public function displayDisciplinesOfSyllabus($syllabusId, $courseId) { $syllabusDisciplines = $this->getSyllabusDisciplines($syllabusId); $course = new Course(); $foundCourse = $course->getCourseById($courseId); $data = array('syllabusDisciplines' => $syllabusDisciplines, 'syllabusId' => $syllabusId, 'course' => $foundCourse); loadTemplateSafelyByGroup("secretario", 'syllabus/course_syllabus_disciplines', $data); }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) { die("Please first select a course!"); } $courseId = $this->secureString($_GET['id']); $this->course = Course::getCourseById($courseId); $this->view = new LessonAdminView($this->course); }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) { die("Please first select a lesson!"); } $lessonId = $this->secureString($_GET['id']); $this->lesson = Lesson::getLesson($lessonId); $this->course = Course::getCourseById($this->lesson->getCourseId()); $this->view = new TutorialAdminView($this->lesson, $this->course); }
public function __construct() { if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) { die("Please first select a lesson!"); } $lessonId = $this->secureString($_GET['id']); $this->lesson = Lesson::getLesson($lessonId); if (!isset($this->lesson)) { die("This lesson was not found!"); } $this->course = Course::getCourseById($this->lesson->getCourseId()); $this->view = new ExerciseView($this->lesson, $this->course); }
public function removeCourseFromProgram($courseId, $programId) { $course = new Course(); $programExists = $this->checkIfProgramExists($programId); $courseExists = $course->checkIfCourseExists($courseId); $dataIsOk = $programExists && $courseExists; if ($dataIsOk) { $this->db->where('id_course', $courseId); $this->db->update('course', array('id_program' => NULL)); $course = new Course(); $foundCourse = $course->getCourseById($courseId); if ($foundCourse['id_program'] == $programId) { $wasRemoved = FALSE; } else { $wasRemoved = TRUE; } } else { $wasRemoved = FALSE; } return $wasRemoved; }
<?php if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) { die("Please first select a lesson!"); } $lessonId = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); $lessonId = DB::escapeString($lessonId); $lesson = Lesson::getLesson($lessonId); $course = Course::getCourseById($lesson->getCourseId()); if (!isset($lesson)) { die("This lesson was not found!"); } $courseId = $lesson->getCourseId(); $filePath = PAGE_DIR . "lessons/{$courseId}-{$lessonId}.html"; $exerciseComponent = '<div class="well ui"> <form action="' . ROOT_DIR . 'exercises/' . $lessonId . '" method="post"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-block">' . I18n::t('lesson.startexercises') . '</button> </form> </div>'; // display content echo '<ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="' . ROOT_DIR . 'courseoverview">' . I18n::t('courseoverview.title') . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . ROOT_DIR . 'course/' . $course->getId() . '">' . $course->getName(I18n::getLang()) . '</a></li> <li class="active">' . $lesson->getName(I18n::getLang()) . '</li> </ol>'; echo $exerciseComponent; echo '<h1>' . $lesson->getName(I18n::getLang()) . '</h1>'; if (file_exists($filePath) && filesize($filePath) > 1) { echo '<h2>Tutorial</h2>'; echo file_get_contents($filePath); echo $exerciseComponent;
public function searchForStudentRequest() { $this->load->model("request_model"); $searchType = $this->input->post('searchType'); $courseId = $this->input->post('courseId'); $semester = new Semester(); $currentSemester = $semester->getCurrentSemester(); define("SEARCH_BY_STUDENT_ID", "by_id"); define("SEARCH_BY_STUDENT_NAME", "by_name"); switch ($searchType) { case SEARCH_BY_STUDENT_ID: $studentIds = array(); $studentId = $this->input->post('student_identifier'); if (!empty($studentId)) { $studentIds[] = $studentId; } else { $studentIds[] = 0; } $courseRequests = $this->getStudentRequests($courseId, $currentSemester['id_semester'], $studentIds); break; case SEARCH_BY_STUDENT_NAME: $studentName = $this->input->post('student_identifier'); $user = new Usuario(); $foundUser = $user->getUserByName($studentName); if ($foundUser !== FALSE) { $studentId = array(); foreach ($foundUser as $student) { $studentId[] = $student['id']; } $courseRequests = $this->getStudentRequests($courseId, $currentSemester['id_semester'], $studentId); } else { $courseRequests = FALSE; } break; default: break; } $course = new Course(); $courseData = $course->getCourseById($courseId); $data = array('requests' => $courseRequests, 'course' => $courseData); loadTemplateSafelyByGroup("secretario", 'request/course_requests', $data); }
