")) { echo $client == 'js' ? '' : 'notask'; exit; } else { $getConfigStr = trim($arr['parameter']); $getString = ''; if (ereg('t:', $getConfigStr)) { $getStrings = array(); $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->SetNameSpace('t', '<', '>'); $dtp->LoadString($getConfigStr); if (is_array($dtp->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp->CTags as $k => $ctag) { $getString .= ($getString == '' ? '' : '&') . $ctag->GetAtt('key') . '=' . urlencode($ctag->GetAtt('value')); } } } $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__sys_task` set lastrun='" . time() . "', sta='运行' where id='{$arr['id']}' "); if ($getString != '') { $dourl .= '?' . $getString; } if ($client == 'js') { header("location:{$cfg_phpurl}/task/{$dourl}"); } else { echo "{$cfg_phpurl}/task/{$dourl}"; }
ShowMsg("成功保存一条记录!", $backurl); exit; } $dsql->SetSql("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE aid='{$aid}'"); $dsql->Execute(); $row = $dsql->GetObject(); $isdown = $row->isdown; $nid = $row->nid; $url = $row->url; $dtime = $row->dtime; $body = $row->result; $litpic = $row->litpic; $fields = array(); if ($isdown == 0) { $co = new DedeCollection(); $co->LoadNote($nid); $co->DownUrl($aid, $url, $litpic); $co->dsql->SetSql("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE aid='{$aid}'"); $co->dsql->Execute(); $row = $co->dsql->GetObject(); $isdown = $row->isdown; $nid = $row->nid; $url = $row->url; $dtime = $row->dtime; $body = $row->result; $litpic = $row->litpic; } $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->SetNameSpace("dede", "{", "}"); $dtp->LoadString($body); include DedeInclude('templets/co_view.htm');
function SpGetArcList($dsql,$typeid=0,$row=10,$col=1,$titlelen=30,$infolen=160, $imgwidth=120,$imgheight=90,$listtype="all",$orderby="default",$keyword="",$innertext="", $tablewidth="100",$arcid=0,$idlist="",$channelid=0,$limit="",$att=0,$order="desc",$subday=0) { global $PubFields; $row = AttDef($row,10); $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen,30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen,160); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth,120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight,120); $listtype = AttDef($listtype,"all"); $arcid = AttDef($arcid,0); $channelid = AttDef($channelid,0); $orderby = AttDef($orderby,"default"); $orderWay = AttDef($order,"desc"); $subday = AttDef($subday,0); $line = $row; $orderby=strtolower($orderby); $tablewidth = str_replace("%","",$tablewidth); if($tablewidth=="") $tablewidth=100; if($col=="") $col = 1; $colWidth = ceil(100/$col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth."%"; $colWidth = $colWidth."%"; $keyword = trim($keyword); $innertext = trim($innertext); if($innertext=="") $innertext = GetSysTemplets("part_arclist.htm"); //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 $orwhere = " arc.arcrank > -1 "; //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文章、热门评论之类) if($subday>0){ $limitday = time() - ($oneday * 24 * 3600); $orwhere .= " And arc.senddate > $limitday "; } //文档的自定义属性 if($att!="") $orwhere .= "And arcatt='$att' "; //文档的频道模型 if($channelid>0 && !eregi("spec",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And = '$channelid' "; //是否为推荐文档 if(eregi("commend",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And arc.iscommend > 10 "; //是否为带缩略图图片文档 if(eregi("image",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And arc.litpic <> '' "; //是否为专题文档 if(eregi("spec",$listtype) || $channelid==-1) $orwhere .= " And = -1 "; //是否指定相近ID if($arcid!=0) $orwhere .= " And arc.ID<>'$arcid' "; //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ""; if($orderby=="hot"||$orderby=="click") $ordersql = " order by $orderWay"; else if($orderby=="pubdate") $ordersq = " order by arc.pubdate $orderWay"; else if($orderby=="sortrank") $ordersq = " order by arc.sortrank $orderWay"; else if($orderby=="id") $ordersql = " order by arc.ID $orderWay"; else if($orderby=="near") $ordersql = " order by ABS(arc.ID - ".$arcid.")"; else if($orderby=="lastpost") $ordersql = " order by arc.lastpost $orderWay"; else if($orderby=="postnum") $ordersql = " order by arc.postnum $orderWay"; else $ordersql=" order by arc.senddate $orderWay"; //类别ID的条件,如果用 "," 分开,可以指定特定类目 //------------------------------ if($typeid!=0) { $reids = explode(",",$typeid); $ridnum = count($reids); if($ridnum>1){ $tpsql = ""; for($i=0;$i<$ridnum;$i++){ if($tpsql=="") $tpsql .= " And (".TypeGetSunID($reids[$i],$dsql,'arc'); else $tpsql .= " Or ".TypeGetSunID($reids[$i],$dsql,'arc'); } $tpsql .= ") "; $orwhere .= $tpsql; unset($tpsql); } else{ $orwhere .= " And ".TypeGetSunID($typeid,$dsql,'arc'); } unset($reids); } //指定的文档ID列表 //---------------------------------- if($idlist!="") { $reids = explode(",",$idlist); $ridnum = count($reids); $idlistSql = ""; for($i=0;$i<$ridnum;$i++){ if($idlistSql=="") $idlistSql .= " And ( arc.ID='".$reids[$i]."' "; else $idlistSql .= " Or arc.ID='".$reids[$i]."' "; } $idlistSql .= ") "; $orwhere .= $idlistSql; unset($idlistSql); unset($reids); $row = $ridnum; } //关键字条件 if($keyword!="") { $keywords = explode(",",$keyword); $ridnum = count($keywords); $orwhere .= " And (arc.keywords like '%".trim($keywords[0])." %' "; for($i=1;$i<$ridnum;$i++){ if($keywords[$i]!="") $orwhere .= " Or arc.keywords like '%".trim($keywords[$i])." %' "; } $orwhere .= ")"; unset($keywords); } $limit = trim(eregi_replace("limit","",$limit)); if($limit!="") $limitsql = " limit $limit "; else $limitsql = " limit 0,$line "; ////////////// $query = "Select arc.ID,arc.title,arc.iscommend,arc.color,arc.typeid,arc.ismake, arc.description,arc.pubdate,arc.senddate,arc.arcrank,,, arc.litpic,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault, tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl from #@__archives arc left join #@__arctype tp on arc.typeid=tp.ID where $orwhere $ordersql $limitsql"; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute("al"); $artlist = ""; if($col>1) $artlist = "<table width='$tablewidth' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n"; $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]"); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; for($i=0;$i<$line;$i++) { if($col>1) $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; for($j=0;$j<$col;$j++) { if($col>1) $artlist .= " <td width='$colWidth'>\r\n"; if($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { //处理一些特殊字段 $row['description'] = cn_substr($row['description'],$infolen); $row['id'] = $row['ID']; file_put_contents("c:/ttt.txt",$row['id']); if($row['litpic']=="") $row['litpic'] = $PubFields['templeturl']."/img/default.gif"; $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'],$row['typeid'],$row['senddate'], $row['title'],$row['ismake'],$row['arcrank'],$row['namerule'], $row['typedir'],$row['money'],true,$row['siteurl']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'],MfTypedir($row['typedir']),$row['isdefault'],$row['defaultname'],$row['ispart'],$row['namerule2'],$row['siteurl']); $row['info'] = $row['description']; $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='".$row['picname']."' border='0' width='$imgwidth' height='$imgheight' alt='".ereg_replace("['><]","",$row['title'])."'>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['image']."</a>"; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'],$titlelen); $row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['title']."</a>"; if($row['color']!="") $row['title'] = "<font color='".$row['color']."'>".$row['title']."</font>"; if($row['iscommend']==5||$row['iscommend']==16) $row['title'] = "<b>".$row['title']."</b>"; $row['phpurl'] = $PubFields['phpurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $PubFields['templeturl']; if(is_array($dtp2->CTags)){ foreach($dtp2->CTags as $k=>$ctag){ if(isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) $dtp2->Assign($k,$row[$ctag->GetName()]); else $dtp2->Assign($k,""); } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult()."\r\n"; }//if hasRow else{ $artlist .= ""; } if($col>1) $artlist .= " </td>\r\n"; }//Loop Col if($col>1) $i += $col - 1; if($col>1) $artlist .= " </tr>\r\n"; }//Loop Line if($col>1) $artlist .= " </table>\r\n"; $dsql->FreeResult("al"); return $artlist; }
