public function parse_items($its, $margs, $wpqargs)
        //echo 'ceva';
        $fout = '';
        $taxonomy = 'categoryportfolio';
        $thecustomcats = array();
        //=======custom categories
        if ($margs['cats'] != '') {
            $thecustomcats = explode(',', $margs['cats']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($its); $i++) {
            $iout = '';
            $che = $its[$i];
            // --- stabilizing meta
            $the_id = $che->ID;
            $the_link = get_permalink($the_id);
            //== the link to the actual item
            $the_type = 'thumb';
            $striptags = true;
            $meta_disable_title_subtitle = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_disable_title_subtitle', true);
            $meta_disable_content = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_disable_content', true);
            $meta_biggallery = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_biggallery', true);
            $meta_image_gallery = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_image_gallery', true);
            $meta_image_gallery_images = explode(',', $meta_image_gallery);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_item_type', true) != '') {
                $the_type = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_item_type', true);
            if ($the_type == 'thumb') {
                if ($meta_image_gallery != '') {
                    $meta_biggallery = 'gallery-for-item-' . $the_id;
            if ($the_type == 'link') {
                $the_link = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true);
            if (($margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean') && ($the_type == 'video' || $the_type == 'youtube' || $the_type == 'vimeo' || $the_type == 'gallery' || $the_type == 'audio' || $the_type == 'testimonial')) {
                $meta_disable_content = 'on';
                $meta_disable_title_subtitle = 'on';
            //===== setting up links START / setup links
            $link_type_featuredmedia = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_featurearea', true);
            $link_featuredmedia = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_big_image', true);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_featurearea', true) == 'item') {
                $link_featuredmedia = $the_link;
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_featurearea', true) == 'customlink') {
                $link_featuredmedia = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_customlink', true);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_featurearea', true) == 'content_opener') {
                $link_featuredmedia = 'content_opener';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_featurearea', true) == 'none') {
                $link_featuredmedia = '';
            $link_type_metaarea = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_metaarea', true);
            $link_metaarea = $the_link;
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_metaarea', true) == 'bigimage') {
                $link_metaarea = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_big_image', true);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_metaarea', true) == 'customlink') {
                $link_metaarea = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_customlink', true);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_metaarea', true) == 'content_opener') {
                $link_metaarea = 'content_opener';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_metaarea', true) == 'none') {
                $link_metaarea = '';
            $link_title = '';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_title', true) == 'item') {
                $link_title = $the_link;
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_title', true) == 'customlink') {
                $link_title = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_customlink', true);
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_link_title', true) == 'none') {
                $link_title = '';
            if ($link_metaarea != '') {
                $link_title = '';
            //            echo ' cevava '.$the_id.' '.get_post_meta($the_id,'dzsp_link_metaarea',true).' | '.$link_metaarea;
            $str_item_w = '';
            $aux = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_width', true);
            if ($aux != '') {
                $str_item_w .= ' width:';
                if (strpos($aux, "%") === false && strpos($aux, "auto") === false && strpos($aux, "px") === false) {
                    $str_item_w .= $aux . 'px';
                } else {
                    $str_item_w .= $aux;
                $str_item_w .= ';';
            $str_item_h = '';
            $aux = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_height', true);
            if ($aux != '') {
                $str_item_h .= ' height:';
                if (strpos($aux, "%") === false && strpos($aux, "auto") === false && strpos($aux, "px") === false) {
                    $str_item_h .= $aux . 'px';
                } else {
                    $str_item_h .= $aux;
                $str_item_h .= ';';
            $str_thumb_w = '';
            $aux = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_width', true);
            if ($aux != '') {
                $str_thumb_w .= ' width:';
                if (strpos($aux, "%") === false && strpos($aux, "auto") === false && strpos($aux, "px") === false) {
                    $str_thumb_w .= $aux . 'px';
                } else {
                    $str_thumb_w .= $aux;
                $str_thumb_w .= ';';
            $str_thumb_h = '';
            $aux = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_height', true);
            if ($aux != '') {
                $str_thumb_h .= ' height:';
                if (strpos($aux, "%") === false && strpos($aux, "auto") === false && strpos($aux, "px") === false) {
                    $str_thumb_h .= $aux . 'px';
                } else {
                    $str_thumb_h .= $aux;
