private function loadAllReceiptIdsOrderByDate() { $databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(); $this->allReceiptIdsOrderByDate = array(); $receiptIdsDb = $databaseHelper->query("SELECT `id` FROM `receipt` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC"); if (count($receiptIdsDb) > 0) { foreach ($receiptIdsDb as $receiptIdDb) { $this->allReceiptIdsOrderByDate[] = $receiptIdDb['id']; } } }
/** * Performs a query to the database and returns the representing list of objects * * This method will run the query and then build the list of objects that represent * the records of the table. It will also init the objects with the basic properties * like the reference to the global App object * * @param string $query The query to perform * * @return array The list of objects representing the records */ protected function _queryObjectList($query) { // query database $result = $this->database->query($query); // fetch objects and execute init callback $objects = array(); while ($object = $this->database->fetchObject($result, $this->class)) { $objects[$object->{$this->key}] = $this->_initObject($object); } $this->database->freeResult($result); return $objects; }
/** * @param $tableName * @param array $tblFields * @param array $tblIndex * @return $this */ public function createTable($tableName, array $tblFields, array $tblIndex) { $params = array_merge($tblFields, $tblIndex); if (empty($params)) { return $this; } $sql = array(); $sql[] = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `' . $tableName . '`'; $sql[] = '(' . implode(",\n ", $params) . ')'; $sql[] = 'COLLATE=\'utf8_general_ci\' ENGINE=MyISAM;'; $sqlString = implode(' ', $sql); $this->_db->query($sqlString); return $this; }
/** * @param $data * @param $table * @param null $keyId * @param string $keyField * @return bool|mixed */ protected function _update($data, $table, $keyId = null, $keyField = 'id') { if (empty($data)) { return false; } $keyId = $keyId ? $keyId : $data['id']; if (isset($data[$keyField])) { unset($data[$keyField]); } $sql = $this->_getSelect()->update($table)->where($keyField . ' = ?', $keyId); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $value = is_null($value) ? 'NULL' : $this->_quote($value); $sql->set('`' . $key . '` = ' . $value); } return $this->_dbHelper->query((string) $sql); }
public function loadProducts() { $databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(); $receiptProductsDb = $databaseHelper->query("SELECT `id` FROM `receipt_product` WHERE receiptId = " . $this->id); if (count($receiptProductsDb) > 0) { foreach ($receiptProductsDb as $receiptProductDb) { $ReceiptProduct = new ReceiptProduct($receiptProductDb['id']); $this->receiptProducts[] = array('id' => $ReceiptProduct->getId(), 'productId' => $ReceiptProduct->getProductId(), 'label' => $ReceiptProduct->getLabel(), 'priceInVat' => $ReceiptProduct->getPriceInVat(), 'priceExVat' => $ReceiptProduct->getPriceExVat(), 'amount' => $ReceiptProduct->getAmount(), 'totalPriceInVat' => $ReceiptProduct->getTotalPriceInVat(), 'totalPriceExVat' => $ReceiptProduct->getTotalPriceExVat()); } } }
public function returnProductGridAsArray() { $gridArray = array(); $databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(); //create basic array $maxGridSize = $databaseHelper->query("SELECT MAX( regRow ) AS maxrow, MAX( regCol ) AS maxcol FROM `product` "); if ((int) $maxGridSize[0]['maxrow'] > 0 && (int) $maxGridSize[0]['maxcol'] > 0) { for ($r = 1; $r <= (int) $maxGridSize[0]['maxrow']; $r++) { for ($c = 1; $c <= (int) $maxGridSize[0]['maxcol']; $c++) { $gridArray[$r][$c] = 0; } } } //fill basic array with products $allProducts = $databaseHelper->query("SELECT id, regRow, regCol FROM `product` ORDER BY regRow, regCol"); if (count($allProducts) > 0) { foreach ($allProducts as $product) { $gridArray[$product['regRow']][$product['regCol']] = $product['id']; } } return $gridArray; }
