function insert($db, $r, $collection) { $att = new Dase_DBO_Attribute($db); $att->attribute_name = $this->getTitle(); //think about using getAscii or Slug also $att->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($att->attribute_name); if (!Dase_DBO_Attribute::get($db, $collection->ascii_id, $att->ascii_id)) { $att->collection_id = $collection->id; $att->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $att->sort_order = 9999; $att->is_on_list_display = 1; $att->is_public = 1; $att->in_basic_search = 1; $att->html_input_type = $this->getHtmlInputType(); $att->insert(); $sort_order = 0; foreach ($this->getDefinedValues() as $dv) { $sort_order++; $att->addDefinedValue($dv, $sort_order); } foreach ($this->getItemTypes() as $type) { $att->addItemType($type); } $att->resort(); } else { throw new Dase_Exception('attribute exists'); } return $att; }
public static function getUniqueBaseIdent($db, $title, $collection_ascii_id) { $check_ident = Dase_Util::dirify($title); $mf = new Dase_DBO_MediaFile($db); $mf->p_serial_number = $check_ident; $mf->p_collection_ascii_id = $collection_ascii_id; if (!$mf->findOne()) { return $check_ident; } else { $check_ident = $check_ident . time(); return Dase_DBO_MediaFile::getUniqueBaseIdent($db, $check_ident, $collection_ascii_id); } }
public static function findOrCreate($db, $collection_ascii_id, $ascii_id) { $type = new Dase_DBO_ItemType($db); $coll = Dase_DBO_Collection::get($db, $collection_ascii_id); if (!$coll) { throw new Exception('no such collection'); } $type->collection_id = $coll->id; $type->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($ascii_id); if (!$type->findOne()) { $type->name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $ascii_id)); $type->insert(); } return $type; }
function insert($db, $r, $collection) { //think about using Slug also $ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($this->getAsciiId()); if (!$ascii_id) { $ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($this->getTitle()); } if (!Dase_DBO_ItemType::get($db, $collection->ascii_id, $ascii_id)) { $type = new Dase_DBO_ItemType($db); $type->ascii_id = $ascii_id; $type->name = $this->getTitle(); $type->collection_id = $collection->id; $type->description = $this->getSummary(); $type->insert(); return $type; } else { throw new Dase_Exception('item type exists'); } }
public static function findOrCreateAdmin($db, $attribute_ascii_id) { $att = new Dase_DBO_Attribute($db); $att->collection_id = 0; $att->ascii_id = $attribute_ascii_id; if (!$att->findOne()) { $attribute_ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($attribute_ascii_id); $att->attribute_name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $attribute_ascii_id)); $att->sort_order = 0; $att->in_basic_search = 0; $att->is_on_list_display = 0; $att->is_public = 0; $att->mapped_admin_att_id = 0; $att->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $att->html_input_type = 'no_edit'; $att->insert(); } return $att; }
public function getDownloadAll($r) { $set = new Dase_DBO_ExerciseSet($this->db); $set->load($r->get('id')); //ZIP stuff $zip = new ZipArchive(); $target_dir = "/tmp/humptydumpty_zip"; if (!file_exists($target_dir)) { if (!mkdir($target_dir)) { $r->renderError(500); } } $filename = $target_dir . '/' . $set->ascii_id . ".zip"; if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { $r->renderError(401, 'cannot create zip'); } $exercises = $set->getExercises(); $has_media = 0; foreach ($exercises as $ex) { if ($ex->media_file) { $ex_ascii = Dase_Util::dirify($ex->title); $fn = $target_dir . '/exercise-' . $ex_ascii; file_put_contents($fn, file_get_contents($ex->media_file)); if (filesize($fn)) { $zip->addFile($fn, $set->ascii_id . '/' . $ex_ascii . '.mp3'); $has_media = 1; } } } $zip->close(); if (!$has_media) { $params['msg'] = $set->title . ' has no associated media'; $r->renderRedirect('set/' . $set->id, $params); } //todo: need to set a cron job to garbage collect the set in media/tmp $r->serveFile($filename, 'application/zip', true); }
