  * Constructor.
  * Note: you are not supposed to create a GMailSnapshot object yourself. You should
  * use {@link GMailer::getSnapshot()} and/or {@link GMailer::webClip()} instead.
  * @return GMailWebclipSnapshot
  * @param array $raw
 function web_clip_snapshot($raw)
     $clips = array();
     foreach ($raw as $webclip) {
         if (count($webclip) == 10) {
             $ad_site = 4;
             $ad_date = 5;
             $ad_sub = 6;
             $ad_type = 8;
             $ad_cat = 9;
         } elseif (count($webclip) == 6) {
             $ad_site = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_date = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_sub = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_type = 4;
             $ad_cat = 5;
         } elseif (count($webclip) == 7) {
             $ad_site = 4;
             $ad_date = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_sub = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_type = 5;
             $ad_cat = 6;
         } else {
             Debugger::say("odd web clips: " . print_r($webclip, true));
         $clip = array();
         //$clip[''] = $webclip[0]; // ??
         //$clip[''] = $webclip[1]; // clip id??
         $clip['url'] = $webclip[2];
         $clip['title'] = $webclip[3];
         $clip['site'] = $ad_site != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_site] : "";
         $clip['date'] = $ad_date != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_date] : "";
         $clip['sub'] = $ad_sub != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_sub] : "";
         //$clip[''] 		= (($less) ? "" : $webclip[7]); // ?? empty
         $clip['type'] = $webclip[$ad_type];
         // web clip, advertisement, gmail tip, etc.
         //$clip['category'] 	= $webclip[$ad_cat]; // a number
         // 1 = Gmail Tip, 2 = News, 3 = Business, 4 = Lifestyle
         // 5 = Fun, 6 = Tech, 7 = Sports, 8 = custom
         $clips[] = $clip;
     $this->web_clips = $clips;
     return 1;
  * Constructor.
  * Note: you are not supposed to create a GMailSnapshot object yourself. You should
  * use {@link GMailer::getSnapshot()} instead.
  * @return GMailSnapshot
  * @param constant $type
  * @param array $raw
 function GMailSnapshot($type, $raw, $use_session)
     // input: raw packet generated by GMailer
     if (!is_array($raw)) {
         $this->created = 0;
         $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: invalid datapack -- not an array";
         // Added by Neerav; 3 Aug 2005
         return null;
     if (count($raw) == 0) {
         $this->created = 0;
         $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: invalid datapack -- no entries";
         // Added by Neerav; 3 Aug 2005
         return null;
     //Debugger::say("raw packet as snapshot input: ".print_r($raw,true));
     // Gmail version
     if (isset($raw["v"][1])) {
         $this->gmail_ver = $raw["v"][1];
     //$raw["v"][2]	// What is this?
     //$raw["v"][3]	// What is this?
     // IdentificationKey (ik)
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if ($use_session) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION['id_key']) or $_SESSION['id_key'] == "") {
             Debugger::say("Snapshot: Using Sessions, saving id_key(ik)...");
             if (isset($raw["ud"][3])) {
                 $_SESSION['id_key'] = $raw["ud"][3];
                 Debugger::say("Snapshot: Session id_key saved: " . $_SESSION['id_key']);
             } else {
                 Debugger::say('Snapshot: Session id_key NOT saved.  $raw["ud"][3] not found.');
     } else {
         if (!isset($_COOKIE[GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY]) or $_COOKIE[GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY] == 0) {
             Debugger::say("Snapshot: Using Cookies, saving id_key(ik)...");
             if (isset($raw["ud"][3])) {
                 if (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ":")) {
                     $domain = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], 0, strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ":"));
                 } else {
                     $domain = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
                 Debugger::say("Saving id_key as cookie " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . " with domain=" . $domain);
                 header("Set-Cookie: " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . "=" . base64_encode($raw["ud"][3]) . "; Domain=" . $domain . ";");
                 Debugger::say("Snapshot: Cookie id_key saved: " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . "=" . base64_encode($raw["ud"][3]));
             } else {
                 Debugger::say('Snapshot: Cookie id_key NOT saved.  $raw["ud"][3] not found.');
     // other "UD"
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["ud"])) {
         // account email address
         // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         $this->gmail_email = $raw["ud"][1];
         //$raw["ud"][2]		// keyboard shortcuts
         //$raw["ud"][3]		// Identification Key, set above
         //$raw["ud"][4]		// What is this?
     // su
     //$raw["su"][1]		// What is this?
     //$raw["su"][2]		// What is this? (?? array of text strings for invites)
     // Google Accounts' name
     // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
     //     it's bandwidth expensive to retrieve preferences just for this
     // Added by Neerav; 2 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["gn"][1])) {
         $this->google_name = $raw["gn"][1];
     // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
     //     it's bandwidth expensive to retrieve preferences just for this
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["p"])) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
             if ($raw["p"][$i][0] == "sx_sg") {
                 // can be undefined ?!?!
                 $this->signature = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
     // Invites
     if (isset($raw["i"][1])) {
         $this->have_invit = $raw["i"][1];
     } else {
         $this->have_invit = 0;
     // QUota information
     if (isset($raw["qu"])) {
         // Space used as xx MB
         $this->quota_mb = $raw["qu"][1];
         // Total space allotted as xxxx MB
         $this->quota_tot = $raw["qu"][2];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         // Space used as xx%
         $this->quota_per = $raw["qu"][3];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         // html color as #aabbcc (normally a green color, but red when nearly full)
         $this->quota_col = $raw["qu"][4];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     // Footer Tips
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["ft"][1])) {
         $this->gmail_tip = $raw["ft"][1];
     // cfs; Compose from source
     // Added by Neerav: 30 Aug 2005; Modified: 9 Sep 2005
     $this->personality = array();
     $this->personality_unverify = array();
     if (isset($raw["cfs"])) {
         if (isset($raw["cfs"][1])) {
             $person_verified = count($raw["cfs"][1]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $person_verified; $i++) {
                 $this->personality[] = array("name" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][0], "email" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][1], "default" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][2] == 0 ? false : true, "verified" => true);
             $person_unverified = count($raw["cfs"][2]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $person_unverified; $i++) {
                 $this->personality_unverify[] = array("name" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][0], "email" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][1], "default" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][2] == 0 ? false : true, "verified" => false);
     // What is this?
     // $raw["df"][1]  // shows ?false?
     // What is this?
     // $raw["ms"]
     // What is this?
     // $raw["e"]
     // What is this?
     // $raw["pod"]
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         if (isset($raw["p"]) and !isset($this->signature)) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
                 if ($raw["p"][$i][0] == "sx_sg") {
                     // can be undefined ?!?!
                     $this->signature = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
         if (!isset($this->signature)) {
             $this->signature = "";
         // when a conversation does not exist, neither does ds; Fix by Neerav; 1 Aug 2005
         if (isset($raw["ds"])) {
             if (!is_array($raw["ds"])) {
                 $this->created = 0;
                 $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: invalid datapack";
                 return null;
             $this->std_box_new = array_slice($raw["ds"], 1);
         } else {
             $this->created = 0;
             if (isset($raw["tf"])) {
                 $this->snapshot_error = $raw["tf"][1];
             } else {
                 $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: unknown but fatal datapack error";
             return null;
         $this->label_list = array();
         $this->label_new = array();
         // Last changed by Neerav; 12 July 2005
         if (isset($raw["ct"][1]) and count($raw["ct"][1]) > 0) {
             foreach ($raw["ct"][1] as $v) {
                 array_push($this->label_list, $v[0]);
                 array_push($this->label_new, $v[1]);
         // Thread Summary
         if (isset($raw["ts"])) {
             $this->view = GM_STANDARD | GM_LABEL | GM_QUERY;
             $this->box_name = $raw["ts"][5];
             // name of box/label/query
             $this->box_total = $raw["ts"][3];
             // total messages found
             $this->box_pos = $raw["ts"][1];
             // starting message number
             // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
             $this->box_display = $raw["ts"][2];
             // max number of messages to display on the page
             $this->box_query = $raw["ts"][6];
             // gmail query for box
             $this->queried_results = $raw["ts"][4];
             // was this a search query (bool)
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][7];		// what is this?? some id number?
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][8];		// what is this?? total number of messages in account?
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][9];		// what is this??
