
require_once 'twitteroauth.php';
require_once 'cron.class.php';
$cron = new CronDB();
// 12 signs of the zodiac
$zodiac = array("Aries", "Taurus", "Gemini", "Cancer", "Leo", "Virgo", "Libra", "Scorpio", "Sagittarius", "Capricorn", "Aquarius", "Pisces");
// Some house, low numbers and a silly high one
$house = array("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th", "6th", "7th", "8th", "9th", "10th", "11th", "12th", "853rd");
// Moon types
$adjOrb = array("first quarter", "last quarter", "ascending", "rising", "descending", "waxing", "waning", "gibbous", "gibbons");
// Planets
$planet = array("Moon", "Sun", "Jupiter", "Venus", "Mercury", "Mars", "Neptune", "Saturn", "Pluto", "Uranus");
// Premier League teams
$team = array("Arsenal", "Bournemouth", "Chelsea", "Palace", "Man Utd", "Man City", "Villa", "Stoke", "Norwich", "Leicester", "Everton", "West Ham", "Liverpool", "Spurs", "Sunderland", "Newcastle", "West Brom", "Watford", "Southampton", "Swansea");
// Suffixes
$suffix = array("harness the energy of #team#'s star player", "look to #team#'s press conference for guidance", "watch out for #team#'s defensive errors", "bet on the opposite of Lawro's #team# prediction", "rid your team of sideways passing midfielders", "draw strength from #team#'s defensive positioning", "consider #team# inverting their fullbacks", "consider #team#'s ineffective crossing", "consider #team#'s character", "worry about #team#'s lack of shots", "worry about #team#'s tendency to shoot from range", "worry about #team#'s lack of big chances", "worry about #team# conceding too many shots", "worry about possession based hipsters from North London", "worry about #team#'s high number of instagram selfies", "worry about #team#'s high intensity runs", "worry about #team#'s high profile player unfollowing the club on twitter", "worry about #team#'s lack of high intensity runs", "worry about #team# qualifying for the Europa League", "worry about #team# trying to utilise the douple pivot", "find #team# will perform for you", "find #team# will disappoint you", "find #team# will mostly be drawn offside", "find #team# cannot defend effectively", "think about #team#'s free-kick routines", "think about #team#'s penalty takers", "think about #team#'s great show of character", "think about #team#'s leadership, character, and experience", "think about #team#'s injured, heavy smoking midfielder", "think about #team#'s poor disciplinary record");
// Main Phrases, some with suffixes some without
$phrasing = array("Today's #planet#-#planet2# opposition could force you to #suffix#", "Today's #planet#-#planet2# match-up may remind you to #suffix#", "Today's #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# suggests you should #suffix#", "Today's #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# suggests you should avoid the #team# match, there is a wanker with a drum", "Today's #planet# in #zodiac# aligns so you may #suffix#", "Today's #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac#. don't forget to #suffix#", "Today's #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# is the clearest indication that red trousers are not for you", "Today you will find yourself under the cosh as #team# dominates your box", "Today there is a strong indication #team# will be linked to a big money signing. War chest", "The #adjOrb# #planet# in your #house# house of full backs means you should #suffix#", "The #planet#-#planet2# opposition could give rise to a bad moment. You must #suffix#", "#planet# in your #house# house and #planet2# in the #house2# house brings you to #suffix#", "#planet#-#planet2# opposition will probably means you #suffix#", "#planet# in #zodiac# and your #house# house urges for real pace but #suffix#", "#planet#-#planet2# alignment. You may #suffix#", "#planet# in #zodiac#. #suffix#", "#planet# in #zodia# prompts you to ignore Niall Quinn's unsure and ever changing opinion on #team#'s performance. TV replays notwithstanding", "#planet#-#planet2# alignment focuses you to #suffix#", "#planet#-#planet2# alignment gives you motivation to #suffix#", "#planet# in #zodiac# and your #house# house gives motivation to #suffix#", "#planet# in #zodiac# makes you come to terms with the excessive cost of televised football", "#adjOrb# #planet# and #zodiac# in your #house# house. #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #house# house means you must #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# and