Exemple #1
 public function __construct()
     if (!self::$scripts_added) {
         self::$scripts_added = true;
         Context::loadFile(array('./addons/recaptcha/recaptcha.js', 'body'));
         Context::addHtmlFooter('<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit&amp;onload=reCaptchaCallback" async defer></script>');
         $html = '<div id="recaptcha-config" data-sitekey="%s" data-theme="%s" data-size="%s"></div>';
         $html = sprintf($html, escape(self::$config->site_key), self::$config->theme ?: 'light', self::$config->size ?: 'normal');
     * @brief 에디터 컴포넌트가 별도의 고유 코드를 이용한다면 그 코드를 html로 변경하여 주는 method
     * 이미지나 멀티미디어, 설문등 고유 코드가 필요한 에디터 컴포넌트는 고유코드를 내용에 추가하고 나서
     * DocumentModule::transContent() 에서 해당 컴포넌트의 transHtml() method를 호출하여 고유코드를 html로 변경
    function transHTML($xml_obj)
        $code_type = $xml_obj->attrs->code_type;
        $option_file_path = $xml_obj->attrs->file_path;
        $option_description = $xml_obj->attrs->description;
        $option_first_line = $xml_obj->attrs->first_line;
        $option_collapse = $xml_obj->attrs->collapse;
        $option_nogutter = $xml_obj->attrs->nogutter;
        $option_nocontrols = $xml_obj->attrs->nocontrols;
        if ($option_collapse == 'true') {
            $option = $option . 'collapse: true;';
        if ($option_nogutter == 'true') {
            $option = $option . 'gutter: false;';
        if ($option_nocontrols == 'true' && $option_collapse != 'true') {
            $option = $option . 'toolbar: false;';
        if ($option_first_line > 1) {
            $option = $option . "first-line: " . $option_first_line . ";";
        $body = $xml_obj->body;
        $body = preg_replace('@(<br\\s?/?>)(\\n)?@i', "\n", $body);
        $body = strip_tags($body);
        if (!$GLOBALS['_called_editor_component_code_highlighter_']) {
            $GLOBALS['_called_editor_component_code_highlighter_'] = true;
            $js_code = <<<dpScript
<script type="text/javascript">
SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = '{$this->component_path}script/clipboard.swf';
            Context::addCSSFile($this->component_path . 'style/shCore.css');
            Context::addCSSFile($this->component_path . 'style/shThemeDefault.css');
            Context::addJsFile($this->component_path . 'script/shCore.js');
        Context::addJsFile($this->component_path . 'script/shBrush' . $code_type . '.js');
        $output = null;
        if ($option_file_path != null || $option_description != null) {
            $output .= '<div class="ch_infobox">';
            if ($option_file_path != null) {
                $output .= '<span class="file_path">' . $option_file_path . '</span>';
            if ($option_description != null) {
                $output .= '<span class="description">' . $option_description . '</span>';
            $output .= '</div>';
        $output .= sprintf('<pre class="brush: %s;%s">%s</pre>', strtolower($code_type), $option, $body);
        return $output;
  * Enviroment information send to XE collect server
  * @return void
 function showSendEnv()
     if (Context::getResponseMethod() != 'HTML') {
     $server = 'http://collect.xpressengine.com/env/img.php?';
     $path = './files/env/';
     $install_env = $path . 'install';
     $mainVersion = join('.', array_slice(explode('.', __XE_VERSION__), 0, 2));
     if (file_exists(FileHandler::getRealPath($install_env))) {
         $oAdminAdminModel = getAdminModel('admin');
         $params = $oAdminAdminModel->getEnv('INSTALL');
         $img = sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="" style="height:0px;width:0px" />', $server . $params);
         FileHandler::writeFile($path . $mainVersion, '1');
     } else {
         if (isset($_SESSION['enviroment_gather']) && !file_exists(FileHandler::getRealPath($path . $mainVersion))) {
             if ($_SESSION['enviroment_gather'] == 'Y') {
                 $oAdminAdminModel = getAdminModel('admin');
                 $params = $oAdminAdminModel->getEnv();
                 $img = sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="" style="height:0px;width:0px" />', $server . $params);
             FileHandler::writeFile($path . $mainVersion, '1');

notify after check new document
if (!defined('__XE__')) {
if ($called_position == 'before_module_proc' && Context::get('module') != 'admin' && Context::get('act') != 'getFileList' && Context::get('act') != 'procFileUpload') {
    $delay = str_replace("ms", "", $addon_info->delay);
    if (!isset($addon_info->notifysound)) {
        $addon_info->notifysound = "false";
    Context::addHtmlHeader('<script src="https://cdn.socket.io/socket.io-1.0.3.js"></script>');
    Context::addHtmlFooter('<script src="./addons/new_document_notify2/js/new_document_notify.js"></script>');
    Context::addBodyHeader('<div id="notify-div"></div>');
    Context::addHtmlHeader('<script type="text/javascript">var socket = io("' . $addon_info->nitrous . '");var delay = ' . $delay . ';var notifysound="' . $addon_info->notifysound . '"; </script>');
    if (in_array($this->mid, explode(",", $addon_info->module_id))) {
        if (Context::get('act') == "dispBoardWrite" && Context::get('document_srl')) {
            $_SESSION['notify_modify'] = 'modify';
        } else {
            if (Context::get('act') == 'procBoardInsertDocument' && $_SESSION['notify_modify'] == "modify") {
            } else {
                if ($_SESSION['notify_type'] == 'write') {
                    $title = $_SESSION['notify_title'];
                    $srl = $_SESSION['notify_srl'];
  * get a module instance and execute an action
  * @return ModuleObject executed module instance
  * */
 function procModule()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $display_mode = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
     // If error occurred while preparation, return a message instance
     if ($this->error) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Get action information with conf/module.xml
     $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($this->module);
     // If not installed yet, modify act
     if ($this->module == "install") {
         if (!$this->act || !$xml_info->action->{$this->act}) {
             $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // if act exists, find type of the action, if not use default index act
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // still no act means error
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // get type, kind
     $type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
     $ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
     $kind = stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
     if (!$kind && $this->module == 'admin') {
         $kind = 'admin';
     // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
     if ($type == 'controller') {
         $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->method;
         if (!$allowedMethod) {
             $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
         } else {
             $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
         if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
             $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             return $oMessageObject;
     if ($this->module_info->use_mobile != "Y") {
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // check CSRF for POST actions
     if (Context::getRequestMethod() === 'POST' && Context::isInstalled() && $this->act !== 'procFileUpload' && !checkCSRF()) {
         $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Admin ip
     if ($kind == 'admin' && $_SESSION['denied_admin'] == 'Y') {
         $this->error = "msg_not_permitted_act";
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // if(type == view, and case for using mobilephone)
     if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && Context::isInstalled()) {
         $orig_type = "view";
         $type = "mobile";
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
         if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