         $this->box = array();
         if (isset($raw["t"])) {
             foreach ($raw["t"] as $t) {
                 if ($t == "t") {
                 // Fix for 12 OR 13 fields!!; by Neerav; 23 July 2005
                 $less = count($t) == 12 ? 1 : 0;
                 // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 $long_date = "";
                 $long_time = "";
                 $date_time = explode("_", $t[12 - $less]);
                 if (isset($date_time[0])) {
                     $long_date = $date_time[0];
                 if (isset($date_time[1])) {
                     $long_time = $date_time[1];
                 // Added labels for use in multiple languages; by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
                 //$label_array_lang = $t[8-$less];
                 // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 // Gives an array of labels and substitutes the standard names
                 // Changed to be language compatible; by Neerav; 8 Aug 2005
                 $label_array = array();
                 foreach ($t[8 - $less] as $label_entry) {
                     switch ($label_entry) {
                         //case "^i": 	$label_array[] = "Inbox";		break;
                         //case "^s": 	$label_array[] = "Spam";		break;
                         //case "^k": 	$label_array[] = "Trash";		break;
                         case "^t":
                             /* Starred */
                             //case "^r": 	$label_array[] = "Draft";		break;
                         //case "^r": 	$label_array[] = "Draft";		break;
                             $label_array[] = $label_entry;
                 $b = array();
                 $b["id"] = $t[0];
                 $b["is_read"] = $t[1] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $b["is_starred"] = $t[2] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $b["date"] = strip_tags($t[3]);
                 $b["sender"] = strip_tags($t[4], "<b>");
                 $b["flag"] = $t[5];
                 $b["subj"] = strip_tags($t[6], "<b>");
                 $b["snippet"] = count($t) == 12 ? "" : $t[7];
                 $b["msgid"] = $t[10 - $less];
                 // Added by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
                 //$b["labels_lang"]= $label_array_lang;	// for use with languages
                 // Added/Changed by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 $b["labels"] = $label_array;
                 // gives an array even if 0 labels
                 $b["attachment"] = strlen($t[9 - $less]) == 0 ? array() : explode(",", $t[9 - $less]);
                 // Changed to give an array even if 0 attachments
                 //$b["??"]		= $t[11-$less];			// what is this??
                 $b["long_date"] = $long_date;
                 // added
                 $b["long_time"] = $long_time;
                 // added
                 array_push($this->box, $b);
         if (isset($raw["cs"])) {
             // Fix for 14 OR 12 fields!!; by Neerav; 25 July 2005
             $less = count($raw["cs"]) == 12 ? 2 : 0;
             $this->view = GM_CONVERSATION;
             $this->conv_id = $raw["cs"][1];
             $this->conv_title = $raw["cs"][2];
             // $raw["cs"][3]		// what is this??  escape/html version of 2?
             // $raw["cs"][4]		// what is this?? empty
             // $raw["cs"][5]		// (array) conversation labels, below
             // $raw["cs"][6]		// what is this?? array
             // $raw["cs"][7]		// what is this?? integer/bool?
             $this->conv_total = $raw["cs"][8];
             // (count($t) == 14) $raw["cs"][9] 	// may be missing! what is this?? long id number?
             // (count($t) == 14) $raw["cs"][10]	// may be missing! what is this?? empty
             // $raw["cs"][11-$less]		// may be 9 what is this?? repeat of id 1?
             // $raw["cs"][12-$less]		// may be 10 what is this?? array
             // $raw["cs"][13-$less]		// may be 10 what is this?? integer/bool?
             $this->conv_labels = array();
             $this->conv_starred = false;
             // Added labels for use in multiple languages; by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
             //$this->conv_labels_lang = $raw["cs"][5];	// for use with languages
             // Changed to give translated label names; by Neerav; 6 July 2005
             // Changed back to be language compatible; by Neerav; 8 Aug 2005
             //$this->conv_labels_temp = (count($raw["cs"][5])==0) ? array() : $raw["cs"][5];
             $temp_array = $raw["cs"][5];
             foreach ($raw["cs"][5] as $label_entry) {
                 switch ($label_entry) {
                     //case "^i": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Inbox";		break;
                     //case "^s": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Spam";		break;
                     //case "^k": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Trash";		break;
                     case "^t":
                         $this->conv_starred = true;
                         //case "^r": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Draft";		break;
                     //case "^r": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Draft";		break;
                         $this->conv_labels[] = $label_entry;
             $this->conv = array();
             $mg_count = count($raw["mg"]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $mg_count; $i++) {
                 if ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mb" && $i > 0) {
                     $b["body"] .= $raw["mg"][$i][1];
                     if ($raw["mg"][$i][2] == 0) {
                         array_push($this->conv, $b);
                 } elseif ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mi" or $raw["mg"][$i][0] == "di") {
                     // Changed to merge "di" and "mi" routines; by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                     if (isset($b)) {
                         array_push($this->conv, $b);
                     $b = array();
                     // $raw["mg"][$i][0] is mi or di
                     $b["mbox"] = $raw["mg"][$i][1];
                     // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                     $b["index"] = $raw["mg"][$i][2];
                     $b["id"] = $raw["mg"][$i][3];
                     $b["is_star"] = $raw["mg"][$i][4];
                     if ($b["is_star"] == 1) {
                         $this->conv_starred = true;
                     $b["draft_parent"] = $raw["mg"][$i][5];
                     // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                     $b["sender"] = $raw["mg"][$i][6];
                     $b["sender_short"] = $raw["mg"][$i][7];
                     // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                     $b["sender_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][8]);
                     // remove annoying d-quotes in address
                     $b["recv"] = $raw["mg"][$i][9];
                     $b["recv_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][11]);
                     $b["cc_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][12]);
                     // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July
                     $b["bcc_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][13]);
                     // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July
                     $b["reply_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][14]);
                     $b["dt_easy"] = $raw["mg"][$i][10];
                     $b["dt"] = $raw["mg"][$i][15];
                     $b["subj"] = $raw["mg"][$i][16];
                     $b["snippet"] = $raw["mg"][$i][17];
                     //$raw["mg"][$i][19];	// 0 or 1 What is this??
                     $b["attachment"] = array();
                     if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][18])) {
                         foreach ($raw["mg"][$i][18] as $bb) {
                             array_push($b["attachment"], array("id" => $bb[0], "filename" => $bb[1], "type" => $bb[2], "size" => $bb[3]));
                     if ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mi") {
                         $b["is_draft"] = false;
                         $b["body"] = "";
                         $b["quote_str"] = $raw["mg"][$i][21];
                         $b["quote_str_html"] = $raw["mg"][$i][22];
                         // $raw["mg"][$i][20];  // ?? repeated date slightly different format  // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                     } elseif ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "di") {
                         $b["is_draft"] = true;
                         $b["body"] = $raw["mg"][$i][20];
                         // $raw["mg"][$i][21];  // ?? repeated date slightly different format  // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                         $b["quote_str"] = $raw["mg"][$i][22];
                         $b["quote_str_html"] = $raw["mg"][$i][23];
             if (isset($b)) {
                 array_push($this->conv, $b);
     // Changed from elseif to if; by Neerav; 5 Aug 2005
     if ($type & GM_CONTACT) {
         $this->contacts = array();
         // Added by Neerav; 29 June 2005
         // Since gmail changes their Contacts array often, we need to see which
         //    latest flavor (or flavour) they are using!