public function displayCourseStudents($courseId) { $course = new Course(); $courseStudents = $course->getCourseStudents($courseId); $courseData = $course->getCourseById($courseId); $data = array('courseStudents' => $courseStudents, 'course' => $courseData); loadTemplateSafelyByGroup("coordenador", 'program/coordinator_course_students', $data); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionAjaxCreate() { $model = new Semester(); if (!isset($_SESSION['course_id'])) { $_SESSION['course_id'] = 1; } if (isset($_GET['ID'])) { $_SESSION['course_id'] = $_GET['ID']; } $course = Course::getCourseById($_SESSION['course_id']); if (!empty($course)) { $model->ID_Course = $course->Name; } // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Semester'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Semester']; $model->ID_Course = $_SESSION['course_id']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('index', 'id' => $model->ID)); } } $this->renderPartial('_form', array('model' => $model), false, true); }
public function student_offerList($courseId) { $semester = new Semester(); $currentSemester = $semester->getCurrentSemester(); $course = new Course(); $courseData = $course->getCourseById($courseId); $offer = new Offer(); $offerListDisciplines = $offer->getCourseApprovedOfferListDisciplines($courseId, $currentSemester['id_semester']); $data = array('currentSemester' => $currentSemester, 'course' => $courseData, 'offerListDisciplines' => $offerListDisciplines); loadTemplateSafelyByGroup("estudante", 'usuario/student_offer_list', $data); }
<div class = "column"> <div class="column-content"> <!-- course second section image --> <?php if (isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $crs = new Course(); $c = $crs->getCourseById($id); } ?> <div class="col-img"> <a href="#"> <img alt="<?php echo $c->img_alt; ?> " src="<?php echo $c->course_img; ?> "> </a> </div> <!-- course second section links --> <div class="col-txt"> <header class="crs-header"> <h5><a href="#"><?php echo $c->course_name; ?> </a></h5> <a class="author" href="#"><?php echo $c->course_author; ?>
<?php require AUTH_DIR . 'requirelogin.routine.php'; ?> <?php if (!isset($_GET['id']) || empty($_GET['id'])) { die("Please first select a course!"); } $courseId = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); $courseId = DB::escapeString($courseId); $course = Course::getCourseById($courseId); if (!isset($course)) { die("This course was not found!"); } ?> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="<?php echo ROOT_DIR; ?> courseoverview"><?php echo I18n::t('courseoverview.title'); ?> </a></li> <li class="active"><?php echo $course->getName(I18n::getLang()); ?> </li> </ol> <h1><?php
function showCapesAvaliationsNews($atualizations) { $courseController = new Course(); if ($atualizations) { echo "<div class='panel panel-primary'>"; echo "<div class='panel-heading'><h4> Ultimas atualizações de avaliações <i>CAPES</i> </h4></div>"; foreach ($atualizations as $new => $courseAtualization) { $course = $courseController->getCourseById($courseAtualization['id_course']); echo "<div class='panel-body'>"; echo "<div class='modal-info'>"; echo "<div class='modal-content'>"; echo "<div class='modal-header bg-news'"; echo "<h4 class='model-title'>" . $course['course_name'] . "</h4>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div class='modal-body'>"; echo "<h3>"; echo "<label class='label label-info'>"; echo "Nota Obtida: " . $courseAtualization['course_grade'] . ""; echo "</label>"; echo " " . anchor("capesavaliation/checkAsVisualized/{$courseAtualization['id_avaliation']}", "<span class='fa fa-check'></span>", "class='btn btn-success'"); echo "</h3>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } echo "<div class='panel-footer' align='center'><i>Clique em <span class='fa fa-check'></span> para marcar como vizualizada</i></div>"; echo "</div>"; } else { echo "<div class='panel panel-primary'>"; echo "<div class='panel-heading'><h4> Ultimas atualizações de avaliações <i>CAPES</i> </h4></div>"; echo "<h3>"; echo "<label class='label label-info'>"; echo "Não existem atualizações até o momento."; echo "</label>"; echo "</h3>"; echo "</div>"; } }