
include_once "cls_connection.php";
$db = new ConnectMySql();
if (isset($_POST["get"])) {
    $action = $_POST["get"];
} else {
    $aValues = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
    $action = $aValues["get"];
    $action = $aValues["random"];
$aData = array();
$aData["records"] = array();
$aData["message_list"] = array();
$sSelectTrivia = "SELECT question.qes_question, first_answer.ans_answer AS 'answer_1', first_answer.ans_correct AS 'answer_1_correct', second_answer.ans_answer AS 'answer_2', second_answer.ans_correct AS 'answer_2_correct', question.qes_active " . " FROM wds_answers_question trivia " . " INNER JOIN wds_answer first_answer ON (trivia.anqe_first_answer_id = first_answer.ans_id) " . " INNER JOIN wds_answer second_answer ON (trivia.anqe_second_answerd_id = second_answer.ans_id) " . " INNER JOIN wds_questions question ON (trivia.anqe_question_id = question.qes_id) " . " WHERE trivia.anqe_active = TRUE";
if (is_null($action)) {
    $aValues = $_POST["trivia"];
    $aValues["question"] = str_replace("\"", "\"", str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlentities($aValues["question"])));
    $cmd = $db->command("select * from wds_questions q where q.qes_question = '{$aValues["question"]}'");
    if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
        array_push($aData["message_list"], "Question <div class='alert alert-warning'>{$aValues["question"]}</div> is already on our data base, please send another one.");
    } else {
        $aValues["first_answer_correct"] = isset($aValues["first_answer_correct"]) ? 1 : 0;
        $aValues["second_answer_correct"] = isset($aValues["second_answer_correct"]) ? 1 : 0;
        $aValues["second_answer"] = str_replace("\"", "\"", str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlentities($aValues["second_answer"])));
        $aValues["second_answer"] = str_replace("\"", "\"", str_replace("'", "\\'", htmlentities($aValues["second_answer"])));
        $sInsertFirstAnswer = "INSERT INTO wds_answer (ans_answer, ans_correct, ans_created_by, ans_updated_by, ans_created_at, ans_updated_at, ans_active) VALUES ('{$aValues["first_answer"]}', {$aValues["first_answer_correct"]}, 1, 1, now(), now(), 1)";
        $cmdInsertFirstAnswers = $db->command($sInsertFirstAnswer, true);
        $iFirstAnswerID = $db->GetInsertedID();
        $sInsertSecondAnswer = "INSERT INTO wds_answer (ans_answer, ans_correct, ans_created_by, ans_updated_by, ans_created_at, ans_updated_at, ans_active) VALUES ('{$aValues["second_answer"]}', {$aValues["second_answer_correct"]}, 1, 1, now(), now(), 1)";

include_once "cls_connection.php";
$db = new ConnectMySql();
$aValues = $_POST["user"];
$aData = array();
$aData["message_list"] = array();
if ($aValues["userid"] !== "") {
    $cmd = $db->command("select * from wds_users u where u.user_username = '******'");
    if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
        array_push($aData["message_list"], "Username {$aValues["userid"]} is already taken, please select another.");
    } else {
        $aValues["password"] = md5("WhatdidyousayUser " . $aValues["password"]);
        $cmdInsert = $db->command("INSERT INTO wds_users (user_full_name, user_username, user_password, user_is_online, user_created_at, user_updated_at, user_active) VALUES  ('{$aValues["name"]}', '{$aValues["userid"]}', '{$aValues["password"]}', 0, now(), now(), 1)");
        if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
            $aData["success"] = "User {$aValues["userid"]} created successfully";
        } else {
            array_push($aData["message_list"], "User was unable to be inserted. This is the error: " . $db->GetError());
} else {
    array_push($aData["message_list"], "Please fill form so we can sign you up.");
echo json_encode($aData);
Exemple #3

include_once "ConnectMySql.class.php";
include_once "Carrito.class.php";
$db = new ConnectMySql();
$oCarrito = new Carrito();
$aValues["productos"] = $oCarrito->get_content();
$aValuesUser = $_POST["user"];
$aData = array();
$aData["message_list"] = array();
if ($aValues["productos"] !== "") {
    if (is_array($aValues["productos"])) {
        $aValues["productos"] = json_encode($aValues["productos"]);
    $cmdInsert = $db->command("INSERT INTO flo_pagos (\n\t\t\tpag_productos,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_nombre,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_apellido,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_telefono,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_email,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_localidad,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_numero_tarjeta,\n\t\t\tpag_usuario_direccion,\n\t\t\tpag_updated_at,\n\t\t\tpag_active)\n\t\tVALUES  (\n\t\t\t'{$aValues["productos"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["nombre"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["apellido"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["telefono"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["email"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["localidad"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["numero_tarjeta"]}',\n\t\t\t'{$aValuesUser["direccion"]}',\n\t\t\tnow(),\n\t\t\t1)");
    if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
        $aData["success"] = "Pago creado exitosamente.";
        $aData["id"] = $db->GetLastID();
    } else {
        array_push($aData["message_list"], "Pago no fue guardado. Este es el error: " . $db->GetError());
} else {
    array_push($aData["message_list"], "Por favor hacer una compra primero.");
echo json_encode($aData);

include_once "cls_connection.php";
$db = new ConnectMySql();
$aValues = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
$aData = array();
$aData["records"] = array();
$aData["message_list"] = array();
if (isset($aValues)) {
    $sTriviaText = $aValues["text"];
    $iCorrect = (bool) $aValues["correct"];
    $aUser = $aValues["user"];
    if ($iCorrect) {
        $aUser["user_lifetime_score"] = $aUser["user_lifetime_score"] + 1;
        $aUser["user_game_score"] = $aUser["user_game_score"] + 1;
        $sUpdateUserProfile = "UPDATE wds_users SET user_lifetime_score = {$aUser["user_lifetime_score"]}, user_game_score = {$aUser["user_game_score"]} " . " WHERE user_active = TRUE AND user_id = {$aUser["user_id"]}";
        $cmd = $db->command($sUpdateUserProfile);
        if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
            array_push($aData["records"], $aUser);
        } else {
            array_push($aData["message_list"], "An error occurred and we were not able to update you profile, please try again. Error: " . $db->GetError());
} else {
    array_push($aData["message_list"], "Page is allowed only by ajax requests.");
echo json_encode($aData);

include_once "cls_connection.php";
$db = new ConnectMySql();
$aValues = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
$sUsername = $aValues["username"];
$sPassword = md5("WhatdidyousayUser " . $aValues["password"]);
$aData = array();
$aData["message_list"] = array();
if ($sUsername !== "") {
    $sSelect = "select * from wds_users u where u.user_username = '******' and u.user_password = '******'";
    $cmd = $db->command($sSelect);
    if ($db->NumRowsAffected() > 0) {
        $aData = $db->fetch_array($cmd);
    } else {
        array_push($aData["message_list"], "Username {$sUsername} credentials are incorrect or it was not found on DB.");
} else {
    array_push($aData["message_list"], "Please fill form so we can sign you in.");
echo json_encode($aData);