         // Some accounts use "a" for both lists and details
         // 	  whereas some accounts use "cl" for lists and "cov" for details
         $type = "";
         if (isset($raw["a"])) {
             $c_array = "a";
             // determine is this is a list or contact detail
             if (count($raw["a"]) == 2 and isset($raw["a"][1][6])) {
                 $type = "detail";
                 $c_id = 0;
                 $c_name = 1;
                 $c_email = 3;
                 $c_notes = 5;
                 $c_detail = 6;
             } else {
                 $c_email = 3;
                 $c_notes = 4;
                 $type = "list";
         } elseif (isset($raw["cl"])) {
             // list
             $c_array = "cl";
             $c_email = 4;
             $c_notes = 5;
             $type = "list";
         } elseif (isset($raw["cov"])) {
             // contact detail in accounts using "cl"
             $c_array = "cov";
             $type = "detail";
             $c_id = 1;
             $c_name = 2;
             $c_email = 4;
             $c_notes = 7;
             $c_detail = 8;
         } else {
             array_push($this->contacts, array("id" => "error", "name" => "libgmailer Error", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "notes" => "libgmailer could not find the Contacts information " . "due to a change in the email service (again!).  Please contact " . "the author of this program (which uses libgmailer) for a fix."));
         // Changed by Neerav;
         // from "a" to "cl" 15 June 2005
         // from "cl" to whichever exists 29 June 2005
         if ($type == "list") {
             // An ordinary list of contacts
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["{$c_array}"]); $i++) {
                 $a = $raw["{$c_array}"][$i];
                 $b = array("id" => $a[1], "name" => $a[2], "email" => str_replace("\"", "", $a[$c_email]));
                 // Last Changed by Neerav; 29 June 2005
                 if (isset($a[$c_notes])) {
                     $b["notes"] = $a[$c_notes];
                 array_push($this->contacts, $b);
         } elseif ($type == "detail") {
             // Added by Neerav; 1 July 2005
             // Contact details (advanced contact information)
             // used when a contact id was supplied for retrieval
             $cov = array();
             $cov["id"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_id];
             $cov["name"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_name];
             $cov["email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_email]);
             if (isset($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][0])) {
                 $cov["notes"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][0] == "n" ? $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][1] : "";
             } else {
                 $cov["notes"] = "";
             $details = array();
             $num_details = count($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail]);
             if ($num_details > 0) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_details; $i++) {
                     $details[$i][] = array("type" => "detail_name", "info" => $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][0]);
                     if (isset($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][1])) {
                         $temp = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][1];
                     } else {
                         $temp = array();
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($temp); $j += 2) {
                         switch ($temp[$j]) {
                             case "p":
                                 $field = "phone";
                             case "e":
                                 $field = "email";
                             case "m":
                                 $field = "mobile";
                             case "f":
                                 $field = "fax";
                             case "b":
                                 $field = "pager";
                             case "i":
                                 $field = "im";
                             case "d":
                                 $field = "company";
                             case "t":
                                 $field = "position";
                                 // t = title
                             // t = title
                             case "o":
                                 $field = "other";
                             case "a":
                                 $field = "address";
                                 $field = $temp[$j];
                                 // default to the field type
                         $details[$i][] = array("type" => $field, "info" => $temp[$j + 1]);
             $cov["details"] = $details;
             array_push($this->contacts, $cov);
         $this->view = GM_CONTACT;
     // Changed from elseif to if; by Neerav; 5 Aug 2005
     if ($type & GM_PREFERENCE) {
         // go to Preference Panel
         // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
         if (isset($raw["pp"][1])) {
             switch ($raw["pp"][1]) {
                 case "g":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "general";
                 case "l":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "labels";
                 case "f":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "filters";
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = $raw["pp"][1];
         // SETTINGS (NON-Filters, NON-Labels)
         // Added by Neerav; 29 Jun 2005
         $this->setting_gen = array();
         $this->setting_fpop = array();
         $this->setting_other = array();
         if (isset($raw["p"])) {
             // GENERAL SETTINGS
             $gen = array("expand_labels" => 1, "expand_invites" => 1, "use_cust_name" => 0, "name_google" => isset($raw["gn"][1]) ? $raw["gn"][1] : "", "name_display" => "", "use_reply_to" => 0, "reply_to" => "", "language" => "en", "page_size" => 25, "shortcuts" => 0, "p_indicator" => 0, "show_snippets" => 0, "use_signature" => 0, "signature" => "");
             // FORWARDING AND POP
             $fpop = array("forward" => 0, "forward_to" => "", "forward_action" => "", "pop_enabled" => 0, "pop_action" => 0);
             // OTHER
             $other = array("rich_text" => 0);
             if (isset($raw["gn"][1])) {
                 $gen["name_google"] = $raw["gn"][1];
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
                 $pref = $raw["p"][$i][0];
                 $value = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
                 switch ($pref) {
                     // SIDE BOXES
                     case "bx_show0":
                         $gen["expand_labels"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) labels box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     // (boolean) labels box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     case "bx_show1":
                         $gen["expand_invites"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) invite box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                         // GENERAL SETTINGS
                     // (boolean) invite box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     // GENERAL SETTINGS
                     case "sx_dn":
                         $gen["name_display"] = $value;
                         // (string) name on outgoing mail (display name)
                     // (string) name on outgoing mail (display name)
                     case "sx_rt":
                         $gen["reply_to"] = $value;
                         // (string) reply to email address
                     // (string) reply to email address
                     case "sx_dl":
                         $gen["language"] = $value;
                         // (string) display language
                     // (string) display language
                     case "ix_nt":
                         $gen["page_size"] = $value;
                         // (integer) msgs per page (maximum page size)
                     // (integer) msgs per page (maximum page size)
                     case "bx_hs":
                         $gen["shortcuts"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) keyboard shortcuts {0 = off, 1 = on}
                     // (boolean) keyboard shortcuts {0 = off, 1 = on}
                     case "bx_sc":
                         $gen["p_indicator"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) personal level indicators {0 = no indicators, 1 = show indicators}
                     // (boolean) personal level indicators {0 = no indicators, 1 = show indicators}
                     case "bx_ns":
                         $gen["show_snippets"] = !$value;
                         // (boolean) no snippets {0 = show snippets, 1 = no snippets}
                         // 		we INVERSE this for convenience
                     // (boolean) no snippets {0 = show snippets, 1 = no snippets}
                     // 		we INVERSE this for convenience
                     case "sx_sg":
                         $gen["signature"] = $value;
                         // (string) signature
                         // FORWARDING AND POP
                     // (string) signature
                     // FORWARDING AND POP
                     case "sx_em":
                         $fpop["forward_to"] = $value;
                         // (string) forward to email
                     // (string) forward to email
                     case "sx_at":
                         $fpop["forward_action"] = $value;
                         // (string??) forwarding action {selected (keep), archive, trash}
                     // (string??) forwarding action {selected (keep), archive, trash}
                     case "bx_pe":
                         $fpop["pop_enabled"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) pop enabled {0 = disabled, 1 = enabled}
                     // (boolean) pop enabled {0 = disabled, 1 = enabled}
                     case "ix_pd":
                         $fpop["pop_action"] = $value;
                         // (integer) action after pop access {0 = keep, 1 = archive, 2 = trash}
                         // OTHER
                         // 		not used yet or has been removed from Gmail
                     // (integer) action after pop access {0 = keep, 1 = archive, 2 = trash}
                     // OTHER
                     // 		not used yet or has been removed from Gmail
                     case "bx_cm":
                         $other["rich_text"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) rich text composition {0 = plain text, 1 = rich text}
                     // (boolean) rich text composition {0 = plain text, 1 = rich text}
                         $other["{$pref}"] = $value;
             // set useful implicit boolean settings
             if ($gen["name_display"] != "") {
                 $gen["use_cust_name"] = 1;
             if ($gen["reply_to"] != "") {
                 $gen["use_reply_to"] = 1;
             if ($gen["signature"] != "") {
                 $gen["use_signature"] = 1;
             if ($fpop["forward_to"] != "") {
                 $fpop["forward"] = 1;
             $this->setting_gen = $gen;
             $this->setting_fpop = $fpop;
             $this->setting_other = $other;
         // LABELS
         $this->label_list = array();
         $this->label_total = array();
         if (isset($raw["cta"][1])) {
             foreach ($raw["cta"][1] as $v) {
                 array_push($this->label_list, $v[0]);
                 array_push($this->label_total, $v[1]);
         // FILTERS
         $this->filter = array();
         if (isset($raw["fi"][1])) {
             foreach ($raw["fi"][1] as $fi) {
                 // Changed/Added by Neerav; 23 Jun 2005
                 // filter rules/settings
                 //     (The "() ? :" notation is used because empty/false fields at the end of an
                 //         array are not always defined)
                 $b = array("id" => $fi[0], "query" => isset($fi[1]) ? $fi[1] : "", "from" => isset($fi[2][0]) ? $fi[2][0] : "", "to" => isset($fi[2][1]) ? $fi[2][1] : "", "subject" => isset($fi[2][2]) ? $fi[2][2] : "", "has" => isset($fi[2][3]) ? $fi[2][3] : "", "hasnot" => isset($fi[2][4]) ? $fi[2][4] : "", "hasattach" => (isset($fi[2][5]) and ($fi[2][5] == "true" or $fi[2][5] === true)) ? true : false, "archive" => (isset($fi[2][6]) and ($fi[2][6] == "true" or $fi[2][6] === true)) ? true : false, "star" => (isset($fi[2][7]) and ($fi[2][7] == "true" or $fi[2][7] === true)) ? true : false, "label" => (isset($fi[2][8]) and ($fi[2][8] == "true" or $fi[2][8] === true)) ? true : false, "label_name" => isset($fi[2][9]) ? $fi[2][9] : "", "forward" => (isset($fi[2][10]) and ($fi[2][10] == "true" or $fi[2][10] === true)) ? true : false, "forwardto" => isset($fi[2][11]) ? $fi[2][11] : "", "trash" => (isset($fi[2][12]) and ($fi[2][12] == "true" or $fi[2][12] === true)) ? true : false);
                 array_push($this->filter, $b);
         $this->view = GM_PREFERENCE;
     /* else { */
     /* 			$this->created = 0; */
     /* 			$this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: no snapshot type specified";  // Added by Neerav; 3 Aug 2005 */
     /* 			return null; */
     /* 		} */
     $this->created = 1;
     return 1;
Exemple #3
  * Constructor.
  * Note: you are not supposed to create a GMailSnapshot object yourself. You should
  * use {@link GMailer::getSnapshot()} instead.
