	 * Widget to display some of the newest registrations, (if any).
	public function newestSignups(){
			 return '';

		// How far back do I want to search for?
		// 1 month sounds good!
		$date = new CoreDateTime();
		$date->modify('-1 month');
		$searches = UserModel::Find(['created > ' . $date->getFormatted('U')], 10, 'created DESC');

		// No results?  No problem :)
		if(!sizeof($searches)) return '';

		$view = $this->getView();
		$view->assign('enableavatar', (\ConfigHandler::Get('/user/enableavatar')));
		$view->assign('users', $searches);
 public function wpadmin()
     $view = $this->getView();
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // Did they actually try to submit this form?......  silly bot ;)
         SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/wp-admin Honeypot POST', 'POST submission to /wp-admin detected!', print_r($_POST, true));
         $expireback = new CoreDateTime();
         $expireback->modify('+2 days');
         $block = IpBlacklistModel::Find(['ip_addr = ' . REMOTE_IP . '/32'], 1);
         if (!$block) {
             $block = new IpBlacklistModel();
             $block->set('ip_addr', REMOTE_IP . '/32');
         $block->setFromArray(['expires' => $expireback->getFormatted('U', Time::TIMEZONE_GMT), 'message' => 'You tried to submit a wp-admin page.... this is not a WP site!', 'comment' => 'Bot or user submitted to wp-admin']);
     } else {
         // Just record the hit.
         SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/wp-admin Honeypot GET', 'GET request to /wp-admin detected!');
     $view->templatename = 'pages/wphoneypot/wpadmin.phtml';
     $view->mastertemplate = false;
Exemple #3
  * The hook catch for the "/core/admin/view" hook.
 public static function AdminHook()
     // If this user doesn't have access to manage crons, just continue.
     if (!\Core\user()->checkAccess('p:/cron/viewlog')) {
     $suffixtext = 'This could be a problem if you have scripts relying on it!  <a href="' . \Core\resolve_link('/cron/howto') . '">Read how to resolve this issue</a>.';
     // Lookup and make sure that the cron hooks have ran recently enough!
     $checks = [['cron' => 'hourly', 'modify' => '-1 hour', 'label' => 'hour'], ['cron' => 'daily', 'modify' => '-1 day', 'label' => 'day'], ['cron' => 'weekly', 'modify' => '-1 week', 'label' => 'week'], ['cron' => 'monthly', 'modify' => '-1 month', 'label' => 'month']];
     foreach ($checks as $check) {
         $time = new CoreDateTime();
         $cronfac = new ModelFactory('CronLogModel');
         $cronfac->where('cron = ' . $check['cron']);
         $cronfac->where('created >= ' . $time->getFormatted('U', Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));
         $count = $cronfac->count();
         if ($count == 0) {
             \Core\set_message('Your ' . $check['cron'] . ' cron has not run in the last ' . $check['label'] . '!  ' . $suffixtext, 'error');
             // Only complain to the admin once per view.
Exemple #4
	 * Method to purge the user activity cron.
	 * This is useful because on an extremely busy site, this table can grow to several gigs within not much time.
	public static function PurgeUserActivityCron() {
		$opt = \ConfigHandler::Get('/user/activity/keephistory');

		if($opt == 'all' || !$opt){
			echo 'Not purging any user activity.' . "\n";
			return true;

		// Convert the key to a datestring value.
		$date = new \CoreDateTime();
			case '1-week':
				$date->modify('-1 week');
			case '1-month':
				$date->modify('-1 month');
			case '2-months':
				$date->modify('-2 month');
			case '3-months':
				$date->modify('-3 month');
			case '6-months':
				$date->modify('-6 month');
			case '12-months':
				$date->modify('-12 month');
			case '24-months':
				$date->modify('-24 month');
			case '36-months':
				$date->modify('-36 month');
				echo 'Invalid value for /user/activity/keephistory: [' . $opt . ']';
				return false;

		// And delete any activity older than this date.
		echo 'Purging user activity older than ' . $date->getFormatted('r') . "...\n";
		$ds = new \Core\Datamodel\Dataset();
		$ds->delete()->table('user_activity')->where('datetime < ' . $date->getFormatted('U', \TIME::TIMEZONE_GMT))->execute();
		echo 'Removed ' . $ds->num_rows . ' record(s).' . "\n";
		return true;
	 * Form Handler for logging in.
	 * @static
	 * @param \Form $form
	 * @return bool|null|string
	public static function LoginHandler(\Form $form){
		/** @var \FormElement $e */
		$e = $form->getElement('email');
		/** @var \FormElement $p */
		$p = $form->getElement('pass');

