public function setActiveInactiveTag($iduser, $idcontact)
     $phil_iduser = "******";
     $login_status = $this->GetUserLoginStatus($iduser);
     $do_contact_view = new ContactView();
     $do_tag = new TagInternalMarketing();
     if ($login_status == "Active") {
         $do_contact_view->deleteTag("Inactive", $idcontact);
         $do_contact_view->addTag("Active", $idcontact);
         $do_tag->deleteContactTag("Inactive", $phil_iduser, $idcontact);
         $do_tag->setContactTag("Active", $phil_iduser, $idcontact);
     if ($login_status == "Inactive") {
         $do_contact_view->deleteTag("Active", $idcontact);
         $do_contact_view->addTag("Inactive", $idcontact);
         $do_tag->deleteContactTag("Active", $phil_iduser, $idcontact);
         $do_tag->setContactTag("Inactive", $phil_iduser, $idcontact);
Exemple #2
    $friends = $ofuz_twitter->userFriends(array('id' => $tw_user_id));
    if (count($friends->user) > 0) {
        foreach ($friends->user as $user) {
            $user_id = $user->id;
            $name = $user->name;
            // will contain the first and last name
            $screen_name = $user->screen_name;
            $description = $user->description;
            $profile_image_url = $user->profile_image_url;
            $url = $user->url;
            $friend_data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name, 'screen_name' => $screen_name, 'description' => $description, 'profile_image_url' => $profile_image_url, 'url' => $url);
        //rebuilding the userXX_contact table
        $contact_view = new ContactView();
        echo _('Your Twitter contacts have been successfully imported.');
        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="contacts.php">', _('Go to the Contacts Page'), '</a>';
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    <div class="spacerblock_80"></div><div class="spacerblock_80"></div>
</td><td class="layout_rmargin"></td></tr></table>
  * Function to unshare a contact
  * @param integer $idcontact
  * @param interger $idcoworker
 function unshareContact($idcontact, $idcoworker)
     $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
     $q->query("delete from " . $this->table . " where idcontact = " . $idcontact . " AND idcoworker = " . $idcoworker . " AND iduser ="******" LIMIT 1");
     $do_contact_view = new ContactView();
Exemple #4
  * Custom add method to add an invoice. Needs a contact for each invocie else 
  * do not add the invoice
  * @param $evtcl -- Object  
 function addInvoice(EventControler $evtcl)
     $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = '';
     $rec_value = $evtcl->recurrent;
     $add_invoice = false;
     $do_contact = new Contact();
     $concat_name_in_address = '';
     if ($evtcl->fields["due_date"] == '') {
         $this->due_date = date('Y-m-d');
     } else {
         $this->due_date = $evtcl->fields["due_date"];
     if ($evtcl->idcontact) {
         $idcontact = $evtcl->idcontact;
         $add_invoice = true;
     } else {
         $cont_name = $evtcl->contact;
         if ($cont_name != '') {
             $do_Contact_View = new ContactView();
             $do_contact->firstname = $cont_name;
             $do_contact->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
             $idcontact = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue();
             $concat_name_in_address = $do_contact->firstname;
             if ($idcontact) {
                 $add_invoice = true;
                 $do_cont_addr = new ContactAddress();
                 $do_cont_addr->idcontact = $idcontact;
                 $do_cont_addr->address = $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"];
                 $do_cont_addr->address_type = 'Work';
                 if (strlen($evtcl->fields["invoice_address"]) > 0) {
     if ($add_invoice) {
         // Keep the idcontact in case there is an idcompany
         if ($do_contact->idcompany != '' && !empty($do_contact->idcompany)) {
             $this->idcompany = $do_contact->idcompany;
         //$this->num = $this->getUniqueInvoiceNum();
         $this->num = time();
         $this->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
         $this->idterms = $evtcl->fields["idterms"];
         $this->description = $evtcl->fields["description"];