/** * caijixia for dedecms * @version $Id: cjx.class.php 112 2013-05-28 01:22:57Z qinjinpeng $ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011,caijixia for dedecms, * @license This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * @param NULL * @return NULL */ function ac_gettask() { AjaxHead(); $typeid = $this->gv('typeid'); $rs = cjxdb('kwkeyword')->where("typeid={$typeid}")->Fields('`type`,`keyword`')->select(); $keyword = $rss = $dx = $dxs = ''; require_once DEDEINC . "/dedetag.class.php"; $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); foreach ($rs as $r) { if ($r['type'] == 0) { $keyword .= empty($keyword) ? $r['keyword'] : "\r\n" . $r['keyword']; } else { if ($r['type'] == 1) { $rss .= empty($rss) ? $r['keyword'] : "\r\n" . $r['keyword']; } else { if ($r['type'] == 2) { $dx .= empty($dx) ? $r['keyword'] : "``" . $r['keyword']; $dtp->LoadString($r['keyword']); $dxt = $dtp->GetTagByName('list') ? $dtp->GetTagByName('list')->GetInnerText() : ''; $dxs .= "<span><a href='javascript:void(0);' style='float:right' onclick='delpage(this);'>删除</a><a href='javascript:void(0);' style='float:right' onclick='editpage(this);'>编辑 </a>" . $dxt . "</span>"; } else { } } } } $note = cjxdb('co_note')->Fields('nid,notename')->where('channelid=1')->select(); foreach ($note as $k => $v) { $ck = cjxdb('kwkeyword')->where("`keyword`={$v['nid']} AND `type`=3")->find(); if ($ck) { if ($ck['typeid'] == $typeid) { $note[$k]['btype'] = true; } else { $note[$k]['btype'] = $ck['typeid']; } } $note[$k]['channelname'] = '普通文章'; } $this->assign('typeid', $typeid); $this->assign('keyword', $keyword); $this->assign('rss', $rss); $this->assign('dx', $dx); $this->assign('dxs', $dxs); $this->assign('notelist', $note); $this->display(); }
} $row['channelid'] = $channelid; $row['rulename'] = "{$cinfos['typename']}模型"; $row['etype'] = "当前系统"; $row['dtime'] = $ntime; } } if(empty($exrule)) $exrule = $row['aid']; if(empty($exrule)){ ClearAllLink(); ShowMsg("读取规则错误,无法继续操作!","javascript:;"); exit(); } $ruleset = $row['ruleset']; $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($ruleset); $noteid = 0; if(is_array($dtp->CTags)) { foreach($dtp->CTags as $ctag){ if($ctag->GetName()=='field') $noteid++; if($ctag->GetName()=='note') $noteinfos = $ctag; } } else { ShowMsg("该规则不合法,无法进行生成采集配置!","-1"); $dsql->Close(); exit(); } require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/templets/co_add.htm");
$language = $ctag->GetAtt("language"); $matchtype = $ctag->GetAtt("matchtype"); $refurl = $ctag->GetAtt("refurl"); $isref = $ctag->GetAtt("isref"); $exptime = $ctag->GetAtt("exptime"); } else if($ctag->GetName()=="list") { $sunnote = $ctag->GetInnerText(); $dtp2->LoadString($sunnote); $source = $ctag->GetAtt('source'); $sourcetype = $ctag->GetAtt('sourcetype'); $varstart = $ctag->GetAtt('varstart'); $varend = $ctag->GetAtt('varend'); $urlTag = $dtp2->GetTagByName('url'); $needTag = $dtp2->GetTagByName('need'); $cannotTag = $dtp2->GetTagByName('cannot'); $linkareaTag = $dtp2->GetTagByName('linkarea'); } else if($ctag->GetName()=="art") { $sunnote = $ctag->GetInnerText(); $dtp3->LoadString($sunnote); $sppageTag = $dtp3->GetTagByName('sppage'); } } require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/templets/co_edit.htm"); ClearAllLink(); ?>
function LoadConfig($configString) { $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->SetNameSpace("dede","{","}"); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("dede","{","}"); $dtp3 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp3->SetNameSpace("dede","{","}"); $dtp->LoadString($configString); for($i=0;$i<=$dtp->Count;$i++) { $ctag = $dtp->CTags[$i]; //item 配置 //节点基本信息 if($ctag->GetName()=="item") { $this->Item["name"] = $ctag->GetAtt("name"); $this->Item["typeid"] = $ctag->GetAtt("typeid"); $this->Item["imgurl"] = $ctag->GetAtt("imgurl"); $this->Item["imgdir"] = $ctag->GetAtt("imgdir"); $this->Item["language"] = $ctag->GetAtt("language"); $this->Item["matchtype"] = $ctag->GetAtt("matchtype"); $this->Item["isref"] = $ctag->GetAtt("isref"); $this->Item["refurl"] = $ctag->GetAtt("refurl"); $this->Item["exptime"] = $ctag->GetAtt("exptime"); if($this->Item["matchtype"]=="") $this->Item["matchtype"]="string"; //创建图片保存目录 $updir = dirname(__FILE__)."/".$this->Item["imgdir"]."/"; $updir = str_replace("\\","/",$updir); $updir = preg_replace("/\/{1,}/","/",$updir); if(!is_dir($updir)) MkdirAll($updir,$GLOBALS['cfg_dir_purview']); } //list 配置 //要采集的列表页的信息 else if($ctag->GetName()=="list") { $this->List["varstart"]= $ctag->GetAtt("varstart"); $this->List["varend"] = $ctag->GetAtt("varend"); $this->List["source"] = $ctag->GetAtt("source"); $this->List["sourcetype"] = $ctag->GetAtt("sourcetype"); $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); for($j=0;$j<=$dtp2->Count;$j++) { $ctag2 = $dtp2->CTags[$j]; $tname = $ctag2->GetName(); if($tname=="need"){ $this->List["need"] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); }else if($tname=="cannot"){ $this->List["cannot"] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else if($tname=="linkarea"){ $this->List["linkarea"] = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); }else if($tname=="url") { $gurl = trim($ctag2->GetAtt("value")); //手工指定列表网址 if($this->List["source"]=="app") { $turl = trim($ctag2->GetInnerText()); $turls = explode("\n",$turl); $l_tj = 0; foreach($turls as $turl){ $turl = trim($turl); if($turl=="") continue; if(!eregi("^http://",$turl)) $turl = "http://".$turl; $this->List["url"][$l_tj] = $turl; $l_tj++; } } //用分页变量产生的网址 else { if(eregi("var:分页",trim($ctag2->GetAtt("value")))){ if($this->List["varstart"]=="") $this->List["varstart"]=1; if($this->List["varend"]=="") $this->List["varend"]=10; $l_tj = 0; for($l_em = $this->List["varstart"];$l_em<=$this->List["varend"];$l_em++){ $this->List["url"][$l_tj] = str_replace("[var:分页]",$l_em,$gurl); $l_tj++; } }//if set var else{ $this->List["url"][0] = $gurl; } } } }//End inner Loop1 } //art 配置 //要采集的文章页的信息 else if($ctag->GetName()=="art") { $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); for($j=0;$j<=$dtp2->Count;$j++) { $ctag2 = $dtp2->CTags[$j]; //文章要采集的字段的信息及处理方式 if($ctag2->GetName()=="note"){ $field = $ctag2->GetAtt('field'); if($field == "") continue; $this->ArtNote[$field]["value"] = $ctag2->GetAtt('value'); $this->ArtNote[$field]["isunit"] = $ctag2->GetAtt('isunit'); $this->ArtNote[$field]["isdown"] = $ctag2->GetAtt('isdown'); $dtp3->LoadString($ctag2->GetInnerText()); for($k=0;$k<=$dtp3->Count;$k++) { $ctag3 = $dtp3->CTags[$k]; if($ctag3->GetName()=="trim"){ $this->ArtNote[$field]["trim"][] = $ctag3->GetInnerText(); } else if($ctag3->GetName()=="match"){ $this->ArtNote[$field]["match"] = $ctag3->GetInnerText(); } else if($ctag3->GetName()=="function"){ $this->ArtNote[$field]["function"] = $ctag3->GetInnerText(); } } } else if($ctag2->GetName()=="sppage"){ $this->ArtNote["sppage"] = $ctag2->GetInnerText(); $this->ArtNote["sptype"] = $ctag2->GetAtt('sptype'); } }//End inner Loop2 } }//End Loop $dtp->Clear(); $dtp2->Clear(); }
function lib_arclistsg(&$ctag, &$refObj) { global $dsql, $PubFields, $cfg_keyword_like, $cfg_index_cache, $_arclistEnv, $envs, $_sys_globals; //属性处理 $attlist = "typeid|0,row|10,col|1,flag|,titlelen|30,sort|default,keyword|,innertext|,arcid|0,idlist|,channelid|0,limit|,orderway|desc,subday|0"; FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist); extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP); $line = $row; $orderby = strtolower($sort); if ($col == '') { $col = 1; } if (empty($imgwidth)) { $imgwidth = ""; } if (empty($imgheight)) { $imgheight = ""; } $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); if ($innertext == '') { $innertext = GetSysTemplets("part_arclistsg.htm"); } if (empty($channelid) && isset($GLOBALS['envs']['channelid'])) { $channelid = $GLOBALS['envs']['channelid']; } if (empty($typeid) && !empty($envs['typeid'])) { $typeid = $envs['typeid']; } if (empty($typeid) && empty($channelid)) { return "No channel info!"; } if (!empty($channelid)) { $gquery = "SELECT addtable,listfields FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id='{$channelid}' "; } else { $gquery = "SELECT ch.addtable,listfields FROM `#@__arctype` tp LEFT JOIN `#@__channeltype` ch ON WHERE id='{$typeid}'"; } $row = $dsql->GetOne($gquery); $orwheres = array(); $maintable = trim($row['addtable']); if ($maintable == '') { return "No addtable info!"; } //列表调用字段 $listarcs = array('aid', 'typeid'); if (!empty($row['listfields'])) { $listfields = explode(',', $row['listfields']); foreach ($listfields as $v) { if (!in_array($v, $listarcs)) { $listarcs[] = $v; } } } $arclistquery = join(',', $listarcs); $arclistquery .= ",arc.aid AS id,arc.senddate AS pubdate"; //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 if ($idlist == '') { if ($orderby == 'near' && $cfg_keyword_like == 'N') { $keyword = ''; } //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文章、热门评论之类) if ($subday > 0) { //这里的时间只能计算到天,否则缓存功能将无效 $ntime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')); $limitday = $ntime - $subday * 24 * 3600; $orwheres[] = " arc.senddate > {$limitday} "; } if ($flag != '') { $flags = explode(',', $flag); for ($i = 0; isset($flags[$i]); $i++) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$flags[$i]}',flag)>0 "; } } if (!empty($typeid)) { //指定了多个栏目时,不再获取子类的id if (preg_match('#,#', $typeid)) { $orwheres[] = " typeid IN ({$typeid}) "; } else { //处理交叉栏目 $CrossID = ''; if ((isset($envs['cross']) || $ctag->GetAtt('cross') == '1') && $ctag->GetAtt('nocross') != '1') { $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT `id`,`topid`,`cross`,`crossid`,`ispart`,`typename` FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='{$typeid}' "); if ($arr['cross'] == 0 || $arr['cross'] == 2 && trim($arr['crossid'] == '')) { $orwheres[] = ' typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $selquery = ''; if ($arr['cross'] == 1) { $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE typename like '{$arr['typename']}' AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } else { $arr['crossid'] = preg_replace('#[^0-9,]#', '', trim($arr['crossid'])); if ($arr['crossid'] != '') { $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id IN('{$arr['crossid']}') AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } } if ($selquery != '') { $dsql->SetQuery($selquery); $dsql->Execute(); while ($arr = $dsql->GetArray()) { $CrossID .