public function checkPrivileges($o)
			return true;
		$dao->select('count(user_id) as count');
			throw new CircuitDatabaseException('query admin users failed', $rs);
	  		$message = "This page is not available under the current configuration, or ";
	      	$message .= "you are not authorized to view this page.";
	      	$o->set('error.message', $message);
	      	$o->set('error.code', GENERAL_MESSAGE);
	      	$o->set('error.title', 'Not Authorized');
	      	$o->set('error.line', __LINE__);
	      	$o->set('error.file', __FILE__);
			return false;
		return true;
  * Execute
  function execute(&$observer)
      // MOD RJH
      // Modification Date: 11-18-2004
      // Add Tracking for all actions into a single consolidated Admin Log Table
      // using Sushi to store data
      // TRACKING
      // ID (pk), USER ID(ind), IP(ind), datetime, request page, POST/GET
      if( preg_match("/^10./",$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) )  return TRUE;
      $GAIALOG = serialize(array($_GET,$_POST));
      $dao_logging =& DaoFactory::create('admincpanellog.insert');
      $rs =& $dao_logging->execute();
          $observer->set('error.message', "Unable to connect to the database, please try again later.");
          $observer->set('error.title', 'Database Error');
          $observer->set('error.code', GENERAL_ERROR);
          $observer->set('error.line', __LINE__);
          $observer->set('error.file', __FILE__);
          return FALSE;
      return TRUE;
Exemple #3
 public function swapItem($from_serial, $to_item_id, $user_id = NULL)
     // default the user_id to the current logged in user if nothing was passed in
     $user_id = empty($user_id) ? SC::get('userdata.user_id') : intval($user_id);
     // validate that the serial we want to delete belongs to the user
     $ir = new InventoryReader($user_id);
     $rs = $ir->execute();
     if (!$rs->isSuccess()) {
         return $this->throwError('Unable to load your inventory at this time. Please try again later. Error: ' . $rs->getError(), $rs);
     $data = $rs->getItems();
     // data is empty so that means the user doesn't own this serial
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->throwError('The item was not found in your inventory.');
     // validate that the item we want to swap to exists
     // to_item_id can be either an INT (item_id that we want to grant) or
     // an array of item_ids that we want to grant and how many of each we want to grant
     // get the ids of the items we want to grant
     $item_ids = array();
     if (is_array($to_item_id)) {
         foreach ($to_item_id as $item) {
             $item_ids[] = $item['item_id'];
     } else {
         $item_ids[] = $to_item_id;
     // check to see if the items we want to grant exist
     $idr = new ItemDefinitionReader();
     if (!$idr->execute('__meta__')) {
         return $this->throwError('Unable to load item detail, please try again. ' . $idr->getError(), $idr);
     $found_ids = $idr->getItemIds();
     // if item_ids contains ids that arent in $found_ids then an item doesn't exist
     $difference = array_diff($item_ids, $found_ids);
     if (!empty($difference)) {
         return $this->throwError('Item(s) not found', $difference);
     // at this point we have a valid serial that belongs to the user_id and valid items that we want to grant
     $txn = DaoFactory::create('transactionmanager');
     // clear frozen status (if any) as we should allow users to open frozen letters
     $prop = PropertyReader::instance()->getProperties($from_serial, $user_id);
     $from_item_frozen_property = NULL;
     if (isset($prop['frozen']) && FrozenChecker::isFrozenByProperty($prop)) {
         $from_item_frozen_property = $prop['frozen'];
         // would be nice if we can attach $txn to $iw here, but it would create a dirty read
         // problem. we could potentially fail later after clearing the frozen status. we will live
         // with the unlikely case for now.
         $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM);
         $iw->deleteProperty($from_serial, $user_id, INVENTORY_LOCATION_MAIN, 'frozen');
         $iwr = $iw->execute();
         if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
             return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     //delete item we are swapping out
     $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM, $txn);
     $iw->deleteSerializedItem($user_id, $from_serial);
     //grant item(s) we are swapping in
     if (is_array($to_item_id)) {
         foreach ($to_item_id as $item) {
             $quantity = isset($item['quantity']) ? $item['quantity'] : 1;
             $iw->grantNewItems($user_id, $item['item_id'], $quantity);
     } else {
         $iw->grantNewItems($user_id, $to_item_id, 1);
     $iwr = $iw->execute(FALSE);
     if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
         return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     // get the serials of the granted items
     $this->granted_items = $iwr->getGeneratedSerials();
     if ($from_item_frozen_property) {
         // transfer the frozen property value to the swapped item
         // with packages it's not possible that a frozen item will grant multiple items.