         $this->discount = $evtcl->fields["discount"];
         $this->tax = $evtcl->fields["tax"];
         $this->datecreated = date("Y-m-d");
         $this->idcontact = $idcontact;
         $this->status = 'Quote';
         $this->invoice_note = $evtcl->fields["invoice_note"];
         $this->invoice_term = $evtcl->fields["invoice_term"];
         if ($concat_name_in_address == '') {
             $this->invoice_address = $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"];
         } else {
             $this->invoice_address = $concat_name_in_address . '<br />' . $evtcl->fields["invoice_address"];
         $this->idinvoice = $this->getPrimaryKeyValue();
         // If the user set to have the ivoice added as recurrent Invoice then add
         if ($evtcl->setRec == 'Yes') {
             if (!empty($rec_value) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $rec_value) && $rec_value != 0) {
                 // Add to recurrent
                 $_SESSION['RecurrentInvoice']->addRecurrentInvoice($this->getPrimaryKeyValue(), $evtcl->recurrent, $evtcl->frequency, date("Y-m-d"));
             } else {
                 $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = _("Recurrent Value is not correct.To set as Recurrent edit the invoice and enter numeric value");
     } else {
         $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = _("Invoice could be created. Possible reason Contact Missing.");
         $evtcl->setDisplayNext(new Display('invoices.php'));

/** Ofuz Open Source version is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, please read the full license at: **/
// Copyright 2008 - 2010 all rights reserved, SQLFusion LLC,
/** Ofuz Open Source version is released under the GNU Affero General Public License, please read the full license at: **/
 * Rebuild the user contacts table
 * User contacts are accessed from the tables by userid<iduser>_contact
 * The contact table is updated for all the contact related operation and also the user contact table is getting updated on
 * add/edit/delete operation of contact, tag etc.
 * To make it more reliable the following script is used. This is rebuilt all the user contact tables.
 * This script is intensive as the volume of contact and user increases.
 * Wise to set the script once in a week. Also we can ignore rebuiling of user contact tables who have not logged in in certain period by passing the parameter
 * in getUserLoggedInWithinPeriod() default is 7 days
 * @see class/Contact.class.php
 * @see class/ContactView.class.php
include_once "config.php";
$contact_view = new ContactView();
$user = new User();
while ($user->next()) {
    // if($user->iduser == 20 ){
    echo "\n<br>User id:" . $user->iduser . " Name:" . $user->firstname . " " . $user->lastname;
    //  }
        $message = 'already_unsub_from_list';
    $do_cont_note = new ContactNotes();
    $do_cont_note->idcontact = $idcontact;
    $do_cont_note->note = $firstname . " " . $lastname . " has unsubscribed from the autoresponder series called " . $responder;
    $do_cont_note->date_added = date("Y-m-d");
    $do_cont_note->iduser = $iduser;
    $do_workfeed_uns = new WorkFeedContactUnsubscibeEmails();
    $do_workfeed_uns->addUnsubscribeEmailWorkfeed($do_cont_note, $responder);
    $q = new sqlQuery($GLOBALS['conx']);
    $sql = "DELETE FROM `tag` WHERE iduser={$iduser} AND idreference={$idcontact} AND idtag={$idtag}";
    $do_contact_view = new ContactView();
    $do_contact_view->deleteTag($do_tag->tag_name, $idcontact);
    //$message = $firstname." ".$lastname.' '._('you have successfully unsubscribed from the autoresponder series called').' '.$responder;
    $message = 'unsub_list_message';
    $data = array("firstname" => $firstname, "lastname" => $lastname, "responder" => $responder);
    $do_contact->sendMessage(new EmailTemplate("unsubscribe_auto_responder"), $data);
} else {
    $message = 'already_unsub_from_list';
<div class="loginbg1">
    <!--<div class="loginheader"><a href="/index.php"><img src="/images/ofuz_logo2.jpg" width="170" height="90" alt="" /></a></div>-->
    <div style = "width:500px;margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; text-align:left;">
  * saveWebForm()
  * this will check if contact exists with firname, lastname, name and email 
  * If exist add to it, if doesn't exists create a new one.
