  * Grant privileges to user@database
  * @TODO Limited usage to a few basic commands only
  * @param string $user User name (with or without prefix)
  * @param string $database Database name (with or without prefix)
  * @param string $priv Privileges
  * @return boolean
 public function grant($user, $database, $priv)
     // Connect to database
     $rc = $this->_connect();
     if ($rc === false) {
         return false;
     // Input validation
     if ($user == '' || $database == '') {
         Log::error('Input validation failed');
         return false;
     Log::debug('Grant privileges to: ' . $user . '/' . $database);
     // Grant privileges
     $rc = $this->mdb->query("GRANT " . $priv . " ON `" . $database . "`.* TO '" . $user . "'@'localhost'");
     if ($rc === false) {
         Log::error('Error while granting privileges: ' . $priv . ' to ' . $user . '@' . $database);
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #2
  * Delete a virtual host
  * @param string $domainName Domain name to delete
  * @param boolean $keepHome Delete (default) or keep the user home directory
  * @return boolean
 public function delete($domainName = '', $keepHome = false)
     // Validate input
     if ($domainName !== '') {
         $this->domainName = $domainName;
     if ($this->domainName === '') {
         Log::error('Input validation failed');
         return false;
     // Get domain name from database
     $rc = $this->get();
     if ($rc === false) {
         return false;
     // Make sure this is a virtual host and not a parked domain
     if ($this->parkedUnder != '') {
         Log::error('The domain \'' . $this->domainName . '\' is not a virtual host, but a parked domain');
         return false;
     Log::debug('Delete virtual host: ' . $domainName);
     // Get parked domains
     $parkedDomains = $this->_relatedParkedDomains();
     // Loop parked domains
     foreach ($parkedDomains as $p) {
         // Delete parked domains
         $rc = $this->removeParkedDomain($p);
         if ($rc === false) {
             Log::error('Error while removing parked domain');
             return false;
     // Delete system user account
     if ($keepHome === false) {
         $keepHome = '-f -r ';
     } else {
         $keepHome = '';
     exec('/usr/sbin/userdel ' . $keepHome . escapeshellarg($this->unixName));
     // PKI/TLS
     if (is_file(Config::read('pkitls|directoryCerts') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.crt')) {
         unlink(Config::read('pkitls|directoryCerts') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.crt');
     if (is_file(Config::read('pkitls|directoryCerts') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.cabundle')) {
         unlink(Config::read('pkitls|directoryCerts') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.cabundle');
     if (is_file(Config::read('pkitls|directoryPrivate') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.key')) {
         unlink(Config::read('pkitls|directoryPrivate') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.key');
     // Delete NSD configuration and zone files
     if (is_file(Config::read('nsd|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.conf')) {
         unlink(Config::read('nsd|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.conf');
     if (is_file(Config::read('nsd|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.zone')) {
         unlink(Config::read('nsd|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.zone');
     // Delete vhost directory
     if (is_link('/etc/dovecot/vhost/' . $this->domainName)) {
         unlink('/etc/dovecot/vhost/' . $this->domainName);
     // Delete Apache virtual host file
     if (is_file(Config::read('apache|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.conf')) {
         unlink(Config::read('apache|directoryConfD') . '/' . $this->domainName . '.conf');
     // Delete Apache log files
     if (is_file('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName)) {
         unlink('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName);
     if (is_file('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName . '-bytes_log')) {
         unlink('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName . '-bytes_log');
     if (is_file('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName . '-ssl_log')) {
         unlink('/var/log/httpd/' . $this->domainName . '-ssl_log');
     // Delete cron file
     if (is_file('/var/spool/cron/' . $this->unixName)) {
         unlink('/var/spool/cron/' . $this->unixName);
     // Remove from database
     // Prepare statement
     $preped = $this->db->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM `virtualHostMx` WHERE VirtualHost_ID=:id");
     // Bind parameter
     $preped->bindParam(':id', $this->id);
     // Execute prepared statement
     $rc = $preped->execute();
     if ($rc === false) {
         Log::error('Error while deleting mail exchange server from the database table: virtualHostMx');
         return false;
     // Prepare statement
     $preped = $this->db->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM `virtualHostNs` WHERE VirtualHost_ID=:id");
     // Bind parameter
     $preped->bindParam(':id', $this->id);
     // Execute prepared statement
     $rc = $preped->execute();
     if ($rc === false) {
         Log::error('Error while deleting name server from the database table: virtualHostNs');
         return false;
     // Prepare statement
     $preped = $this->db->conn->prepare("DELETE FROM `virtualHost` WHERE Id=:id");
     // Bind parameter
     $preped->bindParam(':id', $this->id);
