function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridFordbo_procesosDetailEdit1dbo_BaseDatosGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridFordbo_procesosDetailEdit1dbo_BaseDatos');
     // View column for base_datos field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('base_datos', 'Base Datos', $this->dataset);
     // View column for fecha_creacion field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('fecha_creacion', 'Fecha Creacion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for base_datos field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('base_datos', 'Base Datos', $this->dataset);
     // View column for fecha_creacion field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('fecha_creacion', 'Fecha Creacion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     return $result;
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id', 'Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofv-numoff field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-numoff', 'Ofv-numoff', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofv-codvoce field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-codvoce', 'Ofv-codvoce', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofv-quantita field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-quantita', 'Ofv-quantita', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofv-lunghezza field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-lunghezza', 'Ofv-lunghezza', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofv-larghezza field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-larghezza', 'Ofv-larghezza', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofv-tiposmu field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-tiposmu', 'Ofv-tiposmu', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofv-przacq field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-przacq', 'Ofv-przacq', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofv-sconto field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-sconto', 'Ofv-sconto', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofv-valuni-cal field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-valuni-cal', 'Ofv-valuni-cal', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofv-valuni-fin field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofv-valuni-fin', 'Ofv-valuni-fin', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datains', 'Datains', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s');
     // View column for datamod field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datamod', 'Datamod', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s');
Exemple #3
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for FEC_WINK field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_WINK', 'FEC WINK', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ES_ADMIN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'USERNAME EMISOR', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ES_ADMIN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA2', 'USERNAME RECEPTOR', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
Exemple #4
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for EVENTO_ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('EVENTO_ID', 'EVENTO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('NOMBRE', 'NOMBRE', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FECHA_HORA field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FECHA_HORA', 'FECHA HORA', $this->dataset);
     // View column for LUGAR field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LUGAR', 'LUGAR', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DESCRIPCION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('DESCRIPCION', 'DESCRIPCION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'CIUDAD', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('name', 'Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date', 'Timesheet Date', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_name', 'Task Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for pay_period_number field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('pay_period_number', 'Pay Period ', $this->dataset);
     // View column for hours field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('hours', 'Hours', $this->dataset);
     $grid->SetTotal($column, PredefinedAggregate::$Sum);
     // View column for position field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('position', 'Position', $this->dataset);
     // View column for emp_number field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('emp_number', 'Emp Number', $this->dataset);
Exemple #6
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for rpt_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_id', 'Rpt Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_name', 'Rpt Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_title field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_title', 'Rpt Title', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_cdate field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('rpt_cdate', 'Rpt Cdate', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_mdate field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('rpt_mdate', 'Rpt Mdate', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_content field
     $column = new DownloadDataColumn('rpt_content', 'Rpt Content', $this->dataset, $this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('Download'));
     // View column for rpt_owner field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_owner', 'Rpt Owner', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_status field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_status', 'Rpt Status', $this->dataset);
     // View column for rpt_type field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('rpt_type', 'Rpt Type', $this->dataset);
Exemple #7
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for MASCOTA_ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('MASCOTA_ID', 'MASCOTA ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for TIPO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('TIPO', 'TIPO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
Exemple #8
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id_tarea field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tarea', 'Id Tarea', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la tarea.'));
     // View column for id_periodicidad field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_tarea_plan_id_periodicidad', 'Id Tarea Plan', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la planificación de la tarea.'));
     // View column for fe_ejecucion field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('fe_ejecucion', 'Fecha Ejecucion', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Fecha y hora de ejecución de la tarea.'));
     // View column for fl_realizada field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('fl_realizada', 'Fl Realizada', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Define si la tarea fue realizada o no.'));
     // View column for ds_observaciones field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_observaciones', 'Ds Observaciones', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Observaciones de la realización de la tarea.'));
Exemple #9
 function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridFortimesheetDetailEdit0taskGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridFortimesheetDetailEdit0task');
     // View column for project_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_id', 'Project', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'project.php?operation=view&pk0=%project_id%', '');
     // View column for task_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_name', 'Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     // View column for hrs field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('hrs', 'Allocated Hours', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.');
     // View column for assigned_to field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('assigned_to', 'Assigned To', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_id', 'Project', $this->dataset);
     $column = new ExtendedHyperLinkColumnDecorator($column, $this->dataset, 'project.php?operation=view&pk0=%project_id%', '');
     // View column for task_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_name', 'Task Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     // View column for hrs field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('hrs', 'Allocated Hours', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.');