                $str_thumb_h .= ';';
            $the_subtitle = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_subtitle', true);
            if ($the_subtitle == '' && ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-zero') && $che->post_excerpt) {
                $the_subtitle = $che->post_excerpt;
            $post_terms = array();
            $post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($the_id, $taxonomy, array("fields" => "names"));
            if ($wpqargs['post_type'] == 'product') {
                $taxonomy = 'product_cat';
                $post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($the_id, $taxonomy, array("fields" => "names"));
            if ($wpqargs['post_type'] == 'courses') {
                //echo 'ceva';
                $taxonomy = 'course_categories';
                $post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($the_id, 'category', array("fields" => "names"));
            if ($wpqargs['post_type'] == 'post') {
                //echo 'ceva';
                $taxonomy = 'category';
                $post_terms = wp_get_post_terms($the_id, 'category', array("fields" => "names"));
            //=== needs improving, zoomit - now i think it does not
            $design_item_width = $margs['design_item_width'];
            $design_item_height = $margs['design_item_height'];
            // -- design_item_height was set in the
            if ($design_item_height == '' || $design_item_height == 'auto') {
                $design_item_height = 200;
            //==temp solution
            //            echo $design_item_width; echo $design_item_height; echo 'design';
            $the_src = '';
            if ($this->db_mainoptions['thumbs_full_quality'] == 'full') {
                $the_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($che->ID), 'full');
            } else {
                if ($this->db_mainoptions['thumbs_full_quality'] == 'medium') {
                    $the_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($che->ID), array($design_item_width * 2, $design_item_height * 2));
                } else {
                    $the_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($che->ID), array($design_item_width, $design_item_height));
            $thumbnail_src = $the_src[0];
            if ($this->db_mainoptions['misc_force_featured_media_over_featured_image'] == 'on' && get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true) != '' || $thumbnail_src == '' && get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true) != '') {
                $thumbnail_src = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true);
            //            print_r($margs);
            $maxlen = 233;
            if (isset($margs['settings_excerpt_len'])) {
                $maxlen = $margs['settings_excerpt_len'];
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_excerpt_len', true) != '') {
                $maxlen = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_excerpt_len', true);
            if ($maxlen === 'all') {
                $maxlen = 1234567;
            $po_excerpt_content = '';
            // ----- --------   --------    --    ---------
            // ---    -------- start output the item
            // ----------  -------------  -     -----------
            $iout .= '<div class="portitem-tobe';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_extra_classes', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' ' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_extra_classes', true);
            $iout .= '" ';
            // --- we force the youtube and vimeo to Featured Media Meta Field ( it's a id, you can't set it in Featured Image )
            $dataType = $the_type;
            // --datatype is the type to put int javascript
            if ($the_type == 'twitter') {
                $dataType = 'testimonial';
            if ($the_type == 'youtube' || $the_type == 'vimeo' || $the_type == 'video') {
                // ---- videos
                // ------ if there is a featured image
                if ($the_src[0] != '') {
                    $iout .= ' data-thumbnail="' . $the_src[0] . '"';
                $iout .= ' data-source_video="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true) . '"';
                if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_sourceogg', true) != '') {
                    $iout .= ' data-source_video_ogg="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_sourceogg', true) . '"';
            } else {
                $iout .= ' data-thumbnail="' . $thumbnail_src . '"';
            if ($the_type == 'audio') {
                wp_enqueue_script('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.js');
                wp_enqueue_style('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.css');
                //	                print_r($the_src);
                // ------ if there is a featured image
                if ($the_src[0] != '') {
                    $iout .= ' data-thumbnail="' . $the_src[0] . '"';
                $iout .= ' data-source_audio="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true) . '"';
                if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_sourceogg', true) != '') {
                    $iout .= ' data-source_audio_ogg="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_sourceogg', true) . '"';
            if ($the_type == 'thumb' && isset($margs['settings_biggalleryall']) && $margs['settings_biggalleryall'] == 'on') {
                $iout .= ' data-biggallery="' . 'port1' . '"';
            } else {
                if ($the_type == 'thumb' && $meta_biggallery != '') {
                    $iout .= ' data-biggallery="' . $meta_biggallery . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_open_big_image_in_lightbox', true) == 'off') {
                $iout .= ' data-donotopenbigimageinzoombox="on"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-color_highlight="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_slideshowtime', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-slideshowtime="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_slideshowtime', true) . '"';
