public function newsSentiment() { $feeds = Input::get('feeds', array()); $minOffset = Input::get('minOffset', 0); $agg = json_decode(Input::get('agg', '["hour", "day", "month"]')); $db = DB::connection('rss'); $feeds = DB::connection('rss')->select('SELECT * FROM feeds'); $stories = DB::connection('rss')->select('SELECT * FROM stories order by date desc'); $aFeeds = array(); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feed->stories = array(); $aFeeds[$feed->id] = $feed; } foreach ($stories as $story) { $date = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d_H-i-s', $story->date); $aFeeds[$story->feeds_id]->stories[] = array('id' => (int) $story->id, 'title' => $story->title, 'date' => $date->sub(new DateInterval('PT8H')), 'sentiment' => (int) $story->sentiment); } $now = new Datetime(); $now->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles')); // $now_year = $now->format('Y'); // $now_month = $now->format('m'); // $now_day = $now->format('d'); // // // $hourlist = array(); // $daylist=array(); // $monthlist = array(); // for($h=0;$h<24;$h++){ // $hourlist[] = array( // 'x' => $h, // 'y' => 0 // ); // } // for($d=0;$d<date('t');$d++){ // $daylist[$d] = array( // 'x' => $d, // 'y' => 0 // ); // } // for($m=0;$m<12;$m++){ // $monthlist[$m] = array( // 'x' => $m, // 'y' => 0 // ); // } $unixlist = array(); $aSentimentTime = array(); foreach ($aFeeds as $feed) { foreach ($feed->stories as $story) { $aSentimentTime[] = array('x' => $story['date']->getTimestamp(), 'y' => $story['sentiment']); } } usort($aSentimentTime, function ($a, $b) { return $a['x'] > $b['x']; }); $timeset = $this->_aggSentiment($aSentimentTime, 3600 * 3, 'Y-m-d-H-i-s'); echo json_encode(array('ulist' => $timeset)); }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once 'TwitterAPIExchange.php'; /** Set access tokens here - see: **/ $settings = array('oauth_access_token' => "998032536-YHb8IcLPlQbigJgRoP8VowBLADwH9RgBZZZ6mY0J", 'oauth_access_token_secret' => "SW6g2sKE4HPOhQg9WSLySXrnVxNo9xDxwI6CsSij4uGKh", 'consumer_key' => "i6qskwGhaXjVHC51u2MYO7b9P", 'consumer_secret' => "Oqna2t4eB5oelVKZaay8crIEsPxTnNllVROAy8zqAglNmY2QIZ"); /** Perform a GET request and echo the response **/ /** Note: Set the GET field BEFORE calling buildOauth(); **/ $url = ''; $getfield = '?q=#parisattacks&count=50'; $requestMethod = 'GET'; $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings); $api_response = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest(); $tweetData = json_decode($api_response); foreach ($tweetData->statuses as $tweet) { $date = new Datetime($tweet->created_at); $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')); echo "<div class='twitteruserphoto'><a href='{$tweet->user->screen_name}' target='_blank'><img src='{$tweet->user->profile_image_url}'></a></div>"; echo "<div class='twittername'><a href='{$tweet->user->screen_name}' target='_blank'>{$tweet->user->name}</a></div>"; echo "<div class='twitteruser'><a href='{$tweet->user->screen_name}' target='_blank'>@{$tweet->user->screen_name}</a></div>"; echo "<div class='twittertext'>{$tweet->text}</div>"; echo "<div class='twittertime'><a href='{$tweet->user->screen_name}/status/{$tweet->id_str}' target='_blank'>{$date->format('M jS g:i:s a ')}</a></div>"; echo "<div class='twitterphoto'><a href='{$tweet->entities->media[0]->media_url}' target='_blank'><img src='{$tweet->entities->media[0]->media_url}' style='max-width:100%'></a></div>"; echo "<div class='twitterline' style='width:100% height:1px'></div>"; echo "<script>pageComplete();</script>"; } ?> <!-- javacript --> <script src=""></script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- <script src="js/smoothstate.js"></script>
/** * Updates this Calendar2 object with data from the given VEVENT * * The returned object must be save()d before it is persistent. * This also means that additional changes can be made before any database calls are made. * * @param Sabre_VObject_Component $vevent The vevent component * * @throws Exception If the provided component is not a vevent * * @return void */ public function fromVObject(Sabre_VObject_Component $vevent) { if (strtolower($vevent->name) !== 'vevent') { throw new Exception("Invalid type of vobject_component passed to Calendar2_Models_Calendar2::fromVobject ({$vevent->name})"); } // Workarounds for missing features. We currently don't support locale-time (we just assume it's the user's // usual timzeone) or date values without time (we just assume 0800 - 2000 there). if (!is_null($vevent->dtstart['VALUE']) && $vevent->dtstart['VALUE']->value === 'DATE') { // No T means it's only a date. iCalendar dicates that dtend must be a date, too. $vevent->dtstart->value .