public function autoErrorReport() { if (defined('DEV') && DEV == true && $this->success == FALSE && $this->query !== NULL) { if (!class_exists('Debug')) { include_once "library/facil3/utils/Debug.class.php"; } Debug::print_r($this); } }
private function newConnection($id) { $connectionData = Model::getConnectionsData(); // Run::$DEBUG_PRINT = 1; if (!$id) { foreach ($connectionData as $k => $v) { if ($v['type_db'] == "postgre") { $id = $k; break; } } } if (isset($connectionData[$id])) { Debug::log("Iniciando POSTGRE.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __FILE__); $data = $connectionData[$id]; Debug::print_r("data", $data); if (self::$active == false) { self::$active = $id; } $host = $data["host"]; $name = $data["database"]; $user = $data["user"]; $pass = $data["pass"]; $this->schema = $data["schema"]; if ($host && $name && $user) { try { self::$connection[$id] = pg_connect('host=' . $host . ' dbname=' . $name . ' user='******' password='******''); return -2; } if (self::$connection[$id]->connect_error) { ob_flush(); flush(); Error::show(5200, "Erro ao conectar ao POSTGRE. Código:" . Run::$control->string->encoding(pg_last_error(self::$connection[$id]) . ' -- Mensagem:' . pg_last_error(self::$connection[$id])), __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); return -2; } } else { Error::show(5200, "Não conecta no POSTGRE: " . $host . " / " . $name . " / " . $user . " / ", __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); return -2; } } else { Error::show(0, "Dados de conexão <b>{$id}</b> não foram definidos ", __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); exit; } }
private function newConnection($id) { $connectionData = Model::getConnectionsData(); if (!$id) { foreach ($connectionData as $k => $v) { if ($v['type_db'] == "mysql") { $id = $k; break; } } } //Run::$DEBUG_PRINT = 1; //Debug::print_r("__construct", $id); if (isset($connectionData[$id])) { $data = $connectionData[$id]; //Debug::print_r("data ", $data); Debug::log("Iniciando Mysqli.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __FILE__); self::$active = $id; $host = $data["host"]; $name = $data["database"]; $user = $data["user"]; $pass = $data["pass"]; $this->schema = $data["schema"]; if ($host && $name && $user) { //echo "$host, $user, $pass, $name"; self::$connection[$id] = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $name); self::$connection[$id]->set_charset("utf8"); Debug::print_r("conectando mysql {$id} "); if (self::$connection[$id]->connect_error) { ob_flush(); flush(); Error::show(5200, "Erro ao conectar ao Mysqli (<b>{$id}</b>). Código:" . Run::$control->string->encoding(self::$connection[$id]->connect_errno . ' -- Mensagem:' . self::$connection[$conn]->connect_error), __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); return -2; } else { self::$connection[$id]->set_charset("utf8"); } } else { Error::show(5200, "Não conecta no MYSQLI (<b>{$id}</b>): " . $host . " / " . $name . " / " . $user . " / ", __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); return -2; } } else { Error::show(0, "Dados de conexão <b>{$id}</b> não foram definidos ", __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); exit; } }
public function delDataSession() { // método para deletar o dataForm na sessão Debug::print_r("delDataSession"); Run::$session->del(array("forms", $this->getFormSessionId())); }
public function dev__teste__teste2() { echo "<br clear='all' /><br clear='all' /> <br clear='all' /> teste 2 <br clear='all' /> "; Debug::print_r(Language::$phrases); }
