public function validateUser()
     $retcode = "200";
     $arr_message = array("result" => "fail", "message" => "操作出现异常,请稍后再试!");
     $db = new DB_test();
     $phonenumber = trim($this->arr_body['phonenumber']);
     $query = "SELECT fd_author_id FROM tb_author WHERE fd_author_username = '******'";
     $authorid = $db->get_all($query);
     if ($authorid != 0 && count($authorid) > 0) {
         $authorid = $authorid[0]["fd_author_id"];
         $query = "SELECT Q.fd_question_contect  AS que, A.fd_answer AS answer \n\t\t\t\t\tFROM tb_safeguard_secque_useranswer AS A \n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN tb_safeguard_secque AS Q ON A.fd_question_id = Q.fd_question_id \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE A.fd_author_id = " . $authorid;
         $retcode = "0";
         if ($db->nf() > 0) {
             $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
             $arr_msg['msgbody']['authorid'] = $authorid;
             $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "成功获取密保问题");
         } else {
             $retcode = "200";
             $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "您还未设置过密保问题");
     } else {
         $retcode = "200";
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "该手机号还未注册过通付宝账号");
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 public function readKuaiDicmpList()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $apptype = trim($arr_body['apptype']);
     $appversion = trim($arr_body['appversion']);
     $query = "select fd_kdcompany_id as comid,fd_kdcompany_no as com,fd_kdcompany_name as comname\n\t\t         ,fd_kdcompany_api as apitype,fd_kdcompany_pic as comlogo ,fd_kdcompany_phone as comphone from \n\t             tb_kdcompany where fd_kdcompany_active = '1' order by fd_kdcompany_api desc";
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     if (!$arr_msg) {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "列表为空!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     } else {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功!");
         $retcode = "0";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
function checkstorage($batches, $commid, $endquantity, $cost, $listid, $listno, $listtype, $memo)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_sect_cost from tb_storagecost where fd_sect_commid = '{$commid}'  ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldcost = $db->f(fd_sect_cost);
    $query = "select sum(fd_skqy_quantity) as allquantity from tb_paycardstockquantity \n\t          where fd_skqy_commid = '{$commid}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldquantity = $db->f(allquantity);
        $newquantity = $oldquantity + $endquantity;
        if ($newquantity == 0) {
            $newmoney = $oldcost * $oldquantity + $cost * $endquantity;
        } else {
            $newmoney = 0;
    } else {
        $newmoney = 0;
    if ($newmoney != 0) {
        $formermoney = $oldcost * $oldquantity;
        $aftermoney = $cost * $endquantity;
        $query = "insert into tb_intocompensatory (\n  \t          fd_iocy_date       ,  fd_iocy_listid          ,  fd_iocy_listtype       , \n  \t          fd_iocy_paycardid     ,  fd_iocy_formermoney     ,  fd_iocy_aftermoney     , \n  \t          fd_iocy_memo       ,  fd_iocy_formercost      ,  fd_iocy_aftercost      ,\n  \t          fd_iocy_listno     ,  fd_iocy_formerquantity  ,  fd_iocy_afterquantity   \n  \t          )values(\n  \t          now()            ,  '{$listid}'           ,  '{$listtype}'        ,\n  \t          '{$paycardid}'        ,  '{$formermoney}'      ,  '{$aftermoney}'      ,\n  \t          '{$memo}'          ,  '{$oldcost}'          ,  '{$cost}'            ,\n  \t          '{$listno}'        ,  '{$oldquantity}'      ,  '{$endquantity}'     \n\t\t\t\n  \t          )";
    return $newmoney;
function addelete($dateid, $scatid, $display)
    $db = new DB_test();
    if ($display == 1) {
        $query = "update tb_category_list set fd_cat_display='0' where fd_cat_scatid='{$scatid}' \n\t\t\t\t and fd_cat_dateid ='{$dateid}' ";
