Exemple #1
 private function updateChars()
     if (empty($this->chars)) {
         return $this->chars;
     foreach ($this->chars as $char) {
         // check if chars eveid exists in kb
         $sql = 'select plts.plt_id, plts.plt_externalid from kb3_pilots plts where plts.plt_name = "' . $char['Name'] . '"';
         $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
         if ($qry->recordCount() != 0) {
             // pilot is in kb db, check he has his char id
             $row = $qry->getRow();
             $pilot_id = $row['plt_id'];
             $pilot_external_id = $row['plt_externalid'];
             if ($pilot_external_id == 0 && $pilot_id != 0) {
                 // update DB with ID
                 $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_pilots SET plt_externalid = " . intval($char['charID']) . "\n                                     WHERE plt_id = " . $pilot_id);
         } else {
             // pilot is not in DB
             // Set Corp
             $pilotscorp = Corporation::lookup($char['corpName']);
             // Check Corp was set, if not, add the Corp
             if (!$pilotscorp->getID()) {
                 $ialliance = Alliance::add('None');
                 $pilotscorp = Corporation::add($char['corpName'], $ialliance, gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             Pilot::add($char['Name'], $pilotscorp, gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), intval($char['charID']));
Exemple #2
  *  Show the overall statistics for this corporation.
 function stats()
     global $smarty;
     // The summary table is also used by the stats. Whichever is called
     // first generates the table.
     $this->page->setTitle('Corporation details - ' . $this->corp->getName() . " [" . $this->corp->getShortName() . "]");
     $smarty->registerObject('Corp', $this->corp);
     $smarty->assign('portrait_url', $this->corp->getPortraitURL(128));
     if ($this->alliance->getName() == "None") {
         $smarty->assign('alliance_url', false);
     } else {
         if ($this->alliance->getExternalID()) {
             $smarty->assign('alliance_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'alliance_detail', true), array('all_ext_id', $this->alliance->getExternalID(), true)));
         } else {
             $smarty->assign('alliance_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'alliance_detail', true), array('all_id', $this->alliance->getID(), true)));
     $smarty->assign('alliance_name', $this->alliance->getName());
     $smarty->assign('kill_count', $this->kill_summary->getTotalKills());
     $smarty->assign('loss_count', $this->kill_summary->getTotalLosses());
     $smarty->assign('damage_done', number_format($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     $smarty->assign('damage_received', number_format($this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     if ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK()) {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', number_format(100 * $this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK()), 2));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', 0);
     $smarty->assign('ceo_url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_ext_id', $this->corp->getCeoID(), true)));
     $pilot = new Pilot(0, $this->corp->getCeoID());
     $smarty->assign('ceo_name', $pilot->getName());
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('corp_detail_stats'));
Exemple #3
  * Resets all references to other model objects or collections of model objects.
  * This method is a user-space workaround for PHP's inability to garbage collect
  * objects with circular references (even in PHP 5.3). This is currently necessary
  * when using Propel in certain daemon or large-volume/high-memory operations.
  * @param boolean $deep Whether to also clear the references on all referrer objects.
 public function clearAllReferences($deep = false)
     if ($deep && !$this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep) {
         $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = true;
         if ($this->collPlayerCourts) {
             foreach ($this->collPlayerCourts as $o) {
         if ($this->collPlayers) {
             foreach ($this->collPlayers as $o) {
         if ($this->aCorporation instanceof Persistent) {
         $this->alreadyInClearAllReferencesDeep = false;
     // if ($deep)
     if ($this->collPlayerCourts instanceof PropelCollection) {
     $this->collPlayerCourts = null;
     if ($this->collPlayers instanceof PropelCollection) {
     $this->collPlayers = null;
     $this->aCorporation = null;
Exemple #4
 * Fetch the board owners.
 * @return array Array of id strings to add to URLS
function getOwners()
    $myids = array();
    if (!defined('MASTER') || !MASTER) {
        foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $entity) {
            $pilot = new Pilot($entity);
            $myids[] = '&pilot=' . urlencode($pilot->getName());
        foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $entity) {
            $corp = new Corporation($entity);
            $myids[] = '&corp=' . urlencode($corp->getName());
        foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $entity) {
            $alli = new Alliance($entity);
            $myids[] = '&alli=' . urlencode($alli->getName());
    return $myids;
Exemple #5
 function display()
     global $smarty;
     $alls = $corps = $pilots = false;
     if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) {
         $alls = array();
         foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $entity) {
             $alliance = new Alliance($entity);
             if ($alliance->getExternalID()) {
                 $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getExternalID(), 'all_ext_id');
             } else {
                 $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getID(), 'all_id');
             $alls[] = array('id' => $alliance->getID(), 'extid' => $alliance->getExternalID(), 'name' => $alliance->getName(), 'portrait' => $alliance->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url);
     if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) {
         $corps = array();
         foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $entity) {
             $corp = new Corporation($entity);
             if ($corp->getExternalID()) {
                 $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getExternalID(), 'crp_ext_id');
             } else {
                 $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getID(), 'crp_id');
             $corps[] = array('id' => $corp->getID(), 'extid' => $corp->getExternalID(), 'name' => $corp->getName(), 'portrait' => $corp->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url);
     if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) {
         $pilots = array();
         foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $entity) {
             $pilot = new Pilot($entity);
             if ($pilot->getExternalID()) {
                 $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getExternalID(), 'plt_ext_id');
             } else {
                 $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getID(), 'plt_id');
             $pilots[] = array('id' => $pilot->getID(), 'extid' => $pilot->getExternalID(), 'name' => $pilot->getName(), 'portrait' => $pilot->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url);
     $smarty->assignByRef('alliances', $alls);
     $smarty->assignByRef('corps', $corps);
     $smarty->assignByRef('pilots', $pilots);
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('self'));
  * Extracts attribute contents FROM a parent tree object
  * @param array  $tree an array containing an array FROM which the
  *                     object data should be extracted
  * @param string $ver  represents the version of the GEDCOM standard
  *                     data is being extracted from
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since Method available since Release 0.0.1
 public function parse_tree($tree, $ver)
     if (($i1 = parent::find_tag($tree, Rp_Tags::SOURCE)) !== false) {
         $this->system_id = parent::parse_text($tree[$i1], Rp_Tags::SOURCE);
         if (isset($tree[$i1][1])) {
             $sub2 = $tree[$i1][1];
             if (($i2 = parent::find_tag($sub2, Rp_Tags::VERSION)) !== false) {
                 $this->ver_nbr = parent::parse_text($sub2[$i2], Rp_Tags::VERSION);
             if (($i2 = parent::find_tag($sub2, Rp_Tags::NAME)) !== false) {
                 $this->product_name = parent::parse_text($sub2[$i2], Rp_Tags::NAME);
             $this->corporation->parse_tree($sub2, $ver);
             $this->rp_data->parse_tree($sub2, $ver);
 function generate()
     global $smarty;
     $prevdate = "";
     $smarty->assign('daybreak', $this->daybreak_);
     $smarty->assign('comments_count', config::get('comments_count'));
     // evil hardcode-hack, don't do this at home kids ! ;)
     if (config::get('style_name') == 'revelations') {
         $smarty->assign('comment_white', '_white');
     $c = 0;
     $kdpage = array('a', 'kill_detail', true);
     $krpage = array('a', 'kill_related', true);
     $kills = array();
     while ($kill = $this->kill_list_->getKill()) {
         if ($this->limit_ && $c >= $this->limit_) {
         } else {
         $curdate = substr($kill->getTimeStamp(), 0, 10);
         if ($curdate != $prevdate) {
             if (count($kills) && $this->daybreak_) {
                 $kl[] = array('kills' => $kills, 'date' => strtotime($prevdate));
                 $kills = array();
             $prevdate = $curdate;
         $kll = array();
         $kll['id'] = $kill->getID();
         $kll['victimshipimage'] = $kill->getVictimShipImage(32);
         $kll['victimshipname'] = $kill->getVictimShipName();
         $kll['victimshipclass'] = $kill->getVictimShipClassName();
         $kll['victim'] = $kill->getVictimName();
         $kll['victimiskloss'] = $kill->getISKLoss();
         if ($kll['victimiskloss'] > 1000000000) {
             $kll['victimiskloss'] = sprintf("%.01fb", $kll['victimiskloss'] / 1000000000);
         } elseif ($kll['victimiskloss'] > 1000000) {
             $kll['victimiskloss'] = sprintf("%.01fm", $kll['victimiskloss'] / 1000000);
         } elseif ($kll['victimiskloss'] > 1000) {
             $kll['victimiskloss'] = sprintf("%.0fk", $kll['victimiskloss'] / 1000);
         $kll['victimcorp'] = $kill->getVictimCorpName();
         $kll['victimalliancename'] = $kill->getVictimAllianceName();
         $kll['fb'] = $kill->getFBPilotName();
         $kll['fbcorp'] = $kill->getFBCorpName();
         if ($kill->isClassified() && !Session::isAdmin()) {
             if (config::get('killlist_regionnames')) {
                 $kll['region'] = Language::get("classified");
             $kll['systemsecurity'] = "-";
             $kll['system'] = Language::get("classified");
         } else {
             if (config::get('killlist_regionnames')) {
                 $kll['region'] = $kill->getSystem()->getRegionName();
             $kll['systemsecurity'] = $kill->getSolarSystemSecurity();
             $kll['system'] = $kill->getSolarSystemName();
         $kll['victimid'] = $kill->getVictimID();
         $kll['victimcorpid'] = $kill->getVictimCorpID();
         $kll['victimallianceid'] = $kill->getVictimAllianceID();
         $kll['victimshipid'] = $kill->getVictimShipExternalID();
         $kll['fbid'] = $kill->getFBPilotID();
         $kll['fbcorpid'] = $kill->getFBCorpID();
         $kll['inv'] = 0;
         if (config::get('killlist_involved')) {
             $kll['inv'] = $kill->getInvolvedPartyCount();
         $kll['timestamp'] = $kill->getTimeStamp();
         if (config::get('killlist_alogo')) {
             // Need to return yet another value from killlists.
