Exemple #1
  * Pull a list of records that were created within the time frame ($period)
  * @param      object  $period     Time period to pull results for
  * @param      mixed   $limit      Number of records to pull
  * @param      integer $limitstart Start of records to pull
  * @param      array   $areas      Active area(s)
  * @param      array   $tagids     Array of tag IDs
  * @return     array
 public function onWhatsnew($period, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $areas = null, $tagids = array())
     if (is_array($areas) && $limit) {
         $ars = $this->onWhatsnewAreas();
         if (!isset($areas[$this->_name]) && !in_array($this->_name, $areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($ars['resources']))) {
             return array();
     // Do we have a time period?
     if (!is_object($period)) {
         return array();
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Instantiate some needed objects
     $rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($database);
     // Build query
     $filters = array('startdate' => $period->cStartDate, 'enddate' => $period->cEndDate, 'sortby' => 'date');
     if (count($tagids) > 0) {
         $filters['tags'] = $tagids;
     $filters['usergroups'] = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups((int) User::get('id', 0), 'all');
     // Get categories
     $categories = $this->_cats;
     if (!is_array($categories)) {
         $rt = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Type($database);
         $categories = $rt->getMajorTypes();
     // Normalize the category names
     // e.g., "Oneline Presentations" -> "onlinepresentations"
     $cats = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) {
         $cats[$categories[$i]->alias] = array();
         $cats[$categories[$i]->alias]['id'] = $categories[$i]->id;
     $filters['authorized'] = false;
     if ($limit) {
         if ($this->_total != null) {
             $total = 0;
             $t = $this->_total;
             foreach ($t as $l) {
                 $total += $l;
             if ($total == 0) {
                 return array();
         $filters['select'] = 'records';
         $filters['limit'] = $limit;
         $filters['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
         // Check the area of return. If we are returning results for a specific area/category
         // we'll need to modify the query a bit
         if (count($areas) == 1 && isset($areas[0]) && $areas[0] != 'resources') {
             $filters['type'] = $cats[$areas[0]]['id'];
         // Get results
         $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
         // Did we get any results?
         if ($rows) {
             include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_resources' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'helper.php';
             // Loop through the results and set each item's HREF
             foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                 $resourceEx = new \Components\Resources\Helpers\Helper($row->id, $database);
                 $rows[$key]->authors = $resourceEx->contributors;
                 if ($row->alias) {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&alias=' . $row->alias);
                 } else {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->id);
                 if ($row->itext) {
                     $rows[$key]->text = $rows[$key]->itext;
                 } else {
                     if ($row->ftext) {
                         $rows[$key]->text = $rows[$key]->ftext;
         return $rows;
     } else {
         $filters['select'] = 'count';
         // Get a count
         $counts = array();
         $ares = $this->onWhatsnewAreas();
         foreach ($ares as $area => $val) {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 foreach ($val as $a => $t) {
                     $filters['type'] = $cats[$a]['id'];
                     $counts[] = $database->loadResult();
         // Return the counts
         $this->_total = $counts;
         return $counts;
  * [_getResources description]
  * @param  string  $type  [description]
  * @param  integer $limit [description]
  * @return [type]         [description]
 private function _getResources($type = 'all', $limit = 5)
     // database object
     $database = \App::get('db');
     // Instantiate some needed objects
     $rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($database);
     // Build query
     $filters = array();
     $filters['now'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 0 * 60 * 60);
     $filters['sortby'] = 'date';
     $filters['group'] = $this->group->get('cn');
     $filters['access'] = 'all';
     $filters['authorized'] = '';
     $filters['select'] = 'records';
     $filters['limit'] = $limit;
     $filters['limitstart'] = 0;
     // Get categories
     $rt = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Type($database);
     $categories = $rt->getMajorTypes();
     // Normalize the category names
     // e.g., "Oneline Presentations" -> "onlinepresentations"
     $cats = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) {
         $normalized = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", '', $categories[$i]->type);
         $normalized = strtolower($normalized);
         $cats[$normalized] = array();
         $cats[$normalized]['id'] = $categories[$i]->id;
     // do we have a type?
     if (in_array($type, array_keys($cats))) {
         $filters['type'] = $cats[$type]['id'];
     // Get results
     $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
     return $rows;
  * Retrieve records for items associated with this group
  * @param      object  $group      Group that owns the records
  * @param      unknown $authorized Authorization level
  * @param      mixed   $limit      SQL record limit
  * @param      integer $limitstart SQL record limit start
  * @param      string  $sort       The field to sort records by
  * @param      string  $access     Access level
  * @param      mixed   $areas      An array or string of areas that should retrieve records
  * @return     mixed Returns integer when counting records, array when retrieving records
 public function getResources($group, $authorized, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $sort = 'date', $access = 'all', $areas = null)
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas) && $limit) {
         $ars = $this->getResourcesAreas();
         if (!isset($areas[$this->_name]) && !in_array($this->_name, $areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($ars['resources']))) {
             return array();
     // Do we have a member ID?