function clearFilepath($id)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "update tb_ggwgl set  fd_ggwgl_url='',fd_ggwgl_thumurl='' where fd_ggwgl_id='{$id}'";
    $returnvalue = "success";
    return $returnvalue;
function getimageid($picurl)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_cat_id from tb_category_list where  fd_cat_url ='{$picurl}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $id = $db->f(fd_cat_id);
    return $id;
 function dodelete()
     //  删除过程
     $db = new DB_test();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->browse_check); $i++) {
         $query = "update  tb_paycard set fd_paycard_authorid='' where fd_paycard_authorid=" . $this->browse_check[$i] . "";
         $query = sprintf($this->browse_delsql, $this->browse_check[$i]);
Exemple #8
 public static function checkagpmbkntno($bkntno)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select fd_agpm_bkntno as bkntno  from tb_agentpaymoneylist where fd_agpm_bkntno = '{$bkntno}'";
     //$query="select fd_agpm_bkntno as bkntno  from tb_agentpaymoneylist where fd_agpm_bkntno = '201308212125170033372'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         return "1";
     } else {
         return "0";
     //return $db->execute($query); // 0 1
function changemoney($unittype, $clientid, $money, $type)
    //$type =0表示应收 , 1表示应付
    //$unittype = 2 表示供应商,1代表客户
    //$clientid 往来单位id号
    $db = new DB_test();
    if ($type == 0) {
        $endmoney = $money;
    } else {
        $endmoney = -$money;
    $query = "select * from tb_ysyfmoney where fd_ysyfm_type = '{$unittype}'\n\t          and fd_ysyfm_companyid = '{$clientid}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldmoney = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_money);
        $listid = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_id);
        $newmoney = $oldmoney + $endmoney;
        $query = "update tb_ysyfmoney set fd_ysyfm_money = '{$newmoney}'\n\t\t         where fd_ysyfm_id = '{$listid}' ";
    } else {
        $query = "insert into tb_ysyfmoney(\n\t            fd_ysyfm_type     , fd_ysyfm_companyid , fd_ysyfm_money       \n\t            )values(\n\t            '{$unittype}'   , '{$clientid}'        , '{$endmoney}'    \n\t            )";
 private static function getpaymerinfo($authorid)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $ErrorReponse = new ErrorReponse();
     $query = "select fd_sdcr_merid as merid,fd_sdcr_securitykey as securitykey,fd_sdcr_id as sdcrid," . "fd_sdcr_payfee as \t\t  sdcrpayfee,fd_sdcr_tradeurl as tradeurl,fd_sdcr_queryurl as queryurl," . "fd_sdcr_minpayfee as minsdcrpayfee," . "fd_sdcr_agentfee as sdcragentfee from tb_author join tb_sendcenter " . "on fd_sdcr_id = fd_author_sdcrid where fd_author_id = '{$authorid}'";
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_merinfo = $db->get_one($query);
         return $arr_merinfo;
     } else {
         $Error = array('rettype' => '100', 'retcode' => '100', 'retmsg' => '商户未审核,不允许操作该功能。');
function getappname($appmnuid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    if (!$appmnuid) {
        $appmnuid = 0;
    $query = "select fd_appmnu_name from tb_appmenu where fd_appmnu_id in({$appmnuid})";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $appname .= $db->f('fd_appmnu_name') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    return $appname;
 public static function Feedback($result, $orderId)
     $logger = Logger::getLogger("ofpay");
     // if(isset($result->retcode) && $result->retcode == 1 && isset($result->game_state) && $result->game_state == 1)
     if (isset($result->retcode) && $result->retcode == 1) {
         $logger->info("正在分析手机充值返回的结果 : 通付宝订单号({$orderId}) 充值成功");
         $db = new DB_test();
         $query = "UPDATE tb_mobilerechargelist SET fd_mrclist_payrq = '00', fd_mrclist_ofstate = 1 \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE fd_mrclist_bkordernumber = '" . $orderId . "'";