     // View column for assigned_to field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('assigned_to', 'Assigned To', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     return $result;
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for ES_ADMIN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'USERNAME', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ES_REAL field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ES_REAL', 'ES REAL', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA2', 'COLOR OJOS ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA3', 'COLOR PIEL ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for TIPO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA4', 'CONTEXTURA ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for GRADO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA5', 'NIVEL EDUCACION ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA6', 'ESTADO CIVIL ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for TIPO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA7', 'FUMADOR ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for TIPO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA8', 'BEBEDOR ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for RANGO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA9', 'FRECUENCIA EJERCICIO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for RANGO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA10', 'SALARIO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ALTURA field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ALTURA', 'ALTURA', $this->dataset);
     // View column for PESO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('PESO', 'PESO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NUM_HIJOS field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('NUM_HIJOS', 'NUM HIJOS', $this->dataset);
     // View column for QUIERE_HIJOS field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('QUIERE_HIJOS', 'QUIERE HIJOS', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA11', 'TIPO RELACION ID', $this->dataset);
Exemple #11
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id_lectura field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_lectura', 'Id Lectura', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la lectura.'));
     // View column for id_tipo_persona field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_persona_id_tipo_persona', 'Id Persona', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de la persona.'));
     // View column for co_lugar field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_lugar_co_lugar', 'Id Lugar', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único de lugar de lectura.'));
     // View column for co_origen_lectura field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_origen_lectura_co_origen_lectura', 'Id Origen Lectura', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identificador único del origen de lectura.'));
     // View column for fe_fecha_lectura field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('fe_fecha_lectura', 'Fe Fecha Lectura', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Fecha y Hora de la lectura.'));
     // View column for no_usuario field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('no_usuario', 'Nombre Usuario', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Usuário de la lectura.'));
     // View column for ds_usuario field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_usuario', 'Descripción Usuario', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Descripción de usuário de la lectura.'));
     // View column for co_lector field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('co_lector', 'Código Lector', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Código de lector.'));
     // View column for ds_observaciones field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ds_observaciones', 'Observaciones', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Observaciones de la lectura.'));
     // View column for id_carga field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id_carga', 'Id Carga', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Identicifador de la carga.'));
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('name', 'Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_id_task_name', 'Task', $this->dataset);
     // View column for hours field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('hours', 'Hours', $this->dataset);
     $grid->SetTotal($column, PredefinedAggregate::$Sum);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date', 'Date', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for EventType field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('EventType', 'EventType', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ObjectName field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ObjectName', 'ObjectName', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ObjectType field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ObjectType', 'ObjectType', $this->dataset);
     // View column for EventTime field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('EventTime', 'EventTime', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for DatabaseName field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('DatabaseName', 'DatabaseName', $this->dataset);
     // View column for HostName field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('HostName', 'HostName', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('name', 'Name', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for name field
     $editor = new TextEdit('name_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Name', 'name', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for name field
     $editor = new TextEdit('name_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Name', 'name', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for date field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date', 'Date', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for date field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('date_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Date', 'date', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for date field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('date_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Date', 'date', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for Task field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_id_Task', 'Project & Task', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for task_id field
     $editor = new ComboBox('task_id_edit', $this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('PleaseSelect'));
     $lookupDataset = new TableDataset(new MyConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '`taskview`');
     $field = new IntegerField('task_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('project_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('assigned_to');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new DateField('date_start');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new DateField('date_end');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('task_name');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('notes');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('hrs');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('wo');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('staff_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('Task');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('Assigned');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $lookupDataset->SetOrderBy('Task', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $lookupDataset->AddCustomCondition(EnvVariablesUtils::EvaluateVariableTemplate($this->GetColumnVariableContainer(), 'assigned_to=%CURRENT_USER_ID%'));
     $editColumn = new LookUpEditColumn('Project & Task', 'task_id', $editor, $this->dataset, 'task_id', 'Task', $lookupDataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for task_id field
     $editor = new ComboBox('task_id_edit', $this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('PleaseSelect'));
     $lookupDataset = new TableDataset(new MyConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '`taskview`');
     $field = new IntegerField('task_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('project_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('assigned_to');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new DateField('date_start');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new DateField('date_end');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('task_name');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('notes');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('hrs');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('wo');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('staff_id');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('Task');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('Assigned');