  * @return GMailSnapshot
  * @param constant $type
  * @param array $raw
 function GMailSnapshot($type, $raw, $use_session, $raw_html)
     // input: raw packet generated by GMailer
     // Invalid datapack checking
     // snapshot_error Added; by Neerav;  3 Aug 2005
     // Added http errors; by Neerav; 16 Sept 2005
     if (!is_array($raw) or count($raw) == 0) {
         $this->created = 0;
         if (ereg('gmail_error=([0-9]{3})', $raw_html, $matches)) {
             $this->snapshot_error = $matches[1];
             if ($matches[1] != 500) {
                 Debugger::say("libgmailer: Gmail http error (" . $matches[1] . "), dump RAW HTML:\n" . print_r($raw_html, true));
             /* 				$this->snapshot_error_no = $matches[1]; */
             /* 				ereg('<p><font size="-1">(.*?)</font></p>',$raw_html,$matches); */
             /* 				$this->snapshot_error = $matches[1]; */
         } elseif (ereg('<title>([0-9]{3}) Server Error</title>', $raw_html, $matches)) {
             $this->snapshot_error = $matches[1];
             if ($matches[1] != 502) {
                 Debugger::say("libgmailer: Gmail http error (" . $matches[1] . "), dump RAW HTML:\n" . print_r($raw_html, true));
         } elseif (strpos($raw_html, '500 Internal Server Error') !== false) {
             $this->snapshot_error = 500;
         } elseif (strpos($raw_html, 'gmail_error=') !== false) {
             $this->snapshot_error = "Unknown gmail error";
             Debugger::say("libgmailer: unknown gmail error, dump RAW HTML:\n" . print_r($raw_html, true));
         } elseif (strpos($raw_html, 'top.location="https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin') !== false) {
             // Added error; by Neerav; 12 Oct 2005
             //libgmailer: Gmail redirect to login screen
             $this->snapshot_error = "libg110";
         } elseif ($raw_html == "") {
             $this->snapshot_error = "No response from Gmail";
         } elseif (!is_array($raw)) {
             $this->snapshot_error = "Invalid response from Gmail (not an array)";
             Debugger::say("libgmailer: invalid datapack -- not an array, dump RAW HTML:\n" . print_r($raw_html, true));
         } elseif (count($raw) == 0) {
             $this->snapshot_error = "Invalid response from Gmail (empty)";
         return null;
     // Gmail version
     if (isset($raw["v"][1])) {
         $this->gmail_ver = $raw["v"][1];
     //$raw["v"][2]	// What is this?  Another version number?
     //$raw["v"][3]	// What is this?
     // IdentificationKey (ik)
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if ($use_session) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION['id_key']) or $_SESSION['id_key'] == "") {
             Debugger::say("Snapshot: Using Sessions, saving id_key(ik)...");
             if (isset($raw["ud"][3])) {
                 $_SESSION['id_key'] = $raw["ud"][3];
                 Debugger::say("Snapshot: Session id_key saved: " . $_SESSION['id_key']);
             } else {
                 Debugger::say('Snapshot: Session id_key NOT saved.  $raw["ud"][3] not found.');
     } else {
         if (!isset($_COOKIE[GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY]) or $_COOKIE[GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY] == 0) {
             Debugger::say("Snapshot: Using Cookies, saving id_key(ik)...");
             if (isset($raw["ud"][3])) {
                 if (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ":")) {
                     $domain = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], 0, strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], ":"));
                 } else {
                     $domain = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
                 Debugger::say("Saving id_key as cookie " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . " with domain=" . $domain);
                 header("Set-Cookie: " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . "=" . base64_encode($raw["ud"][3]) . "; Domain=" . $domain . ";");
                 Debugger::say("Snapshot: Cookie id_key saved: " . GM_COOKIE_IK_KEY . "=" . base64_encode($raw["ud"][3]));
             } else {
                 Debugger::say('Snapshot: Cookie id_key NOT saved.  $raw["ud"][3] not found.');
     // other "UD"
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["ud"])) {
         // account email address
         // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         $this->gmail_email = $raw["ud"][1];
         //$raw["ud"][2]		// keyboard shortcuts
         //$raw["ud"][3]		// Identification Key, set above
         //$raw["ud"][4]		// What is this?  referrer?
         //$raw["ud"][5]		// What is this?
         //$raw["ud"][6]		// What is this?
         //$raw["ud"][7]		// What is this?
     // su
     //$raw["su"][1]		// What is this? (matches $raw["v"][2])
     //$raw["su"][2]		// What is this? (?? array of text strings for invites)
     // cp
     //$raw["cp"][1]		// What is this? (always 1)
     //$raw["cp"][2]		// What is this? (always 0)
     // csm
     //$raw["csm"][1]		// What is this? (always 1)
     // cld
     //$raw["cld"]			// What is this? (empty)
     // COUntry
     // Added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
     $this->country = isset($raw["cou"][1]) ? $raw["cou"][1] : "";
     // Google Accounts' name
     // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
     //     it's bandwidth expensive to retrieve preferences just for this
     // Added by Neerav; 2 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["gn"][1])) {
         $this->google_name = $raw["gn"][1];
     // Signature
     // your app SHOULD cache this in session or cookie for use across pages
     //     it's bandwidth expensive to retrieve preferences just for this
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["p"])) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
             if ($raw["p"][$i][0] == "sx_sg") {
                 // can be undefined ?!?!
                 $this->signature = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
     // Invites
     if (isset($raw["i"][1])) {
         $this->have_invit = $raw["i"][1];
     } else {
         $this->have_invit = 0;
     // QUota information
     if (isset($raw["qu"])) {
         // Space used as xx MB
         $this->quota_mb = $raw["qu"][1];
         // Total space allotted as xxxx MB
         $this->quota_tot = $raw["qu"][2];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         // Space used as xx%
         $this->quota_per = $raw["qu"][3];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         // html color as #aabbcc (normally a green color, but red when nearly full)
         $this->quota_col = $raw["qu"][4];
         // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     // Footer Tips or Fast Tips
     // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
     if (isset($raw["ft"][1])) {
         $this->gmail_tip = $raw["ft"][1];
     // cfs; Compose from source
     // Added by Neerav: 30 Aug 2005; Modified by Gan: 9 Sep 2005
     $this->personality = array();
     $this->personality_unverify = array();
     if (isset($raw["cfs"])) {
         if (isset($raw["cfs"][1])) {
             $person_verified = count($raw["cfs"][1]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $person_verified; $i++) {
                 $this->personality[] = array("name" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][0], "email" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][1], "default" => $raw["cfs"][1][$i][2] == 0 ? false : true, "reply-to" => isset($raw["cfs"][1][$i][3]) ? $raw["cfs"][1][$i][3] : "", "verified" => true);
             $person_unverified = count($raw["cfs"][2]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $person_unverified; $i++) {
                 $this->personality_unverify[] = array("name" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][0], "email" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][1], "default" => $raw["cfs"][2][$i][2] == 0 ? false : true, "reply-to" => isset($raw["cfs"][2][$i][3]) ? $raw["cfs"][2][$i][3] : "", "verified" => false);
     // What is this?
     // $raw["df"][1]  // shows ?false?
     // $raw["ms"]
     // $raw["e"]
     // $raw["pod"]
     // $raw["te"]
     // $raw["csm"][1]
     // $raw["ad"] // web clips and advertisements
         // Added by Neerav; 6 May 2005
         if (isset($raw["p"]) and !isset($this->signature)) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
                 if ($raw["p"][$i][0] == "sx_sg") {
                     // can be undefined ?!?!
                     $this->signature = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
         if (!isset($this->signature)) {
             $this->signature = "";
         // when a conversation does not exist, neither does ds; Fix by Neerav; 1 Aug 2005
         if (isset($raw["ds"])) {
             if (!is_array($raw["ds"])) {
                 $this->created = 0;
                 $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: invalid datapack";
                 return null;
             // Fix for change in format of unread messages in some accounts; by Neerav; 2 Feb 2006
             if (is_array($raw["ds"][1])) {
                 $this->std_box_new = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                 $std_boxes = array("inbox", "starred", "sent", "drafts", "all", "spam", "trash");
                 foreach ($raw["ds"][1] as $std_box) {
                     $name = $std_box[0];
                     $which_box = array_search($name, $std_boxes);
                     if ($which_box !== false and $which_box !== "") {
                         $this->std_box_new[$which_box] = $std_box[1];
             } else {
                 $this->std_box_new = array_slice($raw["ds"], 1);
         } else {
             $this->created = 0;
             if (isset($raw["tf"])) {
                 $this->snapshot_error = $raw["tf"][1];
             } else {
                 $this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: unknown but fatal datapack error";
                 Debugger::say("ds AND tf undefined, dumping raw: " . print_r($raw, true));
             return null;
         $this->label_list = array();
         $this->label_new = array();
         // Last changed by Neerav; 12 July 2005
         if (isset($raw["ct"][1]) and count($raw["ct"][1]) > 0) {
             foreach ($raw["ct"][1] as $v) {
                 array_push($this->label_list, $v[0]);
                 array_push($this->label_new, $v[1]);
         } elseif (isset($raw["ct"]) and !isset($raw["ct"][1])) {
             Debugger::say('ct[1] not set, raw[ct] dump: ' . print_r($raw["ct"], true));
         // Thread Summary
         if (isset($raw["ts"])) {
             $this->view = GM_STANDARD | GM_LABEL | GM_QUERY;
             $this->box_name = $raw["ts"][5];
             // name of box/label/query
             $this->box_total = $raw["ts"][3];
             // total messages found
             $this->box_pos = $raw["ts"][1];
             // starting message number
             // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
             $this->box_display = $raw["ts"][2];
             // max number of messages to display on the page
             $this->box_query = $raw["ts"][6];
             // gmail query for box
             $this->queried_results = $raw["ts"][4];
             // was this a search query (bool)
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][7];		// what is this?? some id number?
