} } private function optionsMenu() { print "Press 1: Convert To: can be csv,xml,json\nPress 2:OutputFile: path to output file\nPress 3: Input file format: Can be csv, xml, js\nPress 4 : path to Input file\nType convert: To convert.. "; } } spl_autoload_register(function ($i) { require_once $i . ".php"; }, true); if (PHP_SAPI) { if (count($argv) < 2) { print "Usage : php Parser.php inputFile {ConvertTO:[xml|json|csv]} {InputFileFormat:[csv|js|xml]} {OutputFile:outfile}\nAny option inside {} this is optional.\nOption can be any order except first one has to be input file.\nkey : value this is how the options should be provided without curly braces. \nFirst is the key and second is the value.\nEnetring command line mode now!!"; $p = new Parser(); $p->interactivemode = true; $p->startIntercativeMode(); exit; } $ifile = $argv[1]; if (file_exists($ifile)) { array_splice($argv, 0, 2); $p = new Parser(); $p->setInputFileAndParseIT($ifile); $p->createConfig(ConfigParser::parseConfigArray($argv)); $p->parserHandler(); } else { print "Input file {$ifile} doesn't exists."; } } else { print "Only command line access is allowed."; }