Exemple #1

require_once "DBQuerier.inc.php";
// If someone tries to load the page without sending XML through the form, tell them to use that
if (!$_POST['xml']) {
    die("Can't find any input. Are you using the <a href=\"queries.php\">queries form</a>?");
// Get the XML string and use it in a DOM Document
$xml_str = $_POST['xml'];
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');
// Check if that worked
if (!$dom) {
    die("Oops... Something went wrong when receiving the data.");
// Validate the XML-DOM with the obs.xsd schema
//if (!$dom->schemaValidate('obs.xsd')) {
//	die ("Oops... Something went wrong when parsing the data.");
// If that went well, get values from the XML
$id = $dom->getElementsByTagName('obs_by_id')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$dbquerier = new DBQuerier();