Exemple #1
 $newCvStatus = $_GET['cvStatus'];
 $oldCvStatus = $_GET['oldCvStatus'];
 //echo '$oldCvStatus=\'', $oldCvStatus, "'<br>\n";
 //echo '$newCvStatus=\'', $newCvStatus, "'<br>\n";
 $contactProfileObjectID = $_GET['profileObjectId'] + 0;
 $contactProfileID = $_GET['profileId'] + 0;
 $contactUseID = $_GET['contactUseId'] + 0;
 $contactManager = new ContactManager($domainID, $userID);
 $contactProfile = new ContactProfile();
 $emailBody = "";
 //echo "newCvStatus={$newCvStatus}, oldCvStatus={$oldCvStatus}, " . strcmp($newCvStatus, $oldCvStatus) . "<br>\n";
 if ($newCvStatus == "DeleteFromAll") {
     // We need to delete any reference to this contact value ID
     // regardless of contact profile or use.
     $emailBody = "User " . $userObject->fullName() . " of " . $userObject->Domains(0)->description() . " deleted the " . $cvsType->Description() . " " . $cvType->Description() . " contact of " . $oldContactValue . " for all uses and all contact profiles at " . date("H:i:s") . " on " . date("l, F j, Y");
 } elseif ($newCvStatus == "DeleteFromUse") {
     // We need to delete the reference to this contact value ID
     // from this contact profile for this use.
     $emailBody = "User " . $userObject->fullName() . " of " . $userObject->Domains(0)->description() . " deleted the " . $cvsType->Description() . " " . $cvType->Description() . " contact of " . $oldContactValue . " for the contact use of " . $contactProfile->contactUse()->description() . " at " . date("H:i:s") . " on " . date("l, F j, Y") . ".\n\nThe affected contact profile is " . $contactProfile->object()->description();
 } elseif ($newCvStatus != $oldCvStatus) {
     if ($newCvStatus == "InactiveForAll") {
         // We need to inactivate the contact value record for this
         // contact value ID.
         $contactValue = new ContactValue();
         $emailBody = "User " . $userObject->fullName() . " of " . $userObject->Domains(0)->description() . " inactivated the " . $cvsType->Description() . " " . $cvType->Description() . " contact of " . $oldContactValue . " for all uses and all contact profiles at " . date("H:i:s") . " on " . date("l, F j, Y");