function show() { if (isset($_GET['Kontakt'])) { return $this->kontakt(); } if (isset($this->num_show_next_dates)) { return $this->next_dates(); } if (preg_match("/\\.ics\$/i", SELF_URL)) { $this->http_login(); $this->noframe(); $ical_output = true; } $this->cal = new CalendarLinked(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->uri_components); $i++) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}$/', $this->uri_components[$i])) { $year_offset = $i; } } $year_request = isset($year_offset) ? $this->uri_components[$year_offset] : Date::jahr(); $month_request = isset($this->uri_components[$year_offset + 1]) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->uri_components[$year_offset + 1]) ? Date::add_0($this->uri_components[$year_offset + 1]) : Date::monat(); $day_request = isset($this->uri_components[$year_offset + 2]) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,2}$/', $this->uri_components[$year_offset + 2]) ? Date::add_0($this->uri_components[$year_offset + 2]) : '01'; //Date::tag(); $page_root = '/' . rawurlencode($this->uri_components[0]) . '/' . rawurlencode($this->uri_components[1]); for ($i = 2; $i < ($year_offset ? $year_offset : count($this->uri_components)); $i++) { $page_root .= '/' . rawurlencode($this->uri_components[$i]); } $this->cal->root = $page_root; if ($this->check_right('KalenderIntern')) { $access = ''; } elseif ($this->check_right('KalenderExtern')) { $access = "AND `CLASS` = 'PUBLIC'"; } else { $allowed_categories = array(); foreach ($this->categories as $cat) { if ($cat['Access'] == 'PUBLIC') { $allowed_categories[] = "`CATEGORIES` = '" . $cat['Name'] . "'"; } } $access = "AND `CLASS` = 'PUBLIC'"; if ($allowed_categories) { $access .= " AND (" . implode(' OR ', $allowed_categories) . ")"; } } if (isset($_GET['Kategorie'])) { $cat_filter = array(); foreach ($_GET['Kategorie'] as $cat) { $cat_filter[] = "`CATEGORIES` = '" . rawurldecode($cat) . "'"; $filter = "AND (" . implode(' OR ', $cat_filter) . ")"; } } else { $filter = ''; } $show_sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `DTSTART` >= '" . Date::unify_timestamp($year_request . $month_request . $day_request) . "' {$access} {$filter} ORDER BY `DTSTART` ASC"; $overview_sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `DTSTART` >= NOW() {$access} {$filter} ORDER BY `DTSTART` ASC"; $overview = $this->connection->db_assoc($overview_sql); $this->cal->dates = array(); $this->cal->edit_enabled = $this->scaff->edit_enabled; foreach ($overview as $date) { $date['DTSTART'] = Date::unify_timestamp($date['DTSTART']); $day = Date::jahr($date['DTSTART']) . Date::monat($date['DTSTART']) . Date::tag($date['DTSTART']) . '000000'; $end = Date::jahr($date['DTEND']) . Date::monat($date['DTEND']) . Date::tag($date['DTEND']) . '000000'; $array = array(); $array['start'] = $day; $array['SUMMARY'] = ''; $array['SUMMARY'] .= intval(Date::stunde($date['DTSTART']) . Date::minute($date['DTSTART'])) != 0 ? Date::stunde($date['DTSTART']) . ':' . Date::minute($date['DTSTART']) : ''; $array['SUMMARY'] .= $day == $end ? '-' . Date::stunde($date['DTEND']) . ':' . Date::minute($date['DTEND']) . ' ' : ' '; $array['SUMMARY'] .= $date['SUMMARY']; $array['time'] = Date::stunde($date['DTSTART']) . ':' . Date::minute($date['DTSTART']); $array['id'] = $date['id']; $this->cal->dates[$day][] = $array; if ($day != $end) { while ($day < $end) { $day = Date::add($day, 'day', 1); $this->cal->dates[$day][] = $array; } } } $month[0] = $month_request; $year[0] = $year_request; $month[1] = $month[0] + 1 != 13 ? $month[0] + 1 : 1; $year[1] = $month[0] + 1 != 13 ? $year[0] : $year[0] + 1; $month[2] = $month[1] + 1 != 13 ? $month[1] + 1 : 1; $year[2] = $month[1] + 1 != 13 ? $year[1] : $year[0] + 1; $prev_month = $month[0] - 1 != 0 ? $month[0] - 1 : 12; $prev_year = $month[0] - 1 != 0 ? $year[0] : $year[0] - 1; $this->template = $this->template ? $this->template : INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/Kalender/Templates/KalenderTabelle.template.html'; $prev_month_link = Html::a($page_root . '/' . $prev_year . '/' . $prev_month . $this->cat_get(), '<< '); $next_month_link = Html::a($page_root . '/' . $year[1] . '/' . $month[1] . $this->cat_get(), ' >>'); $sidebar[] = $this->cat_select(); $sidebar[] = $this->cal->getMonthHTML($month[0], $year[0], 1, $prev_month_link, $next_month_link); $sidebar[] = $this->cal->getMonthHTML($month[1], $year[1]); $sidebar[] = $this->cal->getMonthHTML($month[2], $year[2]); $this->scaff->datumsformat = 'tag_kurz'; $result_table = $this->scaff->make_table($show_sql, $this->template); if ($ical_output) { $events = $this->connection->db_assoc($show_sql); if (!class_exists('iCal')) { include_once 'Kalender/iCalExport.php'; } //header("Content-Type: text/calendar"); $ical = new iCal($events); return mb_convert_encoding($ical->display_ical(), 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-15'); } $nav = array(); if ($prev = $this->scaff->prev_link()) { $nav[0] = Html::a(SELF . '?' . $prev, 'Zurück'); } if ($next = $this->scaff->next_link()) { $nav[1] = Html::a(SELF . '?' . $next, 'Weiter'); } $return_string = ''; $return_string .= Form::form_tag(SELF); $return_string .= $result_table; //$return_string .=implode(' | ',$nav); $return_string .= Form::close_form(); return Html::div($return_string, array('id' => 'box-mitte', 'class' => 'box-mitte')) . Html::div(implode("\n", $sidebar), array('id' => 'monatskalender')); }
* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * HUBzero is a registered trademark of Purdue University. * * @package hubzero-cms * @author Shawn Rice <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright 2005-2015 HUBzero Foundation, LLC. * @license MIT */ // No direct access defined('_HZEXEC_') or die; $this->css(); $now = Date::toSql(); $week = Date::add('1 week')->toSql(); $database = App::get('db'); $query = "SELECT sd.*\n\t\tFROM `#__courses_offering_section_dates` AS sd\n\t\tWHERE sd.section_id=" . $this->offering->section()->get('id') . "\n\t\tAND (sd.publish_up >= " . $database->Quote($now) . " AND sd.publish_up <= " . $database->Quote($week) . ")\n\t\tAND sd.scope!='asset'\n\t\tORDER BY sd.publish_up LIMIT 20"; $database->setQuery($query); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); $base = $this->offering->link(); ?> <h3 class="heading"> <a name="dashboard"></a> <?php echo Lang::txt('PLG_COURSES_DASHBOARD'); ?> </h3> <div class="sub-section">
function modify($whereFields = "") { global $gorumuser, $now; hasAdminRights($isAdm); $_S =& new AppSettings(); $_EC = EComm::createObject(); if (!$isAdm && !$_S->allowModify) { return; } $this->getCid(); $this->activateVariableFields(); $this->initClassVars(); LocationHistory::savePost($this); G::load($old, $this->id, "item"); if (!$isAdm && !$old->status) { return; } // inactive itemet nem modosithat a tulaj if (!$this->checkCharacterLimit() || !$this->checkAndSetExpirationDays() || !$_EC->checkConsumptionOfAction($purchaseItem, $consumption, $this, $old)) { return; } if (!$isAdm) { // ha a tulaj modosit, ujra inactive lesz az item: if (!$this->getImmediateAppear($consumption, TRUE)) { $this->status = FALSE; } elseif (G::getAttr($this->cid, "appcategory", "restartExpOnModify")) { if (!$this->expirationAppearsInForm() && $this->expiration) { $this->expEmailSent = FALSE; $this->expirationTime = Date::add($this->expiration, Date_Day); } } } // ha az expiration megjelent a formban es modositottak is, akkor az expirationTime-ot megfeleloen modositani kell: if ($this->expirationAppearsInForm() && ($this->expiration != round($old->expirationTime->getDayDiff()) || $this->expiration > 0 && $old->expirationTime->isPast() || $this->expiration < 0 && $old->expirationTime->isFuture())) { $this->expirationTime = Date::add($this->expiration, Date_Day); } parent::modify(); load($this); if (!Roll::isFormInvalid()) { if (!$this->getImmediateAppear($consumption, TRUE) && $this->status != $old->status) { $this->changeStatus($this->status); } if ($this->getRenewOnModify()) { executeQuery("UPDATE @item SET creationtime=NOW() WHERE id=#id#", $this->id); } if (!$isAdm && $old->status && !$this->status) { if (!$purchaseItem) { Roll::addInfoText("adScheduled"); } G::load($n, Notification_adCreated, "notification"); if ($n->active) { $_S =& new AppSettings(); $this->getEmailParams($params, FALSE); $n->send($_S->adminEmail, $params); } } $this->storeAttachment(); if ($purchaseItem) { $purchaseItem->save($this); } CacheManager::resetCache($this->cid); } }