             $type = $orig_type;
             $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     } else {
         // create a module instance
         $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     if (!is_object($oModule)) {
         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // If there is no such action in the module object
     if (!isset($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
         if (!Context::isInstalled()) {
             $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
             $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
             if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
             return $oMessageObject;
         $forward = NULL;
         // 1. Look for the module with action name
         if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z0-9\\_]+)(.*)$/', $this->act, $matches)) {
             $module = strtolower($matches[2] . $matches[3]);
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module);
             if ($xml_info->action->{$this->act} && (stripos($this->act, 'admin') !== FALSE || $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->standalone != 'false')) {
                 $forward = new stdClass();
                 $forward->module = $module;
                 $forward->type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
                 $forward->ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
                 $forward->act = $this->act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 return $oMessageObject;
         if (!$forward) {
             $forward = $oModuleModel->getActionForward($this->act);
         if ($forward->module && $forward->type && $forward->act && $forward->act == $this->act) {
             $kind = stripos($forward->act, 'admin') !== FALSE ? 'admin' : '';
             $type = $forward->type;
             $ruleset = $forward->ruleset;
             $tpl_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
             $orig_module = $oModule;
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($forward->module);
             // SECISSUE also check foward act method
             // check REQUEST_METHOD in controller
             if ($type == 'controller') {
                 $allowedMethod = $xml_info->action->{$forward->act}->method;
                 if (!$allowedMethod) {
                     $allowedMethodList[0] = 'POST';
                 } else {
                     $allowedMethodList = explode('|', strtoupper($allowedMethod));
                 if (!in_array(strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']), $allowedMethodList)) {
                     $this->error = "msg_invalid_request";
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
                 $orig_type = "view";
                 $type = "mobile";
                 // create a module instance
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
                 if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
                     $type = $orig_type;
                     $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             } else {
                 $oModule = $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             if (!is_object($oModule)) {
                 $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                 if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
                 return $oMessageObject;
             if ($this->module == "admin" && $type == "view") {
                 if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                     if ($this->act != 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify') {
                         $oAdminView = getAdminView('admin');
                 } else {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($kind == 'admin') {
                 $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($this->module_info, $logged_info);
                 if (!$grant->manager) {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_manager';
                     $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                     return $oMessageObject;
                 } else {
                     if (!$grant->is_admin && $this->module != $this->orig_module->module && $xml_info->permission->{$this->act} != 'manager') {
                         $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                         $oMessageObject = ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $display_mode);
                         return $oMessageObject;
         } else {
             if ($xml_info->default_index_act && method_exists($oModule, $xml_info->default_index_act)) {
                 $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 return $oModule;
     // ruleset check...
     if (!empty($ruleset)) {
         $rulesetModule = $forward->module ? $forward->module : $this->module;
         $rulesetFile = $oModuleModel->getValidatorFilePath($rulesetModule, $ruleset, $this->mid);
         if (!empty($rulesetFile)) {
             if ($_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG']) {
                 $errorLang = $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG'];
                 foreach ($errorLang as $key => $val) {
                     Context::setLang($key, $val);
             $Validator = new Validator($rulesetFile);
             $result = $Validator->validate();
             if (!$result) {
                 $lastError = $Validator->getLastError();
                 $returnUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
                 $errorMsg = $lastError['msg'] ? $lastError['msg'] : 'validation error';
                 //for xml response
                 //for html redirect
                 $this->error = $errorMsg;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = -1;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $this->error;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = 'error';
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $returnUrl;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
                 return $oModule;
     $this->module_info->module_type = $type;
     $oModule->setModuleInfo($this->module_info, $xml_info);
     $skipAct = array('dispEditorConfigPreview' => 1, 'dispLayoutPreviewWithModule' => 1);
     $db_use_mobile = Mobile::isMobileEnabled();
     if ($type == "view" && $this->module_info->use_mobile == "Y" && Mobile::isMobileCheckByAgent() && !isset($skipAct[Context::get('act')]) && $db_use_mobile === true) {
         global $lang;
         $header = '<style>div.xe_mobile{opacity:0.7;margin:1em 0;padding:.5em;background:#333;border:1px solid #666;border-left:0;border-right:0}p.xe_mobile{text-align:center;margin:1em 0}a.xe_mobile{color:#ff0;font-weight:bold;font-size:24px}@media only screen and (min-width:500px){a.xe_mobile{font-size:15px}}</style>';
         $footer = '<div class="xe_mobile"><p class="xe_mobile"><a class="xe_mobile" href="' . getUrl('m', '1') . '">' . $lang->msg_pc_to_mobile . '</a></p></div>';
     if ($type == "view" && $kind != 'admin') {
         $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
         if ($module_config->htmlFooter) {
         if ($module_config->siteTitle) {
             $siteTitle = Context::getBrowserTitle();
             if (!$siteTitle) {
     // if failed message exists in session, set context
     $procResult = $oModule->proc();
     $methodList = array('XMLRPC' => 1, 'JSON' => 1, 'JS_CALLBACK' => 1);
     if (!$oModule->stop_proc && !isset($methodList[Context::getRequestMethod()])) {
         $error = $oModule->getError();
         $message = $oModule->getMessage();
         $messageType = $oModule->getMessageType();
         $redirectUrl = $oModule->getRedirectUrl();
         if ($messageType == 'error') {
             debugPrint($message, 'ERROR');
         if (!$procResult) {
             $this->error = $message;
             if (!$redirectUrl && Context::get('error_return_url')) {
