function poll_upload()
     global $_G;
     $this->uid = intval($_G['gp_uid']);
     $swfhash = md5(substr(md5($_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 8) . $this->uid);
     if (!$_FILES['Filedata']['error'] && $_G['gp_hash'] == $swfhash && $this->uid) {
         $this->aid = 0;
         $this->simple = 0;
         $this->user = getuserbyuid($this->uid);
         if (empty($this->user['adminid'])) {
         $_G['uid'] = $this->uid;
         $this->pollid = !empty($_G['gp_pollid']) ? intval($_G['gp_pollid']) : 0;
         if ($this->pollid <= 0 || !intval(DB::result_first("SELECT contenttype FROM " . DB::table('poll_item') . " WHERE itemid='{$this->pollid}'"))) {
         $attach = upload_images($_FILES['Filedata'], 'poll', 176, 176);
         $caption = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($attach['name']));
         $caption = substr($caption, 0, -(strlen(fileext($caption)) + 1));
         $data = array('itemid' => $this->pollid, 'caption' => $caption, 'displayorder' => 0, 'imageurl' => $attach['attachment'], 'aid' => $attach['aid']);
         DB::insert('poll_choice', $data);
         $this->aid = $this->pollid;
 public function count_by_ip_dateline($ctrlip, $dateline)
     if (!empty($ctrlip)) {
         return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('ip', $ctrlip, 'like') . ' AND count=-1 AND dateline>%d  LIMIT 1', array($this->_table, $dateline));
     return 0;
function get_subject_by_tid($tid)
    $sql = 'select subject from %t where tid=%d';
    $array1 = array('forum_thread', $tid);
    $data = DB::result_first($sql, $array1);
    return $data;
 public function count_by_search($tid = null, $pid = null, $authorid = null, $starttime = null, $endtime = null, $ip = null, $message = null)
     $sql = '';
     $tid && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('tid', $tid));
     $pid && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('pid', $pid));
     $authorid && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('authorid', $authorid));
     $starttime && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('dateline', $starttime, '>='));
     $endtime && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('dateline', $endtime, '<'));
     $ip && ($sql .= ' AND ' . DB::field('useip', str_replace('*', '%', $ip), 'like'));
     if ($message) {
         $sqlmessage = '';
         $or = '';
         $message = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $message));
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($message); $i++) {
             if (preg_match("/\\{(\\d+)\\}/", $message[$i])) {
                 $message[$i] = preg_replace("/\\\\{(\\d+)\\\\}/", ".{0,\\1}", preg_quote($message[$i], '/'));
                 $sqlmessage .= " {$or} comment REGEXP '" . $message[$i] . "'";
             } else {
                 $sqlmessage .= " {$or} " . DB::field('comment', '%' . $message[$i] . '%', 'like');
             $or = 'OR';
         $sql .= " AND ({$sqlmessage})";
     return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE authorid>-1 %i', array($this->_table, $sql));
Exemple #5
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_tid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_nonexistence'));
     $thread = getpostinfo($_G['gp_tid'], 'tid', array('fid', 'authorid', 'dateline', 'subject'));
     $firstsofa = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_threadmod') . " WHERE magicid='" . $this->magic['magicid'] . "' AND tid='{$_G['gp_tid']}'");
     if ($firstsofa >= 1) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_sofaexistence'), '', array(), array('login' => 1));
     $sofamessage = lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_text', array('actor' => $_G['member']['username'], 'time' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP), 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     $dateline = $thread['dateline'] + 1;
     insertpost(array('fid' => $thread['fid'], 'tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'first' => '0', 'author' => $_G['username'], 'authorid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => $dateline, 'message' => $sofamessage, 'useip' => $_G['clientip'], 'usesig' => '1'));
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET replies=replies+1, moderated='1' WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET posts=posts+1, todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['gp_tid']);
     updatemagicthreadlog($_G['gp_tid'], $this->magic['magicid']);
     if ($thread['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($thread['authorid'], 'magic', lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_notification'), array('tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1));
