private function autoLogin() { try { if (\Session::has('userID')) { } else { //try set session from cookies if no session if (!empty(\Cookie::get('userID'))) { $field = array('field' => '_id', 'value' => (string) \Cookie::get('userID')); if (Auth::isExists($field)) { \Session::put('userID', \Cookie::get('userID')); // //return \Response::make()->withCookie(\Cookie::make('userID', \Cookie::get('userID') , self::COOKIE_EXPIRE)); } else { throw new AuthCheckException('username', 'auth.username.doesnt.exist'); } } else { //\Session::forget('userID')->withCookie(\Cookie::forget('userID'))->withCookie(\Cookie::forget('userID')); throw new AuthCheckException('userid', 'auth.userid.doesnt.exist'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $return = \Response::json(["message" => "Session logout!"], 400); \Session::forget('userID'); return $return->withCookie(Cookie::forget('userID'))->withCookie(Cookie::forget('userID')); } }
public static function logout() { Session::forget("auths"); Cookie::forget(Config::get('auth.rememeber_cookie')); // //Url::redirect("@".Config::get('auth.login')); }
/** * Store a newly created song in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { // Set rules for validator $rules = array("artist" => "required", "title" => "required", "requester" => "required", "link" => "required|url"); // Validate input $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { // TODO: Remember form input... return Redirect::to('song/create')->withErrors($validator, "song"); } // Create new song $song = Input::all(); // Set or unset remember cookie if (isset($song['remember-requester'])) { $cookie = Cookie::make("requester", $song['requester']); } else { $cookie = Cookie::forget("requester"); } $artist = DB::getPdo()->quote($song['artist']); $title = DB::getPdo()->quote($song['title']); if (Song::whereRaw("LOWER(artist) = LOWER({$artist}) AND LOWER(title) = LOWER({$title})")->count() > 0) { return Redirect::to('song/create')->with('error', "HEBBEN WE AL!!!")->withCookie($cookie); } Song::create($song); // Set success message $msg = "Gefeliciteerd! Je nummer is aangevraagd :D"; // Redirect to song index page with message and cookie return Redirect::to("/")->with("success", $msg)->withCookie($cookie); }
public function callback() { // Create an consumer from the config $this->consumer = Consumer::make($this->config); // Load the provider $this->provider = Provider::make($this->provider); if ($token = \Cookie::get('oauth_token')) { // Get the token from storage $this->token = unserialize(base64_decode($token)); } if (!property_exists($this, 'token')) { throw new Exception('Invalid token'); } if ($this->token and $this->token->access_token !== \Input::get('oauth_token')) { // Delete the token, it is not valid \Cookie::forget('oauth_token'); // Send the user back to the beginning throw new Exception('invalid token after coming back to site'); } // Get the verifier $verifier = \Input::get('oauth_verifier'); // Store the verifier in the token $this->token->verifier($verifier); // Exchange the request token for an access token return $this->provider->access_token($this->token, $this->consumer); }
/** * Triggers the logout process, purges Cookies and session. */ public static function logout() { Session::forget('Ravenly.user'); Session::forget('Ravenly.crsid'); Cookie::forget('Ravenly.UcamWebauth'); Cookie::forget('ravenly'); }
public function postIndex() { $input = Input::only('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'username', 'password', 'domain_id'); $domain_id = Cookie::get('domain_hash') ? Cookie::get('domain_hash') : 'NULL'; $rules = array('first_name' => 'required|min:1', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL,domain_id,' . $domain_id, 'username' => 'required|min:3|must_alpha_num|unique:users,username,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL,domain_id,' . $domain_id, 'password' => 'required|min:6'); $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'register', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } $profile = new Profile(array('first_name' => $input['first_name'], 'last_name' => $input['last_name'], 'website' => '')); $profile->save(); $user = new User(array('domain_id' => Cookie::get('domain_hash') ? Cookie::get('domain_hash') : NULL, 'email' => $input['email'], 'username' => $input['username'], 'password' => Hash::make($input['password']), 'status' => Cookie::get('domain_hash') ? 4 : 3)); $user->profile()->associate($profile); $user->save(); if ($user->id) { if ($user->status == 4) { $this->add_phone_number($user->id); } $cookie = Cookie::forget('rndext'); $confirmation = App::make('email-confirmation'); $confirmation->send($user); Mail::send('emails.register', array('new_user' => $input['username']), function ($message) { $message->from(Config::get('mail.from.address'), Config::get(''))->to(Input::get('email'))->subject(_('New user registration')); }); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_register', array('id' => $user->id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); // return Output::push(array( // 'path' => 'register', // 'messages' => array('success' => _('You have registered successfully')), // )); return Redirect::to('register')->with('success', _('You have registered successfully'))->withCookie($cookie); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'register', 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Fail to register')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