         $logger->debug("完成手机充值 : 回写状态进通付宝数据库({$query})");
     } else {
         $logger->error("完成手机充值 : 充值失败");
function move($fd_cat_id)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_cat_dateid,fd_cat_name,fd_cat_scatid,fd_cat_url,fd_cat_thumurl ,fd_cat_cancel from tb_upload_category_list  where fd_cat_id='{$fd_cat_id}'";
    $fd_cat_dateid = $db->f(fd_cat_dateid);
    $fd_cat_scatid = $db->f(fd_cat_scatid);
    $fd_cat_name = $db->f(fd_cat_name);
    $fd_cat_url = $db->f(fd_cat_url);
    $fd_cat_thumurl = $db->f(fd_cat_thumurl);
    $fd_cat_cancel = $db->f(fd_cat_cancel);
    $query = "INSERT INTO tb_upload_old_image (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_dateid  ,fd_cat_scatid , fd_cat_url,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_cancel ,fd_cat_time,  fd_cat_thumurl,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_name\n\t\t\t\t\t   )VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_dateid}'     ,'{$fd_cat_scatid}'   , '{$fd_cat_url}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_cancel}'     ,now()              , '{$fd_cat_thumurl}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_name}'\n\t\t\t\t\t   )";
function getauqrzname($auqid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    if (!$auqid) {
        $auqid = 0;
    $query = "select fd_auq_name from tb_authorquali where fd_auq_id in({$auqid})";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $auqname .= $db->f('fd_auq_name') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    return $auqname;
function paycardnum($salerid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_paycard where fd_paycard_salerid='{$sharesalerid}'";
    return $db->nf();
function getsalepaycardbackstate()
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_selt_state as state,fd_stdetail_paycardid as paycardid,fd_selt_date as date,fd_stdetail_memo as memo   from tb_salelistbackdetail\n\tleft join tb_salelistback on fd_selt_id=fd_stdetail_seltid";
    $arr_data = $db->getFiledData();
    foreach ($arr_data as $value) {
        $arr_pacardid = explode(",", $value['paycardid']);
        foreach ($arr_pacardid as $v1) {
            $arr_state[$v1]['state'] = $value['state'];
            $arr_state[$v1]['date'] = $value['date'];
            $arr_state[$v1]['memo'] = $value['memo'];
    return $arr_state;
function readsalebackdunshu($year, $month, $memid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $dberp = new DB_erp2();
    $query = "select * from tb_organmem where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}'";
    $cusid = $db->f(fd_organmem_cusid);
    $month = $month + 0;
    $year = $year + 0;
    $query = "select \n              sum(fd_sebk_alldunshu) as allquantity,\n              fd_sebk_cusid\n              from tb_saleback \n              left join tb_salelist on fd_sebk_salelistid = fd_selt_id\n              where year(fd_selt_date) = '{$year}' and month(fd_sebk_date) = '{$month}' and fd_sebk_state = 1\n              and fd_sebk_iskickback = 0 and fd_sebk_organid = 1 and fd_sebk_cusid = '{$cusid}'\n              group by fd_sebk_cusid\n             ";
    $dunshu = $dberp->f(allquantity);
    return $dunshu;
function makeorderno($tablename, $fieldname, $preno = "pay")
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db2 = new DB_test();
    $year = trim(date("Y", mktime()));
    $month = trim(date("m", mktime()));
    $day = trim(date("d", mktime()));
    $strlenght = strlen($preno);
    $nowdate = $year . $month . $day;
    $query = "select fd_" . $fieldname . "_no as no from " . $tablename . "   order by fd_" . $fieldname . "_no  desc";
    if ($db2->nf()) {
        $orderno = $db2->f(no);
        $orderdate = substr($orderno, $strlenght, 8);
        if ($nowdate == $orderdate) {
            $newlenght = $strlenght + 11;
            $orderno = substr($orderno, $newlenght, 14) + 1;
            if ($orderno < 10) {
                $orderno = "00000" . $orderno;
            } else {
                if ($orderno < 100) {
                    $orderno = "0000" . $orderno;