             $all = new Alliance($kill->getVictimAllianceID());
             if (strcasecmp($all->getName(), "None") != 0) {
                 $kll['allianceexists'] = true;
                 $kll['victimallianceicon'] = $all->getPortraitURL(32);
             } else {
                 $kll['allianceexists'] = true;
                 $crp = new Corporation($kill->getVictimCorpID());
                 $kll['victimallianceicon'] = $crp->getPortraitURL(32);
         if (isset($kill->_tag)) {
             $kll['tag'] = $kill->_tag;
         $kll['fbplext'] = $kill->getFBPilotExternalID();
         $kll['plext'] = $kill->getFBPilotExternalID();
         if (config::get('comments_count')) {
             $kll['commentcount'] = $kill->countComment();
         $kll['loss'] = false;
         $kll['kill'] = false;
         if ($this->combined_) {
             if (config::get('cfg_allianceid') && in_array($kill->getVictimAllianceID(), config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) {
                 $kll['loss'] = true;
             } else {
                 if (config::get('cfg_corpid') && in_array($kill->getVictimCorpID(), config::get('cfg_corpid'))) {
                     $kll['loss'] = true;
                 } else {
                     if (config::get('cfg_pilotid') && in_array($kill->getVictimID(), config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) {
                         $kll['loss'] = true;
             $kll['kill'] = !$kll['loss'];
         $kll['urldetail'] = edkURI::build($kdpage, array('kll_id', $kll['id'], true));
         if (!$kill->isClassified()) {
             $kll['urlrelated'] = edkURI::build($krpage, array('kll_id', $kll['id'], true));
         $kll['victimextid'] = $kill->getVictimExternalID();
         $kll['urlvictim'] = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $kll['victimextid'] ? $kll['victimextid'] : $kll['victimid'], $kll['victimextid'] ? 'plt_ext_id' : 'plt_id');
         $kll['urlfb'] = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $kll['fbplext'] ? $kll['fbplext'] : $kll['fbid'], $kll['fbplext'] ? 'plt_ext_id' : 'plt_id');
         if ($kll['allianceexists']) {
             $kll['urlvictimall'] = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $kll['victimallianceid'], 'all_id');
         $kll['urlvictimcorp'] = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $kll['victimcorpid'], 'crp_id');
         $kll['urlfbcorp'] = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $kll['fbcorpid'], 'crp_id');
         event::call('killlist_table_kill', $kll);
         $kills[] = $kll;
     event::call('killlist_table_kills', $kills);
     if (count($kills)) {
         $kl[] = array('kills' => $kills, 'date' => strtotime($prevdate));
     $smarty->assignByRef('killlist', $kl);
     $smarty->assign('killlist_iskloss', config::get('killlist_iskloss'));
     return $smarty->fetch(getcwd() . "/mods/highlight_capitals/templates/killlisttable.tpl");
Exemple #8
  * Return the raw killmail for this kill.
  * @return string
 function getRawMail()
     if (!is_null($this->mail)) {
         return $this->mail;
     if (config::get('km_cache_enabled') && file_exists(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt")) {
         $this->mail = file_get_contents(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt");
         return $this->mail;
     if (!$this->timestamp) {
     if (!$this->valid) {
         return "The specified kill ID is not valid.";
     if ($this->isClassified()) {
         return 'Killmail not yet available, try again in ' . round($this->getClassifiedTime() / 3600, 2) . ' hrs.';
     static $locations;
     if (!isset($locations)) {
         $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
         $qry->execute("SELECT itl_flagID, itl_flagText FROM kb3_item_locations");
         while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
             $locations[$row['itl_flagID']] = $row['itl_flagText'];
     $ship = $this->getVictimShip();
     $shipclass = $ship->getClass();
     if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) {
         $corp = new Corporation($this->victimcorpid);
         $this->victimcorpname = $corp->getName();
     if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName()) {
         $all = new Alliance($this->victimallianceid);
         $this->victimalliancename = $all->getName();
     if (!$this->getVictimName()) {
         throw new KillException("Invalid mail, victim name blank");
     } else {
         if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) {
             throw new KillException("Invalid mail, victim corporation blank");
         } else {
             if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName() && !$this->getVictimFactionName()) {
                 throw new KillException("Invalid mail, victim alliance blank");
             } else {
                 if (!$ship->getName()) {
                     throw new KillException("Invalid mail, ship blank");
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->getSystem()->getName()) {
                         throw new KillException("Invalid mail, system blank", ´);
     $mail = substr(str_replace('-', '.', $this->getTimeStamp()), 0, 19) . "\r\n\r\n";
     // Starbase (so this is a POS mail)
     if (in_array($shipclass->getID(), array(35, 36, 37, 38))) {
         $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) {
             $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n";
         //$ship = $this->getVictimShip();
         $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getVictimName() == $this->getSystem()->getName()) {
             $mail .= "Moon: Unknown\r\n";
         } else {
             // is the victim's name a moon?
             $moonID = API_Helpers::getMoonID($this->getVictimName());
             if ($moonID) {
                 $mail .= "Moon: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n";
             } else {
                 // try parsing the victim's name in case it's the format
                 // <corporationName> - <moonName>
                 $namePieces = explode(" - ", $this->getVictimName());
                 if (is_array($namePieces) && count($namePieces) > 2) {
                     // remove first part, which is the corp name
                     array_splice($namePieces, 0, 1);
                     $mail .= "Moon: " . implode(" - ", $namePieces) . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "System: " . $this->getSystem()->getName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Security: " . $this->getSystem()->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n";
         $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n";
     } else {
         $mail .= "Victim: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) {
             $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n";
         //$ship = $this->getVictimShip();
         $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
         $system = $this->getSystem();
         $mail .= "System: " . $system->getName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Security: " . $system->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n";
         $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n";
     foreach ($this->involvedparties_ as $inv) {
         /* @var $inv InvolvedParty */
         $pilot = new Pilot($inv->getPilotID());
         $corp = new Corporation($inv->getCorpID());
         $alliance = new Alliance($inv->getAllianceID());
         $weapon = $inv->getWeapon();
         $ship = $inv->getShip();
         if ($ship->getID() != "9999") {
             // Split these into multiple ifs so the error tells us where the
             // problem was.
