public function testChangePassword(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->amGoingTo('test the change password functionality');
     // Create one user
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     $I->amGoingTo('login a user');
     $loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
     $loginPage->login(Commons::TEST_EMAIL, Commons::TEST_PASSWORD);
     $changePasswordPage = ChangePasswordPage::openBy($I);
     $I->see('Change password');
     $I->amGoingTo('try to change the password with two different passwords for the new password and the new password repeat fields');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123123', '234234');
     $I->expect('the form will catch the difference');
     $I->see('The new passwords are not the same.');
     $I->amGoingTo('test adding new password with length lower than the default length');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('123', '123');
     $I->expect('the form will warn the user');
     $I->see('New password should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->see('New password repeat should contain at least 6 characters');
     $I->amGoingTo('change the password of the user properly');
     $changePasswordPage->changePassword('Nik)lay!23', 'Nik)lay!23');
     $I->expect('that this time everything will be ok and the user will be redirected to the home page');
Exemple #2
 private function validaElector($miembro)
     $_esElector = false;
     $eleccion = Commons::eleccionVigente();
     $elector = Elector::model()->find('idmiembro=:idmiembro AND ideleccion=:ideleccion AND estado=:estado', array(':idmiembro' => $miembro->idmiembro, ':ideleccion' => $eleccion->ideleccion, ':estado' => '1'));
     if (isset($elector)) {
         $_esElector = false;
     return $_esElector;
Exemple #3
 public function rptVotosPorMiembro($etapa)
     $_selected = array();
     $_sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\tCONCAT_WS(' ', UPPER(miembro.apepat), UPPER(miembro.apemat), UPPER(miembro.nombre)) as nombre,\n\t\t\tUPPER(cargo.desccargo) as cargo\n\t\t\tfrom\n\t\t\tvotacion votacion\n\t\t\tJOIN elector elector USING(idelector)\n\t\t\tJOIN elegible elegible USING(idelegible)\n\t\t\tJOIN miembro miembro ON miembro.idmiembro = elegible.idmiembro\n\t\t\tJOIN cargo cargo USING(idcargo)\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\telector.idelector = :idelector\n\t\t\tAND elegible.ideleccion = :ideleccion\n\t\t\tAND elegible.estado = '1'\n\t\t\tAND votacion.idetapavotacion  = :idetapavotacion\n\t\t\tORDER BY\n\t\t\tcargo.idcargo";
     $_params = array(':idelector' => Commons::electorVigente()->idelector, ':ideleccion' => Commons::eleccionVigente()->ideleccion, ':idetapavotacion' => $etapa);
     $reader = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($_sql)->query($_params);
     foreach ($reader as $row) {
         array_push($_selected, array('nombre' => $row['nombre'], 'cargo' => $row['cargo']));
     return $_selected;
 public function testResetPassword(FunctionalTester $I)
     $user = Commons::createUnconfirmedUser();
     $token = Commons::createTokenForUser($user->id);
     $I->amGoingTo('test that the reset password functionality is working properly');
     $I->amGoingTo('to confirm the email for the user');
     PasswordResetPage::openBy($I, ['code' => $token->code]);
     $I->expectTo('see successful reset');
     $I->dontSeeRecord(Token::className(), ['user_id' => $user->id]);
     $I->expectTo('see the user is sent to the change password form');
     $I->see('Change password');
Exemple #5
 public function actionDatosgral()
     // renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
     // using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
     $model = new DatosgralForm();
     $model = $model->cargaDatosGenerales(Commons::miembroActivo()->idmiembro);
     if (isset($_POST['DatosgralForm'])) {
         //            $valid = true;
         $model->attributes = $_POST['DatosgralForm'];
         $valid = $model->validate();
         Yii::log('submit -> ' . print_r($_POST, true));
         Yii::log('model->attributes -> ' . print_r($model->attributes, true));
         if ($model->validate()) {