public function postToCollections($r) { $user = $r->getUser('http'); if (!$user->is_superuser) { $r->renderError(401, $user->eid . ' is not permitted to create a collection'); } $content_type = $r->getContentType(); if ('application/atom+xml;type=entry' == $content_type || 'application/atom+xml' == $content_type) { $raw_input = $r->getBody(); $client_md5 = $r->getHeader('Content-MD5'); if ($client_md5 && md5($raw_input) != $client_md5) { //todo: fix this //$r->renderError(412,'md5 does not match'); } try { $coll_entry = Dase_Atom_Entry::load($raw_input); } catch (Exception $e) { Dase_Log::debug(LOG_FILE, 'colls handler error: ' . $e->getMessage()); $r->renderError(400, 'bad xml'); } if ('collection' != $coll_entry->entrytype) { $r->renderError(400, 'must be a collection entry'); } if ($r->slug) { $r->set('ascii_id', Dase_Util::dirify($r->slug)); } $ascii_id = $coll_entry->create($this->db, $r); $user->expireDataCache($r->getCache()); header("HTTP/1.1 201 Created"); header("Content-Type: application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset='utf-8'"); header("Location: " . $r->app_root . "/collection/" . $ascii_id . '.atom'); echo Dase_DBO_Collection::get($this->db, $ascii_id)->asAtomEntry($r->app_root); exit; } else { $r->renderError(415, 'cannoot accept ' . $content_type); } }
public function insert($db, $r) { $user = $r->getUser(); $atom_author = $this->getAuthorName(); //should be exception?? if (!$atom_author || $atom_author != $user->eid) { $r->renderError(401, 'users do not match'); } $set = new Dase_DBO_Tag($db); $set->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($this->getAsciiId()); $set->eid = $user->eid; if ($set->findOne()) { $r->renderError(409, 'set with that name exists'); } $set->dase_user_id = $user->id; $set->name = $this->getTitle(); $set->is_public = 0; $set->item_count = 0; $set->type = 'set'; $set->created = date(DATE_ATOM); $set->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $set->insert(); /* foreach ($this->getCategories() as $category) { $tag_cat = new Dase_DBO_TagCategory($db); $tag_cat->tag_id = $set->id; $tag_cat->category_id = 0; $tag_cat->term = $category['term']; $tag_cat->label = $category['label']; $scheme = str_replace('','',$category['scheme']); $tag_cat->scheme = $scheme; $tag_cat->insert(); } */ return $set; }
/** * will ingest file if there is one */ public function postToItems($r) { $this->user = $r->getUser('http'); if (!$this->user->is_admin) { $r->renderError(401, 'no go unauthorized'); } $content_type = $r->getContentType(); if ('application/json' != $content_type) { //$r->renderError(415,'cannot accept '.$content_type); return $this->_processFile($r); } $json_data = Dase_Json::toPhp($r->getBody()); if (!isset($json_data['title'])) { $r->renderError(415, 'incorrect json format'); } //create new item $item = new Dase_DBO_Item($this->db); $item->title = $json_data['title']; if (isset($json_data['body'])) { $item->body = $json_data['body']; } if (isset($json_data['links']['file'])) { $file_url = $json_data['links']['file']; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $mime_type = Dase_Http_Request::$types[$ext]; $base_dir = $this->config->getMediaDir(); $basename = Dase_Util::dirify(pathinfo($file_url, PATHINFO_FILENAME)); $newname = $this->_findNextUnique($base_dir, $basename, $ext); $new_path = $base_dir . '/' . $newname; //move file to new home file_put_contents($new_path, file_get_contents($file_url)); chmod($new_path, 0775); $size = @getimagesize($new_path); $item->name = $newname; if (!$item->title) { $item->title = $item->name; } $item->file_url = 'file/' . $item->name; $item->filesize = filesize($new_path); $item->mime = $mime_type; $parts = explode('/', $mime_type); if (isset($parts[0]) && 'image' == $parts[0]) { $thumb_path = $base_dir . '/thumb/' . $newname; $thumb_path = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $thumb_path); $command = CONVERT . " \"{$new_path}\" -format jpeg -resize '100x100 >' -colorspace RGB {$thumb_path}"; $exec_output = array(); $results = exec($command, $exec_output); if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) { //Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE,"failed to write $thumb_path"); } chmod($thumb_path, 0775); $newname = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $newname); $item->thumbnail_url = 'file/thumb/' . $newname; } else { $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/images/mime_icons/' . Dase_File::$types_map[$mime_type]['size'] . '.png'; } if (isset($size[0]) && $size[0]) { $item->width = $size[0]; } if (isset($size[1]) && $size[1]) { $item->height = $size[1]; } } else { //meaning no file if (!$item->title) { $item->title = substr($item->body, 0, 20); } $item->name = $this->_findUniqueName(Dase_Util::dirify($item->title)); $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/images/mime_icons/content.png'; } $item->created_by = $this->user->eid; $item->created = date(DATE_ATOM); $item->updated_by = $this->user->eid; $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $item->url = 'item/' . $item->name; if ($item->insert()) { $r->renderOk('added item'); } else { $r->renderError(400); } }