= $CrossID == '' ? $arr['id'] : ',' . $arr['id']; } } } } if ($CrossID == '') { $orwheres[] = ' typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $orwheres[] = ' typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ',' . $CrossID . ')'; } } } //频道ID if (!empty($channelid)) { $orwheres[] = " AND = '{$channelid}' "; } //由于这个条件会导致缓存功能失去意义,因此取消 //if($arcid!=0) $orwheres[] = "<>'$arcid' "; } //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ''; if ($orderby == 'hot' || $orderby == 'click') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY {$orderway}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'id') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.aid {$orderway}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'near') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY ABS( - " . $arcid . ")"; } else { if ($orderby == 'rand') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY rand()"; } else { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.aid {$orderway}"; } } } } //limit条件 $limit = trim(preg_replace('#limit#i', '', $limit)); if ($limit != '') { $limitsql = " LIMIT {$limit} "; } else { $limitsql = " LIMIT 0,{$line} "; } $orwhere = ''; if (isset($orwheres[0])) { $orwhere = join(' AND ', $orwheres); $orwhere = preg_replace("#^ AND#i", '', $orwhere); $orwhere = preg_replace("#AND[ ]{1,}AND#i", 'AND ', $orwhere); } if ($orwhere != '') { $orwhere = " WHERE {$orwhere} "; } $query = "SELECT {$arclistquery},tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,\n tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\n FROM `{$maintable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON\n {$orwhere} AND arc.arcrank > -1 {$ordersql} {$limitsql}"; $md5hash = md5($query); $needcache = TRUE; if ($idlist != '') { $needcache = FALSE; } else { $idlist = GetArclistSgCache($md5hash); if ($idlist != '') { $needcache = FALSE; } } //指定了id或使用缓存中的id if ($idlist != '' && $_arclistEnv != 'index') { $query = "SELECT {$arclistquery},tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,\n tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath FROM `{$maintable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON\n WHERE arc.aid IN({$idlist}) {$ordersql} {$limitsql}"; } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute("al"); $artlist = ""; $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]"); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " <div>\r\n"; } if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['aid']; $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'], $row['typeid'], $row['senddate'], $row['title'], 1, 0, $row['namerule'], $row['typedir'], 0, '', $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'], $row['typedir'], $row['isdefault'], $row['defaultname'], $row['ispart'], $row['namerule2'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'] . '/images/defaultpic.gif'; } if (!preg_match("#^http:\\/\\/#i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'] . $row['litpic']; } $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['image'] = "<img src='" . $row['picname'] . "' border='0' width='{$imgwidth}' height='{$imgheight}' alt='" . preg_replace("#['><]#", "", $row['title']) . "' />"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['image'] . "</a>"; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='" . $row['typeurl'] . "'>" . $row['typename'] . "</a>"; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen); $row['textlink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</a>"; $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl']; $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl']; if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $k => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') { //传递整个数组,在runphp模式中有特殊作用 $dtp2->Assign($k, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($k, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); } else { $dtp2->Assign($k, ''); } } } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult() . "\r\n"; } else { $artlist .= ''; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </div>\r\n"; } } //Loop Col if ($col > 1) { $i += $col - 1; } } //loop line $dsql->FreeResult("al"); //保存ID缓存 $idsstr = join(',', $ids); if ($idsstr != '' && $needcache && $cfg_index_cache > 0) { $mintime = time() - $cfg_index_cache * 3600; $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache`(`md5hash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('" . $md5hash . "', '" . time() . "', '{$idsstr}'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__arccache` WHERE md5hash='" . $md5hash . "' or uptime < {$mintime} "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } return $artlist; }
function lib_arclistDone(&$refObj, &$ctag, $typeid = 0, $row = 10, $col = 1, $titlelen = 30, $infolen = 160, $imgwidth = 120, $imgheight = 90, $listtype = 'all', $orderby = 'default', $keyword = '', $innertext = '', $arcid = 0, $idlist = '', $channelid = 0, $limit = '', $att = '', $order = 'desc', $subday = 0, $noflag = '') { global $dsql, $PubFields, $cfg_keyword_like, $cfg_index_cache, $_arclistEnv, $envs, $cfg_cache_type; $row = AttDef($row, 10); $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen, 30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen, 160); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth, 120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight, 120); $listtype = AttDef($listtype, 'all'); $arcid = AttDef($arcid, 0); $channelid = AttDef($channelid, 0); $orderby = AttDef($orderby, 'default'); $orderWay = AttDef($order, 'desc'); $subday = AttDef($subday, 0); $line = $row; $orderby = strtolower($orderby); $keyword = trim($keyword); $innertext = trim($innertext); $tablewidth = $ctag->GetAtt('tablewidth'); $writer = $ctag->GetAtt('writer'); if ($tablewidth == "") { $tablewidth = 100; } if (empty($col)) { $col = 1; } $colWidth = ceil(100 / $col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth . "%"; $colWidth = $colWidth . "%"; if ($innertext == '') { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_arclist.htm'); } if (@$ctag->GetAtt('getall') == 1) { $getall = 1; } else { $getall = 0; } if ($att == '0') { $att = ''; } if ($att == '3') { $att = 'f'; } if ($att == '1') { $att = 'h'; } $orwheres = array(); $maintable = '#@__archives'; //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 if ($idlist == '') { if ($orderby == 'near' && $cfg_keyword_like == 'N') { $keyword = ''; } if ($writer == 'this') { $wmid = isset($refObj->Fields['mid']) ? $refObj->Fields['mid'] : 0; $orwheres[] = " arc.mid = '{$wmid}' "; } //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文章、热门评论之类),这里的时间只能计算到天,否则缓存功能将无效 if ($subday > 0) { $ntime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')); $limitday = $ntime - $subday * 24 * 3600; $orwheres[] = " arc.senddate > {$limitday} "; } //关键字条件 if ($keyword != '') { $keyword = str_replace(',', '|', $keyword); $orwheres[] = " CONCAT(arc.title,arc.keywords) REGEXP '{$keyword}' "; } //文档属性 if (eregi('commend', $listtype)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('c', arc.flag)>0 "; } if (eregi('image', $listtype)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('p', arc.flag)>0 "; } if ($att != '') { $flags = explode(',', $att); for ($i = 0; isset($flags[$i]); $i++) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$flags[$i]}', arc.flag)>0 "; } } if (!empty($typeid) && $typeid != 'top') { //指定了多个栏目时,不再获取子类的id if (ereg(',', $typeid)) { //指定了getall属性或主页模板例外 if ($getall == 1 || empty($refObj->Fields['typeid'])) { $typeids = explode(',', $typeid); foreach ($typeids as $ttid) { $typeidss[] = GetSonIds($ttid); } $typeidStr = join(',', $typeidss); $typeidss = explode(',', $typeidStr); $typeidssok = array_unique($typeidss); $typeid = join(',', $typeidssok); } $orwheres[] = " arc.typeid in ({$typeid}) "; } else { //处理交叉栏目 $CrossID = ''; if ($ctag->GetAtt('cross') == '1') { $arr = $dsql->GetOne("Select `id`,`topid`,`cross`,`crossid`,`ispart`,`typename` From `#@__arctype` where id='{$typeid}' "); if ($arr['cross'] == 0 || $arr['cross'] == 2 && trim($arr['crossid'] == '')) { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid in (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $selquery = ''; if ($arr['cross'] == 1) { $selquery = "Select id,topid From `#@__arctype` where typename like '{$arr['typename']}' And id<>'{$typeid}' And topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } else { $arr['crossid'] = ereg_replace('[^0-9,]', '', trim($arr['crossid'])); if ($arr['crossid'] != '') { $selquery = "Select id,topid From `#@__arctype` where id in('{$arr['crossid']}') And id<>'{$typeid}' And topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } } if ($selquery != '') { $dsql->SetQuery($selquery); $dsql->Execute(); while ($arr = $dsql->GetArray()) { $CrossID .