  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     $limit = 30;
     $p = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("p", 1);
     $catalog = Yii::app()->request->getParam("catalog", "");
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Выставить слаг";
     if (!empty($catalog)) {
         $catalogS = SiteHelper::getCamelCase($catalog);
         $items = $catalogS::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setLimit($limit)->setCache(0)->setPage($p));
         //echo sizeof( $items )."*";
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($items); $i++) {
             if (strpos($items[$i]->description, "</xml>") !== false) {
                 $arr = explode("</xml>", $items[$i]->description);
                 $items[$i]->description = $arr[1];
                 if (empty($items[$i]->description)) {
                     $items[$i]->description = "  - ";
                 if (!$items[$i]->save()) {
                     //print_r( $items[$i]->getErrors() );
         if (sizeof($items) == $limit) {
             $this->redirect(SiteHelper::createUrl("/console/CheckDescription", array("catalog" => $catalog, "p" => $p + 1)));
     } else {
         $items = array();
     $this->render("index", array("items" => $items));
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
         } else {
             $arrId = explode("-", $_GET["slug"]);
             if (sizeof($arrId) > 0) {
                 $id = (int) $arrId[0];
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogHotels::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             LogHelper::save("hotels", $item->id, "show");
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name;
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "otherHotels" => CatalogHotels::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:country_id AND city_id=:city_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":country_id" => $item->country_id->id, ":city_id" => $item->city_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8)), "hotelCount" => CatalogHotels::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->country_id->id)))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
 public function actionEdit()
     $message = "";
     $lang = CatLang::fetchAll();
     if (!empty($_POST["trans"])) {
         for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($lang); $n++) {
             $trans = $_POST["trans"][$n];
             if ($trans["id"] > 0 || $trans["translation"]) {
                 if ($trans["id"] > 0) {
                     $model = I18nTranslate::fetch($trans->id);
                 } else {
                     $model = new I18nTranslate();
                 $model->i18n_id = $this->id;
                 if (!$model->save()) {
     $list = array();
     if (!empty($this->id)) {
         $item = I18n::fetch($this->id);
         $list = I18nTranslate::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("i18n_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setLimit(-1)->setCache(0));
     } else {
         $item = new I18n();
     $this->render('edit', array('form' => $item, 'list' => $list, 'lang' => $lang, 'message' => $message));
Exemple #4
 public static function getBannerByCategory($position, $firmId)
     $cout = "";
     $DBParams = DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("position_id=:position_id AND firm_id=:firmId AND active=1")->setParams(array(":position_id" => $position, ":firmId" => $firmId))->setOrderBy("col")->setLimit(1)->setCache(0);
     $bannerArray = CatalogFirmsBanners::fetchAll($DBParams);
     if (sizeof($bannerArray) > 0 && $bannerArray[0]->file) {
         $banner = $bannerArray[0];
         $banner->col = $banner->col + 1;
         if (!$banner->save()) {
         $cout = '<div class="banerBlock">';
         if ($banner->type_id->id == 1) {
             if ($banner->link) {
                 $cout .= '<a href="' . $banner->link . '" title="">';
             $cout .= '<img src="' . $banner->file . '" alt="" />';
             if ($banner->link) {
                 $cout .= '</a>';
         } else {
             $width = $banner->width ? ' width="' . $banner->width . '"' : ' width="800"';
             $height = $banner->height ? ' height="' . $banner->height . '"' : ' height="90"';
             $cout .= '<br/><a href="' . $banner->href . '" title="">
                         <object ' . $width . ' ' . $height . ' classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
                            <param value="' . $banner->image . '" name="movie"/>
                            <embed ' . $width . ' ' . $height . ' src="' . $banner->file . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
         $cout .= '</div>';
     return $cout;
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
         } else {
             $arrId = explode("-", $_GET["slug"]);
             if (sizeof($arrId) > 0) {
                 $id = (int) $arrId[0];
     $error = Yii::t("page", "Произошла ошибка перехода на страницу, проверьте правильно написания адреса страницы");
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogTours::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             // Картинки тура
             $images = ImageHelper::getImages($item);