 function posteventAddContact($fid, $fields, $nxturl, $uid, $tags)
     //echo 'hh';die();
     //$fields = $_REQUEST['fields'];
     //$fields = $event_controler->fields;
     $this->setLog("\n eventAddContact, creating new contact from form, using " . count($fields) . " fields. (" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s") . ")");
     //$dropcode = $_POST['dropcode'];
     $do_contact = new Contact();
     $do_contact->iduser = $uid;
     $this->setLog("\n new contact:" . $do_contact->idcontact . " for user:"******"\n Processing field:" . $field_name . " with value:" . $field_value);
         $do_webform_fields = new WebFormUserField();
         $do_webform_fields->query("SELECT, wff.class as class_name, wff.variable, wff.variable_type, wfu.required \n\t\t                                   FROM webformfields as wff, webformuserfield as wfu \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t     AND = '" . $field_name . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND wfu.idwebformuser= "******"\n Field information class:" . $do_webform_fields->class_name . " Variable:" . $do_webform_fields->variable);
         $this->setLog("\n rows:" . $do_webform_fields->getNumRows());
         if ($do_webform_fields->getNumRows() == 1) {
             if ($do_webform_fields->class_name == "Contact") {
                 $this->setLog("\n     Updating contact");
                 $do_contact->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value;
             } else {
                 $update = false;
                 if (is_object(${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name})) {
                     if (${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name}->getType() == $do_webform_fields->variable_type) {
                         $update = true;
                 if ($update) {
                     $this->setLog("\n     Updating class:" . $do_webform_fields->class_name);
                     $obj = ${'sub_' . $do_webform_fields->class_name};
                     $obj->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value;
                 } else {
                     $class_name = $do_webform_fields->class_name;
                     ${'sub_' . $class_name} = new $class_name();
                     $obj = ${'sub_' . $class_name};
                     $obj->{$do_webform_fields->variable} = $field_value;
                     if (method_exists($obj, "setType") && strlen($do_webform_fields->variable_type) > 0) {
                     $obj->idcontact = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue();
     $contact_view = new ContactView();
     $tags = explode(",", $tags);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $tag = trim($tag);
         $do_tag = new Tag();
         $do_tag->addTagAssociation($do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue(), $tag, "contact", $fid);
     if (strlen($nexturl) > 0) {
     } else {
         $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_ofuz_site_http_base'] . 'web_form_thankyou.php';
     //$event_controler->addParam("do_contact", $do_contact);
Exemple #8
     Method to re-create the tags associated with a contact with the shared Co-Workers
     @param integer idcontact
     @param integer idcoworker
 function addTagOnContactSharing($idcontact, $idcoworker, $iduser = 0)
     if ($iduser == 0) {
         $iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
     $tags = $this->getAllTagNamesForReferer($idcontact, $iduser);
     $comma_separated_tags = '';
     if (is_array($tags) && count($tags) > 0) {
         $do_contact_view = new ContactView();
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $this->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $tag, "", $idcoworker);
         $do_contact_view->addTag(implode(",", $tags), $idcontact);
 function add_contact()
     $do_api_contact = new Contact();
     $do_Contact_View = new ContactView();
     $do_api_contact->firstname = $this->firstname;
     $do_api_contact->lastname = $this->lastname;
     $do_api_contact->position = $this->position;
     $do_api_contact->iduser = $this->iduser;
     if ($this->tags != '') {
         $tags = explode(",", $this->tags);
     if ($this->firstname == "" && $this->lastname == "") {
         $this->setMessage("610", "First Name OR Last Name is Required");
         return false;
     } elseif (!$this->iduser) {
         $this->setMessage("502", "The User Session is expired");
         return false;
     } elseif ($idcontact = $do_api_contact->duplicateContact($this->iduser, $this->email_work, $this->email_home, $this->email_other)) {
         $this->setMessage("613", "The Contact is duplicated. Contact ID:  " . $idcontact);
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->company != "") {
             $do_api_contact->company = $this->company;
             $do_api_company = new Company();
             $idcompany = $do_api_company->isDuplicateCompany($this->company, $this->iduser);
             if (!$idcompany) {
                 $do_api_company->iduser = $this->iduser;
                 $do_api_company->name = trim($this->company);
                 $this->idcompany = $do_api_company->getPrimaryKeyValue();
             } else {
                 $this->idcompany = $idcompany;
             $do_api_contact->idcompany = $this->idcompany;
         $this->idcontact = $do_api_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue();
         $do_api_contact->idcontact = $this->idcontact;
         //child data starts here
         // Phones
         if ($this->phone_work != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_work, "Work");
         if ($this->phone_home != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_home, "Home");
         if ($this->mobile_number != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->mobile_number, "Mobile");
         if ($this->fax_number != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->fax_number, "Fax");
         if ($this->phone_other != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addPhone($this->phone_other, "Other");