= $CrossID == '' ? $arr['id'] : ',' . $arr['id']; } } } } if ($CrossID == '') { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid in (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid in (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ',' . $CrossID . ')'; } } } //频道ID if (eregi('spec', $listtype)) { $channelid == -1; } if (!empty($channelid)) { $orwheres[] = " And = '{$channelid}' "; } if (!empty($noflag)) { if (!ereg(',', $noflag)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$noflag}', arc.flag)<1 "; } else { $noflags = explode(',', $noflag); foreach ($noflags as $noflag) { if (trim($noflag) == '') { continue; } $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$noflag}', arc.flag)<1 "; } } } $orwheres[] = ' arc.arcrank > -1 '; //由于这个条件会导致缓存功能失去意义,因此取消 //if($arcid!=0) $orwheres[] = "<>'$arcid' "; } //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ''; if ($orderby == 'hot' || $orderby == 'click') { $ordersql = " order by {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'sortrank' || $orderby == 'pubdate') { $ordersql = " order by arc.sortrank {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'id') { $ordersql = " order by {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'near') { $ordersql = " order by ABS( - " . $arcid . ")"; } else { if ($orderby == 'lastpost') { $ordersql = " order by arc.lastpost {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'scores') { $ordersql = " order by arc.scores {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'rand') { $ordersql = " order by rand()"; } else { $ordersql = " order by arc.sortrank {$orderWay}"; } } } } } } } //limit条件 $limit = trim(eregi_replace('limit', '', $limit)); if ($limit != '') { $limitsql = " limit {$limit} "; } else { $limitsql = " limit 0,{$line} "; } $orwhere = ''; if (isset($orwheres[0])) { $orwhere = join(' And ', $orwheres); $orwhere = ereg_replace("^ And", '', $orwhere); $orwhere = ereg_replace("And[ ]{1,}And", 'And ', $orwhere); } if ($orwhere != '') { $orwhere = " where {$orwhere} "; } //获取附加表信息 $addfield = trim($ctag->GetAtt('addfields')); $addfieldsSql = ''; $addfieldsSqlJoin = ''; if ($addfield != '' && !empty($channelid)) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("Select addtable From `#@__channeltype` where id='{$channelid}' "); if (isset($row['addtable']) && trim($row['addtable']) != '') { $addtable = trim($row['addtable']); $addfields = explode(',', $addfield); $row['addtable'] = trim($row['addtable']); $addfieldsSql = ",addf." . join(',addf.', $addfields); $addfieldsSqlJoin = " left join `{$addtable}` addf on addf.aid = "; } } $query = "Select arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,\r\n\t\ttp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n\t\t{$addfieldsSql}\r\n\t\tfrom `{$maintable}` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on\r\n\t\t{$addfieldsSqlJoin}\r\n\t\t{$orwhere} {$ordersql} {$limitsql}"; $md5hash = md5($query); $stylehash = $cfg_cache_type == 'content' ? md5($innertext) : ''; $needSaveCache = true; if ($idlist != '' || $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] == 'index' || $cfg_index_cache == 0) { $needSaveCache = false; } else { $idlist = GetArclistCache($md5hash, $stylehash); if ($idlist != '') { $needSaveCache = false; } //如果使用的是内容缓存,直接返回结果 if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idlist != '') { $idlist = $idlist == 0 ? '' : $idlist; return $idlist; } } //指定了id或使用缓存中的id if ($idlist != '') { $query = "Select arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,\r\n\t\t\ttp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n\t\t\t{$addfieldsSql}\r\n\t\t\t from `{$maintable}` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on\r\n\t\t\t {$addfieldsSqlJoin}\r\n\t\t where in({$idlist}) {$ordersql} "; } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('al'); $artlist = ''; if ($col > 1) { $artlist = "<table width='{$tablewidth}' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n"; } $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "\t<td width='{$colWidth}'>\r\n"; } if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['id']; //处理一些特殊字段 $row['info'] = $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen); $row['id'] = $row['id']; if ($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank'] == 0) { $row['arcrank'] = $row['corank']; } $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'], $row['typeid'], $row['senddate'], $row['title'], $row['ismake'], $row['arcrank'], $row['namerule'], $row['typedir'], $row['money'], $row['filename'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'], $row['typedir'], $row['isdefault'], $row['defaultname'], $row['ispart'], $row['namerule2'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'] . '/images/defaultpic.gif'; } if (!eregi("^http://", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'] . $row['litpic']; } $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='" . $row['typeurl'] . "'>" . $row['typename'] . "</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='" . $row['picname'] . "' border='0' width='{$imgwidth}' height='{$imgheight}' alt='" . ereg_replace("['><]", "", $row['title']) . "'>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['image'] . "</a>"; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen); if ($row['color'] != '') { $row['title'] = "<font color='" . $row['color'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</font>"; } if (ereg('b', $row['flag'])) { $row['title'] = "<strong>" . $row['title'] . "</strong>"; } //$row['title'] = "<b>".$row['title']."</b>"; $row['textlink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</a>"; $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl']; $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl']; if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $k => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') { //传递整个数组,在runphp模式中有特殊作用 $dtp2->Assign($k, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($k, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); } else { $dtp2->Assign($k, ''); } } } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult() . "\r\n"; } else { $artlist .= ''; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "\t</td>\r\n"; } } //Loop Col if ($col > 1) { $i += $col - 1; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "\t</tr>\r\n"; } } //loop line if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "\t</table>\r\n"; } $dsql->FreeResult("al"); //保存ID缓存 $idsstr = join(',', $ids); if ($needSaveCache) { if ($idsstr == '') { $idsstr = '0'; } if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idsstr != '0') { $idsstr = $artlist; } $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache`(`md5hash`,`stylehash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('" . $md5hash . "','{$stylehash}', '" . time() . "', '{$idsstr}'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Delete From `#@__arccache` where md5hash='" . $md5hash . "' "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } return $artlist; }
/** * 分析采集文章页的字段的设置 * * @access public * @param string $configString 配置字符串 * @return void */ function LoadItemConfig($configString) { $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($configString); for ($i = 0; $i <= $dtp->Count; $i++) { $ctag = $dtp->CTags[$i]; if ($ctag->GetName() == 'sppage') { $this->artNotes['sppage'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); $this->artNotes['sptype'] = $ctag->GetAtt('sptype'); $this->spNotes['srul'] = $ctag->GetAtt('srul'); $this->spNotes['erul'] = $ctag->GetAtt('erul'); } else { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'previewurl') { $this->artNotes['previewurl'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'keywordtrim') { $this->artNotes['keywordtrim'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'descriptiontrim') { $this->artNotes['descriptiontrim'] = $ctag->GetInnerText(); } else { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'item') { $field = $ctag->GetAtt('field'); if ($field == '') { continue; } $this->artNotes[$field]['value'] = $ctag->GetAtt('value'); $this->artNotes[$field]['isunit'] = $ctag->GetAtt('isunit'); $this->artNotes[$field]['isdown'] = $ctag->GetAtt('isdown'); $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'] = array(); $this->artNotes[$field]['match'] = ''; $this->artNotes[$field]['function'] = ''; $t = 0; $dtp2->LoadString($ctag->GetInnerText()); for ($k = 0; $k <= $dtp2->Count; $k++) { $ctag2 = $dtp2->CTags[$k]; if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'trim') { $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'][$t][0] = str_replace('#n#', ' ', $ctag2->GetInnerText()); $this->artNotes[$field]['trim'][$t][1] = $ctag2->GetAtt('replace'); $t++; } else { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'match') { $this->artNotes[$field]['match'] = str_replace('#n#', ' ', $ctag2->GetInnerText()); } else { if ($ctag2->GetName() == 'function') { $this->artNotes[$field]['function'] = $ctag2->GetInnerText(); } } } } } } } } } } //End Loop $dtp->Clear(); $dtp2->Clear(); }