             if (!$pilot->getName()) {
                 throw new KillException("Invalid mail, invalid involved pilot (ID: " . $pilot->getID() . ")");
             } else {
                 if (!$corp->getName()) {
                     throw new KillException("Invalid mail, invalid involved corporation (ID: " . $corp->getID() . ")");
                 } else {
                     if (!$alliance->getName()) {
                         throw new KillException("Invalid mail, invalid involved alliance (ID: " . $alliance->getID() . ")");
                     } else {
                         if (!$weapon->getName()) {
                             throw new KillException("Invalid mail, invalid involved weapon (ID: " . $weapon->getID() . ")");
                         } else {
                             if (!$ship->getName()) {
                                 throw new KillException("Invalid mail, invalid involved ship (ID: " . $ship->getID() . ")");
             if ($pilot->getName() == $weapon->getName()) {
                 $name = $pilot->getName() . " / " . $corp->getName();
             } else {
                 $name = $pilot->getName();
             $mail .= "Name: " . $name;
             if ($pilot->getID() == $this->getFBPilotID()) {
                 $mail .= " (laid the final blow)";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
             if ($pilot->getName() != $weapon->getName()) {
                 $mail .= "Security: " . $inv->getSecStatus() . "\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Corp: " . $corp->getName() . "\r\n";
                 if ($alliance->isFaction()) {
                     $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
                     $mail .= "Faction: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n";
                 } else {
                     $mail .= "Alliance: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n";
                     $mail .= "Faction: None\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Ship: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Weapon: " . $weapon->getName() . "\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n";
             } else {
                 $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
     if (count($this->destroyeditems_) > 0) {
         $mail .= "\r\nDestroyed items:\r\n\r\n";
         foreach ($this->destroyeditems_ as $destroyed) {
             $item = $destroyed->getItem();
             $mail .= $item->getName();
             if ($destroyed->getQuantity() > 1) {
                 $mail .= ", Qty: " . $destroyed->getQuantity();
             if ($destroyed->getSingleton() == InventoryFlag::$SINGLETON_COPY) {
                 $mail .= " (Copy)";
             $flagID = InventoryFlag::collapse($destroyed->getLocationID());
             if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$CARGO) {
                 $mail .= " (Cargo)";
             } else {
                 if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$DRONE_BAY) {
                     $mail .= " (Drone Bay)";
                 } else {
                     if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$IMPLANT) {
                         $mail .= " (Implant)";
                     } else {
                         if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$OTHER) {
                             $mail .= " (Other)";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
     if (count($this->droppeditems_) > 0) {
         $mail .= "\r\nDropped items:\r\n\r\n";
         foreach ($this->droppeditems_ as $dropped) {
             $item = $dropped->getItem();
             $mail .= $item->getName();
             if ($dropped->getQuantity() > 1) {
                 $mail .= ", Qty: " . $dropped->getQuantity();
             if ($dropped->getSingleton() == InventoryFlag::$SINGLETON_COPY) {
                 $mail .= " (Copy)";
             if ($dropped->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$CARGO) {
                 $mail .= " (Cargo)";
             } else {
                 if ($dropped->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$DRONE_BAY) {
                     $mail .= " (Drone Bay)";
                 } else {
                     if ($dropped->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$IMPLANT) {
                         $mail .= " (Implant)";
                     } else {
                         if ($dropped->getLocationID() == InventoryFlag::$OTHER) {
                             $mail .= " (Other)";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
     if ($this->id && config::get('km_cache_enabled')) {
         file_put_contents(KB_MAILCACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt", $mail);
     $this->mail = $mail;
     return $mail;
Exemple #9
  * Return the raw killmail for this kill.
  * @return string
 function getRawMail()
     if (!is_null($this->mail)) {
         return $this->mail;
     if (config::get('km_cache_enabled') && file_exists(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt")) {
         $this->mail = file_get_contents(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt");
         return $this->mail;
     if (!$this->timestamp) {
     if (!$this->valid) {
         return "The specified kill ID is not valid.";
     if ($this->isClassified()) {
         return 'Killmail not yet available, try again in ' . round($this->getClassifiedTime() / 3600, 2) . ' hrs.';
     static $locations;
     if (!isset($locations)) {
         $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
         $qry->execute("SELECT itl_id, itl_location FROM kb3_item_locations");
         while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
             $locations[$row['itl_id']] = $row['itl_location'];
     $ship = $this->getVictimShip();
     $shipclass = $ship->getClass();
     if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) {
         $corp = new Corporation($this->victimcorpid);
         $this->victimcorpname = $corp->getName();
     if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName()) {
         $all = new Alliance($this->victimallianceid);
         $this->victimalliancename = $all->getName();
     if (!$this->getVictimName()) {
         trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim name blank", E_USER_ERROR);
         return "";
     } else {
         if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) {
             trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim corporation blank", E_USER_ERROR);
             return "";
         } else {
             if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName() && !$this->getVictimFactionName()) {
                 trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim alliance blank", E_USER_ERROR);
                 return "";
             } else {
                 if (!$ship->getName()) {
                     trigger_error("Invalid mail, ship blank", E_USER_ERROR);
                     return "";
                 } else {
                     if (!$this->getSystem()->getName()) {
                         trigger_error("Invalid mail, system blank", E_USER_ERROR);
                         return "";
     $mail = substr(str_replace('-', '.', $this->getTimeStamp()), 0, 16) . "\r\n\r\n";
     // Starbase (so this is a POS mail)
     if (in_array($shipclass->getID(), array(35, 36, 37, 38))) {
         $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) {
             $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n";
         //$ship = $this->getVictimShip();
         $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getVictimName() == $this->getSystem()->getName()) {
             $mail .= "Moon: Unknown\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Moon: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "System: " . $this->getSystem()->getName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Security: " . $this->getSystem()->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n";
         $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n";
     } else {
         $mail .= "Victim: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n";
         if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) {
             $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n";
         //$ship = $this->getVictimShip();
         $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
         $system = $this->getSystem();
         $mail .= "System: " . $system->getName() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Security: " . $system->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n";
         $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n";
     foreach ($this->involvedparties_ as $inv) {
         /* @var $inv InvolvedParty */
         $pilot = new Pilot($inv->getPilotID());
         $corp = new Corporation($inv->getCorpID());
         $alliance = new Alliance($inv->getAllianceID());
         $weapon = $inv->getWeapon();
         $ship = $inv->getShip();
         // Split these into multiple ifs so the error tells us where the
         // problem was.
         if (!$pilot->getName()) {
             trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved pilot", E_USER_ERROR);
             return "";
         } else {
             if (!$corp->getName()) {
                 trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved corporation", E_USER_ERROR);
                 return "";
             } else {
                 if (!$alliance->getName()) {
                     trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved alliance", E_USER_ERROR);
                     return "";
                 } else {
                     if (!$weapon->getName()) {
                         trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved weapon", E_USER_ERROR);
                         return "";
                     } else {
                         if (!$ship->getName()) {
                             trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved ship", E_USER_ERROR);
                             return "";
         if ($pilot->getName() == $weapon->getName()) {
             $name = $pilot->getName() . " / " . $corp->getName();
         } else {
             $name = $pilot->getName();
         $mail .= "Name: " . $name;
         if ($pilot->getID() == $this->getFBPilotID()) {
             $mail .= " (laid the final blow)";
         $mail .= "\r\n";
         if ($pilot->getName() != $weapon->getName()) {
             $mail .= "Security: " . $inv->getSecStatus() . "\r\n";
             $mail .= "Corp: " . $corp->getName() . "\r\n";
             if ($alliance->isFaction()) {
                 $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Faction: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n";
             } else {
                 $mail .= "Alliance: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n";
                 $mail .= "Faction: None\r\n";
             $mail .= "Ship: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n";
             $mail .= "Weapon: " . $weapon->getName() . "\r\n";
             $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n";
         } else {
             $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n";
         $mail .= "\r\n";
     if (count($this->destroyeditems_) > 0) {
         $mail .= "\r\nDestroyed items:\r\n\r\n";
         foreach ($this->destroyeditems_ as $destroyed) {
             $item = $destroyed->getItem();
             $mail .= $item->getName();
             if ($destroyed->getQuantity() > 1) {
                 $mail .= ", Qty: " . $destroyed->getQuantity();
             if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 5) {
                 $mail .= " (Cargo)";
             } else {
                 if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 87) {
                     $mail .= " (Drone Bay)";
                 } else {
                     if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 89) {
                         $mail .= " (Implant)";
                     } else {
                         if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == -1) {
                             $mail .= " (Copy)";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
     if (count($this->droppeditems_) > 0) {
         $mail .= "\r\nDropped items:\r\n\r\n";
         foreach ($this->droppeditems_ as $dropped) {
             $item = $dropped->getItem();
             $mail .= $item->getName();
             if ($dropped->getQuantity() > 1) {
                 $mail .= ", Qty: " . $dropped->getQuantity();
             if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 5) {
                 $mail .= " (Cargo)";
             } else {
                 if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 87) {
                     $mail .= " (Drone Bay)";
                 } else {
                     if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 89) {
                         $mail .= " (Implant)";
                     } else {
                         if ($dropped->getLocationID() == -1) {
                             $mail .= " (Copy) (Cargo)";
             $mail .= "\r\n";
     if ($this->id && config::get('km_cache_enabled')) {
         file_put_contents(KB_MAILCACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt", $mail);
     $this->mail = $mail;
     return $mail;
  * Exclude object from result
  * @param   Corporation $corporation Object to remove from the list of results
  * @return CorporationQuery The current query, for fluid interface
 public function prune($corporation = null)
     if ($corporation) {
         $this->addUsingAlias(CorporationPeer::ID, $corporation->getId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     return $this;
Exemple #11
  *  Show the overall statistics for this alliance.