            $iout .= ' data-link="' . $link_metaarea . '"';
            $iout .= ' data-typefeaturedarea="' . $dataType . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_big_image', true) != '') {
                if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean') {
                    $iout .= ' data-bigimage="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_big_image', true) . '"';
                } else {
                    $iout .= ' data-bigimage="' . $link_featuredmedia . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_width', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-forcewidth="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_width', true) . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_height', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-forceheight="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_height', true) . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_width', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-forcethumbwidth="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_width', true) . '"';
            if (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_height', true) != '') {
                $iout .= ' data-forcethumbheight="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_force_thumb_height', true) . '"';
            if (is_array($post_terms)) {
                $ik = 0;
                $iout .= ' data-category="';
                foreach ($post_terms as $post_term) {
                    //print_r($post_term); echo 'ceva'; print_r($thecustomcats);
                    $auxsw = false;
                    foreach ($thecustomcats as $customcat) {
                        $aux = get_term($customcat, $taxonomy);
                        if ($aux->name == $post_term) {
                            $auxsw = true;
                    if ($margs['cats'] == '') {
                        $auxsw = true;
                    if ($auxsw == false) {
                    if ($ik > 0) {
                        $iout .= ';';
                    $post_term = str_replace('"', '', $post_term);
                    $iout .= $post_term;
                $iout .= '"';
            if ($the_type == 'youtube') {
                $iout .= ' data-heroimage="' . $this->thepath . 'dzsportfolio/img/hero-type-video-youtube.png"';
            if ($the_type == 'vimeo') {
                $iout .= ' data-heroimage="' . $this->thepath . 'dzsportfolio/img/hero-type-video-vimeo.png"';
            if ($the_type == 'twitter') {
                $iout .= ' data-heroimage="' . $this->thepath . 'dzsportfolio/img/hero-type-twitter.png"';
            if ($the_type == 'link') {
                $iout .= ' data-heroimage="' . $this->thepath . 'dzsportfolio/img/hero-type-link.png"';
            $iout .= '>';
            if ($the_type == 'gallery') {
                wp_enqueue_script('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.js');
                wp_enqueue_style('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.css');
                $iout .= '<div class="the-feature-data">';
                $image_gallery_meta = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_image_gallery', true);
                $image_gallery_arr = explode(',', $image_gallery_meta);
                if (is_array($image_gallery_arr) && count($image_gallery_arr) > 0) {
                    foreach ($image_gallery_arr as $img) {
                        //echo ;
                        $imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img, 'full');
                        //echo $imgsrc;
                        $iout .= '<img class="fullwidth" src="' . $imgsrc[0] . '"/>';
                $iout .= '</div>';
            if ($the_type == 'testimonial') {
                //echo 'ceva';
                $iout .= '<div class="the-feature-data">';
                $iout .= get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true);
                $iout .= '</div>';
            if ($the_type == 'twitter') {
                //echo 'ceva';
                $iout .= '<div class="the-feature-data">';
                include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/twitterapiwrapper/twitterapi.php';
                //==complete these with your twitter api key details
                $token = $this->db_mainoptions['twitter_token'];
                $token_secret = $this->db_mainoptions['twitter_token_secret'];
                $consumer_key = $this->db_mainoptions['twitter_consumer_key'];
                $consumer_secret = $this->db_mainoptions['twitter_consumer_secret'];
                $api1 = new TwitterAPI($token, $token_secret, $consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
                $query = array('screen_name' => get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true), 'count' => '1');
                $data = $api1->do_query($query);
                if (isset($data->errors)) {
                    //echo 'ceva';
                } else {
                    $iout .= $data[0]->text;
                $iout .= '</div>';
            if ($the_type == 'audio') {
                wp_enqueue_script('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.js');
                wp_enqueue_style('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.css');
            if ($the_type == 'video' || $the_type == 'youtube' || $the_type == 'vimeo') {
                wp_enqueue_script('dzs.vplayer', $this->thepath . "videogallery/vplayer.js");
                wp_enqueue_style('dzs.vplayer', $this->thepath . 'videogallery/vplayer.css');
            $the_post_content = '';
            $attachments = get_children(array('post_parent' => $the_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            //echo 'the post is ' . $the_id . "\n";
            $str_items = '';
            $image_gallery_meta = get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_image_gallery', true);
            $image_gallery_arr = explode(',', $image_gallery_meta);
            if ($image_gallery_meta != '') {