         if ($this->email_work != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_work, "Work");
         if ($this->email_home != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_home, "Home");
         if ($this->email_other != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addEmail($this->email_other, "Other");
         if ($this->company_website != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->company_website, "Company");
         if ($this->personal_website != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->personal_website, "Personal");
         if ($this->blog_url != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->blog_url, "Blog");
         if ($this->twitter_profile_url != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->twitter_profile_url, "Twitter");
         if ($this->linkedin_profile_url != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->linkedin_profile_url, "LinkedIn");
         if ($this->facebook_profile_url != "") {
             $do_api_contact->addWebsite($this->facebook_profile_url, "Facebook");
         // API V.02 will have IM and Address
         //Add tags if any
         if (is_array($tags)) {
             $do_api_tags = new Tag();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $do_api_tags->addTagAssociation($this->idcontact, $tag, "contact", $this->iduser);
         // Ok here the last thing that needs to be done so that the contact should also on the table
         $do_Contact_View = new ContactView();
         if ($this->tags != '') {
             $do_Contact_View->addTag($this->tags, $this->idcontact);
         $this->setValues(array("msg" => "Contact Added", "stat" => "ok", "code" => "600", "idcontact" => $this->idcontact));
         return true;
Exemple #10
  * Method adding user as Contact
  * @param $firstname -- STRING
  * @param $lastname -- STRING
  * @param $company -- STRING
  * @param $email -- STRING
  * @param $iduser -- INT
  * FIXME May be no need to rebuilt the contact view but to enter an entry which is faster
 function addUserAsContact($firstname, $lastname, $company, $email, $iduser)
     $idcompany = "";
     if ($company != "") {
         $do_company = new Company();
         $idcompany = $do_company->addNewCompany($company, $iduser);
     $do_contact = new Contact();
     $do_contact->firstname = $firstname;
     $do_contact->lastname = $lastname;
     $do_contact->iduser = $iduser;
     $do_contact->idcompany = $idcompany;
     $do_contact->company = $company;
     $do_contact->addEmail($email, 'Home');
     $lastInsertedContId = $do_contact->getPrimaryKeyValue();
     $this->idcontact = $lastInsertedContId;
     $contact_view = new ContactView();
Exemple #11
  * Function to import the facebook contact to ofuz.
  * Since Facebook does provide limited information on friends so just the basic
  * information will be imported and also keep track of the Facebook user id so that 
  * for the first time it will just add and on next import it will update.
  * @param array $fb_friend_id 
  * @param integer $iduser
 function importFacebookFriends($friends_data, $iduser = '')
     $do_tag = new Tag();
     $do_company = new Company();
     $do_cont_view = new ContactView();
     if ($iduser == '') {
         $iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
     } else {
     $tag_list_names = '';
     $frnd_fb_uid = $friends_data["fb_uid"];
     $idcontact = $this->isFbFriendInContact($frnd_fb_uid);
     $fname = $friends_data["name"]["first_name"];
     $lname = $friends_data["name"]["last_name"];
     $work = $friends_data["work"];
     $work_detail = $work[0];
     $work_history = @$work_detail["work_history"];
     $profile_url = @$friends_data["profile_url"][0]["profile_url"];
     $profile_pic = @$friends_data["pic_with_logo"][0]["pic_with_logo"];
     if (is_array($work_history)) {
         $company = $work_history[0]["company_name"];
         $position = $work_history[0]["position"];
         $desc = $work_history[0]["description"];
     $list_name = $friends_data['listname'];
     $this->firstname = $fname;
     $this->lastname = $lname;
     $this->fb_userid = $frnd_fb_uid;
     $this->iduser = $iduser;
     if ($idcontact) {
         //update the data
         $this->checkFbProfileUrlOnUpdate($idcontact, $profile_url);
         $this->updateFbProfilePic($idcontact, $profile_pic);
         $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, "Facebook", "contact", $iduser);
         if (is_array($list_name) && count($list_name) > 0) {
             $tag_list_names = implode(",", $list_name);
             foreach ($list_name as $list_name) {
                 $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $list_name, "contact", $iduser);
         if ($company != '' && !empty($company)) {
             if ($position != '') {
                 $this->position = $position;
             } else {
                 $this->position = '';
             $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
             $q->query("select idcompany from company where name = '" . trim($company) . "' AND iduser = "******"idcompany");
                 $this->idcompany = $idcompany;
                 $this->company = trim($company);
                 $idcontact = $this->getPrimaryKeyValue();
             } else {
                 $do_company->name = trim($company);
                 $do_company->iduser = $iduser;
                 $idcompany = $do_company->getPrimaryKeyValue();
                 $this->idcompany = $idcompany;
                 $this->company = trim($company);
         } else {
             //$iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
             $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
             $q_upd = "UPDATE contact set firstname = '" . $fname . "',lastname = '" . $lname . "',fb_userid = " . $frnd_fb_uid . ",position = '" . $position . "' where idcontact = " . $idcontact;
         // Added the method call updateFromContact() so that the child data is updated
         $do_cont_view->addTag('Facebook', $this->idcontact);
         // Update the contact view for tags.