/** * Finds geographical features around the object's location * * Searches the geonames database for a specified number of features of the specified type within the specified * distance of the object's position ordered by either closest or furthest first. All search criteria may be * omitted to return an unrestrained (very large and not recommended) result set. * * @uses LatLng::convertMetersToDegreesLatitude * @uses LatLng::convertMetersToDegreesLongitude * @uses DatabaseHelper::getInstance * @uses DatabaseHelper::query * @uses DistantGeographicalFeature * * @param LatLng $position The co-ordinates from which the search should be based. * @param null|string $featureType The type of feature to be searched for. Options are 'landmark', 'city' * (all city sizes), 'majorCity', 'minorCity', NULL (all feature types). * Default: NULL. * @param null|int $searchRadius The search radius in meters from the object's position. Default = NULL. * @param null|int $noOfResults The number of results to return. Default = NULL. * @param string $order The order of the search results. Input options are 'asc' (closest first) * or 'desc' furthest first. Default = 'asc. * * @return GeographicalFeature[] * @throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException For featureType, searchRadius, order, noOfResults. * @throws InvalidOperationException For executing the method without setting the database credentials at the * class level. * @throws MyInvalidArgumentException For searchRadius, noOfResults. */ public static final function findFeatures(LatLng $position, $featureType = NULL, $searchRadius = NULL, $noOfResults = NULL, $order = 'asc') { if (is_null(self::$databaseCredentials)) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Database credentials must be set at the class level to allow this action to take place.'); } // Validates user input and builds the syntax relevant to the type of feature to search for. switch (strtolower($featureType)) { case 'landmark': $featureTypeSyntax = " feature_class != 'P' "; break; case 'city': $featureTypeSyntax = " feature_class = 'P' "; break; case 'majorcity': $featureTypeSyntax = " feature_class = 'P' AND population = 1 "; break; case 'minorcity': $featureTypeSyntax = " feature_class = 'P' AND population = 0 "; break; case NULL: $featureTypeSyntax = ""; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("INPUT: featureType. The supplied value type is invalid. Either 'landmark', 'city', 'majorCity',\n 'minorCity', or NULL expected.", $featureType); break; } // Validates user input then builds the syntax to set a search radius. if (isset($searchRadius)) { if (!is_numeric($searchRadius)) { throw new MyInvalidArgumentException("INPUT: searchRadius. The supplied value type is invalid. A numeric value is expected."); } if ($searchRadius <= 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException('INPUT: searchRadius. The supplied value is out of acceptable range. >0 expected.', $searchRadius); } $maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLatitude = LatLng::convertMetersToDegreesLatitude($searchRadius, $position->getLatitude()); $maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLongitude = LatLng::convertMetersToDegreesLongitude($searchRadius, $position->getLatitude()); $searchRadiusSyntax = <<<MYSQL latitude BETWEEN :latitude - {$maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLatitude} AND :latitude + {$maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLatitude} AND longitude BETWEEN :longitude - {$maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLongitude} AND :longitude + {$maxFeatureSearchDistanceInDegreesLongitude} MYSQL; $havingSyntax = " HAVING distance < {$searchRadius} "; } else { $searchRadiusSyntax = ''; $havingSyntax = ''; } // Assembles the syntax for the WHERE clause combining feature and radius components built above. if ($featureTypeSyntax || $searchRadiusSyntax) { $whereSyntax = ' WHERE '; $whereSyntax .= $featureTypeSyntax; if ($featureTypeSyntax && $searchRadiusSyntax) { $whereSyntax .= ' AND '; } $whereSyntax .