     $lookupDataset->AddField($field, false);
     $lookupDataset->SetOrderBy('Task', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $lookupDataset->AddCustomCondition(EnvVariablesUtils::EvaluateVariableTemplate($this->GetColumnVariableContainer(), 'assigned_to=%CURRENT_USER_ID%'));
     $editColumn = new LookUpEditColumn('Project & Task', 'task_id', $editor, $this->dataset, 'task_id', 'Task', $lookupDataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for hours field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('hours', 'Hours', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for hours field
     $editor = new TextEdit('hours_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Hours', 'hours', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for hours field
     $editor = new TextEdit('hours_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Hours', 'hours', $editor, $this->dataset);
     $validator = new RequiredValidator(StringUtils::Format($this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('RequiredValidationMessage'), $this->RenderText($editColumn->GetCaption())));
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextEdit('notes_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextEdit('notes_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('id', 'Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofa-numoff field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-numoff', 'Numero Offerta', $this->dataset);
     // View column for art-descart field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-codart_art-descart', 'Codice articolo', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofa-descart field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-descart', 'Ofa-descart', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofa-lunghezza field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-lunghezza', 'Lunghezza', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-larghezza field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-larghezza', 'Ofa-larghezza', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-spessore field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-spessore', 'Ofa-spessore', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-quantita field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-quantita', 'Ofa-quantita', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ofa-przacq-net field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-przacq-net', 'Ofa-przacq-net', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-przacq-lor field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-przacq-lor', 'Ofa-przacq-lor', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-totuni field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-totuni', 'Ofa-totuni', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-totunit-fin field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-totunit-fin', 'Ofa-totunit-fin', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-totgen field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-totgen', 'Ofa-totgen', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ofa-przven field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ofa-przven', 'Ofa-przven', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datains', 'Datains', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s');
     // View column for datamod field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datamod', 'Datamod', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s');
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for Process ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Process ID', 'Process ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for HostName field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('HostName', 'HostName', $this->dataset);
     // View column for User field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('User', 'User', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Database field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Database', 'Database', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Status field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Status', 'Status', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Open Transactions field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Open Transactions', 'Open Transactions', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Command field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Command', 'Command', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Application field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Application', 'Application', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Wait Time field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Wait Time', 'Wait Time', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Wait Type field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Wait Type', 'Wait Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for CPU field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('CPU', 'CPU', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Physical IO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Physical IO', 'Physical IO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Memory Usage field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Memory Usage', 'Memory Usage', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Login Time field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('Login Time', 'Login Time', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for Last Batch field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('Last Batch', 'Last Batch', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for Blocked By field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Blocked By', 'Blocked By', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Blocked By Query field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Blocked By Query', 'Blocked By Query', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Blocking field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Blocking', 'Blocking', $this->dataset);
Exemple #17
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for TIPO_RELACION_ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('TIPO_RELACION_ID', 'TIPO RELACION ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('NOMBRE', 'NOMBRE', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FECHA_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FECHA_CREACION', 'FECHA CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FECHA_MODIFICACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FECHA_MODIFICACION', 'FECHA MODIFICACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_MODIFICACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_MODIFICACION', 'USUARIO MODIFICACION', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
Exemple #19
 function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridForofferte_dettaglio_articoliDetailEdit0offerteGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridForofferte_dettaglio_articoliDetailEdit0offerte');
     // View column for off-numoff field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-numoff', 'Off-numoff', $this->dataset);
     // View column for cli-ragsoc field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-codcli_cli-ragsoc', 'cod.Cliente', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-descriz field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-descriz', 'Off-descriz', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-gg-termine-consegna field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-gg-termine-consegna', 'Off-gg-termine-consegna', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('off-datains', 'Data inserimento', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-dataeva field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('off-dataeva', 'Data evasione', $this->dataset);
     // View column for datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datains', 'Data ins', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-numoff field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-numoff', 'Off-numoff', $this->dataset);
     // View column for cli-ragsoc field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-codcli_cli-ragsoc', 'cod.Cliente', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-descriz field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-descriz', 'Off-descriz', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-gg-termine-consegna field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('off-gg-termine-consegna', 'Off-gg-termine-consegna', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('off-datains', 'Data inserimento', $this->dataset);