         $do_cont_view->addTag($tag_list_names, $this->idcontact);
         // Update the contact view for tags.
     } else {
         // new entry
         $do_company = new Company();
         $do_cont_website = new ContactWebsite();
         if ($company != '' && !empty($company)) {
             if ($position != '') {
                 $this->position = $position;
             } else {
                 $this->position = '';
             $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
             $q->query("select idcompany from company where name = '" . trim($company) . "' AND iduser = "******"idcompany");
                 $this->idcompany = $idcompany;
                 $this->company = trim($company);
                 $idcontact = $this->getPrimaryKeyValue();
                 $do_cont_website->idcontact = $idcontact;
                 $do_cont_website->website = $profile_url;
                 $do_cont_website->website_type = 'Facebook';
                 $this->updateFbProfilePic($idcontact, $profile_pic);
                 $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, "Facebook", "contact", $iduser);
                 if (is_array($list_name) && count($list_name) > 0) {
                     $tag_list_names = implode(",", $list_name);
                     foreach ($list_name as $list_name) {
                         $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $list_name, "contact", $iduser);
             } else {
                 $do_company->name = trim($company);
                 $do_company->iduser = $iduser;
                 $idcompany = $do_company->getPrimaryKeyValue();
                 $this->idcompany = $idcompany;
                 $this->company = trim($company);
                 $idcontact = $this->getPrimaryKeyValue();
                 $do_cont_website->idcontact = $idcontact;
                 $do_cont_website->website = $profile_url;
                 $do_cont_website->website_type = 'Facebook';
                 $this->updateFbProfilePic($idcontact, $profile_pic);
                 $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, "Facebook", "contact", $iduser);
                 if (is_array($list_name) && count($list_name) > 0) {
                     $tag_list_names = implode(",", $list_name);
                     foreach ($list_name as $list_name) {
                         $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $list_name, "contact", $iduser);
         } else {
             //$iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser;
             $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
             $q_ins = "INSERT into contact (firstname,lastname,fb_userid,iduser,position) values(\n                          '{$fname}','{$lname}',{$frnd_fb_uid},{$iduser},'{$position}')";
             $idcontact = $q->getInsertId();
             $q_website = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon());
             $q_website->query("INSERT into contact_website (idcontact,website,website_type) VALUES\n                                   ({$idcontact},'{$profile_url}','Facebook')");
             $this->updateFbProfilePic($idcontact, $profile_pic);
             $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, "Facebook", "contact", $iduser);
             if (is_array($list_name) && count($list_name) > 0) {
                 $tag_list_names = implode(",", $list_name);
                 foreach ($list_name as $list_name) {
                     $do_tag->addTagAssociation($idcontact, $list_name, "contact", $iduser);
         // Added the method call updateFromContact() so that the child data is updated just after insert
         $do_cont_view->addTag('Facebook', $this->idcontact);
         // Update the contact view for tags.
         $do_cont_view->addTag($tag_list_names, $this->idcontact);
         // Update the contact view for tags.