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][8];		// what is this?? total number of messages in account?
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][9];		// what is this?? serial number, id number, VERY LONG!
             //$this->?? 		= $raw["ts"][10];		// what is this?? always blank
         $this->box = array();
         if (isset($raw["t"])) {
             foreach ($raw["t"] as $t) {
                 if ($t == "t") {
                 // Fix for 12 OR 13 fields!!; by Neerav; 23 July 2005
                 //$less  = (count($t) == 12) ? 1 : 0 ;
                 // Changed to 12 or 13 vs. 14 fields; by Neerav; 25 Oct 2005
                 // is this permanent??  did Gmail increase the size of the array?? Why?  What?
                 //$less  = (count($t) == 12 or count($t) == 13) ? 1 : 0 ;
                 // Gmail increased the length of the array on/before 25 Oct 2005
                 // Instead of relying on array size, we look for the labels array
                 // Update: (15 Apr 2006) now there are upto 16 fields.
                 if (count($t) < 12) {
                     $less = 0;
                     $tb["id"] = $t[0];
                     $tb["is_read"] = 0;
                     $tb["is_starred"] = 0;
                     $tb["date"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["sender"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["flag"] = "";
                     $tb["subj"] = "(error)";
                     //$tb["snippet"]	= ((count($t) == 12) ? "" : $t[7] );
                     $tb["snippet"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["msgid"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["labels"] = array();
                     // gives an array even if 0 labels
                     $tb["attachment"] = array();
                     //$tb["??"]		= $t[10-$less];
                     //$tb["??"]		= $t[11-$less];
                     $tb["long_date"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["long_time"] = "(error)";
                     $tb["is_chat"] = 0;
                     $tb["chat_length"] = "";
                     //$tb["??"]		= $t[15-$less];
                     array_push($this->box, $tb);
                 } elseif (is_array($t[8])) {
                     // normal
                     $less = 0;
                 } elseif (is_array($t[7])) {
                     // without snippet
                     $less = 1;
                 } elseif (is_array($t[9])) {
                     // just here for future compatibility
                     $less = -1;
                 } elseif (is_array($t[6])) {
                     // just here for future compatibility
                     $less = 2;
                 } else {
                     $less = 0;
                 // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 $long_date = "";
                 $long_time = "";
                 $date_time = explode("_", $t[12 - $less]);
                 if (isset($date_time[0])) {
                     $long_date = $date_time[0];
                 if (isset($date_time[1])) {
                     $long_time = $date_time[1];
                 // Added labels for use in multiple languages; by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
                 //$label_array_lang = $t[8-$less];
                 // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 // Gives an array of labels and substitutes the standard names
                 // Changed to be language compatible; by Neerav; 8 Aug 2005
                 $label_array = array();
                 foreach ($t[8 - $less] as $label_entry) {
                     switch ($label_entry) {
                         //case "^i": 	$label_array[] = "Inbox";		break;
                         //case "^s": 	$label_array[] = "Spam";		break;
                         //case "^k": 	$label_array[] = "Trash";		break;
                         case "^t":
                             /* Starred */
                             //case "^r": 	$label_array[] = "Draft";		break;
                         //case "^r": 	$label_array[] = "Draft";		break;
                             $label_array[] = $label_entry;
                 $tb = array();
                 $tb["id"] = $t[0];
                 $tb["is_read"] = $t[1] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $tb["is_starred"] = $t[2] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $tb["date"] = strip_tags($t[3]);
                 $tb["sender"] = strip_tags($t[4], "<b>");
                 $tb["flag"] = $t[5];
                 $tb["subj"] = strip_tags($t[6], "<b>");
                 //$tb["snippet"]	= ((count($t) == 12) ? "" : $t[7] );
                 $tb["snippet"] = $less ? "" : $t[7];
                 $tb["msgid"] = $t[10 - $less];
                 // Added by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
                 //$tb["labels_lang"]= $label_array_lang;	// for use with languages
                 // Added/Changed by Neerav; 6 July 2005
                 $tb["labels"] = $label_array;
                 // gives an array even if 0 labels
                 $tb["attachment"] = strlen($t[9 - $less]) == 0 ? array() : explode(",", $t[9 - $less]);
                 // Changed to give an array even if 0 attachments
                 //$tb["??"]		= $t[10-$less];		// what is this?? repeat of id??
                 //$tb["??"]		= $t[11-$less];			// what is this?? always 0
                 $tb["long_date"] = $long_date;
                 // added
                 $tb["long_time"] = $long_time;
                 // added
                 // some accounts have chat, some do not
                 if (isset($t[13 - $less])) {
                     $tb["is_chat"] = $t[13 - $less];
                     // Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006;
                     $tb["chat_length"] = $t[14 - $less];
                     // Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006;
                     //$tb["??"]		= $t[15-$less];			// Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006; what is this?? always 0
                 } else {
                     $tb["is_chat"] = 0;
                     // Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006;
                     $tb["chat_length"] = "";
                     // Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006;
                     //$tb["??"]		= $t[15-$less];		// Added by (Gmail) Neerav; 16 Feb 2006; what is this?? always 0
                 array_push($this->box, $tb);
         if (isset($raw["cs"])) {
             //Debugger::say("cs exists: ".print_r($raw["cs"],true));
             //Debugger::say("cs exists, dumping raw: ".print_r($raw,true));
             // Fix for 14 OR 12 fields!!; by Neerav; 25 July 2005
             $less = count($raw["cs"]) == 12 ? 2 : 0;
             $this->view = GM_CONVERSATION;
             $this->conv_id = $raw["cs"][1];
             $this->conv_title = $raw["cs"][2];
             // $raw["cs"][3]		// what is this??  escape/html version of 2?
             // $raw["cs"][4]		// what is this?? empty
             // $raw["cs"][5]		// (array) conversation labels, below
             // $raw["cs"][6]		// what is this?? array
             // $raw["cs"][7]		// what is this?? integer/bool?
             $this->conv_total = $raw["cs"][8];
             // (count($t) == 14) $raw["cs"][9] 	// may be missing! what is this?? long id number?
             // (count($t) == 14) $raw["cs"][10]	// may be missing! what is this?? empty
             // $raw["cs"][11-$less]		// may be 9 what is this?? repeat of id 1?
             // $raw["cs"][12-$less]		// may be 10 what is this?? array
             // $raw["cs"][13-$less]		// may be 11 what is this?? integer/bool?
             $this->conv_labels = array();
             $this->conv_starred = false;
             // Added labels for use in multiple languages; by Neerav; 7 Aug 2005
             //$this->conv_labels_lang = $raw["cs"][5];	// for use with languages
             // Changed to give translated label names; by Neerav; 6 July 2005
             // Changed back to be language compatible; by Neerav; 8 Aug 2005
             //$this->conv_labels_temp = (count($raw["cs"][5])==0) ? array() : $raw["cs"][5];
             $temp_array = $raw["cs"][5];
             foreach ($raw["cs"][5] as $label_entry) {
                 switch ($label_entry) {
                     //case "^i": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Inbox";		break;
                     //case "^s": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Spam";		break;
                     //case "^k": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Trash";		break;
                     case "^t":
                         $this->conv_starred = true;
                         //case "^r": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Draft";		break;
                     //case "^r": 	$this->conv_labels[] = "Draft";		break;
                         $this->conv_labels[] = $label_entry;
             $this->conv = array();
             if (!isset($raw["mg"])) {
                 // Added error; by Neerav; 24 Sept 2005
                 // libg102 error: a specific message has been requested, but must actually be
                 // taken from the thread (message may be a draft or other expanded message)
                 $this->snapshot_error = "libg102";
                 $this->created = 0;
                 return null;
             } else {
                 $mg_count = count($raw["mg"]);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $mg_count; $i++) {
                     if ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mb" && $i > 0) {
                         if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][1])) {
                             $b["body"] .= $raw["mg"][$i][1];
                         } else {
                             // Added error; by Neerav; 9 Feb 2006
                             // THIS ERROR OCCURS BECAUSE ??