function build_cache_usergroups_single()
    $pluginvalue = pluginsettingvalue('groups');
    $allowthreadplugin = unserialize(DB::result_first("SELECT svalue FROM " . DB::table('common_setting') . " WHERE skey='allowthreadplugin'"));
    $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_usergroup') . " u\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_usergroup_field') . " uf ON u.groupid=uf.groupid\r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_admingroup') . " a ON u.groupid=a.admingid");
    while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $ratearray = array();
        if ($data['raterange']) {
            foreach (explode("\n", $data['raterange']) as $rating) {
                $rating = explode("\t", $rating);
                $ratearray[$rating[0]] = array('isself' => $rating[1], 'min' => $rating[2], 'max' => $rating[3], 'mrpd' => $rating[4]);
        $data['raterange'] = $ratearray;
        $data['grouptitle'] = $data['color'] ? '<font color="' . $data['color'] . '">' . $data['grouptitle'] . '</font>' : $data['grouptitle'];
        $data['grouptype'] = $data['type'];
        $data['grouppublic'] = $data['system'] != 'private';
        $data['groupcreditshigher'] = $data['creditshigher'];
        $data['groupcreditslower'] = $data['creditslower'];
        $data['maxspacesize'] = intval($data['maxspacesize']) * 1024 * 1024;
        $data['allowthreadplugin'] = !empty($allowthreadplugin[$data['groupid']]) ? $allowthreadplugin[$data['groupid']] : array();
        $data['plugin'] = $pluginvalue[$data['groupid']];
        unset($data['type'], $data['system'], $data['creditshigher'], $data['creditslower'], $data['groupavatar'], $data['admingid']);
        save_syscache('usergroup_' . $data['groupid'], $data);
Exemple #7
 function DoList()
     $qid = intval($this->Get['qid']);
     if (!$qid) {
         widget_error('Id is empty', 102);
     $page = intval($this->Get['page']);
     $page_size = intval($this->Get['page_size']);
     $page_size = $page_size == 0 ? 10 : $page_size;
     if (!$this->QunLogic->is_exists($qid)) {
         widget_error('Id is invalid', 103);
     $where_sql = " tq.item_id='{$qid}' ";
     $order_sql = " t.dateline DESC ";
     $total_record = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t  FROM " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t  LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_qun') . " AS tq\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t  USING(tid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   \t\t  WHERE {$where_sql}");
     if ($total_record > 0) {
         $page_arr = $this->_page($total_record, $page_size);
         $query = DB::query("SELECT t.*\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_qun') . " AS tq\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUSING(tid)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$where_sql}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$order_sql}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$page_arr['offset']},{$page_arr['limit']}");
         $topic_list = array();
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $topic_list[] = $value;
         $topic_list = $this->TopicLogic->MakeAll($topic_list);
         $data = array('total_record' => $total_record, 'topic_list' => $topic_list, 'page_arr' => $page_arr);
     } else {
         widget_error('List is empty', 104);
 public function count_by_uid($uid, $new, $type = '')
     $new = intval($new);
     $type = $type ? ' AND ' . DB::field('type', $type) : '';
     $new = ' AND ' . DB::field('new', $new);
     return DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE uid=%d %i %i", array($this->_table, $uid, $type, $new));
Exemple #9
 public function insert_by_sid($arr)
     $arr['uid'] = getglobal('uid');
     $arr['username'] = getglobal('username');
     $arr['status'] = 0;
     if (empty($arr['path'])) {
         return false;
     $sid = self::getSid($arr['path'] . '&uid=' . getglobal('uid'));
     if (DB::result_first("select COUNT(*) from %t where sid=%s", array($this->_table, $sid))) {
         parent::update($sid, $arr);
         if (!is_file(getglobal('setting/attachurl') . './qrcode/' . $sid[0] . '/' . $sid . '.png')) {
         return array('sid' => $sid, 'shareurl' => getglobal('siteurl') . 's.php?sid=' . $sid, 'qrcode' => getglobal('setting/attachurl') . './qrcode/' . $sid[0] . '/' . $sid . '.png');
     } else {
         $arr['sid'] = $sid;
         $arr['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP;
         if (parent::insert($arr, 1, 1)) {
             return array('sid' => $sid, 'shareurl' => getglobal('siteurl') . 's.php?sid=' . $sid, 'qrcode' => getglobal('setting/attachurl') . './qrcode/' . $sid[0] . '/' . $sid . '.png');
