function selectDB($table) { $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql .= "FROM {$table};"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $employeeCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); return $employeeCollection; }
$wisdom = $_POST["wisdom"]; $HP = $_POST["HP"]; $MP = $_POST["MP"]; $stamina = $_POST["stamina"]; $will = $_POST["will"]; $item1ID = $_POST["item1ID"]; $item2ID = $_POST["item2ID"]; $item3ID = $_POST["item3ID"]; $item4ID = $_POST["item4ID"]; $item5ID = $_POST["item5ID"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO srp63.character"; $sql .= "(characterID,FK_placeID,FK_userID,name,gender,agility,strength,"; $sql .= "intellect,wisdom,maxHP,curHP,maxMP,curMP,maxStamina,curStamina,"; $sql .= "maxWill,curWill,experience,level) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,'55a4ccfd-5c33-4ddc-9445-1a4af176099b',?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,0,1);"; $db1 = new DbUtilities(); $db1->executeQuery($sql, "ssssiiiiiiiiiiii", array($guid, $userID, $name, $gender, $agility, $strength, $intellect, $wisdom, $HP, $HP, $MP, $MP, $stamina, $stamina, $will, $will)); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO srp63.item (itemID, FK_characterID, type, itemName, "; $sql1 .= "defence, weight, durability, isEquipped, equipSlot) VALUES "; $sql1 .= "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; $db2 = new DbUtilities(); $db2->executeQuery($sql1, "ssssiiiss", array($item1ID, $guid, "clothing", "Peasant Clothes", 1, 2, 100, "true", "body")); echo $item1ID . "," . $userID . "," . "clothing" . "," . "Peasant Clothes" . "," . 1 . "," . 2 . "," . 100 . "," . "true" . "," . "body"; $sql2 = "INSERT INTO srp63.item (itemID, FK_characterID, type, itemName, "; $sql2 .= "defence, weight, durability, isEquipped, equipSlot) VALUES "; $sql2 .= "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; $db3 = new DbUtilities(); $db3->executeQuery($sql2, "ssssiiiss", array($item2ID, $guid, "clothing", "Simple Shoes", 0, 1, 100, "true", "body")); ?>
<?php define("IN_KEKE", TRUE); include '../app_comm.php'; require S_ROOT . 'update/file/kppw.php'; require S_ROOT . 'update/DbUtilities.php'; $DbUtilities = new DbUtilities(); $DbUtilities->dbUpdate($dbArr); foreach ($dbArr as $table => $fields) { $filepath = S_ROOT . 'update/sqldata/' . $table . '.php'; if (file_exists($filepath)) { require $filepath; } } unset($dbArr); unset($DbUtilities); $file_obj = new keke_file_class(); $file_obj->delete_files(S_ROOT . "/data/data_cache/"); $file_obj->delete_files(S_ROOT . "/data/tpl_c/"); header('Refresh: 3; url=../index.php?do=index'); echo '升级成功...<br />'; echo '页面跳转中...<br />';
<?php require "classes/dbutils.php"; $email = $_POST["email"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $displayName = $_POST["displayName"]; $sendNews = $_POST["sendNews"]; $age = $_POST["age"]; $userID = $_POST["userID"]; $hashPass = md5($password); $sql = "INSERT INTO user (userID,email,displayName,passW,sendNews,age,timeS) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?, NOW());"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $db->executeQuery($sql, "sssssi", array($userID, $email, $displayName, $hashPass, $sendNews, $age)); ?>
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION["userID"]) or $_SESSION["userID"] == null or $_SESSION["userID"] == "" or $_SESSION["userID"] == "INVALID") { //No session data } else { //logged in! require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $userID = $_SESSION["userID"]; $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql .= "FROM srp63.character WHERE FK_userID = '" . $userID . "';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $charCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); $charData = '"character" : ' . json_encode($charCollection); echo '{' . $charData . '}'; } ?>
<?php require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $stuff = $_POST["sendThis"]; $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql .= "FROM Applicant;"; //. "WHERE attemptID = '" . $attemptID . "' AND userID = '" . $userID . "';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $dataCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); $appData = '"applicant" : ' . json_encode($dataCollection);
<td class="postsCountCell"> Posts </td> </tr> <?php $threadArray = array(); $postArray = array(); $threadCount = 0; $postCountArray; $style = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM topic"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $collectionList = $db->getDataset($sql); $newSql = "SELECT * FROM topic JOIN thread ON topic.topicID = thread.FK_topicID JOIN post on thread.threadID = post.FK_threadID;"; $db2 = new DbUtilities(); $tCollectionList = $db2->getDataset($newSql); foreach ($tCollectionList as &$row2) { if (!in_array($row['threadID'], $threadArray)) { //returns the index of the first substring found. if no index then return -1 array_push($threadArray, $row['threadID']); $threadCount += 1; } } foreach ($collectionList as &$row) { if ($style == 0) { echo '<tr class="rowStyle1">'; $style = 1; } else { echo '<tr class="rowStyle2">'; $style = 0;
<?php require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $placeID = $_POST["placeID"]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM point WHERE FK_placeID = '{$placeID}';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $pointCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); $pointData = '"point" : ' . json_encode($pointCollection); echo '{' . $pointData . '}'; ?>
<?php require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $eventID = $_POST["eventID"]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM message WHERE FK_eventID = '" . $eventID . "';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $messCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); $messData = '"message" : ' . json_encode($messCollection); echo '{' . $messData . '}';