                foreach ($image_gallery_arr as $img) {
                    //echo ;
                    $imgsrcarr = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img, 'full');
                    //echo $imgsrc;
                    $str_items .= '<li class="item-tobe needs-loading">
<div class="imagediv" style="background-image: url(' . $imgsrcarr[0] . '); height:250px;"></div>
            $aux_stripshortcodes = true;
            if ($maxlen === 1234567) {
                $striptags = false;
                $aux_stripshortcodes = false;
            $the_post_content_inner = '';
            $the_post_content_inner .= stripslashes(DZSHelpers::wp_get_excerpt($the_id, array('forceexcerpt' => false, 'readmore' => 'auto', 'stripshortcodes' => $aux_stripshortcodes, 'striptags' => $striptags, 'maxlen' => $maxlen, 'content' => $po_excerpt_content, 'aftercutcontent_html' => ' [...]')));
            $the_post_content_inner = str_replace('{link_metaarea}', $link_metaarea, $the_post_content_inner);
            //                echo 'ceva'.$the_post_content_inner.'END';
            //we run the html through a parser to close unclosed tags
            if ($striptags == false && $the_post_content_inner != '' && class_exists('DOMDocument') && $maxlen !== 1234567) {
                $doc = new DOMDocument();
                $aux_body_html = '';
                $children = $doc->childNodes;
                $scriptTags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('script');
                foreach ($scriptTags as $script) {
                    if ($script->childNodes->length && $script->firstChild->nodeType == 4) {
                        $cdata = $script->removeChild($script->firstChild);
                        $text = $doc->createTextNode($cdata->nodeValue);
                foreach ($children as $child) {
                    //                        print_r($child);
                    //                        echo $child->ownerDocument->saveXML( $child );
                    $aux_body_html .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
                $aux_body_html = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html><body>', '', $aux_body_html);
                $aux_body_html = str_replace('</body></html>', '', $aux_body_html);
                $aux_body_html = str_replace(array('<![CDATA['), '', $aux_body_html);
                $aux_body_html = str_replace(array('&#13;'), '', $aux_body_html);
                //                    $aux_body_html = preg_replace('&gt;', 'dadahmm', $aux_body_html);
                //                    echo 'auxhtml'; echo $aux_body_html;
                $the_post_content_inner = $aux_body_html;
            $excerpt_gallery_slider_str = '';
            $the_project_meta_html = '';
            if ($str_items != '') {
                $excerpt_gallery_slider_str .= '<div class="advancedscroller-con">
    <div class="advancedscroller skin-agata-inset" style="width:100%;"><ul class="items">';
                $excerpt_gallery_slider_str .= $str_items;
                $excerpt_gallery_slider_str .= '</ul></div></div>';
                $excerpt_gallery_slider_str .= '<div class="toexecute">
(function() {
var aux = window.dzsp_execute_target.find(".advancedscroller");
settings_mode: "onlyoneitem"
,design_arrowsize: "0"
,settings_swipe: "on"
,settings_swipeOnDesktopsToo: "on"
,settings_slideshow: "on"
,settings_slideshowTime: "15"
            if ($che->post_excerpt != '') {
                $the_project_meta_html = $che->post_excerpt;
            } else {
                if ($excerpt_gallery_slider_str != '') {
                    $the_project_meta_html .= '<div class="dzs-col-6">';
                    $the_project_meta_html .= $excerpt_gallery_slider_str;
                    $the_project_meta_html .= '</div>';
                    $the_project_meta_html .= '<div class="dzs-col-6';
                } else {
                    $the_project_meta_html .= '<div class="dzs-col-12';
                if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean') {
                    $the_project_meta_html .= ' project-meta-con';
                $the_project_meta_html .= '">';
                $the_project_meta_html .= stripslashes(DZSHelpers::wp_get_excerpt($the_id, array('maxlen' => 4000, 'forceexcerpt' => false, 'readmore' => 'auto', 'stripshortcodes' => false, 'striptags' => false, 'maxlen' => $maxlen, 'aftercutcontent_html' => ' [...]')));
                $the_project_meta_html .= '</div>';
            $the_project_meta_html = str_replace('{{dzsp_gallery_slider}}', $excerpt_gallery_slider_str, $the_project_meta_html);
            $the_project_meta_html = str_replace('{{dzsp_post_link}}', get_permalink($the_id), $the_project_meta_html);
            $str_big_content = '';
            $str_big_content .= '<div class="the-content excerpt-content" style=""><div class="dzs-colcontainer">';
            $str_big_content .= $the_project_meta_html;
            $str_big_content .= '</div></div>';
            //            echo 'ceva3'.$str_big_content;
            //            echo $margs['skin'] . 'ceva';
            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-corporate') {
                $iout .= '<div class="item-meta" style="margin-top: 15px;">';
            //echo 'ceva23'; echo $str_items; echo $str_items!='';
            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion') {
                if ($link_type_featuredmedia == 'content_opener') {
                    $iout .= $str_big_content;
            //echo 'hmmceva'.$the_post_content_inner.'hmmalceva';;
            $the_post_content .= $the_post_content_inner;
            //===skins which have a slider
            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean') {
                $the_post_content .= '</div>';
                //===END skins which have a slider
            //            $the_post_content.='</div>'; //close row
            //            echo $the_post_content;
            //==skin default and skin-nebula and skin-timeline have only title and desc
            //=== skin corporate has content but uses these too..