= $searchRadiusSyntax; } else { $whereSyntax = ''; } // Validates user input and builds the syntax to set the result order switch (strtolower($order)) { case 'asc': $orderSyntax = ' ASC '; break; case 'desc': $orderSyntax = ' DESC '; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("INPUT: order. The supplied value is invalid. Order can be either 'asc' or 'desc'", $order); } // Validates user input and builds the syntax to limit the number of results. if (isset($noOfResults)) { if (is_numeric($noOfResults)) { if ($noOfResults > 0) { $limitSyntax = " LIMIT {$noOfResults}"; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("INPUT: noOfResults. The supplied value is invalid. Must be 1 or higher.", $noOfResults); } } else { throw new MyInvalidArgumentException("INPUT: noOfResults. The supplied value type is invalid. A numeric value is expected."); } } else { $limitSyntax = ''; } // Assemble the final query from literal and dynamic components (built and assembled above based on user // criteria). $findFeaturesQuery = <<<MYSQL SELECT f.latitude, f.longitude, AS name, f.feature_class AS featureClass, ft.feature_type AS featureType, c.county_name AS county, s.state_abbreviation AS state, ROUND(6378137 * ACOS(COS(RADIANS(:latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(longitude) - RADIANS(:longitude)) + SIN(RADIANS(:latitude)) * SIN(RADIANS(latitude)))) AS distance FROM features f LEFT JOIN feature_types ft ON f.feature_type_id = ft.feature_type_id LEFT JOIN counties c ON f.county_id = c.county_id AND f.state_id = c.state_id LEFT JOIN states s ON f.state_id = s.state_id {$whereSyntax} {$havingSyntax} ORDER BY distance {$orderSyntax} {$limitSyntax} MYSQL; // The query parameters $findFeaturesParams = array('latitude' => $position->getLatitude(), 'longitude' => $position->getLongitude()); // Connect to the database, run the query, build and return an array of DistantGeographicalFeature objects. $DBH = call_user_func_array('DatabaseHelper::getInstance', self::$databaseCredentials); $findFeaturesResult = DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $findFeaturesQuery, $findFeaturesParams); $features = array(); while ($feature = $findFeaturesResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { try { if ($feature['featureClass'] == 'P') { $city = $feature['name']; } else { $featurePosition = new LatLng($feature['latitude'], $feature['longitude']); $cityArray = self::findFeatures($geonamesCredentials, $featurePosition, 'majorCity', $searchRadius, 1, 'asc'); if ($cityArray) { $city = $cityArray[0]->getCity(); } else { $city = NULL; } } $features[] = new GeographicalFeature(new LatLng($feature['latitude'], $feature['longitude']), $feature['name'], $feature['featureType'], $city, $feature['county'], $feature['state']); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } } return $features; }
/** * Saves the dune to the database. * * @return bool|int On successful new save of existing update returns the dune ID. On no change returns FALSE. * @throws InvalidOperationException If database credentials have not been set at the class level. */ public final function save() { if (is_null(self::$databaseCredentials)) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Database credentials must be set at the class level to allow this action to take place.'); } /** @var PDO $DBH */ $DBH = call_user_func_array('DatabaseHelper::getInstance', self::$databaseCredentials); $storeNewDuneQuery = <<<MYSQL INSERT INTO dunes (latitude, longitude, site_id, crest, toe) VALUES (:latitude, :longitude, :selectedSiteId, :crest, :toe) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE site_id = VALUES(site_id), crest = VALUES(crest), toe = VALUES(toe) MYSQL; $storeNewDuneParams = array('latitude' => $this->position->getLatitude(), 'longitude' => $this->position->getLongitude(), 'selectedSiteId' => $this->siteId, 'crest' => $this->crestHeight, 'toe' => $this->toeHeight); DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $storeNewDuneQuery, $storeNewDuneParams); $duneId = $DBH->lastInsertId(); if ($duneId && $duneId > 0) { return $duneId; } else { return FALSE; } }
/** * Saves a new site and any contained dunes to the database. * * @uses Site:saveDunes * @throws InvalidOperationException If the database credentials have not been set. */ public final function saveSite() { if (is_null(self::$databaseCredentials)) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Database credentials must be set at the class level to allow this action to take place.'); } $saveNewSiteQuery = <<<MYSQL INSERT IGNORE INTO sites SET site = :siteName, last_import = NULL MYSQL; $saveNewSiteParams = array('siteName' => $this->siteName); $DBH = call_user_func_array('DatabaseHelper::getInstance', self::$databaseCredentials); DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $saveNewSiteQuery, $saveNewSiteParams); $siteId = $DBH->lastInsertId(); if ($siteId == 0) { $siteId = self::getIdByName($this->siteName); } $this->siteId = $siteId; $this->saveSiteDunes(); }