function GetCatalogList($pid, $innertext) { global $cfg_cmspath; $clist = ''; $this->dsql->SetQuery("Select id,pid,classname From #@__story_catalog where pid='{$pid}' order by rank asc "); $this->dsql->Execute(); $ndtp = new DedeTagParse(); $ndtp->SetNameSpace("in", "{", "}"); $ch = 0; if (trim($innertext) == "") { if ($pid == 0) { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('book_catalog.htm'); } else { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('book_catalog_son.htm'); } } while ($row = $this->dsql->GetArray()) { $ch++; $ndtp->LoadString($innertext); $row['url'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/list.php?id=' . $row['id']; if (is_array($ndtp->CTags)) { foreach ($ndtp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) { $tagname = $ctag->GetTagName(); //field类型 if ($tagname == 'field') { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetAtt('name')])) { $ndtp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetAtt('name')]); } else { $ndtp->Assign($tagid, ''); } } else { if ($tagname == 'sonlist') { $this->dsql->SetQuery("Select id,pid,classname From #@__story_catalog where pid='{$row['id']}' order by rank asc"); $this->dsql->Execute('ch'); $ct = 0; $nlist = ''; while ($rowch = $this->dsql->GetArray('ch')) { $ct++; $rowch['url'] = $cfg_cmspath . '/book/list.php?id=' . $rowch['id']; $rbtext = preg_replace("/\\[field:url([\\s]{0,})\\/\\]/isU", $rowch['url'], $ctag->GetInnerText()); $rbtext = preg_replace("/\\[field:id([\\s]{0,})\\/\\]/isU", $rowch['id'], $rbtext); $rbtext = preg_replace("/\\[field:classname([\\s]{0,})\\/\\]/isU", $rowch['classname'], $rbtext); $nlist .= $rbtext; } $ndtp->Assign($tagid, $nlist); } } } //End foreach $clist .= $ndtp->GetResult(); } } return $clist; }
require_once DEDEINC . "/dedetag.class.php"; $notes = trim($notes); //对Base64格式的规则进行解码 if (ereg('^BASE64:', $notes)) { if (!ereg(':END$', $notes)) { ShowMsg('该规则不合法,Base64格式的采集规则为:BASE64:base64编码后的配置:END !', '-1'); exit; } $notess = explode(':', $notes); $notes = $notess[1]; $notes = base64_decode(ereg_replace("[\r\n\t ]", '', $notes)) or die('配置字符串有错误!'); } else { $notes = stripslashes($notes); } $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp->LoadString($notes); if (!is_array($dtp->CTags)) { ShowMsg('该规则不合法,无法导入!', '-1'); exit; } $ctag1 = $dtp->GetTagByName('listconfig'); $ctag2 = $dtp->GetTagByName('itemconfig'); $listconfig = $ctag1->GetInnerText(); $itemconfig = addslashes($ctag2->GetInnerText()); $dtp->LoadString($listconfig); $listconfig = addslashes($listconfig); $noteinfo = $dtp->GetTagByName('noteinfo'); if (!is_object($noteinfo)) { ShowMsg("该规则不合法,无法导入!", "-1"); exit; }
/** * arclist解析函数 * * @access public * @param object $refObj 引用对象 * @param object $ctag 标签 * @param int $typeid 栏目ID * @param int $row 调用行数 * @param int $titlelen 字符串长度 * @param int $infolen 描述信息长度 * @param int $imgwidth 图片宽度 * @param int $imgheight 图片高度 * @param string $listtype 列表类型 * @param string $orderby 排列顺序 * @param string $keyword 关键词 * @param string $innertext 底层模板 * @param int $arcid 文档ID * @param string $idlist ID列表 * @param int $channelid 频道ID * @param string $limit 限制 * @param string $att 属性 * @param string $order 排序类型 * @param int $subday 天内 * @param string $noflag 属性标记 * @param string $tagid 标签id * @param string $pagesize 显示条数 * @param string $isweight 是否需要对检索出来的内容按照weight排序 * @return string */ function lib_arclistDone(&$refObj, &$ctag, $typeid = 0, $row = 10, $col = 1, $titlelen = 30, $infolen = 160, $imgwidth = 120, $imgheight = 90, $listtype = 'all', $orderby = 'default', $keyword = '', $innertext = '', $arcid = 0, $idlist = '', $channelid = 0, $limit = '', $att = '', $order = 'desc', $subday = 0, $noflag = '', $tagid = '', $pagesize = 0, $isweight = 'N') { global $dsql, $PubFields, $cfg_keyword_like, $cfg_index_cache, $_arclistEnv, $envs, $cfg_cache_type, $cfg_digg_update; $row = AttDef($row, 10); $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen, 30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen, 160); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth, 120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight, 120); $listtype = AttDef($listtype, 'all'); $arcid = AttDef($arcid, 0); $channelid = AttDef($channelid, 0); $orderby = AttDef($orderby, 'default'); $orderWay = AttDef($order, 'desc'); $subday = AttDef($subday, 0); $pagesize = AttDef($pagesize, 0); $line = $row; $orderby = strtolower($orderby); $keyword = trim($keyword); $innertext = trim($innertext); $tablewidth = $ctag->GetAtt('tablewidth'); $writer = $ctag->GetAtt('writer'); if ($tablewidth == "") { $tablewidth = 100; } if (empty($col)) { $col = 1; } $colWidth = ceil(100 / $col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth . "%"; $colWidth = $colWidth . "%"; //记录属性,以便分页样式统一调用 $attarray = compact("row", "titlelen", 'infolen', 'imgwidth', 'imgheight', 'listtype', 'arcid', 'channelid', 'orderby', 'orderWay', 'subday', 'pagesize', 'orderby', 'keyword', 'tablewidth', 'col', 'colWidth'); if ($innertext == '') { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_arclist.htm'); } if (@$ctag->GetAtt('getall') == 1) { $getall = 1; } else { $getall = 0; } if ($att == '0') { $att = ''; } if ($att == '3') { $att = 'f'; } if ($att == '1') { $att = 'h'; } $orwheres = array(); $maintable = '#@__archives'; //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 if ($idlist == '') { if ($orderby == 'near' && $cfg_keyword_like == 'N') { $keyword = ''; } if ($writer == 'this') { $wmid = isset($refObj->Fields['mid']) ? $refObj->Fields['mid'] : 0; $orwheres[] = " arc.mid = '{$wmid}' "; } //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文章、热门评论之类),这里的时间只能计算到天,否则缓存功能将无效 if ($subday > 0) { $ntime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y')); $limitday = $ntime - $subday * 24 * 3600; $orwheres[] = " arc.senddate > {$limitday} "; } //关键字条件 if ($keyword != '') { $keyword = str_replace(',', '|', $keyword); $orwheres[] = " CONCAT(arc.title,arc.keywords) REGEXP '{$keyword}' "; } //文档属性 if (preg_match('/commend/i', $listtype)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('c', arc.flag)>0 "; } if (preg_match('/image/i', $listtype)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('p', arc.flag)>0 "; } if ($att != '') { $flags = explode(',', $att); for ($i = 0; isset($flags[$i]); $i++) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$flags[$i]}', arc.flag)>0 "; } } if (!empty($typeid) && $typeid != 'top') { //指定了多个栏目时,不再获取子类的id if (preg_match('#,#', $typeid)) { //指定了getall属性或主页模板例外 if ($getall == 1 || empty($refObj->Fields['typeid'])) { $typeids = explode(',', $typeid); foreach ($typeids as $ttid) { $typeidss[] = GetSonIds($ttid); } $typeidStr = join(',', $typeidss); $typeidss = explode(',', $typeidStr); $typeidssok = array_unique($typeidss); $typeid = join(',', $typeidssok); } $orwheres[] = " arc.typeid IN ({$typeid}) "; } else { //处理交叉栏目 $CrossID = ''; if ($ctag->GetAtt('cross') == '1') { $arr = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT `id`,`topid`,`cross`,`crossid`,`ispart`,`typename` FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id='{$typeid}' "); if ($arr['cross'] == 0 || $arr['cross'] == 2 && trim($arr['crossid'] == '')) { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $selquery = ''; if ($arr['cross'] == 1) { $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE typename LIKE '{$arr['typename']}' AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } else { $arr['crossid'] = preg_replace('#[^0-9,]#', '', trim($arr['crossid'])); if ($arr['crossid'] != '') { $selquery = "SELECT id,topid FROM `#@__arctype` WHERE id IN('{$arr['crossid']}') AND id<>'{$typeid}' AND topid<>'{$typeid}' "; } } if ($selquery != '') { $dsql->SetQuery($selquery); $dsql->Execute(); while ($arr = $dsql->GetArray()) { $CrossID .= $CrossID == '' ? $arr['id'] : ',' . $arr['id']; } } } } if ($CrossID == '') { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ')'; } else { $orwheres[] = ' arc.typeid IN (' . GetSonIds($typeid) . ',' . $CrossID . ')'; } } } //频道ID if (preg_match('#spec#i', $listtype)) { $channelid == -1; } if (!empty($channelid)) { $orwheres[] = " And = '{$channelid}' "; } if (!empty($noflag)) { if (!preg_match('#,#', $noflag)) { $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$noflag}', arc.flag)<1 "; } else { $noflags = explode(',', $noflag); foreach ($noflags as $noflag) { if (trim($noflag) == '') { continue; } $orwheres[] = " FIND_IN_SET('{$noflag}', arc.flag)<1 "; } } } $orwheres[] = ' arc.arcrank > -1 '; //由于这个条件会导致缓存功能失去意义,因此取消 //if($arcid!