            if (($margs['skin'] == 'skin-timeline' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-nebula' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-corporate' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-default' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-zero' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-boxed' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-aura' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-vintage' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-commerce') && $meta_disable_title_subtitle != 'on') {
                if ($che->post_title) {
                    $iout .= '<div class="the-title">';
                    if ($link_title != '') {
                        $iout .= '<a href="' . $link_title . '">';
                    $iout .= $che->post_title;
                    if ($link_title != '') {
                        $iout .= '</a>';
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                if ($wpqargs['post_type'] == 'product' && ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-commerce') && $the_subtitle == '') {
                    $the_subtitle = '';
                    $old_price = '';
                    $sale_price = '';
                    $old_price = get_post_meta($the_id, '_regular_price', true);
                    if (get_post_meta($the_id, '_sale_price', true)) {
                        $sale_price = get_post_meta($the_id, '_sale_price', true);
                    //--- if woo commerce enabled
                    if ($old_price && function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency_symbol')) {
                        if ($sale_price) {
                            $the_subtitle .= '<div class="price"><span class="real-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $sale_price . '</span> <span class="old-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $old_price . '</span></div>';
                        } else {
                            $the_subtitle .= '<div class="price"><span class="real-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $old_price . '</span></div>';
                        $the_subtitle .= '
<div class="addtocart-con">';
                        if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default') {
                            $the_subtitle .= '<div class="button-addtocart">';
                        if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-commerce') {
                            $the_subtitle .= '<div class="addtocart-btn">';
                        switch (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzswc_link_purchase', true)) {
                            case "customlink":
                                $the_subtitle .= '<a href="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzswc_customlink', true) . '">ADD TO CART</a>';
                            case 'none':
                                $the_subtitle .= '<span>ADD TO CART</span>';
                                $the_subtitle .= '<a href="' . $the_link . '?add-to-cart=' . $che->ID . '">ADD TO CART</a>';
                        $the_subtitle .= '</div></div>';
                if ($the_subtitle != '' && $margs['skin'] != 'skin-boxed') {
                    $iout .= '<div class="the-desc">';
                    $iout .= $the_subtitle;
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-corporate') {
                    $iout .= $the_post_content . '';
            //            echo 'cevahmm'.($margs['skin'] == 'skin-clean' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-corporate' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-accordion').' ; '.($meta_disable_content != 'on').' ; '.($the_post_content_inner!=''). $the_post_content_inner;
            if (($margs['skin'] == 'skin-boxed' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-vintage') && $meta_disable_content != 'on' && $the_post_content_inner != '') {
                //                echo 'hmmdadadada';
                $iout .= '<div class="the-desc">';
                if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-boxed') {
                    $iout .= '<hr class="separator-short">';
                $iout .= $the_post_content . '';
                //echo $str_items;
                if ($str_items != '') {
                    wp_enqueue_script('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.js');
                    wp_enqueue_style('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.css');
                $iout .= '</div>';
            if ($margs['skin'] === 'skin-corporate') {
                $iout .= '</div>';
                ///===end item-meta
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                    $iout .= ' #port' . $this->sliders_index . ' .portitem:nth-child(' . ($i + 1) . '):hover .the-title{ color: ' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) . ';}';
                    $iout .= ' #port' . $this->sliders_index . ' .portitem:nth-child(' . ($i + 1) . '):hover:after{ border-bottom-color: ' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) . '; }';
                    $iout .= ' #port' . $this->sliders_index . ' .portitem:nth-child(' . ($i + 1) . '):hover{ border-bottom: 1px solid ' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) . ';}';
                    $iout .= '</style>';
            //===skinblog custom markup
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                ///===== skin blog
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                    $str_bg = 'background-color:' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_highlight_color', true) . ';';
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                    $iout .= '<div class="the-title">';
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                        $iout .= '<a href="' . $the_link . '">';
                    $iout .= $che->post_title;
                    if ($the_link != '') {
                        $iout .= '</a>';
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                    $iout .= '<div class="the-post-meta">';
                    $iout .= '<span class="meta-property">';
                    $iout .= '<span class="icon-meta-calendar"></span>';
                    $iout .= '<span class="meta-property-content">';
                    $iout .= get_the_time('Y-m-d', $the_id);
                    $iout .= '</span>';
                    $iout .= '</span>';