     return false;
function build_cache_stamps()
    $data = array();
    $query = DB::query("SELECT id, url, displayorder FROM " . DB::table('common_smiley') . " WHERE type IN ('stamp','stamplist') ORDER BY displayorder");
    $fillarray = range(0, 99);
    $count = 0;
    $repeats = $stampicon = array();
    while ($stamp = DB::fetch($query)) {
        if (isset($fillarray[$stamp['displayorder']])) {
        } else {
            $repeats[] = $stamp['id'];
    foreach ($repeats as $id) {
        $displayorder = current($fillarray);
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_smiley') . " SET displayorder='{$displayorder}' WHERE id='{$id}'");
    $query = DB::query("SELECT typeid, displayorder FROM " . DB::table('common_smiley') . " WHERE type='stamplist' AND typeid>'0' ORDER BY displayorder");
    while ($stamp = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $stamporder = DB::result_first("SELECT displayorder FROM " . DB::table('common_smiley') . " WHERE id='{$stamp['typeid']}' AND type='stamp'");
        $stampicon[$stamporder] = $stamp['displayorder'];
    $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_smiley') . " WHERE type IN ('stamp','stamplist') ORDER BY displayorder");
    while ($stamp = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $icon = $stamp['type'] == 'stamp' ? isset($stampicon[$stamp['displayorder']]) ? $stampicon[$stamp['displayorder']] : 0 : ($stamp['type'] == 'stamplist' && !in_array($stamp['displayorder'], $stampicon) ? 1 : 0);
        $data[$stamp['displayorder']] = array('url' => $stamp['url'], 'text' => $stamp['code'], 'type' => $stamp['type'], 'icon' => $icon);
    save_syscache('stamps', $data);
Exemple #11
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_pid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/repent', 'repent_info_nonexistence'));
     $_G['tid'] = $_G['gp_ptid'];
     $post = getpostinfo($_G['gp_pid'], 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', 'p.replycredit', 't.status as thread_status'));
     require_once libfile('function/post');
     require_once libfile('function/delete');
     if ($post['first']) {
         if ($have_replycredit = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_replycredit') . " WHERE tid ='{$post['tid']}' LIMIT 1")) {
             if ($replycredit = DB::result_first("SELECT replycredit FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE tid = '{$post['tid']}'")) {
                 updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array($_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][10] => $replycredit));
             DB::delete('forum_replycredit', "tid = '{$post['tid']}'");
             DB::delete('common_credit_log', "operation IN ('RCT', 'RCA', 'RCB') AND relatedid IN({$post['tid']})");
     } else {
         if ($post['replycredit'] > 0) {
             updatemembercount($post['authorid'], array($_G['setting']['creditstransextra'][10] => -$post['replycredit']));
             DB::delete('common_credit_log', "uid = '{$post['authorid']}' AND operation = 'RCA' AND relatedid IN({$post['tid']})");
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['tid']);
     showmessage(lang('magic/repent', 'repent_succeed'), $post['first'] ? 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=' . $post['fid'] : dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => true));
 function on_load()
     if ($_GET['action'] != 'register') {
     if (!$_POST) {
     list($a, $b, $c, $d) = explode('.', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $a = intval($a);
     $b = intval($b);
     $c = intval($c);
     $d = intval($d);
     $count = DB::result_first("SELECT count FROM kk_ip_limit WHERE a='{$a}' AND b='{$b}' AND c='{$c}' AND d='{$d}'");
     $time = TIMESTAMP;
     DB::query("DELETE FROM kk_ip_limit WHERE lastact<{$time}-86400");
     if ($count > 0) {
         DB::query("UPDATE kk_ip_limit SET lastact='{$time}' WHERE a='{$a}' AND b='{$b}' AND c='{$c}' AND d='{$d}'");
     if ($count >= getSetting('ip_reglimit')) {
         showmessage('达到单 IP 注册上限,禁止注册。', dreferer());
     if ($count > 0) {
         DB::query("UPDATE kk_ip_limit SET count=count+1 WHERE a='{$a}' AND b='{$b}' AND c='{$c}' AND d='{$d}'");
     } else {
         DB::query("INSERT INTO kk_ip_limit SET count=1, lastact='{$time}', a='{$a}', b='{$b}', c='{$c}', d='{$d}'");
 public function count_by_uid($uid)
     if (!$uid) {
         return null;
     return DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, DB::field('uid', $uid)));
Exemple #14
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_pid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_info_nonexistence'));