                 $redirectUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
         } else {
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = $error;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ID'] = Context::get('xe_validator_id');
         if ($message != 'success') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $message;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = $messageType;
         if (Context::get('xeVirtualRequestMethod') != 'xml') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $redirectUrl;
     return $oModule;
if ($this->module != 'member' && $called_position == 'before_module_init') {
    // Load a language file from the communication module
    Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/communication/lang');
    // Add menus on the member login information
    $oMemberController = getController('member');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationFriend', 'cmd_view_friend');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationMessages', 'cmd_view_message_box');
    $flag_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/member_extra_info/new_message_flags/' . getNumberingPath($logged_info->member_srl) . $logged_info->member_srl;
    if ($addon_info->use_alarm != 'N' && file_exists($flag_file)) {
        // Pop-up to display messages if a flag on new message is set
        $new_message_count = (int) trim(FileHandler::readFile($flag_file));
        Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/member_communication/lang');
        Context::loadFile(array('./addons/member_communication/tpl/member_communication.js'), true);
        $text = preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', '\\n', addslashes(Context::getLang('alert_new_message_arrived')));
        Context::addHtmlFooter("<script type=\"text/javascript\">jQuery(function(){ xeNotifyMessage('{$text}','{$new_message_count}'); });</script>");
} elseif ($this->act == 'getMemberMenu' && $called_position == 'before_module_proc') {
    $member_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
    $oCommunicationModel = getModel('communication');
    // Add a feature to display own message box.
    if ($logged_info->member_srl == $member_srl) {
        $mid = Context::get('cur_mid');
        $oMemberController = getController('member');
        // Add your own viewing Note Template
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationMessages'), 'cmd_view_message_box', '', 'self');
        // Display a list of friends
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationFriend'), 'cmd_view_friend', '', 'self');
        // If not, Add menus to send message and to add friends
    } else {
        // Get member information
    // Add menus on the member login information
    $oMemberController =& getController('member');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationFriend', 'cmd_view_friend');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationMessages', 'cmd_view_message_box');
    // Pop-up to display messages if a flag on new message is set
    $flag_path = './files/member_extra_info/new_message_flags/' . getNumberingPath($logged_info->member_srl);
    $flag_file = $flag_path . $logged_info->member_srl;
    if (file_exists($flag_file)) {
        $new_message_count = trim(FileHandler::readFile($flag_file));
        Context::loadFile(array('./addons/member_communication/tpl/member_communication.js'), true);
        $text = preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', '\\n', addslashes(Context::getLang('alert_new_message_arrived')));
        $link = Context::getRequestUri() . '?module=communication&act=dispCommunicationNewMessage';
        $script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">jQuery(function(){ xeNotifyMessage('{$text}','{$new_message_count}'); });</script>";
} elseif ($called_position == 'before_module_proc' && $this->act == 'getMemberMenu') {
    $oMemberController =& getController('member');
    $member_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
    $mid = Context::get('cur_mid');
    // Creates communication model object
    $oCommunicationModel =& getModel('communication');
    // Add a feature to display own message box.
    if ($logged_info->member_srl == $member_srl) {
        // Add your own viewing Note Template
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationMessages'), 'cmd_view_message_box', '', 'self');
        // Display a list of friends
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationFriend'), 'cmd_view_friend', '', 'self');
        // If not, Add menus to send message and to add friends
    } else {
  * Produce HTML compliant content given a module object.\n
  * @param ModuleObject $oModule the module object
  * @return string compiled template string
 function toDoc(&$oModule)
     $oTemplate = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     // compile module tpl
     // deprecated themes skin
     $template_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
     if (!is_dir($template_path)) {
         if ($oModule->module_info->module == $oModule->module) {
             $skin = $oModule->origin_module_info->skin;
         } else {
             $skin = $oModule->module_config->skin;
         if (Context::get('module') != 'admin' && strpos(Context::get('act'), 'Admin') === false) {
             if ($skin && is_string($skin)) {
                 $theme_skin = explode('|@|', $skin);
                 $template_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
                 if (count($theme_skin) == 2) {
                     $theme_path = sprintf('./themes/%s', $theme_skin[0]);
                     // FIXME $theme_path $theme_path $theme_path ??
                     if (substr($theme_path, 0, strlen($theme_path)) != $theme_path) {
                         $template_path = sprintf('%s/modules/%s/', $theme_path, $theme_skin[1]);
             } else {
                 $template_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
         } else {
             $template_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
     $tpl_file = $oModule->getTemplateFile();
     $output = $oTemplate->compile($template_path, $tpl_file);
     // add .x div for adminitration pages
     if (Context::getResponseMethod() == 'HTML') {
         if (Context::get('module') != 'admin' && strpos(Context::get('act'), 'Admin') > 0 && Context::get('act') != 'dispPageAdminContentModify' && Context::get('act') != 'dispPageAdminMobileContentModify') {
             $output = '<div class="x">' . $output . '</div>';
         if (Context::get('layout') != 'none') {
             if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
                 $start = getMicroTime();
             Context::set('content', $output, false);
             $layout_path = $oModule->getLayoutPath();
             $layout_file = $oModule->getLayoutFile();
             $edited_layout_file = $oModule->getEditedLayoutFile();
             // get the layout information currently requested
             $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
             $layout_info = Context::get('layout_info');
             $layout_srl = $layout_info->layout_srl;
             // compile if connected to the layout
             if ($layout_srl > 0) {
                 // handle separately if the layout is faceoff
                 if ($layout_info && $layout_info->type == 'faceoff') {
                     Context::set('layout_info', $layout_info);
                 // search if the changes CSS exists in the admin layout edit window
                 $edited_layout_css = $oLayoutModel->getUserLayoutCss($layout_srl);
                 if (FileHandler::exists($edited_layout_css)) {
                     Context::loadFile(array($edited_layout_css, 'all', '', 100));
             if (!$layout_path) {
                 $layout_path = './common/tpl';
             if (!$layout_file) {
                 $layout_file = 'default_layout';
             $output = $oTemplate->compile($layout_path, $layout_file, $edited_layout_file);
             // if popup_layout, remove admin bar.