     // View column for off-dataeva field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('off-dataeva', 'Data evasione', $this->dataset);
     // View column for datains field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('datains', 'Data ins', $this->dataset);
     return $result;
Exemple #20
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for FOTO_ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('FOTO_ID', 'FOTO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for RUTA field
     $column = new DownloadDataColumn('RUTA', 'RUTA', $this->dataset, $this->GetLocalizerCaptions()->GetMessageString('Download'));
     // View column for ES_ADMIN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'USERNAME', $this->dataset);
     // View column for TITULO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('TITULO', 'TITULO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for project_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_id', 'Project Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_type field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_type', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Objective field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Objective', 'Objective', $this->dataset);
     // View column for priority field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_lead field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_lead', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_by_cao field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_by_cao', 'Approved By Cao', $this->dataset);
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('DEPARTMENT', 'DEPARTMENT', $this->dataset);
     // View column for total_hours field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('total_hours', 'Total Hours', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.');
     // View column for assigned_hours field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('assigned_hours', 'Assigned Hours', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.');
     // View column for assigned_progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('assigned_progress', 'Assigned Progress', $this->dataset);
Exemple #22
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for descrizione field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-codart_descrizione', 'Codice Articolo', $this->dataset);
     // View column for voc-descriz field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-codvoc_voc-descriz', 'Codice Tipo Voce', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ivo-przunit field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-przunit', 'Prezzo unitario', $this->dataset);
     $column = new NumberFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, '.', ',');
     // View column for ivo-flagart field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-flagart', 'Altro articolo', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for ivo-flagsmu field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ivo-flagsmu', 'Prevede smusso', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for ivo-dataini field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('ivo-dataini', 'Data decorrenza listino', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ivo-datafin field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('ivo-datafin', 'Data fine decorrenza listino', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for Process ID field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Process ID', 'Process ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for HostName field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('HostName', 'HostName', $this->dataset);
     // View column for User field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('User', 'User', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Database field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Database', 'Database', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Status field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Status', 'Status', $this->dataset);
     // View column for CPU field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('CPU', 'CPU', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Physical IO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('Physical IO', 'Physical IO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Login Time field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('Login Time', 'Login Time', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('project_date_start', 'Project Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('project_date_end', 'Project Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for lead field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead', 'Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_id', 'Project Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_id', 'Task Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_project_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_project_id', 'Task Project Id', $this->dataset);
     // View column for assigned_to field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('assigned_to', 'Assigned To', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('task_date_start', 'Task Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('task_date_end', 'Task Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for task_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('task_name', 'Task Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for staff_id field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('staff_id', 'Staff Id', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for USERNAME field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USERNAME', 'USERNAME', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ES_REAL field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ES_REAL', 'ES REAL', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'EJERCICIO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
 function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridForprojectDetailEdit0programGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridForprojectDetailEdit0program');
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('program_name', ' Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for description field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('description', 'Description', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('program_name', ' Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for description field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('description', 'Description', $this->dataset);
     // View column for lead field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead', 'Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     return $result;
 function CreateMasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2projectGrid()
     $result = new Grid($this, $this->dataset, 'MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project');
     $result->OnCustomDrawCell->AddListener('MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project' . '_OnCustomDrawRow', $this);
     $result->OnCustomRenderColumn->AddListener('MasterDetailRecordGridForproject_timeline_detailDetailEdit2project' . '_' . 'OnCustomRenderColumn', $this);
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('programm_id_program_name', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Objectives', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority_Name', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved', 'Approved by CAO', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('dept_id_DEPARTMENT', 'Department', $this->dataset);
     // View column for program_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('programm_id_program_name', 'Project Type', $this->dataset);
     // View column for project_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('project_name', 'Project Name', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_start', 'Date Start', $this->dataset);
     // View column for date_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('date_end', 'Date End', $this->dataset);
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     // View column for Name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('priority_Name', 'Priority', $this->dataset);