                             $this->snapshot_error = "libg101";
                             $this->created = 0;
                             return null;
                         if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][2])) {
                             if ($raw["mg"][$i][2] == 0) {
                                 array_push($this->conv, $b);
                         } else {
                             // Added error; by Neerav; 9 Feb 2006
                             $this->snapshot_error = "libg101";
                             $this->created = 0;
                             return null;
                     } elseif ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mi" or $raw["mg"][$i][0] == "di") {
                         // to account for an added 20th index with a phishing warning
                         // Added by Neerav; 1 Dec 2005
                         /* 							$more  = (isset($raw["mg"][$i][26]) and is_array($raw["mg"][$i][26])) ? 1 : 0 ; */
                         // Changed by Neerav; 24 Mar 2006
                         $more = (isset($raw["mg"][$i][20]) and strpos($raw["mg"][$i][20], "<font color=\"#ffffff\">") !== false) ? 1 : 0;
                         // Changed to merge "di" and "mi" routines; by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                         if (isset($b)) {
                             array_push($this->conv, $b);
                         $b = array();
                         // $raw["mg"][$i][0] is mi or di
                         $b["mbox"] = $raw["mg"][$i][1];
                         // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                         $b["is_trashed"] = (int) $raw["mg"][$i][1] & 128 ? true : false;
                         // Added by Neerav; 23 Feb 2006
                         $b["is_html"] = (int) $raw["mg"][$i][1] & (16 | 32) ? true : false;
                         // Added by Neerav; 23 Feb 2006
                         $b["html_images"] = (int) $raw["mg"][$i][1] & 32 ? true : false;
                         // Added by Neerav; 23 Feb 2006
                         $b["index"] = $raw["mg"][$i][2];
                         $b["id"] = $raw["mg"][$i][3];
                         $b["is_star"] = $raw["mg"][$i][4];
                         if ($b["is_star"] == 1) {
                             $this->conv_starred = true;
                         $b["draft_parent"] = $raw["mg"][$i][5];
                         // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                         $b["sender"] = $raw["mg"][$i][6];
                         $b["sender_short"] = $raw["mg"][$i][7];
                         // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                         $b["sender_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][8]);
                         // remove annoying d-quotes in address
                         $b["recv"] = strip_tags($raw["mg"][$i][9]);
                         $b["recv_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][11]);
                         $b["cc_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][12]);
                         // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July
                         $b["dt_easy"] = $raw["mg"][$i][10];
                         if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][15]) and isset($raw["mg"][$i][16]) and isset($raw["mg"][$i][13]) and isset($raw["mg"][$i][14]) and isset($raw["mg"][$i][17])) {
                             $b["bcc_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][13]);
                             // was only defined in draft, now both; Changed by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                             $b["reply_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["mg"][$i][14]);
                             $b["dt"] = $raw["mg"][$i][15];
                             $b["subj"] = $raw["mg"][$i][16];
                         } else {
                             // Added error; by Neerav; 9 Jan 2006
                             $this->snapshot_error = "libg101";
                             $this->created = 0;
                             return null;
                         $b["snippet"] = $raw["mg"][$i][17];
                         $b["sender_in_contact"] = $raw["mg"][$i][19];
                         // (0,1) sender already in the contacts list; Added by Neerav; 6 Mar 2006
                         $b["attachment"] = array();
                         if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][18])) {
                             // attachments
                             if (!is_array($raw["mg"][$i][18])) {
                                 // Added error; by Neerav; 24 Sept 2005
                                 $this->snapshot_error = "libg101";
                                 $this->created = 0;
                                 return null;
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($raw["mg"][$i][18] as $bb) {
                                     array_push($b["attachment"], array("id" => $bb[0], "filename" => $bb[1], "type" => str_replace("\"", "", $bb[2]), "size" => $bb[3]));
                                     if (!isset($bb[1])) {
                                         Debugger::say("undefined attachment info, dumping message: ", print_r($raw["mg"][$i], true));
                                         Debugger::say("undefined attachment info, dumping raw: " . print_r($raw, true));
                                         Debugger::say("undefined attachment info, dumping raw_html: " . print_r($raw_html, true));
                         if ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "mi") {
                             $b["is_draft"] = false;
                             $b["body"] = "";
                             $b["warning"] = $more == 1 ? $raw["mg"][$i][20] : "";
                             // phishing WARNING from Gmail  // Added by Neerav; 1 Dec 2005
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][20+$more];  // ?? repeated date in unix-like format with an _ // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                             $b["quote_str"] = $raw["mg"][$i][21 + $more];
                             $b["quote_str_html"] = $raw["mg"][$i][22 + $more];
                             // Added the following indexes; Neerav; 1 Dec 2005
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][23+$more];  // What is this?? sender's domain?
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][24+$more];  // always blank What is this??
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][25+$more];  // always array(,,1) What is this??
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][26+$more];  // always blank What is this??
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][27+$more];  // array(,,0) or blank What is this??
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][28+$more];  // always 0 What is this??
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][29+$more];  // header: Sender (real sender: don't need this) // 6 Mar 2006
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][30+$more];  // header: Message-ID (don't need this in snapshot)  // 3 Mar 2006
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][31+$more];  // always 0 What is this??
                             $b["to_custom_from"] = isset($raw["mg"][$i][32 + $more]) ? $raw["mg"][$i][32 + $more] : "";
                             // Custom From which this message was sent to
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][33+$more];  // always 0 What is this??
                         } elseif ($raw["mg"][$i][0] == "di") {
                             $b["is_draft"] = true;
                             $b["body"] = $raw["mg"][$i][20];
                             // $raw["mg"][$i][21];  // ?? repeated date slightly different format  // Added by Neerav; 11 July 2005
                             if (isset($raw["mg"][$i][22]) and isset($raw["mg"][$i][23])) {
                                 $b["quote_str"] = $raw["mg"][$i][22];
                                 $b["quote_str_html"] = $raw["mg"][$i][23];
                             } else {
                                 // Added error; by Neerav; 9 Jan 2006
                                 $this->snapshot_error = "libg101";
                                 $this->created = 0;
                                 return null;
                             // Added to match additions to "mi"; by Neerav; 1 Dec 2005
                             $b["warning"] = "";
             if (isset($b)) {
                 array_push($this->conv, $b);
     // Changed from elseif to if; by Neerav; 5 Aug 2005
     if ($type & GM_CONTACT) {
         $this->contacts = array();
         $this->contact_groups = array();
         // Added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
         $this->contacts_total = 0;
         // Added by Neerav; 5 Jan 2006
         // general contacts information; Added by Neerav; 5 Jan 2006
         if (isset($raw["cls"])) {
             $this->contacts_total = $raw["cls"][1];
             // total number of contacts
             //$raw["cls"][2]							// array, type of contacts
             //$raw["cls"][2][i][0]					// Gmail code for type of contacts: p=frequent, a=all, l=group, s=search
             //$raw["cls"][2][i][1]					// Human readable button text for the above code type
             $this->contacts_shown = $raw["cls"][3];
             // Gmail code for type of contacts currently shown/retrieved
             //$this->contacts_total = $raw["cls"][4]	// is 4 ?? What is this??
         // Added by Neerav; 29 June 2005
         // Since gmail changes their Contacts array often, we need to see which
         //    latest flavor (or flavour) they are using!
         // Some accounts use "a" for both lists and details
         // 	  whereas some accounts use "cl" for lists and "cov" for details
         $type = "";
         $c_grp_det = "";
         if (isset($raw["a"])) {
             Debugger::say("uses 'a' for contacts: " . print_r($raw, true));
             $c_array = "a";
             // determine is this is a list or contact detail
             if (count($raw["a"]) == 2 and isset($raw["a"][1][6])) {
                 $type = "detail";
                 $c_id = 0;
                 $c_name = 1;
                 $c_email = 3;
                 $c_groups = 4;
                 $c_notes = 5;
                 $c_detail = 6;
             } else {
                 $c_email = 3;
                 $c_notes = 4;
                 $type = "list";
                 //$c_addresses 	= 5;
         } elseif (isset($raw["cl"])) {
             // list
             $c_array = "cl";
             $c_email = 4;
             $c_notes = 5;
             $c_addresses = 6;
             $type = "list";
         } elseif (isset($raw["cov"])) {
             // contact detail in accounts using "cl"
             $c_array = "cov";
             $type = "detail";
             $c_id = 1;
             $c_name = 2;
             $c_email = 4;
             $c_groups = 6;
             $c_notes = 7;
             $c_detail = 8;
         } elseif (isset($raw["clv"])) {
             // group detail in accounts using "cl" // added by Neerav; 6 Jan 2006
             $c_array = "clv";
             //$c_grp_det		= "cle";
             $type = "detail";
             $c_id = 1;
             $c_name = 2;
             $c_email = 6;
             $c_total = 3;
             $c_detail = 5;
             $c_members = 4;
             $c_notes = 0;
         } else {
             array_push($this->contacts, array("id" => "error", "name" => "libgmailer Error", "email" => "*****@*****.**", "is_group" => 0, "notes" => "libgmailer could not find the Contacts information " . "due to a change in the email service (again!).  Please contact " . "the author of this program (which uses libgmailer) for a fix."));
         // Changed by Neerav;
         // from "a" to "cl" 15 June 2005
         // from "cl" to whichever exists 29 June 2005
         if ($type == "list") {
             // An ordinary list of contacts
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["{$c_array}"]); $i++) {
                 $a = $raw["{$c_array}"][$i];
                 $b = array("id" => $a[1], "name" => isset($a[2]) ? $a[2] : "", "email" => str_replace("\"", "", $a[$c_email]));
                 // Last Changed by Neerav; 29 June 2005
                 if (isset($a[$c_notes])) {
                     // Contact groups support; 5 Jan 2006
                     if (is_array($a[$c_notes])) {
                         $b["notes"] = "";
                         $b["is_group"] = true;
                         // email addresses for groups are in a different location and format
                         // "Name" <*****@*****.**>, "Name2" <*****@*****.**>, etc
                         // and needs to be "simply" re-created for backwards compatibility
                         $gr_count = count($a[$c_notes]);
                         $group_addresses = array();
                         for ($gr_entry = 0; $gr_entry < $gr_count; $gr_entry++) {
                             $group_addresses[] = $a[$c_notes][$gr_entry][1];
                         $b["email"] = implode(", ", $group_addresses);
                         //$b["email"]	= str_replace("\"", "", $a[$c_addresses]);
                         $b["group_names"] = $a[$c_email];
                         $b["group_total"] = $a[3];
                         $b["group_email"] = count($a[$c_notes]) > 0 ? $a[$c_addresses] : array();
                     } else {
                         $b["notes"] = $a[$c_notes];
                         $b["is_group"] = false;
                         $b["groups"] = $a[$c_addresses];
                 array_push($this->contacts, $b);
         } elseif ($type == "detail") {
             //Debugger::say("raw: ".print_r($raw,true));
             $details = array();
             if ($c_array == "clv") {
                 // Added by Neerav; 6 Jan 2006
                 // Group details
                 $cov["is_group"] = true;
                 // is this a group?