     $_G['tid'] = $_G['gp_ptid'];
     $post = getpostinfo($_G['gp_pid'], 'pid', array('p.first', 'p.tid', 'p.fid', 'p.authorid', 'p.dateline', 'p.anonymous'));
     $query = DB::query("SELECT username FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$post['authorid']}'");
     $author = daddslashes(DB::result($query, 0), 1);
     $thread = getpostinfo($post['tid'], 'tid', array('tid', 'subject', 'author', 'replies', 'lastposter'));
     $posttable = getposttablebytid($post['tid']);
     if ($post['first']) {
         $lastposter = $thread['replies'] > 0 ? $thread['lastposter'] : $author;
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}' AND first='1'");
     } else {
         $lastposter = $author;
         $author = $thread['author'];
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table($posttable) . " SET anonymous='0' WHERE pid='{$_G['gp_pid']}'");
     $forum['lastpost'] = explode("\t", DB::result_first("SELECT lastpost FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'"));
     if ($thread['subject'] == $forum['lastpost'][1] && ($forum['lastpost'][3] == '' && $post['anonymous'])) {
         $lastpost = "{$thread['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$lastposter}";
         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET lastpost='{$lastpost}' WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET author='{$author}', lastposter='{$lastposter}' WHERE tid='{$post['tid']}'");
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['gp_tid']);
     if ($post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($post['authorid'], 'magic', lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_notification'), array('pid' => $_G['gp_pid'], 'tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     showmessage(lang('magic/namepost', 'namepost_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => true));
Exemple #15
 public function fetch_all_by_type($type, $keyword = '', $available = 0, $limit = 0, $iscount)
     $limitsql = '';
     if ($limit) {
         $limit = explode('-', $limit);
         if (count($limit) > 1) {
             $limitsql .= " limit " . intval($limit[0]) . "," . intval($limit[1]);
         } else {
             $limitsql .= " limit " . intval($limit[0]);
     $sql = '';
     $param = array($this->_table, $type);
     if ($available) {
         $sql .= " and available>0";
     if ($keyword) {
         $sql .= ' and tpname like %s';
         $param[] = '%' . $keyword . '%';
     if ($iscount) {
         return DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) from %t WHERE type=%s {$sql}", $param);
     return DB::fetch_all("SELECT tpid,tpname,type,dateline,disp,available FROM %t WHERE type=%s {$sql} ORDER BY disp {$limitsql}", $param);
function updategroupcreditlog($fid, $uid)
    global $_G;
    if (empty($fid) || empty($uid)) {
        return false;
    $today = date('Ymd', TIMESTAMP);
    $updategroupcredit = getcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid);
    if ($updategroupcredit < $today) {
        $status = DB::result_first("SELECT logdate FROM " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' AND uid='{$uid}' AND logdate='{$today}'");
        if (empty($status)) {
            DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET commoncredits=commoncredits+1 WHERE fid='{$fid}'");
            DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . DB::table('forum_groupcreditslog') . " (fid, uid, logdate) VALUES ('{$fid}', '{$uid}', '{$today}')");
            if (empty($_G['forum']) || empty($_G['forum']['level'])) {
                $forum = DB::fetch_first("SELECT name, level, commoncredits FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}'");
            } else {
                $forum =& $_G['forum'];
            if (empty($_G['grouplevels'])) {
            $grouplevel = $_G['grouplevels'][$forum['level']];
            if ($grouplevel['type'] == 'default' && !($forum['commoncredits'] >= $grouplevel['creditshigher'] && $forum['commoncredits'] < $grouplevel['creditslower'])) {
                $levelid = DB::result_first("SELECT levelid FROM " . DB::table('forum_grouplevel') . " WHERE type='default' AND creditshigher<='{$forum['commoncredits']}' AND creditslower>'{$forum['commoncredits']}' LIMIT 1");
                if (!empty($levelid)) {
                    DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET level='{$levelid}' WHERE fid='{$fid}'");
                    $groupfounderuid = DB::result_first("SELECT founderuid FROM " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " WHERE fid='{$fid}' LIMIT 1");