 function stats()
     if ($this->pilot->getExternalID()) {
         $apiInfo = new API_CharacterInfo();
         $result .= $apiInfo->fetchXML();
         // Update the name if it has changed.
         if ($result == "") {
             $data = $apiInfo->getData();
             $this->alliance = Alliance::add($data['alliance'], $data['allianceID']);
             $this->corp = Corporation::add($data['corporation'], $this->alliance, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['corporationID']);
             $this->pilot = Pilot::add($data['characterName'], $this->corp, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['characterID']);
     global $smarty;
     $smarty->assign('portrait_URL', $this->pilot->getPortraitURL(128));
     $smarty->assign('corp_id', $this->corp->getID());
     $smarty->assign('corp_name', $this->corp->getName());
     $smarty->assign('all_name', $this->alliance->getName());
     $smarty->assign('all_id', $this->alliance->getID());
     $smarty->assign('klist_count', $this->summary->getTotalKills());
     $smarty->assign('klist_real_count', $this->summary->getTotalRealKills());
     $smarty->assign('llist_count', $this->summary->getTotalLosses());
     $smarty->assign('klist_isk_B', round($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     $smarty->assign('llist_isk_B', round($this->summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     //Pilot Efficiency Mod Begin (K Austin)
     if ($this->summary->getTotalKills() == 0) {
         $pilot_survival = 100;
         $pilot_efficiency = 0;
     } else {
         if ($this->summary->getTotalKills() + $this->summary->getTotalLosses()) {
             $pilot_survival = round($this->summary->getTotalLosses() / ($this->summary->getTotalKills() + $this->summary->getTotalLosses()) * 100, 2);
         } else {
             $pilot_survival = 0;
         if ($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->summary->getTotalLossISK()) {
             $pilot_efficiency = round($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->summary->getTotalLossISK()) * 100, 2);
         } else {
             $pilot_efficiency = 0;
     $smarty->assign('pilot_survival', $pilot_survival);
     $smarty->assign('pilot_efficiency', $pilot_efficiency);
     $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false);
     $this->lpoints = $this->summary->getTotalLossPoints();
     $this->points = $this->summary->getTotalKillPoints();
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('pilot_detail_stats'));
Exemple #12
  * Fetch the pilot name from CCP using the stored external ID.
  * Corporation will be set to Unknown.
 private function fetchPilot()
     if (!$this->externalid) {
         return false;
     $apiInfo = new API_CharacterInfo();
     $result .= $apiInfo->fetchXML();
     if ($result == "") {
         $data = $apiInfo->getData();
         $this->alliance = Alliance::add($data['alliance'], $data['allianceID']);
         $this->corp = Corporation::add($data['corporation'], $this->alliance, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['corporationID']);
         $this->name = $data['characterName'];
         Pilot::add($data['characterName'], $this->corp, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['characterID']);
     } else {
         return false;
  * @return integer
 function getCorpID()
     return $this->corp_->getID();
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param Corporation $obj A Corporation object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool($obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         CorporationPeer::$instances[$key] = $obj;
  * generate Balance of Power Table
  * @return String HTML for the Balance Of Power tab
 public function balanceOfPower()
     global $smarty;
     $this->sides = array();
     include $this->includeDir . "class.killlisttable.php";
     $BadShips = $BadAllies = $GoodShips = $GoodAllies = array();
     $numberOfFriendlyPilots = 0;
     $numberOfHostilePilots = 0;
     $pilotsCounted = array();
     $involvedOwners = array();
     $this->numberOfInvolvedOwners = 0;
     $ownerAlliances = config::get('cfg_allianceid');
     $ownerCorps = config::get('cfg_corpid');
     $ownerPilots = config::get('cfg_pilotid');
     foreach ($this->pilots as $side => $pilotA) {
         foreach ($pilotA as $pilotId => $kll) {
             foreach ($kll as $pilota) {
                 // determine numbers of involved Owners
                 if (in_array($pilota["aid"], $ownerAlliances)) {
                     $involvedOwners[$pilotId] = 1;
                 } elseif (in_array($pilota["cid"], $ownerCorps)) {
                     $involvedOwners[$pilotId] = 1;
                 } elseif (in_array($pilotId, $ownerPilots)) {
                     $involvedOwners[$pilotId] = 1;
                 $shippa = TestPilotName($pilota["ship"]);
                 if ($side == 'a') {
                     $GoodShips[$shippa]["shipClass"] = $pilota["shipClass"];
                     $GoodShips[$shippa]["sortWeight"] = getShipClassSortWeight($pilota["shipClassObject"]);
                     $GoodShips[$shippa]["times"] += 1;
                     $GoodShips[$shippa]["color"] = $pilota["color"];
                     if ($pilota["destroyed"] == 1) {
                         $GoodShips[$shippa]["destroyed"] += 1;
                     } else {
                         $GoodShips[$shippa]["destroyed"] += 0;
                     // check if we already got that pilot
                     if (in_array($pilota["name"], $pilotsCounted)) {
                     $pilotsCounted[] = $pilota["name"];
                     $GoodAllies[$pilota["alliance"]]["quantity"] += 1;
                     $GoodAllies[$pilota["alliance"]]["corps"][$pilota["corp"]] += 1;
                     // now set up sides for BR Setup tab
                     // entity type: alliance
                     if (strcasecmp($pilota["alliance"], "None") != 0) {
                         $allianceName = addslashes($pilota["alliance"]);
                         if (!isset($this->sides["a"][$pilota["alliance"]])) {
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["type"] = "alliance";
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["id"] = $pilota["aid"];
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["numberOfPilots"] = 1;
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["logoUrl"] = html_entity_decode(Alliance::getByID($pilota["aid"])->getPortraitURL(32));
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["infoUrl"] = html_entity_decode($pilota["alliance_url"]);
                         } else {
                             $this->sides["a"][$allianceName]["numberOfPilots"] += 1;
                     } else {
                         $corpName = addslashes($pilota["corp"]);
                         if (!isset($this->sides["a"][$pilota["corp"]])) {
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["type"] = "corp";
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["id"] = $pilota["cid"];
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["numberOfPilots"] = 1;
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["logoUrl"] = html_entity_decode(Corporation::getByID($pilota["cid"])->getPortraitURL(32));
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["infoUrl"] = html_entity_decode($pilota["crp_url"]);
                         } else {
                             $this->sides["a"][$corpName]["numberOfPilots"] += 1;
                 } else {
                     $BadShips[$shippa]["shipClass"] = $pilota["shipClass"];
                     $BadShips[$shippa]["sortWeight"] = getShipClassSortWeight($pilota["shipClassObject"]);
                     $BadShips[$shippa]["times"] += 1;
                     $BadShips[$shippa]["color"] = $pilota["color"];
                     if ($pilota["destroyed"] == 1) {
                         $BadShips[$shippa]["destroyed"] += 1;
                     } else {
                         $BadShips[$shippa]["destroyed"] += 0;
                     // check if we already got that pilot
                     if (in_array($pilota["name"], $pilotsCounted)) {
                     $pilotsCounted[] = $pilota["name"];
                     // adjust numbers for the same pilots in different ships
                     if ($pilota[0]["times"] > 1) {
                         $numberOfHostilePilots -= $pilota[0]["times"] - 1;
                     $BadAllies[$pilota["alliance"]]["quantity"] += 1;
                     $BadAllies[$pilota["alliance"]]["corps"][$pilota["corp"]] += 1;
                     // now set up sides for BR Setup tab
                     // entity type: alliance
                     if (strcasecmp($pilota["alliance"], "None") != 0) {
                         $allianceName = addslashes($pilota["alliance"]);
