  * Match a number of children count
 protected function getQueryNumChildren(DatabaseQuerySelect $query, $selector)
     if (!in_array($selector->operator, array('=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!='))) {
         throw new PageFinderSyntaxException("Operator '{$selector->operator}' not allowed for 'num_children' selector.");
     $value = (int) $selector->value;
     $n = (int) $this->getQueryNumChildren;
     $a = "pages_num_children{$n}";
     $b = "num_children{$n}";
     if (in_array($selector->operator, array('<', '<=', '!=')) && $value || in_array($selector->operator, array('>', '>=', '!=')) && $value < 0 || ($selector->operator == '=' || $selector->operator == '>=') && !$value) {
         // allow for zero values
         $query->select("COUNT({$a}.id) AS {$b}");
         $query->leftjoin("pages AS {$a} ON ({$a}.parent_id=pages.id)");
         $query->groupby("HAVING COUNT({$a}.id){$selector->operator}{$value}");
         /* FOR REFERENCE
         			$query->select("count(pages_num_children$n.id) AS num_children$n"); 
         			$query->leftjoin("pages AS pages_num_children$n ON (pages_num_children$n.parent_id=pages.id)");
         			$query->groupby("HAVING count(pages_num_children$n.id){$selector->operator}$value"); 
         return $b;
     } else {
         // non zero values
         $query->select("{$a}.{$b} AS {$b}");
         $query->leftjoin("(" . "SELECT p{$n}.parent_id, COUNT(p{$n}.id) AS {$b} " . "FROM pages AS p{$n} " . "GROUP BY p{$n}.parent_id " . "HAVING {$b}{$selector->operator}{$value} " . ") {$a} ON {$a}.parent_id=pages.id");
         $where = "{$a}.{$b}{$selector->operator}{$value}";
         /* FOR REFERENCE
         			$query->select("pages_num_children$n.num_children$n AS num_children$n"); 
         				"(" . 
         				"SELECT p$n.parent_id, count(p$n.id) AS num_children$n " . 
         				"FROM pages AS p$n " . 
         				"GROUP BY p$n.parent_id " . 
         				"HAVING num_children$n{$selector->operator}$value" . 
         				") pages_num_children$n ON pages_num_children$n.parent_id=pages.id"); 
         return "{$a}.{$b}";
Exemple #2
  * Match a number of children count
 protected function getQueryNumChildren(DatabaseQuerySelect $query, $selector)
     if (!in_array($selector->operator, array('=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!='))) {
         throw new WireException("Operator '{$selector->operator}' not allowed for 'num_children' selector.");
     if ($this->getQueryNumChildren) {
         throw new WireException("You may only have one 'children.count' selector per query");
     $value = (int) $selector->value;
     $n = $this->getQueryNumChildren;
     if (in_array($selector->operator, array('<', '<=', '!=')) && $value || ($selector->operator == '=' || $selector->operator == '>=') && !$value) {
         // allow for zero values
         $query->select("count(pages_num_children{$n}.id) AS num_children{$n}");
         $query->leftjoin("pages AS pages_num_children{$n} ON (pages_num_children{$n}.parent_id=pages.id)");
         $query->groupby("HAVING count(pages_num_children{$n}.id){$selector->operator}{$value}");
     } else {
         // non zero values
         $query->select("pages_num_children{$n}.num_children{$n} AS num_children{$n}");
         $query->leftjoin("(" . "SELECT p{$n}.parent_id, count(p{$n}.id) AS num_children{$n} " . "FROM pages AS p{$n} " . "GROUP BY p{$n}.parent_id " . "HAVING num_children{$n}{$selector->operator}{$value}" . ") pages_num_children{$n} ON pages_num_children{$n}.parent_id=pages.id");
Exemple #3
  * Given an array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray 
  * Optionally specify an $options array rather than a template for argument 2. When present, the 'template' and 'parent_id' arguments may be provided
  * in the given $options array. These options may be specified: 
  * LOAD OPTIONS (argument 2 array): 
  * - cache: boolean, default=true. place loaded pages in memory cache?
  * - getFromCache: boolean, default=true. Allow use of previously cached pages in memory (rather than re-loading it from DB)?