                    notification_add($groupfounderuid, 'system', 'grouplevel_update', array('groupname' => '<a href="forum.php?mod=group&fid=' . $fid . '">' . $forum['name'] . '</a>', 'newlevel' => $_G['grouplevels'][$levelid]['leveltitle']));
        dsetcookie('groupcredit_' . $fid, $today, 86400);
 public function count_by_access($access)
     if (!is_numeric($access) && !is_array($access)) {
         return 0;
     return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('access', $access), array($this->_table));
 public function count_by_fid($fids)
     if (empty($fids)) {
         return 0;
     return DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('fid', $fids), array($this->_table));
 public function fetch_groupnum_by_founderuid($uid)
     if (empty($uid)) {
         return false;
     return DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table($this->_table) . " WHERE founderuid=%d", array($uid));
Exemple #20
 public function sum_amount_by_uid_submitdate_status($uid, $submitdate, $status)
     if (empty($status)) {
         return 0;
     return DB::result_first('SELECT SUM(amount) FROM %t WHERE uid=%d AND submitdate>=%d AND ' . DB::field('status', $status), array($this->_table, $uid, $submitdate));
Exemple #21
 function csc($task = array())
     global $_G;
     $taskvars = array('num' => 0);
     $num = 0;
     $query = DB::query("SELECT variable, value FROM " . DB::table('common_taskvar') . " WHERE taskid='{$task['taskid']}'");
     while ($taskvar = DB::fetch($query)) {
         if ($taskvar['value']) {
             $taskvars[$taskvar['variable']] = $taskvar['value'];
     $taskvars['time'] = floatval($taskvars['time']);
     if ($taskvars['act'] == 'buddy') {
         $num = uc_friend_totalnum($_G['uid'], 1) + uc_friend_totalnum($_G['uid'], 3) - DB::result_first("SELECT value FROM " . DB::table('forum_spacecache') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND variable='buddy{$task['taskid']}'");
     } elseif ($taskvars['act'] == 'magic') {
         $num = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_magiclog') . " WHERE action='2' AND uid='{$_G['uid']}'" . ($taskvars['time'] ? " AND dateline BETWEEN {$task['applytime']} AND {$task['applytime']}+3600*{$taskvars['time']}" : " AND dateline>{$task['applytime']}"));
     if ($num && $num >= $taskvars['num']) {
         if (in_array($taskvars['act'], array('buddy', 'favorite'))) {
             DB::query("DELETE FROM " . DB::table('forum_spacecache') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND variable='{$taskvars['act']}{$task['taskid']}'");
         return TRUE;
     } elseif ($taskvars['time'] && TIMESTAMP >= $task['applytime'] + 3600 * $taskvars['time'] && (!$num || $num < $taskvars['num'])) {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         return array('csc' => $num > 0 && $taskvars['num'] ? sprintf("%01.2f", $num / $taskvars['num'] * 100) : 0, 'remaintime' => $taskvars['time'] ? $task['applytime'] + $taskvars['time'] * 3600 - TIMESTAMP : 0);
Exemple #22
function cleartaskstatus()
    global $_G;
    if (!DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('common_mytask') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND status='0'")) {
        dsetcookie('taskdoing_' . $_G['uid']);
 function index()
     $per_page_num = min(500, max(20, (int) (isset($_GET['pn']) ? $_GET['pn'] : $_GET['per_page_num'])));
     $gets = array('mod' => 'recdtopic', 'pn' => $this->Get['pn'], 'per_page_num' => $this->Get['per_page_num'], 'keyword' => $this->Get['keyword'], 'nickname' => $this->Get['nickname']);
     $page_url = 'admin.php?' . url_implode($gets);
     $where_sql = ' 1 AND tr.tid>0 ';
     $keyword = trim($this->Get['keyword']);
     if ($keyword) {
         $_GET['highlight'] = $keyword;
         $where_sql .= " AND " . build_like_query('t.content,t.content2', $keyword) . " ";
     $nickname = trim($this->Get['nickname']);
     if ($nickname) {
         $sql = "select `username`,`nickname` from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "members` where `nickname`='{$nickname}' limit 0,1";
         $query = $this->DatabaseHandler->Query($sql);
         $members = $query->GetRow();
         $where_sql .= " AND `username`='{$members['username']}' ";
     $count = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_recommend') . " AS tr\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   ON t.tid=tr.tid\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE {$where_sql}");
     $topic_list = array();
     if ($count) {
         $page_arr = page($count, $per_page_num, $page_url, array('return' => 'array'));