public function getLogout() { Session::flush(); Cookie::forget('laravel_session'); Auth::logout(); return Redirect::to('/')->with('success_messages', 'Vuelve Pronto')->with('alert-class', 'alert-success'); }
public static function unsetCart() { $key = \Request::cookie('shoppingCart'); $cart = \App\Cart::where('key', $key)->first(); $cookie = \Cookie::forget('shoppingCart'); $cart->delete(); return $cookie; }
public function logout() { $admin_id = Cookie::forget('admin_id'); $admin_username = Cookie::forget('admin_username'); $k = Cookie::forget('k'); $login_time = Cookie::forget('login_time'); return Redirect::route('home')->withCookie($k)->withCookie($admin_id)->withCookie($admin_username)->withCookie($login_time); }
public function postDelete() { $Usuario = Usuario::find(Input::get('Usuario')['id'])->update(Input::get('Usuario')); Session::flush(); Cookie::forget('laravel_session'); Auth::logout(); return Redirect::to('/')->with('success_messages', 'Lamentamos que te hayas ido, esperamos volverte a ver')->with('alert-class', 'alert-success'); }
private function _setCookie() { if (Auth::user()->status == 4) { $cookie = Cookie::make('domain_hash', Auth::user()->domain_id); } else { $cookie = Cookie::forget('domain_hash'); } return $cookie; }
public function ChecksiteLogin() { if (Input::has('site-password')) { if (Input::get('site-password') == Config::get('config.site_password')) { $cookie = Cookie::forever('siteprotection', 'YES'); return Redirect::back()->withCookie($cookie); } } Cookie::forget('siteprotection'); return Redirect::back()->with(['errors' => 'Sorry wrong password for site.']); }
/** * View Login page * @return [type] [description] */ public function create() { if (Auth::check()) { return Redirect::intended('/'); } $cookies = Cookie::get(); foreach ($cookies as $name => $cookie) { Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget($name)); } return View::make('login'); }
public function action_auth() { $email = Input::get('email'); $pswd = Input::get('password'); $creds = array('username' => $email, 'password' => $pswd); try { if (Auth::attempt($creds)) { if ($redir = Cookie::get('rid')) { Cookie::forget('rid'); return Redirect::to($redir)->with_input(); } return View::make('sapoc.pages.index'); } else { return Redirect::to('login')->with('login_errors', true); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // TODO: Show Error page } }
public function __construct() { session_start(); FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication('355697367892039', '4e86edc58e5798b253dd55c164504512'); $this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on' => array('post', 'delete', 'put'))); $fbuser = User::where('facebook_id', '=', Session::get('facebook_id'))->where('facebook_id', '<>', '')->first(); if (isset($fbuser->id)) { Session::put('username', $fbuser->username); Session::put('user_level', $fbuser->user_level); Session::put('id', $fbuser->id); } elseif (Cookie::get('ps_login') && !Session::get('id')) { $user = unserialize(Cookie::get('ps_login')); if (isset($user->id)) { Session::put('username', $user['username']); Session::put('user_level', $user['user_level']); Session::put('id', $user['id']); } else { Cookie::forget('ps_login'); } } }
public function logout() { \Session::forget('admin'); return redirect('/admin/login')->with('message', 'You have been successfully logged out.')->withCookie(\Cookie::forget('neyko_admin_remember_token')); }
/** * Show a single event * @param [type] $slug [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function show($slug) { // Grab the requestersId $setFriendCookie = \Input::get('suarayrequestfrom'); // Instantiate the APIHelper $api = new \App\Helpers\ApiHelper(); $id = null; // Check if user is logged in $appendAuthUserId = \Auth::check() ? 'auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id . '&' : null; // Is this event being accessed via a private link $isAccessedByPrivateLink = empty($hash) ? false : true; // Sets private hash if available // Aborts if we are public and there is no hash or its empty // Sets events variable once validated $events = $this->setEvent($isAccessedByPrivateLink, $appendAuthUserId, $slug, $api); $eventId = isset($events['id']) ? $events['id'] : null; $address = urlencode($events['address1'] . ", " . $events['city'] . ", " . $events['state']); // Sets attendees for idividual event with count and user information $attendees = $this->setAttendees($appendAuthUserId, $slug, $api); $attendeeInfo = $attendees['attendeeInfo']; $attendeeList = $attendees['attendeeList']; $events['ticketsInventory'] = $this->unsetDisabledTickets($events); // QR code hash $hash = '$2y$10$TfnEb9qbeS4hXu.EsE.yM.nWe6uRP3XQVPXwevQeJCaDd.Pfbgt1i'; // Sets admin check to false $isAdmin = false; $attendingStatus = []; $ownedEvent = []; // Set variables for the different privacy levels $shareableLink = $events['meta']['private']['shareableLink']; $friendsOnly = $events['meta']['private']['friendsOnly']; $byInvite = $events['meta']['private']['byInvite']; // create a privacy array $private = [$shareableLink, $friendsOnly, $byInvite]; // Check if user is signed in if (\Auth::check()) { // Find if the user is attending $attendingStatus = $api->show('events', urlencode($slug) . '?with[]=times&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id); $attendingStatus = isset($attendingStatus['data']['event']['auth']['isAttending']) ? $attendingStatus['data']['event']['auth']['isAttending'] : null; $isAdmin = $events['userId'] == \Auth::user()->id ? true : $isAdmin; $friends = $this->setFriends($api); $api = new \App\Helpers\ApiHelper(); // If the users ID matches the UserId of the event if (\Auth::user()->id == $events['userId']) { // Otherwise show privacy options } else { // While the one of the 3 privacy settings are true while (list($key, $value) = each($events['meta']['private'])) { if ($value === true) { $private = true; // If the privacy setting is shareableLink if ($private === true && $key === 'shareableLink') { // Set the privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private and only viewed with a private link'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); // Else if the privacy setting is friends only } elseif ($private === true && $key === 'friendsOnly') { $friendIds = []; foreach ($friends as $key => $friendId) { $friendIds[] = $friendId['pivot']['friendId']; } // If the creater of the event are friends with the logged in user if (in_array($events['userId'], $friendIds)) { // Else continue on } else { // Set the privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); } // If the privacy setting is by invite only } elseif ($private === true && $key === 'byInvite') { // Set privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private and only viewed by an invite'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); } } } } } else { // If the user is not logged in if (!\Auth::check() && $private === true) { // Return view login with the title of the event and the slug return \Redirect::route('login')->with('warning_message', 'In order to view ' . $events['title'] . ' you must log in')->with('previous_page', $events['slug']); } // While the one of the 3 privacy settings are true while (list($key, $value) = each($events['meta']['private'])) { if ($value === true) { $private = true; // If the privacy setting is shareableLink if ($private === true && $key === 'shareableLink') { // Set the privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private and only viewed with a private link'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); // Else if the privacy setting is friends only } elseif ($private === true && $key === 'friendsOnly') { // Set the privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); // If the privacy setting is by invite only } elseif ($private === true && $key === 'byInvite') { // Set the privacy message $privateMessage = 'This event is private and only viewed by an invite'; // Return view return \View::make('events.private')->with('privateMessage', $privateMessage); } } } } if (!empty($events)) { // Set default photo $defaultPhoto = null; // Use featured photo if available if (isset($events['featuredPhoto'])) { $defaultPhoto = $events['featuredPhoto']; } // Use first photo if available and featured photo is not available if ($defaultPhoto == null && isset($events['photos'][0])) { $defaultPhoto = $events['photos'][0]; } // Sets events meta data $meta = $this->setMetaData($events); $metaTitle = $meta['metaTitle']; $metaDescription = $meta['metaDescription']; $metaKeywords = $meta['metaKeywords']; // Set ticket type to ticket or reservation $ticketType = $this->setTicketType($events); $tickets = $ticketType['tickets']; $reservations = $ticketType['reservations']; // Shows related events $relatedEvents = $this->setRelatedEvents($events, $api); // Set times default $times = []; // Set times Id default $eventTimeIdSelected = null; // Set times Id default $timesId = []; // Times array build and set foreach ($events['times'] as $key => $value) { // Set key if set to null if ($eventTimeIdSelected === null) { $eventTimeIdSelected = $value['id']; } $key = $value['id']; $value = date('M d @ g:ia', strtotime($value['start'])); $times[$key] = $value; } // View data $data = ['address' => $address, 'attendeeInfo' => $attendeeInfo, 'attendeeList' => $attendeeList, 'eventId' => $eventId, 'events' => $events, 'times' => $times, 'tickets' => $tickets, 'reservations' => $reservations, 