                         if (!isset($this->sides["e"][$pilota["alliance"]])) {
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["type"] = "alliance";
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["id"] = $pilota["aid"];
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["numberOfPilots"] = 1;
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["logoUrl"] = html_entity_decode(Alliance::getByID($pilota["aid"])->getPortraitURL(32));
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["infoUrl"] = html_entity_decode($pilota["alliance_url"]);
                         } else {
                             $this->sides["e"][$allianceName]["numberOfPilots"] += 1;
                     } else {
                         $corpName = addslashes($pilota["corp"]);
                         if (!isset($this->sides["e"][$pilota["corp"]])) {
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["type"] = "corp";
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["id"] = $pilota["cid"];
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["numberOfPilots"] = 1;
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["logoUrl"] = html_entity_decode(Corporation::getByID($pilota["cid"])->getPortraitURL(32));
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["infoUrl"] = html_entity_decode($pilota["crp_url"]);
                         } else {
                             $this->sides["e"][$corpName]["numberOfPilots"] += 1;
     $this->numberOfInvolvedOwners = count($involvedOwners);
     foreach ($involvedOwners as $involvedOwnerId => $one) {
         $this->involvedOwners[] = $involvedOwnerId;
     // calculate percentages
     foreach ($GoodAllies as $name => &$info) {
         $info["percentage"] = round($info["quantity"] / $numberOfFriendlyPilots * 100, 1);
     foreach ($BadAllies as $name => &$info) {
         $info["percentage"] = round($info["quantity"] / $numberOfHostilePilots * 100, 1);
     if (!is_null($GoodShips)) {
         uasort($GoodShips, array($this, 'sortShipClasses'));
     if (!is_null($GoodAllies)) {
     $smarty->assignByRef('GAlliesCount', count($GoodAllies));
     $smarty->assignByRef('GoodAllies', $GoodAllies);
     $smarty->assignByRef('GoodShips', $GoodShips);
     if (!is_null($BadShips)) {
         uasort($BadShips, array($this, 'sortShipClasses'));
     if (!is_null($BadAllies)) {
     $smarty->assignByRef('BAlliesCount', count($BadAllies));
     $smarty->assignByRef('BadAllies', $BadAllies);
     $smarty->assignByRef('BadShips', $BadShips);
     $smarty->assign("numberOfFriendlyPilots", $numberOfFriendlyPilots);
     $smarty->assign("numberOfHostilePilots", $numberOfHostilePilots);
     return $smarty->fetch($this->templateDir . "battle_balance.tpl");
Exemple #16
$smarty->assign('img_host', IMG_HOST);
$smarty->assign('kb_host', KB_HOST);
$smarty->assignByRef('config', $config);
$smarty->assign('is_IGB', IS_IGB);
// Set the name of the board owner.
$owners = array();
if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) {
    foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $owner) {
        $alliance = new Alliance($owner);
        $owners[] = htmlentities($alliance->getName());
if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) {
    foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $owner) {
        $corp = new Corporation($owner);
        $owners[] = htmlentities($corp->getName());
if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) {
    foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $owner) {
        $pilot = new Pilot($owner);
        $owners[] = htmlentities($pilot->getName());
if (!$owners) {
    $smarty->assign('kb_owner', false);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('kb_owner', implode(',', $owners));
Exemple #17
 function thumbInt($int_id, $size, $type)
     $this->size = $size;
     switch ($this->type) {
         case 'pilot':
         case '':
             $pilot = new Pilot($int_id);
             $this->id = $pilot->getExternalID();
             if ($this->id) {
                 $url = imageURL::getURL('Pilot', $this->id, $size);
                 header(html_entity_decode("Location: {$url}"));
             $this->type = 'pilot';
             $this->encoding = 'jpeg';
         case 'corp':
         case 'npc':
             $this->type = 'corp';
             $corp = new Corporation($int_id);
             if (!$corp->getExternalID()) {
                 $this->id = 0;
             $this->id = $corp->getExternalID();
             if ($this->id) {
                 $url = imageURL::getURL('Corporation', $this->id, $size);
                 header("Location: {$url}");
             $this->encoding = 'png';
             if ($this->type == 'npc') {
                 $this->type = 'npc';
                 //$this->encoding = 'png';
             $this->id = $str_id;
             $this->type = $type;
             $this->encoding = 'jpeg';
$pilot = new Pilot(intval($_GET['plt_id']));
$page = new Page('Administration - Change Pilots Corp (' . $pilot->getName() . ')');
if (!$pilot->exists()) {
    $html = "That pilot doesn't exist.";
if ($_POST['confirm']) {
    $sql = "UPDATE `kb3_pilots` SET `plt_crp_id` = '" . intval($_POST['crp_id']) . "' WHERE `plt_id` =" . intval($_POST['plt_id']);
    $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
    $html .= "Pilot Moved";
if ($_REQUEST['crp']) {
    $corp = new Corporation(intval($_GET['crp']));
    $html .= "<form id=change method=post action=><table class=kb-subtable>";
    $html .= "<tr><td><input name=crp_id type=hidden value=" . htmlentities($_GET['crp']) . ">";
    $html .= "<input name=plt_id type=hidden value=" . htmlentities($_GET['plt_id']) . ">";
    $html .= "Confirm move<b> " . $pilot->getName() . "</b> to <b>" . $corp->getName() . "</b></td></tr>";
    $html .= "<tr><td><input type=submit name=confirm value=\"Move\"></td></tr>";
    $html .= "</table>";
if ($_POST['search']) {
    $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `kb3_corps` WHERE crp_name LIKE '%" . $qry->escape($_POST['search']) . "%'";
    //$html .= $sql ;
    $html .= "<div class=block-header2>Results</div>";
    $html .= "<table class=kb-subtable>";
    while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
 public function __construct($aInvolved, &$cKill, &$cKillboard)
     $this->characterID = $aInvolved->characterID;
     $this->characterName = $aInvolved->characterName;
     $this->corporationID = $aInvolved->corporationID;
     $this->corporationName = $aInvolved->corporationName;
     $this->allianceID = $aInvolved->allianceID;
     $this->allianceName = $aInvolved->allianceName;
     $this->factionID = $aInvolved->factionID;
     $this->factionName = $aInvolved->factionName;
     $this->securityStatus = $aInvolved->securityStatus;
     $this->damageDone = $aInvolved->damageDone;
     $this->finalBlow = $aInvolved->finalBlow;
     $this->weaponTypeID = $aInvolved->weaponTypeID;
     $this->shipTypeID = $aInvolved->shipTypeID;
     $aCorp =& $cKillboard->getCorporation($this->corporationName);
     if (!is_object($aCorp)) {
         $cKillboard->corp[] = $aCorp = new Corporation(SHIP_KILL, $this->corporationID, $this->corporationName, $this->allianceID, $this->allianceName, $cKill);
     } else {
         if (!$cKill->isCorpAlreadyInvolved($this->corporationName)) {
             // Increment killcount
             // If EVEKILL_SECS_ELAPSED_ASSUME_NEW_BATTLE seconds have elapsed since the last kill by this corp, assume it
             // is a new battle (and adds weight to the fact they are probably resident)
             if (is_null($aCorp->timeEarliestKill) || strtotime($cKill->timestamp) + EVEKILL_SECS_ELAPSED_ASSUME_NEW_BATTLE <= $aCorp->timeEarliestKill) {
                 $aCorp->battle[] =& $cKill;
             // Update kill times
             if (strtotime($cKill->timestamp) < $aCorp->timeEarliestKill || is_null($aCorp->timeEarliestKill)) {
                 $aCorp->timeEarliestKill = strtotime($cKill->timestamp);
             if (strtotime($cKill->timestamp) > $aCorp->timeLatestKill || is_null($aCorp->timeLatestKill)) {
                 $aCorp->timeLatestKill = strtotime($cKill->timestamp);
             // Add kill to this corp's kill database
             $aCorp->addKill($cKill, false);
         // Increment involved parties and ships
     // Add the killers ship and weapon to their "use" database
     $aCorp->addShip($this->shipTypeID, SHIP_KILL);
Exemple #20
  * Return HTML to describe the victim
  * @global Smarty $smarty
  * @return string HTML to describe the victim
 function victim()
     global $smarty;
     $smarty->assign('killID', $this->kill->getID());
     $plt = new Pilot($this->kill->getVictimID());
     $item = new dogma($this->kill->getVictimShip()->getID());
     // itt_cat = 6 for ships. Assume != 6 is a structure.