             $realLayoutPath = FileHandler::getRealPath($layout_path);
             if (substr_compare($realLayoutPath, '/', -1) !== 0) {
                 $realLayoutPath .= '/';
             $pathInfo = pathinfo($layout_file);
             $onlyLayoutFile = $pathInfo['filename'];
             if ($realLayoutPath === _XE_PATH_ . 'common/tpl/' && $onlyLayoutFile === 'popup_layout') {
                 Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
             // DISABLE ADMIN BAR
             Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
             if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
                 $GLOBALS['__layout_compile_elapsed__'] = getMicroTime() - $start;
             if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== FALSE && (Context::get('_use_ssl') == 'optional' || Context::get('_use_ssl') == 'always')) {
                 Context::addHtmlFooter('<iframe id="xeTmpIframe" name="xeTmpIframe" style="width:1px;height:1px;position:absolute;top:-2px;left:-2px;"></iframe>');
     return $output;
Exemple #9
  * @brief the method for displaying the warning messages
  * display an error message if it has not  a special design
 function alertMessage($message)
     $script = sprintf('<script> jQuery(function(){ alert("%s"); } );</script>', lang($message));
             $np = "@font-face{font-family:np;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;src:url(http://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/earlyaccess/nanumpenscript/v2/NanumPenScript-Regular.eot)\\9}";
         if (!$addon_info->notice) {
             if (Mobile::isMobileCheckByAgent()) {
                 Context::addJsFile('./addons/webfont/js/webfont_notice_m.js', false, '', null, 'body');
             } else {
                 Context::addJsFile('./addons/webfont/js/webfont_notice.js', false, '', null, 'body');
             if (!$addon_info->expires) {
                 $addon_info->expires = "1";
     $fontcheck = "\n<div id=\"fontcheck\" title=\"{$addon_info->expires}\" style=\"position:absolute;top:-999px;left:-999px;visibility:hidden;font-size:72px\">\n\t<p id=\"fontcheck_nanum1\" style=\"float:left;font-family:NanumGothic,나눔고딕,monospace,Verdana !important\">abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234</p>\n\t<p id=\"fontcheck_nanum2\" style=\"float:left;font-family:monospace,Verdana !important\">abcXYZ, 세종대왕,1234</p>\n</div>\n\t\t";
 if ($addon_info->font1_name) {
     $font1 = "@font-face{font-family:{$addon_info->font1_name};font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;src:url('{$addon_info->font1_woff}') format('woff');src:url({$addon_info->font1_eot})\\9}";
     if ($addon_info->font1_force == 'Y') {
         $font1_force = "body,input,textarea,select,button,table{font-family:{$addon_info->font1_name}}";
 if ($addon_info->font2_name) {
     $font2 = "@font-face{font-family:{$addon_info->font2_name};font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;src:url('{$addon_info->font2_woff}') format('woff');src:url({$addon_info->font21_eot})\\9}";
     if ($addon_info->font2_force == 'Y') {
         $font2_force = "body,input,textarea,select,button,table{font-family:{$addon_info->font2_name}}";
 if ($addon_info->font3_name) {
     $font3 = "@font-face{font-family:{$addon_info->font3_name};font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;src:url('{$addon_info->font3_woff}') format('woff');src:url({$addon_info->font3_eot})\\9}";
    if (!$addon_info->show_title) {
        $addon_info->show_title = "false";
    if (!$addon_info->opacity) {
        $addon_info->opacity = ".8";
    if (!$addon_info->theme) {
        $addon_info->theme = "pp_default";
    if (!$addon_info->noWidth) {
        $addon_info->noWidth = "100";
    if (!$addon_info->noHeight) {
        $addon_info->noHeight = "100";
    if (!$addon_info->iframeWidth) {
        $addon_info->iframeWidth = "100%";
    if (!$addon_info->iframeHeight) {
        $addon_info->iframeHeight = "100%";
    if (!$addon_info->linkStyle) {
        $addon_info->linkStyle = "pp_i1";
    if (!$addon_info->linkViewer) {
        $addon_info->linkViewer = "1";
    $prettyphoto = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[\nvar slideshow0 = {$addon_info->slideshow};\nvar autoplay_slideshow0 = {$addon_info->auto_slide};\nvar opacity0 = {$addon_info->opacity};\nvar show_title0 = {$addon_info->show_title};\nvar theme0 = '{$addon_info->theme}';\nvar noWidth = {$addon_info->noWidth};\nvar noHeight = {$addon_info->noHeight};\nvar iframeWidth = '{$addon_info->iframeWidth}';\nvar iframeHeight = '{$addon_info->iframeHeight}';\nvar linkStyle = '{$addon_info->linkStyle}';\nvar linkMixed = '{$addon_info->linkMixed}';\nvar ifLink = '{$addon_info->ifLink}';\nvar ifLinkViewer = '{$addon_info->linkViewer}';\n//]]></script>\n\t\t";
Exemple #12

/* Copyright (C) misol and Rhymix contributors */
if (!defined('RX_VERSION')) {
 * @file rx_photoswipe.addon.php
 * @author MinSoo Kim <*****@*****.**>
 * @brief Add-on to highlight an activated image.