'eventTimeIdSelected' => $eventTimeIdSelected, 'timesId' => $timesId, 'friends' => isset($friends) ? $friends : [], 'defaultPhoto' => $defaultPhoto, 'relatedEvents' => $relatedEvents, 'hash' => $hash, 'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords, 'attendingStatus' => $attendingStatus, 'ownedEvent' => $ownedEvent, 'metaDescription' => $metaDescription, 'metaTitle' => $metaTitle, 'isAdmin' => $isAdmin, 'id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug, 'isAccessedByPrivateLink' => $isAccessedByPrivateLink]; // Check if user is signed in if (\Auth::check()) { $user = $api->index('users/' . \Auth::user()->id . '?with[]=ticketInventories&with[]=stripeManagedAccounts&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id); $user = $user['data']['user']; } // The view $view = \View::make('', $data)->with(['data' => $data, 'user' => isset($user) ? $user : null]); // Instanciate response $response = new Response($view); // Return response return $response->withCookie(\Cookie::make('suarayrequestfrom', $setFriendCookie, 43829.1))->withCookie(\Cookie::forget('purchaseCookieData')); } }
<?php Route::get('/{video_id?}', ['as' => 'index', 'uses' => function ($video_id = null) { if (isset($video_id)) { $video_cookie = Cookie::get('video_id'); if ($video_cookie == $video_id) { Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('video_id')); return Redirect::route('index'); } return view('video', ['video_id' => $video_id]); } else { if (Cookie::get('video_id')) { Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('video_id')); } return view('index'); } }]);
<?php Route::filter('patrickrose.sharedauth', function () { if (Cookie::has('patrickrosesharedhost')) { if (Cookie::get('patrickrosesharedhost') != Config::get('laravel-sharedhost::password')) { die(var_dump(Config::get('app.key'))); Cookie::forget('patrickrosesharedhost'); return Redirect::route('patrickrose.sharedhost.login'); } } else { return Redirect::route('patrickrose.sharedhost.login'); } });
/** * Log the current user out of the application. * * The "logout" closure in the authenciation configuration file will be * called. All authentication cookies will be deleted and the user ID * will be removed from the session. * * @return void */ public static function logout() { call_user_func(Config::get('auth.logout'), static::user()); static::$user = null; Cookie::forget(Auth::user_key); Cookie::forget(Auth::remember_key); IoC::core('session')->forget(Auth::user_key); }
$user = User::find($userid); if (is_null($userid) || is_null($user)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } else { return View::make('emails.download2', array('fname' => $user->fname, 'sname' => $user->lname, 'userid' => $userid)); } }); Route::get('restart', function () { if (Cookie::has('quiz_progress')) { $progress_id = Cookie::get('quiz_progress'); $progress = Progress::find($progress_id); if ($progress) { $progress->delete(); } } $cookie = Cookie::forget('quiz_progress'); return Redirect::to('/')->withCookie($cookie); }); Route::get('cookies', function () { return View::make('legal.cookies'); }); Route::get('privacy', function () { return View::make('legal.privacy'); }); Route::get('continue', array('before' => 'reload', function () { if (!Cookie::has('quiz_progress')) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $questions = Config::get('questions'); $progress_id = Cookie::get('quiz_progress'); $progress = Progress::find($progress_id);
public function login_post() { $phone = Input::get('phone'); $password = Input::get('password'); try { Sentry::authenticate(array('phone' => $phone, 'password' => $password), false); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\LoginRequiredException $e) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => 1, 'message' => '请输入手机号码')); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\PasswordRequiredException $e) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => 2, 'message' => '请输入密码')); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserNotFoundException $e) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => 3, 'message' => '手机号或密码错误')); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\WrongPasswordException $e) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => 4, 'message' => '手机号或密码错误')); } catch (Exception $e) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => -1, 'message' => 'Unknown Error')); } $user = Sentry::getUser(); if ($user->role) { return Response::json(array('error_code' => 5, 'message' => '无效用户')); } Session::put('', $user->id); $error_message = array('error_code' => 0, 'message' => '登陆成功'); // 通过ajax请求,则返回之前的uri,前端进行跳转 if (Request::ajax()) { $error_message['uri_before'] = Session::pull('uri.before_login'); $response = Response::json($error_message); if (($remember = Input::get('remember')) == 'true') { $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::make('remember', true, self::$remember_expire)); $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::make('phone', $phone, self::$remember_expire)); $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::make('password', $password, self::$remember_expire)); } else { $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::forget('remember')); $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::forget('phone')); $response->headers->setCookie(Cookie::forget('password')); } return $response; } else { $error_message['user'] = $user; } return Response::json($error_message); }