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name . ", тур " . $item->category_id->name . ", " . $item->country_id->name;
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "images" => $images, "otherTours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:country_id AND id!=:id AND firm_id!=:firm_id")->setParams(array(":country_id" => $item->country_id->id, ":id" => $item->id, ":firm_id" => $item->firm_id->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(6)), "firmsTours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND firm_id=:firm_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(6)), "tourCount" => CatalogTours::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->country_id->id))), "firmCount" => CatalogFirms::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->country_id->id)))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("", $error);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("", $error);
 public function actionIndex()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $message = "";
         Yii::app()->page->title = Yii::t("user", "Избранное");
         $userModel = CatalogUsers::fetch(Yii::app()->user->id);
         $del = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("del", 0);
         if ($del > 0) {
             Yii::app()->favorites->delete($del, "catalog_items");
         $list = Yii::app()->favorites->getListId("catalog=:catalog", array(":catalog" => "catalog_items"));
         if (sizeof($list) > 0) {
             $sql = " ( ";
             foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
                 if ($sql != " ( ") {
                     $sql .= " OR ";
                 $sql .= "id='" . $value . "'";
             $sql .= " )";
             $items = CatalogItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("status_id=1")->setConditions($sql)->setCache(0));
         } else {
             $items = array();
         $this->render("index", array("message" => $message, "items" => $items, "userModel" => $userModel));
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogWork::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name;
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "otherHotels" => CatalogWork::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("category_id=:category_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":category_id" => $item->category_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8)), "usersOther" => CatalogWork::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("user_id=:user_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":user_id" => $item->user_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
 public function actionDescription()
     Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $this->description, "keyWord" => $this->keyWord));
     $id = 0;
     $class = $this->classModel;
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = $class::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
         if ($model->id > 0) {
             $_GET["id"] = $model->id;
             $id = $model->id;
     $error = Yii::t("page", "Произошла ошибка перехода на страницу, проверьте правильно написания адреса страницы");
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogFirmsService::fetch($id);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             // Картинки тура
             $images = ImageHelper::getImages($item);
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name . " - " . Yii::t("page", "услуги от компании");
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "images" => $images, "firmsService" => CatalogFirmsService::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("firm_id=:firm_id AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id, ":id" => $item->id))->setCache(0)), "firmsItems" => CatalogFirmsItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("firm_id=:firm_id")->setParams(array(":firm_id" => $item->firm_id))->setCache(0))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("", $error);
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("", $error);
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Описание продукции";
     $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0);
     if ($id > 0) {
         $item = CatalogItems::fetchParam($id);
         $otherItem = CatalogItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("id!=:id AND category_id=:cid")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id, ":cid" => $item->category_id->id))->setOrderBy("price")->setLimit(10));
         $hotItem = CatalogItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("id!=:id AND is_hot=:hot")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id, ":hot" => 1))->setOrderBy("price")->setLimit(10));
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             $favorites = Yii::app()->request->getParam("favorites", "");
             if ($favorites == "add") {
                 $res = Yii::app()->favorites->add("catalog_items", $item->id);
             $newComment = new CatalogItemsCommentsAdd();
             // Сохраняем комментарий
             if (!empty($_POST["sentComment"])) {
                 $newComment->date = time();