     if ($item->get('itt_cat') != 6) {
         $corp = new Corporation($this->kill->getVictimCorpID());
         $smarty->assign('victimPortrait', $corp->getPortraitURL(64));
         $smarty->assign('victimExtID', 0);
         $smarty->assign('victimURL', edkURI::page('invtype', $item->getID()));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('victimPortrait', $plt->getPortraitURL(64));
         $smarty->assign('victimExtID', $plt->getExternalID());
         $smarty->assign('victimURL', edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $this->kill->getVictimID(), 'plt_id'));
     $smarty->assign('victimName', $this->kill->getVictimName());
     $smarty->assign('victimCorpURL', edkURI::page('corp_detail', $this->kill->getVictimCorpID(), 'crp_id'));
     $smarty->assign('victimCorpName', $this->kill->getVictimCorpName());
     $smarty->assign('victimAllianceURL', edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $this->kill->getVictimAllianceID(), 'all_id'));
     $smarty->assign('victimAllianceName', $this->kill->getVictimAllianceName());
     $smarty->assign('victimDamageTaken', $this->kill->getDamageTaken());
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('kill_detail_victim'));
  * Filter the query by a related Corporation object
  * @param   Corporation|PropelObjectCollection $corporation The related object(s) to use as filter
  * @param     string $comparison Operator to use for the column comparison, defaults to Criteria::EQUAL
  * @return                 CourtQuery The current query, for fluid interface
  * @throws PropelException - if the provided filter is invalid.
 public function filterByCorporation($corporation, $comparison = null)
     if ($corporation instanceof Corporation) {
         return $this->addUsingAlias(CourtPeer::CORPORATION_ID, $corporation->getId(), $comparison);
     } elseif ($corporation instanceof PropelObjectCollection) {
         if (null === $comparison) {
             $comparison = Criteria::IN;
         return $this->addUsingAlias(CourtPeer::CORPORATION_ID, $corporation->toKeyValue('PrimaryKey', 'Id'), $comparison);
     } else {
         throw new PropelException('filterByCorporation() only accepts arguments of type Corporation or PropelCollection');
Exemple #22
            if ($row['sta_value'] >= -5) {
                $icon = 'bad';
            } else {
                $icon = 'horrible';
    if ($typ == 'a') {
        $alliance = Alliance::getByID($id);
        $text = $alliance->getName();
        $pid = $alliance->getUnique();
        $link = edkURI::page('admin_standings', $typ . $row['sta_to'], 'del');
        $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link, 'all_url' => $alliance->getDetailsURL(), 'all_img' => $alliance->getPortraitURL(32), 'value' => $val, 'comment' => $row['sta_comment'], 'id' => $id, 'pid' => $pid, 'typ' => $row['sta_to'], 'icon' => $icon);
    } else {
        if ($typ == 'c') {
            $corp = Corporation::getByID((int) $row['sta_to']);
            $text = $corp->getName();
            $link = edkURI::page('admin_standings', $typ . $row['sta_to'], 'del');
            $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link, 'crp_url' => $corp->getDetailsURL(), 'crp_img' => $corp->getPortraitURL(32), 'value' => $val, 'comment' => $row['sta_comment'], 'id' => $id, 'typ' => $typ, 'icon' => $icon);
$perm = array();
if ($permt['a']) {
    $perm[] = array('name' => 'Alliances', 'list' => $permt['a']);
if ($permt['c']) {
    $perm[] = array('name' => 'Corporations', 'list' => $permt['c']);
$smarty->assignByRef('standings', $perm);
Exemple #23
  * @param KillList $killList
  * @return string KillList as XML
 public static function killListToXML($killList)
     global $idfeedversion;
     $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
     $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n\t\t<eveapi version='2' edkapi='" . $idfeedversion . "'>\n\t\t</eveapi>";
     $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
     // Let's start making the xml.
     $sxe->addChild('currentTime', $date);
     $result = $sxe->addChild('result');
     $kills = $result->addChild('rowset');
     $kills->addAttribute('name', 'kills');
     $kills->addAttribute('key', 'killID');
     $kills->addAttribute('columns', 'killID,solarSystemID,killTime,moonID,hash,trust');
     $count = 0;
     $timing = '';
     while ($kill = $killList->getKill()) {
         if (config::get('km_cache_enabled') && CacheHandler::exists($kill->getID() . ".xml", 'mails')) {
             $cachedRow = new SimpleXMLElement(CacheHandler::get($kill->getID() . ".xml", 'mails'));
             IDFeed::addXMLElement($kills, $cachedRow);
         if ($kill->isClassified()) {
         //$kill = Kill::getByID($kill->getID());
         $row = $kills->addChild('row');
         $row->addAttribute('killID', intval($kill->getExternalID()));
         $row->addAttribute('killInternalID', intval($kill->getID()));
         $row->addAttribute('solarSystemID', $kill->getSystem()->getExternalID());
         $row->addAttribute('killTime', $kill->getTimeStamp());
         $row->addAttribute('moonID', '0');
         $row->addAttribute('hash', bin2hex(IDFeed::getHash($kill, true)));
         $row->addAttribute('trust', 3);
         $victim = Pilot::getByID($kill->getVictimID());
         $victimCorp = Corporation::getByID($kill->getVictimCorpID());
         $victimAlliance = Alliance::getByID($kill->getVictimAllianceID());
         $victimrow = $row->addChild('victim');
         if ($victim->getName() == $kill->getVictimShipName()) {
             $victimrow->addAttribute('characterID', "0");
             $victimrow->addAttribute('characterName', "");
         } else {
             $victimrow->addAttribute('characterID', $victim->getExternalID());
             $victimrow->addAttribute('characterName', $victim->getName());
         $victimrow->addAttribute('corporationID', $victimCorp->getExternalID());
         $victimrow->addAttribute('corporationName', $victimCorp->getName());
         if ($victimAlliance->isFaction()) {
             $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0);
             $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceName', '');
             $victimrow->addAttribute('factionID', $victimAlliance->getFactionID());
             $victimrow->addAttribute('factionName', $victimAlliance->getName());
         } else {
             $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceID', $victimAlliance->getExternalID());
             $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceName', $victimAlliance->getName());
             $victimrow->addAttribute('factionID', 0);
             $victimrow->addAttribute('factionName', '');
         $victimrow->addAttribute('damageTaken', $kill->getDamageTaken());
         $victimrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $kill->getVictimShipExternalID());
         $involved = $row->addChild('rowset');
         $involved->addAttribute('name', 'attackers');
         $involved->addAttribute('columns', 'characterID,characterName,corporationID,corporationName,allianceID,allianceName,factionID,factionName,securityStatus,damageDone,finalBlow,weaponTypeID,shipTypeID');
         $sql = "SELECT ind_sec_status, ind_all_id, ind_crp_id,\n\t\t\t\tind_shp_id, ind_wep_id, ind_order, ind_dmgdone, plt_id, plt_name,\n\t\t\t\tplt_externalid, crp_name, crp_external_id,\n\t\t\t\twtype.typeName AS wep_name FROM kb3_inv_detail\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_pilots ON (plt_id = ind_plt_id)\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_corps ON (crp_id = ind_crp_id)\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_invtypes wtype ON (ind_wep_id = wtype.typeID)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ind_kll_id = " . $kill->getID() . " ORDER BY ind_order ASC";
         while ($inv = $qry->getRow()) {
             $invrow = $involved->addChild('row');
             if (strpos($inv['plt_name'], '- ') !== false) {
                 $inv['plt_name'] = substr($inv['plt_name'], strpos($inv['plt_name'], '- ') + 2);
             } else {
                 if (strpos($inv['plt_name'], '#') !== false) {
                     $name = explode("#", $inv['plt_name']);
                     $inv['plt_name'] = $name[3];
             if ($inv['plt_name'] == $inv['wep_name']) {
                 $invrow->addAttribute('characterID', 0);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('characterName', "");
                 $invrow->addAttribute('weaponTypeID', 0);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $inv['ind_wep_id']);
             } else {
                 $invrow->addAttribute('characterID', $inv['plt_externalid']);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('characterName', $inv['plt_name']);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('weaponTypeID', $inv['ind_wep_id']);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $inv['ind_shp_id']);
             $invrow->addAttribute('corporationID', $inv['crp_external_id']);
