<?php $day6 = new Day6(); $fp = fopen('../input/input6.txt', 'r'); while ($line = trim(fgets($fp))) { $day6->parse($line); } echo $day6->count() . PHP_EOL; class Day6 { private $_lights = array(); /** * Set up the array */ public function __construct() { for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 1000; $j++) { $this->_lights[$i][$j] = 0; } } self::_debug('initialized'); } /** * Switch a light on * * If it is already on, nothing will change. * * @param int $x The x position of the light * @param int $y The y position of the light */
/** * @test * @param string $input * @param int $expected * @dataProvider getTestIsStringNiceTestData */ public function testIsStringNice(\string $input, \int $expected) { $result = $this->Day6->solveFirst($input); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result, $input); }