                 $newComment->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
                 $newComment->item_id = $id;
                 if ($newComment->save()) {
                     $newComment->formMessage = "Комментарий успешно отправлен.";
                     $newComment->onNewComment(new CModelEvent($newComment), array("id" => $item->id, "name" => $item->name, "subject" => $newComment->subject, "link" => SiteHelper::createUrl("/user/items/index", array("id" => $newComment->item_id))));
             $listComments = CatalogItemsComments::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("item_id=:item_id AND is_valid=1")->setParams(array(":item_id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("date DESC"));
             $this->render("item", array("item" => $item, "otherItem" => $otherItem, "hotItem" => $hotItem, "addForm" => $newComment, "listComments" => $listComments));
         } else {
     } else {
 public function actionDelete()
     Yii::app()->page->title = Yii::t("user", "Запись удалена");
     $message = "";
     $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0);
     $catalog = Yii::app()->request->getParam("catalog");
     if ($id > 0 && !empty($catalog)) {
         $item = $catalog::fetch($id);
         if ($item->user_id && $item->user_id->id > 0) {
             $id = $item->user_id->id;
         } else {
             $id = $item->firm_id->user_id->id;
         if ($item->id > 0 && $id == Yii::app()->user->getId()) {
             foreach (CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions(" item_id=:itemId AND catalog=:catalog ")->setParams(array(":itemId" => $item->id, ":catalog" => $item->tableName()))) as $galItem) {
             SiteHelper::setLog($item->tableName(), "delete", $item->id, Yii::app()->user->getId());
             echo 1;
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Банеры";
     $banners = ExBanner::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("name")->setLimit(-1)->setCache(0));
     $bannersCategory = ExBannerCategory::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("name")->setLimit(-1)->setCache(0));
     $this->render("index", array("banners" => $banners, "bannersCategory" => $bannersCategory));
 public function run($args)
     $col = 50;
     $n = 0;
     $listCatalog = array("CatalogContent");
     //"CatalogTours", "CatalogInfoCategory", "CatalogToursCategory", "CatalogInfo", "CatalogCity", "CatalogFirms", "CatalogHotels", "CatalogKurorts", "CatalogUmor", "CatalogCountry", "CatalogItems", "CatalogItemsCategory", "CatalogContent", "CatalogFirmsItems", "CatalogFirmsService", "CatalogWork" );
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($listCatalog); $i++) {
         $class = $listCatalog[$i];
         $list = $class::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("translate=0")->setLimit($col)->setCache(0));
         echo $class . " - " . $n . "( " . sizeof($list) . " )<br/>";
         foreach ($list as $model) {
             $model->translate = 1;
             if (!$model->save()) {
             } else {
                 echo $model->id . "<br/>";
                 $transModel = TranslateHelper::getTranslateModel($class, $model->id, "en");
                 // ja en
                 if (!$transModel->id) {
                     @TranslateHelper::setTranslate($model, $transModel, "en");
         if (sizeof($list) == $col || $n >= $col) {
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     $limit = 30;
     $p = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("p", 1);
     $catalog = Yii::app()->request->getParam("catalog", "");
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Выставить слаг";
     if (!empty($catalog)) {
         $catalogS = SiteHelper::getCamelCase($catalog);
         $items = $catalogS::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setLimit($limit)->setCache(0)->setPage($p));
         //echo sizeof( $items )."*";
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             //echo "#".$item->id."<br/>";
             $item->description = str_replace("< ", "<", $item->description);
             if (!$item->save()) {
         if (sizeof($items) == $limit) {
             $this->redirect(SiteHelper::createUrl("/console/CheckDescriptionTag", array("catalog" => $catalog, "p" => $p + 1)));
     } else {
         $items = array();
     $this->render("index", array("items" => $items));
 public function actionTree()
     $id = Yii::app()->request->getParam("id", 0);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $images = CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("catalog=:catalog AND item_id=:item_id")->setParams(array(":catalog" => "catalog_gardens_tree", ":item_id" => $id))->setLimit(10));
         $tree = CatalogGardensTree::fetch($id);
         $this->render("usertree", array("images" => $images, "tree" => $tree));
 public static function getRelationLeftItems(CCModel $model, $classRelation)
     $leftClass = get_class($model);
     $res = CatRelations::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("leftClass=:leftClass AND rightClass=:rightClass AND leftId=:id")->setParams(array(":leftClass" => $leftClass, ":rightClass" => $classRelation, ":id" => $model->id))->setLimit(-1)->setCache(0));
     $list = [];
     foreach ($res as $items) {