=0) $orwheres[] = "<>'$arcid' "; } //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ''; if ($orderby == 'hot' || $orderby == 'click') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'sortrank' || $orderby == 'pubdate') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.sortrank {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'id') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'near') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY ABS( - " . $arcid . ")"; } else { if ($orderby == 'lastpost') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.lastpost {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'scores') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.scores {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'goodpost') { $ordersql = " order by arc.goodpost {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'badpost') { $ordersql = " order by arc.badpost {$orderWay}"; } else { if ($orderby == 'rand') { $ordersql = " ORDER BY rand()"; } else { $ordersql = " ORDER BY arc.sortrank {$orderWay}"; } } } } } } } } } //limit条件 $limit = trim(preg_replace('#limit#is', '', $limit)); if ($limit != '') { $limitsql = " LIMIT {$limit} "; $limitarr = explode(',', $limit); $line = isset($limitarr[1]) ? $limitarr[1] : $line; } else { $limitsql = " LIMIT 0,{$line} "; } $orwhere = ''; if (isset($orwheres[0])) { $orwhere = join(' And ', $orwheres); $orwhere = preg_replace("#^ And#is", '', $orwhere); $orwhere = preg_replace("#And[ ]{1,}And#is", 'And ', $orwhere); } if ($orwhere != '') { $orwhere = " WHERE {$orwhere} "; } //获取附加表信息 $addfield = trim($ctag->GetAtt('addfields')); $addfieldsSql = ''; $addfieldsSqlJoin = ''; if ($addfield != '' && !empty($channelid)) { $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT addtable FROM `#@__channeltype` WHERE id='{$channelid}' "); if (isset($row['addtable']) && trim($row['addtable']) != '') { $addtable = trim($row['addtable']); $addfields = explode(',', $addfield); $row['addtable'] = trim($row['addtable']); $addfieldsSql = ",addf." . join(',addf.', $addfields); $addfieldsSqlJoin = " LEFT JOIN `{$addtable}` addf ON addf.aid = "; } } $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,\r\n tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n {$addfieldsSql}\r\n FROM `{$maintable}` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp on\r\n {$addfieldsSqlJoin}\r\n {$orwhere} {$ordersql} {$limitsql}"; //统一hash $taghash = md5(serialize($ctag) . $typeid); $needSaveCache = true; //进行tagid的默认处理 if ($pagesize > 0) { $tagid = AttDef($tagid, 'tag' . $taghash); } if ($idlist != '' || $GLOBALS['_arclistEnv'] == 'index' || $cfg_index_cache == 0) { $needSaveCache = false; } else { $idlist = GetArclistCache($taghash); if ($idlist != '') { $needSaveCache = false; } //如果使用的是内容缓存,直接返回结果 if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idlist != '') { $idlist = $idlist == 0 ? '' : $idlist; return $idlist; } } //指定了id或使用缓存中的id if ($idlist != '') { $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,\r\n tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n {$addfieldsSql}\r\n FROM `{$maintable}` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on\r\n {$addfieldsSqlJoin}\r\n WHERE in({$idlist}) {$ordersql} "; } // 好评差评缓存更新 if ($cfg_digg_update > 0) { if ($orderby == 'goodpost' || $orderby == 'badpost') { $t1 = ExecTime(); $postsql = "SELECT,arc.goodpost,arc.badpost,arc.scores\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM `{$maintable}` arc\r\n\t\t\t\t{$orwhere} {$ordersql} {$limitsql}"; if ($idlist != '') { $postsql = "SELECT,arc.goodpost,arc.badpost,arc.scores\r\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM `{$maintable}` arc \r\n\t\t\t\t WHERE in({$idlist}) {$ordersql} "; } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('lit'); while ($row = $dsql->GetArray('lit')) { $prefix = 'diggCache'; $key = 'aid-' . $row['id']; $cacherow = GetCache($prefix, $key); $setsql = array(); if (!empty($cacherow['scores']) && $cacherow['scores'] != $row['scores']) { $setsql[] = "scores = {$cacherow['scores']}"; } if (!empty($cacherow['goodpost']) && $cacherow['goodpost'] != $row['goodpost']) { $setsql[] = "goodpost = {$cacherow['goodpost']}"; } if (!empty($cacherow['badpost']) && $cacherow['badpost'] != $row['badpost']) { $setsql[] = "badpost = {$cacherow['badpost']}"; } $setsql = implode(',', $setsql); $sql = "UPDATE `{$maintable}` SET {$setsql} WHERE id='{$row['id']}'"; if (!empty($setsql)) { $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($sql); } } //echo ExecTime()-$t1; } } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('al'); //$row = $dsql->GetArray("al"); $artlist = ''; if ($pagesize > 0) { $artlist .= " <div id='{$tagid}'>\r\n"; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist = "<table width='{$tablewidth}' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n"; } $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $ids = array(); $orderWeight = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " <td width='{$colWidth}'>\r\n"; } if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['id']; //处理一些特殊字段 $row['info'] = $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen); $row['id'] = $row['id']; if ($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank'] == 0) { $row['arcrank'] = $row['corank']; } $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'], $row['typeid'], $row['senddate'], $row['title'], $row['ismake'], $row['arcrank'], $row['namerule'], $row['typedir'], $row['money'], $row['filename'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'], $row['typedir'], $row['isdefault'], $row['defaultname'], $row['ispart'], $row['namerule2'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'] . '/images/defaultpic.gif'; } if (!preg_match("#^http:\\/\\/#i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'] . $row['litpic']; } $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='" . $row['typeurl'] . "'>" . $row['typename'] . "</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='" . $row['picname'] . "' border='0' width='{$imgwidth}' height='{$imgheight}' alt='" . preg_replace("#['><]#", "", $row['title']) . "'>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['image'] . "</a>"; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen); if ($row['color'] != '') { $row['title'] = "<font color='" . $row['color'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</font>"; } if (preg_match('#b#', $row['flag'])) { $row['title'] = "<strong>" . $row['title'] . "</strong>"; } //$row['title'] = "<b>".$row['title']."</b>"; $row['textlink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</a>"; $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl']; $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl']; if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $k => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') { //传递整个数组,在runphp模式中有特殊作用 $dtp2->Assign($k, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($k, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); } else { $dtp2->Assign($k, ''); } } } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } if ($pagesize > 0) { if ($GLOBALS['autoindex'] <= $pagesize) { $liststr = $dtp2->GetResult(); $artlist .= $liststr . "\r\n"; } else { $artlist .= ""; $orderWeight[] = array('weight' => $row['weight'], 'arclist' => ''); } } else { $liststr = $dtp2->GetResult(); $artlist .= $liststr . "\r\n"; } $orderWeight[] = array('weight' => $row['weight'], 'arclist' => $liststr); } else { $artlist .= ''; } // 进行判断,如果启用排序则内容输出为重新排序后的内容 // var_dump($isweight=='y' && count($orderWeight) == $line); $isweight = strtolower($isweight); if ($isweight == 'y') { $artlist = ''; $orderWeight = list_sort_by($orderWeight, 'weight', 'asc'); foreach ($orderWeight as $vv) { $artlist .= $vv['arclist']; } } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </td>\r\n"; } } //Loop Col if ($col > 1) { $i += $col - 1; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </tr>\r\n"; } } //loop line if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </table>\r\n"; } $dsql->FreeResult("al"); $idsstr = join(',', $ids); //分页特殊处理 if ($pagesize > 0) { $artlist .= " </div>\r\n"; $row = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT tagid FROM #@__arcmulti WHERE tagid='{$tagid}'"); $uptime = time(); $attstr = addslashes(serialize($attarray)); $innertext = addslashes($innertext); if (!is_array($row)) { $query = "\r\n INSERT INTO #@__arcmulti(tagid,uptime,innertext,pagesize,arcids,ordersql,addfieldsSql,addfieldsSqlJoin,attstr)\r\n VALUES('{$tagid}','{$uptime}','{$innertext}','{$pagesize}','{$idsstr}','{$ordersql}','{$addfieldsSql}','{$addfieldsSqlJoin}','{$attstr}');\r\n "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); } else { $query = "UPDATE `#@__arcmulti`\r\n SET\r\n uptime='{$uptime}',\r\n innertext='{$innertext}',\r\n pagesize='{$pagesize}',\r\n arcids='{$idsstr}',\r\n ordersql='{$ordersql}',\r\n addfieldsSql='{$addfieldsSql}',\r\n addfieldsSqlJoin='{$addfieldsSqlJoin}',\r\n attstr='{$attstr}'\r\n WHERE tagid='{$tagid}'\r\n "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($query); } } //保存ID缓存 if ($needSaveCache) { if ($idsstr == '') { $idsstr = '0'; } if ($cfg_cache_type == 'content' && $idsstr != '0') { $idsstr = addslashes($artlist); } $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache`(`md5hash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('" . $taghash . "','" . time() . "', '{$idsstr}'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM `#@__arccache` WHERE md5hash='" . $taghash . "' "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } return $artlist; }
