protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new CDepartment(); $this->obj->overrideDatabase($this->mockDB); $this->post_data = array('dosql' => 'do_dept_aed', 'dept_id' => 0, 'dept_parent' => 0, 'dept_company' => 1, 'dept_name' => 'My Department', 'dept_phone' => '815-555-1212', 'dept_fax' => '301-555-1212', 'dept_address1' => '123 Fake Street', 'dept_address2' => 'Suite A', 'dept_city' => 'Beverly Hills', 'dept_state' => 'CA', 'dept_zip' => '90210', 'dept_country' => 'US', 'dept_url' => '', 'dept_desc' => 'This is my department description', 'dept_owner' => 1, 'dept_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'dept_type' => '1'); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new CContact(); $this->obj->overrideDatabase($this->mockDB); $this->post_data = array('dosql' => 'do_contact_aed', 'contact_id' => 0, 'contact_first_name' => 'Firstname2', 'contact_last_name' => 'Lastname2', 'contact_display_name' => 'Firstname2 Lastname2', 'contact_order_by' => 'deprecated', 'contact_title' => 'Your Highness', 'contact_birthday' => '2002-02-02', 'contact_company' => 0, 'contact_department' => 0, 'contact_type' => 1, 'contact_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'contact_phone' => '703-555-1212', 'contact_address1' => '234 Fake Street', 'contact_address2' => 'Apartment #2', 'contact_city' => 'Arlington', 'contact_state' => 'Virginia', 'contact_zip' => '22204', 'contact_country' => 'United States', 'contact_notes' => 'no interesting notes', 'contact_project' => 0, 'contact_icon' => 'obj/contact', 'contact_owner' => 1, 'contact_private' => 0, 'contact_job' => 'King', 'contact_updatekey' => '', 'contact_lastupdate' => '2010-02-02', 'contact_updateasked' => '2010-12-02'); }
public function testObjectProperties() { $unset = array('_AppUI'); $this->obj->role_name = null; $this->obj->role_description = null; $this->obj->perms = null; parent::objectPropertiesTest('CSystem_Role', 4, $unset); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->link = new CLink(); $this->link->overrideDatabase($this->mockDB); $this->obj = new w2p_Controllers_Base($this->link, false, 'prefix', '/success', '/failure'); $GLOBALS['acl'] = new w2p_Mocks_Permissions(); $this->post_data = array('dosql' => 'do_link_aed', 'link_id' => 0, 'link_name' => 'web2project homepage', 'link_project' => 0, 'link_task' => 0, 'link_url' => '', 'link_parent' => '0', 'link_description' => 'This is web2project', 'link_owner' => 1, 'link_date' => '2009-01-01', 'link_icon' => '', 'link_category' => 0); }
/** * Restore our global settings after running tests */ protected function tearDown() { global $w2Pconfig; parent::tearDown(); // Restore old working days, day start and end $w2Pconfig['cal_working_days'] = $this->old_working_days; $w2Pconfig['cal_day_start'] = $this->old_cal_day_start; $w2Pconfig['cal_day_end'] = $this->old_cal_day_end; $w2Pconfig['daily_working_hours'] = $this->old_dwh; }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new w2p_Output_HTML_FormHelper($this->_AppUI); }
public function testObjectProperties() { $unset = array('task_log_problem'); parent::objectPropertiesTest('CTask_Log', 15, $unset); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new w2p_System_UpgradeManager(); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CFile_Folder', 4); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CSystem_Bcode', 8); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CFile', 19); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->perms = new w2p_Mocks_Permissions(); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->template = new w2p_Output_Email_Template(); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CUser', 7); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CSystem_Budget', 7); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->obj = new w2p_FileSystem_Loader(); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CLink', 11); }
/** * Tear Down function to be run after tests */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->obj, $this->post_data); }
protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->manager = new w2p_Output_EmailManager($this->_AppUI); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CProject', 31); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CDepartment', 17); }
public function testObjectProperties() { parent::objectPropertiesTest('CCompany', 16); }
public function testObjectProperties() { $unset = array('contact_methods'); parent::objectPropertiesTest('CContact', 26, $unset); }