public function postToForm($r) { $this->user = $r->getUser(); $set = new Dase_DBO_Itemset($this->db); $set->title = $r->get('title'); if (!$set->title) { $set->title = dechex(time()); } $set->name = $this->_findUniqueName(Dase_Util::dirify($set->title)); $set->created_by = $this->user->eid; $set->created = date(DATE_ATOM); $set->insert(); $r->renderRedirect('set/' . $set->name); }
public function postToSwapFile($r) { $item = new Dase_DBO_Item($this->db); if (!$item->load($r->get('id'))) { $r->renderError(404); } if ($this->user->eid != $item->created_by && !$this->user->is_admin) { $r->renderError(401); } //@unlink($old_path); $file = $r->_files['uploaded_file']; if ($file && is_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $name = $file['name']; $path = $file['tmp_name']; $type = $file['type']; if (!is_uploaded_file($path)) { $r->renderError(400, 'no go upload'); } if (!isset(Dase_File::$types_map[$type])) { $r->renderError(415, 'unsupported media type: ' . $type); } $base_dir = $this->config->getMediaDir(); $old_path = $base_dir . '/' . $item->name; @unlink($old_path); //we won't worry about deleting old thumbnail if (!file_exists($base_dir) || !is_writeable($base_dir)) { $r->renderError(403, 'not allowed'); } $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $basename = Dase_Util::dirify(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_FILENAME)); if ('application/pdf' == $type) { $ext = 'pdf'; } if ('application/msword' == $type) { $ext = 'doc'; } if ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' == $type) { $ext = 'docx'; } $newname = $this->_findNextUnique($base_dir, $basename, $ext); $new_path = $base_dir . '/' . $newname; //move file to new home rename($path, $new_path); chmod($new_path, 0775); $size = @getimagesize($new_path); //ONLY update name if item had file already //adding file to text item shouldn't change name if ($item->file_url) { $item->name = $newname; } if (!$item->title) { $item->title = $item->name; } $item->file_url = 'file/' . $newname; $item->filesize = filesize($new_path); $item->mime = $type; $parts = explode('/', $type); if (isset($parts[0]) && 'image' == $parts[0]) { $thumb_path = $base_dir . '/thumb/' . $newname; $thumb_path = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $thumb_path); $command = CONVERT . " \"{$new_path}\" -format jpeg -resize '100x100 >' -colorspace RGB {$thumb_path}"; $exec_output = array(); $results = exec($command, $exec_output); if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) { //Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE,"failed to write $thumb_path"); } chmod($thumb_path, 0775); $newname = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $newname); $item->thumbnail_url = 'file/thumb/' . $newname; } else { $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/img/mime_icons/' . Dase_File::$types_map[$type]['size'] . '.png'; } if (isset($size[0]) && $size[0]) { $item->width = $size[0]; } if (isset($size[1]) && $size[1]) { $item->height = $size[1]; } } $item->updated_by = $this->user->eid; $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $item->update(); $r->renderRedirect('item/' . $item->id); }
public function postToItemTypes($r) { $type_ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($r->get('name')); //note if type_ascii_id MATCHES, we do not create a new type, we grab match $type = Dase_DBO_ItemType::findOrCreate($this->db, $this->collection->ascii_id, $type_ascii_id); $type->name = $r->get('name'); $type->description = $r->get('description'); $type->update(); $params['msg'] = "{$type->name} created"; $r->renderRedirect('manage/' . $this->collection->ascii_id . '/item_type/' . $type->ascii_id, $params); }
<?php include 'config.php'; $tag = new Dase_DBO_Tag($db); foreach ($tag->findAll() as $t) { $lower = Dase_Util::dirify($t->ascii_id); if ($t->ascii_id != $lower) { print "PROBLEM! {$t->ascii_id}\n"; $t->ascii_id = $lower; print $t; $t->update(); } else { print "OK {$t->ascii_id}\n"; } }