= 'T080000'; unset($vevent->dtstart['VALUE']); // Caldav end dates are not inclusive $end = new Datetime($vevent->dtend->value); $end->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); $vevent->dtend->value = $end->format('Ymd') . 'T200000'; unset($vevent->dtend['VALUE']); } $utc = new DateTimezone('UTC'); $timezone = null; if ('Z' === substr($vevent->dtstart->value, -1)) { $timezone = $utc; } else { if (!is_null($vevent->dtstart['tzid'])) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($vevent->dtstart['tzid']->value); } else { $timezone = Phprojekt_User_User::getUserDateTimeZone(); } } // 0-1 // handled: // last-mod, description, dtstart, location, summary, uid // not handled // class, created, geo, organizer, priority, dtstamp, seq, status, transp, url, recurid // // none or one of these two // dtend, duration (only assumes dtend case for now) // // 0 - n // TODO: Check how we can handle these. Maybe just concat them? // handling: (only one is handled atm, though) // comment, rrule // not handling: // attach, attendee, categories, contact, exdate, exrule, rstatus, related, resources, rdate, x-prop $mappable = array(array('veventkey' => 'SUMMARY', 'ourkey' => 'summary', 'default' => '_'), array('veventkey' => 'LOCATION', 'ourkey' => 'location', 'default' => ''), array('veventkey' => 'DESCRIPTION', 'ourkey' => 'description', 'default' => ''), array('veventkey' => 'COMMENT', 'ourkey' => 'comments'), array('veventkey' => 'UID', 'ourkey' => 'uid'), array('veventkey' => 'LAST-MODIFIED', 'ourkey' => 'lastModified'), array('veventkey' => 'RRULE', 'ourkey' => 'rrule', 'default' => '')); foreach ($mappable as $m) { if (isset($vevent->{$m}['veventkey'])) { $this->{$m}['ourkey'] = $vevent->{$m}['veventkey']; } else { if (array_key_exists('default', $m)) { $this->{$m}['ourkey'] = $m['default']; } } } $start = new Datetime($vevent->dtstart->value, $timezone); $start->setTimezone($utc); $this->start = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if ($vevent->dtend) { $end = new Datetime($vevent->dtend->value, $timezone); } else { if ($vevent->duration) { $duration = new DateInterval($vevent->duration->value); $end = clone $start; $end->add($duration); } } $end->setTimezone($utc); $this->end = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); }
public function postProcess() { global $currentIndex, $cookie, $smarty; $id_employee = (int) $cookie->id_employee; $db = Db::getInstance(); $smarty->assign("preview", 'false'); $this->mailer_confirm = false; $this->c_name = Tools::getValue('campaign_name'); $this->utm_s = Tools::getValue('utm_source'); $this->utm_m = Tools::getValue('utm_medium'); $this->utm_c = Tools::getValue('utm_campaign'); $this->b_url = Tools::getValue('banner_url'); $this->pid_l = Tools::getValue('pid_large'); $this->pid = Tools::getValue('pid'); if (empty($this->pid_l)) { $this->pid_l = 0; } $this->template = Tools::getValue('template'); $this->subject = Tools::getValue('subject'); $this->a_link = Tools::getValue('action_link'); $this->id_campaign = intval(Tools::getValue('id_campaign', 0)); $this->write_up = Tools::getValue('write_up'); $b_id = uniqid(); $hasImage = true; if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['banner_image'])) { $dir = 'mails/'; $ub_image_name = "banner_image"; $ub_image_ext = substr($_FILES['banner_image']['type'], strpos($_FILES['banner_image']['type'], "/") + 1); $res = Tools::uploadImage($b_id, $ub_image_name, $dir, $ub_image_ext); if (!$res) { if ($this->id_campaign === 0) { $this->b_image = ''; } else { $res = $db->ExecuteS("select banner_image from ps_mailers where id_campaign = {$this->id_campaign}"); //echo "<pre>"; print_r( $res ); exit; $this->b_image = $res[0]['banner_image']; if (empty($this->b_image)) { $hasImage = false; } } } else { $iname = $_FILES[$ub_image_name]['name']; $this->b_image = "http://" . _MEDIA_SERVER_1_ . '/img/' . $dir . $b_id . '-' . $iname; $hasImage = true; } } if (!$hasImage) { $this->_errors[] = "Unable to upload banner image"; } $b_id = uniqid(); $hasImage = true; if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['upnext_image'])) { $dir = 'mails/'; $ub_image_name = "upnext_image"; $ub_image_ext = substr($_FILES['upnext_image']['type'], strpos($_FILES['upnext_image']['type'], "/") + 1); $res = Tools::uploadImage($b_id, $ub_image_name, $dir, $ub_image_ext); if (!