public function init() { $returnResult = new HttpResult(); $returnResult->setSuccess(1); //iniciando o resultado para o html $retornoDaPaginaHTML = new HttpMenu(); //inicia a variavel de consulta de obj para cache $obj = NULL; $save_cache = TRUE; $cache_base_folder = "cache/menu/init/"; if (Config::USE_QUERY_CACHE) { //verifica se tem cache $cache_folder = $cache_base_folder; $cache_file = md5(implode("/", $this->arrayRestFolder)); /* Debug::print_r($this->arrayRestFolder); echo Debug::li($cache_file); */ $cache_location = $cache_folder . $cache_file; if (file_exists($cache_location)) { $resultSerial = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_location)); //return $resultSerial; $obj = $resultSerial; $save_cache = FALSE; } } //o cache não está gravado if ($obj == NULL) { $obj = $this; //pedindo para consultar $this->consultValues(); } $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayMaterial = $obj->arrayMaterial->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayColor = $obj->arrayColor->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayStyle = $obj->arrayStyle->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayFormat = $obj->arrayFormat->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayTheme = $obj->arrayTheme->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayComposition = $obj->arrayComposition->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayTechnique = $obj->arrayTechnique->result; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayType = $obj->arrayType->result; $botaoPromocoes = new stdClass(); $botaoPromocoes->name = "em promoção"; //echo Debug::li($this->currentQuery);exit(); if (!$this->currentQuery) { $this->currentQuery = "SELECT count( DISTINCT `view_product_model_quadro_b`.id) as count FROM `view_product_model_quadro_b` WHERE 1 AND view_product_model_quadro_b.`active` = '1'"; } $queryPromocao = $this->currentQuery . " AND promocao = 1 "; //oic 2 $dbi = new DbInterface(); $rt = $dbi->query($queryPromocao); //echo Debug::li($this->currentQuery); if (isset($_GET["teste"])) { Debug::print_r($rt); } $rt->fetchAll(); //Debug::print_r($rt);exit(); $botaoPromocoes->id = 1; $botaoPromocoes->total = $rt->result[0]->count; //total de produtos em promoção $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayPromocoes = array($botaoPromocoes); $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestMaterial = $obj->requestMaterial; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestColor = $obj->requestColor; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestStyle = $obj->requestStyle; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestFormat = $obj->requestFormat; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestTheme = $obj->requestTheme; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestComposition = $obj->requestComposition; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestTechnique = $obj->requestTechnique; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestType = $obj->requestType; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestSearch = $obj->requestSearch; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestResumeSearch = $obj->requestResumeSearch; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->requestPromocao = $obj->requestPromocao; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayRestFolder = $this->arrayRestFolder; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayVariable = $this->arrayVariable; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->url_final = $obj->url_final; //salvando o objeto de resultado de html no retorno $returnResult->setHttpContentResult($retornoDaPaginaHTML); // -------------------------------------------------------------------[ BREAD CRUMB ] // Agora criando a array de bread crumb $retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayBreadCrumb = $this->arrayBreadCrumb; // E também popula os títulos, que até então ele não tinha como pegar foreach ($retornoDaPaginaHTML->arrayBreadCrumb as $BreadCrumbInfoVO) { //pelo tipo de item e id ele ve o nome if (FALSE) { //apenas para o auto completar do eclipse $BreadCrumbInfoVO = new BreadCrumbInfoVO(); } $BreadCrumbInfoVO->tittle = $retornoDaPaginaHTML->getNameByTypeAndId($BreadCrumbInfoVO->reference, $BreadCrumbInfoVO->id); } if (Config::USE_QUERY_CACHE && $save_cache) { //grava o cache DataHandler::createRecursiveFoldersIfNotExists($cache_folder); //criando obj simplificado para serializar $stdObj = new stdClass(); $stdObj->arrayMaterial = $obj->arrayMaterial; $stdObj->arrayColor = $obj->arrayColor; $stdObj->arrayStyle = $obj->arrayStyle; $stdObj->arrayFormat = $obj->arrayFormat; $stdObj->arrayTheme = $obj->arrayTheme; $stdObj->arrayComposition = $obj->arrayComposition; $stdObj->arrayTechnique = $obj->arrayTechnique; $stdObj->arrayType = $obj->arrayType; $stdObj->requestMaterial = $obj->requestMaterial; $stdObj->requestColor = $obj->requestColor; $stdObj->requestStyle = $obj->requestStyle; $stdObj->requestFormat = $obj->requestFormat; $stdObj->requestTheme = $obj->requestTheme; $stdObj->requestComposition = $obj->requestComposition; $stdObj->requestTechnique = $obj->requestTechnique; $stdObj->requestType = $obj->requestType; $stdObj->requestSearch = $obj->requestSearch; $stdObj->requestResumeSearch = $obj->requestResumeSearch; $stdObj->requestPromocao = $obj->requestPromocao; $stdObj->url_final = $obj->url_final; DataHandler::writeFile($cache_folder, $cache_file, serialize($stdObj)); } return $returnResult; }
<li style="margin-left:60px;"><a href="<?php echo Config::getRootPath('produtos'); ?> ">Produtos</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo Config::getRootPath('clientes'); ?> ">clientes</a></li> </ul> <div id="line"></div> </div> <div id="products"> <?php foreach ($HttpContentResult->produtos as $produto) { ?> <div class="products" id="products-<?php echo $i; ?> "> <?php Debug::print_r($produto); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div> </body> </html>
/** * para detalhe de um produto */ public function init() { //Debug::print_r($this->arrayVariable); //filtro vindo por parametro é o addres que ele tem que enviar de volta como busca //rel ids de produtos relacionados //exit(); //echo 12; $id = DataHandler::forceInt(DataHandler::getValueByArrayIndex($this->arrayVariable, "id")); if ($id > 0) { $ContentSiteVO = new ContentSiteVO(); $ReturnResult_vo = $ContentSiteVO->setId($id, TRUE); if ($ReturnResult_vo->success) { $stdProduct = $ContentSiteVO->toStdClass(); $stdProduct->array_gallery = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "gallery", true); $stdProduct->array_dimensions = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "dimensions", true); $stdProduct->array_video = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "video", true); $stdProduct->array_360 = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "360", true); $stdProduct->array_tagged = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "tagged", true); $LinkDAO = LinkDAO::getInstance(); //passo 1, descobrir a qual família esse protudo pertence //passo 2, pegar todos os produtos pertencente a mesma família //passo 3, tirar o próprio produto da listagem de produtos da mesma família $array_links = array(); $resultLinks = $LinkDAO->select(DbInterface::RETURN_STD_OBJECT, "content", $table_id = null, $linked_table = 'content', $linked_table_id = $id, $active = 1, $quant_started = NULL, $quant_limit = NULL, $order_by = "order", $order_type = " ASC "); if ($resultLinks->success && $resultLinks->count_total > 0) { foreach ($resultLinks->result as $familia) { $link = $familia; //$resultLinks->result[0]; $ContentFamiliaVO = new ContentSiteVO(); $ContentFamiliaVO->setId($link->table_id, TRUE); Debug::print_r($ContentFamiliaVO); exit; if ($ContentFamiliaVO->active > 0) { $arrayResult_links = $ContentFamiliaVO->getLinks("content"); foreach ($arrayResult_links as $link) { if ($link->linked_table_id != $id) { $ResultTempLink = $link->getLinkedVO(); if ($ResultTempLink->success) { $produtoVO = $ResultTempLink->result; if ($produtoVO->active > 0) { $stdProduto = $produtoVO->toStdClass(); $stdProduto->array_tagged = $produtoVO->getImages(NULL, "tagged", NULL); $array_links[] = $stdProduto; } //Debug::print_r($stdProduto);exit(); } } //end if } //end foerach } } } //verifica a qual familia esse produto pertence $stdProduct->array_produtos_vinculados = $array_links; //Debug::print_r($array_links); //exit(); //pegando array de vinculados enviados como id $str_ids_send = DataHandler::getValueByArrayIndex($this->arrayVariable, "rel"); $array_ids_send = explode("|", $str_ids_send); $array_filtro = array(); foreach ($array_ids_send as $id) { $ContentSiteVO = new ContentSiteVO(); $tempResult = $ContentSiteVO->setId($id, TRUE); if ($tempResult->success) { $stdProduto = $ContentSiteVO->toStdClass(); $stdProduto->array_tagged = $ContentSiteVO->getImages(NULL, "tagged", NULL); $array_filtro[] = $stdProduto; } } $stdProduct->array_filtro = $array_filtro; //Debug::print_r($array_links); $returnResult = new HttpResult(); //exit(); //iniciando o resultado para o html $retornoDaPaginaHTML = new HttpRoot(); $retornoDaPaginaHTML->vo = $stdProduct; $retornoDaPaginaHTML->addressToReturn = str_replace("|", "/", DataHandler::getValueByArrayIndex($this->arrayVariable, "filtro")); $strToResend = implode("/", $this->arrayRestFolder); $strToResend = explode("/:/", $strToResend); if (is_array($strToResend) && count($strToResend) > 1) { $strToResend = $strToResend[1]; } else { $strToResend = ""; } $retornoDaPaginaHTML->addressToResend = $strToResend; $returnResult->setHttpContentResult($retornoDaPaginaHTML); return $returnResult; } else { Navigation::redirect(""); } } else { //não mandou o id, vai pra listagem Navigation::redirect("produtos"); } }
private function buildSaveSQL($orderTables, $dataTables, $schema, $refTableIndex = false, $refPkId = 0) { //Run::$DEBUG_PRINT = 1; $fieldsRec = array(); //Debug::print_r($orderTables); foreach ($orderTables as $k => $refs) { if (!isset($refs['table'])) { continue; } $this->deletePKFromMultipleRegistersTable($refs, $k, $schema); $data = $dataTables[$k]; $tableIsMultiple = false; if (isset($refs['multiple']) && $refs['multiple'] === true) { //$dataCheck = (is_array($data[$refTableIndex])) ? $data[$refTableIndex] : $data; //$totalMultiple = $this->getTotalMultipleFieldsBytable($k, $dataCheck, $schema, $refs['pk'], $refTableIndex); $dataLevel = $this->getLevelDataMulti($data); $dataIndexs = $this->getIndexsMultipleFieldsByTable($k, $data, $schema, $refs['pk'], $refTableIndex, $refPkId, $dataLevel); $totalMultiple = count($dataIndexs); //Debug::print_r("dataIndexs Array:: ",$dataIndexs); $tableIsMultiple = true; } else { $totalMultiple = 1; } Debug::print_r("buildSaveSQL {$k} | refTableIndex : {$refTableIndex} | refPkId : {$refPkId} - - - - - - - - - - SAVE {$refs['table']}: {$k} / multiplos: " . $totalMultiple . " - - refTableIndex: {$refTableIndex}- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"); //reset($data); for ($i = 0; $i < $totalMultiple; $i++) { $reIndexed = $dataIndexs[$i]; $fields = ""; $values = ""; $update_fields = ""; if (!$tableIsMultiple) { $dataPK = $data[$refs['pk']]; } else { if ($dataLevel == 2) { $dataPK = $data[$reIndexed][$refs['pk']]; } else { if ($dataLevel == 3) { $dataPK = $data[$refTableIndex][$reIndexed][$refs['pk']]; } } } //Debug::print_r(" data:", $data); //Debug::print_r("dataPK $k : ".$dataPK ." // dataLevel:".$dataLevel); $typeSave = $dataPK > 0 ? "update" : "insert"; $saveFileData = array("index" => false, "name" => false, "fieldRef" => false, "path" => false); //Debug::print_r("for $i / dataPK: $dataPK "); //Debug::print_r($data[$i]); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (isset($refs['fk_ref'])) { $fields .= ",\n\t" . $refs['fk_ref'] . ""; $values .= ",\n\t'" . $orderTables['fk_ref_value'] . "'"; $update_fields .