  * - template: instance of Template (see $template argument)
  * - parent_id: integer (see $parent_id argument)
  * - getNumChildren: boolean, default=true. Specify false to disable retrieval and population of 'numChildren' Page property. 
  * - getOne: boolean, default=false. Specify true to return just one Page object, rather than a PageArray.
  * - autojoin: boolean, default=true. Allow use of autojoin option?
  * - joinFields: array, default=empty. Autojoin the field names specified in this array, regardless of field settings (requires autojoin=true).
  * - joinSortfield: boolean, default=true. Whether the 'sortfield' property will be joined to the page.
  * - findTemplates: boolean, default=true. Determine which templates will be used (when no template specified) for more specific autojoins.
  * - pageClass: string, default=auto-detect. Class to instantiate Page objects with. Leave blank to determine from template. 
  * - pageArrayClass: string, default=PageArray. PageArray-derived class to store pages in (when 'getOne' is false). 
  * Use the $options array for potential speed optimizations:
  * - Specify a 'template' with your call, when possible, so that this method doesn't have to determine it separately. 
  * - Specify false for 'getNumChildren' for potential speed optimization when you know for certain pages will not have children. 
  * - Specify false for 'autojoin' for potential speed optimization in certain scenarios (can also be a bottleneck, so be sure to test). 
  * - Specify false for 'joinSortfield' for potential speed optimization when you know the Page will not have children or won't need to know the order.
  * - Specify false for 'findTemplates' so this method doesn't have to look them up. Potential speed optimization if you have few autojoin fields globally.
  * - Note that if you specify false for 'findTemplates' the pageClass is assumed to be 'Page' unless you specify something different for the 'pageClass' option.
  * @param array|WireArray|string $_ids Array of IDs or CSV string of IDs
  * @param Template|array|null $template Specify a template to make the load faster, because it won't have to attempt to join all possible fields... just those used by the template. 
  *	Optionally specify an $options array instead, see the method notes above. 
  * @param int|null $parent_id Specify a parent to make the load faster, as it reduces the possibility for full table scans. 
  *	This argument is ignored when an options array is supplied for the $template. 
  * @return PageArray|Page Returns Page only if the 'getOne' option is specified, otherwise always returns a PageArray.
  * @throws WireException
 public function getById($_ids, $template = null, $parent_id = null)
     static $instanceID = 0;
     $options = array('cache' => true, 'getFromCache' => true, 'template' => null, 'parent_id' => null, 'getNumChildren' => true, 'getOne' => false, 'autojoin' => true, 'findTemplates' => true, 'joinSortfield' => true, 'joinFields' => array(), 'pageClass' => '', 'pageArrayClass' => 'PageArray');
     if (is_array($template)) {
         // $template property specifies an array of options
         $options = array_merge($options, $template);
         $template = $options['template'];
         $parent_id = $options['parent_id'];
     } else {
         if (!is_null($template) && !$template instanceof Template) {
             throw new WireException('getById argument 2 must be Template or $options array');
     $pageArrayClass = $options['pageArrayClass'];
     if (!is_null($parent_id) && !is_int($parent_id)) {
         // convert Page object or string to integer id
         $parent_id = (int) (string) $parent_id;
     if (!is_null($template) && !is_object($template)) {
         // convert template string or id to Template object
         $template = $this->wire('templates')->get($template);
     if (is_string($_ids)) {
         // convert string of IDs to array
         if (strpos($_ids, '|') !== false) {
             $_ids = explode('|', $_ids);
         } else {
             $_ids = explode(",", $_ids);
     } else {
         if (is_int($_ids)) {
             $_ids = array($_ids);
     if (!WireArray::iterable($_ids) || !count($_ids)) {
         // return blank if $_ids isn't iterable or is empty
         return $options['getOne'] ? new NullPage() : new $pageArrayClass();
     if (is_object($_ids)) {
         $_ids = $_ids->getArray();
     // ArrayObject or the like
     $loaded = array();
     // array of id => Page objects that have been loaded
     $ids = array();
     // sanitized version of $_ids
     // sanitize ids and determine which pages we can pull from cache
     foreach ($_ids as $key => $id) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         if ($id < 1) {
         if ($options['getFromCache'] && ($page = $this->getCache($id))) {
             // page is already available in the cache
             $loaded[$id] = $page;
         } else {
             if (isset(Page::$loadingStack[$id])) {
                 // if the page is already in the process of being loaded, point to it rather than attempting to load again.