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                            if ($ik > 0) {
                                $iout .= ', ';
                            $aux_term = get_term($post_term, 'categoryportfolio');
                            //print_r($aux_term); echo ' ';
                            $term_link = get_term_link($aux_term->slug, 'categoryportfolio');
                            $iout .= '<a href="' . $term_link . '">' . $aux_term->name . '</a>';
                        $iout .= '</span></span>';
                    if (comments_open($the_id)) {
                        $num_comments = get_comments_number($the_id);
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                        } else {
                            $iout .= '<span class="meta-property">';
                            $iout .= '<span class="icon-meta-comment"></span>';
                            $iout .= '<span class="meta-property-content""><a href="' . get_permalink($the_id) . '#comments">';
                            $iout .= $num_comments;
                            $iout .= ' ' . __('comments', 'dzsp') . '</a></span>';
                            $iout .= '</span>';
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                    // dzs_get_excerpt($the_id,array('forceexcerpt' => false,'readmore' => 'on','maxlen' => $maxlen))
                    $iout .= '<div class="the-post-content">' . $the_post_content . '</div>';
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                    // END item-meta
            //$the_meta = $this->get_post_meta_all($the_id);
            //echo $the_link;
            $iout .= '</div>';
            //            continue;
            // -------------------- ------
            // --- layered construct - ---
            // ----- ------------- -------
            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default') {
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                //                }
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                //                    $iout.=' data-forcethumbwidth="'.get_post_meta($the_id,'dzsp_force_thumb_width',true).'"';
                //                }
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                //                    $iout.=' data-forcethumbheight="'.get_post_meta($the_id,'dzsp_force_thumb_height',true).'"';
                //                }
                $iout .= '"';
                if ($the_type == 'audio') {
                    wp_enqueue_script('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.js');
                    wp_enqueue_style('dzs.audioplayer', $this->thepath . 'audioplayer/audioplayer.css');
                    //	                print_r($the_src);
                    // ------ if there is a featured image
                    if ($the_src[0] != '') {
                        $iout .= ' data-thumbnail="' . $the_src[0] . '"';
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                    // ---- videos
                    wp_enqueue_script('dzs.vplayer', $this->thepath . "videogallery/vplayer.js");
                    wp_enqueue_style('dzs.vplayer', $this->thepath . 'videogallery/vplayer.css');
                    // ------ if there is a featured image
                    if ($the_src[0] != '') {
                        $iout .= ' data-thumbnail="' . $the_src[0] . '"';
                    $iout .= ' data-source_video="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_featured_media', true) . '"';
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                if (is_array($post_terms)) {
                    $ik = 0;
                    $iout .= ' data-category="';
                    foreach ($post_terms as $post_term) {
                        //print_r($post_term); echo 'ceva'; print_r($thecustomcats);
                        $auxsw = false;
                        foreach ($thecustomcats as $customcat) {
                            $aux = get_term($customcat, $taxonomy);
                            if ($aux->name == $post_term) {
                                $auxsw = true;
                        if ($margs['cats'] == '') {
                            $auxsw = true;
                        if ($auxsw == false) {
                        if ($ik > 0) {
                            $iout .= ';';
                        $post_term = str_replace('"', '', $post_term);
                        $iout .= $post_term;
                    $iout .= '"';
                $iout .= ' data-typefeaturedarea="' . $dataType . '"';
                $iout .= '>';
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                    wp_enqueue_script('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.js');
                    wp_enqueue_style('dzs.advancedscroller', $this->thepath . 'advancedscroller/plugin.css');
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                            $the_src = '';
                            $the_thumb = '';
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                                $the_src = $aux_po->guid;
                            } else {
                                $imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img, 'full');
                                $the_src = $imgsrc[0];
                                $the_thumb = $the_src;
                            if (get_post_meta($img, '_attachment_video_thumb', true) != '') {
                                $the_thumb = get_post_meta($img, '_attachment_video_thumb', true);
                            $iout .= '<img class="fullwidth" src="' . $the_src . '" style="';
                            $iout .= $str_thumb_h;
                            $iout .= '"/>';
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                $iout .= '<div class="the-feature-con " style="';
                $iout .= $str_thumb_w;
                $iout .= $str_thumb_h;
                $iout .= '"';
                $iout .= '>';
                if ($the_type == 'thumb' || $the_type == 'link') {
                    $iout .= '<div class="the-feature" style="background-image: url(' . $thumbnail_src . ');"></div>';
                //                if($dataType=='gallery'){
                //                    $iout.='<div class="the-feature advancedscroller skin-inset type-'+$dataType+'" style=""><ul class="items">';
                //                    $iout.='</ul></div>';