= ",\n\t" . $refs['fk_ref'] . " = '" . $orderTables['fk_ref_value'] . "'"; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $skipRec = false; foreach ($schema['fields'] as $kF => $field) { if ($field['belongsTo'] == $k && ($dataPK > 0 && $kF == $refs['pk'] || $kF != $refs['pk'])) { if ($typeSave == "insert" && $field[$typeSave] !== false || $typeSave == "update" && $field[$typeSave] !== false) { if ($tableIsMultiple) { //if($k == "et") //Debug::print_r($data[$refTableIndex][$i]); //if($k == "et") //Debug::print_r("$k /kF $kF /i $i =".$data[$refTableIndex][$i][$kF]); if ($field['type'] == "date_insert" || $field['type'] == "date_update") { $data_multiple = $data[$kF]; } else { if ($field['type'] == "int" || $field['type'] == "integer") { $data_multiple = is_array($data[$refTableIndex][$reIndexed]) ? $data[$refTableIndex][$reIndexed][$kF] : (int) $data[$reIndexed][$kF]; } else { $data_multiple = is_array($data[$refTableIndex][$reIndexed]) ? $data[$refTableIndex][$reIndexed][$kF] : $data[$reIndexed][$kF]; //Debug::p("data ", $data); //Debug::p("data_multiple / $reIndexed / $kF /".$data[$reIndexed][$kF], $data); //Debug::p("data_multiple ", $data[$reIndexed][$kF]); } } if ($field['skipRecEmpty'] === true && $this->getValueArray($data_multiple) == "") { continue 2; } if ($field['skipFieldEmpty'] === true && $this->getValueArray($data_multiple) == "") { continue; } $field_name = $field['name'] != "" ? $field['name'] : $kF; $fields .= ",\n\t" . $field_name . ""; $values .= ",\n\t'" . $this->getValueArray($data_multiple) . "'"; $update_fields .= ",\n\t" . $field_name . " = '" . $this->getValueArray($data_multiple) . "'"; if ($field['type'] == "file_name") { $saveFileData['name'] = $this->getValueArray($data_multiple); } if ($field['type'] == "file_path") { $saveFileData['index'] = $reIndexed; $saveFileData['fieldRef'] = $field['fieldRef']; $saveFileData['path'] = $this->getValueArray($data_multiple); //Debug::p("saveFileData", $saveFileData); } if ($field['type'] == "file_path" && $saveFileData['path'] == $saveFileData['name'] && !is_array($data_multiple)) { continue 2; } //Debug::p("add: ($reIndexed)".$field_name ." / PK: ". $dataPK ." /kF = ". $kF ." /Total = ". $totalMultiple ." /reIndexed = ".$reIndexed); //if($kF == "tipo") //Debug::p("$i $kF :".$data_multiple); //if($kF == "tipo") //Debug::p($data[$refTableIndex][$i][$kF]); } else { if ($field['type'] == "file_name") { $saveFileData['name'] = $data[$kF]; } if ($field['type'] == "file_path") { $saveFileData['index'] = $reIndexed; $saveFileData['fieldRef'] = $field['fieldRef']; $saveFileData['path'] = $data[$kF]; //Debug::p("saveFileData", $saveFileData); } if ($field['type'] == "file_path" && $saveFileData['path'] == $saveFileData['name'] && !is_array($data_multiple)) { continue 2; } if ($field['skipRecEmpty'] === true && $data[$kF] == "") { continue 2; } if ($field['skipFieldEmpty'] === true && $data[$kF] == "") { continue; } $field_name = $field['name'] != "" ? $field['name'] : $kF; $fields .= ",\n\t" . $field_name . ""; if ($field['type'] == "int" || $field['type'] == "integer") { $data[$kF] = (int) $data[$kF]; } $values .= ",\n\t'" . $data[$kF] . "'"; if ($field['skipFieldEmpty'] !== true || $field['skipFieldEmpty'] === true && $data[$kF] != $field['value']) { $update_fields .= ",\n\t" . $field_name . " = '" . $data[$kF] . "'"; } } } } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $fields = substr($fields, 2, strlen($fields)); $values = substr($values, 2, strlen($values)); $update_fields = substr($update_fields, 2, strlen($update_fields)); //Run::$DEBUG_PRINT = 1; Debug::p("data", $data); Debug::p("update_fields", $update_fields); if ($dataPK > 0) { // não pode ser com replace, pois os campos não atualizados são apagados do registro. //$sql_query = "REPLACE INTO ". $refs['table'] ." \n(\n".$fields ."\n) \nVALUES(\n".$values."