public static function GetSubscriptionDefaultTimes($p_countryCode = null, $p_publicationId = null) { $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_countryCode)) { $constraints[] = array('CountryCode', $p_countryCode); } if (!is_null($p_publicationId)) { $constraints[] = array('IdPublication', $p_publicationId); } return DatabaseObject::Search('SubscriptionDefaultTime', $constraints); }
/** * Get the author biography. * Biography is returned in the given language if exists. * If not any specific language is given it returns all the available translations. * * @param int $p_authorId * @param string $p_languageId * @return array */ public static function GetBiographies($p_authorId, $p_languageId = null) { $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_authorId)) { $constraints[] = array("fk_author_id", $p_authorId); } if (!is_null($p_languageId)) { $constraints[] = array("fk_language_id", $p_languageId); } return DatabaseObject::Search('AuthorBiographies', $constraints); }
/** * @param int $p_languageId * @param string $p_code * @param string $p_name * @param array $p_sqlOptions * @return array */ public static function GetCountries($p_languageId = null, $p_code = null, $p_name = null, $p_sqlOptions = null) { if (is_null($p_sqlOptions)) { $p_sqlOptions = array(); } if (!isset($p_sqlOptions["ORDER BY"])) { $p_sqlOptions["ORDER BY"] = array("Code", "IdLanguage"); } $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_languageId)) { $constraints[] = array('IdLanguage', $p_languageId); } if (!is_null($p_code)) { $constraints[] = array('Code', $p_code); } if (!is_null($p_name)) { $constraints[] = array('Name', $p_name); } return DatabaseObject::Search('Country', $constraints, $p_sqlOptions); } // fn GetCountries
/** * Return an array of sections in the given issue. * @param int $p_publicationId * (Optional) Only return sections in this publication. * * @param int $p_issueNumber * (Optional) Only return sections in this issue. * * @param int $p_languageId * (Optional) Only return sections that have this language ID. * * @param string $p_urlName * (Optional) Only return sections that have this URL name. * * @param string $p_sectionName * (Optional) Only return sections that have this name. * * @param array $p_sqlOptions * (Optional) Additional options. See DatabaseObject::ProcessOptions(). * * @return array */ public static function GetSections($p_publicationId = null, $p_issueNumber = null, $p_languageId = null, $p_urlName = null, $p_sectionName = null, $p_sqlOptions = null, $p_skipCache = false) { if (!$p_skipCache && CampCache::IsEnabled()) { $paramsArray['publication_id'] = (is_null($p_publicationId)) ? 'null' : $p_publicationId; $paramsArray['issue_number'] = (is_null($p_issueNumber)) ? 'null' : $p_issueNumber; $paramsArray['language_id'] = (is_null($p_languageId)) ? 'null' : $p_languageId; $paramsArray['url_name'] = (is_null($p_urlName)) ? 'null' : $p_urlName; $paramsArray['section_name'] = (is_null($p_sectionName)) ? 'null' : $p_sectionName; $paramsArray['sql_options'] = (is_null($p_sqlOptions)) ? 'null' : $p_sqlOptions; $cacheListObj = new CampCacheList($paramsArray, __METHOD__); $sectionsList = $cacheListObj->fetchFromCache(); if ($sectionsList !== false && is_array($sectionsList)) { return $sectionsList; } } $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_publicationId)) { $constraints[] = array("IdPublication", $p_publicationId); } if (!is_null($p_issueNumber)) { $constraints[] = array("NrIssue", $p_issueNumber); } if (!is_null($p_languageId)) { $constraints[] = array("IdLanguage", $p_languageId); } if (!is_null($p_urlName)) { $constraints[] = array("ShortName", $p_urlName); } if (!is_null($p_sectionName)) { $constraints[] = array("Name", $p_sectionName); } $sectionsList = DatabaseObject::Search('Section', $constraints, $p_sqlOptions); if (!$p_skipCache && CampCache::IsEnabled()) { $cacheListObj->storeInCache($sectionsList); } return $sectionsList; } // fn GetSections
/** * Get all the author aliases that match the given criteria. * * @param int $p_id * @param int $p_authorId * @param string $p_name * @return array */ public static function GetAuthorAliases($p_id = null, $p_authorId = null, $p_name = null) { $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_authorId)) { $constraints[] = array("fk_author_id", $p_authorId); } if (!is_null($p_name)) { $constraints[] = array("alias", $p_name); } if (!is_null($p_id)) { $constraints[] = array("id", $p_id); } return DatabaseObject::Search('AuthorAlias', $constraints); } // fn GetAuthorAliases
/** * Get all the aliases that match the given criteria. * * @param int $p_id * @param int $p_publicationId * @param string $p_name * @return array */ public static function GetAliases($p_id = null, $p_publicationId = null, $p_name = null) { $contraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_publicationId)) { $contraints[] = array("IdPublication", $p_publicationId); } if (!is_null($p_name)) { $contraints[] = array("Name", $p_name); } if (!is_null($p_id)) { $contraints[] = array("Id", $p_id); } return DatabaseObject::Search('Alias', $contraints); }
/** * Fetch the subscription objects that match the search criteria. * * @param int $p_publicationId * @param int $p_userId * @param array $p_sqlOptions * @return array */ public static function GetSubscriptions($p_publicationId = null, $p_userId = null, $p_sqlOptions = null) { $constraints = array(); if (!is_null($p_publicationId)) { $constraints[] = array('IdPublication', $p_publicationId); } if (!is_null($p_userId)) { $constraints[] = array('IdUser', $p_userId); } return DatabaseObject::Search('Subscription', $constraints, $p_sqlOptions); }