         $query = DB::query("SELECT t.*,tr.dateline AS recd_time,tr.expiration,tr.r_nickname\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM  " . DB::table('topic') . " AS t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('topic_recommend') . " AS tr\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON t.tid=tr.tid\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$where_sql}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY tr.dateline DESC\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$page_arr['limit']} ");
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $value['recd_time'] = my_date_format2($value['recd_time']);
             $topic_list[] = $value;
         $topic_list = $this->TopicLogic->MakeAll($topic_list);
     include template('admin/recdtopic');
function userlogin($username, $password, $questionid, $answer, $loginfield = 'username')
    $return = array();
    if ($loginfield == 'uid') {
        $isuid = 1;
    } elseif ($loginfield == 'email') {
        $isuid = 2;
    } elseif ($loginfield == 'auto') {
        $isuid = 3;
    } else {
        $isuid = 0;
    if (!function_exists('uc_user_login')) {
    if ($isuid == 3) {
        if (preg_match('/^[1-9]\\d*$/', $username)) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 1, 1, $questionid, $answer);
        } elseif (isemail($username)) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 2, 1, $questionid, $answer);
        if ($return['ucresult'][0] <= 0) {
            $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, 0, 1, $questionid, $answer);
    } else {
        $return['ucresult'] = uc_user_login($username, $password, $isuid, 1, $questionid, $answer);
    $tmp = array();
    $duplicate = '';
    list($tmp['uid'], $tmp['username'], $tmp['password'], $tmp['email'], $duplicate) = daddslashes($return['ucresult'], 1);
    $return['ucresult'] = $tmp;
    if ($duplicate && $return['ucresult']['uid'] > 0) {
        if ($olduid = DB::result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username='******'ucresult']['username']) . "'")) {
            require_once libfile('function/membermerge');
            if ($olduid != $return['ucresult']['uid']) {
                membermerge($olduid, $return['ucresult']['uid']);
        } else {
            $return['status'] = 0;
            return $return;
    if ($return['ucresult']['uid'] <= 0) {
        $return['status'] = 0;
        return $return;
    $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='" . $return['ucresult']['uid'] . "'");
    if (!$member) {
        $return['status'] = -1;
        return $return;
    $return['member'] = $member;
    $return['status'] = 1;
    if (addslashes($member['email']) != $return['ucresult']['email']) {
        DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member') . " SET email='" . $return['ucresult']['email'] . "' WHERE uid='" . $return['ucresult']['uid'] . "'");
    return $return;
Exemple #25
 public function fetch_by_mkcount($mokuai)
     $mokuai_count = 0;
     if ($mokuai) {
         $mokuai_count = DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM %t WHERE biaoshi=%s', array($this->_table, $mokuai));
     return $mokuai_count;
 public function count_by_field($field, $val, $glue = '=')
     $allowedfield = array('allowposttrade');
     if (!in_array($field, $allowedfield)) {
         return null;
     return DB::result_first('SELECT count(*) FROM %t WHERE %i', array($this->_table, DB::field($field, $val, $glue)));
 public function count_by_email($email)
     $count = 0;
     if ($email) {
         $count = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %t WHERE email=%s', array($this->_table, $email));
     return $count;
 public function count_by_field($field, $val)
     $count = 0;
     if (in_array($field, $this->_fields, true)) {
         $count = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM ' . DB::table('common_member_profile') . ' WHERE ' . DB::field($field, $val));
     return $count;
 public function update($time, $num)
     if (DB::fetch_first('SELECT 1 FROM %t WHERE ctime=%d LIMIT 1', array($this->_table, $time))) {
         return DB::query('UPDATE %t SET urlnum=urlnum+%d, urlcount=urlcount+%d WHERE ctime=%d', array($this->_table, $num, $num, $time));
     $precount = DB::result_first('SELECT urlcount FROM %t ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 1', array($this->_table));
     return DB::query('INSERT INTO %t(ctime, urlnum, urlcount) values(%d, %d, %d)', array($this->_table, $time, $num, $precount+$num));
 public function check_exists($uid, $daytime, $type)
     $setarr = array('uid' => intval($uid), 'daytime' => intval($daytime), 'type' => $type);
     if (DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . DB::table($this->_table) . ' WHERE ' . DB::implode_field_value($setarr, ' AND '))) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;