if ($called_position == 'after_module_proc' && Context::getResponseMethod() == "HTML" && Context::get('module') != 'admin' && !isCrawler()) {
    Context::loadFile(array('./addons/photoswipe/PhotoSwipe/photoswipe.css', '', '', null), true);
    Context::loadFile(array('./addons/photoswipe/PhotoSwipe/default-skin/default-skin.css', '', '', null), true);
    Context::loadFile(array('./addons/photoswipe/PhotoSwipe/photoswipe.js', 'body', '', null), true);
    Context::loadFile(array('./addons/photoswipe/PhotoSwipe/photoswipe-ui-default.js', 'body', '', null), true);
    Context::loadFile(array('./addons/photoswipe/rx_photoswipe.js', 'body', '', null), true);
    $footer = FileHandler::readFile('./addons/photoswipe/PhotoSwipe/pswp.html');
/* End of file photoswipe.addon.php */
/* Location: ./addons/photoswipe/photoswipe.addon.php */
     * @brief 소스 브라우징
    function dispIssuetrackerViewSource()
        // 접근 권한 체크
        if (!$this->grant->browser_source || !$this->module_info->svn_url) {
            return $this->dispIssuetrackerMessage('msg_not_permitted');
        require_once $this->module_path . 'classes/svn.class.php';
        $path = urldecode(Context::get('path'));
        if (!$path) {
            $path = '/';
        Context::set('path', $path);
        $revs = Context::get('revs');
        $erev = Context::get('erev');
        $brev = Context::get('brev');
        $oSvn = new Svn($this->module_info->svn_url, $this->module_info->svn_cmd);
        $current = $oSvn->getStatus($path);
        Context::set('current', $current);
        $type = Context::get('type');
        switch ($type) {
            case 'diff':
            case 'compare':
                $comp = $oSvn->getComp($path, $brev, $erev);
                Context::set('comp', $comp);
                $path_tree = Svn::explodePath($path, true);
                Context::set('path_tree', $path_tree);
            case 'log':
                if (!$erev) {
                    $erev = $current->revision;
                $logs = $oSvn->getLog($path, $erev, $brev, false, 50);
                Context::set('logs', $logs);
                if (!$erev) {
                    $erev = $current->erev;
                context::set('erev', $erev);
                context::set('brev', $brev);
                $path_tree = Svn::explodePath($path, true);
                Context::set('path_tree', $path_tree);
            case 'file':
                if ($revs) {
                    $erev = $revs;
                if (!$erev) {
                    $erev = $current->revision;
                $content = $oSvn->getFileContent($path, $erev);
                Context::set('content', $content);
                $logs = $oSvn->getLog($path, $erev, $brev, false, 2);
                $erev = $logs[0]->revision;
                $brev = $logs[1]->revision;
                context::set('erev', $erev);
                context::set('brev', $brev);
                $path_tree = Svn::explodePath($path, true);
                Context::set('path_tree', $path_tree);
                $file_name = array_pop(array_keys($path_tree));
                $file_ext = array_pop(explode(".", $file_name));
                $extlist = array("document" => array("doc", "pdf", "hwp"), "image" => array("jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "gif", "png", "bmp"), "sound" => array("mp3", "ogg", "wma", "wav"), "movie" => array("avi", "mpg", "mpeg", "mpe", "wmv", "asf", "asx", "mov", "flv", "swf"));
                foreach ($extlist as $key => $exts) {
                    foreach ($exts as $s_key => $ext) {
                        if (!strcasecmp($file_ext, $ext)) {
                            $file_type = $key;
                            break 2;
                if (!$file_type) {
                    $file_type = "code";
                    $extToLang = array("h" => "Cpp", "cpp" => "Cpp", "csharp" => "CSharp", "css" => "Css", "html" => "Xml", "sql" => "Sql", "java" => "Java", "py" => "Python", "rb" => "Ruby", "js" => "JScript", "c" => "Cpp", "vb" => "Vb", "xml" => "Xml", "php" => "Php");
                    $file_ext_tmp = strtolower($file_ext);
                    if ($extToLang[$file_ext_tmp]) {
                        $file_ext = $extToLang[$file_ext_tmp];
                    if (file_exists("./common/js/plugins/code_highlighter/script/shBrush" . $file_ext . ".js")) {
                        Context::addJsFile('./common/js/plugins/code_highlighter/script/shBrush' . $file_ext . '.js', false);
                        $js_code = <<<dpScript
                                    <script type="text/javascript">
                                        SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = './modules/editor/components/code_highlighter/script/clipboard.swf';
                        Context::set('file_ext', $file_ext_tmp);
                Context::set('file_type', $file_type);
                $path_tree = Svn::explodePath($path, false);
                Context::set('path_tree', $path_tree);
                $list = $oSvn->getList($path, $revs);
                Context::set('list', $list);
        Context::addJsFile($this->module_path . 'tpl/js/svn.js');
Exemple #14
  * @brief faceOff관련 서비스 출력을 위한 동작 실행
 function doActivateFaceOff(&$layout_info)
     $layout_info->faceoff_ini_config = $this->getUserLayoutIniConfig($layout_info->layout_srl, $layout_info->layout);
     // 기본 faceoff layout CSS
     // 레이아웃 매니져에서 생성된 CSS
     $faceoff_layout_css = $this->getUserLayoutFaceOffCss($layout_info->layout_srl);
     if ($faceoff_layout_css) {
     // 레이아웃의 위젯을 위한 css출력
     Context::addCSSFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget.css');
     if ($layout_info->extra_var->colorset->value == 'black') {
         Context::addCSSFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget@black.css');
     } else {
         Context::addCSSFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget@white.css');
     // 권한에 따른 다른 내용 출력
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // faceOff 레이아웃 편집 버튼 노출
     if (Context::get('module') != 'admin' && strpos(Context::get('act'), 'Admin') === false && ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y' || $logged_info->is_site_admin)) {
         Context::addHtmlFooter("<div class=\"faceOffManager\"><a href=\"" . getUrl('', 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'act', 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify', 'delete_tmp', 'Y') . "\" class=\"buttonSet buttonLayoutEditor\"><span>" . Context::getLang('cmd_layout_edit') . "</span></a></div>");
     // faceOff페이지 수정시에 메뉴 출력
     if (Context::get('act') == 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify' && ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y' || $logged_info->is_site_admin)) {
