Exemple #1
  * Generic Quote Manager
  * @param null $id
  * @param null $policyNumber
  * @param null $legacyCustomerReference
  * @param null $customerId
  * @throws Exception
  * @internal param \id $integer ID of an existing quote you want to open. If none provided a new quote is created
 public function __construct($id = null, $policyNumber = null, $legacyCustomerReference = null, $customerId = null)
     $this->_quoteDataSource = new Datasource_Insurance_Quotes();
     if (!is_null($id)) {
         // A quote ID has been passed in so we can load the quote from the quotes table
         $this->_quoteModel = $this->_quoteDataSource->getByID($id);
     } else {
         if (is_null($policyNumber) && is_null($legacyCustomerReference)) {
             // Create a new quote by saving an empty model - neat or dirty? you decide ;)
             $this->_quoteModel = $this->_quoteDataSource->save(new Model_Insurance_Quote());
             $this->_quoteModel->issuedDate = date('Y-m-d');
         } elseif (!is_null($policyNumber)) {
             // We've got a policy number instead of an ID - so let's use it
             $id = $this->_quoteDataSource->getIDByLegacyID($policyNumber);
             if (!$id) {
                 // Migrate the data
                 $this->legacyQuoteMigration($policyNumber, $customerId);
             } else {
                 $this->_quoteModel = $this->_quoteDataSource->getByID($id);
         } elseif (!is_null($legacyCustomerReference)) {
             // We've got a legacy customer reference (yuck) - so use that
             $id = $this->_quoteDataSource->getIDByReferenceNumber($legacyCustomerReference);
             if (is_null($id)) {
                 throw new Exception("Quote not found");
             $this->_quoteModel = $this->_quoteDataSource->getByID($id);
  * Will convert all quote identifiers to policy identifiers, for a given
  * quote number, in all appropriate datasources.
  * @param $string $quoteNumber The full QHLI number.
  * @param string $policyNumber Optional. The full PHLI number. If not provided, then it will be assumed that the 'QHLI' should be changed to 'PHLI'.
  * @return void
 public function changeQuoteToPolicy($quoteNumber, $policyNumber = null)
     //Test to see if a test account was used to enter the policy
     $tester = new Manager_Core_Test();
     if ($tester->isTestPolicy($quoteNumber)) {
         //Populate a TestPolicy object into the datasource.
         $testPolicy = new Model_Core_TestPolicy();
         $legacyQuoteDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_LegacyQuotes();
         $quote = $legacyQuoteDatasource->getByPolicyNumber($quoteNumber);
         $testPolicy->agentschemeno = $quote->agentSchemeNumber;
         $testPolicy->csuid = 87;
         $testPolicy->isTestPolicy = "Yes";
         $testPolicy->policynumber = $quoteNumber;
         $testPolicyDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_TestPolicy();
     // We only have a legacy quote number so we need to find the new quote number
     $quoteDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_Quotes();
     $quoteID = $quoteDatasource->getIDByLegacyID($quoteNumber);
     $changeableArray = array();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Answers();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Endorsements();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_AdditionalInformation();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_Term();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Core_UnderwritingEmailLog();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Core_DirectDebit_Payment();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Core_CreditCard_Transaction();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Core_CreditCard_Payment();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Schedules();
     $changeableArray[] = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote($quoteID);
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Core_CustomerContactPreferences();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_DocumentQueue();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_DocumentHistory();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_DocumentQueue();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_PolicyNotes();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_Cover();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_PolicyTermItemHist();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Legacy_Sivalue();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Legacy_PolicyVariables();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_LegacyBankInterest();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_IddSupport();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_CompletionNotes();
     $changeableArray[] = new Datasource_Insurance_Channel();
     foreach ($changeableArray as $currentChangeable) {
         $currentChangeable->changeQuoteToPolicy($quoteNumber, $policyNumber);