Exemple #1
  * This method prepares the list with amount receivers.
  * @param object $item
  * @param float $fee
  * @return array
  * @throws RuntimeException
 public function getReceiverList($item, $fee)
     $receiverList = array();
     $siteOwnerAmount = $item->txn_amount;
     // Payment types that must be used with fees.
     $feesPaymentTypes = array("parallel", "chained");
     // Get payment types.
     $paymentType = $this->params->get("paypal_payment_type", "simple");
     // DEBUG DATA
     JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_PAYMENT_TYPE"), $this->debugType, $paymentType) : null;
     // If there is NO fees and it is not SIMPLE payment type,
     // return empty receiver list, because there is no logic to
     // process parallel or chained transaction without amount (a fee) for receiving.
     if (in_array($paymentType, $feesPaymentTypes) and !$fee) {
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_ERROR_FEES_NOT_SET"));
     // If it is parallel or chained payment type,
     // the user must provide us his PayPal account.
     // He must provide us an email using Crowdfunding Finance.
     if (in_array($paymentType, $feesPaymentTypes)) {
         $payout = new CrowdfundingFinance\Payout(JFactory::getDbo());
         // DEBUG DATA
         JDEBUG ? $this->log->add(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_DEBUG_PAYOUT_DATA"), $this->debugType, $payout->getProperties()) : null;
         $receiverEmail = $payout->getPaypalEmail();
         if (!empty($receiverEmail)) {
             switch ($paymentType) {
                 case "chained":
                     // Set the amount that the project owner will receive.
                     $projectOwnerAmount = $siteOwnerAmount;
                     // Set the amount that the site owner will receive.
                     $siteOwnerAmount = $fee;
                     // Prepare primary receiver.
                     $receiverList["receiver"][] = array("email" => $receiverEmail, "amount" => round($projectOwnerAmount, 2), "primary" => true);
                 case "parallel":
                     // Set the amount that the project owner will receive.
                     $projectOwnerAmount = $siteOwnerAmount - $fee;
                     // Set the amount that the site owner will receive.
                     $siteOwnerAmount = $fee;
                     $receiverList["receiver"][] = array("email" => $receiverEmail, "amount" => round($projectOwnerAmount, 2), "primary" => false);
     // If the payment type is parallel or chained,
     // the user must provide himself as receiver.
     // If receiver missing, return an empty array.
     if (in_array($paymentType, $feesPaymentTypes) and empty($receiverList)) {
         throw new RuntimeException(JText::_($this->textPrefix . "_ERROR_INVALID_FIRST_RECEIVER"));
     // If the payment type is parallel or chained,
     // and there is a receiver but there is no fee ( the result of the calculation of fees is 0 ),
     // I will not continue. I will not set the site owner as receiver of fee, because the fee is 0.
     // There is no logic to set more receivers which have to receive amount 0.
     if (in_array($paymentType, $feesPaymentTypes) and !$fee) {
         return $receiverList;
     if ($this->params->get("paypal_sandbox", 1)) {
         // Simple
         $receiverList["receiver"][] = array("email" => Joomla\String\String::trim($this->params->get("paypal_sandbox_receiver_email")), "amount" => round($siteOwnerAmount, 2), "primary" => false);
     } else {
         $receiverList["receiver"][] = array("email" => Joomla\String\String::trim($this->params->get("paypal_receiver_email")), "amount" => round($siteOwnerAmount, 2), "primary" => false);
     return $receiverList;