Exemple #1
 function upgrade_from_0()
     // Copy old tables
     $old = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM drainhole_files");
     if (count($old) > 0) {
         DH_Hole::create(array('url' => get_option('drainhole_store'), 'directory' => realpath(ABSPATH) . '/' . get_option('drainhole_store')));
         $hole = DH_Hole::get($wpdb->insert_id);
         foreach ($old as $row) {
             $version = $wpdb->escape($row->version);
             $file = $wpdb->escape($row->file);
             $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->prefix}drainhole_files (file,hole_id,version,downloads,updated_at) VALUES ('{$file}',{$hole->id},'{$version}','{$row->downloads}',NOW())");
             $file = DH_File::get($wpdb->insert_id);
     // Delete old tables
     $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE drainhole_files");
     $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE drainhole_access");
Exemple #2
    if (count($stats) > 0) {
        foreach ($stats as $stat) {
            $csv = array();
            $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape(date('Y-m-d', $stat->created_at));
            $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape(date('H:i', $stat->created_at));
            $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($stat->ip);
            $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($stat->speed);
            $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($stat->time_taken);
            echo implode(',', $csv) . "\r\n";
} else {
    if ($type == 'files') {
        $hole = DH_Hole::get($id);
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($hole->url) . '.csv"');
        $files = DH_File::get_all($id);
        if (count($files) > 0) {
            foreach ($files as $file) {
                $csv = array();
                $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($file->file);
                $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($file->version);
                $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape($file->hits);
                $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape(date('Y-m-d', $file->updated_at));
                $csv[] = $drainhole->csv_escape(date('H:i', $file->updated_at));
                echo implode(',', $csv) . "\r\n";
    } else {
        if ($type == 'holes') {
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="drain-holes.csv"');
            $holes = DH_Hole::get_all($id);
Exemple #3
  * Scans a directory for newly added files
  * @return int Number of items added
 function scan()
     $added = 0;
     // Get list of files
     $files = DH_Hole::get_files($this->directory);
     // Add any new files into the hole
     if (count($files) > 0 && is_array($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             // Only interested in files
             if (is_file($file) && !in_array(basename($file), array('.htaccess', '.versions', '.svn', 'Thumbs.db'))) {
                 $file = ltrim(substr($file, strlen($this->directory)), '/');
                 if (DH_File::create($this->id, $file) === true) {
     return $added;
Exemple #4
 function editor($id)
     $this->render_admin('editor', array('files' => DH_File::get_all()));
Exemple #5
 function delete()
     global $wpdb;
     $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}drainhole_version WHERE id='{$this->id}'");
     $file = DH_File::get($this->file_id);
     $hole = DH_Hole::get($file->hole_id);
     $file->delete_version($this->id, $hole);
Exemple #6
        echo $stat->ip;
        if ($stat->speed > 0) {
            echo DH_File::bytes($stat->speed) . '/s';
        if ($stat->speed == 0) {
            echo __('Cancelled', 'drain-hole');
        } else {
            echo DH_File::timespan($stat->time_taken);
			<td><a href="#" onclick="return delete_stat(<?php 
        echo $stat->id;
)"><img src="<?php 
        echo $this->url();
/images/delete.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Delete"/></a></td>
Exemple #7
  * Replaces matched regular expressions with appropriate data
  * @param array $matches An array of matches from preg_replace.  $matches[1]=type, $matches[2]=ID, $matches[3]=command, $matches[4]=arguments
  * @return string New text with replaced tags
 function tags($matches)
     $type = $matches[1];
     $id = intval($matches[2]);
     $cmd = $matches[3];
     $args = $matches[4];
     $options = $this->get_options();
     if ($type == 'hole') {
         $hole = DH_Hole::get($id);
         if ($hole) {
             if ($cmd == 'hits') {
                 return number_format($hole->hits);
             } else {
                 if ($cmd == 'recent') {
                     if ($args == 0) {
                         $args = 1;
                     $files = DH_File::get_recent($hole->id, $args);
                     return $this->capture('show_hole', array('files' => $files, 'hole' => $hole));
                 } else {
                     if ($cmd == 'show' && !$this->excerpt) {
                         if ($args == '') {
                             $args = 'show_hole';
                         $files = DH_File::get_all($hole->id);
                         return $this->capture($args, array('files' => $files, 'hole' => $hole));
     } else {
         if ($type == 'file') {
