public function saveNewTrip()
     if (!Session::get('logged')) {
         return Redirect::to('/');
     $tripCost = 0;
     $post = Input::all();
      * b : base fare
      * ct : cost per time
      * cd : cost per distance
      * If your ride lasted for time T and you rode a distance of D, the total cost is simply b + ct∗T + cd∗D.
     if ($post != null) {
         try {
             $startKm = $post['departure_km'];
             $endKm = $post['arrival_km'];
             $phone = (int) $post['phone'];
             $emailAddress = $post['email'];
             $flatPrice = $post['flat_price'];
             $dailyPrice = $post['daily_price'];
             $hourlyPrice = $post['hourly_price'];
             $base = $post['base'];
             $perKm = $post['per_km'];
             $perMin = $post['per_min'];
             $tripMode = $post['trip_mode'];
             $tollFee = $post['toll_fee'];
             $parkingFee = $post['parking_fee'];
             $tempTripId = $post['temp_trip_id'];
             if (!empty($tollFee) || !empty($parkingFee)) {
                 if ($tripMode == DailyTrips::FREE_MODE) {
                     $extraCharge = 0;
                     $extraCost = $tollFee + $parkingFee;
                 } else {
                     $extraCharge = $tollFee + $parkingFee;
                     $extraCost = 0;
             } else {
                 $extraCost = $extraCharge = 0;
             $tripKm = $endKm - $startKm;
             $startTime = strtotime($post['departure_date_time']);
             $endTime = strtotime($post['arrival_date_time']);
             $tripTime = ($endTime - $startTime) / 60;
             $clientId = $post['client_id'];
             if (!empty($clientId)) {
                 try {
                     $client = Client::find($clientId);
                     $baseFare = $client->base;
                     $costPerKm = $client->price_per_km;
                     $costPerMin = $client->price_per_min;
                     $currency = $client->currency;
                     $tripCost = $baseFare + $costPerKm * $tripKm + $costPerMin * $tripTime;
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     \Log::error(__METHOD__ . ' | error : ' . print_r($ex, 1));
             } else {
                 if (!empty($base) && !empty($perKm) && !empty($perMin)) {
                     $baseFare = $base;
                     $costPerKm = $perKm;
                     $costPerMin = $perMin;
                     $tripCost = $baseFare + $costPerKm * $tripKm + $costPerMin * $tripTime;
             if (!empty($flatPrice)) {
                 $tripCost = $flatPrice;
             if (!empty($hourlyPrice)) {
                 $tripCost = $tripTime * ($hourlyPrice / 60);
             if (!empty($daily1Price)) {
                 $tripCost = $tripTime * ($dailyPrice / (24 * 60));
             $tripCost += $extraCharge;
             $newDailyTrip = new DailyTrips();
             $newDailyTrip->user_id = Session::get('user_id');
             $newDailyTrip->car_id = Session::get('car_id');
             $newDailyTrip->client_id = $clientId;
             $newDailyTrip->customer_name = $post['customer_name'];
             $newDailyTrip->toll_fee = $tollFee;
             $newDailyTrip->parking_fee = $parkingFee;
             $newDailyTrip->customer_email = $post['email'];
             $newDailyTrip->customer_phone = $phone;
             $newDailyTrip->departure_km = $startKm;
             $newDailyTrip->departure_date_time = $post['departure_date_time'];
             $newDailyTrip->arrival_km = $endKm;
             $newDailyTrip->arrival_date_time = $post['arrival_date_time'];
             $newDailyTrip->departure_address = $post['departure_address'];
             $newDailyTrip->arrival_address = $post['arrival_address'];
             $newDailyTrip->trip_cost = $tripCost;
             $newDailyTrip->extra_cost = $extraCost;
             $newDailyTrip->extra_charge = $extraCharge;
             $newDailyTrip->currency = $currency;
             $newDailyTrip->trip_time = $tripTime;
             $newDailyTrip->trip_distance = $tripKm;
             $newDailyTrip->delete_req = null;
             $newDailyTrip->edit_req = null;
             if (!empty($email) && strpos($email, '@')) {
                 $messageBody = 'Your trip with Presidential Car cost: ' . $currency . ' ' . round($tripCost, 2);
                 CommunicationController::sendEmail($emailAddress, $messageBody, 'emails/cost', 'Your Trip Receipt');
                 $email = new Email();
                 $email->email_address = $emailAddress;
                 $email->message = $messageBody;
                 $email->date_sent = $post['arrival_date_time'];
             CommunicationController::sendSmsToNumber($phone, $messageBody);
             $message = new Message();
             $message->phone     = $phone;
             $message->cost      = $tripCost;
             $message->message   = $messageBody;
             $message->currency  = $currency;
             $message->date_sent = $post['arrival_date_time'];
             $tempTrip = DailyTripsTemp::find($tempTripId);
             \Log::info(__METHOD__ . ' | ============= Temp Trip: ' . print_r($tempTrip, 1));
             if ($tempTrip instanceof DailyTripsTemp) {
             \Session::set('temp_trip', '');
             $result = array('success' => true, 'message' => 'New trip entered successfully');
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             \Log::error(__METHOD__ . ' | error :' . print_r($ex, 1));
             $result = array('success' => false, 'message' => 'an error occurred');
         return $result;