  * Returns the endorsements required by a quote or policy.
  * This method will identify the endorsements that should be applied to
  * the quote or policy identified by $policyNumber. If any endorsements are
  * identified, they will be detailed in one or more Model_Insurance_Endorsement 
  * objects, which will then be returned in an array. If the quote / policy does
  * not merit any endorsements, then null will be returned.
  * @param string $policyNumber
  * The quote or policy number.
  * @return mixed
  * Returns an array of Model_Insurance_Endorsement objects,
  * or null if no endorsements are applicable.
  * @todo
  * Not yet complete.
 public function getEndorsementsRequired($quoteID)
     //Create a quote object from the $policyNumber
     $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote($quoteID);
     $legacyQuoteId = $quoteManager->getModel()->legacyID;
     //Extract the postcode from the policyNumber
     $properties = $quoteManager->getProperties();
     $postCode = $properties[0]['postcode'];
     //Extract the contents cover, if applicable.
     if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER)) {
         $contentsMeta = $quoteManager->getProductMeta(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER);
         $contentsCover = $contentsMeta['cover_amount'];
     } else {
         $contentsCover = 0;
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $returnArray = array();
     //First check for flood endorsements.
     $termsDatasource = new Datasource_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Terms();
     $floodRiskScore = $termsDatasource->getFloodRiskScore($postCode);
     if ($floodRiskScore > 0) {
         //Mandatory/optional endorsement
         $endorsement = new Model_Insurance_Endorsement();
         $endorsementType = new Model_Insurance_EndorsementType();
         $endorsement->setEffectiveDate(new Zend_Date($quoteManager->getStartDate(), Zend_Date::ISO_8601));
         $returnArray[] = $endorsement;
     //Next check for subsidence endorsements.
     $subsidenceRiskScore = $termsDatasource->getSubsidenceRiskScore($postCode);
     if ($subsidenceRiskScore > 0) {
         //Mandatory endorsement
         $endorsement = new Model_Insurance_Endorsement();
         $endorsementType = new Model_Insurance_EndorsementType();
         $endorsement->setEffectiveDate(new Zend_Date($quoteManager->getStartDate(), Zend_Date::ISO_8601));
         $returnArray[] = $endorsement;
     //Next check for minimum standards of security.
     if ($contentsCover >= $params->uw->et->landlordsp->mandatory->contents) {
         //Mandatory endorsement
         $endorsement = new Model_Insurance_Endorsement();
         $endorsementType = new Model_Insurance_EndorsementType();
         $endorsement->setEffectiveDate(new Zend_Date($quoteManager->getStartDate(), Zend_Date::ISO_8601));
         $returnArray[] = $endorsement;
     //Provide a return value consistent with this methods contract.
     if (empty($returnArray)) {
         $returnVal = null;
     } else {
         $returnVal = $returnArray;
     return $returnVal;
  * Checks the underwriting answers.
 protected function _checkAnswers($quoteId)
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote($quoteId);
     $policyNumber = $quoteManager->getLegacyID();
     $property = $quoteManager->getProperties();
     $postCode = $property[0]['postcode'];
     $referralReasons = array();
     //Test 3: Answering the underwriting questions.
     $answersManager = new Manager_Insurance_Answers();
     $answersArray = $answersManager->getUnderwritingAnswers($policyNumber);
     if (empty($answersArray)) {
         //You can't process for referral if no underwriting answers have first been provided.
         throw new Zend_Exception(get_class() . __FUNCTION__ . ": no underwriting answers provided.");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($answersArray); $i++) {
         $answerGiven = $answersArray[$i]->getAnswer();
         $expectedAnswer = $answersArray[$i]->getExpectedAnswer();
         $questionNumber = $answersArray[$i]->getQuestionNumber();
         //Process questions 53, 60, 61 specially.
         if ($questionNumber == '53') {
         //Question 6 is dealt with specially.
         if ($questionNumber == '60') {
             if ($answerGiven == Model_Insurance_Answer::YES) {
                 //Check the extra args.
                 $underwritingTerms = new Datasource_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Terms();
                 $subsidenceScore = $underwritingTerms->getSubsidenceRiskScore($postCode);
                 if ($subsidenceScore == 0) {
                     $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->landlordsp->answer;
         if ($questionNumber == '61') {
             //Question 7 is the previous claims answer. The outcome of this is determiend by the
             //previous claims logic in the checkUwReferralState() method.
         //This is the referencing question. Some calls to this method may want this answer to
         //be ignored.
         if ($questionNumber == '64' && $this->_ignoreReferencingQuestion) {
         //All other questions should be processed here.
         if ($expectedAnswer == Model_Insurance_Answer::YES || $expectedAnswer == Model_Insurance_Answer::NO) {
             if ($answerGiven != $expectedAnswer) {
                 print "HERE2 {$questionNumber}<BR>";
                 $referralReasons[] = $params->uw->rr->landlordsp->answer;
     //Return the results consistent with this method's contract.
     if (empty($referralReasons)) {
         $returnVal = null;
     } else {
         $returnVal = $referralReasons;
     return $returnVal;