         } else {
             //                CVarDumper::dump($model->getErrors(),5678,true);
             //                Yii::app()->end();
     $this->render('datosgral', array('model' => $model));
 public function actionVotar($idetapa)
     $model = new VotacionesForm();
     $idcargo = null;
     Yii::log('POST ' . print_r($_POST, true));
     if (isset($_POST['envia-votaciones'])) {
         Yii::log('idelegible ' . $_POST['cid'][0] . ' idcargo ' . $_POST['VotacionesForm']['idcargo_hidden'] . ' idetapa ' . $idetapa);
         if (isset($_POST['VotacionesForm']['idcargo_hidden'])) {
             $idcargo = $_POST['VotacionesForm']['idcargo_hidden'];
         if (isset($_POST['cid'])) {
             $idelegible = $_POST['cid'][0];
             $model->salvaVotacion($idelegible, $idcargo, $idetapa);
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['confirma-votaciones'])) {
             // Guarda como definitivas las votaciones
     $this->render('votar', array('idetapa' => $idetapa, 'idelector' => Commons::electorVigente()->idelector, 'data' => $model->resumenVotacion($idetapa)));
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php';
global $USER, $CFG;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/lib/class/dao/WebgdCommunityDao.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/menus/Commons.php';
$ultimo_post = optional_param('ultimo_post', 0, PARAM_INT);
$id_comunidade = optional_param('id_comunidade', 0, PARAM_INT);
$retorno = array('ultimo_post' => $ultimo_post, 'mensagem' => '', 'atualizar' => '0');
$novo_ultimo = $ultimo_post;
$webgbDao = new WebgdCommunityDao();
if ($communities = $webgbDao->getAllCommunityPostSince($id_comunidade, $ultimo_post)) {
    foreach ($communities as $community) {
        if ($USER->id == $community->userid) {
            $retorno['mensagem'] .= Commons::printListPost($community, 1, $id_comunidade, 1);
            //$retorno['mensagem'] .= "userid: ".$community->userid." id:".$community->id." ";
        } else {
            $retorno['mensagem'] .= Commons::printListPost($community, 0, $id_comunidade, 1);
            //$retorno['mensagem'] .= "userid: ".$community->userid." id:".$community->id." ";
        if ($novo_ultimo == $ultimo_post) {
            $novo_ultimo = $community->id;
if ($novo_ultimo != $ultimo_post) {
    $retorno['atualizar'] = '1';
$retorno['ultimo_post'] = $novo_ultimo;
$retorno = json_encode($retorno);
echo $retorno;
Exemple #8

require_once './php/config.php';
require_once './php/admin_config.php';
require_once './php/db_connect.php';
require_once './php/commons.php';
require_once './php/db_functions.php';
require_once './php/modes.php';
require_once './php/admin_modes.php';
require_once './php/admin_db_functions.php';
$modes = new Modes();
$db = new DBFunctions();
$admin_modes = new AdminModes();
$admin_db = new AdminDBFunctions();
$commons = new Commons();
// set to UTC
date_default_timezone_set('Australia/Perth') or die('timezone error');
// no echo / print_r / var_dump
$response = array();
    $response[KEY_ERROR_CODE] = E_UNKNOWN;
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    $_REQUEST[$key] = $commons->clean($value);
if (!isset($_REQUEST[KEY_MODE])) {
    $response[KEY_STATUS] = R_STATUS_FAILED;
    if (SETTING_ERROR) {
Exemple #9
echo $OUTPUT->header('themeselector');
$webgdCommunityDao = new WebgdCommunityDao();
if ($listCommunity = $webgdCommunityDao->getListCommunity()) {
    echo '<span class="titulo_list">' . $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('comunidades', 'block_webgd_community')) . '</span>';
    echo '<div class="lista_home">';
    echo '<span class="titulo_list"></span>';
    foreach ($listCommunity as $community) {
        $participar = "";
        $fechada = 0;
        if (!$webgdCommunityDao->findUserInCommunityById($community->id, $USER->id)) {
            if ($community->close_community == 1) {
                $participar = "<img class='botao_comunidade' src='" . $CFG->wwwroot . ImageResources::COMUNIDADE_FECHADA . "'>";
                $fechada = 1;
            } else {