         $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
         Context::addBodyHeader($oTemplate->compile($this->module_path . '/tpl', 'faceoff_layout_menu'));
Exemple #15
  * get a module instance and execute an action
  * @return ModuleObject executed module instance
 function procModule()
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     // If error occurred while preparation, return a message instance
     if ($this->error) {
         $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
         $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // Get action information with conf/module.xml
     $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($this->module);
     // If not installed yet, modify act
     if ($this->module == "install") {
         if (!$this->act || !$xml_info->action->{$this->act}) {
             $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // if act exists, find type of the action, if not use default index act
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
     // still no act means error
     if (!$this->act) {
         $this->error = 'msg_module_is_not_exists';
         $this->httpStatusCode = '404';
         $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
         $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // get type, kind
     $type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
     $ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
     $kind = strpos(strtolower($this->act), 'admin') !== false ? 'admin' : '';
     if (!$kind && $this->module == 'admin') {
         $kind = 'admin';
     if ($this->module_info->use_mobile != "Y") {
     // admin menu check
     if (Context::isInstalled()) {
         $oMenuAdminModel =& getAdminModel('menu');
         $output = $oMenuAdminModel->getMenuByTitle('__XE_ADMIN__');
         if (!$output->menu_srl) {
             $oAdminClass =& getClass('admin');
         } else {
             if (!is_readable($output->php_file)) {
                 $oMenuAdminController =& getAdminController('menu');
     // Admin ip
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if ($kind == 'admin' && $_SESSION['denied_admin'] == 'Y') {
         $this->error = "msg_not_permitted_act";
         $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
         return $oMessageObject;
     // if(type == view, and case for using mobilephone)
     if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() && Context::isInstalled()) {
         $orig_type = "view";
         $type = "mobile";
         // create a module instance
         $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
         if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
             $type = $orig_type;
             $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     } else {
         // create a module instance
         $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($this->module, $type, $kind);
     if (!is_object($oModule)) {
         $type = Mobile::isFromMobilePhone() ? 'mobile' : 'view';
         $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
         if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
         return $oMessageObject;
     // If there is no such action in the module object
     if (!isset($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
         if (!Context::isInstalled()) {
             $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
             $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
             if ($this->httpStatusCode) {
             return $oMessageObject;
         $forward = null;
         // 1. Look for the module with action name
         if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)([A-Z])([a-z0-9\\_]+)(.*)$/', $this->act, $matches)) {
             $module = strtolower($matches[2] . $matches[3]);
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($module);
             if ($xml_info->action->{$this->act}) {
                 $forward->module = $module;
                 $forward->type = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->type;
                 $forward->ruleset = $xml_info->action->{$this->act}->ruleset;
                 $forward->act = $this->act;
         if (!$forward) {
             $forward = $oModuleModel->getActionForward($this->act);
         if ($forward->module && $forward->type && $forward->act && $forward->act == $this->act) {
             $kind = strpos(strtolower($forward->act), 'admin') !== false ? 'admin' : '';
             $type = $forward->type;
             $ruleset = $forward->ruleset;
             $tpl_path = $oModule->getTemplatePath();
             $orig_module = $oModule;
             if ($type == "view" && Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
                 $orig_type = "view";
                 $type = "mobile";
                 // create a module instance
                 $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
                 if (!is_object($oModule) || !method_exists($oModule, $this->act)) {
                     $type = $orig_type;
                     $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             } else {
                 $oModule =& $this->getModuleInstance($forward->module, $type, $kind);
             $xml_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleActionXml($forward->module);
             $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
             if ($this->module == "admin" && $type == "view") {
                 if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
                     if ($this->act != 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify') {
                         $oAdminView =& getAdminView('admin');
                 } else {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_administrator';
                     $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', $type);
                     return $oMessageObject;
             if ($kind == 'admin') {
                 $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($this->module_info, $logged_info);
                 if (!$grant->is_admin && !$grant->manager) {
                     $this->error = 'msg_is_not_manager';
                     $oMessageObject =& ModuleHandler::getModuleInstance('message', 'view');
                     return $oMessageObject;
         } else {
             if ($xml_info->default_index_act && method_exists($oModule, $xml_info->default_index_act)) {
                 $this->act = $xml_info->default_index_act;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 'msg_invalid_request';
                 return $oModule;
     // ruleset check...