/** * renders an event into vcal format. * @param object $event * @return string */ function event_to_vcal($event) { $uid = $event['UID']; $start = $event['DTSTART']; $end = (intval(Date::unify_timestamp($event['DTEND'])) != 0)?$event['DTEND'] :''; $stamp = $event['DTSTAMP']; if ($end) { if (intval(Date::stunde($end).Date::minute($end)) !=0) { $dtend = "\r\nDTEND:".date("Ymd\THi00", Date::timestamp2unix($end)); } else { $end = Date::add(Date::unify_timestamp($end),'day',1); $dtend = "\r\nDTEND;VALUE=DATE:".date("Ymd", Date::timestamp2unix($end)); } } if (intval(Date::stunde($start).Date::minute($start)) !=0) { $dtstart = "\r\nDTSTART:".date("Ymd\THi00", Date::timestamp2unix($start)); } else { $dtstart = "\r\nDTSTART;VALUE=DATE:".date("Ymd", Date::timestamp2unix($start)); } if (!end) { $end = Date::add(Date::unify_timestamp($start),'day',1); $dtend = "\r\nDTEND;VALUE=DATE:".date("Ymd", Date::timestamp2unix($end)); } $dtstamp = date("Ymd\THi00", Date::timestamp2unix($stamp)); $text = 'BEGIN:VEVENT'; $text .= "\r\nUID:". $uid; ($event['CATEGORIES']) ? $text .= "\r\nCATEGORIES:" . $event['CATEGORIES'] :''; $text .= "\r\nSUMMARY:" . $this->cleanup($event['SUMMARY']); $text .= "\r\nDESCRIPTION: ". $this->cleanup($event['DESCRIPTION']); ($event['LOCATION']) ? $text .= "\r\nLOCATION:" . $this->cleanup($event['LOCATION']) : ''; ($event['CONTACT']) ? $text .= "\r\nATTENDEE;ROLE=OWNER;STATUS=CONFIRMED: ".$event['CONTACT'] :''; $text .= "\r\nCLASS:PUBLIC"; $text .= "\r\nSTATUS:".$event['STATUS']; ($event['URL']) ? $text .= "\r\nURL:".$event['URL'] :''; $text .= $dtstart; ($dtend) ? $text .= $dtend :''; $text .= "\r\nDTSTAMP:$dtstamp"; $text .= "\r\nEND:VEVENT"; return $text; }
echo template_simple('<p> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="35%" align="left" style="border-right: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa"> <a href="{site/prefix}/index/usradm-browse-action?list=log&_date={previous}&orderBy={cgi/orderBy}&sort={cgi/sort}&_range={cgi/_range}&_type={cgi/type}&_user={cgi/user}"><img src="{site/prefix}/inc/app/usradm/pix/arrow.prev.gif" alt="{intl Previous}" border="0" /> {intl Previous}: {filter usradm_filter_stats_date}{previous}{end filter}</a> </td> <td width="30%" align="center" style="border-right: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa"> <strong>{filter usradm_filter_stats_date}{cgi/_date}{end filter}</strong> </td> <td width="35%" align="right" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa"> <a href="{site/prefix}/index/usradm-browse-action?list=log&_date={next}&orderBy={cgi/orderBy}&sort={cgi/sort}&_range={cgi/_range}&_type={cgi/type}&_user={cgi/user}">{intl Next}: {filter usradm_filter_stats_date}{next}{end filter} <img src="{site/prefix}/inc/app/usradm/pix/" alt="{intl Next}" border="0" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </p> ', array('previous' => Date::subtract($cgi->_date, '1 ' . $cgi->_range), 'next' => Date::add($cgi->_date, '1 ' . $cgi->_range))); template_simple_register('pager', $pg); echo template_simple('<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%"> <tr> <td>{spt PAGER_TEMPLATE_FROM_TO}</td> <td align="right">{if}{spt PAGER_TEMPLATE_PREV_PAGE_LIST_NEXT}{end if}</td> </tr> </table>' . NEWLINEx2); // header echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tr>' . NEWLINE; foreach ($headers as $header) { echo TABx3 . '<th><a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/usradm-browse-action?list=log&orderBy=' . $header->name . '&sort=' . $header->getSort() . '&offset=' . urlencode($cgi->offset) . '&_type=' . urlencode($cgi->_type) . '&_user='******'&_range=' . urlencode($cgi->_range) . '">' . $header->fullname . '</a>'; if ($header->isCurrent()) { echo ' <img src="' . site_prefix() . '/inc/app/usradm/pix/arrow.' . $cgi->sort . '.gif" alt="' . $cgi->sort . '" border="0" />'; }
