public static function comment_text($text)
     global $comment;
     $comment_id = strval($comment->comment_ID);
     // Find if this post has Crayons
     if (array_key_exists($comment_id, self::$comment_queue)) {
         // XXX We want the plain post content, no formatting
         $the_content_original = $text;
         // Loop through Crayons
         $post_in_queue = self::$comment_queue[$comment_id];
         foreach ($post_in_queue as $id => $v) {
             $atts = $v['atts'];
             $content = $v['code'];
             // The code we replace post content with
             $crayon = self::shortcode($atts, $content, $id);
             $crayon_formatted = $crayon->output(TRUE, FALSE);
             // Replacing may cause <p> tags to become disjoint with a <div> inside them, close and reopen them if needed
             if (!$crayon->is_inline()) {
                 $text = preg_replace_callback('#' . self::REGEX_BETWEEN_PARAGRAPH_SIMPLE . '#msi', 'CrayonWP::add_paragraphs', $text);
             // Replace the code with the Crayon
             $text = CrayonUtil::preg_replace_escape_back(self::regex_with_id($id), $crayon_formatted, $text, 1, $text);
     return $text;