                $participar = "<div>" . html_writer::tag('a', "<img class='botao_comunidade' src='" . $CFG->wwwroot . ImageResources::PARTICIPAR_COMUNIDADE . "'>", array('href' => "view.php?community={$community->id}&confirm=1")) . "</div>";
        } else {
            if ($community->close_community == 1) {
                $participar = "<img class='botao_comunidade' src='" . $CFG->wwwroot . ImageResources::COMUNIDADE_FECHADA . "'>";
        Commons::printListHomeCommunity($community, $participar, $fechada);
    echo '<div>';
} else {
    echo get_string('nenhumaComunidadeRegistrada', 'block_webgd_community');
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Exemple #10
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/lib/class/dao/WebgdCommunityDao.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/commons/TableResouces.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/menus/Commons.php';
global $USER, $DB;
$idCommunity = optional_param('community', 0, PARAM_INT);
$message = optional_param('message', '', PARAM_TEXT);
$webgbDao = new WebgdCommunityDao();
try {
    $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
    $post = new stdClass();
    $post->community = $idCommunity;
    $post->userid = $USER->id;
    $post->time = time();
    $post->type = 'text';
    $idPost = $webgbDao->insertRecordInTableCommunityPost($post);
    $postText = new stdClass();
    $postText->post = $idPost;
    $postText->message = $message;
    if ($communities = $webgbDao->getAllCommunityPost($idCommunity)) {
        foreach ($communities as $community) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$connection = new ConnectionDB();
$user = new User($connection, "byEmail", "*****@*****.**");
// if($user->isUser())Commons::print_r($user);
// $password = "******";
// $user = new User($connection,"byPass", "*****@*****.**", $password);
// Commons::print_r($user);
$newUser = new User($connection, "byEmail", "*****@*****.**");
if (!$newUser->isUser()) {
} else {
    Commons::print_r("The user already exits");
// if($user->isUser()){$user->setEnabled($connection ,0);};
// Commons::print_r($user);
// if(!$user->isEnabled()){$user->setEnabled($connection ,1);};
// Commons::print_r($user);
// $user-> updatePassword($connection, $password);
// Commons::print_r($user);
// $newUser = new User($connection,"byPass", "*****@*****.**", $password);
// Commons::print_r($newUser);
function writeGetter($value)
    $tittle = ucfirst($value);
    echo "public function get{$tittle}(){<br>\n        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return \$this->{$value};<br>\n        }<br><br>";
function writeSetter($value)
Exemple #12
use nkostadinov\user\models\User;
use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\LoginPage;
use nkostadinov\user\tests\_pages\LogoutPage;
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('see that login works.');
$loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
$I->see('Login', 'h3');
//empty username and password
$loginPage->login('', '');
$I->expectTo('see validations errors');
$I->see('Username cannot be blank.');
$I->see('Password cannot be blank.');
//wrong username and password
$loginPage->login('test', 'test');
$I->expectTo('see validations errors');
$I->see('Incorrect username or password');
//see the forgot password link
$I->seeLink('Forgot password?', '/user/recovery/request');
// Test that the login works
$loginPage->login(Commons::TEST_EMAIL, Commons::TEST_PASSWORD);
// Logout the user
// Log the user in again
$loginPage = LoginPage::openBy($I);
// Test that the login works with the username as well
$loginPage->login(Commons::TEST_USERNAME, Commons::TEST_PASSWORD);
User::deleteAll('email = :email', [':email' => Commons::TEST_EMAIL]);
Exemple #13
 public function muestraIconoVisepres()
     $_display = 'none';
     $_vis4 = Commons::validaCargo(Commons::miembroActivo()->idmiembro, 4);
     $_vis5 = Commons::validaCargo(Commons::miembroActivo()->idmiembro, 5);
     $_vis6 = Commons::validaCargo(Commons::miembroActivo()->idmiembro, 6);
     $_vis7 = Commons::validaCargo(Commons::miembroActivo()->idmiembro, 7);
     if ($_vis4 || $_vis5 || $_vis6 || $_vis7) {
         $_display = 'inline';
     return $_display;
 * This page provides the Administration -> ... -> Theme selector UI.