public static function getDateTimeFromId($fileId) { if (is_null(self::$databaseCredentials)) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Database credentials must be set at the class level to allow this action to take place.'); } if (!is_int($fileId)) { $argumentType = gettype($fileId); throw new MyInvalidArgumentException("INPUT: selectedFileId. The supplied value for selectedFileId was invalid. Integer expected. {$argumentType} received."); } $DBH = call_user_func_array('DatabaseHelper::getInstance', self::$databaseCredentials); $dateTimeQuery = <<<MYSQL SELECT date_time FROM twl_files WHERE file_id = {$fileId} MYSQL; $dateTimeParams = array('selectedFileId' => $fileId); $dateTimeResult = DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $dateTimeQuery, $dateTimeParams); return $dateTimeResult->fetchColumn(); }
$closestTimeSeriesParams = array('latitude' => $dunes[$i]['la'], 'longitude' => $dunes[$i]['lo'], 'latitudeNBoundary' => $dunes[$i]['la'] + $latitudeBoundary, 'latitudeSBoundary' => $dunes[$i]['la'] - $latitudeBoundary, 'longitudeEBoundary' => $dunes[$i]['lo'] + $longitudeBoundary, 'longitudeWBoundary' => $dunes[$i]['lo'] - $longitudeBoundary); $closestTimeSeriesResult = DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $closestTimeSeriesQuery, $closestTimeSeriesParams); $dunes[$i]['tsId'] = $closestTimeSeriesResult->fetchColumn(); if (empty($dunes[$i]['tsId'])) { exit; } $duneImpactQuery = <<<MYSQL SELECT IF(MAX(twl) > :toeHeight, TRUE, FALSE) AS toe_impact, if(MAX(twl) > :crestHeight, TRUE, FALSE) AS crest_impact FROM twl_data_points WHERE file_id = :selectedFileId AND time_series_id = :timeSeriesId MYSQL; $duneImpactParams = array('toeHeight' => $dunes[$i]['toe'], 'crestHeight' => $dunes[$i]['crest'], 'selectedFileId' => $fileId, 'timeSeriesId' => $dunes[$i]['tsId']); $duneImpactResult = DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $duneImpactQuery, $duneImpactParams); $duneImpact = $duneImpactResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($duneImpact['crest_impact']) { $dunes[$i]['im'] = '2'; } elseif ($duneImpact['toe_impact']) { $dunes[$i]['im'] = '1'; } else { $dunes[$i]['im'] = '0'; } unset($dunes[$i]['toe'], $dunes[$i]['crest']); } $data = array('meta' => array('selectedSiteId' => $siteId, 'selectedFileId' => $fileId, 'availableFiles' => $availableFiles), 'dune' => $dunes); print json_encode($data);
/** * Saves the current data point object to the Database. * * @param int $fileId The database ID of the file this point originated from. * @param int $timeSeriesId The database ID of the time series this point belongs to. * * @throws InvalidOperationException If database credentials have not been set. */ public final function saveDataPoint($fileId, $timeSeriesId) { if (is_null(self::$databaseCredentials)) { throw new InvalidOperationException('Database credentials must be set at the class level to allow this action to take place.'); } $DBH = call_user_func_array('DatabaseHelper::getInstance', self::$databaseCredentials); $saveDataPointQuery = <<<MYSQL INSERT IGNORE INTO twl_data_points SET file_id = :selectedFileId, time_series_id = :timeSeriesId, date_time = :dateTime, hs = :hs, pp = :pp, twl = :twl, twl05 = :twl05, twl95 = :twl95, runup = :runup, runup05 = :runup05, runup95 = :runup95, setup = :setup, swash = :swash, inc_swash = :incSwash, infrag_swash = :infragSwash MYSQL; $saveDataPointParams = array('selectedFileId' => $fileId, 'timeSeriesId' => $timeSeriesId, 'dateTime' => $this->getMysqlDateTime(), 'hs' => $this->hs, 'pp' => $this->pp, 'twl' => $this->twl, 'twl05' => $this->twl05, 'twl95' => $this->twl95, 'runup' => $this->runup, 'runup05' => $this->runup05, 'setup' => $this->setup, 'swash' => $this->swash, 'incSwash' => $this->incSwash, 'infragSwash' => $this->infragSwash); DatabaseHelper::query($DBH, $saveDataPointQuery, $saveDataPointParams); }
public function delete() { if ($this->getId() > 0) { $databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(); $databaseHelper->query("DELETE FROM `receipt_product` WHERE id = " . $this->getId()); } }