                 $cov["id"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_id];
                 // group id
                 $cov["name"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_name];
                 // group name
                 $gr_count = count($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail]);
                 $cov["group_names"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_members];
                 // string of names of group members
                 $cov["group_total"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_total];
                 // string, total number of members in group
                 $cov["group_email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_email]);
                 // formatted list of addresses as: Name <address>
                 $cov["notes"] = "";
                 // no notes for groups... yet!
                 $group_addresses = array();
                 // string of flattened email addresses
                 $group_members = array();
                 // array of group members
                 for ($gr_entry = 0; $gr_entry < $gr_count; $gr_entry++) {
                     $group_addresses[] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$gr_entry][1];
                     $cov["members"][] = array("id" => $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$gr_entry][0], "name" => isset($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$gr_entry][2]) ? $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$gr_entry][2] : "", "email" => $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$gr_entry][1]);
                 $cov["email"] = count($group_addresses) > 0 ? implode(", ", $group_addresses) : "";
             } else {
                 // Added by Neerav; 1 July 2005
                 // Contact details (advanced contact information)
                 // used when a contact id was supplied for retrieval
                 $cov = array();
                 $cov["is_group"] = false;
                 $cov["id"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_id];
                 $cov["name"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_name];
                 $cov["email"] = str_replace("\"", "", $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_email]);
                 $cov["groups"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_groups];
                 if (isset($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][0])) {
                     $cov["notes"] = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][0] == "n" ? $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_notes][1] : "";
                 } else {
                     $cov["notes"] = "";
                 $num_details = count($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail]);
                 if ($num_details > 0) {
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $num_details; $i++) {
                         $details[$i][] = array("type" => "detail_name", "info" => $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][0]);
                         if (isset($raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][1])) {
                             $temp = $raw["{$c_array}"][1][$c_detail][$i][1];
                         } else {
                             $temp = array();
                             Debugger::say('$raw[' . $c_array . '][1][' . $c_detail . '][' . $i . '][1] not defined libgmailer: 2548, dumping raw: ' . print_r($raw, true));
                         for ($j = 0; $j < count($temp); $j += 2) {
                             switch ($temp[$j]) {
                                 case "p":
                                     $field = "phone";
                                 case "e":
                                     $field = "email";
                                 case "m":
                                     $field = "mobile";
                                 case "f":
                                     $field = "fax";
                                 case "b":
                                     $field = "pager";
                                 case "i":
                                     $field = "im";
                                 case "d":
                                     $field = "company";
                                 case "t":
                                     $field = "position";
                                     // t = title
                                 // t = title
                                 case "o":
                                     $field = "other";
                                 case "a":
                                     $field = "address";
                                     $field = $temp[$j];
                                     // default to the field type
                             $details[$i][] = array("type" => $field, "info" => $temp[$j + 1]);
                 $cov["details"] = $details;
             array_push($this->contacts, $cov);
         // Contact groups
         // Added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
         if (isset($raw["cla"])) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["cla"][1]); $i++) {
                 $a = $raw["cla"][1][$i];
                 $b = array("id" => $a[0], "name" => $a[1], "addresses" => isset($a[2]) ? str_replace("\"", "", $a[2]) : "");
                 array_push($this->contact_groups, $b);
         $this->view = GM_CONTACT;
     // Changed from elseif to if; by Neerav; 5 Aug 2005
     if ($type & GM_PREFERENCE) {
         // go to Preference Panel
         // Added by Neerav; 6 July 2005
         if (isset($raw["pp"][1])) {
             switch ($raw["pp"][1]) {
                 case "g":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "general";
                 case "l":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "labels";
                 case "f":
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = "filters";
                     $this->goto_pref_panel = $raw["pp"][1];
         // SETTINGS (NON-Filters, NON-Labels)
         // Added by Neerav; 29 Jun 2005
         $this->setting_gen = array();
         $this->setting_fpop = array();
         $this->setting_other = array();
         $this->setting_mobile = array();
         $this->setting_chat = array();
         if (isset($raw["p"])) {
             // GENERAL SETTINGS
             $gen = array("name_google" => isset($raw["gn"][1]) ? $raw["gn"][1] : "", "language" => "en", "page_size" => 25, "shortcuts" => 0, "p_indicator" => 0, "show_snippets" => 0, "use_signature" => 0, "signature" => "", "encoding" => 0, "vacation_enabled" => 0, "vacation_subject" => "", "vacation_message" => "", "vacation_contact" => 0);
             // FORWARDING AND POP
             $fpop = array("forward" => 0, "forward_to" => "", "forward_action" => "selected", "pop_enabled" => 0, "pop_action" => 0);
             // MOBILE
             $mobile = array("display_boxes" => array("inbox", "starred", "sent", "drafts", "all", "spam", "trash"));
             // CHAT
             $chat = array("save_chat" => 0);
             // OTHER
             $other = array("google_display_name" => isset($raw["gn"][1]) ? $raw["gn"][1] : "", "google_reply_to" => "", "expand_labels" => 1, "expand_invites" => 1, "expand_talk" => 1, "reply_from_sent" => 0, "rich_text" => 0, "save_chat" => 0);
             if (isset($raw["gn"][1])) {
                 $gen["name_google"] = $raw["gn"][1];
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($raw["p"]); $i++) {
                 $pref = $raw["p"][$i][0];
                 $value = isset($raw["p"][$i][1]) ? $raw["p"][$i][1] : "";
                 switch ($pref) {
                     // GENERAL SETTINGS
                     //case "sx_dn":	$gen["name_display"] = $value;		break;	// (string) name on outgoing mail (display name)
                     //case "sx_rt":	$gen["reply_to"] = $value;			break;	// (string) reply to email address
                     case "sx_dl":
                         $gen["language"] = $value;
                         // (string) display language
                     // (string) display language
                     case "ix_nt":
                         $gen["page_size"] = $value;
                         // (integer) msgs per page (maximum page size)
                     // (integer) msgs per page (maximum page size)
                     case "bx_hs":
                         $gen["shortcuts"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) keyboard shortcuts {0 = off, 1 = on}
                     // (boolean) keyboard shortcuts {0 = off, 1 = on}
                     case "bx_sc":
                         $gen["p_indicator"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) personal level indicators {0 = no indicators, 1 = show indicators}
                     // (boolean) personal level indicators {0 = no indicators, 1 = show indicators}
                     case "bx_ns":
                         $gen["show_snippets"] = !$value;
                         // (boolean) no snippets {0 = show snippets, 1 = no snippets}
                         // 		we INVERSE this for convenience
                     // (boolean) no snippets {0 = show snippets, 1 = no snippets}
                     // 		we INVERSE this for convenience
                     case "sx_sg":
                         $gen["signature"] = $value;
                         // (string) signature
                     // (string) signature
                     case "bx_en":
                         $gen["encoding"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) outgoing message encoding {0 = default, 1 = utf-8}
                         // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                     // (boolean) outgoing message encoding {0 = default, 1 = utf-8}
                     // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                     case "bx_ve":
                         $gen["vacation_enabled"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) vacation message enabled {0 = OFF, 1 = ON}
                     // (boolean) vacation message enabled {0 = OFF, 1 = ON}
                     case "sx_vs":
                         $gen["vacation_subject"] = $value;
                         // (string) vacation message subject
                     // (string) vacation message subject
                     case "sx_vm":
                         $gen["vacation_message"] = $value;
                         // (string) vacation message text
                     // (string) vacation message text
                     case "bx_vc":
                         $gen["vacation_contact"] = ($value == "true" or $value === true) ? true : false;
                         // (string to boolean) vacation message, send only to contacts list