$res) { if ($this->id_campaign === 0) { $this->u_image = ''; } else { $res = $db->ExecuteS("select upnext_image from ps_mailers where id_campaign = {$this->id_campaign}"); //echo "<pre>"; print_r( $res ); exit; $this->u_image = $res[0]['upnext_image']; if (empty($this->u_image)) { $hasImage = false; } } } else { $iname = $_FILES[$ub_image_name]['name']; $this->u_image = "http://" . _MEDIA_SERVER_1_ . '/img/' . $dir . $b_id . '-' . $iname; $hasImage = true; } } if (!$hasImage) { $this->_errors[] = "Unable to upload Up-Next image"; } $this->assignToSmarty(); $this->fillProductsInformation(); if ($_POST['psubmit'] && $_POST["psubmit"] === "Preview") { if ($this->id_campaign === 0) { // new campaign $sql = "insert into ps_mailers(campaign_name, utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign,\n banner_image,upnext_image, write_up, banner_link, pid_l, pids,id_employee, template,action_link,subject) values (" . "'" . pSQL($this->c_name) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->utm_s) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->utm_m) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->utm_c) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->b_image) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->u_image) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->write_up) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->b_url) . "'," . "" . $this->pid_l . "," . "'" . pSQL(implode($this->pid, ",")) . "'," . "" . $id_employee . "," . "'" . pSQL($this->template) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->a_link) . "'," . "'" . pSQL($this->subject) . "'" . ")"; $db->Execute($sql); $this->id_campaign = $db->Insert_ID(); } else { // edit or preview old campaign $sql = "update ps_mailers set \n campaign_name = '" . pSQL($this->c_name) . "',\n utm_source = '" . pSQL($this->utm_s) . "',\n utm_medium = '" . pSQL($this->utm_m) . "',\n utm_campaign = '" . pSQL($this->utm_c) . "',\n banner_image = '" . pSQL($this->b_image) . "',\n upnext_image = '" . pSQL($this->u_image) . "',\n write_up = '" . pSQL($this->write_up) . "',\n banner_link = '" . pSQL($this->b_url) . "',\n pid_l = {$this->pid_l},\n pids = '" . pSQL(implode($this->pid, ",")) . "',\n template = '" . pSQL($this->template) . "',\n action_link = '" . pSQL($this->a_link) . "',\n subject = '" . pSQL($this->subject) . "'\n where id_campaign = {$this->id_campaign}"; $db->Execute($sql); } $previewMail = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . $this->template); $previewMailTxt = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'text_' . $this->template); $smarty->assign("previewMailTxt", $previewMailTxt); $smarty->assign("previewMail", $previewMail); $smarty->assign("id_campaign", $this->id_campaign); $smarty->assign("preview", 'true'); } else { if ($_POST['tmsubmit'] && $_POST["tmsubmit"] === "Test Mail") { $previewMail = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . $this->template); $previewMailTxt = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'text_' . $this->template); $smarty->assign("previewMailTxt", $previewMailTxt); $smarty->assign("previewMail", $previewMail); $testmail = Tools::getValue('testmail'); if (empty($this->id_campaign) || empty($testmail)) { $this->_errors[] = "Unable to send test mail. Please check again"; } else { $templateVars = array(); $templateVars['{mail_content}'] = $previewMail; $templateVars['{mail_content_text}'] = $previewMailTxt; @Mail::Send(1, 'mailer_campaign', $this->subject, $templateVars, $testmail, null, '*****@*****.**', '', NULL, NULL, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, false); $this->_errors[] = "Mail Sent to {$testmail}"; } $smarty->assign("id_campaign", $this->id_campaign); $smarty->assign("preview", 'true'); } else { if ($_POST['ssubmit'] && $_POST["ssubmit"] === "Submit") { $previewMail = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . $this->template); $previewMailTxt = $smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'text_' . $this->template); $smarty->assign("previewMailTxt", $previewMailTxt); $smarty->assign("previewMail", $previewMail); $smarty->assign("preview", 'true'); if ($this->id_campaign === 0) { $this->_errors[] = "Unable to schedule mailer."; $smarty->assign("id_campaign", $this->id_campaign); } else { $scheduled_at = Tools::getValue("scheduled_at"); //convert from local time to UTC $scheduled_at_gmt = new Datetime($scheduled_at); $scheduled_at_gmt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('GMT')); $scheduled_at_gmt = $scheduled_at_gmt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = "update ps_mailers set status=1,scheduled_time = '{$scheduled_at_gmt}' where id_campaign = " . $this->id_campaign; $db->Execute($sql); $this->_errors[] = "Mail scheduled at {$scheduled_at}"; $smarty->assign("id_campaign", $this->id_campaign); $this->mailer_confirm = true; } } } } $smarty->assign('currentIndex', $currentIndex); $smarty->assign('token', $this->token); }