     // View column for username field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('lead_username', 'Project Lead', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved_budget field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved_budget', 'Approved Budget', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for budget_spent field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('budget_spent', 'Budget Spent', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CurrencyFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column, 2, ',', '.', $this->RenderText('$'));
     // View column for multi_year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('multi_year', 'Multi Year', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for public_engagement field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('public_engagement', 'Public Engagement', $this->dataset);
     // View column for level_of_service field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('level_of_service', 'Level Of Service', $this->dataset);
     // View column for approved field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('approved', 'Approved by CAO', $this->dataset);
     $column = new CheckBoxFormatValueViewColumnDecorator($column);
     $column->SetDisplayValues($this->RenderText('<img src="images/checked.png" alt="true">'), $this->RenderText(''));
     // View column for progress field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('progress', 'Progress', $this->dataset);
     // View column for DEPARTMENT field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('dept_id_DEPARTMENT', 'Department', $this->dataset);
     return $result;
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('district_id_name', 'Political District Name', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for district_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('district_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $dataset1 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."district"');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('level_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('election_div_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'id', 'name', $this->RenderText('Political District Name'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'state'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Political District Name', 'district_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for district_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('district_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $dataset1 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."district"');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('level_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('election_div_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'id', 'name', $this->RenderText('Political District Name'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'state'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Political District Name', 'district_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for title field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('office_id_title', 'Office Title', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for office_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('office_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $selectQuery = 'SELECT office_id, o.title office_title, election_div_id, ed_name, ed.phys_addr_state state, concat(, \' - \', o.title) officeTitle
         FROM office_position op
         JOIN district d ON op.district_id =
         JOIN election_div ed ON d.election_div_id =
         JOIN office o ON op.office_id =';
     $insertQuery = array();
     $updateQuery = array();
     $deleteQuery = array();
     $dataset1 = new QueryDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), $selectQuery, $insertQuery, $updateQuery, $deleteQuery, 'office_title_by_election_div');
     $field = new IntegerField('office_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('office_title');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('election_div_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('ed_name');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('officetitle');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'election_div_id', 'election_div_name', $this->RenderText('Election Division'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'election_div_state'));
     $dataset2 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."office"');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('title');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('num_positions');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('responsibilities');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('term_length_months');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('filing_fee');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new BooleanField('partisan');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('age_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('res_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('prof_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('salary');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('notes');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('office_rank');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $dataset2->SetOrderBy('title', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset2, 'id', 'title', $this->RenderText('Office Title'), new ForeignKeyInfo('election_div_id', 'election_div_id'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Office Title', 'office_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for office_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('office_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $selectQuery = 'SELECT office_id, o.title office_title, election_div_id, ed_name, ed.phys_addr_state state, concat(, \' - \', o.title) officeTitle
         FROM office_position op
         JOIN district d ON op.district_id =
         JOIN election_div ed ON d.election_div_id =
         JOIN office o ON op.office_id =';
     $insertQuery = array();
     $updateQuery = array();
     $deleteQuery = array();
     $dataset1 = new QueryDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), $selectQuery, $insertQuery, $updateQuery, $deleteQuery, 'office_title_by_election_div');
     $field = new IntegerField('office_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('office_title');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('election_div_id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('ed_name');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('officetitle');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'election_div_id', 'election_div_name', $this->RenderText('Election Division'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'election_div_state'));
     $dataset2 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."office"');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('title');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('num_positions');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('responsibilities');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('term_length_months');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('filing_fee');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new BooleanField('partisan');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('age_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('res_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('prof_requirements');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('salary');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('notes');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new IntegerField('office_rank');
     $dataset2->AddField($field, false);
     $dataset2->SetOrderBy('title', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset2, 'id', 'title', $this->RenderText('Office Title'), new ForeignKeyInfo('election_div_id', 'election_div_id'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Office Title', 'office_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for fullname field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('office_holder_id_fullname', 'Office Holder Id', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for office_holder_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('office_holder_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $selectQuery = 'SELECT, oh.state,
             concat(oh.last_name, \', \', oh.first_name, \' \', oh.middle_name) AS fullName
            FROM office_holder oh
           ORDER BY oh.last_name, oh.first_name';
     $insertQuery = array();
     $updateQuery = array();
     $deleteQuery = array();