/** * Determines the previous and next date preriods. */ function getTotalDates($date) { loader_import('saf.Date'); return array(Date::subtract($date, '1 month'), Date::add($date, '1 month')); }
function overview() { $this->pics_scaff->add_search_field('Name'); $this->pics_scaff->add_search_field('Jahr'); $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Name_value'] = $_GET['Name'] ? $_GET['Name'] : ''; if ($name = $_GET['Name']) { $_GET['Name'] = "%{$name}%"; } $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['Jahr_value'] = $_GET['Jahr'] ? $_GET['Jahr'] : ''; if ($jahr = $_GET['Jahr']) { $_GET['Jahr'] = "%{$jahr}%"; } $where = array(); foreach ($this->pics_scaff->enable_search_for as $spalte) { if ($_GET[$spalte]) { $value = General::input_clean($_GET[$spalte], true); $where[] = "`{$spalte}` LIKE '{$value}'"; } } $where = $where ? "WHERE " . implode($this->pics_scaff->search_combinate, $where) : ''; $images_sql = $all_images_sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->pics_db_table}` {$where}"; $order = $_GET['order'] ? "&order=" . $_GET['order'] : ''; if ($_GET['dir'] == 'desc') { $auf = 'Aufsteigend'; $ab = Html::bold(Html::italic('Absteigend')); $dir = 'DESC'; $desc = '&dir=asc'; } else { if ($_GET['dir'] == 'asc') { $auf = Html::bold(Html::italic('Aufsteigend')); $ab = 'Absteigend'; $dir = 'ASC'; $desc = '&dir=desc'; } else { $dir = 'ASC'; $desc = '&dir=desc'; } } $return .= ' '; $this->pics_scaff->edit_enabled = true; foreach ($this->pics_scaff->cols_array as $col) { $name = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? Html::bold(Html::italic($col['name'])) : $col['name']; $desc = $_GET['order'] == $col['name'] ? $_GET['dir'] == 'desc' ? '&dir=asc' : '&dir=desc' : '&dir=desc'; $this->pics_scaff->template_vars[$col['name'] . '_button'] = Html::a('/Admin/RheinaufExhibitionAdmin/Pictures?order=' . rawurlencode($col['name']) . $desc, $name); } $this->pics_scaff->results_per_page = 30; $pages = $this->pics_scaff->get_pages($all_images_sql); $pagination = $this->pics_scaff->num_rows . " Bilder auf {$pages} Seiten "; $prev_link = ($prev = $this->pics_scaff->prev_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&' . $prev, htmlspecialchars('<<<'), array('class' => 'button')) : ''; $next_link = ($next = $this->pics_scaff->next_link()) ? Html::a(SELF . '?order=' . $_GET['order'] . '&dir=' . $_GET['dir'] . '&' . $next, htmlspecialchars('>>>'), array('class' => 'button')) : ''; $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['pagination'] = $pagination . $prev_link . "Seite " . $this->pics_scaff->get_page() . ' von ' . $pages . ' ' . $next_link; $order = $_GET['order'] ? rawurldecode($_GET['order']) : 'Name'; //Bild des Monats $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->db_table}` WHERE `BildDesMonats` != '' ORDER BY `BildDesMonats` DESC"; //BDM_Monat`='$month' AND `BDM_Jahr`='$year'"; $result = $this->connection->db_single_row($sql); $last_bdm = $result['BildDesMonats']; $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['next_bdm'] = $next_bdm = substr(Date::add($last_bdm . '01', 'month', 1), 0, 6); $this->pics_scaff->template_vars['next_bdm_str'] = substr($next_bdm, 4, 2) . '/' . substr($next_bdm, 0, 4); $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['BildDesMonats']['transform'] = '($value) ? substr($value,4,2). "/" .substr($value,0,4):"";'; $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Beschreibung']['transform'] = '($value) ? "ja":"nein";'; $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Höhe']['transform'] = '($value) ? $value :"n.a.";'; $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Breite']['transform'] = '($value) ? $value :"n.a.";'; $this->pics_scaff->cols_array['Name']['transform'] = 'General::wrap_string($value,20);'; $sql = "{$images_sql} ORDER BY {$order} {$dir}"; return Html::h(2, 'Alle Bilder') . $this->pics_scaff->make_table($sql, INSTALL_PATH . '/Module/RheinaufExhibition/Backend/Templates/ExhibitionPicturesOverview.template.html'); }