         $list[] = $items->rightId;
     return $list;
 public function actionIndex()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         Yii::app()->page->title = "Мои заказы";
         $user = CatalogUsers::fetch(Yii::app()->user->id);
         $orders = OrderRequest::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setCache(0)->setConditions("user_id=:user_id")->setParams(array(":user_id" => Yii::app()->user->id))->setLimit(200)->setOrderBy("date"));
         $this->render("index", array("user" => $user, "orders" => $orders));
     } else {
 public function run()
     $conditions = "catalog=:catalog";
     $params = array(":catalog" => $this->catalog);
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $conditions .= " sAND item_id=:item_id";
         $params = array_merge($params, array(":id" => $id));
     $images = CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions($conditions)->setParams($params)->setLimit(10));
     $this->render("gallery", array('images' => $images));
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         Yii::app()->page->title = "Console авторизации";
     } else {
         $list = CatLog::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("id DESC")->setLimit(50)->setCache(0));
         Yii::app()->page->title = "Административный кабинет";
         $this->render("room", array("listStat" => $list));
 public function actionDescription()
     $slug = Yii::app()->request->getParam("slug", "");
     if (!empty($slug)) {
         $item = CatalogMaps::fetchBySlug("map-" . $slug);
         $list = CatalogWheters::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("city_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->city_id->id))->setLimit(-1));
         $this->render("description", array("item" => $item, "list" => $list));
     } else {
Exemple #20
 public function run()
     if ($this->beginCache('widgetInfo_' . $this->class . $this->category_id . "_" . Yii::app()->getLanguage(), array('duration' => 3600))) {
         $className = $this->class;
         if ($this->category_id > 0) {
             $dopCondition = " AND category_id='" . (int) $this->category_id . "'";
         } else {
             $dopCondition = "";
         $this->render("infoWidget", array('title' => $this->title, 'link' => SiteHelper::createUrl($this->link . "/description"), 'linkAll' => SiteHelper::createUrl($this->link), 'list' => $className::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>''" . $dopCondition)->setOrderBy("id DESC")->setLimit(9))));
 public function actionDescription()
     $slug = Yii::app()->request->getParam("slug", "");
     if (!empty($slug)) {
         $item = CatalogAttractions::fetchBySlug($slug);
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             $list = CatalogAttractions::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("city_id=:cid AND id!=:id")->setParams(array(":cid" => $item->city_id->id, ":id" => $item->id))->setLimit(4));
             $images = ImageHelper::getImages($item);
             $this->render("description", array("item" => $item, "other" => $list, "images" => $images));
 public function actionIndex()
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $message = "";
         Yii::app()->page->title = Yii::t("user", "Рабочий стол");
         $userModel = CatalogUsers::fetch(Yii::app()->user->id);
         if (!empty($_POST["desktop_save"])) {
             $desktopID = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("desktopID", 0);
             $userModel->desktop = $desktopID;
             $userModel->formMessage = Yii::t("user", "Рабочий стол успешно сохранен");
         $items = CatalogDesktops::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setCache(0));
         $this->render("index", array("message" => $message, "items" => $items, "userModel" => $userModel));
 public function run($args)
     $list = array("catalog_users", "catalog_firms", "catalog_tours", "catalog_firms_service", "catalog_firms_items");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) {
         $catalog = SiteHelper::getCamelCase($list[$i]);
         $listItems = $catalog::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("!EXISTS(SELECT id FROM notifications_queue WHERE catalog='" . $list[$i] . "' AND item_id=" . $list[$i] . "_as.id)")->setLimit(50)->setOrderBy("rating"));
         //$listItems = $catalog::fetchAll( DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("id=13")->setLimit( 100 )->setOrderBy("rating") );
         if (sizeof($listItems) > 0) {
             foreach ($listItems as $item) {
                 $tableName = $item->tableName();
                 switch ($item->tableName()) {
                     case "catalog_users":
                         if ($item->active == 0) {
                         } else {
                             $countFirms = CatalogFirms::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("user_id=:uid")->setParams(array(":uid" => $item->id)));
                             if ($countFirms == 0) {
                                 $tableName = "catalog_users_con";
                             } else {
                                 continue 2;
                     case "catalog_firms":