         // all these items should be frozen
         $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM, $txn);
         foreach ($this->granted_items as $new_serial) {
             $iw->setProperty($new_serial, $user_id, INVENTORY_LOCATION_MAIN, 'frozen', $from_item_frozen_property);
         if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
             return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     // set the new serials associated with the item_ids
     return TRUE;
 public function start()
     return DaoFactory::create('transactionmanager');
Exemple #5
 public function testNoConnectorCreatedReturnsFalse()
     return $this->assertFalse(DaoFactory::create('testdb.testtable', $this->test_map_file));
 function execute(&$observer)
     $username = $observer->get('default.validation.username');
     // length check
     if (strlen(trim($username)) > 25) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username must be no more than 25 characters long.');
         $observer->set('default.validation.status', 'LONG');
         $observer->set('login.request.status', 'LONG');
         return FALSE;
     //get the entire list of disallowed words. In the future we might have
     //more specific queries eg. get only swear words, get only NPC, etc.
     $filterList = UsernameFilter::filterList(1);
     if (count($filterList) <= 0) {
         return TRUE;
     //nothing to filter against lol
     // are they logged in -- Jakob
     // if so, we don't bother doing the NPC check
     // rxes defines the array of regular expressions
     $rxes = array();
     // MATCH 1.  Variants of [NPC] using nonword characters
     $delim = "[\\W\\s_]";
     // Nonword, whitespace, underscore
     $rx = "^(.*?)" . "{$delim} *?" . "[N]" . "{$delim} *?" . "[P]" . "{$delim} *?" . "[C]" . "{$delim} +" . "(.*)";
     // match as much as possible to end of string
     $rx = "/" . $rx . "/xi";
     $rxes[] = $rx;
     // MATCH 2,  inpci, lnpcl, l_n-p_c and word variants.  Much stricter so as not
     // to break actual words
     $delim = "[il\\|]";
     // i, l, pipe
     $rx = "^(.*?)" . "{$delim}" . "[\\s\\-_]*" . "n[\\s\\-_]*" . "p[\\s\\-_]*" . "c[\\s\\-_]*" . "{$delim} ?" . "(.*)";
     // grab the rest by being greedy
     $rx = "/" . $rx . "/xi";
     $rxes[] = $rx;
     $matched = false;
     foreach ($rxes as $rx) {
         if (preg_match($rx, $username)) {
             $matched = true;
     if ($matched) {
         /// name found, logged in?
         if (SC::get("userdata.user_level") <= 0) {
             $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
             $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is in conflict because it is the name of a NPC (Non-Playable Character). For storyline purposes, we kindly ask you to choose another username. Thank you!');
             $observer->set('default.validation.status', 'NPC');
             $observer->set('login.request.status', 'NPC');
             return FALSE;
     //this is pretty ghetto but we don't have a consesus for handling all the names in the database
     //so there is some hack-ish stuff going on eg. with checking ElfTech names it is extra
     //strict that previous NPC names
     //do a case insensitive check against each of the NPC names.
     foreach ($filterList['NPC'] as $f) {
         //in the future if we want to do other checks like against l33t names we can modify this.
         $pattern = "/\\b{$f}\\b/i";
         //this is more lenient than below
         if ($f == 'ElfTech') {
             $pattern = "/.*Elf.*Tech.*/i";
             //nothing allowed!!! omg:O
         $result = preg_match($pattern, $username);
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
             $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is in conflict because it is the name of a NPC (Non-Playable Character). For storyline purposes, we kindly ask you to choose another username. Thank you!');
             $observer->set('default.validation.status', 'NPC');
             $observer->set('login.request.status', 'NPC');
             return FALSE;
     //do a case insensitive check against each of the Admin names.
     foreach ($filterList['Admin'] as $f) {
         //in the future if we want to do other checks like against l33t names we can modify this.
