$msg .= $connection->GetLastErrorMessage(); header('HTTP/1.1 500 Error retrieving table data: ' . $msg); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); exit; } //return a JSON encoded array header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array("whole" => $class_whole, "update_only" => $update_only, "success" => $success, "message" => $msg)); break; case 'generate_all': //User decided to generate all classes - so we'll create them in the "auto-generated-files" folder $row = array(); $serverType = isset($_POST['serverType']) ? $_POST['serverType'] : ''; $tableList = ""; $allTables = array(); $allTables = $connection->returnTableNames(); deleteAllGeneratedFiles(); $success = true; $msg = "Succesfully generated files"; foreach ($allTables as $tableName) { $connection->table = $tableName; $result = $connection->ReturnColumnData(); if ($result) { $template = new ClassTemplate($tableName, $result, $serverType); $template->SetAllColumns($result); $class_whole = $template->GetDeclaration_WholeClass(); file_put_contents('c:/temp/phplog.txt', $class_whole); $currentPath = __FILE__; $withoutAjax = substr($currentPath, 0, strlen($currentPath) - strlen('ajax.php')); $pathToNewFile = $withoutAjax . 'auto-generated-files\\' . $tableName . '.php'; $bytesWritten = file_put_contents($pathToNewFile, $class_whole);