$totalnum = $line = count($ids); //取出属性并解析为变量 $attarray = unserialize($row['attstr']); extract($attarray, EXTR_SKIP); $artlist = ''; //通过页面及总数解析当前页面数据范围 $strnum = ($pnum - 1) * $row['pagesize']; $limitsql = " LIMIT {$strnum},{$row['pagesize']} "; if ($mtype == 0) { //处理列表内容项 $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,\r\n tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n {$row['addfieldsSql']}\r\n FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON\r\n {$row['addfieldsSqlJoin']}\r\n WHERE IN({$row['arcids']}) {$row['ordersql']} {$limitsql}"; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('al'); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadString($row['innertext']); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " <td width='{$colWidth}'>\r\n"; } if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['id']; //处理一些特殊字段 $row['info'] = $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen); $row['id'] = $row['id'];
function lib_likearticle(&$ctag, &$refObj) { global $dsql; //属性处理 $attlist = "row|12,titlelen|28,infolen|150,col|1,tablewidth|100,mytypeid|0,byabs|0,imgwidth|120,imgheight|90"; FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist); extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP); $revalue = ''; if (empty($tablewidth)) { $tablewidth = 100; } if (empty($col)) { $col = 1; } $colWidth = ceil(100 / $col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth . "%"; $colWidth = $colWidth . "%"; $ids = array(); $tids = array(); if (!empty($refObj->Fields['tags'])) { $keyword = $refObj->Fields['tags']; } else { $keyword = !empty($refObj->Fields['keywords']) ? $refObj->Fields['keywords'] : ''; } $typeid = !empty($mytypeid) ? $mytypeid : 0; if (empty($typeid)) { if (!empty($refObj->Typelink->TypeInfos['reid'])) { $typeid = $refObj->Typelink->TypeInfos['reid']; } else { if (!empty($refObj->Fields['typeid'])) { $typeid = $refObj->Fields['typeid']; } } } if (!empty($typeid) && !preg_match('#,#', $typeid)) { $typeid = GetSonIds($typeid); } $limitRow = $row - count($ids); $keyword = ''; if (!empty($refObj->Fields['keywords'])) { $keywords = explode(',', trim($refObj->Fields['keywords'])); $keyword = ''; $n = 1; foreach ($keywords as $k) { if ($n > 3) { break; } if (trim($k) == '') { continue; } else { $k = addslashes($k); } $keyword .= $keyword == '' ? " CONCAT(arc.keywords,' ',arc.title) LIKE '%{$k}%' " : " OR CONCAT(arc.keywords,' ',arc.title) LIKE '%{$k}%' "; $n++; } } $arcid = !empty($refObj->Fields['id']) ? $refObj->Fields['aid'] : 0; if (empty($arcid) || $byabs == 0) { $orderquery = " ORDER BY desc "; } else { $orderquery = " ORDER BY ABS( - " . $arcid . ") "; } if ($keyword != '') { if (!empty($typeid)) { $typeid = " AND arc.typeid IN({$typeid}) AND<>{$arcid} "; } $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,\r\n tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON\r\n where arc.arcrank>-1 AND ({$keyword}) {$typeid} {$orderquery} limit 0, {$row}"; } else { if (!empty($typeid)) { $typeid = " arc.typeid IN({$typeid}) AND<>{$arcid} "; } $query = "SELECT arc.*,tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.corank,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule,\r\n tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl,tp.sitepath\r\n FROM `#@__archives` arc LEFT JOIN `#@__arctype` tp ON\r\n WHERE arc.arcrank>-1 AND {$typeid} {$orderquery} limit 0, {$row}"; } $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); if ($innertext == '') { $innertext = GetSysTemplets('part_arclist.htm'); } $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute('al'); $artlist = ''; if ($col > 1) { $artlist = "<table width='{$tablewidth}' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n"; } $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace('field', '[', ']'); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; $line = $row; for ($i = 0; $i < $line; $i++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < $col; $j++) { if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " <td width='{$colWidth}'>\r\n"; } if ($row = $dsql->GetArray("al")) { $ids[] = $row['id']; //处理一些特殊字段 $row['info'] = $row['infos'] = cn_substr($row['description'], $infolen); $row['id'] = $row['id']; if ($row['corank'] > 0 && $row['arcrank'] == 0) { $row['arcrank'] = $row['corank']; } $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'], $row['typeid'], $row['senddate'], $row['title'], $row['ismake'], $row['arcrank'], $row['namerule'], $row['typedir'], $row['money'], $row['filename'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'], $row['typedir'], $row['isdefault'], $row['defaultname'], $row['ispart'], $row['namerule2'], $row['moresite'], $row['siteurl'], $row['sitepath']); if ($row['litpic'] == '-' || $row['litpic'] == '') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmspath'] . '/images/defaultpic.gif'; } if (!preg_match("#^http:\\/\\/#i", $row['litpic']) && $GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site'] == 'Y') { $row['litpic'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite'] . $row['litpic']; } $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='" . $row['typeurl'] . "'>" . $row['typename'] . "</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='" . $row['picname'] . "' border='0' width='{$imgwidth}' height='{$imgheight}' alt='" . preg_replace("#['><]#", "", $row['title']) . "'>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['image'] . "</a>"; $row['fulltitle'] = $row['title']; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'], $titlelen); if ($row['color'] != '') { $row['title'] = "<font color='" . $row['color'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</font>"; } if (preg_match('#b#', $row['flag'])) { $row['title'] = "<strong>" . $row['title'] . "</strong>"; } $row['textlink'] = "<a href='" . $row['filename'] . "'>" . $row['title'] . "</a>"; $row['plusurl'] = $row['phpurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_phpurl']; $row['memberurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_memberurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_templeturl']; if (is_array($dtp2->CTags)) { foreach ($dtp2->CTags as $k => $ctag) { if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') { $dtp2->Assign($k, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) { $dtp2->Assign($k, $row[$ctag->GetName()]); } else { $dtp2->Assign($k, ''); } } } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; } $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult() . "\r\n"; } else { $artlist .= ''; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </td>\r\n"; } } //Loop Col if ($col > 1) { $i += $col - 1; } if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </tr>\r\n"; } } //loop line if ($col > 1) { $artlist .= " </table>\r\n"; } $dsql->FreeResult("al"); return $artlist; }
if (!empty($nid)) { $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE nid='{$nid}' AND isdown='1' ORDER BY aid {$orderway} LIMIT {$startdd},{$pagesize}"); } else { $dsql->SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `#@__co_htmls` WHERE isdown='1' ORDER BY aid {$orderway} LIMIT {$startdd},{$pagesize}"); } $dsql->Execute(); while ($row = $dsql->GetObject()) { if (trim($row->result == '')) { continue; } //$addSqlTemplate,$mainSqlTemplate,$indexSqlTemplate $ntypeid = $autotype == 1 && $row->typeid != 0 ? $row->typeid : $typeid; $indexSql = str_replace('@typeid@', $ntypeid, $indexSqlTemplate); $mainSql = str_replace('@typeid@', $ntypeid, $mainSqlTemplate); $addSql = str_replace('@typeid@', $ntypeid, $addSqlTemplate); $dtp->LoadString($row->result); $exid = $row->aid; if (!is_array($dtp->CTags)) { continue; } //获取时间和标题 $pubdate = $sortrank = time(); $title = $row->title; $litpic = ''; foreach ($dtp->CTags as $ctag) { $itemName = $ctag->GetAtt('name'); if ($itemName == 'title' && $usetitle == 0) { $title = trim($ctag->GetInnerText()); if ($title == '') { $title = $row->title; }
