Exemple #1
 public static function delete($key)
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2009 NGCoders. All rights reserved.
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License
/* Various Defines */
// Defines for random number and crypto. Change them in final application.
define('SALT', 'dfokgj5409jglkdfj0m9c5;');
// Cipher SALT can be numeric only
define('CIPHER_SALT', '456456356567567');
// Default Controller when root path is accessed
define('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER', 'default');
// Default action when root path is accessed
define('DEFAULT_ACTION', 'index');
// Admin path define {site}/admin/ will get into admin panel
define('BASEAPP_ADMIN', 'admin');
// Reads config array from data/config.php , this file is user editable
$config = Configure::readConfig();
// Overridable defines
define('SITE_URL', "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/');
// Session handler if you want database based sessions
// define('SESSION_HELPER','session_helper.php');
// Cache helper allowing action level cache
// define('CACHE_HELPER','cache_helper.php');
// Debuggin setup , with allowance for firebug debugging.
define('DEBUG', isset($config['debug']) ? $config['debug'] : 1);
// Comment out if firebug debugging not required
// if (DEBUG < 3) define('FIREBUG',true);
// The base url used when creating relative urls
define('BASE_URL', SITE_URL . (Configure::read('url_sef') ? '' : '?/'));
// The path to various media
define('WEBROOT_URL', SITE_URL . 'app/webroot/');
// Custom routing as required by application