                } else {
                    if ($orderno < 1000) {
                        $orderno = "000" . $orderno;
                    } else {
                        if ($orderno < 10000) {
                            $orderno = "00" . $orderno;
                        } else {
                            $orderno = $orderno;
            $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . $orderno;
        } else {
            $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . "000001";
    } else {
        $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . "000001";
    return $orderno;
function kickbackaccountcussent($accountid, $supaccountid, $allmoney, $listtype, $makename, $listid, $listno, $listdate, $memo, $kickbackid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $ishaverecord = 0;
    $query = "select * from tb_accountcussent where fd_atct_accountid = '{$accountid}' and fd_atct_supaccountid = '{$supaccountid}'\n\t          and fd_atct_listid = '{$kickbackid}' and fd_atct_listtype = '{$listtype}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $ishaverecord = 1;
    if ($allmoney != 0 && $ishaverecord == 0) {
        $query = "insert into tb_accountcussent(\n              fd_atct_listid     ,  fd_atct_listno     , fd_atct_listtype     , \n              fd_atct_listdate   ,  fd_atct_accountid  , fd_atct_supaccountid ,\n              fd_atct_date       ,  fd_atct_money      , fd_atct_makename     ,\n              fd_atct_memo       ,  fd_atct_datetime   , fd_atct_iskickback\n              )values(\n              '{$kickbackid}'      ,  '{$listno}'      , '{$listtype}'          ,\n              '{$listdate}'        ,  '{$accountid}'   , '{$supaccountid}'      ,\n              now()              ,  '{$allmoney}'    , '{$makename}'          ,\n              '{$memo}'            ,  now()          , '2'\n              )";
        $query = "update tb_accountcussent set fd_atct_iskickback = 1 \n              where fd_atct_listtype = '{$listtype}' and fd_atct_listid = '{$listid}' \n              and fd_atct_accountid = '{$accountid}'";
 function authorReg()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $aumobile = trim($arr_body['aumobile']);
     $aupassword = trim(md5($arr_body['aupassword']));
     $autruename = u2g(trim($arr_body['autruename']));
     $auidcard = trim($arr_body['auidcard']);
     $auemail = trim($arr_body['auemail']);
     $query = "select 1 from tb_author  where fd_author_username = '******'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "该手机号码已注册");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
         $havemobile = 1;
     } else {
         $havemobile = 0;
     if ($havemobile != 1) {
         $query = "insert into tb_author (fd_author_password ,fd_author_mobile ,fd_author_truename,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t          fd_author_idcard,fd_author_email ,fd_author_username,fd_author_regtime,fd_author_datetime \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t          )values( '{$aupassword}' ,'{$aumobile}','{$autruename}','{$auidcard}','{$auemail}','{$aumobile}',now(),now())";
         $listid = $db->insert_id();
         $sdcrid = 3;
         $auindustryid = 4;
         $slotpayfsetid = 8;
         $slotscdmsetid = 14;
         $bkcardpayfsetid = 25;
         $bkcardscdmsetid = 9;
         $memid = 3554;
         $shopid = 102;
         $authortypeid = 5;
         $query = "update tb_author set \n\t\t\t\t\t   fd_author_isstop='0'," . "fd_author_state = '9'," . "fd_author_sdcrid = '{$sdcrid}'," . "fd_author_auindustryid = '{$auindustryid}',\n\t\t               fd_author_slotpayfsetid = '{$slotpayfsetid}',\n\t\t               fd_author_slotscdmsetid = '{$slotscdmsetid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   fd_author_bkcardpayfsetid='{$bkcardpayfsetid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   fd_author_bkcardscdmsetid='{$bkcardscdmsetid}' ,\n\t\t\t\t\t   fd_author_couponstate      = 0   ," . "fd_author_memid          = '{$memid}'," . "fd_author_shopid         = '{$shopid}'," . "fd_author_authortypeid   = '{$authortypeid}' \n\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t   where fd_author_id='{$listid}'";