             $invrow->addAttribute('corporationName', $inv['crp_name']);
             $invAlliance = Alliance::getByID($inv['ind_all_id']);
             if ($invAlliance->isFaction()) {
                 $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', '');
                 $invrow->addAttribute('factionID', $invAlliance->getFactionID());
                 $invrow->addAttribute('factionName', $invAlliance->getName());
             } else {
                 if (strcasecmp($invAlliance->getName(), "None") == 0) {
                     $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0);
                     $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', "");
                 } else {
                     $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', $invAlliance->getExternalID());
                     $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', $invAlliance->getName());
                 $invrow->addAttribute('factionID', 0);
                 $invrow->addAttribute('factionName', '');
             $invrow->addAttribute('securityStatus', number_format($inv['ind_sec_status'], 1));
             $invrow->addAttribute('damageDone', $inv['ind_dmgdone']);
             if ($inv['plt_id'] == $kill->getFBPilotID()) {
                 $final = 1;
             } else {
                 $final = 0;
             $invrow->addAttribute('finalBlow', $final);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM kb3_items_destroyed WHERE itd_kll_id = " . $kill->getID();
         $qry2 = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM kb3_items_dropped WHERE itd_kll_id = " . $kill->getID();
         if ($qry->recordCount() || $qry2->recordCount()) {
             $items = $row->addChild('rowset');
             $items->addAttribute('name', 'items');
             $items->addAttribute('columns', 'typeID,flag,qtyDropped,qtyDestroyed, singleton');
             while ($iRow = $qry->getRow()) {
                 $itemRow = $items->addChild('row');
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('typeID', $iRow['itd_itm_id']);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('flag', $iRow['itd_itl_id']);
                 if ($iRow['itd_itl_id'] == -1) {
                     $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 2);
                 } else {
                     $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 0);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDropped', 0);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDestroyed', $iRow['itd_quantity']);
             while ($iRow = $qry2->getRow()) {
                 $itemRow = $items->addChild('row');
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('typeID', $iRow['itd_itm_id']);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('flag', $iRow['itd_itl_id']);
                 if ($iRow['itd_itl_id'] == -1) {
                     $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 2);
                 } else {
                     $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 0);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDropped', $iRow['itd_quantity']);
                 $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDestroyed', 0);
         if (config::get('km_cache_enabled')) {
             CacheHandler::put($kill->getID() . ".xml", $row->asXML(), 'mails');
         $timing .= $kill->getID() . ": " . (microtime(true) - $starttime) . "<br />";
     $sxe->addChild('cachedUntil', $date);
     return $sxe->asXML();
Exemple #24
 $html .= "<tr><td></td></tr>";
 $html .= "<tr><td></td><td><input type=submit name=detail_submit value=\"Save\"></td></tr>";
 $html .= "</table>";
 $html .= "</form>";
 $html .= "<div class=block-header2>Targets</div>";
 $html .= "<table class=kb-table cellspacing=1>";
 $html .= "<tr class=kb-table-header><td class=kb-table-cell width=160>Target</td><td class=kb-table-cell width=80 align=center>Corporation</td><td class=kb-table-cell width=80 align=center>Alliance</td><td class=kb-table-cell width=80 align=center>Region</td><td class=kb-table-cell width=80 align=center>System</td><td class=kb-table-cell width=80 align=center>Action</td></tr>";
 $c = 0;
 while ($contracttarget = $contract->getContractTarget()) {
     $type = $contracttarget->getType();
     $typeURL = false;
     $ctrTypeID = $contracttarget->getID();
     switch ($type) {
         case "corp":
             $corp = new Corporation($ctrTypeID);
             $name = $corp->getName();
             $typeURL = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $ctrTypeID, 'crp_id');
         case "alliance":
             $alliance = new Alliance($ctrTypeID);
             $name = $alliance->getName();
             $typeURL = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $ctrTypeID, 'all_id');
         case "region":
             $region = new Region($ctrTypeID);
             $name = $region->getName();
             $typeURL = edkURI::page('detail_view', $ctrTypeID, 'region_id');
         case "system":
             $system = new SolarSystem($ctrTypeID);
Exemple #25
 public static function nameToId($type, $set, $value)
     if ($type == 'nametoid') {
         $api = new API_NametoID();
     } else {
         if ($type == 'idtoname') {
             $api = new API_IDtoName();
     if ($type == 'nametoid') {
         $char_info = $api->getNameData();
     } else {
         if ($type == 'idtoname') {
             $char_info = $api->getIDData();
     if (isset($char_info[0]['characterID']) && strlen($char_info[0]['characterID']) > 0) {
         $timestamp = gmdate('%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s', time());
         if ($set == 'p') {
             $all = Alliance::add('Unknown');
             $crp = Corporation::add('Unknown', $all, $timestamp, 0, false);
             $plt = Pilot::add($char_info[0]['name'], $crp, $timestamp, $char_info[0]['characterID'], false);
             $_POST['option_cfg_pilotid'] = $value = $plt->getID();
             $pilots = config::get('cfg_pilotid');
             $pilots[] = intval($value);
             config::set('cfg_pilotid', $pilots);
             $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_pilotid"' . ' name="option_cfg_pilotid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />';
         } else {
             if ($set == 'c') {
                 $all = Alliance::add('Unknown');
                 $crp = new Corporation();
                 $crp->add($char_info[0]['name'], $all, $timestamp, $char_info[0]['characterID'], false);
                 $_POST['option_cfg_corpid'] = $value = $crp->getID();
                 $corps = config::get('cfg_corpid');
                 $corps[] = intval($value);
                 config::set('cfg_pilotid', $corps);
                 $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_corpid"' . ' name="option_cfg_corpid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />';
             } else {
                 if ($set == 'a') {
                     $all = Alliance::add('Unknown');
                     $_POST['option_cfg_allianceid'] = $value = $all->getID();
                     $alliances = config::get('option_cfg_allianceid');
                     $alliances[] = intval($value);
                     config::set('option_cfg_allianceid', $alliances);
                     $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_allianceid"' . ' name="option_cfg_allianceid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />';
         return $html;
     } else {
         return $html;
Exemple #26
  *  Show the overall statistics for this alliance.
  * @global Smarty $smarty
  * @return string
 function stats()
     global $smarty;
     if ($this->alliance->isFaction()) {
         $this->page->setTitle(Language::get('page_faction_det') . ' - ' . $this->alliance->getName() . " [" . $this->alliance->getshortName() . "]");
     } else {
         $this->page->setTitle(Language::get('page_all_det') . ' - ' . $this->alliance->getName() . " [" . $this->alliance->getshortName() . "]");
     $sql = "select crp_id from kb3_corps WHERE crp_all_id=" . $this->alliance->getID();
     $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
     while ($row = $qry->getRow()) {
         $this->allianceCorps[] = Corporation::getByID((int) $row['crp_id']);
     if (!isset($this->kill_summary)) {
         $this->kill_summary = new KillSummaryTable();
     $execcrp = Corporation::lookupByExternalID($this->alliance->GetExecutorID());
     if ($execcrp !== false) {
         $smarty->assign('ExecutorName', $execcrp->getName());
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('ExecutorName', '');
     $smarty->registerObject('Alliance', $this->alliance);
     $smarty->assign('memberCorpCount', count($this->allianceCorps));
     if ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK()) {
         $efficiency = round($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK()) * 100, 2);
     } else {
         $efficiency = 0;
     // The summary table is also used by the stats. Whichever is called
     // first generates the table.