                 // the point of this is to avoid a possible infinite loop with autojoin fields referencing each other.
                 $loaded[$id] = Page::$loadingStack[$id];
                 // cache the pre-loaded version so that other pages referencing it point to this instance rather than loading again
             } else {
                 $loaded[$id] = '';
                 // reserve the spot, in this order
                 $ids[(int) $key] = $id;
                 // queue id to be loaded
     $idCnt = count($ids);
     // idCnt contains quantity of remaining page ids to load
     if (!$idCnt) {
         // if there are no more pages left to load, we can return what we've got
         if ($options['getOne']) {
             return count($loaded) ? reset($loaded) : new NullPage();
         $pages = new $pageArrayClass();
         return $pages;
     $database = $this->wire('database');
     $idsByTemplate = array();
     if (is_null($template) && $options['findTemplates']) {
         // template was not defined with the function call, so we determine
         // which templates are used by each of the pages we have to load
         $sql = "SELECT id, templates_id FROM pages WHERE ";
         if ($idCnt == 1) {
             $sql .= "id=" . (int) reset($ids);
         } else {
             $sql .= "id IN(" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         $result = $this->executeQuery($query);
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
                 list($id, $templates_id) = $row;
                 $id = (int) $id;
                 $templates_id = (int) $templates_id;
                 if (!isset($idsByTemplate[$templates_id])) {
                     $idsByTemplate[$templates_id] = array();
                 $idsByTemplate[$templates_id][] = $id;
     } else {
         if (is_null($template)) {
             // no template provided, and autojoin not needed (so we don't need to know template)
             $idsByTemplate = array(0 => $ids);
         } else {
             // template was provided
             $idsByTemplate = array($template->id => $ids);
     foreach ($idsByTemplate as $templates_id => $ids) {
         if ($templates_id && (!$template || $template->id != $templates_id)) {
             $template = $this->wire('templates')->get($templates_id);
         if ($template) {
             $fields = $template->fieldgroup;
         } else {
             $fields = $this->wire('fields');
         $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
         $sortfield = $template ? $template->sortfield : '';
         $joinSortfield = empty($sortfield) && $options['joinSortfield'];
         $query->select("false AS isLoaded, pages.templates_id AS templates_id, pages.*, " . ($joinSortfield ? 'pages_sortfields.sortfield, ' : '') . ($options['getNumChildren'] ? '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages AS children WHERE children.parent_id=pages.id) AS numChildren' : ''));
         if ($joinSortfield) {
             $query->leftjoin('pages_sortfields ON pages_sortfields.pages_id=pages.id');
         if ($options['autojoin'] && $this->autojoin) {
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 if (!empty($options['joinFields']) && in_array($field->name, $options['joinFields'])) {
                     // joinFields option specified to force autojoin this field
                 } else {
                     if (!($field->flags & Field::flagAutojoin)) {
                     // autojoin not enabled for field
                     if ($fields instanceof Fields && !($field->flags & Field::flagGlobal)) {
                     // non-fieldgroup, autojoin only if global flag is set
                 $table = $database->escapeTable($field->table);
                 if (!$field->type || !$field->type->getLoadQueryAutojoin($field, $query)) {
                 // autojoin not allowed
                 $query->leftjoin("{$table} ON {$table}.pages_id=pages.id");
                 // QA
         if (!is_null($parent_id)) {
             $query->where("pages.parent_id=" . (int) $parent_id);
         if ($template) {
             $query->where("pages.templates_id=" . (int) $template->id);
         // QA
         $query->where("pages.id IN(" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ");
         // QA
         $stmt = $query->prepare();
         $class = $options['pageClass'];
         if (empty($class)) {
             if ($template) {
                 $class = $template->pageClass && class_exists($template->pageClass) ? $template->pageClass : 'Page';
             } else {
                 $class = 'Page';
         if ($class != 'Page' && !class_exists($class)) {
             $this->error("Class '{$class}' for Pages::getById() does not exist", Notice::log);
             $class = 'Page';
         try {
             while ($page = $stmt->fetchObject($class, array($template))) {
                 $page->instanceID = ++$instanceID;
                 $loaded[$page->id] = $page;
                 if ($options['cache']) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $error = $e->getMessage() . " [pageClass={$class}, template={$template}]";
             if ($this->wire('user')->isSuperuser()) {
             $this->trackException($e, false);
         $template = null;
     if ($options['getOne']) {
         return count($loaded) ? reset($loaded) : new NullPage();
     $pages = new $pageArrayClass();
     return $pages->import($loaded);
Exemple #4
  * Given an array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray 
  * @param array|WireArray|string $ids Array of IDs or CSV string of IDs
  * @param Template $template Specify a template to make the load faster, because it won't have to attempt to join all possible fields... just those used by the template. 