         $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "恭喜您,注册成功!");
         $retcode = "0";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
function basicnumber_update($listtype)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_basicnumber where fd_bcnr_typeid = '{$listtype}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $tmp_basicnumber = $db->f(fd_bcnr_design);
        $ltctcount = $db->f(fd_bcnr_count) + 1;
        $query = "update tb_basicnumber set\n\t              fd_bcnr_count = fd_bcnr_count+1\n\t              where fd_bcnr_typeid = '{$listtype}' ";
        if ($ltctcount < 10) {
            $endltctcount = "000" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 10000 and $ltctcount >= 1000) {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 1000 and $ltctcount >= 100) {
            $endltctcount = "0" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 100 and $ltctcount >= 10) {
            $endltctcount = "00" . $ltctcount;
        } else {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        $listno = str_replace("{list_number}", $endltctcount, $tmp_basicnumber);
    return $listno;
function autologin($username, $password)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db1 = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from web_teller where fd_tel_name ='{$username}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $pass = $db->f(fd_tel_pass);
        $error = $db->f(fd_tel_error);
        $recsts = $db->f(fd_tel_recsts);
        $isin = $db->f(fd_tel_isin);
        $telid = $db->f(fd_tel_id);
        if ($pass != $password) {
            $errmsg = "密码错误!(请注意区分大小写)";
            $query = "update web_teller set fd_tel_error = fd_tel_error +1 where fd_tel_name ='{$username}'";
            $return = 2;
        if ($error >= 6) {
            $errmsg = "由于密码错误多次,禁止使用该用户!";
            $return = 3;
        if ($recsts == 1) {
            $errmsg = "该用户被停用!";
            $return = 4;
        if ($pass == $password and $return < 2) {
            // 密码正确
            $query = "update web_teller set \t\t\t           \n\t        \t\t  fd_tel_lasttime = fd_tel_intime, fd_tel_intime = now(),fd_tel_outtime = now(),\n\t        \t\t  fd_tel_error = 0,fd_tel_isin  = 1 , fd_tel_onlinetime = now()\n\t              where fd_tel_id ='{$telid}'";
            $return = 1;
    } else {
        $errmsg = "该用户不存在!";
        $return = 9;
    return $return;
function kickbackcurrentaccount($ctatlinktype, $companyid, $addmoney, $lessenmoney, $ctatmemo, $cactlisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $kickbackid, $listdate)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $ishaverecord = 0;
    $query = "select * from tb_currentaccount where fd_ctat_linkid = '{$companyid}' and fd_ctat_linktype = '{$ctatlinktype}'\n\t          and fd_ctat_listid = '{$kickbackid}' and fd_ctat_listtype = '{$cactlisttype}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $ishaverecord = 1;
    if ($ishaverecord == 0) {
        $endctatbalance = 0;
        $query = "insert into tb_currentaccount(\n               fd_ctat_date     ,  fd_ctat_linktype  , fd_ctat_linkid     , \n               fd_ctat_listno   ,  fd_ctat_listtype  , fd_ctat_addmoney   ,\n               fd_ctat_lessen   ,  fd_ctat_balance   , fd_ctat_memo       ,\n               fd_ctat_listid   ,  fd_ctat_makename  , fd_ctat_iskickback ,\n               fd_ctat_datetime ,  fd_ctat_listdate\n               )values(\n               now()          ,  '{$ctatlinktype}'   , '{$companyid}'     ,\n               '{$listno}'      ,  '{$cactlisttype}'   , '{$addmoney}'      ,\n               '{$lessenmoney}' ,  '{$endctatbalance}' , '{$ctatmemo}'      ,\n               '{$kickbackid}'  ,  '{$loginstaname}'   , '2'              ,\n               now()          ,  '{$listdate}'\n               )";