\n)"; $sql_query = "UPDATE " . $this->database->schema . $refs['table'] . " SET \n" . $update_fields . "\n \n WHERE \n\t {$refs['pk']} = {$dataPK} \n"; } else { $sql_query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->database->schema . $refs['table'] . " \n(\n" . $fields . "\n) \nVALUES(\n" . $values . "\n)"; } Debug::p("sql_query", $sql_query); if ($saveFileData['name'] === "" && $saveFileData['path'] !== false) { continue; } // //Debug::p("pqp ------------{$saveFileData['name']}------------------------- {$saveFileData['path']} "); $sql_obj = $this->database->query($sql_query, $refs['pk'], __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __FILE__, $this->settings['database_id']); $warMsg = $this->database->getWarning(); if ((is_integer($sql_obj) || $warMsg != "") && $this->database->getError() != "00000") { $this->query_errors++; Error::show(5200, "Model-> Erro no SQL:\n " . $warMsg . "\n " . $this->database->getError() . " \n{$sql_query} " . __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ''); } else { //Debug::log("Model: SQL Executado com sucesso (returnID:". $this->database->getID($this->settings['database_id']) ."): \n $sql_query", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __FILE__); } if ($dataPK > 0) { $id_pf_ref = $data[$refs['pk']] = $dataPK; } else { $id_pf_ref = $this->database->getID($sql_query); } if (isset($dataTables[$k][$refTableIndex][$reIndexed][$refs['pk']])) { $dataTables[$k][$refTableIndex][$reIndexed][$refs['pk']] = $id_pf_ref; } else { if ($tableIsMultiple) { $dataTables[$k][$reIndexed][$refs['pk']] = $id_pf_ref; } else { $dataTables[$k][$refs['pk']] = $id_pf_ref; } } //Debug::print_r("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ".$refs['pk'] ." = " . $id_pf_ref ." -- totalMultiple: ".$totalMultiple); //Debug::print_r($sql_query); if ($this->query_errors < 1) { Debug::p("TESTE", $saveFileData); $refs["joineds"]['fk_ref_value'] = $id_pf_ref; if ($reIndexed == "") { $reIndexed = (int) $reIndexed; } Debug::p("TESTE2", $saveFileData); Debug::p("TESTE3", $saveFileData); Debug::p("FILE SAVE:", $_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']]['tmp_name']); if ($saveFileData['path'] !== false && $saveFileData['name'] !== false && $saveFileData['name'] !== "" && $saveFileData['index'] !== false && (isset($_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']][$refTableIndex][$saveFileData['index']]['tmp_name']) || isset($_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']][$saveFileData['index']]['tmp_name'])) || isset($_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']]['tmp_name']) && !is_array($_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']]['tmp_name'] != "") { Debug::p("vai salvar", $id_pf_ref); $tmp_file = !is_string($_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']][(int) $refTableIndex]['tmp_name']) ? $_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']][$refTableIndex][$saveFileData['index']]['tmp_name'] : $_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']][$saveFileData['index']]['tmp_name']; if ($saveFileData['index'] == "") { $tmp_file = $_FILES[$saveFileData['fieldRef']]['tmp_name']; } Debug::p("tmp_file", $tmp_file); if ((int) $refPkId == 0) { $refPkId = $id_pf_ref; } $salvou = false; if ($tmp_file != "") { $salvou = Run::$control->file->saveFile($tmp_file, Run::$control->string->pad($id_pf_ref, $this->settings['default_pad'], "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "-" . $saveFileData['name'], $saveFileData['path'] . $refPkId, ""); Debug::p("FILE SAVE CHECK ", $salvou); if ($salvou === false) { array_push($this->dataErrors, "O arquivo " . $saveFileData['name'] . " não pode ser salvo."); } } } $dataTables = $this->buildSaveSQL($refs["joineds"], $dataTables, $schema, $reIndexed, $id_pf_ref); } else { array_push($this->dataErrors, "Ocorreu um erro ao gravar os dados da tabela " . $refs['table'] . "."); } } } //Run::$DEBUG_PRINT = 0; //exit; return $dataTables; }
public function register() { Debug::print_r($_POST); exit; }