function SpGetArcList(&$dsql,$templets,$typeid=0,$row=10,$col=1,$titlelen=30,$infolen=160, $imgwidth=120,$imgheight=90,$listtype="all",$orderby="default",$keyword="",$innertext="", $tablewidth="100",$arcid=0,$idlist="",$channelid=0,$limitv="",$att="",$order="desc", $subday=0,$ismember=0,$maintable='#@__archives',$ctag='',$isUpCache=true) { global $PubFields,$cfg_keyword_like,$cfg_arc_all,$cfg_needsontype,$cfg_maxsearch,$cfg_al_cachetime; $row = AttDef($row,10); $titlelen = AttDef($titlelen,30); $infolen = AttDef($infolen,160); $imgwidth = AttDef($imgwidth,120); $imgheight = AttDef($imgheight,120); $listtype = AttDef($listtype,"all"); $arcid = AttDef($arcid,0); //$att = AttDef($att,0); $channelid = AttDef($channelid,0); $ismember = AttDef($ismember,0); $orderby = AttDef($orderby,"default"); $orderWay = AttDef($order,"desc"); $maintable = AttDef($maintable,"#@__archives"); $subday = AttDef($subday,0); $line = $row; $orderby=strtolower($orderby); $tablewidth = str_replace("%","",$tablewidth); if($tablewidth=="") $tablewidth=100; if($col=="") $col = 1; $colWidth = ceil(100/$col); $tablewidth = $tablewidth."%"; $colWidth = $colWidth."%"; $keyword = trim($keyword); $innertext = trim($innertext); if($innertext=="") $innertext = GetSysTemplets("part_arclist.htm"); if(!empty($idlist) && ereg("[^0-9,]",$idlist)) $idlist = ''; $mintime = time() - ($cfg_al_cachetime * 3600); $orwhere = ''; //对于文章列表等地方的调用,限定为最新文档 $idlist = ereg_replace("[^,0-9]","",$idlist); if($idlist!='') $orwhere .= " arc.ID in ($idlist) And "; $t1 = ExecTime(); //按不同情况设定SQL条件 排序方式 $orwhere .= " arc.arcrank > -1 "; $addField = ""; $addJoin = ""; $channelinfos = ''; //获取主表 if(eregi('spec',$listtype)) $channelid = -1; if(!empty($typeid)) $reids = explode(',',$typeid); if(!empty($channelid)) { $channelinfos = $dsql->GetOne("Select ID,maintable,addtable,listadd From `#@__channeltype` where ID='$channelid' "); $maintable = $channelinfos['maintable']; }else if(!empty($typeid)) { $channelinfos = $dsql->GetOne("select c.ID,c.maintable,c.addtable,c.listadd from `#@__arctype` a left join #@__channeltype c on c.ID=a.channeltype where a.ID='".$reids[0]."' "); if(is_array($channelinfos)) { $maintable = $channelinfos['maintable']; $channelid = $channelinfos['ID']; } } if(trim($maintable)=='') $maintable = "#@__archives"; //时间限制(用于调用最近热门文章、热门评论之类) if($subday>0){ $limitvday = time() - ($subday * 24 * 3600); $orwhere .= " And arc.senddate > $limitvday "; } //文档的自定义属性 if($att!="") $orwhere .= " And arc.arcatt='$att' "; //文档的频道模型 if(!empty($channelid) && !eregi("spec",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And = '$channelid' "; //echo $orwhere.$channelid ; //是否为推荐文档 if(eregi("commend",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And arc.iscommend > 10 "; //是否为带缩略图图片文档 if(eregi("image",$listtype)) $orwhere .= " And arc.litpic <> '' "; //是否为专题文档 if(eregi("spec",$listtype) || $channelid==-1) $orwhere .= " And = -1 "; //是否指定相近ID if($arcid!=0) $orwhere .= " And arc.ID<>'$arcid' "; //是否为会员文档 if($ismember==1) $orwhere .= " And arc.memberid>0 "; if($cfg_keyword_like=='N'){ $keyword=""; } //类别ID的条件,如果用 "," 分开,可以指定特定类目 //------------------------------ if(!empty($typeid)) { $ridnum = count($reids); if($ridnum>1) { $sonids = ''; for($i=0;$i<$ridnum;$i++){ $sonids .= ($sonids=='' ? TypeGetSunID($reids[$i],$dsql,'arc',0,true) : ','.TypeGetSunID($reids[$i],$dsql,'arc',0,true)); } $orwhere .= " And arc.typeid in ($sonids) "; }else{ $sonids = TypeGetSunID($typeid,$dsql,'arc',0,true); $orwhere .= " And arc.typeid in ($sonids) "; } unset($reids); } //关键字条件 if($keyword!='') { $keywords = explode(",",$keyword); $ridnum = count($keywords); $rstr = trim($keywords[0]); if($ridnum>4) $ridnum = 4; for($i=0;$i<$ridnum;$i++){ $keywords[$i] = trim($keywords[$i]); if($keywords[$i]!="") $rstr .= "|".$keywords[$i]; } if($rstr!="") $orwhere .= " And CONCAT(arc.title,arc.keywords) REGEXP '$rstr' "; unset($keywords); } //获得附加表的相关信息 //----------------------------- if(is_array($channelinfos)) { $channelinfos['listadd'] = trim($channelinfos['listadd']); if($cfg_arc_all=='Y' && is_array($channelinfos) && $channelinfos['listadd']!='') { $addField = ''; $fields = explode(',',$channelinfos['listadd']); foreach($fields as $v) $addField .= ",addt.{$v}"; if($addField!='') $addJoin = " left join `{$channelinfos['addtable']}` addt on addt.aid = arc.ID "; } } //文档排序的方式 $ordersql = ""; if($orderby=='hot'||$orderby=='click') $ordersql = " order by $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='pubdate') $ordersql = " order by arc.pubdate $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='sortrank') $ordersql = " order by arc.sortrank $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='id') $ordersql = " order by arc.ID $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='near') $ordersql = " order by ABS(arc.ID - ".$arcid.")"; else if($orderby=='lastpost') $ordersql = " order by arc.lastpost $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='postnum') $ordersql = " order by arc.postnum $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='digg') $ordersql = " order by arc.digg $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='diggtime') $ordersql = " order by arc.diggtime $orderWay"; else if($orderby=='rand') $ordersql = " order by rand()"; else $ordersql=" order by arc.ID $orderWay"; if(!empty($limitv)) $limitvsql = " limit $limitv "; else $limitvsql = " limit 0,$line "; ////////////// $query = "Select arc.ID,arc.title,arc.iscommend,arc.color,arc.typeid,, arc.ismake,arc.description,arc.pubdate,arc.senddate,arc.arcrank,,arc.digg,arc.diggtime,,arc.litpic,arc.writer,arc.shorttitle,arc.memberid,arc.postnum,arc.lastpost, tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule, tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl{$addField} from `$maintable` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on arc.typeid=tp.ID $addJoin where $orwhere $ordersql $limitvsql "; //echo $query; //exit(); $md5hash = md5($query); $ids = ''; $needup = false; if($idlist=='' && $isUpCache && $cfg_al_cachetime>0) { $ids = SpGetArclistDateCache($dsql,$md5hash); if($ids=='-1') $needup = true; else if($ids!='') { $query = "Select arc.ID,arc.title,arc.iscommend,arc.color,arc.typeid,, arc.ismake,arc.description,arc.pubdate,arc.senddate,arc.arcrank,,arc.digg,arc.diggtime,,arc.litpic,arc.writer,arc.shorttitle,arc.memberid,arc.postnum,arc.lastpost, tp.typedir,tp.typename,tp.isdefault,tp.defaultname,tp.namerule, tp.namerule2,tp.ispart,tp.moresite,tp.siteurl{$addField} from `$maintable` arc left join `#@__arctype` tp on arc.typeid=tp.ID $addJoin where arc.ID in($ids) $ordersql "; }else { return ''; } } $artlist = ""; $dsql->SetQuery($query); $dsql->Execute("al"); $dtp2 = new DedeTagParse(); $dtp2->SetNameSpace("field","[","]"); $dtp2->LoadString($innertext); $nids = array(); if($col>1) $artlist = "<table width='$tablewidth' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n"; $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0; for($i=0;$i<$line;$i++) { if($col>1) $artlist .= "<tr>\r\n"; for($j=0;$j<$col;$j++) { if($col>1) $artlist .= " <td width='$colWidth'>\r\n"; if($row = $dsql->GetArray("al",MYSQL_ASSOC)) { //处理一些特殊字段 $row['description'] = cn_substr($row['description'],$infolen); $nids[] = $row['id'] = $row['ID']; $row['arcurl'] = GetFileUrl($row['id'],$row['typeid'],$row['senddate'], $row['title'],$row['ismake'],$row['arcrank'],$row['namerule'], $row['typedir'],$row['money'],true,$row['siteurl']); $row['typeurl'] = GetTypeUrl($row['typeid'],MfTypedir($row['typedir']),$row['isdefault'],$row['defaultname'],$row['ispart'],$row['namerule2'],$row['siteurl']); if($row['litpic']=="") $row['litpic'] = $PubFields['templeturl']."/img/default.gif"; $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; if($GLOBALS['cfg_multi_site']=='Y'){ if($row['siteurl']=="") $row['siteurl'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_mainsite']; if(!eregi("^http://",$row['picname'])){ $row['litpic'] = $row['siteurl'].$row['litpic']; $row['picname'] = $row['litpic']; } } $row['info'] = $row['description']; $row['filename'] = $row['arcurl']; $row['stime'] = GetDateMK($row['pubdate']); $row['typelink'] = "<a href='".$row['typeurl']."'>".$row['typename']."</a>"; $row['image'] = "<img src='".$row['picname']."' border='0' width='$imgwidth' height='$imgheight' alt='".ereg_replace("['><]","",$row['title'])."'>"; $row['imglink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['image']."</a>"; $row['title'] = cn_substr($row['title'],$titlelen); $row['textlink'] = "<a href='".$row['filename']."'>".$row['title']."</a>"; if($row['color']!="") $row['title'] = "<font color='".$row['color']."'>".$row['title']."</font>"; if($row['iscommend']==5||$row['iscommend']==16) $row['title'] = "<b>".$row['title']."</b>"; $row['phpurl'] = $PubFields['phpurl']; $row['templeturl'] = $PubFields['templeturl']; foreach($dtp2->CTags as $k=>$ctag){ @$dtp2->Assign($k,$row[$ctag->GetName()]); } $GLOBALS['autoindex']++; $artlist .= $dtp2->GetResult(); }//if hasRow else{ $artlist .= ''; } if($col>1) $artlist .= " </td>\r\n"; }//Loop Col if($col>1) $i += $col - 1; if($col>1) $artlist .= " </tr>\r\n"; }//Loop Line if($col>1) $artlist .= " </table>\r\n"; $dsql->FreeResult("al"); if($needup) { $ids = join(',',$nids); $inquery = "INSERT INTO `#@__arccache`(`md5hash`,`uptime`,`cachedata`) VALUES ('".$md5hash."', '".time()."', '$ids'); "; $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Delete From `#@__arccache` where md5hash='".$md5hash."' or uptime < $mintime "); $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($inquery); } $t2 = ExecTime(); //echo ($t2-$t1).$query; //$debug = trim($artlist).'<li>'.($t2-$t1)." $query</li>"; return trim($artlist); }