public function postToExerciseCategory($r) { $exercise = new Dase_DBO_Exercise($this->db); $exercise->load($r->get('id')); $category = new Dase_DBO_Category($this->db); $category->text = trim($r->get('category')); if (!$category->findOne()) { $category->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($r->get('category')); $category->insert(); } $exercat = new Dase_DBO_ExerciseCategory($this->db); $exercat->exercise_id = $exercise->id; $exercat->category_id = $category->id; $exercat->insert(); $r->renderRedirect('exercise/' . $exercise->id . '/edit'); }
public static function create($db, $tag_name, $user) { if (!$tag_name) { return false; } $tag = new Dase_DBO_Tag($db); $tag->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($tag_name); $tag->dase_user_id = $user->id; if ($tag->findOne()) { return false; } else { $tag->name = $tag_name; $tag->type = 'set'; $tag->background = 'white'; $tag->is_public = 0; $tag->item_count = 0; $tag->eid = $user->eid; $tag->created = date(DATE_ATOM); $tag->insert(); return $tag; } }
public function postToSetForm($r) { $t = new Dase_Template($r); $set = new Dase_DBO_ExerciseSet($this->db); if ($r->get('title')) { $set->title = $r->get('title'); $set->ascii_id = Dase_Util::dirify($set->title); $set->creator_eid = $this->user->eid; $set->insert(); } $r->renderRedirect('admin/set_form'); }
public function postToContentForm($r) { $item = new Dase_DBO_Item($this->db); $item->body = $r->get('body'); $item->title = $r->get('title'); $file = $r->_files['uploaded_file']; if ($file && is_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $name = $file['name']; $path = $file['tmp_name']; $type = $file['type']; if (!is_uploaded_file($path)) { $r->renderError(400, 'no go upload'); } if (!isset(Dase_File::$types_map[$type])) { $r->renderError(415, 'unsupported media type: ' . $type); } $base_dir = $this->config->getMediaDir(); $thumb_dir = $this->config->getMediaDir() . '/thumb'; if (!file_exists($base_dir) || !is_writeable($base_dir)) { $r->renderError(403, 'media directory not writeable: ' . $base_dir); } if (!file_exists($thumb_dir) || !is_writeable($thumb_dir)) { $r->renderError(403, 'thumbnail directory not writeable: ' . $thumb_dir); } $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $basename = Dase_Util::dirify(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_FILENAME)); if ('application/pdf' == $type) { $ext = 'pdf'; } if ('application/msword' == $type) { $ext = 'doc'; } if ('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' == $type) { $ext = 'docx'; } $newname = $this->_findNextUnique($base_dir, $basename, $ext); $new_path = $base_dir . '/' . $newname; //move file to new home rename($path, $new_path); chmod($new_path, 0775); $size = @getimagesize($new_path); $item->name = $newname; if (!$item->title) { $item->title = $item->name; } $item->file_url = 'file/' . $item->name; $item->filesize = filesize($new_path); $item->mime = $type; $parts = explode('/', $type); if (isset($parts[0]) && 'image' == $parts[0]) { $thumb_path = $thumb_dir . '/' . $newname; $thumb_path = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $thumb_path); $command = CONVERT . " \"{$new_path}\" -format jpeg -resize '100x100 >' -colorspace RGB {$thumb_path}"; $exec_output = array(); $results = exec($command, $exec_output); if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) { //Dase_Log::info(LOG_FILE,"failed to write $thumb_path"); } chmod($thumb_path, 0775); $newname = str_replace('.' . $ext, '.jpg', $newname); $item->thumbnail_url = 'file/thumb/' . $newname; } else { $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/img/mime_icons/' . Dase_File::$types_map[$type]['size'] . '.png'; } if (isset($size[0]) && $size[0]) { $item->width = $size[0]; } if (isset($size[1]) && $size[1]) { $item->height = $size[1]; } } else { if (!$item->title) { $item->title = substr($item->body, 0, 20); } if (!$item->title) { $params['msg'] = "title or body is required is no file is uploaded"; $r->renderRedirect('admin/upload', $params); } $item->name = $this->_findUniqueName(Dase_Util::dirify($item->title)); $item->thumbnail_url = 'www/img/mime_icons/content.png'; } $item->created_by = $this->user->eid; $item->created = date(DATE_ATOM); $item->updated_by = $this->user->eid; $item->updated = date(DATE_ATOM); $item->url = 'item/' . $item->name; $item->insert(); $r->renderRedirect('items'); }