     $smarty->assign('all_img', $this->alliance->getPortraitURL(128));
     $smarty->assign('totalkills', $this->kill_summary->getTotalKills());
     $smarty->assign('totallosses', $this->kill_summary->getTotalLosses());
     $smarty->assign('totalkisk', round($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     $smarty->assign('totallisk', round($this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2));
     if ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK()) {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', round($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->kill_summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->kill_summary->getTotalLossISK()) * 100, 2));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('efficiency', '0');
     return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('alliance_detail_stats'));
  * Import zKillboard kills for the selected systems and alliances.
 public function getZkillboard($systems = '')
     // If this is the initial call to the function, retrieve the list of systems from the DB.
     if ($systems == '') {
         $systems_object = Setting::where('key', 'systems')->firstOrFail();
         $systems = $systems_object->value;
     // Convert the comma-seperated string into an array.
     $systems_array = explode(',', $systems);
     // If there are more systems in the list than we want to pull at once, chop off the first X and call this function again.
     while (count($systems_array) > $this->api_system_limit) {
         $this->getZkillboard(implode(',', array_splice($systems_array, 0, $this->api_system_limit)));
     // Retrieve the selected alliances from the database.
     $alliances = Setting::where('key', 'alliances')->firstOrFail();
     // Build the API URL.
     $url = 'https://zkillboard.com/api/xml/losses/no-attackers/' . 'allianceID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $alliances->value) . '/' . 'solarSystemID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $systems) . '/';
     // Send the request.
     $response = Request::get($url)->addHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')->addHeader('User-Agent', 'Eve Traders Handbook')->send();
     if (isset($response->body) && strlen($response->body) > 0) {
         $body = simplexml_load_string(gzdecode($response->body));
         $insert_count = 0;
         // Parse the response, inserting the losses into the database.
         foreach ($body->result->rowset->row as $row) {
             // First check whether this kill has not already been recorded.
             $kill = Kill::find($row['killID']);
             if (!isset($kill->killID)) {
                 // Create and save the new kill record.
                 $kill = new Kill();
                 $kill->killID = $row['killID'];
                 $kill->solarSystemID = $row['solarSystemID'];
                 $kill->characterID = $row->victim['characterID'];
                 $kill->characterName = $row->victim['characterName'];
                 $kill->allianceID = $row->victim['allianceID'];
                 $kill->corporationID = $row->victim['corporationID'];
                 $kill->shipTypeID = $row->victim['shipTypeID'];
                 $kill->killTime = $row['killTime'];
                 // Insert the alliance information into the database unless it already exists.
                 $alliance = Alliance::find($kill->allianceID);
                 if (!isset($alliance->id)) {
                     $alliance = new Alliance();
                     $alliance->id = $kill->allianceID;
                     $alliance->allianceName = $row->victim['allianceName'];
                 // Insert the corporation information into the database unless it already exists.
                 $corporation = Corporation::find($kill->corporationID);
                 if (!isset($corporation->id)) {
                     $corporation = new Corporation();
                     $corporation->id = $kill->corporationID;
                     $corporation->corporationName = $row->victim['corporationName'];
                 // Insert the ship type that was lost into the database unless it already exists.
                 $ship = Ship::find($kill->shipTypeID);
                 $type = Type::find($kill->shipTypeID);
                 if (!isset($ship->id)) {
                     $ship = new Ship();
                     $ship->id = $kill->shipTypeID;
                     $ship->shipName = $type->typeName;
                 // Insert the ship loss into the items database as well.
                 if (stristr($ship->shipName, 'Capsule') === FALSE) {
                     $item = new Item();
                     $item->killID = $row['killID'];
                     $item->typeID = $kill->shipTypeID;
                     $item->typeName = $type->typeName;
                     $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName'];
                     $item->metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : '';
                     $item->allowManufacture = 1;
                     $item->qty = 1;
                 // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site.
                 $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']);
                 if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) {
                     $filter = new Filter();
                     $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID'];
                     $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName'];
                     $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID'];
                 // Loop through the items lost in the kill. Insert each one into the items table.
                 if (isset($row->rowset->row)) {
                     foreach ($row->rowset->row as $loss) {
                         $typeID = (int) $loss['typeID'];
                         $item = Item::where('typeID', '=', $typeID)->first();
                         // If this item already exists in the items table, we don't need to re-query all the additional
                         // information, we can just copy it from an existing row.
                         if (isset($item)) {
                             // This type has already been seen. Duplicate the record and save the new instance.
                             $clone = new Item();
                             $clone = $item->replicate();
                             // Update the right killID and quantity, and unset the primary key and date columns.
                             $clone->killID = $row['killID'];
                             $clone->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed'];
                             // Save the cloned row.
                         } else {
                             // This is a never-before-seen lost item. Create a new row and look up all the related details.
                             $item = new Item();
                             $type = Type::find($typeID);
                             $item->killID = (int) $row['killID'];
                             $item->typeID = $typeID;
                             $item->typeName = $type->typeName;
                             $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName'];
                             $metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : '';
                             if ($metaGroupName == 'Tech I' || $metaGroupName == '') {
                                 $metaLevel = DB::table('dgmTypeAttributes')->where('typeID', $typeID)->where('attributeID', 633)->first();
                                 if (isset($metaLevel)) {
                                     $metaGroupName = 'Meta ';
                                     $metaGroupName .= isset($metaLevel->valueInt) ? $metaLevel->valueInt : $metaLevel->valueFloat;
                             $item->metaGroupName = $metaGroupName;
                             $blueprint = Type::where('typeName', $type->typeName . ' Blueprint')->count();
                             if ($blueprint > 0) {
                                 $item->allowManufacture = 1;
                             $item->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed'];
                             // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site.
                             $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']);
                             if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) {
                                 $filter = new Filter();
                                 $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID'];
                                 $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName'];
                                 $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID'];
         echo "Inserted {$insert_count} new kills! ";
     } else {
         echo "No response received from zKillboard API.";
Exemple #28
  * Return corporation from cached list or look up a new name.
  * @param string $corpname Alliance name to look up.
  * @return Corporation Corporation object matching input name.
 private static function fetchCorp($corpname, $alliance = null, $timestamp = null)
     if (isset(self::$corps[$corpname])) {
         if (!is_null($timestamp) && self::$corps[$corpname]->isUpdatable($timestamp)) {
             self::$corps[$corpname]->add($corpname, $alliance, $timestamp, 0, self::$loadExternals);
         $corp = self::$corps[$corpname];
     } else {
         if ($alliance == null) {
             $corp = Corporation::lookup($corpname);
             // If the corporation is new and the alliance unknown (structure)
             // fetch the alliance from the API.
             if (!$corp) {
                 $corp = Corporation::add($corpname, Alliance::add("None"), $timestamp);
                 if (!$corp->getExternalID()) {
                     $corp = false;
                 } else {
         } else {
             $corp = Corporation::add($corpname, $alliance, $timestamp, 0, self::$loadExternals);
             self::$corps[$corpname] = $corp;
     return $corp;
Exemple #29
 foreach ($permissions as $typ => $ids) {
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if ($typ == 'a') {
             $alliance = new Alliance($id);
             $text = $alliance->getName();
             $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&amp;del=' . $typ . $id . '&amp;akey=' . session::makeKey();
             $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link);
         if ($typ == 'p') {
             $pilot = new Pilot($id);
             $text = $pilot->getName();
             $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&amp;del=' . $typ . $id . '&amp;akey=' . session::makeKey();
             $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link);
         if ($typ == 'c') {
             $corp = new Corporation($id);
             $text = $corp->getName();
             $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&amp;del=' . $typ . $id . '&amp;akey=' . session::makeKey();
             $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link);
 $perm = array();
 if ($permt['a']) {
     $perm[] = array('name' => 'Alliances', 'list' => $permt['a']);
 if ($permt['p']) {
     $perm[] = array('name' => 'Pilots', 'list' => $permt['p']);
 if ($permt['c']) {
     $perm[] = array('name' => 'Corporations', 'list' => $permt['c']);
  * Fetch corporation name and alliance from CCP using the stored external ID.
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
 public function fetchCorp()
     if (!$this->externalid) {
     if (!$this->externalid) {
         return false;
     $myAPI = new API_CorporationSheet();
     $result = $myAPI->fetchXML();
     if ($result == false) {
         return false;
     $alliance = Alliance::add($myAPI->getAllianceName(), $myAPI->getAllianceID());
     if (!$alliance) {
         return false;
     $crp = Corporation::add(slashfix($myAPI->getCorporationName()), $alliance, $myAPI->getCurrentTime(), intval($myAPI->getCorporationID()));
     $this->name = $crp->name;
     $this->alliance = $crp->alliance;
     $this->updated = $crp->updated;
     return true;