public function unsubscribe(Request $request) { $cookie_list = $request->cookie('list_joined'); $cid = $request->cookie('list_cid'); if ($cookie_list && $cid) { // now we can unsubscribe the user $member = ListMember::find($cid); $member->subscribed = 0; $member->save(); $list = MailList::find($cookie_list); $c1 = \Cookie::forget('list_joined'); $c2 = \Cookie::forget('list_cid'); return \Theme::display('lists.list-remove', ['list' => $list], array($c1, $c2)); } // look for get varibale if ($request->has('e')) { $member = ListMember::where('email', $request->e)->first(); $member->subscribed = 0; $member->save(); $list = MailList::find($member->list_id); // for good measure, unset cookie too. $c1 = \Cookie::forget('list_joined'); $c2 = \Cookie::forget('list_cid'); return \Theme::display('lists.list-remove', ['list' => $list], array($c1, $c2)); } // dfault page // @todo set up a way of searching email addresses and unsubsribing them. return \Theme::display('lists.list-subscriptions', []); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $input = Input::only('first_name', 'last_name', 'website', 'email', 'username', 'password', 'status', 'domain_id'); $domain_id = Request::segment(3) ? Request::segment(3) : 'NULL'; $rules = array('first_name' => 'required|min:1', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL,domain_id,' . $domain_id, 'username' => 'required|min:3|must_alpha_num|unique:users,username,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL,domain_id,' . $domain_id, 'password' => 'required|min:6'); $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => 'users/add/' . Request::segment(3), 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } $profile = new Profile(array('first_name' => $input['first_name'], 'last_name' => $input['last_name'], 'website' => $input['website'])); $profile->save(); $user = new User(array('domain_id' => Request::segment(3) ? Request::segment(3) : NULL, 'email' => $input['email'], 'username' => $input['username'], 'password' => Hash::make($input['password']), 'status' => $input['status'])); $user->profile()->associate($profile); $user->save(); $path = Request::segment(3) ? 'domain/users/' . Request::segment(3) : 'managers'; if ($user->id) { if ($user->status == 4) { $this->add_phone_number($user->id); } $cookie = Cookie::forget('rndext'); Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_add', array('id' => $user->id, 'username' => $user->username), 2))); // return Output::push(array( // 'path' => $path, // 'messages' => array('success' => _('You have added user successfully')), // )); return Redirect::to($path)->with('success', _('You have added user successfully'))->withCookie($cookie); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => 'users', 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Fail to add user')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
}); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This route group applies the "web" middleware group to every route | it contains. The "web" middleware group is defined in your HTTP | kernel and includes session state, CSRF protection, and more. | */ Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () { // }); Route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () { Cookie::forget('laravel_session'); Route::auth(); //Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index'); Route::get('/login', function () { Auth::logout(); return view('auth/login'); }); Route::get('/user', 'HomeController@index'); Route::get('/moderator', 'HomeController@mod'); Route::post('/user', function (Request $request) { $php = new Code(); $php->email = Auth::user()->email; $php->code = $request->phpcode; $php->save(); return view('home', ['code' => $request->phpcode]); });
get('access-catalog', 'DashboardController@accessCatalog'); }); Route::group(['prefix' => 'manage'], function () { get('student', 'DashboardController@student'); get('faculty', 'DashboardController@faculty'); get('librarian', 'DashboardController@librarian'); }); Route::group(['prefix' => 'display'], function () { get('change-password', 'DisplayController@changePassword'); }); get('/', 'DashboardController@index'); get('category', 'DashboardController@category'); get('dashboard', 'DashboardController@dashboard'); get('login', 'AuthController@login'); get('logout', function () { $cookie = Cookie::forget('access_token'); return redirect('admin/login')->withCookie($cookie); }); }); Route::group(['namespace' => 'Guest'], function () { Route::group(['namespace' => 'Library'], function () { get('/', 'LibraryController@index'); get('search', 'LibraryController@search_'); get('guidelines', 'LibraryController@guidelines_'); get('about', 'LibraryController@about_'); get('contact', 'LibraryController@contact_'); get('studentdashboard', 'LibraryController@studentdash_'); get('facultydashboard', 'LibraryController@facultydash_'); get('librariandashboard', 'LibraryController@librariandash_'); }); });