  * @param int $parent_id Specify a parent to make the load faster, as it reduces the possibility for full table scans
  * @return PageArray
 public function getById($ids, Template $template = null, $parent_id = null)
     static $instanceID = 0;
     $pages = new PageArray();
     if (is_string($ids)) {
         $ids = explode(",", $ids);
     if (!WireArray::iterable($ids) || !count($ids)) {
         return $pages;
     if (is_object($ids)) {
         $ids = $ids->getArray();
     $loaded = array();
     foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         $ids[$key] = $id;
         if ($page = $this->getCache($id)) {
             $loaded[$id] = $page;
         } else {
             if (isset(Page::$loadingStack[$id])) {
                 // if the page is already in the process of being loaded, point to it rather than attempting to load again.
                 // the point of this is to avoid a possible infinite loop with autojoin fields referencing each other.
                 $loaded[$id] = Page::$loadingStack[$id];
                 // cache the pre-loaded version so that other pages referencing it point to this instance rather than loading again
             } else {
                 $loaded[$id] = '';
                 // reserve the spot, in this order
     $idCnt = count($ids);
     if (!$idCnt) {
         return $pages->import($loaded);
     $idsByTemplate = array();
     if (is_null($template)) {
         $sql = "SELECT id, templates_id FROM pages WHERE ";
         if ($idCnt == 1) {
             $sql .= "id=" . (int) reset($ids);
         } else {
             $sql .= "id IN(" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $result = $this->db->query($sql);
         if ($result && $result->num_rows) {
             while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
                 list($id, $templates_id) = $row;
                 if (!isset($idsByTemplate[$templates_id])) {
                     $idsByTemplate[$templates_id] = array();
                 $idsByTemplate[$templates_id][] = $id;
     } else {
         $idsByTemplate = array($template->id => $ids);
     foreach ($idsByTemplate as $templates_id => $ids) {
         if (!$template || $template->id != $templates_id) {
             $template = $this->fuel('templates')->get($templates_id);
         $fields = $template->fieldgroup;
         $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
         $query->select("false AS isLoaded, pages.templates_id AS templates_id, pages.*, pages_sortfields.sortfield, " . "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages AS children WHERE children.parent_id=pages.id) AS numChildren");
         $query->leftjoin("pages_sortfields ON pages_sortfields.pages_id=pages.id");
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!($field->flags & Field::flagAutojoin)) {
             $table = $field->table;
             if (!$field->type->getLoadQueryAutojoin($field, $query)) {
             // autojoin not allowed
             $query->leftjoin("{$table} ON {$table}.pages_id=pages.id");
         if (!is_null($parent_id)) {
             $query->where("pages.parent_id=" . (int) $parent_id);
         $query->where("pages.id IN(" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ");
         if (!($result = $query->execute())) {
             throw new WireException($this->db->error);
         $class = $template->pageClass && class_exists($template->pageClass) ? $template->pageClass : 'Page';
         while ($page = $result->fetch_object($class, array($template))) {
             $page->instanceID = ++$instanceID;
             $loaded[$page->id] = $page;
         $template = null;
     return $pages->import($loaded);
  * Given one or more selectors, create the SQL query for finding pages.
  * @TODO split this method up into more parts, it's too long
  * @param array $selectors Array of selectors. 