     $dataset1 = new QueryDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), $selectQuery, $insertQuery, $updateQuery, $deleteQuery, 'officeHolderIDs');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('fullname');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $dataset1->SetOrderBy('fullname', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'id', 'fullname', $this->RenderText('Office Holder Id'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'state'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Office Holder Id', 'office_holder_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for office_holder_id field
     $editor = new MultiLevelComboBoxEditor('office_holder_id_edit', $this->CreateLinkBuilder());
     $dataset0 = new TableDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), '"public"."state"');
     $field = new StringField('abbr');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, true);
     $field = new StringField('name');
     $dataset0->AddField($field, false);
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset0, 'abbr', 'name', $this->RenderText('State'), null);
     $selectQuery = 'SELECT, oh.state,
             concat(oh.last_name, \', \', oh.first_name, \' \', oh.middle_name) AS fullName
            FROM office_holder oh
           ORDER BY oh.last_name, oh.first_name';
     $insertQuery = array();
     $updateQuery = array();
     $deleteQuery = array();
     $dataset1 = new QueryDataset(new PgConnectionFactory(), GetConnectionOptions(), $selectQuery, $insertQuery, $updateQuery, $deleteQuery, 'officeHolderIDs');
     $field = new IntegerField('id');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('state');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $field = new StringField('fullname');
     $dataset1->AddField($field, false);
     $dataset1->SetOrderBy('fullname', GetOrderTypeAsSQL(otAscending));
     $editor->AddLevel($dataset1, 'id', 'fullname', $this->RenderText('Office Holder Id'), new ForeignKeyInfo('abbr', 'state'));
     $editColumn = new MultiLevelLookupEditColumn('Office Holder Id', 'office_holder_id', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for position_name field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('position_name', 'Position Name', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for position_name field
     $editor = new TextEdit('position_name_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Position Name', 'position_name', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for position_name field
     $editor = new TextEdit('position_name_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Position Name', 'position_name', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('Leave blank if only one position for this office'));
     // View column for term_start field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('term_start', 'Term Start', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for term_start field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('term_start_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term Start', 'term_start', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for term_start field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('term_start_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term Start', 'term_start', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for term_end field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('term_end', 'Term End', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for term_end field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('term_end_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term End', 'term_end', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for term_end field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('term_end_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Term End', 'term_end', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for filing_deadline field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('filing_deadline', 'Filing Deadline', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for filing_deadline field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('filing_deadline_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Filing Deadline', 'filing_deadline', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for filing_deadline field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('filing_deadline_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Filing Deadline', 'filing_deadline', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for next_election field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('next_election', 'Next Election', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for next_election field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('next_election_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Next Election', 'next_election', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for next_election field
     $editor = new DateTimeEdit('next_election_edit', false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', GetFirstDayOfWeek());
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Next Election', 'next_election', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for notes field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('notes', 'Notes', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('notes_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for notes field
     $editor = new TextAreaEdit('notes_edit', 50, 8);
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Notes', 'notes', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     // View column for office_rank field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('office_rank', 'Office Rank', $this->dataset);
     /* <inline edit column> */
     // Edit column for office_rank field
     $editor = new TextEdit('office_rank_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Rank', 'office_rank', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline edit column> */
     /* <inline insert column> */
     // Edit column for office_rank field
     $editor = new TextEdit('office_rank_edit');
     $editColumn = new CustomEditColumn('Office Rank', 'office_rank', $editor, $this->dataset);
     /* </inline insert column> */
     $column->SetDescription($this->RenderText('For sorting purposes, lower number = higher rank'));
Exemple #29
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for USERNAME field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USERNAME', 'USERNAME', $this->dataset);
     // View column for ES_ADMIN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('ES_ADMIN', 'ES ADMIN', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NACIMIENTO field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('NACIMIENTO', 'NACIMIENTO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for PRIMER_APELLIDO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('PRIMER_APELLIDO', 'PRIMER APELLIDO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for SEGUNDO_APELLIDO field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('SEGUNDO_APELLIDO', 'SEGUNDO APELLIDO', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('NOMBRE', 'NOMBRE', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA1', 'GENERO ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for NOMBRE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('LA2', 'CIUDAD ID', $this->dataset);
     // View column for SLOGAN field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('SLOGAN', 'SLOGAN', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_CREACION field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_CREACION', 'FEC CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_CREACION field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_CREACION', 'USUARIO CREACION', $this->dataset);
     // View column for FEC_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('FEC_ULTIMA_MOD', 'FEC ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('USUARIO_ULTIMA_MOD', 'USUARIO ULTIMA MOD', $this->dataset);
     // View column for EMAIL field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('EMAIL', 'EMAIL', $this->dataset);
     // View column for CLAVE field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('CLAVE', 'CLAVE', $this->dataset);
 protected function AddFieldColumns(Grid $grid)
     // View column for year field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('year', 'Year', $this->dataset);
     // View column for pay_period_number field
     $column = new TextViewColumn('pay_period_number', 'Pay Period Number', $this->dataset);
     // View column for start_date field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('start_date', 'Start Date', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // View column for end_date field
     $column = new DateTimeViewColumn('end_date', 'End Date', $this->dataset);
     $column->SetDateTimeFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s');