		/** @var \UserModel $u */
		$u = \UserModel::Find(array('email' => $e->get('value')), 1);

			// Log this as a login attempt!
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. Email not registered' . "\n" . 'Email: ' . $e->get('value') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg);
			return false;

		if($u->get('active') == 0){
			// The model provides a quick cut-off for active/inactive users.
			// This is the control managed with in the admin.
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. User tried to login before account activation' . "\n" . 'User: '******'email') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));
			return false;
		elseif($u->get('active') == -1){
			// The model provides a quick cut-off for active/inactive users.
			// This is the control managed with in the admin.
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. User tried to login after account deactivation.' . "\n" . 'User: '******'email') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));
			return false;

			/** @var \Core\User\AuthDrivers\datastore $auth */
			$auth = $u->getAuthDriver('datastore');
		catch(Exception $e){
			return false;

		// This is a special case if the password isn't set yet.
		// It can happen with imported users or if a password is invalidated.
		if($u->get('password') == ''){
			// Use the Nonce system to generate a one-time key with this user's data.
			$nonce = \NonceModel::Generate(
				'20 minutes',
				['type' => 'password-reset', 'user' => $u->get('id')]

			$link = '/datastoreauth/forgotpassword?e=' . urlencode($u->get('email')) . '&n=' . $nonce;

			$email = new \Email();
			$email->setSubject('Initial Password Request');
			$email->assign('link', \Core\resolve_link($link));
			$email->assign('ip', REMOTE_IP);
			$email->templatename = 'emails/user/initialpassword.tpl';
				\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/initialpassword/send', 'Initial password request sent successfully', null, $u->get('id'));

				return true;
			catch(\Exception $e){
				return false;


			// Log this as a login attempt!
			$logmsg = 'Failed Login. Invalid password' . "\n" . 'Email: ' . $e->get('value') . "\n";
			\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login/failed_password', $logmsg, null, $u->get('id'));

			// Also, I want to look up and see how many login attempts there have been in the past couple minutes.
			// If there are too many, I need to start slowing the attempts.
			$time = new \CoreDateTime();
			$time->modify('-5 minutes');

			$securityfactory = new \ModelFactory('SystemLogModel');
			$securityfactory->where('code = /user/login/failed_password');
			$securityfactory->where('datetime > ' . $time->getFormatted(\Time::FORMAT_EPOCH, \Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));
			$securityfactory->where('ip_addr = ' . REMOTE_IP);

			$attempts = $securityfactory->count();
			if($attempts > 4){
				// Start slowing down the response.  This should help deter brute force attempts.
				// (x+((x-7)/4)^3)-4
				sleep( ($attempts+(($attempts-7)/4)^3)-4 );
				// This makes a nice little curve with the following delays:
				// 5th  attempt: 0.85
				// 6th  attempt: 2.05
				// 7th  attempt: 3.02
				// 8th  attempt: 4.05
				// 9th  attempt: 5.15
				// 10th attempt: 6.52
				// 11th attempt: 8.10
				// 12th attempt: 10.05

			$p->set('value', '');
			return false;

			// The page was set via client-side javascript on the login page.
			// This is the most reliable option.
			$url = $form->getElementValue('redirect');
		elseif(REL_REQUEST_PATH == '/user/login'){
			// If the user came from the registration page, get the page before that.
			$url = $form->referrer;
			// else the registration link is now on the same page as the 403 handler.

		// Well, record this too!
		\SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/user/login', 'Login successful (via password)', null, $u->get('id'));

		// yay...
		$u->set('last_login', \CoreDateTime::Now('U', \Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));

		// Allow an external script to override the redirecting URL.
		$overrideurl = \HookHandler::DispatchHook('/user/postlogin/getredirecturl');
			$url = $overrideurl;

		return $url;
Exemple #6
  * Shorthand function to generate and save a valid Nonce key.
  * @param string            $expires A human-readable string of an expire time in the future, ie: 2 seconds, 10 days, etc.
  * @param string|null|mixed $hash    Can be used to validate this nonce from an external verification check.
  * @param mixed             $data    Any data that is needed to be stored along with this nonce.
  * @return string
 public static function Generate($expires = '2 hours', $hash = null, $data = null)
     $nonce = new NonceModel();
     // Determine the datetime that this nonce expires.
     $date = new CoreDateTime();
     $nonce->set('expires', $date->getFormatted('U', Time::TIMEZONE_GMT));
     $nonce->set('data', $data);
     return $nonce->get('key');