  * @return string SQL statement. 
 protected function getQuery($selectors)
     $where = '';
     $cnt = 1;
     $fieldtypes = $this->fieldtypes;
     $fieldCnt = array();
     // counts number of instances for each field to ensure unique table aliases for ANDs on the same field
     $lastSelector = null;
     $sortSelectors = array();
     // selector containing 'sort=', which gets added last
     $joins = array();
     $nullPage = new NullPage();
     $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
     $query->select(array('pages.id', 'pages.templates_id'));
     foreach ($selectors as $selectorCnt => $selector) {
         if (is_null($lastSelector)) {
             $lastSelector = $selector;
         $fields = $selector->field;
         $fields = is_array($fields) ? $fields : array($fields);
         $field = reset($fields);
         // first field
         // TODO Make native fields and path/url multi-field and multi-value aware
         if ($field == 'sort') {
             $sortSelectors[] = $selector;
         } else {
             if ($field == 'limit' || $field == 'start') {
                 $this->getQueryStartLimit($query, $selectors);
             } else {
                 if ($field == 'path' || $field == 'url') {
                     $this->getQueryJoinPath($query, $selector);
                 } else {
                     if ($field == 'has_parent') {
                         $this->getQueryHasParent($query, $selector);
                     } else {
                         if ($this->getFuel('fields')->isNativeName($field)) {
                             $this->getQueryNativeField($query, $selector, $field);
         foreach ($fields as $n => $field) {
             // if a specific DB field from the table has been specified, then get it, otherwise assume 'data'
             if (strpos($field, ".")) {
                 list($field, $subfield) = explode(".", $field);
             } else {
                 $subfield = 'data';
             if (!($field = $this->fuel('fields')->get($field))) {
                 throw new WireException("Field does not exist: {$fields[$n]}");
             // keep track of number of times this table name has appeared in the query
             if (!isset($fieldCnt[$field->table])) {
                 $fieldCnt[$field->table] = 0;
             } else {
             // use actual table name if first instance, if second instance of table then add a number at the end
             $tableAlias = $field->table . ($fieldCnt[$field->table] ? $fieldCnt[$field->table] : '');
             $valueArray = is_array($selector->value) ? $selector->value : array($selector->value);
             $join = '';
             $fieldtype = $field->type;
             foreach ($valueArray as $value) {
                 if (isset($subqueries[$tableAlias])) {
                     $q = $subqueries[$tableAlias];
                 } else {
                     $q = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
                 //if($subfield == 'data' && in_array($selector->operator, array('=', '!=', '<>')) && $value === $fieldtype->getBlankValue($nullPage, $field)) {
                 if ($subfield == 'data' && in_array($selector->operator, array('=', '!=', '<>')) && empty($value)) {
                     // handle blank values -- look in table that has no pages_id relation back to pages, using the LEFT JOIN / IS NULL trick
                     $query->leftjoin("{$tableAlias} ON {$tableAlias}.pages_id=pages.id");
                     $query->where("{$tableAlias}.pages_id " . ($selector->operator == '=' ? "IS" : "IS NOT") . " NULL");
                 } else {
                     $q = $fieldtype->getMatchQuery($q, $tableAlias, $subfield, $selector->operator, $value);
                 if (count($q->where)) {
                     $and = $selector->not ? "AND NOT" : "AND";
                     $sql = '';
                     foreach ($q->where as $w) {
                         $sql .= $sql ? "{$and} {$w} " : "{$w} ";
                     $sql = "({$sql}) ";
                     if ($selector->not) {
                         $sql = "(NOT {$sql})";
                     $join .= $join ? "\n\t\tOR {$sql} " : $sql;
             if ($join) {
                 $joinType = "join";
                 if (count($fields) > 1) {
                     $joinType = "leftjoin";
                     if ($where) {
                         $whereType = $lastSelector->str == $selector->str ? "OR" : ") AND (";
                         $where .= "\n\t{$whereType} ({$join}) ";
                     } else {
                         $where .= "({$join}) ";
                 // we compile the joins after going through all the selectors, so that we can
                 // match up conditions to the same tables
                 if (isset($joins[$tableAlias])) {
                     $joins[$tableAlias]['join'] .= " AND ({$join}) ";
                 } else {
                     $joins[$tableAlias] = array('joinType' => $joinType, 'table' => $field->table, 'tableAlias' => $tableAlias, 'join' => "({$join})");
             $lastSelector = $selector;
         // fields
     // selectors
     if ($where) {
     // complete the joins, matching up any conditions for the same table
     foreach ($joins as $j) {
         $joinType = $j['joinType'];
         $query->{$joinType}("{$j['table']} AS {$j['tableAlias']} ON {$j['tableAlias']}.pages_id=pages.id AND ({$j['join']})");
     if (count($sortSelectors)) {
         foreach (array_reverse($sortSelectors) as $s) {
             $this->getQuerySortSelector($query, $s);
     return $query;
Exemple #6
  * Given an array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray 
  * Optionally specify an $options array rather than a template for argument 2. When present, the 'template' and 'parent_id' arguments may be provided
  * in the given $options array. These options may be specified: 
  * - template: instance of Template (see $template argument)
  * - parent_id: integer (see $parent_id argument)
  * - getNumChildren: boolean, default=true. Specify false to disable retrieval and population of 'numChildren' Page property. 