     if (!$group->get('cn')) {
         return array();
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Instantiate some needed objects
     $rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($database);
     // Build query
     $filters = array();
     $filters['now'] = \Date::toSql();
     $filters['sortby'] = $sort;
     $filters['group'] = $group->get('cn');
     $filters['access'] = $access;
     $filters['authorized'] = $authorized;
     $filters['state'] = array(1);
     // Get categories
     $categories = $this->_cats;
     if (!is_array($categories)) {
         $rt = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Type($database);
         $categories = $rt->getMajorTypes();
     // Normalize the category names
     // e.g., "Oneline Presentations" -> "onlinepresentations"
     $cats = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) {
         $normalized = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", '', $categories[$i]->type);
         $normalized = strtolower($normalized);
         $cats[$normalized] = array();
         $cats[$normalized]['id'] = $categories[$i]->id;
     if ($limit) {
         if ($this->_total != null) {
             $total = 0;
             $t = $this->_total;
             foreach ($t as $l) {
                 $total += $l;
         if ($total == 0) {
             return array();
         $filters['select'] = 'records';
         $filters['limit'] = $limit;
         $filters['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
         // Check the area of return. If we are returning results for a specific area/category
         // we'll need to modify the query a bit
         if (count($areas) == 1 && !isset($areas['resources']) && $areas[0] != 'resources') {
             $filters['type'] = $cats[$areas[0]]['id'];
         // Get results
         $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
         // Did we get any results?
         if ($rows) {
             // Loop through the results and set each item's HREF
             foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                 if ($row->alias) {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&alias=' . $row->alias);
                 } else {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->id);
         // Return the results
         return $rows;
     } else {
         $filters['select'] = 'count';
         // Get a count
         $counts = array();
         $ares = $this->getResourcesAreas();
         foreach ($ares as $area => $val) {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($val as $a => $t) {
                     if ($limitstart == -1) {
                         if ($i == 0) {
                             $counts[] = $database->loadResult();
                         } else {
                             $counts[] = 0;
                     } else {
                         $filters['type'] = $cats[$a]['id'];
                         // Execute a count query for each area/category
                         $counts[] = $database->loadResult();
         // Return the counts
         $this->_total = $counts;
         return $counts;
  * Return either a count or an array of the member's contributions
  * @param      object  $member     Current member
  * @param      string  $option     Component name
  * @param      string  $authorized Authorization level
  * @param      integer $limit      Number of record to return
  * @param      integer $limitstart Record return start
  * @param      string  $sort       Field to sort records on
  * @param      array   $areas      Areas to return data for
  * @return     array
 public function onMembersContributions($member, $option, $limit = 0, $limitstart = 0, $sort, $areas = null)
     $database = App::get('db');
     if (is_array($areas) && $limit) {
         $ars = $this->onMembersContributionsAreas();
         if (!isset($areas[$this->_name]) && !in_array($this->_name, $areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($ars['resources']))) {
             return array();
     // Do we have a member ID?
     if ($member instanceof \Hubzero\User\Profile) {
         if (!$member->get('uidNumber')) {
             return array();
         } else {
             $uidNumber = $member->get('uidNumber');
     } else {
         if (!$member->uidNumber) {
             return array();
         } else {
             $uidNumber = $member->uidNumber;
     // Instantiate some needed objects
     $rr = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Resource($database);
     // Build query
     $filters = array();
     $filters['author'] = $uidNumber;
     $filters['sortby'] = $sort;
     //$filters['authorized'] = $authorized;
     //$filters['usergroups'] = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups($uidNumber, 'all');
     $filters['usergroups'] = $member->getGroups('all');
     // Get categories
     $categories = $this->_cats;
     if (!is_array($categories)) {
         $rt = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Type($database);
         $categories = $rt->getMajorTypes();
     // Normalize the category names
     // e.g., "Oneline Presentations" -> "onlinepresentations"
     $cats = array();
     $normalized_valid_chars = 'a-zA-Z0-9';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($categories); $i++) {
         $normalized = preg_replace("/[^{$normalized_valid_chars}]/", "", $categories[$i]->type);
         $normalized = strtolower($normalized);
         $cats[$normalized] = array();
         $cats[$normalized]['id'] = $categories[$i]->id;
     if ($limit) {
         if ($this->_total != null) {
             $total = 0;
             $t = $this->_total;
             foreach ($t as $l) {
                 $total += $l;
         if ($total == 0) {
             return array();
         $filters['select'] = 'records';
         $filters['limit'] = $limit;
         $filters['limitstart'] = $limitstart;
         // Check the area of return. If we are returning results for a specific area/category
         // we'll need to modify the query a bit
         //if (count($areas) == 1 && key($areas[0]) != 'resources') {
         if (count($areas) == 1 && !isset($areas['resources'])) {
             $filters['type'] = isset($cats[$areas[0]]) ? $cats[$areas[0]]['id'] : 0;
         // Get results
         $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
         // Did we get any results?
         if ($rows) {
             // Loop through the results and set each item's HREF
             foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
                 if ($row->alias) {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&alias=' . $row->alias);
                 } else {
                     $rows[$key]->href = Route::url('index.php?option=com_resources&id=' . $row->id);
         // Return the results
         return $rows;
     } else {
         $filters['select'] = 'count';
         // Get a count
         $counts = array();
         $ares = $this->onMembersContributionsAreas();
         foreach ($ares as $area => $val) {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($val as $a => $t) {
                     if ($limitstart == -1) {
                         if ($i == 0) {
                             $counts[] = $database->loadResult();
                         } else {
                             $counts[] = 0;
                     } else {
                         $filters['type'] = $cats[$a]['id'];
                         // Execute a count query for each area/category
                         $counts[] = $database->loadResult();
         // Return the counts
         $this->_total = $counts;
         return $counts;