         $pattern = "/{$f}/i";
         $result = preg_match($pattern, $username);
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
             $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is in conflict with administration names. We kindly ask you to choose another username that will not confuse other user.');
             $observer->set('default.validation.status', 'Admin');
             $observer->set('login.request.status', 'Admin');
             return FALSE;
     //do a case insensitive check against each of the Swear names.
     foreach ($filterList['Swear'] as $f) {
         //in the future if we want to do other checks like against l33t names we can modify this.
         $pattern = "/{$f}/i";
         $result = preg_match($pattern, $username);
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
             $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is in conflict with PG-13 guidelines! We kindly ask you to choose another username that is more appropriate.');
             $observer->set('default.validation.status', 'Swear');
             $observer->set('login.request.status', 'Swear');
             return FALSE;
     // username approximate matching
     // we need to munge the name now and attempt to standardize the lookups
     $userdata =& SC::get('userdata');
     $username = str_replace("\\'", "''", $username);
     $checkname = strtolower(preg_replace("/^[_\\-\\+\\=\\)\\(\\^\\#\\!\\~\\'\\s\\.]+/", '', $username));
     $checkname = preg_replace("/[_\\-\\+\\=\\)\\(\\^\\#\\!\\~\\'\\s\\.]+\$/", '', $checkname);
     $checkname = preg_replace("/[\\-\\+\\=\\^\\#\\!\\~\\s\\.]/", '_', $checkname);
     // compressed length check
     if (strlen(trim($username)) <= 2) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username must be at least 3 characters.');
         return FALSE;
     // invalid character check
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-z0-9_\\-\\+\\=\\)\\(\\^\\#\\!\\~\\s\\.]+$/', $username)) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username contains invalid characters.');
         return FALSE;
     // check for at least one letter
     if (!preg_match("/[a-zA-Z]/", $username)) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username must have at least one letter.');
         return FALSE;
     // check for double spaces
     if (preg_match("/  /", $username)) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username cannot have 2 spaces in a row.');
         return FALSE;
     // Don't allow " in username.
     if (strstr($username, '"') || strstr($username, ',')) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username cannot contain quotations or commas.');
         return FALSE;
     // check for exact username
     $dao =& DaoFactory::create('users');
     $rs =& $dao->execute();
     if (!$rs->isSuccess()) {
         $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
         $observer->set('error.message', 'Unable to validate username.');
         $observer->set('error.line', __LINE__);
         $observer->set('error.file', __FILE__);
         $observer->set('error.debug', $rs);
         return FALSE;
     while ($row = $rs->sql_fetchrow(DB_ASSOC)) {
         if ($userdata['session_logged_in'] && $row['username'] != $userdata['username'] || !$userdata['session_logged_in']) {
             if (strtolower($row['username']) == strtolower($username)) {
                 $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
                 $observer->set('error.message', 'That username is already taken.');
                 return FALSE;
             } else {
                 $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
                 $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is too similar to the username of ' . $row['username']);
                 return FALSE;
     // perform a wildcard search for special character matching
     if (strtolower($username) != $checkname) {
         $dao =& DaoFactory::create('users');
         $dao->byUsername(preg_replace('/_/', '\\_', $checkname));
         $rs =& $dao->execute();
         while ($row = $rs->sql_fetchrow(DB_ASSOC)) {
             if ($userdata['session_logged_in'] && $row['username'] != $userdata['username'] || !$userdata['session_logged_in']) {
                 if (strtolower($row['username']) == strtolower($username)) {
                     $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
                     $observer->set('error.message', 'That username is already taken.');
                     return FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
                     $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username is too similar to the username of ' . $row['username']);
                     return FALSE;
     // check wordlist filter
     $dao =& DaoFactory::create('words');
     $rs =& $dao->execute();
     while ($row = $rs->sql_fetchrow(DB_ASSOC)) {
         if (preg_match("#\\b(" . str_replace("\\*", ".*?", phpbb_preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ")\\b#i", $username)) {
             $observer->set('error.title', 'Username Error');
             $observer->set('error.message', 'Your username contains invalid characters.');
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;