  * @param array|WireArray|string $ids Array of IDs or CSV string of IDs
  * @param Template|array|null $template Specify a template to make the load faster, because it won't have to attempt to join all possible fields... just those used by the template. 
  *	Optionally specify an $options array instead, see the method notes above. 
  * @param int|null $parent_id Specify a parent to make the load faster, as it reduces the possibility for full table scans. 
  *	This argument is ignored when an options array is supplied for the $template. 
  * @return PageArray
  * @throws WireException
 public function getById($ids, $template = null, $parent_id = null)
     $options = array('template' => null, 'parent_id' => null, 'getNumChildren' => true);
     if (is_array($template)) {
         // $template property specifies an array of options
         $options = array_merge($options, $template);
         $template = $options['template'];
         $parent_id = $options['parent_id'];
     } else {
         if (!is_null($template) && !$template instanceof Template) {
             throw new WireException('getById argument 2 must be Template or $options array');
     static $instanceID = 0;
     $database = $this->wire('database');
     $pages = new PageArray();
     if (is_string($ids)) {
         $ids = explode(",", $ids);
     if (!WireArray::iterable($ids) || !count($ids)) {
         return $pages;
     if (is_object($ids)) {
         $ids = $ids->getArray();
     $loaded = array();
     foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         $ids[$key] = $id;
         if ($page = $this->getCache($id)) {
             $loaded[$id] = $page;
         } else {
             if (isset(Page::$loadingStack[$id])) {
                 // if the page is already in the process of being loaded, point to it rather than attempting to load again.
                 // the point of this is to avoid a possible infinite loop with autojoin fields referencing each other.
                 $loaded[$id] = Page::$loadingStack[$id];
                 // cache the pre-loaded version so that other pages referencing it point to this instance rather than loading again
             } else {
                 $loaded[$id] = '';
                 // reserve the spot, in this order
     $idCnt = count($ids);
     if (!$idCnt) {
         return $pages->import($loaded);
     $idsByTemplate = array();
     if (is_null($template)) {
         $sql = "SELECT id, templates_id FROM pages WHERE ";
         if ($idCnt == 1) {
             $sql .= "id=" . (int) reset($ids);
         } else {
             $sql .= "id IN(" . implode(",", $ids) . ")";
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         $result = $query->execute();
         if ($result) {
             while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
                 list($id, $templates_id) = $row;
                 if (!isset($idsByTemplate[$templates_id])) {
                     $idsByTemplate[$templates_id] = array();
                 $idsByTemplate[$templates_id][] = $id;
     } else {
         $idsByTemplate = array($template->id => $ids);
     foreach ($idsByTemplate as $templates_id => $ids) {
         if (!$template || $template->id != $templates_id) {
             $template = $this->wire('templates')->get($templates_id);
         $fields = $template->fieldgroup;
         $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
         $joinSortfield = empty($template->sortfield);
         $query->select("false AS isLoaded, pages.templates_id AS templates_id, pages.*, " . ($joinSortfield ? 'pages_sortfields.sortfield, ' : '') . ($options['getNumChildren'] ? '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages AS children WHERE children.parent_id=pages.id) AS numChildren' : ''));
         if ($joinSortfield) {
             $query->leftjoin('pages_sortfields ON pages_sortfields.pages_id=pages.id');
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!($field->flags & Field::flagAutojoin)) {
             $table = $database->escapeTable($field->table);
             if (!$field->type || !$field->type->getLoadQueryAutojoin($field, $query)) {
             // autojoin not allowed
             $query->leftjoin("{$table} ON {$table}.pages_id=pages.id");
             // QA