                         // FORWARDING AND POP
                     // (string to boolean) vacation message, send only to contacts list
                     // FORWARDING AND POP
                     case "sx_em":
                         $fpop["forward_to"] = $value;
                         // (string) forward to email
                     // (string) forward to email
                     case "sx_at":
                         $fpop["forward_action"] = $value;
                         // (string) forwarding action {selected (keep), archive, trash}
                     // (string) forwarding action {selected (keep), archive, trash}
                     case "bx_pe":
                         $fpop["pop_enabled"] = $value;
                         // (integer) pop enabled {0 = disabled, 2 = enabled from now, 3 = enable all}
                     // (integer) pop enabled {0 = disabled, 2 = enabled from now, 3 = enable all}
                     case "ix_pd":
                         $fpop["pop_action"] = $value;
                         // (integer) action after pop access {0 = keep, 1 = archive, 2 = trash}
                         // SIDE BOXES
                     // (integer) action after pop access {0 = keep, 1 = archive, 2 = trash}
                     // SIDE BOXES
                     case "bx_show0":
                         $other["expand_labels"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) labels box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     // (boolean) labels box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     case "bx_show1":
                         $other["expand_invites"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) invite box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     // (boolean) invite box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     case "bx_show3":
                         $other["expand_talk"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) gtalk box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                         // ACCOUNT
                     // (boolean) gtalk box {0 = collapsed, 1 = expanded}
                     // ACCOUNT
                     case "bx_rf":
                         $other["reply_from_sent"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) use reply from [sent] {0 = use default address, 1 = use address message was sent to}
                         // added by Neerav; 4 Mar 2006
                     // (boolean) use reply from [sent] {0 = use default address, 1 = use address message was sent to}
                     // added by Neerav; 4 Mar 2006
                     case "sx_dn":
                         $other["google_display_name"] = $value;
                         // (string) Google accounts "from" display name
                     // (string) Google accounts "from" display name
                     case "sx_rt":
                         $other["google_reply_to"] = $value;
                         // (string) Google accounts "from" reply-to address
                         // Chat
                         // added by Neerav; 10 Feb 2006
                     // (string) Google accounts "from" reply-to address
                     // Chat
                     // added by Neerav; 10 Feb 2006
                     case "ix_ca":
                         $chat["save_chat"] = $value;
                         $other["save_chat"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) save chat archive {0 = off, 1 = on}
                         // added by Neerav; 26 Feb 2006
                     // (boolean) save chat archive {0 = off, 1 = on}
                     // added by Neerav; 26 Feb 2006
                     case "ix_ql":
                         $chat["ix_ql"] = $value;
                         // (integer)
                     // (integer)
                     case "bx_aa":
                         $chat["bx_aa"] = $value;
                         // (boolean)
                     // (boolean)
                     case "bx_lq":
                         $chat["bx_lq"] = $value;
                         // (boolean)
                         // MOBILE
                         // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                     // (boolean)
                     // MOBILE
                     // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                     case "sx_pf":
                         if ($value != "") {
                             $mobile = array();
                             $temp_mobile = explode('#,~', $value);
                             for ($mob = 0; $mob < count($temp_mobile); $mob++) {
                                 if ($temp_mobile[$mob] != "") {
                                     $mobile['display_boxes'][] = $temp_mobile[$mob];
                         // OTHER
                         // 		not used yet or has been removed from Gmail
                     // OTHER
                     // 		not used yet or has been removed from Gmail
                     case "bx_cm":
                         $other["rich_text"] = $value;
                         // (boolean) rich text composition {0 = plain text, 1 = rich text}
                         // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                         //case "bx_aa":	$other["unknown"] = $value;			break;	//
                     // (boolean) rich text composition {0 = plain text, 1 = rich text}
                     // added by Neerav; 20 Dec 2005
                     //case "bx_aa":	$other["unknown"] = $value;			break;	//
                         $other["{$pref}"] = $value;
             // set useful implicit boolean settings
             //if ($gen["name_display"] != "") $gen["use_cust_name"] = 1;
             //if ($gen["reply_to"] != "") 	$gen["use_reply_to"]  = 1;
             if ($gen["signature"] != "") {
                 $gen["use_signature"] = 1;
             if ($fpop["forward_to"] != "") {
                 $fpop["forward"] = 1;
             $this->setting_gen = $gen;
             $this->setting_fpop = $fpop;
             $this->setting_other = $other;
             $this->setting_mobile = $mobile;
             $this->setting_chat = $chat;
         // LABELS
         $this->label_list = array();
         $this->label_total = array();
         if (isset($raw["cta"][1])) {
             foreach ($raw["cta"][1] as $v) {
                 array_push($this->label_list, $v[0]);
                 array_push($this->label_total, $v[1]);
         } elseif (isset($raw["cta"])) {
             Debugger::say('cta[1] not set, printing cta: ' . print_r($raw["cta"], true));
         // FILTERS
         $this->filter = array();
         if (isset($raw["fi"][1])) {
             foreach ($raw["fi"][1] as $fi) {
                 // Changed/Added by Neerav; 23 Jun 2005
                 // filter rules/settings
                 //     (The "() ? :" notation is used because empty/false fields at the end of an
                 //         array are not always defined)
                 $b = array("id" => $fi[0], "query" => isset($fi[1]) ? $fi[1] : "", "from" => isset($fi[2][0]) ? $fi[2][0] : "", "to" => isset($fi[2][1]) ? $fi[2][1] : "", "subject" => isset($fi[2][2]) ? $fi[2][2] : "", "has" => isset($fi[2][3]) ? $fi[2][3] : "", "hasnot" => isset($fi[2][4]) ? $fi[2][4] : "", "hasattach" => (isset($fi[2][5]) and ($fi[2][5] == "true" or $fi[2][5] === true)) ? true : false, "archive" => (isset($fi[2][6]) and ($fi[2][6] == "true" or $fi[2][6] === true)) ? true : false, "star" => (isset($fi[2][7]) and ($fi[2][7] == "true" or $fi[2][7] === true)) ? true : false, "label" => (isset($fi[2][8]) and ($fi[2][8] == "true" or $fi[2][8] === true)) ? true : false, "label_name" => isset($fi[2][9]) ? $fi[2][9] : "", "forward" => (isset($fi[2][10]) and ($fi[2][10] == "true" or $fi[2][10] === true)) ? true : false, "forwardto" => isset($fi[2][11]) ? $fi[2][11] : "", "trash" => (isset($fi[2][12]) and ($fi[2][12] == "true" or $fi[2][12] === true)) ? true : false);
                 array_push($this->filter, $b);
         $this->view = GM_PREFERENCE;
     /* else { */
     /* 			$this->created = 0; */
     /* 			$this->snapshot_error = "libgmailer: no snapshot type specified";  // Added by Neerav; 3 Aug 2005 */
     /* 			return null; */
     /* 		} */
     $this->created = 1;
     return 1;
Exemple #4
  * Constructor.
  * Note: you are not supposed to create a GMailSnapshot object yourself. You should
  * use {@link GMailer::getSnapshot()} and/or {@link GMailer::webClip()} instead.
  * @return GMailWebclipSnapshot
  * @param array $raw
 function web_clip_snapshot($raw, $action = "item")
     $clips = array();
     if ($action == 'preview') {
         $this->feed['id'] = $raw['fl'][2][0][0];
         $this->feed['url'] = $raw['fl'][2][0][1];
         $this->feed['site'] = $raw['fl'][2][0][2];
         // must be last!
         if (isset($raw['fl'][2][0][6])) {
             $raw = $raw['fl'][2][0][6];
     foreach ($raw as $webclip) {
         if (count($webclip) == 10) {
             $ad_site = 4;
             $ad_date = 5;
             $ad_sub = 6;
             $ad_type = 8;
             $ad_cat = 9;
         } elseif (count($webclip) == 6) {
             $ad_site = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_date = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_sub = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_type = 4;
             $ad_cat = 5;
         } elseif (count($webclip) == 7) {
             $ad_site = 4;
             $ad_date = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_sub = 0;
             // not really, but will be blank
             $ad_type = 5;
             $ad_cat = 6;
         } else {
             Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__) . ": " . __LINE__ . ": " . "odd web clips: " . print_r($webclip, true));
         $clip = array();
         //$clip[''] = $webclip[0]; // ??
         $clip['id'] = $webclip[1];
         $clip['url'] = $webclip[2];
         $clip['title'] = $webclip[3];
         $clip['site'] = $ad_site != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_site] : "";
         $clip['date'] = $ad_date != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_date] : "";
         $clip['sub'] = $ad_sub != 0 ? $webclip[$ad_sub] : "";
         //$clip[''] 		= (($less) ? "" : $webclip[7]); // ?? empty
         $clip['type'] = $webclip[$ad_type];
         // web clip, advertisement, gmail tip, etc.
         $clip['category'] = $webclip[$ad_cat];
         // a number
         // 1 = Gmail Tip, 2 = News, 3 = Business, 4 = Lifestyle
         // 5 = Fun, 6 = Tech, 7 = Sports, 8 = custom
         $clips[] = $clip;
     if ($action == 'preview') {
         $this->feed['web_clips'] = $clips;
     } else {
         $this->web_clips = $clips;
     return 1;