                //                }
                if ($the_type == 'link') {
                    $link_featuredmedia = $the_link;
                $iout .= '<div class="the-overlay">';
                //                        <a data-biggallerythumbnail="img/t2.jpg" data-biggallery="gal1" href="img/b1.jpg" class="the-overlay-anchor content-opener" data-src="img/b1.jpg">
                //                            <div class="plus-image"></div>
                //                        </a>
                if ($link_featuredmedia != '') {
                    if ($the_type == 'thumb' || $the_type == 'link') {
                        $iout .= '<a ';
                        //                        echo 'cevava' . $the_id . ' ' . $link_type_featuredmedia;
                        if ($link_type_featuredmedia === 'bigimage' && get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzsp_open_big_image_in_lightbox', true) != 'off') {
                            if ($margs['settings_lightboxlibrary'] == 'prettyphoto') {
                                $iout .= ' rel="prettyPhoto[' . $meta_biggallery . ']" title="You can add caption to pictures."';
                            } else {
                                $iout .= 'data-biggallerythumbnail="' . $thumbnail_src . '"';
                                if (isset($margs['settings_biggalleryall']) && $margs['settings_biggalleryall'] == 'on') {
                                    $iout .= ' data-biggallery="' . 'port1' . '"';
                                } else {
                                    if ($the_type == 'thumb' && $meta_biggallery != '') {
                                        $iout .= ' data-biggallery="' . $meta_biggallery . '"';
                        $iout .= ' href="' . $link_featuredmedia . '" class="the-overlay-anchor';
                        if ($link_type_featuredmedia === 'content_opener') {
                            $iout .= ' content-opener';
                        if ($link_type_featuredmedia === 'bigimage') {
                            if ($margs['settings_lightboxlibrary'] == 'prettyphoto') {
                            } else {
                                $iout .= ' zoombox';
                        $iout .= '" data-src="' . $link_featuredmedia . '">
<div class="plus-image"></div>
                $iout .= '</div>';
                //--end the-overlay
                $iout .= '</div>';
                // -- end the-feature-con
                if ($link_metaarea == '' || $link_metaarea == 'content_opener') {
                    $iout .= '<div class="item-meta';
                    if ($link_metaarea == 'content_opener') {
                        $iout .= ' content-opener';
                    $iout .= '" style="">';
                } else {
                    $iout .= '<a href="' . $link_metaarea . '" class="item-meta" style="">';
                if ($meta_disable_title_subtitle != 'on') {
                    if ($che->post_title) {
                        $iout .= '<div class="the-title">';
                        if ($link_title != '') {
                            $iout .= '<a href="' . $link_title . '">';
                        $iout .= $che->post_title;
                        if ($link_title != '') {
                            $iout .= '</a>';
                        $iout .= '</div>';
                    if ($wpqargs['post_type'] == 'product' && ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default' || $margs['skin'] == 'skin-commerce') && $the_subtitle == '') {
                        $the_subtitle = '';
                        $old_price = '';
                        $sale_price = '';
                        $old_price = get_post_meta($the_id, '_regular_price', true);
                        if (get_post_meta($the_id, '_sale_price', true)) {
                            $sale_price = get_post_meta($the_id, '_sale_price', true);
                        //--- if woo commerce enabled
                        if ($old_price && function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency_symbol')) {
                            if ($sale_price) {
                                $the_subtitle .= '<div class="price"><span class="real-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $sale_price . '</span> <span class="old-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $old_price . '</span></div>';
                            } else {
                                $the_subtitle .= '<div class="price"><span class="real-price">' . get_woocommerce_currency_symbol(get_woocommerce_currency()) . $old_price . '</span></div>';
                            $the_subtitle .= '
<div class="addtocart-con">';
                            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-default') {
                                $the_subtitle .= '<div class="button-addtocart">';
                            if ($margs['skin'] == 'skin-commerce') {
                                $the_subtitle .= '<div class="addtocart-btn">';
                            switch (get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzswc_link_purchase', true)) {
                                case "customlink":
                                    $the_subtitle .= '<a href="' . get_post_meta($the_id, 'dzswc_customlink', true) . '">ADD TO CART</a>';
                                case 'none':
                                    $the_subtitle .= '<span>ADD TO CART</span>';
                                    $the_subtitle .= '<a href="' . $the_link . '?add-to-cart=' . $che->ID . '">ADD TO CART</a>';
                            $the_subtitle .= '</div></div>';
                    if ($the_subtitle != '' && $margs['skin'] != 'skin-boxed') {
                        $iout .= '<div class="the-desc">';
                        $iout .= $the_subtitle;
                        $iout .= '</div>';
                //                    <div class="the-title">Paris Photoshoot</div>
                //                    <div class="the-desc">June 2013</div>
                if ($link_metaarea == '' || $link_metaarea == 'content_opener') {
                    $iout .= '</div>';
                } else {
                    $iout .= '</a>';
                if ($link_metaarea == 'content_opener' || $link_featuredmedia == 'content_opener' || $link_title == 'content_opener') {
                    $iout .= $str_big_content;
                $iout .= '</div>';
                //-- end portitem-tobe