     // Execute prepared statement
     $rc = $preped->execute();
     if ($rc === false) {
         Log::error('Error while deleting virtual host from the database table: virtualHost');
         return false;
     // Check if MariaDB is enabled
     if (Config::read('mariadb') === 'enabled') {
         // Create database object
         $mdb = new DatabaseMariaDb();
         if ($mdb === false) {
             Log::error('Error while creating database object');
             return false;
         // Open database connection
         if ($mdb === false) {
             Log::error('Error while opening connection to database');
             return false;
         // Find all relevant databases for this user
         $preped = $mdb->conn->prepare("SHOW DATABASES LIKE :dbprefix");
         // Bind parameter
         $expandLike = $this->dbPrefix . '_%';
         $preped->bindParam(':dbprefix', $expandLike);
         // Execute prepared statement
         $rc = $preped->execute();
         if ($rc === false) {
             Log::error('Error while running SHOW DATABASES');
             return false;
         // Fetch all results in one array
         $result = $preped->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
         // Loop and drop all databases
         foreach ($result as $r) {
             $rc = $mdb->query('DROP DATABASE `' . $r[0] . '`');
             if ($rc === false) {
                 Log::error('Error while dropping database: ' . $r[0]);
         // Find all relevant users
         $preped = $mdb->conn->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT User FROM mysql.db WHERE User LIKE :dbprefix");
         // Bind parameter
         $expandLike = $this->dbPrefix . '_%';
         $preped->bindParam(':dbprefix', $expandLike);
         // Execute prepared statement
         $rc = $preped->execute();
         if ($rc === false) {
             Log::error('Error while running SELECT DISTINCT');
             return false;
         // Fetch all results in one array
         $result = $preped->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
         // Manually add the database prefix user
         $result[] = array($this->dbPrefix);
         // Prepare statement
         $preped = $mdb->conn->prepare("DROP USER :dbprefix@'localhost'");
         // Loop and drop all databases
         foreach ($result as $r) {
             $preped->bindParam(':dbprefix', $r[0]);
             $rc = $preped->execute();
             if ($rc === false) {
                 Log::error('Error while dropping user: ' . $r[0]);
     return true;
Exemple #3
  * Export configuration (config.inc.php)
  * @param DatabaseSqlite3 &$db Database object
  * @return boolean
 public function exportConfiguration(&$db)
     Log::debug('Export configuration: roundcube');
     // If MariaDB is enabled
     if (Config::read('mariadb') === 'enabled') {
         // Create database object
         $mdb = new DatabaseMariaDb();
         if ($mdb === false) {
             return false;
         // Open database connection
         if ($mdb === false) {
             return false;
         // Detect if the Roundcube table ('roundcubemail') has already been created and privileges already set
         $mdb->query('SHOW DATABASES LIKE "roundcubemail"');
         if ($mdb->row === false) {
             // Create database
             $mdb->query('CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail CHARACTER SET = "utf8" COLLATE = "utf8_unicode_ci"');
             // Set privileges
             $mdb->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcubemail@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '" . Config::read('roundcube|dbPassword') . "'");
             $mdb->query('FLUSH PRIVILEGES');
             // Select database
             $mdb->query('USE roundcubemail');
             // Load initial SQL database scheme
             $sql = file_get_contents('/usr/share/roundcubemail/SQL/mysql.initial.sql');
             // Remove comments
             $patterns = array('/^-- .*$/m', '/^\\/\\*.*$/m', '/\\/\\*(.*)\\*\\//u');
             $sql = preg_replace($patterns, '', $sql);
             // Convert to a single line of multiple statements
             $sql = str_replace("\n", ' ', preg_replace(array('/,\\n/', '/\\n\\)/m', '/\\)\\n/', '/\\(\\n/'), array(', ', ') ', ') ', '( '), $sql));
             // Execute
         } else {
             // Select table
             $mdb->query('USE roundcubemail');
             // Reset password of roundcubemail user, in case this is a re-run of the setup, this avoids stale passwords
             $mdb->query("SET PASSWORD FOR roundcubemail@'localhost' = PASSWORD('" . Config::read('roundcube|dbPassword') . "')");
     // Smarty template
     $smarty = TemplateFactory::create();
     if ($smarty === false) {
         return false;
     // Assign variables
     $smarty->assign('USER', 'roundcubemail');
     $smarty->assign('PASSWORD', Config::read('roundcube|dbPassword'));
     $smarty->assign('DESKEY', Config::read('roundcube|desKey'));
     // Generate config.inc.php
     $rc = $this->saveConfigFile(Config::read('roundcube|configFile'), 'configincphp', 'roundcube.tpl', $smarty, '<' . '?php ');
     if ($rc === false) {
         return false;
     // Restrict permissions and ownership
     chmod(Config::read('roundcube|configFile'), 0640);
     chgrp(Config::read('roundcube|configFile'), 'apache');
     // Generate roundcubemail.conf
     $rc = $this->saveConfigFile(Config::read('apache|directoryConfD') . '/roundcubemail.conf', 'roundcubemailconf', 'roundcube.tpl', $smarty);
     if ($rc === false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;