function SelectAll() { $where = "1=1"; $param = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST["ObjectType"])) { $where .= " AND ObjectType=:st"; $param[":st"] = $_REQUEST["ObjectType"]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["ObjectID"])) { $where .= " AND ObjectID=:sid"; $param[":sid"] = $_REQUEST["ObjectID"]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["ObjectID2"])) { $where .= " AND ObjectID2=:oid2"; $param[":oid2"] = $_REQUEST["ObjectID2"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["checkRegPerson"]) && $_REQUEST["checkRegPerson"] == "true") { $where .= " AND RegPersonID=" . $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]; } $temp = DMS_documents::SelectAll($where, $param); for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { $temp[$i]["paramValues"] = ""; $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from DMS_DocParamValues join DMS_DocParams using(ParamID)\r\n\t\t\twhere DocumentID=?", array($temp[$i]["DocumentID"])); foreach ($dt as $row) { $value = $row["ParamValue"]; if ($row["ParamType"] == "currencyfield") { $value = number_format($value * 1); } $temp[$i]["paramValues"] .= $row["ParamDesc"] . " : " . $value . "<br>"; } if ($temp[$i]["paramValues"] != "") { $temp[$i]["paramValues"] = substr($temp[$i]["paramValues"], 0, strlen($temp[$i]["paramValues"]) - 4); } } //print_r(ExceptionHandler::PopAllExceptions()); echo dataReader::getJsonData($temp, count($temp), $_GET["callback"]); die; }
function SaveLetter($dieing = true) { $Letter = new OFC_letters(); pdoDataAccess::FillObjectByArray($Letter, $_POST); if ($Letter->RefLetterID != "") { $obj = new OFC_letters($Letter->RefLetterID); if (empty($obj->LetterID)) { Response::createObjectiveResponse(false, "شماره نامه عطف قابل بازیابی نمی باشد"); die; } } if ($Letter->LetterID == '') { $Letter->PersonID = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"]; $Letter->LetterDate = PDONOW; $Letter->RegDate = PDONOW; $res = $Letter->AddLetter(); } else { $res = $Letter->EditLetter(); } if (!empty($_FILES["PageFile"]["tmp_name"])) { $st = preg_split("/\\./", $_FILES['PageFile']['name']); $extension = strtolower($st[count($st) - 1]); if (in_array($extension, array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "pdf")) === false) { Response::createObjectiveResponse(false, "فرمت فایل ارسالی نامعتبر است"); die; } $dt = DMS_documents::SelectAll("ObjectType='letter' AND ObjectID=?", array($Letter->LetterID)); if (count($dt) == 0) { $obj = new DMS_documents(); $obj->DocType = 0; $obj->ObjectType = "letter"; $obj->ObjectID = $Letter->LetterID; $obj->AddDocument(); $DocumentID = $obj->DocumentID; } else { $DocumentID = $dt[0]["DocumentID"]; } //.............................................. $obj2 = new DMS_DocFiles(); $obj2->DocumentID = $DocumentID; $obj2->PageNo = PdoDataAccess::GetLastID("DMS_DocFiles", "PageNo", "DocumentID=?", array($DocumentID)) + 1; $obj2->FileType = $extension; $obj2->FileContent = substr(fread(fopen($_FILES['PageFile']['tmp_name'], 'r'), $_FILES['PageFile']['size']), 0, 200); $obj2->AddPage(); $fp = fopen(getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/storage/documents/" . $obj2->RowID . "." . $extension, "w"); fwrite($fp, substr(fread(fopen($_FILES['PageFile']['tmp_name'], 'r'), $_FILES['PageFile']['size']), 200)); fclose($fp); } if ($dieing) { Response::createObjectiveResponse($res, $Letter->GetExceptionCount() != 0 ? $Letter->popExceptionDescription() : $Letter->LetterID); die; } return true; }
$sign = $LetterObj->IsSigned == "YES" && $dt[0]["signer"] != "" ? "background-image:url(\"" . data_uri($dt[0]["signer"], 'image/jpeg') . "\")" : ""; $content .= "<table width=100%><tr><td><div class=signDiv style=" . $sign . "><b>" . $dt[0]["SignPersonName"] . "</b><br><br>" . $dt[0]["PostName"] . "</div></td></tr></table>"; } foreach ($dt as $row) { if ($row["FromPersonID"] != $LetterObj->PersonID || $row["IsCopy"] == "NO") { continue; } $content .= "<b> رونوشت : " . ($row["sex"] == "MALE" ? "جناب آقای " : "سرکار خانم ") . $row['ToPersonName'] . "<br></b>"; } if ($LetterObj->OuterCopies != "") { $LetterObj->OuterCopies = str_replace("\r\n", " , ", $LetterObj->OuterCopies); $content .= "<br><b> رونوشت خارج از سازمان : " . $LetterObj->OuterCopies . "</b><br>"; } //.............................................................................. $imageslist = array(); $doc = DMS_documents::SelectAll("ObjectType='letter' AND ObjectID=?", array($LetterID)); if (count($doc) > 0) { $images = DMS_DocFiles::selectAll("DocumentID=?", array($doc[0]["DocumentID"])); foreach ($images as $img) { $imageslist[] = array("url" => "/office/dms/ShowFile.php?RowID=" . $img["RowID"] . "&DocumentID=" . $img["DocumentID"] . "&ObjectID=" . $LetterID, "fileType" => $img["FileType"]); } } $imageslist = json_encode($imageslist); //.............................................................................. $editable = false; if ($LetterObj->LetterType == "OUTCOME" && $LetterObj->IsSigned == "NO") { $dt = OFC_letters::SelectReceivedLetters(" AND l.LetterID=:lid", array(":lid" => $LetterID)); if ($dt->rowCount() > 0) { $editable = true; } }
<?php //----------------------------- // Programmer : // Date : 1395.08 //----------------------------- require_once '../'; require_once '../../office/dms/dms.class.php'; require_once 'request.class.php'; require_once inc_reportGenerator; $RequestID = $_REQUEST["RequestID"]; $ReqObj = new LON_requests($RequestID); $temp = DMS_documents::SelectAll("ObjectType='loan' AND ObjectID=? AND b1.param1=1", array($RequestID)); $SumAmount = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { $temp[$i]["paramValues"] = ""; $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from DMS_DocParamValues join DMS_DocParams using(ParamID)\r\n\t\twhere DocumentID=?", array($temp[$i]["DocumentID"])); foreach ($dt as $row) { $value = $row["ParamValue"]; if ($row["ParamType"] == "currencyfield") { $value = number_format($value * 1); } $temp[$i]["paramValues"] .= $row["ParamDesc"] . " : " . $value . "<br>"; if ($row["KeyTitle"] == "amount") { $SumAmount += $row["ParamValue"] * 1; } } if ($temp[$i]["paramValues"] != "") { $temp[$i]["paramValues"] = substr($temp[$i]["paramValues"], 0, strlen($temp[$i]["paramValues"]) - 4); } }