public function getSystemInfo() { $answer = ''; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $postFields = 'module_name=communication&module_group=service&action=getInfo&version=1&afterLogin='******'&systemVersion=' . \DbSystem::getSystemVariable('version'); $groups = \Modules\developer\modules\Db::getGroups(); foreach ($groups as $groupKey => $group) { $modules = \Modules\developer\modules\Db::getModules($group['id']); foreach ($modules as $moduleKey => $module) { $postFields .= '&modules[' . $group['name'] . '][' . $module['name'] . ']=' . $module['version']; } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, BASE_URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1); $answer = curl_exec($ch); if (json_decode($answer) === null) { //json decode error return ''; } } return $answer; }
private function _checkCompatability($moduleGroup, $moduleName, $version) { $answer = ''; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $postFields = 'module_name=communication&module_group=service&action=checkCompatability&newModuleGroup=' . $moduleGroup . '&newModuleName=' . $moduleName . '&newModuleVersion=' . $version . '&version=1'; $postFields .= '&systemVersion=' . \DbSystem::getSystemVariable('version'); $groups = \Modules\developer\modules\Db::getGroups(); foreach ($groups as $groupKey => $group) { $modules = \Modules\developer\modules\Db::getModules($group['id']); foreach ($modules as $moduleKey => $module) { $postFields .= '&modules[' . $group['name'] . '][' . $module['name'] . ']=' . $module['version']; } } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, BASE_URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1); $json = curl_exec($ch); if (json_decode($json) !== null) { //json decode succeded $array = json_decode($json, true); if ($array['status'] != 'success') { $answer = $array['errorMessage']; } } } return $answer; }
function makeActions() { if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'getSystemInfo': $module = new Module(); $systemInfo = $module->getSystemInfo(); if (isset($_REQUEST['afterLogin'])) { // request after login. if ($systemInfo == '') { $_SESSION['modules']['administrator']['system']['show_system_message'] = false; //don't display system alert at the top. return; } else { $md5 = \DbSystem::getSystemVariable('last_system_message_shown'); if ($systemInfo && (!$md5 || $md5 != md5($systemInfo))) { //we have a new message $newMessage = false; foreach (json_decode($systemInfo) as $infoKey => $infoValue) { if ($infoValue->type != 'status') { $newMessage = true; } } $_SESSION['modules']['administrator']['system']['show_system_message'] = $newMessage; //display system alert } else { //this message was already seen. $_SESSION['modules']['administrator']['system']['show_system_message'] = false; //don't display system alert at the top. return; } } } else { //administrator/system tab. \DbSystem::setSystemVariable('last_system_message_shown', md5($systemInfo)); $_SESSION['modules']['administrator']['system']['show_system_message'] = false; //don't display system alert at the top. } echo $systemInfo; break; } } \Db::disconnect(); exit; }
function execute($options) { global $parametersMod; global $dbSite; global $log; global $site; if ($options->firstTimeThisWeek) { $module = new Module(); $systemInfo = $module->getSystemInfo(); if ($systemInfo != '') { //send an email $md5 = \DbSystem::getSystemVariable('last_system_message_sent'); if (!$md5 || $md5 != md5($systemInfo)) { //we have a new message $message = ''; $messages = json_decode($systemInfo); if (is_array($messages)) { foreach ($messages as $messageKey => $messageVal) { $message .= '<p>' . $messageVal->message . '</p>'; } $onlyStatusMessages = true; foreach ($messages as $messageKey => $messageVal) { if ($messageVal->type != 'status') { $onlyStatusMessages = false; } } if ($onlyStatusMessages) { return; } } else { return; } if (defined('ERRORS_SEND') && ERRORS_SEND != '') { require_once BASE_DIR . MODULE_DIR . 'administrator/email_queue/module.php'; $queue = new \Modules\administrator\email_queue\Module(); $queue->addEmail($parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'main_parameters', 'email'), $parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'main_parameters', 'name'), ERRORS_SEND, '', $parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'main_parameters', 'name'), $message, false, true); $queue->send(); } \DbSystem::setSystemVariable('last_system_message_sent', md5($systemInfo)); } } } }
function manage() { global $cms; global $parametersMod; global $log; $answer = ''; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case "cache_clear": $log->log('administrator/system', 'Cache was cleared'); $module = new Module(); $module->clearCache(); $answer .= ' <div class="note"> ' . $parametersMod->getValue('administrator', 'system', 'admin_translations', 'cache_cleared') . ' </div> '; break; } } $answer .= HtmlOutput::header(); $answer .= '<div class="content">'; $answer .= '<h1>ImpressPages CMS ' . htmlspecialchars(\DbSystem::getSystemVariable('version')) . '</h1>'; $answer .= '</div>'; $answer .= '<div class="content">'; $answer .= '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars($parametersMod->getValue('administrator', 'system', 'admin_translations', 'cache')) . '</h1>'; $answer .= $parametersMod->getValue('administrator', 'system', 'admin_translations', 'cache_comments'); $answer .= '<a href="' . $cms->generateUrl($cms->curModId, 'action=cache_clear') . '" class="button">' . htmlspecialchars($parametersMod->getValue('administrator', 'system', 'admin_translations', 'cache_clear')) . '</a><br /><br /><br />'; $answer .= '</div>'; $answer .= '<div id="systemInfo" class="content" style="display: none;">'; $answer .= '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars($parametersMod->getValue('standard', 'configuration', 'system_translations', 'system_message')) . '</h1>'; $answer .= ' <script type="text/javascript" src="' . BASE_URL . MODULE_DIR . 'administrator/system/script.js"></script>'; $answer .= '</div>'; $answer .= HtmlOutput::footer(); return $answer; }