         if (!is_null($parent_id)) {
             $query->where("pages.parent_id=" . (int) $parent_id);
         $query->where("pages.templates_id=" . (int) $template->id);
         // QA
         $query->where("pages.id IN(" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ");
         // QA
         $stmt = $query->execute();
         if ($stmt->errorCode() > 0) {
             $errorInfo = $result->errorInfo();
             throw new WireException($errorInfo[2]);
         $class = $template->pageClass && class_exists($template->pageClass) ? $template->pageClass : 'Page';
         while ($page = $stmt->fetchObject($class, array($template))) {
             $page->instanceID = ++$instanceID;
             $loaded[$page->id] = $page;
         $template = null;
     return $pages->import($loaded);
  * Given an array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray 
  * @param array|WireArray|string $ids Array of IDs or CSV string of IDs
  * @param Template $template Specify a template to make the load faster, because it won't have to attempt to join all possible fields... just those used by the template. 
  * @param int $parent_id Specify a parent to make the load faster, as it reduces the possibility for full table scans
  * @return PageArray
 public function getById($ids, Template $template = null, $parent_id = null)
     static $instanceID = 0;
     $pages = new PageArray();
     if (is_string($ids)) {
         $ids = explode(",", $ids);
     if (!WireArray::iterable($ids) || !count($ids)) {
         return $pages;
     if (is_object($ids)) {
         $ids = $ids->getArray();
     $loaded = array();
     foreach ($ids as $key => $id) {
         $id = (int) $id;
         $ids[$key] = $id;
         if ($page = $this->getCache($id)) {
             $loaded[$id] = $page;
         } else {
             $loaded[$id] = '';
             // reserve the spot, in this order
     $idCnt = count($ids);
     $fields = is_null($template) ? $this->fuel->fields : $template->fieldgroup;
     if ($idCnt) {
         // Optimization to only load the fields specific to the page, if just one page.
         // Without it, all autojoin fields have to be attempted, whether they are applicable to the pages loaded or not.
         // Even though this increases queries, it does result in a slight overall speed and memory improvement.
         if (is_null($template) && $idCnt == 1) {
             $result = $this->db->query("SELECT templates_id FROM pages WHERE id=" . (int) reset($ids));
             if ($result) {
                 list($tpl_id) = $result->fetch_row();
                 $template = $this->fuel('templates')->get($tpl_id);
                 if ($template) {
                     $fields = $template->fieldgroup;
         $query = new DatabaseQuerySelect();
         $query->select("false AS isLoaded, pages.templates_id AS templates_id, pages.*, pages_sortfields.sortfield, " . "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pages AS children WHERE children.parent_id=pages.id) AS numChildren");
         $query->leftjoin("pages_sortfields ON pages_sortfields.pages_id=pages.id");
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!($field->flags & Field::flagAutojoin)) {
             //if($field->type instanceof FieldtypeMulti) continue;
             $table = $field->table;
             // if($field->type instanceof FieldtypeMulti) {
             // 	$sel .= "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $table.pages_id=pages.id) AS {$field->name}, ";
             // } else {
             if (!$field->type->getLoadQueryAutojoin($field, $query)) {
             // autojoin not allowed
             // $query->select("$table.data AS {$field->name}");
             $query->leftjoin("{$table} ON {$table}.pages_id=pages.id");
         if (!is_null($parent_id)) {
             $query->where("pages.parent_id=" . (int) $parent_id);
         if (!is_null($template)) {
         $query->where("pages.id IN(" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ");
         if (!($result = $query->execute())) {
             throw new WireException($this->db->error);
         while ($page = $result->fetch_object('Page', array($template))) {
             $page->instanceID = ++$instanceID;
             $loaded[$page->id] = $page;
     return $pages;