                         $item->onAddFirm(new CModelEvent($item), array("status" => "reminder"));
                     case "catalog_tours":
                         $item->onAddTour(new CModelEvent($item), array("status" => "reminder"));
                     case "catalog_firms_items":
                         $item->onAddFirmsItems(new CModelEvent($item), array("status" => "reminder"));
                     case "catalog_firms_service":
                         $item->onAddFirmsService(new CModelEvent($item), array("status" => "reminder"));
                     case "catalog_firms_banner":
                         $item->onAddFirmsBanners(new CModelEvent($item), array("status" => "reminder"));
                 AutoNotifier::addInNotificationsQueue($tableName, $item->id, 0);
             return "";
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionIndex()
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Лог по турам";
     if ($this->beginCache("console_log_tours", array('duration' => 3600 * 12))) {
         $listTours = CatLogToursAll::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("date2")->setLimit(50)->setCache(0));
         $listToursParams = CatLogToursParams::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setOrderBy("date2")->setLimit(50)->setCache(0));
         $rows = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($listTours); $i++) {
             if (!empty($rows)) {
                 $rows .= ",";
             $rows .= "['" . date("d.m", strtotime($listTours[$i]->date2)) . "', " . $listTours[$i]->count . ", " . $listToursParams[$i]->count_category . ", " . $listToursParams[$i]->count_country . " ]";
         $this->render("index", array("rows" => $rows, "listToursParams" => $listToursParams));
 public static function run()
     $userModel = CatalogUsers::fetch(Yii::app()->user->getId());
     if ($userModel->id > 0) {
         // Надотпроверять какие данные пользователь уже ввел чтобы выдавать ему то чего он еще не ввел
         // 1. Типо пользователя ( если он не добавил ни фирму ни отель ни курорт )
         //      надо сделать так чтобы при добавлении отеля тур фирмы курорта пользователю выставлялось занчение поля trainings = 1 ( т.е. не выдавать ему заново выберите тип )
         // Проверяем небыла ли открыта ссесия ранее
         $checkModel = CatalogTrainingSession::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("user_id=:user_id AND ( status_id=:status1 OR status_id=:status2 )")->setParams(array(":user_id" => Yii::app()->user->getId(), ":status1" => 1, ":status2" => 2))->setCache(-1));
         if (sizeof($checkModel) == 0) {
             //// Определеяем на каком шагу находится пользователь
             $chechSession = CatalogTraining::sql("SELECT * FROM catalog_training WHERE `group` NOT IN ( SELECT `group` FROM catalog_training_session WHERE user_id='" . Yii::app()->user->getId() . "' ) ORDER BY `group` LIMIT 1 ");
             if (sizeof($chechSession) > 0) {
                 if ($chechSession[0]["condition"]) {
                     $chechSession[0]["condition"] = str_replace(":userId", Yii::app()->user->getId(), $chechSession[0]["condition"]);
                     $checkCondition = CatalogUsers::sql($chechSession[0]["condition"]);
                     if (sizeof($checkCondition) == 0) {
                         // Если пользователь не отвечает требованию пользователю, то чтобы не проверять каждый раз, добавляем запись
                         $newSession = new CatalogTrainingSession();
                         $newSession->user_id = Yii::app()->user->getId();
                         $newSession->training_id = $chechSession[0]["id"];
                         $newSession->group = $chechSession[0]["group"];
                         $newSession->status_id = 4;
                         $newSession->date = time();
                 // Если нет то открываем её
                 $newSession = new CatalogTrainingSession();
                 $newSession->user_id = Yii::app()->user->getId();
                 $newSession->training_id = $chechSession[0]["id"];
                 $newSession->group = $chechSession[0]["group"];
                 $newSession->status_id = 1;
                 $newSession->date = time();
                 if (!$newSession->save()) {
         } else {
             $checkModel[0]->status_id = 1;
 public function actionDescription()
     if (!empty($_GET["slug"])) {
         $model = CatalogCountry::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["slug"]));
     if ($model && $model->id > 0) {
         $item = $model;
         Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $item->name . "," . $this->description, "keyWord" => $item->name . "," . $this->keyWord));
         if (!empty($item) && $item->id > 0) {
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name;
             $this->render('description', array("item" => $item, "tours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8)), "firms" => CatalogFirms::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("rand()")->setLimit(12)), "otherCountry" => CatalogCountry::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("id!=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("col DESC")->setLimit(8)), "tourCount" => CatalogTours::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->id))), "firmCount" => CatalogFirms::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:country")->setParams(array(":country" => $item->id)))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionListCity()