/** * DateTimeHelper::getDatetime() from SonataIntlBundle * * @param \Datetime|\DateTimeImmutable|string|integer $data * @param \DateTimeZone timezone * @return \Datetime */ protected function getDatetime($data, \DateTimeZone $timezone) { if ($data instanceof \DateTime || $data instanceof \DateTimeImmutable) { return $data->setTimezone($timezone); } // the format method accept array or integer if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = (int) $data; } if (is_string($data)) { $data = strtotime($data); } // MongoDB Date and Timestamp if ($data instanceof \MongoDate || $data instanceof \MongoTimestamp) { $data = $data->sec; } // Mongodb bug ? timestamp value is on the key 'i' instead of the key 't' if (is_array($data) && array_keys($data) == array('t', 'i')) { $data = $data['i']; } $date = new \DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp($data); $date->setTimezone($timezone); return $date; }
private function applyICalendarTimes($start, $end, $timezoneID = null) { $utc = new DateTimezone('UTC'); $timezone = null; $userTimeZone = Phprojekt_User_User::getUserDateTimeZone(); if ('Z' === substr($start, -1)) { $timezone = $utc; } else { if (!is_null($timezoneID)) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneID); } else { $timezone = $userTimeZone; } } // We can't use ->setTimezone with the timezones returned by getUserDateTimeZone, as these are non-standard // timezones. Unless we start storing correct timezones, we can't directly set the user timezone, so we go to // UTC and convert to usertime from there. Because utcToUser returns a unix timestamp, but ActiveRecords expects // a "Y-m-d H:i:s" timestamp, we have to go through Datetime again. $start = new Datetime($start, $timezone); $start->setTimezone($utc); $startTs = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $start = new Datetime('@' . $startTs); $end = new Datetime($end, $timezone); $end->setTimezone($utc); $endTs = Phprojekt_Converter_Time::utcToUser($end->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $end = new Datetime('@' . $endTs); if ($start->diff($end)->invert) { throw new Sabre_DAV_Exception_BadRequest('Start must be before End'); } $this->_timecard->startDatetime = $start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($start->format('z') == $end->format('z')) { // Same day $this->_timecard->endTime = $end->format('H:i:s'); } else { $this->_timecard->endTime = '23:59:00'; } }
function getTimeZoneTime($timeZone, $time = '') { $current_time = new Datetime($time); $ny_time = new DateTimeZone($timeZone); $current_time->setTimezone($ny_time); $current_time = new DateTime($current_time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")); return $current_time; }
/** * Retrieves all events from an dateperiod that lie between two points in time. * * This takes event duration in account. */ private function _periodToArray(DatePeriod $period, $startTs, $endTs) { $ret = array(); foreach ($period as $date) { // Work around // 'Relative dates and getTimestamp increments by one day' $datestring = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $date = new Datetime($datestring, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $ts = $date->getTimestamp(); if ($startTs <= $ts + $this->_duration && $ts <= $endTs && !in_array($date, $this->_exceptions)) { $dt = new Datetime('@' . $ts); $dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('utc')); $ret[] = $dt; } else { if ($ts > $endTs) { break; } } } return $ret; }
public function getRandomBirthday() { $min_unix_date_obj = new DateTime("1900-01-01 00:00:00"); $min_unix_date_obj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("PRC")); $min_unix_date = $min_unix_date_obj->format("U"); $max_unix_date = time(); $random_date_unix = mt_rand($min_unix_date, $max_unix_date); $random_date_obj = new Datetime("@{$random_date_unix}"); $random_date_obj->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("PRC")); $random_date = $random_date_obj->format("Ymd"); return $random_date; }