 * @package core
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/commons/TableResouces.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/lib/class/dao/WebgdCommunityDao.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/menus/Commons.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/lib/class/ImageResources.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/webgd_community/lib/class/CssResources.php';
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
echo $OUTPUT->header('themeselector');
$webgdCommunityDao = new WebgdCommunityDao();
if ($listCommunity = $webgdCommunityDao->getListMyCommunityByUser($USER->id)) {
    echo '<div class="lista_home">';
    echo '<span class="titulo_list">' . $OUTPUT->heading('Minhas Comunidades') . '</span>';
    foreach ($listCommunity as $community) {
    echo '<div>';
} else {
    echo get_string('nenhumaComunidadeRegistrada', 'block_webgd_community');
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Exemple #15
function mentalMapsPage($webgbDao, $idCommunity)
    global $USER;
    $webgdCommunity = new WebgdCommunityDao();
    $listMaps = $webgdCommunity->allLinksByCommunity($idCommunity, 'map');
    Commons::printListMap($listMaps, $idCommunity, false);
 function generateNewUserId()
     $commons = new Commons();
     $randomString = $commons->generateRandomString(10);
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM " . TAB_USERS . " \n\t\t\tWHERE \t" . COL_USER_ID . " = '{$randomString}' ";
     $result = $this->mysqli->query($query);
     if (!$this->mysqli->connect_errno) {
         if ($result->num_rows == 1) {
             return $this->generateNewUserId();
         } else {
             return $randomString;
     return false;
Exemple #17
 public static function printTimelineComments($idpost, $automatico = 0)
     global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
     $webgdCommunity = new WebgdCommunityDao();
     $postComment = $webgdCommunity->postCommentById($idpost);
     $resposta = "";
     foreach ($postComment as $comment) {
         $images = self::imageById($comment->userid);
         $resposta .= "<div class='conteudo_post'>\n          <div class='titulo_post'>\n            <span class='icone_user'>";
         foreach ($images as $img) {
             $resposta .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($img, array('size' => 25, 'alttext' => false, 'link' => false));
         $resposta .= "</span>&nbsp;<span class='nome_criador'>" . html_writer::tag('a', $comment->firstname, array('href' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/profile.php?id=' . $comment->userid)) . "</span>\n                " . get_string('publicouEm', 'block_webgd_community') . "\n                <div class='data'>" . strftime('%d de %B de %Y às %H %M %S ', $comment->time) . "</div>\n              </span>\n            <div class='informacoes_post'>\n              <span>" . Commons::make_links_blank($comment->comentario) . "</span>\n            </div></div></div>";
     if ($automatico) {
         return $resposta;
     } else {
         echo $resposta;
Exemple #18
 public function confirmaVotacion($_etapa)
     $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t  votacion.idvotacion\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t  votacion\n\t\t  JOIN elegible USING (idelegible)\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t  votacion.idelector = :idelector\n\t\t  AND elegible.ideleccion = :ideleccion\n\t\t  AND votacion.idetapavotacion = :idetapavotacion\n\t\t  AND votacion.estado = '0'";
     $_params = array(':idelector' => Commons::electorVigente()->idelector, ':ideleccion' => Commons::eleccionVigente()->ideleccion, ':idetapavotacion' => $_etapa);
     Yii::log('Parametros ' . print_r($_params, true));
     $_list = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn($_params);
     Yii::log('Lista ' . print_r($_list, true));
     foreach ($_list as $_item) {
         $votacion = Votacion::model()->find('idvotacion=' . $_item);
         $votacion->estado = '1';
Exemple #19
 public function actionRptcomvota($idetapa)
     $model = new ReportesForm();
     $this->render('rptcomvota', array('votos' => $model->rptVotosPorMiembro($idetapa), 'idelector' => Commons::electorVigente()));
 public function testChangePasswordAfterFirstLogin()
     // Asure that everything is configured properly
     verify('Check that the advanced directory exists', is_dir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR))->true();
     $files = scandir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR);
     $result = preg_grep('/' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . '/', $files);
     verify('Check that the migration exists', $result)->notEmpty();
     verify('Check that the field is added to the table (the migration is run)', (new User())->hasAttribute(self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE))->true();
     // Behavior validations
     $behavior = Yii::$app->user->attachBehavior('firstLoginPolicy', 'nkostadinov\\user\\behaviors\\FirstLoginPolicyBehavior');
     verify('Check that the behavior exists', $behavior)->notNull();
     $user = Commons::createUser();
     // Defaults validations
     verify('Check that the default value of the ' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . ' field is set to 1', $user->require_password_change)->equals(1);
     // The user is required to change his password on a first login
     verify('Check that the login fails', Yii::$app->user->login($user))->false();
     // Change the password of the user and check the user is logged in
     $changePasswordForm = new ChangePasswordForm();
     $changePasswordForm->email = Commons::TEST_EMAIL;
     $changePasswordForm->oldPassword = Commons::TEST_PASSWORD;
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Risto-Bageristo1';
     // The user is logged in after a password change
     verify('Asure the ' . self::ATTR_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE . ' is set to 0', $user->require_password_change)->equals(0);
     verify('Check that the login passes', Yii::$app->user->isGuest)->false();
     // Logout the user to continue testing without a logged in user