     $countryId = !empty($_GET["country"]) && (int) $_GET["country"] > 0 ? (int) $_GET["country"] : null;
     if (!empty($countryId)) {
         $dbcriterii = DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country=:country_id")->setParams(array(":country_id" => $countryId));
         $cout = "";
         $listCity = CatalogCity::fetchAll($dbcriterii);
         if (sizeof($listCity) > 0) {
             foreach ($listCity as $key => $data) {
                 $cout .= "<option value='" . $data->id . "'>" . $data->name . "</option> ";
         } else {
             $cout .= "<option value=''> --- --- --- </option> ";
         echo $cout;
 public function actionIndex()
     $page = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam("p", 1);
     $this->layout = '//layouts/main-landing';
     if (!empty($_GET["country"])) {
         $model = CatalogCountry::fetchBySlug(trim($_GET["country"]));
     if ($model && $model->id > 0) {
         $item = $model;
         Yii::app()->page->setInfo(array("description" => $item->name . "," . $this->description, "keyWord" => $item->name . "," . $this->keyWord));
         if (!empty($item) && $item->id > 0) {
             Yii::app()->page->title = $item->name;
             $this->render('index', array("item" => $item, "page" => $page, "tours" => CatalogTours::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("image>'' AND country_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("rating DESC")->setLimit(12)), "gallerySlide" => CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("catalog='catalog_country' AND type='slide-gallery' AND item_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("pos")->setLimit(-1)), "gallery" => CatGallery::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("catalog='catalog_country' AND type='' AND item_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id))->setOrderBy("pos")->setLimit(9)), "info" => CatalogInfo::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("category_id=(SELECT id FROM catalog_info_category WHERE slug=:slug LIMIT 1)")->setParams(array(":slug" => $item->slug))), "monuments" => CatalogMonuments::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id=:id")->setParams(array(":id" => $item->id)))));
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException("Ошибка", Yii::t("page", "Ошибка перехода на страницу"));
  * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked
  * when an action is not explicitly requested by users.
 public function actionCheckUsers()
     $res = CatalogFirms::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("email!='' AND user_id=0")->setLimit(-1)->setCache(0));
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($res as $item) {
         $email = "";
         if (strpos($item->email, ",")) {
             $item->email = trim(mb_substr($item->email, 0, strpos($item->email, ","), "utf-8"));
         echo $item->id . " | " . $item->name . " - " . $item->email . "<br/>";
         $findUser = CatalogUsers::findByAttributes(array("email" => $item->email));
         if (sizeof($findUser) == 0) {
             echo "Create";
             $newUser = new CatalogUsers();
             $newUser->name = $item->name;
             $newUser->email = trim($item->email);
             $newUser->image = $item->image;
             $newUser->pass = rand(100, 999);
             $newUser->password = md5($newUser->pass);
             $newUser->active = 1;
             $newUser->country_id = $item->country_id->id;
             $newUser->type_id = 1;
             $newUser->site = $item->www;
             $newUser->phone = $item->tel;
             if (!$newUser->save()) {
         } else {
             echo "Find - " . $findUser[0]->id;
             $newUser = $findUser[0];
         if ($newUser->id > 0) {
             echo " save";
             $item->user_id = $newUser->id;
         echo "<br/>";
 public function textFind($findText)
     Yii::app()->page->title = "Поиск продукции";
     if (!empty($findText)) {
         $arrayData = array();
         $listCid = CatalogItemsCategory::sql("SELECT c2.name as cid_name, c.name, c.id, count(i.id) as c FROM catalog_items_category c, catalog_items_category c2, catalog_items i WHERE ( i.name like '%" . $findText . "%' OR i.description like '%" . $findText . "%' ) AND c.id=i.category_id AND c2.id = c.owner GROUP BY i.category_id");
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($listCid); $i++) {
             $cidName = $listCid[$i]["cid_name"];
             if (!empty($arrayData[$cidName]["count"])) {
                 $arrayData[$cidName]["count"] += $listCid[$i]["c"];
             } else {
                 $arrayData[$cidName]["count"] = $listCid[$i]["c"];
             $arrayData[$cidName]["items"][] = $listCid[$i];
         $items = CatalogItems::fetchAll(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("name like '%" . $findText . "%' OR description like '%" . $findText . "%'")->setLimit(10));
         $this->render("index", array("arrayData" => $arrayData, "items" => $items));
     } else {