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function postStore($data = null) { $input = Request::segment(1) == 'phone_number' ? Input::only('description', 'sip_password', 'user_id') : $data; $input['extension'] = Cookie::get('rndext') ? Cookie::get('rndext') : $this->generate_extension(); $path = Request::segment(2) == 'manage' ? "phone_number/manage/" . Request::segment(3) : "phone_number"; $rules = array('extension' => 'unique:phone_numbers,extension,NULL,id,deleted_at,NULL', 'sip_password' => 'required|min:6|alpha_num'); if (Request::segment(2) == 'manage') { $rules['user_id'] = 'required'; } $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Output::push(array('path' => $path . '/add', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE)); } $phone_number = new PhoneNumber(['user_id' => $input['user_id'] ? $input['user_id'] : Auth::user()->id, 'extension' => $input['extension'], 'sip_password' => $input['sip_password'], 'description' => $input['description']]); $phone_number->save(); Event::fire('logger', array(array('phone_number_add', array('id' => $phone_number->id, 'extension' => $input['extension']), 2))); if ($phone_number->id) { $cookie = Cookie::forget('rndext'); $user = $input['user_id'] ? User::find($input['user_id']) : Auth::user(); $data = array('phone_number_e164' => '+' . Config::get('settings.global_prefix') . '-' . $user->domain->prefix . '-' . $input['extension'], 'local_phone_number' => $input['extension'], 'domain_sip_server' => $user->domain->sip_server, 'domain_control_panel' => $user->domain->domain, 'sip_password' => $input['sip_password']); $mail_to = $input['user_id'] ? User::find($input['user_id'])->email : Auth::user()->email; Mail::send('emails.phone_number', $data, function ($message) use($mail_to) { $message->from(Config::get('mail.from.address'), Config::get(''))->to($mail_to)->subject(_('New phone number')); }); return Redirect::to($path)->with('success', _('You have added Phone Number successfully'))->withCookie($cookie); } else { return Output::push(array('path' => $path . '/add', 'messages' => array('fail' => _('Fail to add Phone Number')), 'input' => TRUE)); } }
function delete_cookies() { Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('uid')); Cookie::queue(Cookie::forget('token')); }
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested. | */ Route::get('/', 'HomeController@getIndex'); // Utility Routes Route::get('/launch', array('as' => 'launch', 'uses' => 'LaunchController@getIndex')); Route::get('/login', array('as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'LaunchController@getLogin')); Route::get('/blog', array('as' => 'blog', 'uses' => 'BlogController@getIndex')); Route::get('/admin', array('as' => 'admin', 'uses' => 'AdminController@getIndex')); Route::get('/portal', array('as' => 'portal', 'uses' => 'PortalController@getIndex')); Route::get('/portal/post/new', array('uses' => 'PortalController@getPostCreate')); Route::get('/{user}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{term}', 'BlogController@getPost'); Route::get('/blog/tag/{tag}', 'BlogController@getPostsByTag'); Route::get('/offender/{id}', 'OffenderController@getOffender'); // Utility Routes Route::any('/logout', function () { Session::flush(); $delCookie = Cookie::forget('_user_remember'); return Response::view('login')->withCookie($delCookie); }); // Core Routes Route::get('/password', array('as' => 'Password', 'uses' => 'LaunchController@getPassword')); Route::get('/forgot', array('as' => 'Forget', 'uses' => 'LaunchController@getForgot')); // Custom Controllers Route::controller('/launch', 'LaunchController'); Route::controller('/blog', 'BlogController'); Route::controller('/admin', 'AdminController'); Route::controller('/portal', 'PortalController'); Route::controller('/connection', 'ConnectionController');
/** * Log the current user out of the application. * * @return void */ public static function logout() { // We will call the "logout" closure first, which gives the developer // the chance to do any clean-up or before the user is logged out of // the application. No action is taken by default. call_user_func(Config::get('auth.logout'), static::user()); static::$user = null; $config = Config::get('session'); extract($config, EXTR_SKIP); // When forgetting the cookie, we need to also pass in the path and // domain that would have been used when the cookie was originally // set by the framework, otherwise it will not be deleted. $cookie = Config::get('auth.cookie'); Cookie::forget($cookie, $path, $domain, $secure); Session::forget(Auth::user_key); }