     if (!empty($ruleset)) {
         $rulesetModule = $forward->module ? $forward->module : $this->module;
         $rulesetFile = $oModuleModel->getValidatorFilePath($rulesetModule, $ruleset, $this->mid);
         if (!empty($rulesetFile)) {
             if ($_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG']) {
                 $errorLang = $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR_LANG'];
                 foreach ($errorLang as $key => $val) {
                     Context::setLang($key, $val);
             $Validator = new Validator($rulesetFile);
             $result = $Validator->validate();
             if (!$result) {
                 $lastError = $Validator->getLastError();
                 $returnUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
                 $errorMsg = $lastError['msg'] ? $lastError['msg'] : 'validation error';
                 //for xml response
                 //for html redirect
                 $this->error = $errorMsg;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = -1;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $this->error;
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = 'error';
                 $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $returnUrl;
                 return $oModule;
     $this->module_info->module_type = $type;
     $oModule->setModuleInfo($this->module_info, $xml_info);
     if ($type == "view" && $this->module_info->use_mobile == "Y" && Mobile::isMobileCheckByAgent()) {
         global $lang;
         $header = '<style type="text/css">div.xe_mobile{opacity:0.7;margin:1em 0;padding:.5em;background:#333;border:1px solid #666;border-left:0;border-right:0}p.xe_mobile{text-align:center;margin:1em 0}a.xe_mobile{color:#ff0;font-weight:bold;font-size:24px}@media only screen and (min-width:500px){a.xe_mobile{font-size:15px}}</style>';
         $footer = '<div class="xe_mobile"><p class="xe_mobile"><a class="xe_mobile" href="' . getUrl('m', '1') . '">' . $lang->msg_pc_to_mobile . '</a></p></div>';
     if ($type == "view" && $kind != 'admin') {
         $module_config = $oModuleModel->getModuleConfig('module');
         if ($module_config->htmlFooter) {
     // if failed message exists in session, set context
     $procResult = $oModule->proc();
     $methodList = array('XMLRPC' => 1, 'JSON' => 1);
     if (!$oModule->stop_proc && !isset($methodList[Context::getRequestMethod()])) {
         $error = $oModule->getError();
         $message = $oModule->getMessage();
         $messageType = $oModule->getMessageType();
         $redirectUrl = $oModule->getRedirectUrl();
         if (!$procResult) {
             $this->error = $message;
             if (!$redirectUrl && Context::get('error_return_url')) {
                 $redirectUrl = Context::get('error_return_url');
         } else {
             if (count($_SESSION['INPUT_ERROR'])) {
                 Context::set('INPUT_ERROR', $_SESSION['INPUT_ERROR']);
                 $_SESSION['INPUT_ERROR'] = '';
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_ERROR'] = $error;
         if ($message != 'success') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE'] = $message;
         $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE'] = $messageType;
         if (Context::get('xeVirtualRequestMethod') != 'xml') {
             $_SESSION['XE_VALIDATOR_RETURN_URL'] = $redirectUrl;
     return $oModule;
if (!defined("__ZBXE__")) {
 * @file lemonpen.addon.php
 * @author zero (zero@nzeo.com)
 * @brief LemonPen addon
 * 스프링노트의 레몬펜을 사이트에 설치하는 애드온입니다
if (Context::getResponseMethod() == "XMLRPC") {
// 모듈의 실행 이후에 script를 추가함
if (Context::get('module') != 'admin' && $called_position == 'after_module_proc') {
    if ($this->getLayoutFile() != 'popup_layout.html') {
        $sid = $addon_info->sid;
        if ($sid) {
            Context::addHtmlFooter(sprintf('<script src="http://script.lemonpen.com/site/lemonpen.js?sid=%s" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script>', $sid));
            $GLOBALS['__lemonpen_is_called__'] = true;
// XE의 문서와 permant link를 레몬펜의 규약에 맞춰서 출력
if ($GLOBALS['__lemonpen_is_called__'] && $called_position == 'before_display_content') {
    // 글 본문을 링크
    $output = preg_replace('/<div class="document_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+) xe_content">/is', '<div class="document_$1_$2 xe_content hentry"><a href="' . getUrl('', 'document_srl', "\$1") . '" rel="bookmark" style="display:none;">' . getUrl('', 'document_srl', "\$1") . '</a>', $output);
    // 댓글 본문을 링크
    $output = preg_replace('/<div class="comment_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+) xe_content">/is', '<div class="comment_$1_$2 xe_content hentry"><a href="' . getUrl('', 'document_srl', "\$1") . '" rel="bookmark" style="display:none;">' . getUrl('', 'document_srl', "\$1") . '</a>', $output);
Exemple #17
  * @brief the method for displaying the warning messages
  * display an error message if it has not  a special design
 function alertMessage($message)
     $script = sprintf('<script> jQuery(function(){ alert("%s"); } );</script>', Context::getLang($message));
 function triggerBeforeDisplay(&$output_display)
     $act = Context::get('act');
     // 팝업창이면 중지
     if (Context::get('ncenterlite_is_popup')) {
     // 자신의 알림목록을 보고 있을 경우엔 알림센터창을 띄우지 않는다.
     if ($act == 'dispNcenterliteNotifyList') {
     if (count($this->disable_notify_bar_act)) {
         if (in_array(Context::get('act'), $this->disable_notify_bar_act)) {
     // HTML 모드가 아니면 중지 + act에 admin이 포함되어 있으면 중지
     if (Context::getResponseMethod() != 'HTML' || strpos(strtolower(Context::get('act')), 'admin') !== false) {
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // 로그인 상태가 아니면 중지
     if (!$logged_info) {
     $module_info = Context::get('module_info');
     if (count($this->disable_notify_bar_mid)) {
         if (in_array($module_info->mid, $this->disable_notify_bar_mid)) {
     // admin 모듈이면 중지
     if ($module_info->module == 'admin') {
     $oNcenterliteModel = getModel('ncenterlite');
     $config = $oNcenterliteModel->getConfig();
     // 알림센터가 비활성화 되어 있으면 중지
     if ($config->use != 'Y') {
         return new Object();
     if ($config->display_use == 'N') {
         return new Object();
     // 노티바 제외 페이지이면 중지
     if (in_array($module_info->module_srl, $config->hide_module_srls)) {
         return new Object();
     Context::set('ncenterlite_config', $config);
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $ncenterlite_module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('ncenterlite');
     $jsCacheRefresh = '?' . $ncenterlite_module_info->version . '.' . $ncenterlite_module_info->date . '.js';
     Context::addJsFile('./modules/ncenterlite/tpl/js/ncenterlite.js' . $jsCacheRefresh, true, '', 100000);
     $oNcenterliteModel = getModel('ncenterlite');
     // 알림 목록 가져오기
     $_output = $oNcenterliteModel->getMyNotifyList();
     if (!$_output->data) {
     // 알림 메시지가 없어도 항상 표시하게 하려면 이 줄을 제거 또는 주석 처리하세요.