            // --- entering hidden thumbs for the lightbox library for project
            if ($the_type == 'thumb') {
                if (is_array($meta_image_gallery_images) && count($meta_image_gallery_images) > 0) {
                    foreach ($meta_image_gallery_images as $img) {
                        if ($img == '') {
                        $aux_po = get_post($img);
                        $the_src = '';
                        $the_thumb = '';
                        if ($aux_po && $aux_po->post_mime_type == 'video/mp4') {
                            $the_src = $aux_po->guid;
                        } else {
                            $imgsrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img, 'full');
                            $the_src = $imgsrc[0];
                            $the_thumb = $the_src;
                        if (get_post_meta($img, '_attachment_video_thumb', true) != '') {
                            $the_thumb = get_post_meta($img, '_attachment_video_thumb', true);
                        //echo $imgsrc;
                        //echo 'ceva'; print_r($aux);
                        if ($margs['settings_lightboxlibrary'] == 'prettyphoto') {
                            $iout .= '<a href="' . $the_src . '" class="hidden" rel="prettyPhoto[' . $meta_biggallery . ']" title="You can add caption to pictures."><img src="' . $the_thumb . '" width="60" height="60" alt="Red round shape" /></a>';
                        } else {
                            $iout .= '<a href="' . $the_src . '" class="hidden zoombox" data-biggallery="' . $meta_biggallery . '" data-biggallerythumbnail="' . $the_thumb . '"></a>';
            $fout .= $iout;
        return $fout;
    function admin_page_mainoptions()
        //echo $this->mainoptions['twitter_token'];

        <div class="wrap">
        echo __('Page Builder Main Settings', 'dzspb');
            <form class="mainsettings">
        echo __('Admin Options', 'dzspb');

                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Main Container', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_con', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_con']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout Layout Container', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_layout_con', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_layout_con']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout Raw Class', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_raw', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_raw']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout One Full', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_one_full', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_one_full']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout One Half', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_one_half', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_one_half']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout One Third', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_one_third', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_one_third']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout Two Third', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_two_third', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_two_third']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout One Fourth', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_one_fourth', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_one_fourth']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="setting">
                    <div class="label"><?php 
        echo __('Layout Three Fourth', 'dzspb');
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_text('layout_name_dzspb_three_fourth', array('val' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions['layout_name_dzspb_three_fourth']));
                    <div class="sidenote"><?php 
        echo __('', 'dzspb');
                <div class="dzs-setting"> 
        echo __('Mode ', 'dzspb');
        $lab = 'mode';
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_select($lab, array('class' => 'styleme', 'def_value' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions[$lab], 'options' => array(array('val' => 'editor', 'lab' => __('editor', 'dzspb')), array('val' => 'meta', 'lab' => __('meta', 'dzspb')))));
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class='sidenote'><?php 
        echo __('allows to display Pages too in the Portfolio .. and set option for them', 'dzspb');
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                <div class="dzs-setting"> 
        echo __('Enable Page Builder for ... ', 'dzspb');
        $lab = 'pb_post_types';
        //        print_r($this->mainoptions[$lab]);
        //        print_r(get_option('active_plugins'));
        $args = array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false);
        $output = 'names';
        // names or objects, note names is the default
        $operator = 'and';
        // 'and' or 'or'
        $post_types = get_post_types($args, $output, $operator);
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_checkbox($lab . '[]', array('class' => 'styleme', 'def_value' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions[$lab], 'val' => 'post'));
        echo __(' post', 'dzspb');
        echo '<br/>';
        echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_checkbox($lab . '[]', array('class' => 'styleme', 'def_value' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions[$lab], 'val' => 'page'));
        echo __(' page', 'dzspb');
        echo '<br/>';
        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            echo DZSHelpers::generate_input_checkbox($lab . '[]', array('class' => 'styleme', 'def_value' => '', 'seekval' => $this->mainoptions[$lab], 'val' => $post_type));
            echo __(' ' . $post_type, 'dzspb');
            echo '<br/>';
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class='sidenote'><?php 
        echo __('allows to display Pages too in the Portfolio .. and set option for them', 'dzspb');
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                <a href='#' class="button-primary save-btn save-mainoptions"><?php 
        echo __('Save Options', 'dzspb');
            <div class="saveconfirmer" style=""><img alt="" style="" id="save-ajax-loading2" src="<?php 
        echo site_url();
                jQuery(document).ready(function($) {