function __construct(array &$info, DBReader &$rdr, $flags = 0) { parent::__construct($info); if (preg_match("/^(.*)__BLOB__(.*)\$/", $this->gid, $m)) { $gid = $m[1]; $blob_group = $m[2]; $blob_opts = $rdr->GetGroupOption($this, "blob_groups"); $blob_col = array("data" => false, "custom" => "/^(" . $blob_group . ")/"); $col = $rdr->GetGroupOption($this, "columns"); $this->options = array("data_extractors" => $blob_opts[$gid]["data_extractors"], "custom_data_filters" => $blob_opts[$gid]["custom_data_filters"], "columns" => array_replace($col, $blob_col)); } else { $gid = $this->gid; $blob_group = false; } if (is_array($rdr->groups)) { foreach ($rdr->groups as $re => &$table) { if (preg_match($re, $this->gid)) { $this->table = preg_replace($re, $table, $gid); return; } } } $this->table = $this->gid; }
function GetMaskList(LOGGROUP $grp = NULL, $flags = 0) { $list = array(); try { $gids = array(); $groups = $this->GetDVINGroups(); $sth = $this->db->Query("SELECT ColumnName, GrID FROM DVIN_TIMESERIES", DATABASE::FETCH_NUM); while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $gids[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $items = parent::GetItemList($grp, $mask, $flags); foreach ($items as $iid => $item) { $gid = $gids[$item['column']]; if (is_numeric($gid)) { if (!isset($list[$gid])) { if ($groups[$gid]) { $name = $groups[$gid]; } else { $name = "Mask {$gid}"; } $list[$gid] = array('id' => "maskid{$gid}", 'name' => $name); if ($flags & REQUEST::NEED_INFO) { $list[$gid]['mask'] = "{$iid}"; } } else { if ($flags & REQUEST::NEED_INFO) { $list[$gid]['mask'] .= ",{$iid}"; } } } } } catch (ADEIException $ae) { } /* $resp = $this->db->Query("SELECT maskid, name, mask FROM masks WHERE gid=" . $grp->gid); foreach ($resp as $row) { if (!preg_match("/[\w\d]/", $row['name'])) $row['name'] = _("No name"); $id = "maskid" . $row['maskid']; $list[$id] = array( 'id' => $id, 'name' => $row['name'] ); if ($flags&REQUEST::NEED_INFO) { $list[$id]['mask'] = implode(",", $this->ParseMask($row['mask'])); } } */ return array_merge(parent::GetMaskList($grp, $flags), $list); }
define('FILE_NAME_PATTERN', "#FILE_MARKER#.html"); define('BLOCK_SIZE', 40); define('PRODUCTION_DIR', 'settoriali'); define('START_REP', '<!-- #REPETITIVE_PART_START# -->'); define('END_REP', '<!-- #REPETITIVE_PART_END# -->'); define('DESCR_MAX_LENGTH', 300); define('LOGO_STORE', ""); define('LOGO_DEFAULT', "attesalogo.jpg"); define('SINGLE_SECTOR_TEMPLATE', '<a href="#SECTOR_URL#" style="text-decoration:underline; color:#0000FF;font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal;" target="_blank" title="vedi le aziende del settore #SECTOR_TEXT#">#SECTOR_TEXT#</a>'); $dbConfig = ['dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=forum_agenti;charset=utf8', 'userName' => 'readonly', 'pswd' => 'D7ehjC9WydUdmHeY', 'tableName' => 'companies']; $replacements = ['macro_settore' => '#PLACEHOLDER1#', 'thumb' => '#PLACEHOLDER2#', 'company' => '#PLACEHOLDER3#', 'companydescr' => '#PLACEHOLDER4#']; $reader = new DBReader($dbConfig); // info about company without sectors (only macrosectors) $data = $reader->retreiveFields($dbConfig['tableName'], array_keys($replacements)); unset($reader); $reader = new DBReader($dbConfig); // info about company only with sectors and corresponding adv links $sectorsData = $reader->retreiveFields($dbConfig['tableName'], ['company', 'settori', 'adv_link']); unset($reader); // elaborate retreived data: // 1. eliminate tags; // 2. shorten description // 3. if the logo does not exist, use default one $dataLen = count($data); $descrKey = 'companydescr'; $logoKey = 'thumb'; // stores the result of controls whether an url corresponds to a resource that exists // It serves to avoid multiple requests to the same url $urlExists = []; $parser0 = new DataParser(); for ($i = 0; $i < $dataLen; $i++) {
function __construct(&$props) { parent::__construct($props); }