$lineItemService = $user->GetService('LineItemService', 'v201311');
    // Set the ID of the order to get line items from.
    $orderId = 'INSERT_ORDER_ID_HERE';
    // Calculate time from three days ago.
    $threeDaysAgo = date(DateTimeUtils::$DFP_DATE_TIME_STRING_FORMAT, strtotime('-3 day'));
    // Create bind variables.
    $vars = MapUtils::GetMapEntries(array('orderId' => new NumberValue($orderId), 'threeDaysAgo' => new TextValue($threeDaysAgo)));
    // Create statement object to only select line items belonging to the order
    // and have been modified in the last 3 days.
    $filterStatement = new Statement("WHERE orderId = :orderId " . "AND lastModifiedDateTime >= :threeDaysAgo " . "LIMIT 500", $vars);
    // Get line items by statement.
    $page = $lineItemService->getLineItemsByStatement($filterStatement);
    // Display results.
    if (isset($page->results)) {
        $i = $page->startIndex;
        foreach ($page->results as $lineItem) {
            // Format lastModifiedDateTime for printing.
            $lastModifiedDateTime = DateTimeUtils::GetDateTime($lineItem->lastModifiedDateTime);
            $lastModifiedDateTimeText = $lastModifiedDateTime->format(DateTimeUtils::$DFP_DATE_TIME_STRING_FORMAT);
            print $i . ') Line item with ID "' . $lineItem->id . '", belonging to order ID "' . $lineItem->orderId . '", with name "' . $lineItem->name . '", and last modified ' . $lastModifiedDateTimeText . " was found.\n";
    print 'Number of results found: ' . $page->totalResultSetSize . "\n";
} catch (OAuth2Exception $e) {
} catch (ValidationException $e) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    print $e->getMessage() . "\n";