your #house# house. You may #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# in your #house# house #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac#. #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# puts you on high alert, consider an appeal to the FA", "#adjOrb# #planet# as your team heads north, danger comes in the form of a Stanley-knife-wielding trackie-wearing probationer", "#adjOrb# #planet# puts you in a touchy mood, try to avoid #team#'s medical staff", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #house# house. You should #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac#. You should #suffix#", "#adjOrb# #planet# puts you in a position of conflict, family or football. Only you can decide", "#adjOrb# #planet# puts #team# in crisis, there are clear-the-air talks, it's a complete meltdown", "#adjOrb# #planet# in your #house# house has Martin Keown in your neighbourhood, it's ok to phone the police/zoo", "#adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# is a gentle reminder keep your Thursdays and Sundays free", "With the #adjOrb# #planet# in your fitness sector, enjoy two pies at your next game", "With the #adjOrb# #planet# in your faith sector, a chance encounter with Glenn Hoddle reminds you how to behave in this life", "With the #adjOrb# #planet# sparks a lucky streak, Peter Reid is at the bar and he'll get a round in", "With the #adjOrb# #planet# in your education sector, remember laminated signs of discontent or banter are to be destroyed", "Don't bother going to see #team#'s next game the bloke next to you will smell like he's shat himself, twice.", "A defensive minded #planet# in #zodiac# means it's time to #suffix#", "An attacking focus on this #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# means you could #suffix#", "A counter-attacking focus on this #adjOrb# #planet# in #zodiac# means you should #suffix#", "Parked bus on #planet# in #zodiac#. means you should #suffix#", "Jamie Redknapp and #zodiac# in your #house# house, try to avoid conflict intellectually. Silence", "Misaligned #planet# makes rising star put in a transfer request at the 11th hour. Rat.", "It's a difficult day if you support #team#, try not to burn your own town", "Opposition between #planet# and #planet2# could result in the need to #suffix#", "Alignment between #planet# and #planet2# could bring about the need to #suffix#", "Misplaced passing between #planet# and #planet2# could breed thoughts that forces you to #suffix#", "Windfall! there is a strong indication #team#'s star player will fall over at the slightest gust of wind", "You are not alone, there are support charities if you are a fan of #team# and they are getting you down", "Looks like #planet# in #zodiac# means #team# are on the up.");
foreach ($zodiac as $sign) {
    $key = array_rand($phrasing, 1);
    $string = $phrasing[$key];
    $string = str_replace('#zodiac#', $cron->getValueFromKey($zodiac), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#team#', $cron->getValueFromKey($team), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#adjOrb#', $cron->getValueFromKey($adjOrb), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#house#', $cron->getValueFromKey($house), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#house2#', $cron->getValueFromKey($house), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#planet#', $cron->getValueFromKey($planet), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#planet2#', $cron->getValueFromKey($planet), $string);
    $string = str_replace('#suffix#', $cron->getValueFromKey($suffix), $string);
Exemple #2

require_once 'twitteroauth.php';
require_once 'cron.class.php';
$pdo = new CronDB();
$pdo->query("SELECT count(*) as counter FROM table WHERE counter = 0");
$row = $pdo->row();
if (isset($row['counter']) && $row['counter'] > 1) {
} else {
    $pdo->query("UPDATE table SET counter='0' WHERE ID > 0 ");
function DoAnagram()
    $pdo->query("SELECT ID, field FROM table WHERE counter = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
    $row = $pdo->row();
    $name = str_replace('_', '', $row['field']);
    $anagram = str_shuffle($name);
    $answer = $pdo->_V($row['field']);
    $id = $row['ID'];
    $pdo->Tweet("Anagram : {$anagram}");
    $pdo->query("UPDATE table SET counter='1' WHERE ID = :id ");
    $pdo->bind(':id', $id);
    $pdo->Tweet("Answer was : {$answer}. Congratulations if you got it.");