        $query = "update tb_currentaccount set fd_ctat_iskickback = 1 \n              where fd_ctat_listtype = '{$cactlisttype}' and fd_ctat_listid = '{$listid}' ";
function getshowpaycradid($tabname, $filename, $id)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = 'select  fd_' . $filename . '_paycardid  as paycardid from ' . $tabname . ' where fd_' . $filename . '_id="' . $id . '" ';
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $paycardid = $db->f(paycardid);
        $arr_paycardid1 = explode(",", $paycardid);
        foreach ($arr_paycardid1 as $va) {
            if ($strpaycardid) {
                $strpaycardid .= "," . "'{$va}'";
            } else {
                $strpaycardid = "'{$va}'";
    return $strpaycardid;
Exemple #25
	public function RelateAgent($authorId, $agentCode)
$logger = Logger::getLogger('AuthorInfo');
$logger->info("开始绑定代理商 : authorId : $authorId, agentCode : $agentCode");
		$db = new DB_test();
		$query = "SELECT fd_cus_id FROM tb_customer WHERE fd_cus_no = '$agentCode'";
$logger->debug("开始绑定代理商 : query : $query");
		$agentId = $db->get_all($query);
		if(!is_array($agentId) || count($agentId) != 1)
$logger->debug("开始绑定代理商 : return 0");
			return 0;
			$query = "UPDATE tb_author SET fd_author_bdagentno = '$agentCode', fd_author_bdagentid = " . $agentId[0]["fd_cus_id"] . ", fd_author_bdagenttime = NOW() WHERE fd_author_id = $authorId";
$logger->debug("开始绑定代理商 : query : $query");
			return 1;
 public function readHelpList()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $msgstart = $arr_body['msgstart'] + 0;
     $msgdisplay = $arr_body['msgdisplay'] + 0;
     if ($msgstart < 0) {
         $msgstart = 0;
     $query = "select  1 from web_help order by fd_help_no ";
     $msgallcount = $db->nf();
     $query = "select fd_help_id as helpid ,fd_help_name as helpname,fd_help_contect as helpcontent,\n\t          fd_help_date as helpdate from web_help order by fd_help_no limit {$msgstart}, {$msgdisplay}  ";
     $msgdiscount = $db->nf();
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['msgallcount'] = $msgallcount;
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['msgdiscount'] = $msgdiscount + $msgstart;
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 public function readAccglistdetail()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $acctypeid = trim($arr_body['acctypeid']);
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $msgstart = trim($arr_body['msgstart']) + 0;
     $msgdisplay = trim($arr_body['msgdisplay']) + 0;
     //echo var_dump($arr_body);
     $accyear = substr(trim($arr_body['accmonth']), 0, 4);
     $accmonth = str_replace($accyear, "", $arr_body['accmonth']);
     if ($acctypeid == 'coupon') {
         $wherequery1 = " and 1=2";
     if ($acctypeid == 'recharge') {
         $wherequery2 = " and 1=2";
     if ($msgdisplay == 0) {
         $msgdisplay = 100;
     $paytype = '充值';
     $paytype = u2g($paytype);
     $paytype3 = '订单支付';
     $paytype3 = u2g($paytype);
     $paytype1 = '购买抵用券';
     $paytype1 = u2g($paytype1);
     $paystate = '交易完成';
     $paystate = u2g($paystate);
     $query = "select * from (select fd_accglist_bkordernumber as accglistno," . " case \n        when fd_accglist_paytype ='coupon' then '购买抵用券'\n        when fd_accglist_paytype ='creditcard' then '信用卡还款'" . "when fd_accglist_paytype ='recharge' then   '" . $paytype . "'" . "when fd_accglist_paytype ='pay' then       '还贷款'" . "when fd_accglist_paytype ='order' then '" . $paytype3 . "'" . "when fd_accglist_paytype ='tfmg' then '转账汇款'\n        else '其他业务' END  accgpaymode," . " \n\t\t\t\t                    fd_accglist_datetime as accglistdate , fd_accglist_id as  accglistid ,\n\t\t\t\t                    (fd_accglist_money) as accglistmoney,'" . $paystate . "' as accgstate,'' as accgtype,'' as accgmemo ," . " 'testbank' as accgcardbank,'testno' as accgcardno   \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t        from tb_authoraccountglist where year(fd_accglist_datetime) = '{$accyear}' and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmonth(fd_accglist_datetime) = '{$accmonth}' and