             $file = DH_File::get($id);
             if ($file) {
                 $hole = DH_Hole::get($file->hole_id);
                 if ($cmd == 'show' && !$this->excerpt) {
                     if ($args == '') {
                         $args = 'default_show';
                     return $this->tags_inline($this->capture($args, array('file' => $file, 'hole' => $hole)), $hole, $file);
                 } else {
                     if ($cmd == 'versions') {
                         $limit = 5;
                         if ($args) {
                             $limit = intval($args);
                         $versions = DH_Version::get_history($file->id, $file->version_id, $limit);
                         if (count($versions) > 0 && $options['tracker']) {
                             foreach ($versions as $pos => $version) {
                                 $versions[$pos]->reason = preg_replace('@\\#(\\d*)@', '<a href="' . $options['tracker'] . '$1">#$1</a>', $version->reason);
                         return $this->capture('versions', array('versions' => $versions, 'file' => $file, 'hole' => $hole));
                     } else {
                         if ($cmd == 'version') {
                             return $file->version;
                         } else {
                             if ($cmd == 'hits') {
                                 return number_format($file->hits);
                             } else {
                                 if ($cmd == 'name') {
                                     return $file->name();
                                 } else {
                                     if ($cmd == 'md5') {
                                         return md5($file->file($hole));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($cmd == 'url') {
                                             return $file->url($hole, $args == '' ? basename($file->file) : $args, $options['google']);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($cmd == 'href') {
                                                 return $file->url_ref($hole);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($cmd == 'svn') {
                                                     return $file->svn();
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($cmd == 'updated') {
                                                         return date(get_option('date_format'), $file->updated_at);
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($cmd == 'size') {
                                                             return $file->bytes($file->filesize($hole));
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($cmd == 'icon') {
                                                                 return $file->icon($hole, $this->url(), $options['google']);
Exemple #8
         $min = min(array_slice($data, 1));
         $max = $max + (10 - $max % 10);
         $min = $min - $min % 10;
         $chart['chart_data'] = array($axis, $data);
         $chart['axis_value'] = array('min' => 0, 'max' => $max, 'size' => 14, 'show_min' => true, 'steps' => 10);
         $chart['axis_category'] = array('size' => 14, 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'skip' => count($data) > 5 ? 2 : 0);
         if (count($data) > 4) {
             $chart['chart_type'] = 'line';
         } else {
             $chart['chart_type'] = 'column';
         $text = sprintf(__('Daily downloads over time (%1s %2s)', 'drain-hole'), $wp_locale->get_month(intval($_GET['month'])), intval($_GET['year']));
 } else {
     if ($_GET['display'] == 'monthly') {
         $file = DH_File::get(intval($_GET['file']));
         $items = DH_Access::get_file_hits_per_year(intval($_GET['file']), intval($_GET['year']));
         if (count($items) > 0) {
             foreach ($items as $month => $hits) {
                 $axis[] = sprintf('%1s %2s', $wp_locale->get_month_abbrev($wp_locale->get_month($month)), $day);
                 $data[] = $hits;
             // Work out the max and min values
             $max = max(array_slice($data, 1));
             $min = min(array_slice($data, 1));
             $max = $max + (10 - $max % 10);
             $min = $min - $min % 10;
             $chart['chart_data'] = array($axis, $data);
             $chart['axis_value'] = array('min' => 0, 'max' => $max, 'size' => 14, 'show_min' => true, 'steps' => 10);
             $chart['axis_category'] = array('size' => 14, 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'skip' => count($data) > 5 ? 2 : 0);
             if (count($data) > 4) {
Exemple #9
  * Accepts a FORM-based upload and replaces the file's underlying data
  * @param DH_Hole $hole Hole in which the file lives
  * @return boolean true if successfully uploaded, false if the upload was invalid
 function upload($hole, $filename, $filedata)
     global $wpdb;
     // If no filename is given then use the uploaded data
     if ($filename == '' && is_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'])) {
         $filename = DH_Hole::sanitize_dir(ltrim($filedata['name'], '/'));
     if ($filename) {
         if (is_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'])) {
             move_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'], $hole->directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
         return DH_File::create($hole->id, $filename);
     return false;