function handleImmediateAppearChanges($oldImmediateAppear) { if (!$oldImmediateAppear && $this->immediateAppear) { // ha eppen imediateAppear-ra allitottak, akkor minden inactive // ad-ot aktivra allitunk a kategoriaban: getDbCount($count, array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @item WHERE cid=#this->id# AND status=0", $this->id)); if ($this->expiration) { $expirationTime = Date::add($exp, Date_Day); $exp = ", expirationTime = '" . $expirationTime->getDbFormat() . "', expEmailSent=0"; } else { $exp = ""; } executeQuery("UPDATE @item SET status=1 {$exp} WHERE cid=#this->id# AND status=0", $this->id); load($this); // hogy a directItemNum betoltodjon $this->increaseDirectItemNum($count); } }
$event->time .= ltrim(strftime('%I:%M %p', mktime($h, $m, $s, $d, $mm, $y)), '0'); } } $event->time = str_replace(':00', '', $event->time); if (substr_count($event->time, 'AM') > 1) { $event->time = str_replace(' AM ', ' ', $event->time); } if (substr_count($event->time, 'PM') > 1) { $event->time = str_replace(' PM ', ' ', $event->time); } } list($y, $m, $d) = split('-', $parameters['day']); page_title(intl_get('Events For') . ' ' . strftime('%B %e, %Y', mktime(5, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y))); page_title(appconf('siteevent_title')); echo template_simple('categories.spt', array('list' => db_fetch_array('select * from siteevent_category order by name asc'), 'current' => $parameters['category'], 'alist' => db_fetch_array('select * from siteevent_audience order by name asc'), 'audience' => $parameters['audience'], 'simplecal' => $parameters['simplecal'], 'view' => $parameters['view'])); echo template_simple('day.spt', array('list' => $events, 'date' => strftime(appconf('date_format'), strtotime($parameters['day'])), 'prevDate' => Date::subtract($parameters['day'], '1 day'), 'prevDay' => strftime(appconf('date_format'), strtotime(Date::subtract($parameters['day'], '1 day'))), 'nextDate' => Date::add($parameters['day'], '1 day'), 'nextDay' => strftime(appconf('date_format'), strtotime(Date::add($parameters['day'], '1 day'))))); echo '<p>'; if (appconf('ical_links')) { if (!empty($parameters['category'])) { $cat = '?category=' . $parameters['category']; } else { $cat = ''; } echo '<a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/siteevent-ical-action' . $cat . '">' . intl_get('Subscribe (iCalendar)') . '</a> '; } if (appconf('rss_links')) { if (!empty($parameters['category'])) { $cat = '?category=' . $parameters['category']; } else { $cat = ''; }
function test() { $d = new Date("hjsgdf"); echo "Invalid date:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(); echo "Default date:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date("now"); echo "Current date:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date('1960-02-10 01:02:03'); echo "From string - '1960-02-10 01:02:03':<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date('Wed, 01/16/2008 07:20'); echo "From string - 'Wed, 01/16/2008 07:20':<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(1907, 1); echo "From 2 separate parameters:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(1907, 1, 15); echo "From 3 separate parameters:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(1907, 1, 15, 1); echo "From 4 separate parameters:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(1907, 1, 15, 1, 2); echo "From 5 separate