fd_accglist_authorid='{$authorid}' {$wherequery1} \n\t\t\t\t              " . " union all  select fd_couponsale_bkordernumber as couponno,'" . $paytype1 . "' as accgpaymode ,fd_couponsale_datetime as coupondate," . "fd_couponsale_id as couponid, CONCAT_WS('=',CONCAT_WS('*',(fd_couponsale_money/fd_coupon_money),fd_coupon_money),fd_couponsale_money+0) as couponmoney,'" . $paystate . "','' as accgtype,'' as accgmemo ,'testbank' as accgcardbank,'testno' as accgcardno \n\t\t\t                from \n\t\t\t       tb_couponsale left join tb_coupon on fd_coupon_id =fd_couponsale_couponid where fd_couponsale_authorid = '{$authorid}' and fd_couponsale_payrq = '00' and fd_couponsale_isagentpay = '0'" . " and year(fd_couponsale_datetime) = '{$accyear}' and \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmonth(fd_couponsale_datetime) = '{$accmonth}' {$wherequery2}) as a order by accglistdate desc ";
     $msgallcount = $db->nf();
     //$query = " $query  limit $msgstart,$msgdisplay ";
     $msgdiscount = $db->nf();
     //  echo $query;
     //  echo $query;
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['msgallcount'] = $msgallcount;
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['msgdiscount'] = $msgdiscount + $msgstart;
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
 public function authorFeedbck()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $fdcontent = u2g(trim($arr_body['fdcontent']));
     $fdlinkmethod = u2g(trim($arr_body['fdlinkmethod']));
     $fdcontent = str_replace("'", "‘", $fdcontent);
     $fdcontent = str_replace("¥", "¥", $fdcontent);
     $query = "insert into tb_feedback (fd_feedback_authorid ,fd_feedback_content ,fd_feedback_linkman,\n\t          fd_feedback_datetime)values( '{$authorid}' ,'{$fdcontent}','{$fdlinkmethod}',now())";
     $arr_message = array("error_id" => "0", "result" => "success", "message" => "感谢您的宝贵意见!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
function changeaccount($authorid, $money, $type)
    //$type =0表示增加金钱 , 1表示减少金钱
    $db = new DB_test();
    if ($type == 0) {
        $endmoney = $money;
    } else {
        $endmoney = -$money;
    if ($endmoney == "") {
        $endmoney = 0;
    /*$query = "select fd_account_money from tb_account where fd_account_id = '$accountid'";
    		$beginmoney = $db->f(fd_account_money);	  	
    		$allmoney = $beginmoney+$endmoney;
    $query = "update tb_account set fd_acc_money = fd_acc_money + '" . $endmoney . "' where fd_acc_authorid = '{$authorid}' ";
 public function modifyAuBkCardInfo()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $shoucardman = u2g(trim($arr_body['aushoucardman']));
     $shoucardphone = trim($arr_body['aushoucardphone']);
     $shoucardno = trim($arr_body['aushoucardno']);
     $shoucardbank = u2g(trim($arr_body['aushoucardbank']));
     $query = "select * from tb_author  where fd_author_id = '{$authorid}'  and fd_author_couponstate='1'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "银行卡资料已经审批,如需修改请联系客服!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
         $Error = array('result' => 'failure', 'retcode' => '200', 'retmsg' => $arr_message['message']);
         $arr_msg['msgbody'] = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "银行卡资料已经审批,如需修改请联系客服!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
         $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
         $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
         return $returnval;
         //$ErrorReponse->reponError($Error); //出错反馈
         //return false;
     $query = "update tb_author set   fd_author_shoucardman = '{$shoucardman}',\n\t\t\t   fd_author_shoucardphone = '{$shoucardphone}',\n\t\t\t   fd_author_shoucardno='{$shoucardno}',\n\t\t\t   fd_author_shoucardbank='{$shoucardbank}',fd_author_couponstate = '0' where fd_author_id  = '{$authorid}' ";
     $arr_msg['msgbody'] = array("error_id" => "0", "result" => "success", "message" => "恭喜您,我的银行卡修改成功!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;