<?php session_start(); include "base.php"; require "classes/dbutils.php"; $email = $_POST["email"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; $hashPass = md5($password); $sql = "SELECT userID,email,displayName,type FROM user WHERE email='{$email}' AND passW='{$hashPass}';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); //$db->getDatasetWithParams($sql, "ss", array($email, $hashPass)); //echo($db->getDataset($sql)); $collectionList = $db->getDataset($sql); if (count($collectionList) > 0) { foreach ($collectionList as &$row) { $_SESSION["userID"] = $row["userID"]; $_SESSION["email"] = $row["email"]; $_SESSION["displayName"] = $row["displayName"]; $_SESSION["type"] = $row["type"]; echo "VALID"; } // print_r($_SESSION); // Change this to redirect to whatever page is the first landing page for the application } else { $_SESSION["userID"] = "INVALID"; $_SESSION["email"] = "INVALID"; $_SESSION["displayName"] = "INVALID"; $_SESSION["type"] = "INVALID"; echo "INVALID"; // Authentication failed - redirect to auth failed page // You need to update that page
<?php require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $FK_placeID = $_POST["FK_placeID"]; $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql .= "FROM srp63.places WHERE placeID = '" . $FK_placeID . "';"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $placeCollection = $db->getDataset($sql); $placeData = '"places" : ' . json_encode($placeCollection); echo '{' . $placeData . '}'; ?>
} echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="col-md-1">'; if ($param6 != "") { echo $row[$param6]; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="col-md-1">'; if ($param7 != "") { echo $row[$param7]; } echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } $db = new DbUtilities(); $result = $db->getDataset($sql); ?> </div> </div> <footer><a href="../homework.html">Back</a></footer> </article> <nav class="leftPane"> <!-- For my reference: leave blank or insert navbar --> </nav> <aside class="rightPane"> <!-- For my reference: leave blank or content can go here --> </aside> </div>
<?php session_start(); require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $userID = $_SESSION["userID"]; $guid = $_POST["guid"]; $content = $_POST["content"]; $threadID = $_POST["threadID"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO post (postID,FK_userID,FK_threadID,content,timeS) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?,?,NOW());"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $db->executeQuery($sql, "ssss", array($guid, $userID, $threadID, $content)); $sql = "INSERT INTO post (postID,FK_userID,FK_threadID,content,timeS) "; $sql .= "VALUES ({$guid},{$userID},{$threadID},{$content},NOW());"; echo $sql;
} else { //$userID = $_SESSION["drupalUserID"]; //$attemptID = $_SESSION["gameAttemptID"]; //$levelAccess = "level1.php"; } function insertData($table) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (userID,attemptID,levelAccess) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?);"; $db = new DbUtilities; $db->executeQuery($sql, "sss", array($userID, $attemptID, $levelAccess)); } */ //if (isset($_POST["firstName"])){ require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $firstName = $_POST["fName"]; $lastName = $_POST["lName"]; $dateSubmitted = $_POST["dateSubmitted"]; $WorkExperience = $_POST["workExpSE"]; $Appearance = $_POST["appearanceSE"]; $Education = $_POST["educationSE"]; $Enthusiasm = $_POST["enthusiasmSE"]; $whyWork = $_POST["whyWork"]; $strengths = $_POST["majorStrengths"]; $language = $_POST["languages"]; $other = $_POST["other"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO Applicant (fName,lName,dateSubmitted,workExpSE,appearanceSE,educationSE,enthusiasmSE,whyWork,majorStrengths,languages,other) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $db->executeQuery($sql, "sssssssssss", array($firstName, $lastName, $dateSubmitted, $WorkExperience, $Appearance, $Education, $Enthusiasm, $whyWork, $strengths, $language, $other)); //}
<?php require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $itemID = $_POST["itemID"]; $isEquipped = $_POST["isEquipped"]; $sql = "UPDATE srp63.item SET isEquipped = ? WHERE itemID = ?;"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $db->executeQuery($sql, "ss", array($isEquipped, $itemID)); ?>
} else { //$userID = $_SESSION["drupalUserID"]; //$attemptID = $_SESSION["gameAttemptID"]; //$levelAccess = "level1.php"; } function insertData($table) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (userID,attemptID,levelAccess) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?);"; $db = new DbUtilities; $db->executeQuery($sql, "sss", array($userID, $attemptID, $levelAccess)); } */ //if (isset($_POST["firstName"])){ require "../classes/dbutils.php"; $firstName = $_POST["fName"]; $lastName = $_POST["lName"]; $dateSubmitted = $_POST["dateSubmitted"]; $Happiness = $_POST["happinessSE"]; $Appearance = $_POST["appearanceSE"]; $Education = $_POST["educationSE"]; $Enthusiasm = $_POST["enthusiasmSE"]; $whyDate = $_POST["whyDate"]; $greatGF = $_POST["greatGF"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; echo "stuff"; $sql = "INSERT INTO GFapplicants (fName,lName,dateSubmitted,happiness,appearance,education,enthusiasm,whyDate,greatGF,phone) "; $sql .= "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"; $db = new DbUtilities(); $db->executeQuery($sql, "ssssssssss", array($firstName, $lastName, $dateSubmitted, $Happiness, $Appearance, $Education, $Enthusiasm, $whyDate, $greatGF, $phone)); //}