public function testClient()
     $properties = parse_ini_file('cybs.ini');
     $this->assertNotEquals(false, $properties);
     $client = new CybsSoapClient();
     $this->assertEquals($properties['merchant_id'], $client->getMerchantId());
     $this->assertEquals($properties['transaction_key'], $client->getTransactionKey());

// This sample demonstrates how to run an authorization request followed by a
// capture request.
// Using Composer-generated autoload file.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Or, uncomment the line below if you're not using Composer autoloader.
// require_once(__DIR__ . '/../lib/CybsSoapClient.php');
// Before using this example, you can use your own reference code for the transaction.
$referenceCode = 'your_merchant_reference_code';
$client = new CybsSoapClient();
$request = $client->createRequest($referenceCode);
// This section contains a sample transaction request for the authorization
// service with complete billing, payment card, and purchase (two items) information.
$ccAuthService = new stdClass();
$ccAuthService->run = 'true';
$request->ccAuthService = $ccAuthService;
$billTo = new stdClass();
$billTo->firstName = 'John';
$billTo->lastName = 'Doe';
$billTo->street1 = '1295 Charleston Road';
$billTo->city = 'Mountain View';
$billTo->state = 'CA';
$billTo->postalCode = '94043';
$billTo->country = 'US';
$billTo->email = '*****@*****.**';
$billTo->ipAddress = '';
$request->billTo = $billTo;
$card = new stdClass();
$card->accountNumber = '4111111111111111';
$card->expirationMonth = '12';

// This sample demonstrates how to run a sale request, which combines an
// authorization with a capture in one request.
// Using Composer-generated autoload file.
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Or, uncomment the line below if you're not using Composer autoloader.
// require_once(__DIR__ . '/../lib/CybsSoapClient.php');
// Before using this example, you can use your own reference code for the transaction.
$referenceCode = 'your_merchant_reference_code';
$client = new CybsSoapClient();
$reply = $client->runTransactionFromFile(__DIR__ . '/xml/auth.xml', $referenceCode);
// This section will show all the reply fields.
echo '<pre>';
print "\nRESPONSE: " . print_r($reply, true);
echo '</pre>';