parameters:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(1907, 1, 15, 1, 2, 3); echo "From 6 separate parameters:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(array("year" => 1, "month" => 2, "day" => 3, "hour" => 4, "minute" => 5, "second" => 6)); echo "From array of 6:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(array("year" => 1, "month" => 2, "day" => 3, "hour" => 4, "minute" => 5)); echo "From array of 5:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(array("year" => 1, "month" => 2, "day" => 3, "hour" => 4)); echo "From array of 4:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; $d = new Date(array("year" => 1, "month" => 2, "day" => 3)); echo "From array of 3:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d, TRUE) . "</pre>"; echo "<h3>Comparision test:</h3><br>"; $d1 = new Date('1907-6-15 12:30:30'); $d11 = new Date('1907-6-15 12:30:30'); $d2 = new Date('1907-6-16 12:30:30'); $d3 = new Date('1907-6-17 12:30:30'); echo "{$d1}=={$d11}: " . ($d1->compare('==', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}!={$d11}: " . (!$d1->compare('!=', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<{$d11}: " . (!$d1->compare('<', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>{$d11}: " . (!$d1->compare('>', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<={$d11}: " . ($d1->compare('<=', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>={$d11}: " . ($d1->compare('>=', $d11) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}=={$d2}: " . (!$d1->compare('==', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}!={$d2}: " . ($d1->compare('!=', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<{$d2}: " . ($d1->compare('<', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>{$d2}: " . (!$d1->compare('>', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<={$d2}: " . ($d1->compare('<=', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>={$d2}: " . (!$d1->compare('>=', $d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<{$d2}<{$d3}: " . ($d2->isBetween($d1, $d3) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<={$d11}<{$d3}: " . ($d11->isBetween($d1, $d3, '<=>') ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<{$d2}: " . ($d1->isBefore($d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d3}>{$d2}: " . ($d3->isAfter($d2) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}=={$d2}(day): " . (!$d1->compare('==', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}!={$d2}(day): " . ($d1->compare('!=', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<{$d2}(day): " . ($d1->compare('<', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>{$d2}(day): " . (!$d1->compare('>', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}<={$d2}(day): " . ($d1->compare('<=', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}>={$d2}(day): " . (!$d1->compare('>=', $d2, Date_Day) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}=={$d2}(month): " . ($d1->compare('==', $d2, Date_Month) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}=={$d2}(year): " . ($d1->compare('==', $d2, Date_Year) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "{$d1}=={$d2}(hour): " . (!$d1->compare('==', $d2, Date_Hour) ? 'ok' : '<font color=red>NOK</font>') . "<br>"; echo "<h3>Diff test:</h3><br>"; $d1 = new Date('1907-6-15 12:30:30'); $d2 = new Date('1907-6-17 12:30:30'); $d3 = new Date('1907-6-15 13:32:33'); echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d2}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d1->getFullDiff($d2), TRUE) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d3}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d1->getFullDiff($d3), TRUE) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d2} and {$d3}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d2->getFullDiff($d3), TRUE) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . print_r($d1->getFullDiff($d1), TRUE) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d2}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->getHoursMinutesDiff($d2) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d3}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->getHoursMinutesDiff($d3) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d2} and {$d3}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d2->getHoursMinutesDiff($d3) . "</pre>"; echo "Diff of {$d1} and {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->getHoursMinutesDiff($d1) . "</pre>"; echo "firstSecondOfDay {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->firstSecondOfDay() . "</pre>"; echo "firstSecondOfDay {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::firstSecondOfDay($d1) . "</pre>"; echo "firstSecondOfDay today:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::firstSecondOfDay() . "</pre>"; echo "lastSecondOfDay {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastSecondOfDay() . "</pre>"; echo "firstDayOfWeek {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->firstDayOfWeek() . "</pre>"; echo "lastDayOfWeek {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastDayOfWeek() . "</pre>"; echo "firstDayOfMonth {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->firstDayOfMonth() . "</pre>"; echo "lastDayOfMonth {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastDayOfMonth() . "</pre>"; echo "firstDayOfYear {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->firstDayOfYear() . "</pre>"; echo "lastDayOfYear {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastDayOfYear() . "</pre>"; echo "lastSecondOfWeek {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastSecondOfWeek() . "</pre>"; echo "lastSecondOfMonth {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastSecondOfMonth() . "</pre>"; echo "lastSecondOfYear {$d1}:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->lastSecondOfYear() . "</pre>"; echo "<h3>Datum aritmetika:</h3><br>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Second ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Second) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Minute ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Minute) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Hour ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Hour) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Day ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Day) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Week ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Week) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Month ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Month) . "</pre>"; echo "{$d1} ->add( 1, Date_Year ):<br>"; echo "<pre>" . $d1->add(1, Date_Year) . "</pre>"; echo "1 nap mulva:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::add(1, Date_Day) . "</pre>"; echo "1 honap mulva:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::add(1, Date_Month) . "</pre>"; echo "1 ev mulva:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::add(1, Date_Year) . "</pre>"; echo "1 nappal ezelott:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::subtract(1, Date_Day) . "</pre>"; echo "1 honappal ezelott:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::subtract(1, Date_Month) . "</pre>"; echo "1 evvel ezelott:<br>"; echo "<pre>" . Date::subtract(1, Date_Year) . "</pre>"; }