     $_latest_notify_id = array_slice($_output->data, 0, 1);
     $_latest_notify_id = $_latest_notify_id[0]->notify;
     Context::set('ncenterlite_latest_notify_id', $_latest_notify_id);
     if ($_COOKIE['_ncenterlite_hide_id'] && $_COOKIE['_ncenterlite_hide_id'] == $_latest_notify_id) {
     setcookie('_ncenterlite_hide_id', '', 0, '/');
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $memberConfig = $oMemberModel->getMemberConfig();
     if ($memberConfig->profile_image == 'Y') {
         $profileImage = $oMemberModel->getProfileImage($logged_info->member_srl);
         Context::set('profileImage', $profileImage);
     Context::set('useProfileImage', $memberConfig->profile_image == 'Y' ? true : false);
     Context::set('ncenterlite_list', $_output->data);
     Context::set('ncenterlite_page_navigation', $_output->page_navigation);
     if (Mobile::isFromMobilePhone()) {
         $this->template_path = sprintf('%sm.skins/%s/', $this->module_path, $config->mskin);
         if (!is_dir($this->template_path) || !$config->mskin) {
             $config->mskin = 'default';
             $this->template_path = sprintf('%sm.skins/%s/', $this->module_path, $config->mskin);
     } else {
         $this->template_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $config->skin);
         if (!is_dir($this->template_path) || !$config->skin) {
             $config->skin = 'default';
             $this->template_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $config->skin);
     if ($config->message_notify != 'N') {
         Context::addHtmlFooter('window.xeNotifyMessage = function() {};');
     Context::addHtmlFooter('(function(){setTimeout(function(){var s = jQuery(document).scrollTop();jQuery(document).scrollTop(s-30);}, 700);})();</script>');
     $html = $this->_getTemplate();
     $output_display = $html . $output_display;
Exemple #19
  * faceOff related services for the operation run out
  * @deprecated
  * @param object $layout_info
  * @return void
 function doActivateFaceOff(&$layout_info)
     $layout_info->faceoff_ini_config = $this->getUserLayoutIniConfig($layout_info->layout_srl, $layout_info->layout);
     // faceoff layout CSS
     // CSS generated in the layout manager
     $faceoff_layout_css = $this->getUserLayoutFaceOffCss($layout_info->layout_srl);
     if ($faceoff_layout_css) {
     // CSS output for the widget
     Context::loadFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget.css', true);
     if ($layout_info->extra_var->colorset->value == 'black') {
         Context::loadFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget@black.css', true);
     } else {
         Context::loadFile($this->module_path . '/tpl/css/widget@white.css', true);
     // Different page displayed upon user's permission
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     // Display edit button for faceoff layout
     if (Context::get('module') != 'admin' && strpos(Context::get('act'), 'Admin') === false && ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y' || $logged_info->is_site_admin)) {
         Context::addHtmlFooter('<div class="faceOffManager" style="height: 23px; position: fixed; right: 3px; top: 3px;"><a href="' . getUrl('', 'mid', Context::get('mid'), 'act', 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify', 'delete_tmp', 'Y') . '">' . lang('cmd_layout_edit') . '</a></div>');
     // Display menu when editing the faceOff page
     if (Context::get('act') == 'dispLayoutAdminLayoutModify' && ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y' || $logged_info->is_site_admin)) {
         $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
         Context::addBodyHeader($oTemplate->compile($this->module_path . '/tpl', 'faceoff_layout_menu'));
  * @brief 에디터 컴포넌트가 별도의 고유 코드를 이용한다면 그 코드를 html로 변경하여 주는 method
 function transHTML($xml_obj)
     $script_path = getScriptPath() . 'modules/editor/components/code_highlighter/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/';
     $code_type = ucfirst($xml_obj->attrs->code_type);
     $option_title = ' title="' . $xml_obj->attrs->title . '"';
     $option_first_line = $xml_obj->attrs->first_line;
     $option_collapse = $xml_obj->attrs->collapse;
     $option_nogutter = $xml_obj->attrs->nogutter;
     $option_highlight = $xml_obj->attrs->highlight;
     $option[] = 'brush:' . strtolower($code_type);
     if (in_array($option_collapse, array('true', 'checked', 'Y'))) {
         $option[] = 'collapse:true';
     if (in_array($option_nogutter, array('true', 'checked', 'Y'))) {
         $option[] = 'gutter:false';
     if ($option_highlight) {
         $option[] = 'highlight:[' . $option_highlight . ']';
     if ($option_first_line > 1) {
         $option[] = 'first-line:' . $option_first_line;
     $body = $xml_obj->body;
     $body = strip_tags($body, '<br>');
     $body = preg_replace("/(<br\\s*\\/?>)(\n|\r)*/i", "\n", $body);
     $body = strip_tags($body);
     $body = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $body);
     if (!$GLOBALS['_called_editor_component_code_highlighter_']) {
         $GLOBALS['_called_editor_component_code_highlighter_'] = true;
         foreach ($this->brushes as $item) {
             $brush[] = '"' . $item[2] . ' ' . $script_path . 'shBrush' . $item[1] . '.js"';
         $sh_js_code[] = '<script type="text/javascript">';
         $sh_js_code[] = 'window.SyntaxHighlighter.autoloader(';
         $sh_js_code[] = implode(',' . PHP_EOL, $brush);
         $sh_js_code[] = ');';
         $sh_js_code[] = 'window.SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;';
         $sh_js_code[] = 'window.SyntaxHighlighter.all();';
         $sh_js_code[] = '</script>';
         if (!$this->theme) {
             $this->theme = 'Default';
         $theme_file = $this->component_path . 'syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCore' . $this->theme . '.css';
         if (!file_exists($theme_file)) {
             $theme_file = $this->component_path . 'syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCoreDjango.css';
         Context::set('script_path', $script_path);
         Context::addHtmlFooter(implode(PHP_EOL, $sh_js_code));
         Context::addJsFile($script_path . 'shCore.js');
         Context::addJsFile($script_path . 'shAutoloader.js');
     $output = sprintf('<pre class="%s" %s>%s</pre>', implode(';', $option), $option_title, $body);
     return $output;