for ($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i = Date::add($i, '1 day')) { if (isset($items[$i])) { $items[$i][] = array('id' => $item->id, 'title' => $title, 'link' => site_prefix() . '/index/siteevent-details-action/id.' . $item->id . '/title.' . siteevent_filter_link_title($item->title), 'priority' => $item->priority, 'alt' => $alt, 'time' => $item->time); } } break; } } if (false && session_admin()) { echo loader_box('cms/buttons/add', array('collection' => 'siteevent_event', 'float' => true)); echo '<br clear="all" />'; echo template_simple('users.spt', array('list' => db_fetch_array('select * from siteevent_category order by name asc'), 'current' => $parameters['category'], 'user_list' => db_fetch_array('select sitellite_owner, count(*) as total from siteevent_event where ' . session_allowed_sql() . ' group by sitellite_owner asc'), 'current_user' => $parameters['user'], 'simplecal' => $parameters['simplecal'])); } else { echo template_simple('categories.spt', array('list' => db_fetch_array('select * from siteevent_category order by name asc'), 'current' => $parameters['category'], 'alist' => db_fetch_array('select * from siteevent_audience order by name asc'), 'audience' => $parameters['audience'], 'simplecal' => $parameters['simplecal'], 'view' => $parameters['view'])); } echo template_simple('week.spt', array('list' => $items, 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'dateName' => intl_get('Week of') . ' ' . strftime(appconf('date_format'), strtotime($week_of)), 'prev' => Date::subtract($week_of, '7 day'), 'next' => Date::add($week_of, '7 day'))); echo '<p>'; if (appconf('ical_links')) { if (!empty($parameters['category'])) { $cat = '?category=' . $parameters['category']; } else { $cat = ''; } echo '<a href="' . site_prefix() . '/index/siteevent-ical-action' . $cat . '">' . intl_get('Subscribe (iCalendar)') . '</a> '; } if (appconf('rss_links')) { if (!empty($parameters['category'])) { $cat = '?category=' . $parameters['category']; } else { $cat = ''; }
function getUpcoming($limit = 10, $cat, $aud = '') { $list = $this->_eventsInRange(date('Y-m-d'), false, $cat, $aud, '', '*', $limit); //dump_items ($list); $items = array(); $month = date('m'); $year = date('Y'); $cur = 0; while (count($items) < $limit && count($list) > 0) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', date('Y-m-d', time() + $cur)); for ($k = 0; $k < count($list); $k++) { if (count($items) >= $limit) { break; } $item = clone $list[$k]; list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $item->date); list($yy, $mm, $dd) = explode('-', $item->until_date); if ($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day < $item->date) { continue; } if ($yy != '0000' && $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day > $item->until_date) { //unset ($list[$k]); array_splice($list, $k, 1); $k--; continue; } switch ($item->recurring) { case 'yearly': if ($m == $month && $d == $day) { $item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; } break; case 'monthly': if ($d == $day) { $item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; } break; case 'weekly': $cwd = date('w', mktime(5, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); $wd = date('w', mktime(5, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y)); if ($cwd == $wd) { $item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; } break; case 'daily': //$item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; //unset ($list[$k]); //array_splice ($list, $k, 1); //$k--; $next = Date::add($item->date, '1 day'); if ($next > $item->until_date) { array_splice($list, $k, 1); $k--; } else { $list[$k]->date = $next; } break; case 'no': if ($item->until_date > $item->date) { $items[] = $item; $next = Date::add($item->date, '1 day'); if ($next > $item->until_date) { array_splice($list, $k, 1); $k--; } else { $list[$k]->date = $next; } break; } if ($item->date == $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day) { $items[] = $item; //unset ($list[$k]); array_splice($list, $k, 1); $k--; } break; default: die('recurring value invalid!'); /* if ($yy == '0000' && $item->recurring == 'daily') { //$item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; unset ($list[$k]); } elseif ($yy != '0000') { //$item->date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $items[] = $item; unset ($list[$k]); } elseif ($item->date == $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day) { $items[] = $item; } break; */ } } $cur += 86400; } //dump_items ($items); return $items; }